Lesson 17
Lesson 17
Lesson 17
Author: michaela Callahan
Date created: 10/08/2020 9:04 PM EST ; Date modified: 10/14/2020 4:52 PM EST
Total Number of
Area(s) Students
San Rafael Sun Valley area
Live In
About 16% of the students at Sun Valley are eligible for Free and Reduced Lunch
Ethnicity of
The diversity score of Sun Valley is .44
English Language
Students with
Special Needs
Subject(s) Language Arts (English), Reading
Topic or Unit of
Cause and Effect
Grade/Level Grade 5
Big Idea &
What is the relationship between Cause and Effect and how does it relate to our text The Crayon Man?
Essential Questions
Students will be able to define cause and effect
Students will be able to differentiate between cause and effect in a text
Students will be able to retell parts of the story as it relates to a cause and effect relationship
In this lesson, we will start by streching to think about how we feel after we stretch. Then we will go into what cause and effect is defined as.
Summary After that, we will read The Crayon Man and discuss all of the causes and effects that we read in the story. We will also connect what we learn
about cause and effect to Sign of the Beaver a text that the students have been reading for a few months now.
Comments Compare and contrast the overall structure (e.g., chronology, comparison, cause/effect, problem/solution) of events, ideas, concepts, or
information in two or more texts.
Informal assessment throughout the lesson by checking in with students and asking how they feel
Assessment/Rubrics At the end, I will have the students fill out a google form where they state 2 causes and effects from The Crayon Man and two causes and
effects from Sign of the Beaver
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The Crayon Man book
Cause and Effect activity cards
Cause and Effect Poster
(Handouts, etc.)
Google Form with questions for assessment
1. Cause & Activity Cards.pdf
2. Cause and Effect Poster.pdf
Comments 3. They Crayon Man Book.jpg
1. Cause & Effect Questions
1. TTW start by having the students stretch their arms.
2. TTW then ask how that makes their arm feel.
3. TSW will share out how the stretch made their arm feel and the teacher will say, "so because you stretched your arm, your arm felt,
_____." (whatever the student says)
4. TTW say "I want you to use that thinking for the next activity where we talk about cause and effect. The cause is why something happened
and the effect is what happened because of that.
5. TTW get students ready for the lesson by asking them to clear off their desks and get out their readers notebooks and something to write
6. While the students are getting their notebooks out, the teacher will instruct the students not to open them yet, but that we will be using them
in a few minutes and I will let them know when.
7. After the students get out their notebooks, TTW hold up the cause and effect activity cards and give 30 seconds or so for the students to
think which one is the cause and which one is the effect.
1. TTW ask the students to hold up a one or a two to demonstrate what card was the cause and then again for the effect.
2. TTW also ask one student to explain why which is which for some of the cards not all of them
8. After the warmup activity is over, TTW put the cause and effect poster up for the students to copy in their readers notebooks.
9. TTW say "now it is time for ya'll to open up your readers notebooks and copy down the definition of cause and effect"
Sequence of 1. TTW give about 5 minutes for the students to copy down the poster
Activities 10. Ater the students have copied down the poster in their notebooks, TTW discuss that a cause is the reason why something happened and
the effect is what happened.
1. "so on a sunny day, your ice cream might melt before you even get a chance to eat it. The cause of your ice cream melting was
because the sun was beating down on it. Thus, the cause is the sun and the effect is what happened to your ice cream cone.
11. After the students copy down the cause and effect poster in their notebooks, the teacher will instruct the students what they are expected
to do for the activity
1. While I read the book, ya'll have to write down at least 3 cause and effect relationships in your readers notebook
2. We will discuss after the book is over
12. While reading, the teacher will point out a few causes and effects to help anyone that is feeling confused
13. After reading, TTW call on a few people to share out the causes and effects that they heard.
14. Next, TTW explain that there is going to be a google form sent out and I want them to think about Sign of the Beaver and how it relates to
cause and effect.
15. As a formal assessment, TTW send out a google form asking the students to write down 2 causes and effects from The Crayon Man and 2
causes and effects from Sign of the Beaver.
16. While the students are sending in their google forms, TTW encourage conversation on Sign of the Beaver causes and effects.
17. As a wrap up, TTW share out some causes and effects from Sign of the Beaver.
18. Once all of the students have sent in the google form, the lesson will be over.
Grouping Strategies
Kinesthetic Learning with stretching will really help put mind and body into this lesson
I will use sentence frames for ELL's to help them frame their cause and effect sentence
I will increase wait time to allow for students who usually wait to let someone else answer
We have been working on different elements of text throughout the year and the students are really excited to read and listen to us read to them,
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Prediction so I am assuming that they will really like learning how differentiate between cause and effect. There will be some students that struggle with this
skill, but because we are starting out with a kinesthetic learning strategy, they will start off on the right foot.
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