High-Precision Bearings

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Clutch bearing units

SKF – the knowledge engineering

From one simple but
inspired solution to
a misalignment
problem in a textile
mill in Sweden, and
fifteen employees in
1907, SKF has
grown to become a
global industrial
knowledge leader.
Over the years we have built on our exper- Meeting the toughest challenges Working for a sustainable future
tise in bearings, extending it to seals, me- Our network of knowledge and experience Since 2005, SKF has worked to reduce the
chatronics, services and lubrication systems. along with our understanding of how our negative environmental impact from our
Our knowledge network includes 46 000 core technologies can be combined helps own operations and those of our suppliers.
employees, 15 000 distributor partners, us create innovative solutions that meet the Our continuing technology development
offices in more than 130 countries, and a toughest of challenges. We work closely with introduced the SKF BeyondZero portfolio
growing number of SKF Solution Factory our customers throughout the asset life of products and services which improve
sites around the world. cycle, helping them to profitably and efficiency and reduce energy losses, as well
responsibly grow their businesses. as enable new technologies harnessing
Research and development wind, solar and ocean power. This combined
We have hands-on experience in over forty approach helps reduce the environmental
industries, based on our employees’ know- impact both in our own operations and in
ledge of real life conditions. In addition our our customers’.
world-leading experts and university part-
ners who pioneer advanced theoretical
research and development in areas includ-
ing tribology, condition monitoring, asset
management and bearing life theory. Our
ongoing commitment to research and
development helps us keep our customers
at the forefront of their industries.

Working with SKF IT and logistics systems and application experts, SKF
SKF Solution Factory makes SKF knowledge and manufacturing expertise Authorized Distributors deliver a valuable mix of product and application
available locally, to provide unique solutions and services to our customers. knowledge to customers worldwide.

Design and develo
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SKF Life Cycle
Our knowledge Management

– your success


SKF Life Cycle Management is how we combine our technology n

platforms and advanced services, and apply them at each stage d rep

air n
of the asset life cycle, to help our customers to be more la
successful, sustainable and profitable. Opera Ins
te and monitor

Working closely with you Bearings

SKF is the world leader in the design, development
Our objective is to help our customers and manufacture of high performance rolling
improve productivity, minimize mainten- bearings, plain bearings, bearing units and
ance, achieve higher energy and resource
efficiency, and optimize designs for long
service life and reliability.
Machinery maintenance
Condition monitoring technologies and main-
Innovative solutions tenance services from SKF can help minimize
Whether the application is linear or rotary unplanned downtime, improve operational
efficiency and reduce maintenance costs.
or a combination ofthe two, SKF engineers
can work with you at each stage ofthe asset
life cycle to improve machine performance
by looking at the entire application. This
Sealing solutions
approach doesn’t just focus on individual SKF offers standard seals and custom engineered
components like bearings or seals. It looks sealing solutions to increase uptime, improve
at the whole application to see how each machine reliability, reduce friction and power
losses, and extend lubricant life.
component interacts with the next.

Design optimization and verification

SKF can work with you to optimize current
or new designs with proprietary 3-D model- SKF fly-by-wire systems for aircraft and drive-by-
ing software that can also be used as a vir- wire systems for off-road, agricultural and forklift
tual test rig to confirm the integrity ofthe applications replace heavy, grease or oil consuming
mechanical and hydraulic systems.

Lubrication solutions
From specialized lubricants to state-of-the-art
lubrication systems and lubrication management
services, lubrication solutions from SKF can help to
reduce lubrication related downtime and lubricant

Actuation and motion control

With a wide assortment of products – from actu-
ators and ball screws to profile rail guides – SKF
can work with you to solve your most pressing
linear system challenges.


SKF – the knowledge engineering company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

Foreword. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Global SKF presence of clutch release bearings . . . . . . . . . . . 6

About the clutch system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

How the clutch system works . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Clutch actuation technology. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Clutch release bearing unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Clutch bearing unit portfolio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Clutch release bearing details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Double clutch technologies – wet and dry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

SKF Double Clutch Bearing Set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Product validation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Pull and push clutch release bearing range . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

Pull and push clutch bearing unit for fork actuation . . . . . . . 24

Push clutch bearing unit for concentric slave

cylinder actuation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

Double clutch bearing unit range . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

Clutch support bearings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

Clutch application data list . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30


This catalogue has been created to provide You can easily make your product choice by
clutch customers with information on the selecting products from the index tables
products that SKF offers, and to help them which show the overall dimensions of each
find the products that best match their product. An image of the selected product
needs. can be found on the product page.
This catalogue displays currently available Our extensive knowledge and experience
products in production, grouped according in clutch bearing development make SKF an
to the following categories: ideal partner for developing optimised, cus-
tomer-specific solutions for clutch products.
• clutch release bearing For additional information, please contact
• clutch bearing fork actuation your local SKF representative.
• clutch bearing hydraulic actuation
• double clutch transmission
• support bearing

Global SKF presence of clutch
release bearings
Competition is increasingly becoming global. project performance and reduce your busi-
At SKF, we follow customer globalization ness risk. Unlike conventional component
strategies. We have a worldwide presence, suppliers, our solutions and wide range of
global supplier base and distribution net- competencies have been developed based
work. We offer local engineering and sales on industry needs and close cooperation
support. Our manufacturing facilities and with automotive industry leaders:
technical centres in all major regions help
you increase quality, speed and flexibility • three production sites worldwide
throughout the development process. We • development, technical and application
have the resources to support you with centres in Europe, Asia and America
global and local solutions. Our dedicated • research centre in Europe
global project managers work to improve

R&D centre in Utrecht, Netherlands

Application and and Goteborg, Sweden
technical center
St. Cyr, France

St. Cyr, France

Shanghai, China

Application and
Application centre
technical centre
Shanghai, China
Plymouth, Michigan, USA

Tortuguitas, Argentina

Application centre Application center

Cajamar, Brazil Pune, India

About the clutch system 1

The clutch pedal pressed by the driver, There are two types of clutch concepts:
transmits an actuation load to the clutch
through the bearing. The actuation load lifts • pushed, where the clutch bearing pushes
the clutch pressure plate, which disengages the spring diaphragm to interrupt the
the clutch disk, and interrupts the engine engine torque transmission.
torque transmission. This operation allows • pulled, where the clutch bearing pulls the
the engine to rotate at idle speed when the spring diaphragm to interrupt the engine
car is stopped, and also to change gears. torque transmission. With this concept,
the clutch bearing is attached to the
spring diaphragm.


How the clutch system works

Clutch system for The release bearing moves forward

axially during disengagement and returns
manual transmissions to position when the clutch is engaged.
The clutch system for a manual transmis-
sion consists of four major components: 1 Fork/actuation device
2 Clutch release bearing
• a flywheel, which is bolted to the engine 3 Diaphragm
• a clutch disc assembly which is connected 4 Friction disc
to the transmission input shaft via splines 5 Input shaft
• a clutch cover assembly which consists of 6 Flywheel
a diaphragm (Bellville type) spring and a 7 Pressure plate
pressure plate
• a clutch release bearing

When a clutch pedal is disengaged (in the up

position), the clutch cover assembly is under
load. In other words, the diaphragm spring
is maintaining a constant axial load on the
pressure plate, forcing it and the clutch disc
assembly against the flywheel. The clutch
disc assembly which is connected to the
transmission input shaft via splines can then
transfer power from the flywheel to the
transmission. 6
When the clutch pedal is actuated by the
driver, the clutch release bearing is pushed
into the diaphragm spring and the clutch
cover assembly becomes unloaded. This 7
removes the axial load from the pressure
plate, allowing the clutch disc assembly to
1 3


Clutch actuation technology 1

Conventional clutches for manual gearboxes Fig. 1 Fig. 2

are engaged when the clutch pedal is
released and disengaged when the pedal is Clutch
pressed. bearing
In mechanical actuation systems, the fork
acting on the clutch release bearing is con-
nected to the pedal either by a cable or by
an external hydraulic system († fig. 1).
In hydraulic actuation systems, the
actuation is provided by a hydraulic cylinder
(concentric slave cylinder) acting directly on
the release bearing († fig. 2).


External mechanical Hydraulic actuation by concentric slave

actuation by fork cylinder

Clutch release bearing unit

Product purpose Design features Design advantages

A clutch release bearing unit is used to SKF has developed advanced designs using The clutch release bearing units add value
engage and disengage the clutch via the cutting edge technology and state-of-the- by delivering the following critical
diaphragm spring and pressure plate. art testing procedures. advantages:
Included in this compact design are provi- The design features of the clutch release
sions to guide the fork or piston radially. bearing units are: • extended bearing service life
• cost-effective solution
• sealed and greased for life • flexibility of design
Current applications • compact design • integration of functions
• easy installation • low weight solution
Manual gearboxes, robotized gearboxes and • high performance grease
double clutch gearboxes. • accommodates axial and radial
• optimized drag torque
Design approach
Based on a modular design approach, SKF’s
clutch release bearing units comprise a pre-
cision ground sheet metal bearing unit and a
polymer/steel sleeve or carrier. This design
can be applied to push or pull clutch actua- Boot retainer: enables retention of the
concentric slave cylinder boot
tion with lever or concentric, hydraulic actu-
ation. SKF has multiple designs available
with inner or outer ring rotation for a variety
Guiding ring: enables connection with the
of applications including motorsport and concentric slave cylinder piston
Formula 1.
Our bearing units are designed taking into
account all constraints: Clamping tongue: enables maintenance of
the assembly between guiding ring and the
concentric slave cylinder piston
• higher number of operations with stop /
start systems
• automated manual transmission or dual
clutch transmission
• increased operating temperature
• increased application loads
• longer warranty period for the clutch Seal

Clutch bearing unit portfolio 1

Some typical SKF Fig. 1 Fig. 2

clutch release bearing

unit solutions
SKF can supply either a clutch release
bearing unit, ready for use, or just a clutch
release bearing to be fitted to the piston or
guiding sleeve.

Clutch release bearing

Angular contact ball bearing with stamped
steel rings, ground raceways and capped
with a seal or shield depending on the
application conditions. To be assembled on Fig. 3 Fig. 4
piston or on guiding sleeve († fig. 1).

Clutch bearing fork actuation

Modular design to meet mechanical (fork)
actuation requirements. Contains a plastic
guide sleeve and a rubber sleeve to accom-
modate misalignment († fig. 2).

Clutch bearing hydraulic

Compact design with a boot interface to
accommodate a hydraulic cylinder
(concentric slave cylinder) († fig. 3).

SKF Double Clutch Bearing

Special design to meet hydraulic actuation
requirements (concentric slave cylinder) on
a double clutch system for both large and
small clutch release bearings († fig. 4).

Clutch release bearing unit details

Clutch release bearings from SKF are based – Europe: solutions generally based on a
on the design of an angular contact ball single seal on one side and a shield or
bearing. These bearings are made of sheet metal labyrinth on the other side
stamped steel inner and outer rings with – Asia: solutions generally based on a
precision ground raceways, a polymer cage seal on both sides
and either seals or shields and are pre- – America: solutions generally based on a
greased at the factory with a high quality single or double seal design
SKF clutch release bearing units integrate 3 Axial guidance: to enable a clutch release
additional functions († fig. 1 and 2): bearing unit to move axially, without
stick-slip, SKF bearings have a specially
1 Self-aligning: to compensate for mis- designed polymer sleeve that slides on a
alignment between the engine and trans- guiding tube connected to the gearbox,
mission, a clutch release bearing unit integrated for this purpose.
must be able to align itself so that it
maintains its alignment with the dia- 4 Interface with actuation device: the
phragm spring. This capability helps to clutch release bearing unit integrates
prevent premature bearing failure as a components connecting/holding the unit
result of uneven load distribution. to the actuation system (fork or concentric
slave cylinder piston).
2 Sealing solutions: capped with either a
metal shield or contact seal, the sealing 5 Interface with diaphragm spring: to
solution is designed to retain the lubricant carry the load and minimise friction and
inside and prevent contaminants from wear on the diaphragm.
entering the bearing. Although clutch
release bearings are usually well protect-
ed, requirements vary according to
region. As a result, SKF has sealing solu-
tions for virtually every geographic region:

Design for fork actuation Design for concentric slave cylinder actuation

Fig. 1 Fig. 2

5 2

4 4

5 1

Clutch bearing fork Clutch bearing
actuation hydraulic actuation 1
The SKF Clutch release bearing unit has The SKF Clutch release bearing unit has
been designed for use with a manual gear- been designed to meet the requirements of
box with mechanical fork actuation. manual and automated manual transmis-
In this configuration, the clutch bearing sion gearboxes that use hydraulic actuation
unit consists of the following components by means of a concentric slave cylinder. The
(† fig. 3): hydraulic clutch cylinder and the clutch
release bearing are combined into one
1 Clutch release bearing system.
2 Rubber sleeve for self-aligning function of In this configuration, the clutch release
the unit bearing unit usually consists of the following
3 Rear plate for interface with the fork components († fig. 4):
4 Polymer sleeve (connected to the rear
Metallic sleeve integrated in the bearing and
plate) to allow axial displacement on the 1 Clutch release bearing connected to the polymer piston from the
guiding tube when actuated by the fork 2 Metallic spring washer for the self- concentric slave cylinder.
5 Clips to hold the unit to the fork aligning function of the unit
3 Boot retainer to connect the bearing to
The rubber sleeve is designed with radial the boot and locate the pre-load spring
teeth and is installed in the inner ring bore. 4 Polymer piston or metallic sleeve con-
Tooth flexibility gives the required degree of nected with the concentric slave cylinder
radial freedom to compensate for misalign- for axial displacement of the unit against
ment between engine and transmission the diaphragm
input shaft.
The polymer sleeve on a guiding tube is The working principle of the metallic spring
installed inside the inner diameter of the washer is based on friction management
rubber sleeve. between the small teeth of the spring ring
and the bearing ring, as a function of the
radial load. This is achieved by controlling
the axial deformation of the teeth. The
resulting axial load must be above a mini-
mum value to prevent abnormal noise and
must stay below a maximum level to allow
radial displacement.
Polymer piston integrated in the bearing and
connected directly to the concentric slave
cylinder chamber.

Design for fork actuation Design for concentric slave cylinder actuation

Fig. 3 Fig. 4

1 3

2 5

4 3

Double clutch technologies
– wet and dry
Double clutch
The primary function of a clutch release
bearing installed in a manual transmission is
to decouple the engine from the gearbox in
order to allow for gear change.
A double clutch transmission system is
composed of two separated clutches. Linked
to the double clutch transmission system,
the gearbox is split into two shafts, one for
odd gears (1, 3, 5 …) and the other for even
gears (2, 4, 6 …). Actuation is performed by
two clutch release bearings. SKF has devel-
oped bearings for these high demand appli-
cations which are able to withstand:

• higher loads
• higher temperature
• higher number of clutch operations
• bigger dimensions
• longer life expectancy
• high packaging constraints

Double clutch transmission gearboxes cur-

rently on the market are equipped with
either wet (double wet clutch) or dry (double
dry clutch) systems depending on the trans-
mitted torque and the operating conditions.
In both systems, the clutches are actuated
by either hydraulic pistons or mechanical
devices, and the driving plate is supported
by a support bearing. The function of the
support bearing is to locate the driving plate
in both radial and axial directions, to balance
the axial load of the system and to enable a
difference in rotational speed between the
crankshaft and input shaft during clutch

• one support bearing

• two clutch release bearings

SKF Double Clutch Bearing Set 1

Based on double clutch transmission design, Clutch support bearing • unique raceway-shoulder transition to
actuation is mainly performed by two clutch avoid edge stress
release bearings, which are designed to Angular contact ball bearings († fig. 2), • unique heat treatment
perform the same functions as those and four point contact ball bearings are
described for a conventional clutch. Because specially designed for double clutch
of the compactness of the double clutch applications which are exposed to higher
transmission system, the first clutch release temperatures than clutch release bearings.
bearing is nested in the second one. Thus, SKF single row angular contact ball bearings
there is an inner and an outer bearing. are designed to accommodate
Additional functionality such as self align- simultaneously acting radial and axial loads.
ment and radial guiding of the bearing and They incorporate special features that
provisions for actuation by either a mechan- enable them to run cooler and smoother,
ical fork or hydraulic piston, are also includ- thereby reducing lubricant consumption and
ed in this compact design. All bearing com- extending bearing service life.
ponents are specifically designed for each Features of SKF support bearings include:
In this configuration, the SKF Double • custom boundary dimensions
Clutch Bearing Set († fig. 1) comprises the • a highly effective contact seal to keep the
following features: lubricant in and contaminants out of the
• clutch sealed against contaminants • high temperature grease and good anti-
• compact design brinelling properties (double dry clutch
• high load-carrying capacity configuration)
• high temperature resistance • Lubricated with clutch oil (double wet
• easy assembly in the application clutch configuration)
• low weight solution • manufactured to P6 dimensional accuracy
and P5 running accuracy

Fig. 1 Fig. 2

Product validation

During product development, several activi-

ties were undertaken to evaluate and vali-
date bearing performance against internal
specifications as well as customer specifica-
tions. The typical design validation plan
(DVP) related to clutch bearing units

Computer aided engineering

analyses to design and
evaluate the product

Theoretical calculation performed with SKF Bearing Beacon simulation soft-

ware, where the customer boundary conditions (loads, speed, temperature,
duty cycle, etc.) and internal bearing geometry have been taken into account
to perform a calculation for L10 lifetime, maximum contact pressure, trunca-
tion rate, etc.

FEM calculation with Ansys to evaluate the stress and deformation of the
bearing/component under load conditions.

Bearing characteristics
evaluation conducted by SKF 1
to demonstrate that the
product’s design is adequate
for its intended application.

SKF noise level measurement

A test designed to evaluate the bearing noise level under various conditions of speed and load.

SKF friction torque measurement

A test designed to evaluate the bearing friction torque under various conditions of speed and load.

SKF self-alignment measurement

A test designed to evaluate the self-alignment ability of the unit by recording the radial force as
a function of radial displacement under axial load.

Bearing performance
evaluation conducted by SKF
to demonstrate that the
product’s design is adequate
for its intended application.

SKF bearing endurance test

A test designed to evaluate the performance of the bearing ball-set function under operating conditions
similar to the application in relation to regarding loads, speeds and temperatures.

SKF unit endurance test

A test designed to evaluate the performance of the complete unit under operating conditions
representative of the application in relation to loads, speeds and temperatures.

SKF application simulation test

A test designed to evaluate the performance of the complete unit using the application components
(diaphragm and fork or concentric slave cylinder) under operating conditions representative of the
application in relation to loads, speeds and temperatures.

Pull and push clutch release 1

bearing range

SKF clutch release bearings are classified The following tables show the range of
into three different families based on their pull and push clutch release bearings in
geometry. production.

Bearing geometry family: 1 Bearing geometry family: 2 Bearing geometry family: 3

Fig. 1a Fig. 2a Fig. 3a

Fig. 1b Fig. 2b Fig. 3b


D D1 d1 D D1 d1 d D D1 d1

Push clutch release bearing range

D D1 d1

Bearing reference Diaphragm contact Bearing External Internal diameter Total height Mass Rotating ring
Type of Diameter geometry diameter for sleeve
contact family connection
– D1 D d1 T

– – mm – mm g –

BC-BRUB 445310 Curve 34 1 48.65 27,75 16 57,7 Outer ring

BC-BRUB 445235 Curve 34 1 53 26,7 14,8 82,0 Outer ring
BC-BRUB 445234 Curve 39,5 1 64,5 35,7 19,4 103,0 Outer ring

BC-BRUB 445254 Curve 39,5 1 64,5 35,7 19,4 103,0 Outer ring
BC-BRUB 445280 Curve 39,5 1 64,5 35,7 21,4 106,0 Outer ring
BC-BRU-0459 Flat 42,5 ±8,5 1 61,5 34,7 17,45 108,1 Outer ring

BC-BRUB 445269 Curve 46 1 61,5 34,7 17,45 110,9 Outer ring

BC-BRU-0576 Flat 48,5 ±10,5 1 66,5 38,2 15,4 113,6 Outer ring
BC-BRUB 445328 Flat 49 ±7 1 61 38,55 13,5 108,0 Outer ring

BC-BRUB 445237 Flat 49 ±7 1 66 38,2 15,55 109,5 Outer ring

BC-BRUB 445250 Flat 49 ±7 1 66 40,9 15,55 107,5 Outer ring
BC-BRU-0598 Flat 49 ±7 1 66,5 38,2 15,7 109,8 Outer ring

BC-BRUB 445331 Curve 50 1 66 38,2 16,76 100,5 Outer ring

BC-BRUB 445236 Curve 50 1 66,1 38,2 16,75 108,0 Outer ring
BC-BRUB 445293 Curve 50 1 66,1 40,9 16,76 103,0 Outer ring

BC-BRUB 445248 Curve 51 1 63,2 38,8 13,5 95,0 Outer ring

BC-BRUB 445314 Flat 52 ±7 1 66 38,2 15,35 110,0 Outer ring
BC-BRU-0581 B Flat 56,75 ±9,25 1 74,77 49,5 12,75 112,7 Outer ring

BC-BRU-0404 Flat 56,75 ±9,25 1 74,77 49,5 12,75 112,7 Outer ring
BC-BRU-0600 Curve 34 1 49,5 27,7 16 55 Outer ring

Push clutch release bearing range


D D1 d1 d

Bearing reference Diaphragm contact Bearing External Internal dia- Total Inner ring Functional Mass Rotating
Type of Diameter geometry diameter meter for sleeve height bore bearing ring
contact family connection diameter height
– D1 D d T d1 B1

– – mm – mm g –

BC-BRU-0583 Flat 48,25 ±7,55 2 65,8 30,75 15,1 48,98 5,7 105,7 Outer ring
BC-BRU-0460 Flat 48,25 ±8,25 2 66 33,3 14,2 49,3 3,75 96,1 Outer ring
BC-BRUB 445321 Flat 52 ±4 2 72,1 41,15 14 53,6 4 118,0 Outer ring

BC-BRU-0533 BAU Flat 53 ±6 2 66,9 39,3 13,15 49,3 3,7 92,3 Outer ring
BC-BRU-0533 CBU Curve 58 2 66,9 39,3 14,2 49,3 4,7 94,2 Outer ring
BC-BRU-0577 BB Flat 53 ±6 2 65,4 35,8 12,1 49,8 3,5 83,1 Outer ring

BC-BRU-0375 Flat 76 ±3 2 80,5 36 13,3 48,9 3,7 133,1 Outer ring

BC-BRU-0466 Flat 53,5 ±5,5 2 66,87 36 13,15 49,2 3,7 92,0 Outer ring
BC-BRU-0422 Flat 56 ±10 2 74,77 46 16,7 56,8 6 130,3 Outer ring

Push clutch release bearing range

D D1 d1

Bearing reference Diaphragm contact Bearing External Internal diameter Total height Mass Rotating ring
Type of Diameter geometry diameter for sleeve
contact family connection
– D1 D d1 T

– – mm – mm g –

BC-BRU-0381 Curve 34 3 48,88 32,55 14,5 60,8 Inner ring

BC-BRU 0473 Curve 39,5 3 60,4 42,65 19,5 83,0 Inner ring
BC-BRU 0474 Curve 50 3 62,4 41,4 18,89 101,3 Inner ring

BC-BRU-0605 Curve 58,4 3 63,15 45,7 17,5 97 Inner ring

BC-BRU-0606 Curve 83 3 95,1 74,6 15,1 137 Inner ring
BC-BRU-0607 Curve 79,5 3 84,8 67 14,8 104 Inner ring

Pull clutch release bearing range

Bearing reference Diaphragm contact External Internal diameter Total height Inner ring Functional Mass Rotating ring
Type of Diameter diameter for sleeve bore bearing
contact connection diameter height
– D1 D d1 T d B1

– – mm – mm g –

BC-BRU-0347 Flat 46,2 ±2.9 56,1 34 31,3 39,05 – 117,5 Outer ring

Pull and push clutch bearing
unit for fork actuation
The following tables show the range of pull
and push clutch bearings for fork actuation
in production.

Pull clutch release bearing range


D D1 d N

Bearing reference Diaphragm contact External Internal Total height Functional Fork width Mass
Type of Diameter diameter diameter height
– D1 D d B2 B3 N

– – mm g

BRU-0347 CB Flat 46,2 ±2,9 83,5 26,5 40 31,3 64,3 245,2

Push clutch release bearing range


D D1 d N

Bearing reference Diaphragm contact External Internal Total height Functional Fork width Mass
Type of Diameter diameter diameter height
– D1 D d B2 B3 N

– – mm g

BRU-0451 A Curve 34 49,5 24,06 22,7 17 29 75,1

BRU-0355 DE Curve 34 49,5 24,06 24,2 18,5 29 90,9
BRU-0599 B Curve 34 48,65 23,6 22,95 17,75 37 80,6

BRUB 445201 DC Curve 34 56 26 31,5 19,6 29,75 89,0

BRUB 445208 DE Curve 34 72 24 39 20,1 68 124,0
BRUB 445329 AC Curve 34 75 24,06 28,9 18,5 47,2 96,0

BRUB 445224 DC Curve 34 75 24,06 30,9 20,5 47 116,6

BRUB 445235 E Curve 34 86 23,6 21,6 18,15 60 166,0
BRUB 445301 Curve 34 87 23,6 22,2 12 60 166,0

BRUB 445232 AA Curve 34 94,5 23,5 41,4 26 82,2 159,0

BRUB 445254 CA Curve 34 97 28 43,2 25,8 90,2 198,0
BRUB 445290 B Curve 39,5 84,5 26,57 44,5 25,5 17 166,6

BRUB 445280 CA Curve 39,5 84,5 26,57 53 34 71 176,0

BRU-0459 AA Flat 42,5 ±8,5 61,5 26,45 29 20 31,5 141,2
BRU-0403 Curve 46 62,6 31,05 30,5 22,25 41,5 145,8

BRUB 445269 EC Curve 46 62,6 31,05 30,5 22,25 41,5 149,3

BRUB 445237 Flat 49 ±7 66 35 32,7 18,2 41,4 148,0
BRUB 445250 AE Flat 49 ±7 66 38,2 30,6 16,75 46 132,0

BRU-0598 Flat 49 ±7 66,5 35 32,7 18,2 41,4 118,9

BRU-0441 Flat 49 ±7 84,5 33 34,1 24,1 70,5 166,0
BRU-0511 A Curve 50 82 33 31 22 70 217,4

BRU-0477 B Curve 50 85 33 31 22 70,1 220,8

BRUB 445331 Curve 50 84,5 33 35 25 70,5 161,0
BRUB 445236 A Curve 50 66,1 35 33,75 19,25 41,4 135,0

BRUB 445293 C Curve 50 66,1 38,2 29,85 17,95 46 124,0

BRU-0601 A Curve 34 49,5 24,2 24,3 18,5 29 87
BRUB 445314 E Flat 52 ±7 69 35,05 32,9 20,9 58 155,0

Push clutch bearing unit for
concentric slave cylinder actuation
The following tables show the range of push
clutch bearings for concentric slave cylinder
hydraulic actuation.

Clutch bearing unit range (concentric slave cylinder actuation)


D D1 d1

Bearing reference Diaphragm contact External Internal Total height Functional Piston integrated Mass
Type of Diameter diameter diameter height or metallic sleeve
– D1 D d B1 C1 N

– – mm – g

BRU-0583 Flat 48,25 ±7,55 66 28,05 23,6 6,2 Metallic sleeve 119,9
BRU-0576 Flat 48,5 ±10,5 69 35,05 32,9 20,9 Piston integrated 157,0
BRU-0533 BA Flat 52,75 ±6,25 66,9 33,79 27,3 3,7 Piston integrated 134,7

BRU-0375 EA Flat 53,3 ±5,1 80 30 39,4 15,3 Piston integrated 133,1

BRU-0466 AC Flat 53,5 ±5,5 66,87 28,85 29,6 5,35 Piston integrated 119,0
BRU-0577 BB Flat 53,6 ±6 65,4 32,5 15,14 3,5 Metallic sleeve 99,1
BRU-0422 CD Flat 56 ±10 77,3 38,7 24,1 6,8 Metallic sleeve 164,8

Double clutch bearing unit range 1

The following tables show the range of

double clutch bearing units.

Double clutch bearing unit range


D D1 d


Bearing reference Diaphragm contact External Internal Total height Functional Piston integrated or Mass
Type of Diameter diameter diameter height metallic sleeve
– D1 D d T T1 N

– – mm g

BRU-0605 Curve 58.4 63.15 42.8 20.5 18 Metallic sleeve 106

BRU-0606 Curve 83 95.1 72.1 18 15.6 Metallic sleeve 152
BRU-0607* Curve 79.5 84.8 64.3 14.8 14.8 No sleeve integrated 104

* This bearing is designed for wet application, to work with transmission oil only.

Clutch support bearings
Clutch support angular contact ball bearing

The following tables show the range of sup-

port bearings.

Clutch support angular contact ball bearing

D d

Bearing reference Axial loading External Internal Total height Dynamic Mass
diameter diameter capacity

D d B

– – mm N g

BA1-7221 in 1 direction only 62 35 14 17 400 150

Clutch support bearings 1

Four point contact ball bearing

The following tables show the range of sup-

port bearings.

Four point contact ball bearing as clutch support

D d

Bearing reference Axial loading External Internal Total height Dynamic Mass
diameter diameter capacity

D d B

– – mm N g

BAQ-3817* in both directions 58 27 16 26 500 172

* This bearing is designed for wet application, to work with transmission oil only.

Clutch bearing application
data list Application data sheet. Here you can provide SKF the basic information
that is needed to make an engineering evaluation of the application.

Dimensional Data Customer supplied data

† contact with diaphragm spring
† guiding tube
Fork width (if applicable)
Type of actuation (fork or concentric slave cylinder)
Bearing size
Outer diameter
Flat contact face

Vehicle operating conditions

Number of clutching and declutching cycles
Noise level requested (on new bearing)
Bearing deflection under load
Bearing radial displacement under load (self-alignment min or max)
Operating temperature
Maximum release load [N]
Pre-load (N)

Test conditions
Bench test procedure
Number of cycles
Duration of one cycle
Acceptance criteria
Noise level after test
Rear plate
Preload (N)

Application drawing requested

Value X (distance between cylinder housing and flywheel nose face)
Clutch housing
Guiding tube

Notes 1

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© SKF Group 2013
The contents of this publication are the copyright of the publisher and may not be reproduced (even
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of the information contained in this publication but no liability can be accepted for any loss or damage
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PUB 10/P1 11562 EN · July 2013
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