Udhampur-Srinagar-Baramulla Railway Line Project Laole - Qazigund Section Tunnel T-77B and T-77C

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Ingenieurbüro für Tunnel- und Felsbau GmbH

Udhampur-Srinagar-Baramulla Railway Line Project

Laole - Qazigund Section
Tunnel T-77B and T-77C

Detailed Design Consultancy

Inception Report

Laufener Straße 16
D-83395 Freilassing Purchaser:
+49 (0) 8654 6011-33
@mueller-hereth.com Freilassing, 13.10.2009
Proj.-No. 1432/wf-mg
Wolfram Kagerer
Sebastian Schwaiger
Martin Wagner

Traunstein HRB 3009

Ust. Id-Nr.
DE 132362101
Updhampur-Srinagar-Baramulla Railway Line Projekt
Laole-Quazigund Section – Tunnel T-77B and T-77C
Detailed Design Consultancy, Inception Report

Ingenieurbüro für Tunnel- und Felsbau GmbH

Table of contents

1.  Introduction........................................................................................................... 4 

2.  Approach methodology and requirement of deliverables and services ......... 5 

2.1. General design approach ......................................................................... 5
2.2. Approach to tunnelling method................................................................. 5
2.3. Approach to requirements of the tunnel design........................................ 7
2.4. Approach to investigations ....................................................................... 8
2.5. Approach to pre - final design .................................................................. 8
2.6. Approach to final design........................................................................... 9
2.7. Approach to instrumentation & 3D monitoring........................................ 10

3.  Submission of outline of design criteria and construction specifications ... 11 

4.  Identification of design codes and standards ................................................. 12 

5.  Review of the geological and geotechnical data ............................................. 14 

5.1. General geological conditions ................................................................ 14
5.2. Interpretation of existing geological data................................................ 15
5.2.1. Exploratory drill holes ............................................................................. 16
5.3. Recommended further Investigations..................................................... 17

6.  General arrangement drawings......................................................................... 20 

7.  Programme of design work and key performance indicators ........................ 23 
7.1. Design schedule..................................................................................... 23 
7.2. Members of the design team.................................................................. 25
7.3. Task assignment and organizing............................................................ 25

Index of photos

Photo 1: Tunnel 77 C: outcrop of intensely jointed platy limestone along the

hillside approx. 50 m north of the proposed portal Udhampur End........ 14
Photo 2: Tunnel 77 C outcrop of intensely jointed limestone at the proposed
location of portal Udhampur End ........................................................... 15

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Updhampur-Srinagar-Baramulla Railway Line Projekt
Laole-Quazigund Section – Tunnel T-77B and T-77C
Detailed Design Consultancy, Inception Report

Ingenieurbüro für Tunnel- und Felsbau GmbH

Index of tables

Table 1: Laboratory tests ..................................................................................... 18

Table 2: Time schedule ....................................................................................... 23

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Updhampur-Srinagar-Baramulla Railway Line Projekt
Laole-Quazigund Section – Tunnel T-77B and T-77C
Detailed Design Consultancy, Inception Report

Ingenieurbüro für Tunnel- und Felsbau GmbH

1. Introduction

The state of India is undertaking the construction of a new railway line link of a total
length of 340 km between the cities of Udhampur and Baramulla in the Jammu and
Kashmir district in the northern part of India.

On behalf of IRCON INTERNATIONAL Ltd Müller + Hereth Consulting Engineers and

Geologists was granted for detailed design consultancy for the tunnels T-77B and T-77C
in Zone IV (between Km 142 & 152) in the Laole – Qazigund section of the above
mentioned railway line project.

The inception report submitted concerns the design consultancy works for Tunnel T-77B
& T-77C in connection with the Construction of Laole – Qazigund Section of Udhampur-
Srinagar-Baramulla New BG Railway Line Project.

Base of this inception report are the Tender Documents received from IRCON
International on 08.11.2007 and the Letter of Acceptance (LOA), dated 15.09.2009.

The local situation shows that the 2 tunnels to be constructed, T-77B app. 90m long and
T-77C app. 100m long, are situated completely in a slope area with overburden between
5m and 30m approximately.

Bedrock conditions are characterised by quartzites, phyllites and slates belonging to the
Paleozoic “Ramsu Formation”.

The project area is belonging to seismic zone V.

A cut & cover or a cutting solution was dismissed by IRCON due to the difficult local
conditions and changed in to a construction of two mined tunnel according to NATM
(New Austrian Tunneling Methode) principles.

Within the preparation of this report, a site visit at Banihal was executed by Mr. Walter
Fahrnberger (Geologist, MSc) on September 25th 2007.

The site visit included a surface inspection along the alignment of tunnel T-77B and
tunnel T-77C with special attention to the proposed portal areas.

An outline of the design methodology, the design criteria, the used standards and design
codes, the construction specifications and the geological and geotechnical conditions in
the project area is given in the following chapters.

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Updhampur-Srinagar-Baramulla Railway Line Projekt
Laole-Quazigund Section – Tunnel T-77B and T-77C
Detailed Design Consultancy, Inception Report

Ingenieurbüro für Tunnel- und Felsbau GmbH

2. Approach methodology and requirement of deliverables and services

2.1. General design approach

The design works will be carried out by Müller & Hereth Consulting Engineers and
Geologists in the companies head office in Freilassing/Germany with close contact to
IRCON in Delhi where the designer will attend particular meetings in India.

Tunnel excavation design inclusive relevant rock support will be based on European
(Eurocode) and German (DIN) standards under consideration of Indian standards for
seismic design.

Concrete works for secondary lining and portals will be based on relevant Indian

The following approach is meant for both tunnels T-77B and T-77C and therefore the 2
tunnels will not be named separately.

All time assumption and delivery dates are with reference to the actual receipt of the
signed LOA, and bases on the transmitted tender documents No.
IRCON/1014/J&K.KG/Consultancy T-77B & C/105 dated 05.11.2007.

2.2. Approach to tunnelling method

According to the tender documents, both the tunnels will be executed by use of NATM
(New Austrian Tunnelling Method).

NATM is a very save, cost effective and highly / quickly adaptable tunnelling method
which can deal instantly with fast changing geological / geotechnical conditions and
actually encountered rock mass.

The philosophy of NATM is to use and support the self bearing capacity of the ambient
rock mass and to reach a “natural equilibrium stage” between the rock mass and the
executed support measures as soon as possible.

To support and activate such a self bearing capacity of the rock mass, the length of
round, which is strongly influenced by the unsupported standing time of the rock mass, in
combination with various rock support measures are the key factor.

The principle rock support will consist of:

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Updhampur-Srinagar-Baramulla Railway Line Projekt
Laole-Quazigund Section – Tunnel T-77B and T-77C
Detailed Design Consultancy, Inception Report

Ingenieurbüro für Tunnel- und Felsbau GmbH

• Shotcrete in various thickness according to the encountered rock

mass and static and geotechnical necessity

• Steel arches / lattice girders as additional support and for profile

shaping and for mounting wire mesh

• various types of rock bolts in different lengths depending on the

encountered rock mass and static and geotechnical necessity

In addition, and if necessary the following measures can be added to the principal rock

• Spiling / Forepoling to secure overhead stability of the top heading

during excavation

• Injections and grouting to secure overhead stability of the top heading

during excavation

• Face anchors to secure stability of the open face

• Foot enlargements and temporary inverts in the top heading section to

improve bearing capacity of the foundation and reduce settlement

Depending on the actual encountered geology a combination of these rock support

measures according to the designed rock class as well as the decision about the
applicable length of round will be chosen in mutual agreement between the site
supervision engineer in consultation with the geologist and geotechnical engineer and
the contractor.

This agreement will be made in written form as a rock support decision. Such a decision
easily can be changed and the works executed according to the encountered actual

In case of weak and very weak rock mass a staged excavation can be applied. According
to the actual encountered geology this can be in a range of a simple top heading-bench-
invert excavation up to a very work intensive side gallery excavation.

In any way the flexibility of NATM makes it possible that the same rock support means
can be used also in a staged excavation with additional intersections and reduced space
of open faces.

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Laole-Quazigund Section – Tunnel T-77B and T-77C
Detailed Design Consultancy, Inception Report

Ingenieurbüro für Tunnel- und Felsbau GmbH

In such a way even the worst geological and rock conditions can be mastered with
immediate response and little delay. Especially for the 2 planned tunnels in the project
area, NATM offers the necessary flexibility to deal with probably fast changing

Due to its flexibility, in comparison to other excavation methods, the NATM proved,
already during decades and hundreds of tunnel projects, as the most cost effective
method when dealing with difficult geology and lots of change in the geology as well as
when dealing with very shallow overburden.

Hence NATM can be easily adapted to the encountered situation in the tunnel without
changing the rock support means – it needs just a variation in combination of the rock
support – the saving of cost is obvious because of the use of same rock support means
and the same crew for the whole tunnel excavation also when dealing with difficult and
unexpected situations.

Only the quantity of the used material will be decided by the geological conditions and
behaviour of the tunnel during excavation works.

2.3. Approach to requirements of the tunnel design

The cross section of the finished tunnel will be determined according to the railway
specific requirements (kinematic envelop, walk ways etc.) and will be incorporated in the
development of a rock model.

Based on the geological data and geotechnical interpretation a first rock model will be
developed in order to make the first stability calculations as well as developing a rock
class allocation and a first estimate for the thickness of concrete inner lining.

Based on the so developed various rock classes, standard drawings with rock support
and length of rounds for each rock class will be produced which become part of the basis
for the tender for tunnel contractors.

Also based on the geological circumstances and rock classes tunnel cross section
drawings will be developed with details about layout of the various layers (inner lining,
drainage, rock support, payment line etc.). These drawings will be the basis for the
contractor bids.

When tunnel excavation works starts a monitoring system will be implemented so that
settlement, movements and behaviour of the excavated tunnel and surrounded rock
mass can be measured.

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Laole-Quazigund Section – Tunnel T-77B and T-77C
Detailed Design Consultancy, Inception Report

Ingenieurbüro für Tunnel- und Felsbau GmbH

Based on these measurements the developed rock model will be checked and if
necessary refined. This refined rock model is then the base for the final inner lining

2.4. Approach to investigations

The main intention is to gather sufficient geological information so that geotechnical

interpretation of the geomechanical results in terms of tunnel engineering can predict the
geology to be expected during the excavation works, the future behaviour of the tunnel
during excavation and beyond with reasonable accuracy.

In case of the tunnels to be designed it is of utmost importance to know the location and
quality of the bed rock along the tunnel lines.

It is essential to know for the further design as well as for the excavation if the tunnels
can be based on grown bed rock or it runs in its full length in slope debris.

Therefore we will study the available geological results very carefully especially
concerning this aspect.

Generally we will sight and study all available geological investigations and results
already made by IRCON, interpret these results in terms of NATM principles and derive
from those the design parameters.

Are there any additional investigation necessary we will request such additionally
investigations as far as it is necessary.

A full and accurate geotechnical report about the tunnels to be excavated shall be
finished latest when issuing the tender documents for the tunnel contractors.

2.5. Approach to pre - final design

Based on the geological information the geotechnical interpretation of the geological data
a geological longitudinal section with reasonable accuracy will be developed where
discontinuities and fault zones will be shown.

According to the geotechnical interpretation of the geological data and the specific
requirements from the railway operator the tunnel cross section and shape will be

Parallel to that development a first rock model will be developed also based on the
design parameters derived from geological data and geotechnical interpretation including
determination of different rock mass classes with their adequate rock support measures.

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Laole-Quazigund Section – Tunnel T-77B and T-77C
Detailed Design Consultancy, Inception Report

Ingenieurbüro für Tunnel- und Felsbau GmbH

The distribution of rock mass classes will be incorporated in the geological longitudinal
section for general overview and information.

Based on the developed rock mass model and the tunnel cross sections first stability
calculations will be done and the rock model will be refined accordingly. In addition the
inner lining will be designed in a first approach.

The addressed rock mass classes will be developed in more details especially
concerning the range of rock support measures and length of rounds and will become
base for the tender drawings for the contractor.

The advancement of the pre design process is directly dependent on the availability of
sufficient geological data for the design.

The design manual will be developed and during that stage the tender documents and
BOQ for tunnel contractor tender will be developed in close cooperation with IRCON.

2.6. Approach to final design

Most of the tunnel design works are already done during the pre design phase and
should be already finished when the tender documents for the tunnel contractors are
ready to be purchased.

The next important issue for the design is the tunnel excavation. During the excavation
the actual geology will be mapped continuously, the tunnel settlements, the tunnel
behaviour, ingress of water and geotechnical readings will be measured daily and
interpreted by the contractor as well as by the supervising engineer who reports the data
to the designer.

The daily measurement results shall be discussed also daily between the contractor and
the supervising engineer so both have the same status of information.

The designer compares the results with the developed rock model and if it is necessary
the rock model will be refined.

If there are any bigger discrepancies between developed and actual rock model the
designer will immediately discuss this matter with the supervising engineer and the
contractor to determine the extent of eventually necessary change in the design.

The actual tunnel behaviour will be taken for the base of the final design of the concrete
inner lining. The first design of the inner lining has been done already together with the
development of the first rock model and therefore it needs only eventual adjustments in
the same way as the rock model needs to be refinements.

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Laole-Quazigund Section – Tunnel T-77B and T-77C
Detailed Design Consultancy, Inception Report

Ingenieurbüro für Tunnel- und Felsbau GmbH

Meetings in India during the design and construction phase will be attended by our
relevant specialist if it is necessary.

2.7. Approach to instrumentation & 3D monitoring

A key factor for monitoring the actual behaviour of the tunnel and also for safety in the
tunnel during excavation is the installation of an adequate instrumentation and monitoring
plan to gather information about the movement of the tunnel as well as to realize possible
future problems of the tunnel or possible weak points of already excavated parts of the
tunnel by possible relocation of rock stress.

The exact needs of instrumentation and location will be decided by the tunnel designer
because he decides which actual data information he needs to assure the safety of his
design and the tunnel structure.

In the case of these 2 tunnels definitely it will be used a set of 3 measurement bolts to
measure the settlement and the change in convergence of the excavated tunnel.

One shall be set in the top of the crown and one of each side wall at the same chainage.

The interval between the groups of bolts will be decided according to the geological
conditions encountered and the behaviour of the tunnel.

In general a distance of less than 10 meter is commonly used and recommended.

Because of the shallow overburden also measurement points shall be set on the surface
along the center line of the tunnel to gain valuable information about the settlement of the
surface in the area of the already excavated tunnel part as well as possible pre
settlement of the surface in front of the heading.

To measure the settlements inside the tunnel gives information about the activation of
the self bearing capacity of the tunnel and therefore a feedback about the right rock
support measures.

To measure the settlements on the tunnel surface gives a feedback about possible
additional stress on the tunnel or about possible redistribution of rock mass forces and in
front of the excavation it gives information about probably weaker rock and possible more
settlements inside the tunnel which can be probably equalized with a stronger rock

Anyway the reading inside and outside the tunnel has to be done and interpreted always
in conjunction with all the participants.

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Laole-Quazigund Section – Tunnel T-77B and T-77C
Detailed Design Consultancy, Inception Report

Ingenieurbüro für Tunnel- und Felsbau GmbH

3. Submission of outline of design criteria and construction specifications

According to the time schedule presented by the client, the submission of the tender
documents for the construction of the two tunnels will be done 14 weeks after the LOA
has been issued.

The tender documents for the construction of the two tunnels will include the following
key items:

• Detailed description of the geological and geotechnical conditions within the

project area
• Detailed description of the excavation works, support works, formwork and
installation works to be done by the future contractor
• Detailed description of specifications and standards to be respected by the future
• Detailed description of measures for quality management and quality assurance
to be respected by the future contractor
• Detailed bill of quantities for excavation works, support works, formwork and
installation works
• Detailed drawings of excavation sequences, excavation classes and support
measures and final installations

To achieve the project execution within 10 months as stated in the Tender Documents
the choice of an experienced tunnel contractor is a very important issue.

With a highly experienced NATM tunnel contractor the 10 month time frame seems to be

If the chosen contractor has not much or no experience with NATM the 10 months time
frame is highly questionable to be met.

Therefore we suggest that IRCON should pay particular special attention to the NATM
experience of the tunnel contractor to be chosen.

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Laole-Quazigund Section – Tunnel T-77B and T-77C
Detailed Design Consultancy, Inception Report

Ingenieurbüro für Tunnel- und Felsbau GmbH

4. Identification of design codes and standards

Mueller + Hereth Consulting Engineers and Geologists are ISO 9001 certified and will
apply the in house quality plan to the design works delivered to IRCON.

The detailed design consultancy for the two tunnels will be done according to the
following design codes and standards under consideration of Indian Standards:


• Eurocode 0: Basis of structural design

• Eurocode 1: Action on structures
• Eurocode 2: Design of concrete structures
• Eurocode 7: Geotechnical design
• Eurocode 8: Design of structures for earthquake resistance

Indian Standards:

Aggregates and water:

• IS: 456-2000
• IS: 383-1970 (Reaffirmed 1990)
• IS: 2386 (Part-IV) – 1963 (Reaffirmed 1990)
• IS: 516-1959 (Reaffirmed 1991)


• IS: 269-1989
• IS: 1489-1991
• IS: 8112-1989
• IS: 12269-1987
• IS: 12330-1988
• IS: 455-1989

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Laole-Quazigund Section – Tunnel T-77B and T-77C
Detailed Design Consultancy, Inception Report

Ingenieurbüro für Tunnel- und Felsbau GmbH

Steel for Reinforcement:

• IS: 432 (Part –I) – 1982 (Reaffirmed 1995)

• IS: 2062-1992
• IS: 1786 – 1985 (Reaffirmed 1990)

Structural Steel:

• IS: 2062-1992
• IS: 808-1989
• IS: 8500-1991
• IS: 800-1984 (Reaffirmed 1991)

Steel for Pipes:

• IS: 6286-1971 (Reaffirmed 1988)

• IS: 3589-1991
• IS: 1536-1989 (Reaffirmed 1993)
• IS: 6631-1972 (Reaffirmed 1988)

Welding Electrodes:

• IS: 814-1991
• IS: 816-1969 (Reaffirmed 1992)

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Laole-Quazigund Section – Tunnel T-77B and T-77C
Detailed Design Consultancy, Inception Report

Ingenieurbüro für Tunnel- und Felsbau GmbH

5. Review of the geological and geotechnical data

5.1. General geological conditions

Both the tunnels are located in the Pir Panjal Range, a west – east trending mountain
belt, which separates the Jammu Hills in the South from the valley of Cashmere in the

The topography of the Banihal area is characterized by rugged hills intersected by

moderately deep incisions of temporarily water bearing creeks.

The main drainage pattern is formed by Bichleri River, which formed the present day
morphological appearance of the valley with a wide, gravel covered meandering river bed
and gentle terraces along both river benches.

According to the tender documents, the two tunnels at Banihal are located in quartzites,
phyllites and phyllites belonging to the Paleozoic “Ramsu Formation”.

Along the tunnel alignment of both tunnels slightly metamorphic, grey to brownish grey
quartzitic phyllites are exposed in the hill slope. The exposed bedrock is intensely jointed
and tectonized.

Photo 1: Tunnel 77 C: outcrop of intensely jointed platy limestone along the

hillside approx. 50 m north of the proposed portal Udhampur End

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Laole-Quazigund Section – Tunnel T-77B and T-77C
Detailed Design Consultancy, Inception Report

Ingenieurbüro für Tunnel- und Felsbau GmbH

The foot slopes of the hills are covered by thick slope debris deposits consisting of
gravels, blocks and boulders in a sandy – silty, partly clayey matrix.

According to the executed exploratory drill holes at tunnel T-77B, which reached bedrock
in 30m – 40m depth, the tunnel will probably be founded in slope debris deposits.

Tunnel T-77C is situated a little bit more elevated above the slope debris deposits and
will probably mainly be founded in solid bed rock.

Water bearing springs in the surrounding of tunnel T-77B and T-77C could not be
detected during the site visit.

Photo 2: Tunnel 77 C outcrop of intensely jointed limestone at the proposed

location of portal Udhampur End

5.2. Interpretation of existing geological data

During the initial geological investigations 5 exploratory drill holes have been executed
close to the portal areas of the two planned tunnels, and rock samples have been taken
to the laboratory for geomechanical testing.

In addition RMR ratings based on the results of the exploratory drill holes, the laboratory
tests and mapping of rock outcrops were done.

The reviews of the transmitted data lead to a certain confusion concerning the results of
the investigations within the different appendices of the tender documents.

Especially the cited chainages of the tunnels are in parts contra dictionary.

The interpretation of the results from the initial investigations is given in the following

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Updhampur-Srinagar-Baramulla Railway Line Projekt
Laole-Quazigund Section – Tunnel T-77B and T-77C
Detailed Design Consultancy, Inception Report

Ingenieurbüro für Tunnel- und Felsbau GmbH

5.2.1. Exploratory drill holes

The results of two of the exploratory drill holes (BH-01 and BH-02), located at tunnel T-
77B have been transmitted to the designer with the tender documents for detailed design
consultancy by the client.

The resting three drill holes are proposed to be made available to the designer shortly.

According to the geological log of drill hole BH-01, which is part of the tender documents
(page 39-40, appendix 7.5), the drill hole is located at km 147+545 at tunnel T-77B.

The total depth of drill hole BH-01 is given as 42 m. The recovered core material consists
of angular to subrounded boulders, cobbles, pebbles and gravel of mainly quartzite

The coarse grained components are bedded in a sandy, silty and clayey matrix. The
recovered lithology was classified as slide cum slope debris.

The recovered material is heterogeneous in size distribution of the components and

shape of the components.

Sound bedrock was not found in drill hole BH-01.

The percentage of core recovery varies between 11% and 50%, which is rather low, but
may be explained by outwash of fine grained material during the drilling process.

According to the geological log of drill hole BH-02, which is also part of the tender
documents (page 41-42, appendix 7.5), the drill holes is located at km 147+460, also at
tunnel T-77B.

The total depth of drill hole BH-02 is given with 45 m. The recovered core material down
to 30 m depth consists of angular to subrounded boulders, cobbles, pebbles and gravel
of mainly quartzite phyllite.

The recovered material is heterogeneous in size distribution of the components and

shape of the components.

The coarse grained components are bedded in a sandy, silty and clayey matrix. The
recovered lithology was classified as slide cum slope debris.

Sound bedrock consisting of slightly to moderately weathered, fine to medium grained,

light gray to brownish grey quartzite phyllite and phyllitic quartzite was found in between
30 m and 45 m depth.

The percentage of core recovery within the overlaying slope debris body varies between
15% and 50%, which is rather low, but may be explained by outwash of fine grained
material during the drilling process.

The core recovery within the bedrock varies between 23% and 93%, and is which is also
rather low. The low percentage of core recovery may only be explained by highly
fractured rock material.

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Laole-Quazigund Section – Tunnel T-77B and T-77C
Detailed Design Consultancy, Inception Report

Ingenieurbüro für Tunnel- und Felsbau GmbH

The high fracturing rate is also seen in the low RQD – Values, which range from 0 to 59,
but shows characteristic values of 18 to 38.

The complete loss of spilling water in the bedrock is a further indicator for a high
fracturing rate.

In both cases no coordinates, especially concerning the surface level of the drill holes are

5.3. Standard Penetration Tests

Standard penetration tests within the slope debris body have been executed in both drill
holes at a distance of 3 m each.

In both the drill holes the SPT’s show extremely low penetration rates. According to ISO
14688-2 standards he debris body therefore can be classified as well to very well

5.4. Groundater conditions

Groundwater was not encountered in drill hole BH-01. Also the mentioned partial loss of
spilling water (50%) indicates high permeable soil conditions within the debris body.

Groundwater was also not encountered in drill hole BH-02. Also the mentioned partial
loss of spilling water (50%) in the upper part of the drill hole, and the complete loss of
spilling water in the lower part of the drill hole indicates high permeable soil and rock

Springs could not be encountered nearby the proposed tunnel portals during the site visit
in September 2007.

5.5. Laboratory Tests

Rockmechanical laboratory testing was done on various rock samples from the
underlying quartzite phyllite by M/s RITES.

The results of the laboratory tests have been transmitted to the designer with the tender
documents for detailed design consultancy (page 49, table IV) by the client.

The published table only shows an overview on test results from samples taken at tunnel
T-72, T-73, T-74, T-77, T-77A and T-78. Specific results for tunnel T-77B and T-77C are
not presented.

The executed rockmechanical laboratory tests mainly focus on compressive strength and
modulus of elasticity. Shear parameters have not been determined.

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Laole-Quazigund Section – Tunnel T-77B and T-77C
Detailed Design Consultancy, Inception Report

Ingenieurbüro für Tunnel- und Felsbau GmbH

A summary of the laboratory results within the phyllites and quartz phyllites from the
above mentioned tunnels is given in the following table.

Quartzite Phyllite - Summary of laboratory tests

Tunnel No. Dry density UCS Modulus of Poission’s Ratio
[g/cm³] [MPa] [MPa] [-]
MIN 2,59 17,8 2.080 0,12
MAX 2,73 62,4 21.300 0,21
AVERAGE 2,66 40,1 11.690 0,16
Table 1: Laboratory tests

Soilmechanical laboratory tests on the debris body material have not been executed.

5.6. RMR – Rock Mass Rating

The rock mass rating was done basing on the results of the exploratory drill holes, the
laboratory tests and mapping of rock outcrops on site.

The results of the RMR rating for the tunnels between km 142 and km 150 have been
presented in the tender documents (page 48, table III) and transmitted to the designer by
the client.

The executed ratings for the tunnels in phyllites and quartzitic phyllites (T-72, T-73, T-74
and T-77) give an RMR-ratio of 35 to 45.

Both the tunnels T-77B and T-77C are not specifically mentioned in this table, but
according to Bieniawsky the bedrock conditions within the phyllites and quartzitic
phyllites have to be classified as poor rock (rock mass class IV) to fair rock (rock mass
class III).

The low rating is mainly caused by the rather low compressive strength of the rock and
the very low RQD index.

According to the Bieniawski classification a cohesion of 100 kPa – 300 kPa, and a friction
angle of 15° - 35° can be assumed for the local rock mass type of phyllites and quartzitic

5.7. Recommended further Investigations

The initial investigations give a rough overview on the expected geological and
geotechnical conditions along the alignment of tunnel T-77B and T-77C.

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Updhampur-Srinagar-Baramulla Railway Line Projekt
Laole-Quazigund Section – Tunnel T-77B and T-77C
Detailed Design Consultancy, Inception Report

Ingenieurbüro für Tunnel- und Felsbau GmbH

Fortunately, and due to the short length of both the tunnels, the needed supplementary
information can be limited to the basics.

Nevertheless, the following information for establishing a profound geological model of

the subsurface conditions, which will be the base for all further design work is needed.

• Geological logs of the resting 3 exploratory drill holes mentioned in the tender
documents including coordinates and exact surface level of the drill holes to
determine the bedrock surface and develop a solid geological model of the
subsurface conditions

• Exact location of the already executed and transmitted exploratory drill holes BH-
1 and BH-2 including coordinates and especially exact surface level of the drill
holes to determine the bedrock depth and to develop a solid geological model of
the subsurface conditions

• Complete geotechnical report issued by M/s RITES of all the tunnels in section IV
with the results of all laboratory tests executed within phyllites and quartzitic
phyllites to enlarge the database for geotechnical parameters

• If executed geophysical profiles along the alignment of the both tunnels to

determine the thickness of the slope debris body and the exact surface of the

In case of a sufficient database concerning rockmechanical laboratory tests additional

exploration drill holes and sampling may be avoided.

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Updhampur-Srinagar-Baramulla Railway Line Projekt
Laole-Quazigund Section – Tunnel T-77B and T-77C
Detailed Design Consultancy, Inception Report

Ingenieurbüro für Tunnel- und Felsbau GmbH

6. General arrangement drawings

As the time now is very short we give an overview of all the aspects of work to be shown
on drawings or description:

Design phase and documents:

• Regular cross sections: tunnel, cut, portal section

• Alignment

• Gradient

• Other design criteria: standards, life span, design speed, maintenance,


• Geotechnical conditions: longitudinal section, profiles, rock classification

• Excavation and support procedures: full face, top heading, deformation

measurement, support elements,

• Final lining: concrete type, thickness, reinforcement

• Portals

Tender phase: contract conditions, drawings and awarding

• Contract: type, form, conditions, bill of quantities

• Time schedule and construction periods

• Right of way

• Survey

• Site mobilisation

• Access roads

• Environmental aspects: blasting, mucking, deposit, roads

• Safety (security) aspects

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Updhampur-Srinagar-Baramulla Railway Line Projekt
Laole-Quazigund Section – Tunnel T-77B and T-77C
Detailed Design Consultancy, Inception Report

Ingenieurbüro für Tunnel- und Felsbau GmbH

• Facilities: water, energy, communication, housing

Execution phase:

• Mobilisation

• Site conditions: right of way, access, facilities

• Environment

• Seasonal aspects

• Site supervision

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Updhampur-Srinagar-Baramulla Railway Line Projekt
Laole-Quazigund Section – Tunnel T-77B and T-77C
Detailed Design Consultancy, Inception Report

Ingenieurbüro für Tunnel- und Felsbau GmbH

7. Components to complete tunnel work

• Construction design

• Contract

• Time schedule

• Topographical and geotechnical survey

• Right of way

• Access to tunnel site

• Mucking area

• Material supply, espacially concrete

• Water, energy and other facilities

• Adequate Client’s and Contractor’s organisation and staff

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Updhampur-Srinagar-Baramulla Railway Line Projekt
Laole-Quazigund Section – Tunnel T-77B and T-77C
Detailed Design Consultancy, Inception Report

Ingenieurbüro für Tunnel- und Felsbau GmbH

8. Program of design work and key performance indicators

8.1. Design schedule

To achieve the programmed project schedule of 10 months as stated in the tender

documents is very depending on the encountered geological situation and also
depending on the New Austrian Tunnelling Method (NATM) experience of the future
tunnel contractor.

Due to that special situation of the tunnels a strong emphasis has to be given by the
design consultant to the quality of geological data and subsequently to the geotechnical
interpretation of those data in order to provide an adequate design and giving adequate
geological information in the tender documents to the contractors.

Therefore it is essential to give enough time for such geological investigation and for
developing a sound geological model.

To achieve the project execution within 10 months as stated in the Tender Documents
the choice of an experienced tunnel contractor is a very important issue. With a highly
experienced NATM tunnel contractor the 10 month time frame seems to be achievable.

The submission of the design criteria and construction specifications will be done
according to the time schedule presented by the client in the tender documents for
detailed design consultancy. According to the mentioned document the submission of the
different design stages will be as shown in the following table:

Schedule according to
Design Stage Schedule M+H
tender documents

Stage 1 4 weeks
Inception Report after reception of LOA

Stage 2 12 weeks
Pre-final Design after reception of LOA

Stage 3 14 weeks
Tender Documents after reception of LOA

Stage 4 18 weeks 22.01.2010

Final Design after reception of LOA

Table 2: Time schedule

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Updhampur-Srinagar-Baramulla Railway Line Projekt
Laole-Quazigund Section – Tunnel T-77B and T-77C
Detailed Design Consultancy, Inception Report

Ingenieurbüro für Tunnel- und Felsbau GmbH

Stage 1 – Inception Report

The Inception report will include a description of the following subjects:

• Approach methodology and requirements of the planned structures
• Outline of design criteria with construction specifications
• Identification and listing of used design codes and standards
• General arrangement and overview drawings, tunnel cross sections, proposed
excavation sequences and excavation classes
• General and preliminary time schedule for excavation works and formworks
• Preliminary geological and geotechnical reports based on the review of existing
data including recommended further investigations

Stage 2 – Pre-Final Design

The pre-final design will include a detailed description of the following subjects:
• geological conditions and geotechnical parameters necessary for the static
calculations (Geotechnical Interpretative Report)
• detailed drawings for excavation, support and framework necessary for
determination of quantities
• detailed time schedule for excavation works and formworks

Stage 3 – Tender Documents

The tender documents will include the following subjects:

• a detailed description of the excavation works, support works, formwork and
installation works to be done by the future contractor
• a detailed bill of quantities for excavation works, support works, formwork and
installation works
• detailed drawings of excavation sequences, excavation classes and support
measures and final installations
• a detailed description of specifications and standards to be respected by the
future contractor

Stage 4 – Final Design

The final design will include all the documents and drawings necessary for the execution
of the excavation works, the formworks and the final installations.

Seite 24 von 26
Updhampur-Srinagar-Baramulla Railway Line Projekt
Laole-Quazigund Section – Tunnel T-77B and T-77C
Detailed Design Consultancy, Inception Report

Ingenieurbüro für Tunnel- und Felsbau GmbH

8.2. Members of the design team

The team comprises of:

1 Project Manager

1 Senior Engineer Design

1 Geologist

1 Geotechnical Engineer

1 Survey Engineer

1 CAD draft man plus 1 additional CAD draft man during peak time

1 Tunnel Construction Engineer

8.3. Task assignment and organizing

Within the team the task assignment is as follows:

Project Manager:

The Project Manager has the overall responsibility of the Project according to the
contract. This includes but is not limited to main negotiations with the Client, schedules of
deliverables, time schedule, overall coordination and control of the Project (technically,
financially, legally), leading and coordinating the design team, overall quality control etc.

Senior Engineer Design:

The Senior Engineer Design is responsible for the overall design and detail design
according to the various codes and standards according to the contract, leading
discussions and meetings with the client concerning all design and detail design issues
as well as developing the tender documents for the tunnel contractor, coordinating and
supervising the production of all necessary drawings and technical specifications,
delivering the drawings to the client according to schedule, direct contact with the Tunnel

Construction Engineer on site during the tunnel excavation works, developing and
refining the rock model as far as necessary in coordination with the geologist and
geotechnical engineer, and all other tasks related with design works (e.g. design manual

Seite 25 von 26
Updhampur-Srinagar-Baramulla Railway Line Projekt
Laole-Quazigund Section – Tunnel T-77B and T-77C
Detailed Design Consultancy, Inception Report

Ingenieurbüro für Tunnel- und Felsbau GmbH


The Geologist is responsible for all geological and geological related issues incl. the
decision for and definition of additional investigation in close coordination with the Client,
the Project Manager, the Senior Engineer Design and the Geotechnical Engineer.

Geotechnical Engineer:

The Geotechnical Engineer is responsible for the overall engineering interpretation of the
geology, development of necessary geotechnical design parameters, geotechnical
report, definitions and requirements for geotechnical instrumentation and interpretation of
available data during the execution of tunnel excavation works and all other works
concerning getechnical and geomechanical issues related to the Project. The
Geotechnical Engineer works in close cooperation with the Geologist and the Tunnel
Construction Engineer and the Senior Engineer Design.

Survey Engineer:

The Survey Engineer has mainly a control function. He is responsible for the control of
the survey of the contractor (e.g. fix points outside and inside of the tunnels, detail survey
for and during tunnel alignment, tunnel profile, settlement survey and deformation survey
inside and outside the tunnel, etc.). He works in close cooperation with the Tunnel
Construction Engineer and the Geotechnical Engineer.

Tunnel Construction Engineer:

The Tunnel Construction Engineer will reside in India during the execution of the tunnel
excavation and will consult and advise IRCON in terms of all issues concerning tunnel
excavation works as well as will supervise the adequacy and sufficiency of construction
as per design/specification when requested by IRCON. In such a case he will also held
close contacts and close cooperation with IRCON, with the Geotechnical Engineer the
Geologist and the Senior Engineer Design

Walter Fahrnberger

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