Health 7 Course Outline

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Miss Johnston

Health 7
Welcome to Grade 7 Health! I am very excited to work with you over the coming months.
Throughout this class, I encourage you to come each day with an open mind and a willingness
to explore health and wellness.

Expectations Homework
The majority of classwork has been organized to
1. Students are expected to participate in
take place during class time so that progress can
activities in the classroom.
be monitored and assessed. Homework will be
2. Cellphones are not allowed to be used in assigned minimally to aid in the development of
class without permission. If students use self awareness and reflection. However,
a cell phone without permission, school homework will be assigned if a student is not
protocol will be followed which will lead properly using class time. If overdue homework is
to an in-school suspension not submitted at the beginning of the next class,

3. At the beginning of class, cell phones are the student will arrange a time to come to the
classroom and complete it through detention.
to be placed in the basket on the
teacher's desk. HEALTH IS A MATTER OF
4. If late/unprepared for class three times,
detention will be served.

Student Responsibility Remind

To sign up for Remind, enter the following web
It is expected that students will come to class on
address into your web browser to join the class:
time, prepared to learn. Please come to class
each day with a pencil and paper. It is the
students responsibility to complete missed class
work on their own time.
I encourage both parents and students with
electronic devices to sign up for our class
Sep. 1 - 22 Unit 1 - All About Me

Sep 29 The Power of Resilience

Oct 6 - 27 Unit 2 - Controlled Expression

Nov. 3 Unit 3 - Personal Health and Influences

Break (Nov. 9 - 13)

Nov. 17 -
Unit 3 - Personal Health and Influences
Dec. 8

Dec. 15 Assessment and Wrap up

Health 7 Goals
Wellness Choices - Students will make responsible and informed choices to maintain
health and to promote safety for self and others.

Personal Health
Safety and Responsibility

Relationship Choices - Students will develop effective interpersonal skills that

demonstrate responsibility, respect and caring in order to establish and maintain
healthy interactions.
Understanding and Expressing Feelings
Group Roles and Processes

Life Learning Choices - Students will use resources effectively to manage and explore
life roles and career opportunities and challenges

Learning Strategies
Life Roles and Career Development
Writing Assignments/Reading Comprehension 50%
Projects 30%
Quizzes 20%

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