Thermal Coductivity of Metal Rod

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The key takeaways are that the experiment aims to determine the thermal conductivity of a metal rod through measuring temperature variations along its length using thermocouples when a heat source is applied. Fourier's law and the concept of heat transfer via conduction are used to calculate thermal conductivity.

The purpose of determining the thermal conductivity of a metal rod is to study and understand how heat is transferred through solids, which has practical applications in industries involving heat transfer and insulation materials.

The main steps involved are heating the rod to steady state using a heating element, measuring temperatures at different points along its length using thermocouples, measuring water flow rate and temperatures to calculate heat absorbed, and using Fourier's law and heat balance equations to calculate thermal conductivity from the experimental data.

Heat Transfer Laboratory


Experiment No.4
Thermal Conductivity of metal Rod

Submission details

Submitted by: Pratyush Raj

Date of Experiment: 05-november-20
Date of Submission: 05-november-20
On-time/Late Submission (Provide details) : On time
Name the people who were of help and Self-made
provide details of help taken:

Submitted to
Dr. Ashish Karn
Department of Mechanical Engineering, UPES
Lab Website:
Title of the Experiment
To determine the thermal conductivity of the given metallic rod.

Thermal conductivity is an important thermophysical property which characterises heat
transfer through a solid body. When a temperature gradient exists in a body, experience has
shown that there is a transfer of heat from the high temperature region to the low temperature
It is really important to study and understand thermal conductivity because there are many
practical or industrial application where application of thermal conductivity is relevant. They
are widely used in heat sink applications and materials of low thermal conductivity are
used as thermal insulation. Thermal conductivity of materials is temperature dependent.

Figure1: A layout of the metallic rod having thermal conductivity K showing heat transfer
from a region of high temperature to that of low temeperature. (Taken from the web practical
application of thermal conductivity).
The main purpose of doing this experiment is to study thermal conductivity variation along a
metallic rod using one-dimensional heat conduction and temperature distribution along the
length of a metallic rod. After doing this experiment we can able to understand many
phenomena related to heat transfer and can able to understand nature of variation of thermal
conductivity of conducting metal with temperature. (Holman, J.P…)

Objective: -
 To determine the thermal conductivity of a metal rod using one dimensional heat
conduction equation.
 To plot the temperature distribution along the length of the metallic rod.

Experimental setup and methodology: -

The setup essentially consists of a metallic rod which is being heated by a heating element.
On the surface of this metallic rod, there are eight thermocouples attached which gives
temperature variation at eight different locations. The first four thermocouple measures
temperature at the centre and other two at the surface and the last two measures temperature
of the water coming in and out. When the rod gets heated up by the heating element, the heat
which is conducted to the other end of the rod, the same heat is absorbed by the water.

Other setup tells us the power supplied Q to heat up the rod. Also, it tells us the temperature
at the eight locations measured by the thermocouple. (see figure 2)

Figure 2: Thermocouple position in the metallic rod and a layout of the metallic rod and the
electrical heating element.

Procedure: -
 Switch ON the mains.
 Open the valve at the inlet of the cooling water jacket and maintain constant water
flow rate.
 Switch ON the heater.
 Set the heat control or regulator and adjust the power input to the heater.
 Wait for reasonable time till the temperatures T1 toT4 are fairly constant with time
that is steady state is reached.
 Read the temperatures T1 to T4 on the metal rod using channel selector and digital
temperature indicator.
 Read inlet and outlet water temperatures (T5 & T6) of the cooling water jacket.
 Measure the cooling water flow rate using measuring jar and stop watch at the interval
of 10 minutes.
 Using the measured temperatures and water flow rate, the temperature gradient along
the length of the brass rod and co- efficient of thermal conductivity of metallic rod.

We know that for a one-dimensional heat flow when the metallic rod is taken under
experimentation. From Fourier’s law the heat conduction equation is given by: -

------------------------------------------------------- (1)


Q = rate of heat flow

A = cross sectional area through which heat flows

= temperature gradient along x axis

K = thermal conductivity of the material

The heat which is absorbed by the water is given by: -

Q = mCp (To-Tin) -------------------------------------(2)

Where, Q = heat absorbed by the water

m = mass flow rate of the water

To = T8 = Temperature at which the water is leaving out of the rod

Tin = T7 = Temperature at which the water enters in the rod

Since, the heat which is conducted from one end of the rod to the other end, same heat is
carried away by the water. Therefore, to calculate thermal conductivity K equating the
equation (1) and (2), we get

K = mCp (T8 – T7)/A*[-(T6-T1)/X2-X1] -----------------------------(3)

Where, X2= 305mm and X1 = 5mm

Results: observation and calculations-

Observation table:
 Diameter of the rod, D (in mm) = 31.7
 Length of the rod L (in mm) = 310
Table 1: Experimental observation of thermocouple temperature in ºC and Volume
collected till steady state.

               Thermocouple Nos. Temperature.ºC

S. No. V(ml) T(min) T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8
1 2000 10 59 54.5 49.4 45.2 40.9 36 27.4 27.7
2 2000 10 59 54.4 49.4 45.2 40.9 36 27.2 27.9
3 2000 10 59 54.4 49.4 45.2 40.9 36.1 27.1 27.7

Now, m = ρ * (Volume collected/ Time taken) -----------------------------------(4)

The value of density of water and specific heat capacity at Tavg = T7+T8/2
ρ = 996.09 kg/m3 and Cp = 4071.66 J/kgK
From equation (4) m = 0.00332 kg/sec
And Thermal conductivity K can be calculated from equation ( 4)
Therefore K = 132.72 W/mK

Variation of temperature along X



T (X)




0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
X in mm

Plot 1: This plot shows the variation temperature along the length of the heated metallic rod
(The trendline is also visible from the plot).
Plot observation
 From the plot we can see the variation of the temperature at different location along
the length of the rod. It also tells us about the trend of the plot.
 From the plot, it can be seen that the temperature goes on decreasing along the length
of the rod
Conclusions: -
After completing this report, I conclude that the experiment is a success with all the objective
set is achieved.
Learning point from the experiment is the thermal conductivity of brass decreases with the
increase in temperature.

References: -
 Holman, J.P., Heat transfer, McGraw Hill publication
 Cengel, Y.A., Heat transfer a practical approach, McGraw Hill publication

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