Soal Ulangan Semester Ganjil 2016

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Choose the correct letter A,B,C or D. Read the text and answer quesions.

To : Dona

From iksan

Do you still remember that we are going to have a math test tomorrow ?

Let’s study together.Come to my house today at 7 pm.Don’t forget to bring your


1. Why does Iksan write the message ?

A. To remind Dona about the math test.

B. To ask Dona to study together

C. To ask Dona to bring her books.

D. To have a date with Dona

2. When does Iksan ask Dona to come ?

A. In the afternoon.

B. In the evening

C. In the morning

D. At dusk.

3. What subject do they will exam tomorrow ?

A. Sport and healthy

B. History

C. Math

D. English


The package tour lasting for 2 days 1 night is held every Saturday – Sunday.

public boat will depart from the port of Tanjung Mas Semarang.


Day 1

08.00 Meet and greet at the port of Tanjung mas Semarang,Central Java.

09.00-13.00 Travel to Karimunjawa.

13.00 Arrive in Karimunjawa,check in,lunch

14.00-18.00 Sea tour 1: trip to The big pine Island, enjoy sunset at Tanjung


19.00 Dinner.

Day 2

04.00 Morning call : enjoying sunrise from Nirwana Sea Coast

06.00 Breakfast at the inn, preparation

06.30 -10.30 Sea tour 2: little trip to Menjangan Island,swimming with sharks

visiting a turtle breeding ground.

10.30-11.00 Travel back to the inn

11.00-12.00 Lunch, check out.

13.00-13.30 Ready at the dock of Karimunjawa

14.00-18.00 Travel back to Semarang

18.00 Arrive in Semarang,the tour is completed.

4. The text mostly tells us about...........

A. the schedule of the meals that the guests are going to have

B. the activities that the guests are going to do in two days

C. The kinds of transportation that the guests will ride on

D. the kinds of lodging that the guest will stay in.

5. What is the main activity for the tourists on the second day ?
A. A trip to Menjangan Island,swimming with sharks and visiting a turtle

Breeding ground.

B. Enjoying the sunrise from Nirwana Sea Coast.

C. Ready at the dock of Karimunjawa

D. Travel back to Semarang.

To : Dila

Congratulations on being accepted as a student of SMA 1 Singaraja. We hope you

like your new school and record new achievements.

We are proud of you,

Mum and Dad

6. The greetings card is sent to........Dila for being accepted as a students of SMA 1.

A. Support B. question

C. Promote D. Congratulate.

7. From the card, we know that Dila is......of SMA1

A. a new student B. In the top level

C. the best student D. In the special class

Read the text and answer the questions 19 to 21

One day, a boy got up with the feeling that the day was going to be an unlucky

day for him. He found that it was already 6.50 a.m, he rushed into the badroom.

He didn’t see a piece of soap lying on the floor. He stepped on it and slipped.

Then he went into the dining room for his breakfast. He gulped down the tea

Without realizing that it was very hot,so it burnt his tongue. He got dressed and rushed

to the bus stop.Unfortunately,he just missed the bus.His heart sank and knew that he

would be late for school and his teacher would be angry with him again.

8. He gulped down the tea without realizing that it was very hot. (paragraph 2)

The word it refers to........

A. the tonge B. the toast

C. the tea D. the coffee

9. What happened with the boy when he got his breakfast ?

A. His breakfast was not ready

B. He did not prepare it.

C. He burnt his toast

D. He hurt his tongue

10. The text tells us about the boy’s...........

A. good day B. lucky day

C. bad day D. fine day.

Read the text and answer questions 11 to 13.

My Cute Speedy

A week ago, my uncle from Makasar came. He brought me a present.

It was a hamster. The hamster is so cute. I named it Speedy because it moves so fast.

To me, Speedy always does everything in a hurry. It eats,runs and climbs in a rush.

Speedy has large front teeth that it uses to nibble seeds I put in its cage. The fur

Is so soft.It cinsists of two colour, brown and black. The black colour covers its chest

And stomach.

11.How did the writer get his pet ?

A. His uncle gave it as a present

B. His best friend gave it to him.

C. He bought it in Makassar.

D. He found it in cage

12. What does the animal feed on ?

A.Leaves B. Grass

C. Seeds D. Ants
13.The text mainly tells us about.........

A. a hamster.called Speedy

B. an internet connection

C. hamsters in general

D. the life of hamster

Read the text and answer the questions 14 to 18

A group of frogs were traveling through the woods and two of them fell into a

deep pit. When the other frogs saw how deep the pit was, they said. “The pit is very

deep. It is difficult to climb up.You had better die in the pit.

The two frogs ignored the comments and tried to jump up out of the pit, again

and again. The other frogs kept telling them to stop because they believed it was

impossible to jump out of the deep pit. Finally one of the frogs took heed to what the

other frogs were saying and gave up. He lay down and died.

The other frog continued to jump as hard as he could.Once again,the crowd of

frogs yelled at him to stop the pain and just die.He jumped even harder and finally made

it out.When he got out,the other frogs said,Did you not hear us ?. The frog explained to

them that he was deaf. He thought they were encouraging him the entire time.

14.The setting of the story is.........

A. the woods C. a pond

B. a house D. a cage

15. When the two frogs fell into the pit, they.......

A. enjoyed the water in the pit C. Died in the pit

B. tried to jump out D. cried loudly

16. Why did one of the frogs die ?

A. It gave up trying C. It drowned

B. the crowd threw stone on it D. it was sick

17. What does the story tell you ?

A. a destructive word can bring someone’ spirits down, but a good word can

Encourage someone.

B. be careful when you go through the woods. You can diein the pit.

C. be careful with people. They can be your enemy

D. be quick at doing anything.

How to make iced coffee

Whether you want to make it special or just enjoy leftover coffee from breakfast,
iced coffee can be a refreshing afternoon treat. If it’s really hot outside and you
want to cool down but still get your caffeine and coffee flavour, iced coffee is the
way to go.

Instruction :

1). Brew 2 tablespoons ( per cup) of coffee in a pot of fresh water.

2). Transfer the hot coffee to a carafe or pitcher.

3). Let the coffee stand at room temperature for 3 to 5 hours, or refrigerate it until

cold about 1 ½ to 3 hours.

4). Fill a tall glass with ice cubes.

5). Pour the chilled coffee into the glass.

6). Stir the coffee to equalize its temperature. Add milk if you like.

18 If we want to make three cups of coffee,how much coffee is needed ?

A. 6 tablespoons C. 2 tablespoons

B. 4 tablespoons D. 1 tablespoons

19. What should we do to chill the coffee ?

A. mix it with some cold water C. mix it with some milk

B. put it in the refrigerator D. put it in the pitcher.

20 why should we stir the coffee ?

A. to mix the ice with the milk C. to make it sweet

B. to equalize its temperature D. to melt the ice.

21 which of the following ingredients are needed to make the above iced coffee ?

A. coffee,sugar,milk,ice cubes. C. coffee,milk,ice cubes,chili

B. coffee,milk,ice cubes,water. D. coffee,sugar, cubes.water

Read the text and answer questions 22 and 23.

Received from Butet

I’m sorry for not being able to return your electronic dictionary this evening as
promised. My bicycle has a flat tire and there is no garage open in the late evening

I’ll bring it to school tomorrow, Ok ?

22. Why did Butet send the message ?

A. to say that he has a flat tire

B. to apologize for not keeping his promise.

C. to let the receiver know about the condition of

his bicycle.

D. to say that there is no workshop open in the evening

23. What will Butet do with the dictionary ?

A. he will return the dictionary at school.

B. he will send it tomorrow

C. he will ask the owner to take it at his house

D. he will come and give it to the owner this evening.

Read the text and answer questions 24 and 25

Dear students,

The school got a report of a weather forecast this morning. It says that there is
going to be a storm and the sea will be rough. Due to that condition, our plan to

Have a voyage this week will be delayed.

Further announcements will be made as soon as the school gets information from
the meteorology and geophysics office. I know you are upset to learn about
this,but this is the best we can do under the circumstances.
Ana Hapsari


24. Why did the principal make the announcement ?

A. to forbid the students to go on a voyage.

B. to persuade the students to postpone the voyage.

C. to give information that the voyage is postponed.

D. to ask the students to prepare everything for the voyage.

25. “......our plan to have a voyage this week will be delayed. The underlined word is
closest in meaning to........

A. cruise C. hiking

B. camping D. picnic


To : Zakiya

After all the sweat and effort you gave, finally you made it. It proves that you are
such a tough boy. You are not one who surrenders easily. We are proud of you.

Congratulations on your success as the first champion of swimming contest for

Semarang Region.


Mum and Dad

26. From the text,we know that Zakiya has....... to gain his success

A. got help C. regretted

B. cheated D. worked hard

27. “You are not one who surrenders easily. The underlined word is closest in meaning

A. Put out C. send away

B. give up D. walk away

This text is for questions 34 and 35.

To : Cahyo Anggodo of VIIB

You are invited to come to OSIS Meeting which will be held on :

Day, date : Saturday,12 May

Time : 13.00-15.00

Place : OSIS room

Agenda : Planning the Farewell party for the 9th graders

Surakarta, 10 May



28. What is the purpose of Nusantara sending the invitation card ?

A. to describe the topic of the meeting

B. to ask Cahyo to attend an OSIS meeting

C. to let Cahyo know about the time of the meeting

D. to inform Cahyo that there will be an OSIS meeting

29. What is the main program of the meeting

A. making proposal for a show in the farewell party for the 9th graders

B. finding members who would like to stage a performance

C. planning the farewell party for the 9th graders

D. planning a performance for the farewell party.

Read the text and answer questions 30 and 31

Get WARISAN T-Shirts and Caps by subscribing to MOMO Music Magazine now.

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In Surabaya submitted before 31 May (while stock lasts).

Gifts will be home delivered.

One-year Subscription : 1 WARISAN T-Shirt

Two-year Subscription : 1 WARISAN T-Shirt and 1 WARISAN Cap

Subscription Hotline (Hanung/Tulus) (031) 8572632.

32. The advertisement encourages people to.......

A. buy a gift C. buy caps and T-shirts

B. call Hanung/Tulus D. subscribe a magazine

33. How will a customer get his gift ?

A. It will be sent to his house

B. he must call Hanung / Tulus

C. he must get it through Hanung/ Tulus

D. Momo magazine will publish the names.

Dear Lilis......

Glad to know you through this forum- thanks to the British Council. My
name is Sergey Barteniev, an 18 year –old boy, and I’m from Omsk,Rusia. I

Like sports, especially basketball and cycling.I bike to school everyday, in my

Sparetime,I like watching TV and my favourite film is Avatar.

Mrs Maksutova,my English teacher,asked me to join this forum, I liked a

topic named ‘Through My Window’ we are going to discuss so I said Yes !”

So let’s start the discussion. However,before doing so, would you tell me

About yourself ?



34. How does Sergey know Lilis ?

A. through an online forum conducted by the British Council.

B. Sergey’s teacher told Sergey about Lilis.

C. Lilis is Sergey’s old friend.

D. Lilis was Sergey’s schoolmate.

35. What is Sergey’s intention in writing the letter ?

A. to ask Lilis about the topic she like

B. to tell Lilis that he likes the topic.

C. to inform Lilis about his hobby

D. to introduce himself to Lilis.

Questions number 36 and 37 based on the text below.

When Iwas a kid,I used to play hide and seek with myfriends. We used to play in

the yard behind my house. The yard was a perfect place because it was surrounded by

dense banana trees.we usually played until late at night. One day,when I was trying

to find a place to hide among the banana trees, I slipped and fell into the river. I used to

take a bath in the river, but never at night. In the dark everything looked different. In

couldn’t think clearly, I felt something tickling my feet. I was struggling to get out,but

my feet were trapped in the mud.

Thank God, a friend finally came and helped me.He then called others and I was


36. What made the yard a perfect place for the game ? It was.....

A. surrounded by dense banana trees.

B. just behind the writer’s house

C. a place where he used to take a bath

D. near a river.

37. Why was the writer scared when he fell into the river ?

A. He had never been to the river at night.

B. He had never been to the river before

C. He found the river was very deep.

D. He didn’t like the water.

38. What is the main idea of paragraph two ?

A. the river was very dark

B. the writer’s feet were trapped in the mud.

C. the writer was hiding among the banana trees.

D. something strange was licking the writer’s feet.

39. When was the writer and his friends play hide and seek ?

A. yesterday B. last month

C. when he was kid D. when he was young

40. They play until.........

A. late morning B. late afternoon

C. late evening D. late night

Read the text and answer questions

My Room

My favourite place in my house is my bedroom. I had it painted pink because

I like barbie. I also put pictures of barbie on the wall. Near the window is my desk.

There are an alarm clock, a dictionary and some encyclopedias on the desk. The alarm

Clock wakes me up in the morning. The dictionary and the encyclopedias help me study

My bed is very comfortable. The colour of the sheet is pink. The pillow and the bloster

are pink,too.

1. Why did the writer have her room painted pink ?

2. When does the writer use her encyclopedias ?

3. How many things are on the desk ? mention them !

4. What is the purpose of the text ?

5. What is the function of the bedroom ?

Kelas 8.

Choose A,B,C or D for the correct answer.

Short dialogue.

Principal : This work is excellent. Who did this ?

Teacher : Helmy did. Mom.

Principal : Was there anyone who helped him ?

Teacher : No, Mom, He did it himself

Principal : Amazing!

1. The principal says “Amazing !’ What does it mean ?

A. he is congratulating someone

B. he is expressing his opinion

C. he is complimenting someone

D. he is showing his stance

2. How many people are mentions in the dialog ?

A. two B. three

C. four D. five

3. Who are speaking in the dialog ?

A. Principal and student B. Principal and Helmy

C. Principal and teacher D. Principal and vice principal

This dialog is for questions 4 to 6

Mrs. Ryan : Hello look so tired. Just sit down and I’ll get you a glass of

Orange juice.

Dion : Thanks, mom

Mrs Ryan : Here is the juice. Now tell me, how the speech competition ?

Dion : it was tiring, but I felt great, Mom. Guess what ! I’m the runner

up. Here is the certificate.

Mrs. Ryan : Congratulations, dear ! You really make me proud.

4. Who are talking in the dialog ?

A. two friends B. father and son

C. mother and son D. teacher and student

5. Dion succeeded in becoming the........... winner

A. first B. second

C. third D. fourth

6. It was tiring, but I felt great, Mom” The underlined word has a similar meaning to


A. worrying B. exhausting

C. interesting D, boring

This text is forquestions 7 to 8

Dear Diana.

On this special occasion, I would like to say Happy 13th Birthday to you

Wish the best for you and may your wishes come true

Your beloved friend.


7. Why does Lina write the card ?

A. To express her gratitude to Diana

B. To express her apology to Diana

C. To congratulate Diana on her birthday

8. Diana was born in -----------------

A. 2000 B. 2001

C. 2002 D. 2003

9. the underlined word occasion is the same meaning with.....

A. opportunity B. place
C. time D. hope

10. Ery : What will you study ?

Gery : Math. We will have a math test tomorrow, right ?

Ery : A math test ! --------------------?

Gery : You must have forgotten it. Mr. Ardi announced it last week. You can read

it also on our class announcement board.

Ery : Oh, no ! O.K, I’ll go with you.

Gery : Fine, I’ll pick you up at two p.m

A. What do you think B. Are you sure about it ?

C. Do you know it D. May you join us

11. What subject will Ery and Gery test tomorrow ?


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