English Module 1ST Week
English Module 1ST Week
English Module 1ST Week
Quarter 1- Week 1
Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION ---------------- 1
Lesson 1 ---------------- 4
ACTIVITY 1 ---------------- 4
ACTIVITY 2 ---------------- 5
ANALOGY DISCUSSION - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8
IN ANALOGY ---------------- 9
ACTIVITY 3 ---------------- 10
ACTIVITY 4 ---------------- 12
ACTIVITY 5 ---------------- 13
ACTIVITY 6 ---------------- 14
ACTIVITY 7 ---------------- 15
ASSESSMENT ---------------- 16
ACTIVITY 8 ---------------- 18
REFFERENCES ---------------- 20
unlike things which highlight how they are alike (Barbacena, 2010).
Oral language development lays the foundation for the skills in reading and writing.
These skills will be developed later as you progress through school. Solid foundation
in oral language will help you become a successful reader and strong communicator.
After working on this module, you will be able to supply appropriate terms to
1. define analogy;
Before starting with this module, let us see what you already know about
analogy. Answer the questions below.
Directions: Read the statements carefully then write the letter of your choice in your
English notebook.
I. Analogy in sentence form: Choose the word that best completes each
II. Analogous Pair: Choose the correct word to complete the idea.
6. hammer : nail :: comb : ______
A. feet B. hair C. hands
7. hot : oven :: cold : ______
A. karaoke B. refrigerator C. TV
8. scrub : wash :: sob : ______
A. cry B. sad C. tease
9. screen : ______ :: lens : camera
A. computer B. cord C.
10. ________: wrist :: belt : waist keyboard
A. arm B. bracelet C. hand
Analogy to Show Relationships of
A. B.
1. Covid-19 A.
2. farmer B.
3. tree C.
4. school D.
5. plaza E.
6. crowd F.
7. summer G.
By now, you should have noticed that analogy is all about relationship of
words or concepts and how they connect to each other.
Only in red.
Would you like to try it on?
Now, I have here some pairs of words lifted from the dialogue. Note the
Analogy is a pair of terms that has common relationship. In most cases, you
will not only determine the common relationship between each pair but you will also
have to identify which term makes up each pair. Usually, you are given two terms in
the format A : B, which could be read as A related to B(Barbacena, et. al., 2010).
(A) : (B)
Writers use analogy to connect unfamiliar words or new ideas with common and
its similarities and differences and forces the reader to understand the connection
between them. Using this technique, vocabulary skills as well as speed in reading
3. Person to Situation
Police : _____ (A. barracks B. gasoline station C. police station)
4. Time
New Year : ____ (A. February B. January C. March)
5. Synonym
smile : ____ (A. joyful B. sad C.
worried )
6. Antonym
hardworking : ____ (A. active B. industrious C.
7. Geography
Durian : ____ (A. Baguio B. Cebu C. Davao)
III. Complete the analogy by providing the correct pair of word from the
choices given. Write the answers in your English notebook.
1. dark : night :: strong : ____
A. fragile B. powerful C. weak
2. sheet : pad :: petal : ____
A. flower B. shrub C. tree
3. coward : brave :: loud : ____
A. calm B. quiet C. sharp
4. happy : laugh :: sad: ____
A. cry B. glad C. weep
5. student : school :: painter : ____
A. art gallery B. auditorium C.
6. dawn : morning : twilight : ____ gymnasium
A. dusk B. sunrise C. sunset
7. Philippines : Asia :: Italy : ____
A. America B. Australia C. Europe
Tungkung Langit deprived Alunsina’s power After so many years, Tungkung Langit
and drove her away . realized that life is empty without Alunsina.
Sometimes, he cried aloud . T he people of
Forgive Me. You’re not If that’s what you want I Panay believed that rain on Earth are his tears.
worthy anymore to be my am willing to surrender And when it thunders hard, the old folks also
goddess. I have to take all everything I have as
the powers you have. you pleased. Goodbye. assumed that it is his sobbing, calling for his
beloved Alunsina to come back.
The writer compares Tungkung Langit’s tears to rain as he burst into tears because
of his heavy heart, in the same way when clouds are heavy, they fall as rain; while
the loudness of his cry is compared to the intensity of thunder.
Activity 5: Let’s Compare!
Directions: Complete the statements that follow and reveal the traits of the
characters from the comic strip read. Choose the answer in the box
after each statement. Write your answer in your English notebook.
I am as lovable as a flower because
You are almost there! Let us check what you have learned about this
topic.Answer the questions given below by writing the letter of your answer in your
English notebook.
II. Look for the pair which expresses the same relationship as the given pair.
Choose your answer from the pairs given. Write your answer in your English
II. Read the short story and then complete the statements below. Choose your
answer from the words in the parenthesis.
A young couple came to visit the village. They were haughty and were not from
around there. A proud pair that hated anything they thought was ugly. They would
make fun of anything they though e village one day and came upon the old woman in
the forest. Since they found her t was ugly.
They were out exploring th ugly, they mocked her. After making fun of her, the old
woman asked them to leave but they refused.
To punish them, she said “Since you only like beautiful things, I will turn you into the
most beautiful insect.” She tapped them with her cane and they became the first two
Instructions: Cut or draw pictures found at home or in your community . Then, use
them to form pairs to show the relationships of analogy. Use your
English notebook.
1. Part to whole
3. Person to Situation
4. Synonym
5. Antonym
6. Geography
7. Time
Congratulations! You have successfully completed Quarter 1 - Module
Salamida, Anabelle. English 7 Learning Plan. Manila: Reevee Book Supply, 2015.