Plants As Bioreactors A Review (RRL)

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Ganapathy, Adv Tech Biol Med 2016, 4:1

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Biology & Medicine

Mini Review Article Open

Plants as Bioreactors- A Review

Mathangi Ganapathy*
Centre for Biotechnology, Anna University, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India

Currently available systems for the commercial production of recombinant subunit vaccines include bacteria,
yeasts, insects and mammalian cell cultures. Each of these systems has specific benefits, but overall, their
application is limited by insufficient scalability, cost, safety and target integrity. Plant-based production platforms
remains attractive as an alternative due to high scalability, cost-effectiveness and greater safety. Vaccines have
been developed against viral, bacterial, parasitic and allergenic antigens for human as well as animal use using
plant expression systems. Stable integration of transgene into the nuclear or chloroplast genome in many plants
(e.g. tobacco, tomato, potato, papaya, carrot) for the production of subunit vaccines have been reported, effective
expression has also been achieved by transient expression. Many plant produced recombinant proteins have shown
immunogenicity, several have been shown to work effectively in animal models. This review tries to give an update
of plant produced recombinant proteins, the future and limitations.

Keywords: Plant produced recombinant proteins; Plant produced biological containment or plant growth chambers which will reduce
pharmaceutics; Gene transformation; Transplastomic technology; upstream facility. Plant tissues can be processed for oral delivery of
Vaccine; Immunological response edible proteins which will reduce downstream processing too.
Ever since the discovery of genetic manipulation and the In spite of more than twenty years of research and reports about the
establishment of various methods for effective transformation of efficacy of plant produced vaccine related products very few products
cells, the use of plants as an expression system for the production of have gone all the way through the production and regulatory hurdles
recombinant therapeutic proteins have been advocated. This has been [31].
an exciting as well as controversial concept. Plants produce large
biomass hence plants can produce large quantities of recombinant Current Status
proteins at low cost, this would be commercially viable. At the same Literature survey over the years for plant produced antigens or
time, care has to be taken about the contamination of food crops or vaccines describes the expression of different vaccine antigens in
products because of transgene integration and expression, humans may different plant expression systems (Table 1). For the commercial
develop immunotolerance due to oral dosage of vaccine as well as the production of pharmaceutical products the plants chosen should
problem caused by illegal or unethical cultivation. Hence regulatory express the proteins with high efficiency in a large scale. Also such
issues have to be stringent. systems need to gain safety and regulatory approval.
Stable nuclear transformation involving the incorporation of The types of plants and the types of plant tissue used for the
exogenous gene into the nuclear genome of the plant can be done by production of therapeutic proteins include leaf and stem tissues of
either Agrobacterial infection or biolistic gene delivery. Decreased various species and varieties of tobacco (N. benthamiana, N. tabacum),
costs and simplification of production process are the results of Arabidopsis thaliana [32-34], alfalfa [35-37] and potatoes [38-41],
stable gene delivery. The exogenous proteins thus produced can seeds of rice, beans, maize and tobacco [42-45]; root vegetables like
be targeted to various organelles for standard eukaryotic post carrots [46,47], fruits like tomatoes and strawberries [48-54]; aquatic
translational modifications. For rapid production of large amount of weeds like Lemna sp [55,56]; hairy root cultures derived from various
recombinant proteins, transient expression is the best method. One plants via Agrobacterium rhizogenes transformation [57-59]; single cell
method of achieving this would be by using viral coding sequences cultures of the algae Chlorella [60,61] and Chlamydomonas [62,63];
via Agrobacterium tumefaciens. The other is by agro infiltration, i.e., suspension cell cultures of tobacco [64-67]; transformed chloroplasts of
infiltration of a suspension of recombinant Agrobacterium into plant a variety of plant species [68-70].
tissue [1,2]. This has been specially developed as a rapid and high
yield strategy for the production of clinical grade biopharmaceuticals Transgenic single‐cell cultures offer the advantages over whole plant
[3,4]. Plastid transformation is another efficient alternative. The major systems of a high level of contaminant and possibility of producing
advantage here is that the public anathema against GM plants can be proteins in bioreactors under Good Manufacturing Conditions (GMP)
reduced; the transgene cannot be transferred as pollen does not contain
chloroplast [5]. High yield of recombinant therapeutic proteins have
been obtained (3-6% of TSP) using tobacco chloroplast transformation *Corresponding author: Mathangi Ganapathy, Centre for Biotechnology, Anna Univer-
[6-15]. sity, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India, Tel: 91-9444336040; E-mail: [email protected]

Received December 28, 2015; Accepted January 11, 2016; Published January
Using biotechnological approach, transgenic plants have been 18, 2016
used to produce therapeutic proteins, edible vaccines, antibodies
Citation: Ganapathy M (2016) Plants as Bioreactors- A Review. Adv Tech Biol
for immunotherapy and proteins for diagnostics [16-30]. In all these
Med 4: 161. doi: 10.4172/2379-1764.1000161
cases, the therapeutics or proteins expressed in the plant tissues are
either purified and used or the plant tissue can be processed to a form Copyright: © 2016 Ganapathy M. This is an open-access article distributed under
the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted
which can either be applied topically or taken internally. Fermentors use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and
and bioreactors can be replaced with green houses with appropriate source are credited.

Adv Tech Biol Med

ISSN: 2379-1764 ATBM, an open access journal Volume 4 • Issue 1 • 1000161
Citation: Ganapathy M (2016) Plants as Bioreactors- A Review. Adv Tech Biol Med 4: 161. doi: 10.4172/2379-1764.1000161

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Epitope source Plant host Reference

DPT polypeptide of C. diphthereae, B. pertussis, C. tetani Tomato Soria-Guerrra et al. [51,188]
E6 and E 7 of HPV Tomato Paz De la Rosa et al. [189]
PA of Bacilllus anthracis Tobacco Lee et al. [190]
VP2 of CPV Tobacco Ortigosa et al. [191]
FMDV N. benthamiana Andrianova et al. [192]
NP of H1N1 Influenza A virus Vigna uniguiculata Meshcheryakova et al. [193]
Hepatitis B surface antigen Maize Hayden et al. [25-27]
Cholera toxin subunit B Maize Karaman et al. [194]
Human epidermal growth factor N. benthamiana Thomas and Walmsley [24]
Table 1: Some examples of vaccines, therapeutic proteins expressed in plants.

conditions, as in currently the case with conventional fermentation or and the rate of protein expression would be high. One of the major
cell culture techniques. disadvantages associated with the leafy crops is their limited shelf life,
hence immediate processing of the harvested material has to be done.
Generally the use of plants for production of therapeutic proteins
Also purification strategies would have to be optimized to separate the
means a lower cost of production and easier expansion for large volume
protein of interest from leaf constituents like pigments, alkaloids and
production than cell culture systems. Plant expression systems can
other secondary metabolites.
potentially produce hundreds of kilograms per year of a purified protein
whereas the cost of a similar production capacity using mammalian cell Seeds accumulate a large amount of protein during developmental
cultures may be prohibitive [71]. stage, hence expression via seed specific promoters is preferred in many
cases, this also has the advantage that purification would be easier. Also
The antigen can be expressed in the cytoplasm and remain there
proteins can be stored for a longer time in storage and proteins normally
or localized into any plant compartments like vacuole, chloroplast or
do not degrade under ambient temperature. The only disadvantage is
Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) by means of specific signal peptides.
that it takes a long time for seed set depending on the lifecycle of the
However the stability of the expressed antigen in the appropriate
plant, hence transgene expression can be assessed only then.
compartment has to be checked. Also, the level of protein expression
for economical extraction, apparently calculated to be 1% of TSP, is very Several cereals including rice, wheat, barley and maize have been
rarely realized [33]. investigated [74,75].The first plant derived commercialized product
was produced in maize [76,77]. Cereal plants have been adopted as
Stable integration, selection and maintenance of transgenic plants
a production platform by the plant biotechnology enterprises like
take time. Even when it has been achieved, the high level of expression
Ventria Bioscience (http:// A rice based cholera
is not maintained in subsequent generations. This might be due to
vaccine Muco-Rice CTB was shown to be stable at RT for 8 months,
post transcriptional gene silencing or si RNA mediated gene silencing.
as well as resistant to pepsin digestion [78]. An ETEC subunit vaccine
Also in the case of nuclear transformation expression can be varied
produced in soybean seeds was found to be stable for 4 years [79].
because of meiotic segregation. Li et al. [72] reported the stability as
Recent publication from Hayden et al [26] shows that oral delivery of
well as immunogenicity of human rotavirus VP 7 protein expressed in
wafers made from HBsAg-expressing maize germ induces long-term
transgenic potato for 50 generations. However this is the only report
immunological systemic and mucosal responses.
where expression study has been done for so many generations. This
seems to be an area where much work has not been done. Oil crops offer unique production advantages of inexpensive
downstream processing to obtain the desired proteins if they are
The steps involved in the production of recombinant proteins from
targeted to the oil bodies. Oleosin, a plant protein, is present on the oil
plants include: (i) choice of the host species and optimization of coding
body surface. The hydrophobic central core part of the oleosin remains
sequence of the target gene in relation to the host, (ii) selection of
inserted into the oil body while the amphipathic and less conserved
expression cassette and creation of the expression vector, (iii) integration
N and C-terminals reside on the surface [80]. The protein in question
of the gene construct into the plant genome and regeneration of plants
can be targeted to oil bodies as an oleosin fusion which can be later
expressing the desired protein, (iv) identification and stabilization of removed by centrifugation-based methods that separates oleosin fused
the plant line for commercial production, recombinant protein. protein from most of the other contaminants [81]. The oil bodies and
Selection of the host plant depends on the type of protein, i.e., the proteins associated with them can be easily separated from the majority
form of the recombinant protein which is to be finally used. The life of other seed cell components by floatation centrifugation, taking
cycle of the host, biomass yield, containment and scale-up costs are advantage of their low density. To facilitate the recovery of pure protein,
other deciding factors. Success largely depends upon the understanding a specific protease cleavage site can be inserted between oleosin and
of species- or tissue-specific factors that affect the recombinant product. the desired recombinant protein. An example of oil crop being utilized
Self-pollinating species are advantageous over cross pollinated plants as for this purpose is the oleosin fusion platform that has been developed
the spread of transgene through pollen can be reduced. This can also by SemBioSys Genetics Inc. (, where the
be addressed by using plants which can be grown in containment, e.g. recombinant proteins are targeted to oil bodies of safflower seeds.
Tomato which can be grown in green houses. Further, the use of plant Thrombin inhibitor, hirudin, was produced in transgenic seeds of
cell cultures addresses the issue of containment where dedifferentiated Brassica napus using this strategy .The engineered oil bodies with their
cells such as in calli or cell suspensions are used and can be grown on associated proteins can be used as affinity matrices for the selective,
industrial scale using fermenter [73]. non-covalent binding of desired target molecules. For this, the oil-body
proteins may be genetically fused to a ligand having specificity for the
Green leaf expression or constitutive expression is easy to achieve desired target molecule [82]. The expression of recombinant protein

Adv Tech Biol Med

ISSN: 2379-1764 ATBM, an open access journal Volume 4 • Issue 1 • 1000161
Citation: Ganapathy M (2016) Plants as Bioreactors- A Review. Adv Tech Biol Med 4: 161. doi: 10.4172/2379-1764.1000161

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as translational fusion with oleosin protein exposes the recombinant products of therapeutical antibodies, spider silk, SMAP-29 peptide,
protein to cytosol, but at the same time it protects the foreign protein streptavidin, avidin and adiponectin [108-114].
from cytosolic degradation. Because the fusion protein is not exposed
Ubiquitin promoter is another most commonly used
to the environment of ER lumen, it avoids the posttranslational
constitutive promoter Stoger et al. transformed rice with the gene
encodingscFvT84.66 under the control of maize ubiquitin promoter or
The use of moss as a bioreactor is one of the major innovations in enhanced CaMV35S promoter. The expression levels of recombinant
the manufacturing of biopharmaceuticals, which is cost effective and antibody were found to be comparable in the leaf tissue using either
at the same time, avoids risks associated with environmental release of promoter. Using ubiquitin promoter, expression levels in the leaf
transgene. Moss allows humanization of glycosylation patterns and also tissue and seeds were comparable, but recombinant protein was not
time taken to reach the market is comparable to traditional systems. detected in seeds of transgenic plants when CaMV35S promoter was
A transient expression system allows feasibility studies within 10–12 used [115]. Several molecules including CTB, LTB, HBsAg, human
weeks and stable production strain development takes 4–6 month. interferon, avidin or aprotonin have been produced in plants using
Cultivation in suspension allows up-scaling of the photo bioreactors ubiquitin promoter [116-121]. Generally, transgene expression varies
up to several 1000 L. Heterologous proteins are secreted into the in the transgenic plants generated using the same construct, even in
medium. Downstream processing from this low salt medium involves the same environment. It may be because of position effect, transgene
fewer purification steps. They have high vegetative growth rate which copy number or silencing [122-127]. There is a possibility to engineer
shortens the production cycle. Genome engineering is greatly facilitated desirable elements in the expression cassette to obtain the uniform
by the availability of Physcomitrella genome sequence. Facilities for expression levels.
production under GMP standards as well as long term storage are being
Nuclear matrix attachment regions (MAR), also called global
processed [83-85].
regulatory sequences, that are thought to influence gene expression, can
Other aquatic plants and green algae (Chlamydomonas, Wolffia, be used to enhance the transcriptional activity of the transgene. They
Spirodela, Chorella, etc.) can also be used for the production of are supposed to place the surrounding loci in the regions which are
recombinant proteins. The potential of C. reinhardtii as a bioreactor suitable for recruitment of transcription factors to promoters [25,26].
has been demonstrated by the expression of hGAD 65 against type I Further, these AT-rich elements have been shown to reduce position
diabetes [86], D2 fibronectin domain of Staphylococcus aureus as a fusion effect by forming chromatin loops and therefore, increase transgene
protein with CTB under the control of rbcL UTRs which provided 80% expression [127-131]. Also these have been found to maintain the
protection against lethal challenge in immunized mice [87]. Further, expression level in subsequent generations [132].
these can be grown under containment. Aquatic plants and green algae
Once the protein is synthesized, it undergoes several modifications
can be an alternative to open field plants [88-90].Though expression
before final delivery to its target. These modifications include
levels are highly variable by gene, improvements in codon optimization
glycosylation, phosphorylation, methylation, ADP-ribosylation,
[91,92] and characterization of gene regulatory elements [93,94]
oxidation, acylation, proteolytic cleavage involving the polypeptide
combine to increase the level of transgene expresssion. C. reinhardtii’s
backbone and non-enzymatic modifications like deamination, glycation,
success as a future platform for the production of recombinant proteins
racemization and spontaneous changes in protein confirmation
has been reviewed [95].
[133]. The glycosylation machinery of ER is conserved in most of the
Plant suspension cultures can be used to express the recombinant species and adds similar glycans that belong to oligomannose category
proteins. Many reports show how plant cells can produce diverse [134,135]. Yeast, insects, mammals and plants attach high-mannose
pharamaceutical proteins such as cytokines, growth regulators, glycans to the same Asn residue in the ER, but they differ in trimming
nutraceuticals, etc. [96-98]. Some of these products have entered and further modification of the glycans in the Golgi apparatus.
clinical development others are used in diagnostics, research or Plants have the capacity to add complex N-linked glycans with a core
veterinary applications. Close to market products include gastric lipase substituted by two N-acetylglucosamine residues which is similar to
for the treatment of cystic fibrosis, (Meristem therapeutics France), the glycosylation pattern observed in mammals [136]. However, plants
glucocerebrosidase for the treatment of Gaucher’s disease (Protalix do not add galactose and terminal sialic acids but add plant-specific
Biotherapeotics, Israel), anti-inflammatory molecules like lactoferrin, α-(1,3)- fructose and β(1,6)-xylose residues ,which are not desirable
lysozyme (Ventria, USA). The first plant derived peptide likely to reach [137,138]. Various strategies have been developed to humanize the
market is insulin produced in Safflower seeds by the Canadian company glycan patterns generated by transgenic plants.
SemBioSys Genetics (
Plant made vaccine
To achieve high level of transcription, the strength and expression
profile of the key regulatory element “promoter” which drives the Dow Agrosciences in 2006 announced that it had received the first
transcription, play an important role. The promoters that induce the regulatory approval for plant made vaccine against Newcastle Disease
expression of genes irrespective of the environment or developmental Virus from USDA. As a part of the approval process, USDA verified that
factors are called as constitutive promoters. They are generally used for the plant produced protein is equivalent to other Newcastle vaccines.
the production of recombinant proteins in all the tissues of a plant. The Although this never came forward as a commercially available product
cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter [99] has been used extensively the formulation advanced through USDA Center for Veterinary
for this purpose and high-level expression of recombinant proteins biologics regulatory approval. Hernandez et al [139] had also showed the
has been achieved [100]. It is more effective in dicots than monocots efficacy of orally delivered papaya produced anticysticercosis vaccine
probably because of the differences in quality/quantity of regulatory and its potential as a low cost alternative of immunization. Major et
factors. CaMV35S promoter has been used to produce several antigenic al [140] showed that intranasal vaccination with a plant-derived H5
proteins in plants including CTB, LTB, HBsAg protective antigen, rabies HA vaccine protected mice and ferrets against highly pathogenic avian
virus glycoprotein G, SARS virus glycoprotein S [101-107] and other influenza virus challenge. Protective antigens of multiple strains of

Adv Tech Biol Med

ISSN: 2379-1764 ATBM, an open access journal Volume 4 • Issue 1 • 1000161
Citation: Ganapathy M (2016) Plants as Bioreactors- A Review. Adv Tech Biol Med 4: 161. doi: 10.4172/2379-1764.1000161

Page 4 of 9

influenza have been transiently expressed in N. benthamiana using Two successful plant made antibodies have made to human clinical
an Agrobacterium mediated transient expression system. The agro- trials. Planet Biotechnology Inc. produced the world’s first clinically
infiltrated plants produced large amounts of protective antigen from tested antibody CaroRxTM in tobacco which specifically binds to
H5N1 (AIV) and H1N1 (human) strains [141,142]. The production of bacteria that cause tooth decay and prevent adhesion of the organism
this antigen was performed in less than 3 weeks from the release of to tooth. This is undergoing Phase II clinical trials.
viral sequence to purified product. This plant made influenza vaccine
In July 2008, Large scale Biology Corp reported the success of first
has completed Phase II human trails. Mortimer et al [143] has reported
human clinical trials testing of a plant made vaccine against cancer.
the development of a plant-based platform for producing influenza
A transient expression system produced patient specific recombinant
vaccines locally, in South Africa. This was done with an idea to set up
idiotype vaccine against follicular B cell Lymphoma in tobacco. 16
platforms in developing countries for vaccine production which would
patients immunized with their own individual therapeutic antigen
be helpful in times of pandemics.
showed no serious adverse effects, 70% of the patients developed
Recently Hayden et al [26] compared the long term immunological cellular or humoral responses, 47% developed antigen specific
memory against HBsAg the hepatitis B surface antigen in mice injected response. In 2009, Bayer started the clinical development of this plant
with a primary dose of Recombivax® and boosted with orally-delivered made antibody vaccine submitting Phase I study protocol to US FDA.
HBsAg maize germ wafers, control wafers, or parenterally-delivered
commercial vaccine (Recombivax®). They have reported that mice Additional therapeutic proteins
boosted with HBsAg orally administered wafers displayed increase There have been many reports of therapeutic s expression in
in mucosal IgA titres in fecal material and steep increase in in serum plants including anticoagulants [170]; thrombin inhibitors [170];
IgA whereas mice boosted with Recombivax showed no detectable HIV [171]; Diabetes [172]; Liver cirhosis and burns [173]; Hepatitis
levels of IgA. They have concluded that oral delivery can provide [170,174]; anemia [173]; hemophilia [175]; organophophate poisoning
long term immunoresponses mucosally and systemically. This was a [176]; Hypertension [177] etc. Shenoy et al [28] reported that the oral
follow up paper from the same group which had reported earlier that Delivery of Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme 2 and Angiotensin-(1-7)
oral feeding of supercritical fluid extraction treated maize material Bioencapsulated in Plant Cells Attenuates Pulmonary Hypertension.
to mice elicited robust IgG and IgA responses which was comparable Further this also provided proof-of-concept for a novel low-cost oral
to injected commercial vaccine, Recombivax® [25]. Latest publication ACE2 or Ang-(1-7) delivery system using transplastomic technology
from the same group have reported the biochemical and biophysical for pulmonary disease therapeutics.
characterization of maize-derived HBsAg and established that SFE-
treated maize material is a viable oral vaccine candidate and this major Taking advantage of the high number of chloroplast genomes
advancement in the development of the first oral subunit vaccine [27]. per cell, Daniell’s group optimized technology for chloroplast
transformation and gene expression. Oral administration of factor
Plant made antibodies VIII or FIX antigens expressed in transplastomic tobacco plants
suppressed inhibitor formation and anaphylaxis in hemophilic mice. A
There are reports of many plant produced antibodies in literature combination of protection from digestion offered by bio encapsulation
with applications ranging from diagnostics [30,144-147]; to cancer in plant cells and fusion to the transmucosal carrier cholera toxin B
treatment [148-153]; prevention of tooth decay [154-156]; prevention (CTB subunit, thereby targeting gut epithelial cells) resulted in efficient
of plant disease [157,158]; and preventing sexually transmitted diseases tolerogenic delivery.
[75,114,159]. de Muynck [160] has given a comprehensive review about
this. Different subclasses of antibodies (IgG, IgM) have been expressed The first plant made therapeutic to reach phase II human trials
in different plant species but Nicotiana species predominate [161,162]. was made by Biolex therapeutics, regarding Locterin a plant made
controlled release interferon alpha treatment for chronic hepatitis
He et al. [163] demonstrated that WNV DIII antigen (West Nile [174]. First plant made therapeutic to reach phase III trials was carrot
Virus) and E 16 monoclonal antibody were produced at high levels, suspension cells derived Gauchers disease therapeutic developed by
could be purified easily and were effective in identifying WNV and also Prolix BioTherapeutics [178]. Human cereberoside expressed by carrot
in detecting human IgM response to WNV detection. Ganapathy et al cells (human pr GCD) had high batch to batch enzymatic activity. In
[30] reported the efficacy of plant produced Wb SXP1 as comparable December 2009, Pfizer and Protalix entered an agreement to develop
to E.coli produced WbSXP1 in the diagnosis of Lymphatic filariasis, a and commercialize pr GCD. However in early 2011, FDA declined the
neglected tropical infectious disease. Immunological screening using approval of the drug asking for additional data from existing studies,
clinical sera from patients indicates that the plant-produced protein but not asking for additional trials.
is comparable to E. coli-produced diagnostic antigen. These reports
further substantiated that plants could serve as cost effective platform U.S. Food and Drug Administration granted approval for ELELYSO,
for diagnostic protein production, especially towards infectious and a product of Protalix Biotherpeutics and Pfizer for injection in May 2012
parasitic diseases which are prevalent in tropical countries. as a hydrolytic lysosomal glucocerebroside-specific enzyme ELELYSO,
which is branded as UPLYSOTM (alphataliglicerase) in Latin America,
Advanced plant and mammalian glycosylation differ in regard which is a plant cell-expressed form of the glucocerebrosidase (GCD)
to types of sugar moieties added and the type of linkages [164].This enzyme. This enzyme is indicated for long-term enzyme replacement
difference in glycosylation might result in the identification of antibodies therapy (ERT) for adults with a confirmed diagnosis of Type 1 Gaucher
of non-human origin being seen as antigen by patients [165,166]. Plant disease. Approvals have also been granted by the applicable regulatory
specific glycosylation can also induce immune response. Plants now authorities in Uruguay, Mexico, Australia, Canada,  Chile and other
have been genetically modified to mimic typical animal glycosylation countries. ( SemBioSys has also completed Phase
pattern by either inactivating the native enzymes or by expressing I and II trial of safflower produced insulin grown in seed bioreactor
heterologous enzymes responsible for mammalian like glycosylation Using Seed crops, ORF Genetics also produces various growth factors
[160,167-169]. and cytokines in transgenic barley for use in cosmetics.

Adv Tech Biol Med

ISSN: 2379-1764 ATBM, an open access journal Volume 4 • Issue 1 • 1000161
Citation: Ganapathy M (2016) Plants as Bioreactors- A Review. Adv Tech Biol Med 4: 161. doi: 10.4172/2379-1764.1000161

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Limitations of Plant Vaccines 8. Daniell H, Datta R, Varma S, Gray S, Lee SB (1998) Containment of herbicide
resistance through genetic engineering of the chloroplast genome. Nat
There may be development of immunotolerance to vaccine Biotechnol 16: 345-348.
peptide or protein. Consistency of dosage form differs to fruit, plant, 9. Daniell H, Lee SB, Panchal T, Wiebe PO (2001) Expression of the native cholera
and generation of the plant. There have been reports of fruit specific toxin B subunit gene and assembly as functional oligomers in transgenic
tobacco chloroplasts. J Mol Biol 311: 1001-1009.
expression of vaccines in tomato [179-182] and banana [183] and also
in potato tuber [184,185]. Stability of vaccine in fruit is not known. 10. Daniell H, Muthukumar B, Lee SB (2001) Marker free transgenic plants:
Rigano and Walmsley [186] reported the expression of a fusion protein engineering the chloroplast genome without the use of antibiotic selection. Curr
Genet 39: 109-116.
containing LTB and a species specific immune contraceptive epitope
in fresh tomato fruits. As the shelf life of the fruits are less, the fruits 11. Daniell H, Khan MS, Allison L (2002) Milestones in chloroplast genetic
engineering: an environmentally friendly era in biotechnology. Trends Plant Sci
were pooled and freeze-dried. Freeze-drying tomato fruit concentrated 7: 84-91.
antigen 16-fold and extended shelf life to 5 months (before materials
12. Daniell H, Carmona-Sanchez O, Burns B (2004) Chloroplast derived
were used). These materials also proved to be immunogenic in animal
antibodies, biopharmaceuticals and edible vaccines. In Fischer R, Schillberg S
trials [180]. Certain plants like potato cannot be eaten raw and cooking (edr) Molecular Farming. Verlag Publishers, Weinheim, Germany.
may change the properties of vaccine. The efficacy of freeze dried and
13. Daniell H, Chebolu S, Kumar S, Singleton M, Falconer R (2005) Chloroplast-
stored potato based vaccine has also been reported [187]. Evaluating derived vaccine antigens and other therapeutic proteins. Vaccine 23: 1779-1783.
dosage requirement is tedious in case of plant vaccine. Selection of
14. Daniell H (2006) Production of biopharmaceuticals and vaccines in plants via
best plant is difficult. There has not been much reports regarding the the chloroplast genome. Biotechnol J 1: 1071-1079.
stability and or characterization of vaccines in fruits.
15. Daniell H (2007) Transgene containment by maternal inheritance: effective or
The Future elusive? Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 104: 6879-6880.

16. Ma JK, Drake PM, Christou P (2003) The production of recombinant

Though the benefit of plant made pharmaceuticals have been pointed pharmaceutical proteins in plants. Nat Rev Genet 4: 794-805.
out reportedly it is being implemented only now due to investment by
17. Ma JK, Barros E, Bock R, Christou P, Dale PJ, et al. (2005) Molecular farming
big pharmaceutical companies. Plant based systems have been able to for new drugs and vaccines. Current perspectives on the production of
reproduce a wide variety of human proteins, including those that have pharmaceuticals in transgenic plants. EMBO Rep 6: 593-599.
multiple subunits expressed and assembled in plants as well as proteins 18. Ma JK, Chikwamba R, Sparrow P, Fischer R, Mahoney R, et al. (2005) Plant-
and vaccines requiring Co expression of additional modifying enzymes. derived pharmaceuticals--the road forward. Trends Plant Sci 10: 580-585.
While raw edible vaccines are unfeasible for human therapy, it may not be
19. Koprowski H (2005) Vaccines and sera through plant biotechnology. Vaccine
necessary to fully isolate the target protein from plant material. A middle 23: 1757-1763.
ground of dried and ground plant material may be more suitable for oral
20. Lal P, Ramachandran VG, Goyal R, Sharma R (2007) Edible vaccines: current
delivery of some vaccines and therapeutics. This would be an excellent status and future. Indian J Med Microbiol 25: 93-102.
option for the production of veterinary medicines where recombinant
21. Lai H, Chen Q (2012) Bioprocessing of plant-derived virus-like particles
feed could contain vaccine antigens and would be useful and cheap for
of Norwalk virus capsid protein under current Good Manufacture Practice
developing nations [188]. If yields can be standardized, there is potential regulations. Plant Cell Rep 31: 573-584.
for delivery of therapeutics in unprocessed plant material, especially in
22. Houdebine LM (2009) Production of pharmaceutical proteins by transgenic
veterinary field where the dosage has a wide active range. It is probable animals. Comp Immunol Microbiol Infect Dis 32: 107-121.
that partially purified vaccines would be first introduced for veterinary
23. He J, Lai H, Brock C, Chen Q (2012) A novel system for rapid and cost-effective
purposes and then progress to humans. production of detection and diagnostic reagents of West Nile virus in plants. J
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Citation: Ganapathy M (2016) Plants as Bioreactors- A Review. Adv Tech Biol Med 4: 161. doi: 10.4172/2379-1764.1000161

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