Maatschappelijke Oriëntatie: Herkansingsopdracht: Gezondheid

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Herkansingsopdracht: Gezondheid

Explanation Assignment 3
1. Healthy living 4
1. Chose consciously 6
2. The health care system 7
2. Doctors 9
3. Hospital 11
4. Medicines 12
5. Sexual health 13
6. Medical cost 14
7. Healthcare documents 16
8. Some healthcare institutions 17
9. Emergency numbers 18
10. Evaluation 19
[ naam van de regio en/of dienst ]
T [ algemeen telefoonnr. ]
uw contactpersoon
[ voornaam en familienaam ]
[ functie ]
T [ rechtstreeks telefoonnr. ] | M [ gsm-nr. ]
[ e-mail-adres ]

Inleverdatum: ../../….
Naam Cursist: ………………………………………………………………………….
Naam MO-groep: …………………………………………………………….……

Toelichting opdracht
Toelichting aan de cursist in eigen taal (in te vullen door de leerkracht):
1. Healthy living

1. Healthy eating: what is it exactly? Het Vlaams Instituut Gezond Leven

gathered the knowledge of healthy eating and placed this in a triangle.

Go to the website of Gezond Leven en and fill in the triangle yourself:

Indicate : What do you often eat? Write down what choices you can make to have a healthy living:


To live healthily? Sit less and move

mre. In een health exercise, there
is always a switch of sitting ,
standing and moving. The triangle
shows you clearly how you have
to approach it.

Indicate: What kind of exercise do you do? Note which choices you can make to live healthier lives.
Do you eat and exercise sufficiently according to the health triangle and movement triangle?

DO a test on this website: https : //mijn. questionnaires


Are you satisfied with the result? Would you change something? Note a few actions:



In addition to healthy eating and exercise, give a number of tips to stay healthy.


Go to the website of your mutualiteit: , , …

Give a number of ways in which your health insurance fund promotes preventive health:


What do these organizations do in the context of prevention?
1. Chose consciously
View the photos below.

In which case do you go to the pharmacy, to the doctor or to the hospital?

Note below the photo:

 P for pharmacy
 F Family Doctor
 H for hospital,                                    
 S for Spoed / 112 calls
2. The healthcare system
In Belgium, there is a system that make the doctor costs and the hospital costs affordable.

The insurance pays back a part from the doctor costs, the hospital costs and the medical

In order to enjoy the reimbursement, you have to be a member of an insurance. You can
choose your own insurance.

Draw a circle above your health insurance and note the website.

Why did you choose this health insurance?


True or False?


The membership fee for the health insurance is the same in all
health insurance funds.    

Every health insurance company offers the same basic services and
also has its own benefits and extra services.    

Basic services are funded by the social security system.


The special benefits and extra services are financed with the
membership fees of the members.    

Give a few examples of the basic services of a mutual insurance company:

Give a number of examples of the special benefits and extra services of your mutual insurance that are
important to you: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Because exercise is important for your health, all health insurance funds offer a premium for a sporting
activity. Go to www.ziekenfonds  , choose your region and profile .

Find how much you get from your health insurance : € ………………………………………………….
2. The doctor

Give 3 situations that you go to your doctor:

 .....................................................................................................
 .....................................................................................................
 .....................................................................................................

Can you also go to your doctor for psychological problems (addiction, depression, anxiety,
family problems, fears, traumas, etc.)?

 It is important to have a regular doctor. Explain why:

What do you do when you are sick in the evening or at the weekend?

Make a note of the number in your area that you can call  .


What is the difference between a general practitioner and a specialist?


What is a conventional care provider?


Is your doctor acceded to the convention ? Look for this on the website of the mutual


How much do you pay for a visit to your doctor and how much does your insurance refund
you? Compare with the table on the following page.

.......................................................................................................................................................... ..............
3. The hospital
In which cases do you go to the hospital? Record 3 situations.


What documents do you need for admission to the hospital?

Give 2 examples of situations where you go to the emergency service in the hospital:

 .................................................. .................................................. ..................

 .................................................. .................................................. ..................

Can you choose your hospital yourself? Motivate your answer:


What are your rights as a patient? Give a few examples.

o ……………………………………..………………………
o ……………………………………..………………………
o ……………………………………..………………………

In the hospital you can stay in a single room, a double room or in a room with several patients. What is the
consequence of the choice? ………………………………………………………………………………………….
How can you find out how much a hospitalization will cost?

What is a hospitalization insurance policy?


What documents do you need when you leave the hospital?

4. Medicines
Where can you buy medicines? Can you buy all medicines freely in the store? Explain.


What does "generic medicine" mean?


What do you do with medicines that have expired?


How do you know where to find medicines in the evening and at the weekend?  Do you have to
pay more? 


What is on the package leaflet?

5. Sexual health
Go to the website and view the information on this site in your language.

Do you know this website?


Wat do you think about the information on this website?


Did you learn something new?


What information do you find on this website? circle the correct answers

Food triangle - STDs - partner violence - rates GP - pregnancy - contraception - relational problems
6. Medical costs?
Answer the follwing questionsBeantwoord volgende vragen.

You can find the information on the website of your insurance

Tip: This website offers information in 13 languages


What does “remgeld” mean?



What does “Globaal medisch dossier”: GMD mean?



What does “verhoogde tegemoetkoming” mean?



Who can claim a higher reimbursement of medical costs?



What is the third-party payer arrangement?


A person with an ‘verhoogde tegemoetkoming’ who visits his conventional doctor is automatically
entitled to this third-party payment scheme.

Look up in the table how much he pays . €….… ..

What does "Maximumfactuur" mean?

7. Healthcare documents
Which documents do you see below and what are they used for?
Write down.

……………………………………… ………………………………………
8. Some care institutions
Find information about the following organization on the internet.
9. Emergency number
Write down the telephone numbers to use in case of emergency:
10. Evaluation
1. What did you find useful?

2. What was new?

3. What will you do with this information?

4. Are there actions that you want to take immediately ?




















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