Arcam A85, P85 and P85/3 Amplifi Ers Amplifi Cateurs Arcam A85, P85 Et P85/3 Arcam-Verstärker A85, P85 Und P85/3

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P8 5
P8 5 / 3

Arcam A85, P85 and P85/3 amplifiers E nglis h

Amplificateurs Arcam A85, P85 et P85/3 Fra nça is

D eut s ch
Arcam-Verstärker A85, P85 und P85/3

A85/P85 1 03/29/01, 3:31 PM

Safety guidelines
Safety instructions 9. Power sources
Only connect the appliance to a power supply of the type
This product is designed and manufactured to meet strict
described in the operating instructions or as marked on the
quality and safety standards. However, you should be aware of
the following installation and operation precautions:
10. Power-cord protection
1. Take heed of warnings and instructions
Power supply cords should be routed so that they are not likely
You should read all the safety and operating instructions
to be walked on or pinched by items placed upon or against
before operating this appliance. Retain this handbook for future
them, paying particular attention to cords and plugs, and the
reference and adhere to all warnings in the handbook or on
point where they exit from the appliance.
the appliance.
11. Grounding
2. Water and moisture
Ensure that the grounding means of the appliance is not
The presence of electricity near water can be dangerous. Do
not use the appliance near water – for example next to a
bathtub, washbowl, kitchen sink, in a wet basement or near a 12. Power lines
swimming pool, etc. Locate any outdoor antenna/aerial away from power lines.
3. Object or liquid entry 13. Non-use periods
Take care that objects do not fall and liquids are not spilled into If the unit has a standby function, a small amount of current will
the enclosure through any openings. Liquid filled objects such continue to flow into the equipment in this mode. Unplug the
as vases should not be placed on the equipment. power cord of the appliance from the outlet if left unused for
a long period of time.
4. Ventilation
Do not place the equipment on a bed, sofa, rug or similar 14. Abnormal smell
soft surface, or in an enclosed bookcase or cabinet, since If an abnormal smell or smoke is detected from the appliance,
ventilation may be impeded. We recommend a minimum turn the power off immediately and unplug the unit from the wall
distance of 50mm (2 inches) around the sides and top of the outlet. Contact your dealer immediately.
appliance to provide adequate ventilation.
15. Servicing
5. Heat You should not attempt to service the appliance beyond that
Locate the appliance away from naked flames or heat described in this handbook. All other servicing should be
producing equipment such as radiators, stoves or other referred to qualified service personnel.
appliances (including other amplifiers) that produce heat.
16. Damage requiring service
6. Climate The appliance should be serviced by qualified service personnel
The appliance has been designed for use in moderate climates. when:
7. Racks and stands A. the power-supply cord or the plug has been damaged, or
Only use a rack or stand that is recommended for use with B. objects have fallen, or liquid has spilled into the
audio equipment. If the equipment is on a portable rack it appliance, or
should be moved with great care, to avoid overturning the C. the appliance has been exposed to rain, or
combination. D. the appliance does not appear to operate normally or
exhibits a marked change in performance, or
8. Cleaning E. the appliance has been dropped or the enclosure
Unplug the unit from the mains supply before cleaning. damaged.
The case should normally only require a wipe with a soft, damp,
lint-free cloth. Do not use paint thinners or other chemical Safety compliance
solvents for cleaning. This product has been designed to meet the EN60065
We do not advise the use of furniture cleaning sprays or international electrical safety standard.
polishes as they can cause indelible white marks if the unit is
subsequently wiped with a damp cloth.


A85/P85 2 03/29/01, 3:31 PM

Using this handbook

E ng l i s h
This handbook has been designed to give you all the
information you need to install, connect, set up and use the Contents
Arcam A85 integrated amplifier or the P85 power amplifier.
The A85 amplifier is described first, then the P85. The CR-389 Safety guidelines 2
remote control handset supplied with the A85 integrated Safety instructions 2
amplifier is also described. Safety compliance 2

Your amplifier(s) may have been installed and set up by an Using this handbook 3
authorised Arcam dealer. In this case, you may wish to go Safety 3
directly to the sections describing the use of this equipment. Installation: A85 integrated amplifier 4
Positioning the unit 4
Safety Connecting to loudspeakers 4
Connecting to a power supply 5
Safety guidelines are set out on the inside front cover of this
Connecting to other equipment 5
Many of these items are common sense precautions, but for Using your A85 integrated amplifier 6
your own safety, and to ensure that you do not damage the unit, Front panel controls 6
we strongly recommend that you read them. Recording 7
Setting up your A85 integrated amplifier 8
Using the remote control 9
CR-389 remote control 9
Installation: P85 power amplifier 10
Connecting to power, loudspeakers and other
equipment 10
Remote switching 10
Three channel option 10
Using your P85 power amplifier 11
Bi-wiring and bi-amping loudspeakers 12
Before you start 12
Bi-wiring your loudspeakers 12
Bi-amping your system 12
Service information 13
Technical specification 13
Guarantee 14
On-line registration 14


A85/P85 3 03/29/01, 3:31 PM

Installation: A85 integrated amplifier



TRIG 4 – 16 OHMS


1 2 3 4 567 8 9 bk bl bm bn bo bp bq br

Positioning the unit Arcam A85 amplifier

+ – + –
Place your amplifier on a level, firm surface. R L

Avoid placing the unit in direct sunlight or near sources of heat

or damp.
Ensure adequate ventilation. Do not place the unit in an + – + –
enclosed space such as a bookcase or cabinet as both of Right Left
these will impede air flow through the ventilation slots. speaker speaker

Connecting to loudspeakers Wiring your loudspeakers

You can connect one or two pairs of loudspeakers to your
amplifier, provided each pair is rated between 8–16Ω. If one or Connect the right speaker to the terminals on the back of
both pairs have an impedance of less than 8Ω, the combined your amplifier marked R and the left speaker to the terminals
load on the amplifier falls below 4Ω and could cause an marked L.
overload. If so, the overload protection circuit engages and the Connect your loudspeakers so that the red (positive/+) terminal
amplifier will not work. on each loudspeaker is connected to the red (positive/+)
To connect one pair of loudspeakers, use the SP1 terminals. terminal on the amplifier. Your loudspeaker cables may be
marked to show polarity (negative/– and positive/+), if not, then
SP1 and SP2 terminals 4 the positive terminal can usually be identified by a ridge or
Both sets of loudspeaker terminals can be switched off by coloured marking.
pressing the MUTE button on the remote control. To switch SP1
Now connect your loudspeakers’ black (negative/–) terminals to
and SP2 independently, use the front panel switch 7 (see
the black (negative/–) terminals on the amplifier.
page 6) or the remote control (see page 9).
Ensure that no stray strands of inner wires are allowed to touch
Your amplifier is fitted with loudspeaker terminals to BFA
another cable or the amplifier’s casing. This can cause a short
(British Federation of Audio) standard specification.
circuit and damage your amplifier!

BFA loudspeaker terminals

The terminal will accept spade terminals, bare wires or a

BFA plug. BFA plugs are available from your Arcam dealer. To
connect a bare wire or spade terminal, unscrew the red (or
black) part of the loudspeaker terminal first.
Insert the wire or spade terminal and screw it back up.

CAUTION: Do not over tighten the loudspeaker terminals or

use a wrench, pliers, etc., as this could cause damage to the
terminals which will not be covered under warranty.


A85/P85 4 03/29/01, 3:34 PM

Connecting to a power supply AV bn – Connect this input to audiovisual equipment such as a
VCR, laserdisc player, satellite or Nicam tuner.
Wrong plug?
TUNER bo – Connect this input to the audio outputs of your

E ng l i s h
Check that the plug supplied with the unit fits your supply and
that your mains supply voltage agrees with the voltage setting radio tuner.
(115V or 230V) indicated on the rear panel of the unit 2 CD bp – Connect this input to the audio outputs of your CD
before plugging in. player or DAC (digital to analogue converter).
If your mains supply voltage or mains plug is different, consult AUX bq – Connect this input to the audio outputs of any unit
your Arcam dealer or Arcam Customer Support on +44 with a line level output, e.g. tape deck, tuner etc.
(0)1223 203203.
NOTE: The AUX inputs must not be used if the phono module
The product must be earthed. is fitted. When this is fitted AUX becomes an output carrying
the equalised phono signal at line level.
Mains lead
The appliance is normally supplied with a moulded mains plug
already fitted to the lead. If for any reason the plug needs to
PHONO br – As standard, phono inputs are blanked. Phono
inputs are provided on a separate plug-in module which your
be removed, it must be disposed of immediately and securely,
Arcam dealer or distributor can supply and fit. This module
as it is a potential shock hazard when inserted into the mains
is compatible with most high output moving coil and moving
socket. Should you require a new mains lead, contact your
magnet cartridges (MM) and low output moving coil cartridges
Arcam dealer.
(MC). MM or MC is selected via the MM/MC back panel switch.
Plugging in Phono earth terminal – For connecting your turntable earth
Push the plug (IEC line socket) of the power cable supplied with lead (if fitted). Note that this terminal must not be used as a
the unit into the socket (POWER INLET) 1 in the back of the safety earth.
unit. Make sure it is pushed in firmly. TRIG OUT and REMOTE IN 3 (12V in and out) – These
Put the plug on the other end of the cable into your power connections are for use in multi-room installations. In normal
supply socket and switch the socket on. use there is no need to make any connections to these
sockets. If you are bi-amping with a power amplifier and wish to
Standby power power both units on or off simultaneously, see page 11.
For remote standby operation, the amplifier’s control power
supply is kept powered up all the time the unit is connected to Pre/power amplifier connections
the mains supply. The front panel power switch powers down PWR IN 5 – To use your integrated amplifier as a power
all other circuitry. Power consumption in this mode is less than amplifier, connect the output of your pre-amplifier to the PWR IN
2W. sockets.
This means that even though the power switch is off, it may be Press in the PRE/PWR switch 7 on the rear panel to
possible to hear a slight residual hum coming from the mains select separate pre-amp/power amp mode. Under these
transformer inside the amplifier. This is perfectly normal. If the circumstances your A85 has exactly the same specification and
unit is to be left unused for an extended period, we recommend performance as a power amplifier (see page 8).
that it is disconnected from the mains supply by switching it
off at the wall socket.
PRE OUT 6 – To use your integrated amplifier as a pre-
amplifier, connect the PRE OUT sockets to the input sockets
of your power amplifier. With a power amplifier of the correct
Connecting to other equipment gain (e.g. the P85 power amplifier) you can bi-amplify (‘bi-amp’)
The use of high quality interconnect cables to and from your suitable loudspeakers, giving significant improvements in sound
amplifier is recommended to ensure the best sound quality. quality (see page 12).
Sockets marked L (and R) on your amplifier should only be
connected to sockets marked L (and R) on other equipment. All
the line inputs have the same sensitivity and may be used with
equipment other than that labelled, if needed.
TAPE1/RECORD OUT 8 – Connect these output sockets
to the input sockets of your cassette deck (usually labelled
TAPE1/PLAY IN 9 – Connect these input sockets to the
output sockets of your cassette deck (usually labelled PLAY).
If you do not have a cassette deck you can use this input for
other (line level) equipment, such as a CD player, tuner, VCR,
etc., but not a turntable.
VCR/TAPE2 RECORD OUT bk – These output sockets can
be connected to the input sockets of VCR/second recorder
(usually labelled RECORD).
VCR/TAPE2 PLAY IN bl – Connect these input sockets
to the output sockets of your VCR/second recorder (usually
labelled PLAY). Alternatively, you can use this input for other
(line level) equipment such as a CD player, tuner, etc., but not
a turntable.
DVD bm – Connect this input to the audio outputs of a DVD

A85/P85 5 03/29/01, 3:34 PM

Using your A85 integrated amplifier
9 bk bl bm bnbo





1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Front panel controls Volume control settings

It is important to realise that the position of the volume
This section describes how to operate your amplifier.
control is not an accurate indication of the power delivered to
If your amplifier has not been installed for you, you should first your loudspeakers. The amplifier often delivers its full power
read the section ‘Installation: A85’ on page 4. long before the volume control reaches its maximum position,
particularly when listening to heavily recorded compact discs.
POWER (and power indicator light) 8 However the amplifier also has to be capable of giving full
Switches the unit on and off. (You can also switch the amplifier
power output from much lower level sources, such as tuners
into standby mode with the remote control handset.)
and cassette decks. Using these sources, the volume control
The light indicates the status of the amplifier. A red light means setting may be much higher before distortion (audible overload)
the amplifier is in standby mode (press the Power/Standby sets in. To compensate for this, the input levels of each source
button on the remote control, or the POWER button on the front may be individually adjusted to avoid accidental overload (see
panel, to switch between standby and powered-up modes). page 8).
When you switch your amplifier on, the light glows amber
for a few seconds, during which time the speakers are SP1 and SP2 7
disconnected. The light changes to green when the amplifier These buttons allow you to select and deselect the main (SP1)
is ready for use. and secondary (SP2) set of speakers attached to your amplifier.

The light may flash if a fault has occurred – the fault type is The light above each button glows if the corresponding
shown on the display. You should unplug the amplifier and leave speakers are currently selected. If both lights are out the
it for a few minutes before reconnecting. If the fault cannot be amplifier will appear not to work, as all speakers are switched
cleared, unplug your amplifier and contact your Arcam dealer. off! If both are on, with two pairs of low impedance speakers
connected, overloads are more likely. Overloading the amplifier
Source selectors 2 may cause it to shut down because of overheating.
These buttons select the source connected to the
corresponding input. A light above the relevant button indicates PHONES 1
which input is currently selected and it will also usually be This socket accepts headphones with an impedance rating
shown on the display. between 8Ω and 2kΩ, fitted with a 1/4-inch stereo jack plug.
If you wish to listen on headphones only, use the SP1 and SP2
VCR 4 buttons (if necessary) to mute the speakers. The headphone
This input is similar to the other line level inputs on the amplifier socket is always active.
and may be used with a VCR or a second recording unit (e.g.
cassette deck). Remote control receiver 9
The remote control’s infrared receiver is positioned to the left
TONE 6 of the RECORD button. Ensure the receiver is in a clear line of
Switches the tone circuits on and off, including settings for sight from the remote control to allow signals to be received.
individual sources. Note that the tone LED does not light unless
a tone setting has been made. (see page 8). MODE, UP and DOWN blbm
These buttons are mainly for use with future optional modules,
Control knob, SELECT and ENTER 3bobn however the UP and DOWN buttons are used with the basic A85
The control knob has two functions: amplifier to move the cursor when customising the ‘Welcome
■ as a volume control, to adjust the output of loudspeakers message’ (see page 8).
and headphones connected to the amplifier, and of the
pre-amp output (PRE OUT).
A85/P85 ■ when used in conjunction with the SELECT and ENTER
6 buttons, to customise amplifier settings (see page 8).

A85/P85 6 03/29/01, 3:35 PM

With the Arcam A85 it is possible to listen to and record from
one source, or to listen to one source while recording another.

E ng l i s h
Both sets of tape sockets are identical in sensitivity and
suitable for use with almost any type of recorder (cassette,
CDR, MD, VCR, reel-to-reel, etc.). The record signal is sent to
both the TAPE and VCR output sockets.

To record the currently selected source, press RECORD until
the display shows ‘RECORD SOURCE’. After a few seconds
the display reverts to showing the volume level and you are
ready to record.
To listen to one source while recording another, press RECORD
again until the display shows ‘RECORD’ followed by the name
of an input (e.g. ‘AUX’, ‘CD’, ‘TUNER’, etc.). Now press the
source selector button on the front panel for the source you
wish to record. Your selection is shown on the display for a few
seconds, after which it reverts to showing the volume level and
you are ready to record.
The RECORD button can also be used as a second zone
selector, sending a source signal at line level to a second
amplifier operating in another room. If you need help with this,
contact your Arcam dealer or Arcam customer support.

Tape-to-tape copying (dubbing)

You can perform tape dubbing from VCR to TAPE, but not from
For example, to copy from a cassette recorder connected to
the VCR socket to a cassette recorder connected to the TAPE 1
socket, first use the RECORD button as explained above and
select ‘RECORD VCR’. This routes the VCR signal to the TAPE
Set the cassette recorder connected to the TAPE socket into its
record mode and the other to playback mode to start dubbing.

To play back the recording from a cassette deck attached
to the TAPE 1 input, press TAPE. ‘TAPE 1’ is shown on
the display. Selecting this input overrides the other source
It is also possible to monitor a recording while it is being made,
provided your cassette deck is a 3-head type. To do this, press
TAPE. Switching this button in/out allows an A/B comparison
between the source signal and the recorded signal.


A85/P85 7 03/29/01, 3:35 PM

Setting up your A85 integrated amplifier
Introduction Adjusting listening settings
‘Switch on’
state The A85 allows you to adjust listening settings to The default display mode is VOLUME, where the
suit your taste, and to customize various features control knob is used to adjust sound level.
of the amplifier to fit your system. Use this Press SELECT to enter edit mode and cycle
DOWN UP diagram to help you navigate through the settings through the other sound settings: BALANCE,
VOLUME available. BASS and TREBLE. When a setting is selected,
Adjust The ENTER and SELECT buttons are represented adjust it with the control knob. Press ENTER to fix
in the diagram by the symbols and the change you have made and return to default
respectively. The Control knob is shown as . (volume) mode, or press SELECT again to move to
the next setting.
Adjust Customising amplifier settings
Press SELECT until the display shows
‘CUSTOMIZE->’. Now rotate the Control knob to
–dB +dB
choose which setting you wish to alter. Press
SELECT to adjust the chosen setting with the
Control knob.
Press ENTER to confirm the adjustment or press
–dB +dB SELECT to confirm the adjustment and move on to

TREBLE the next item.

Press ENTER twice to leave the Customize menu.

Customize ->




edit edit edit edit edit edit edit



continue continue continue continue continue continue

Volume Resolution Volume Display Input Trims Tone Control Welcome Message Phono/Aux Text Restore Settings

Volume Resolution – Standard, fine or Input Trims – use the source select buttons and Phono/Aux Text – If you have had the optional
Reference. ‘Standard’ and ‘Fine’ represent Control knob to set input trims for each source. Phono module added, choose ‘Phono’ so this
different levels of volume control sensitivity. The Input trims are used to compensate for variations word is displayed when the input is selected. The
‘Reference’ setting gives absolute increments in in output levels of different source equipment. default is ‘Aux’.
0.5dB steps. Tone Control – Global or Per source. This Restore Settings – this restores all amplifier
Volume display mode – graphic or numeric specifies the scope of changes for ‘Bass’ and settings, including Input trims and the Welcome
shows the volume either as a bar graph or as a ‘Treble’ tone settings. The default setting is ‘Global’ message, to their factory defaults.
number. If Volume resolution is set to ‘Reference’ which affects all inputs equally. ‘Per source’ allows
a numeric volume display shows the actual decibel you to set tone controls for individual inputs: once
figure. set, the amplifier remembers tone settings for
each input.
Welcome message – You can change the
power on Welcome message from ‘Arcam A85’
to display your name, postcode, etc. When
customising the message, use the UP and DOWN
A85/P85 buttons to select the cursor position and the
8 Control knob to change the letter.

A85/P85 8 03/29/01, 3:39 PM

Using the remote control

E ng l i s h
CR-389 Remote Control
The CR-389 remote control gives access to all functions
available on the front panel of the A85. It also has controls
to operate Arcam CD players, AM/FM tuners and DAB
tuners. The remote control transmits Philips RC-5 type

These buttons are used to control tuner functions.
Note that the FM/DAB lights indicate into which mode
you are switching the remote control. The lights only
illuminate for five seconds to conserve battery power. Power/Standby
If neither light is illuminated this does not mean that the Toggles the amplifier between standby mode and full power
remote control is not working! FM
MENU DISP mode. The power indicator light next to the power button on

the front panel is red if the amplifier is in standby, amber while

1-9 2-10 3-11 4-12 the amplifier is powering up (this only takes a few seconds) and
green when the amplifier is powered up.
(UP and DOWN) 5-13 6-14 7-15 8-16
Perform the same function as the
buttons on the front panel (see page 6).
SP1 and SP2
These buttons allow you to select and deselect the main
(SP1) and secondary (SP2) sets of speakers attached to your
amplifier (see page 6).
Performs the same function as the ENTER
button on the front panel (see page 8).
SEL DISP (display)
Cycles through the settings ‘Bright’, ‘Off’ and ‘Dim’. Turning
the display ‘Off’ generally gives a slight improvement in sound
Performs same function as the SELECT button on the front
panel. It allows you to use the remote’s volume switch in the
same way you use the control dial on the front panel – to
adjust various amplifier settings (see page 8).
Note that pressing + corresponds to turning the Volume and (mute)
Control knob clockwise, – to anticlockwise. Press + to increase volume or – to decrease the output volume
PHONO AUX CD TUNER of the amplifier.
Press to mute the speaker connections and preamp outputs.
AV DVD VCR TAPE Both tape outputs and the headphone socket remain active.
Source selection buttons
Mute is disabled either by pressing again, or by adjusting
These operate in the same way as the source selectors
AMPLIFIER the volume.
on the front panel of your integrated amplifier.
You can use the remote’s volume control in conjunction with the
RPT SELECT button to adjust balance, tone and amplifier settings.

CD controls
CD These offer basic controls of Arcam CD players


NOTE: Remember to install the two supplied AAA batteries

before trying to use your remote control!
Do not place anything in front of the IR receiver on the left A85/P85
of the A85, or the remote control may not work. 9

A85/P85 9 03/29/01, 3:42 PM

Installation: P85 power amplifer

+ R/CH1 – + L/CH2 – + CTR/CH3 –

TRIG 4 – 16 OHMS 4 – 16 OHMS AUDIO

+ R/CH1 – + L/CH2 – + CTR/CH3 –

Optional Third Channel Module

– provides a third 85W channel
suitable for Home Cinema or
multi-channel audio use.

Connecting to power, loudspeakers and Remote switching

other equipment By making a connection from the REMOTE IN socket of the P85
Follow the installation instructions for the integrated amplifier power amplifier to the TRIG OUT socket of the A85 integrated
on pages 4–6. amplifier, you can use the A85 to switch the power amplifier on
and off. If configured in this way, the front panel POWER button
AUDIO IN – Connect this input to the output sockets of your pre-
of the A85 (or the Power/Standby button on the remote control)
amplifier or the PRE OUT sockets of an integrated amplifier.
switches both amplifiers on and off together. This facility allows
MONO LINK – The power amplifier can be adapted to provide you to conceal the power amplifier yet still control it.
two mono loudspeaker outputs from a single input. Pull out the
The connecting cable required is a 3.5mm to 3.5mm jack lead
link supplied and use it to connect the L and R AUDIO OUT
(stereo or mono) and it is possible to connect several power
sockets together. Using one power amplifier per loudspeaker
amplifiers to an A85 by ‘daisy chaining’ from TRIG OUT of one
will enable you to bi-amplify bi-wireable loudspeakers.
P85 into the REMOTE IN of the next.
This is particularly beneficial for top quality stereo installations
with a separate pre-amplifier, or where amplifiers are provided
for the left, centre and right channel loudspeakers in a five
Three channel option
speaker Dolby Pro Logic or Dolby Digital system. The power amplifier can be upgraded from stereo to three
channels by adding a Third Channel Module: in this case, the
Contact your Arcam dealer for more information.
model is designated P85/3.
“Daisy chaining” – The power amplifier can be connected to
The module offers extra loudspeaker terminals together with
further power amplifiers to drive more speakers (e.g. those in
a third set of AUDIO IN and OUT phono sockets and converts
other rooms or tri-amplified speakers, etc).
the P85 into a 3 x 85W (RMS per channel into 8Ω) amplifier
Connect the extra power amplifier inputs to the AUDIO OUT suitable for Home Cinema or multi-channel audio use.
sockets on the power amplifier, left to left, right to right.
Contact your Arcam dealer for further details.


A85/P85 10 03/29/01, 3:43 PM

Using your P85 power amplifier

E ng l i s h



POWER (and power indicator light) SP1 and SP2

Switches the unit on and off. The light indicates the status of These buttons allow you to select and deselect the main
the amplifier. (SP1) and secondary (SP2) sets of speakers attached to your
When you switch your amplifier on, the light glows amber for a amplifier. An indicator light shows which set of speakers are
few seconds, during which time the speakers are disconnected. currently selected.
The light changes to green when the amplifier is ready for use.
A red light means the amplifier is in standby mode.
NOTE: If both lights are out the amplifier will appear not to
The light may flash if a fault has occurred – the fault type is
work, as all speakers are switched off. If both are on, and
shown on the display. You should unplug the amplifier and leave
low impedance speakers are connected, overloads are more
it for a few minutes before reconnecting. If the fault cannot be
cleared, unplug your amplifier and contact your Arcam dealer.


A85/P85 11 03/29/01, 3:44 PM

Bi-wiring and bi-amping loudspeakers
Before you start Bi-amping your system
The performance of your system can be further enhanced over
WARNING: Do not make any connections to your that achieved with bi-wiring, by extending the principle one
amplifier while it is switched on or connected to the stage further to include separate amplification for the low and
mains supply. high frequency drive units in each loudspeaker enclosure.
Before switching on please check all connections Connect the integrated amplifier to the high frequency (HF)
thoroughly, making sure bare wires or cables are not terminals and connect the power amplifier to the low frequency
touching the amplifier in the wrong places (which could (LF) terminals.
cause short circuits) and you have connected positive
(+) to positive and negative (–) to negative. You will need:
Speakers – with four input terminals each (as with bi-wiring):
Always ensure that the volume control on your
these will be marked HF (High Frequency) and LF (Low
amplifier is set to minimum before starting these
Two amplifiers – one of these would be the A85 and the other
an Arcam power amplifier (e.g. P85).
Bi-wiring your loudspeakers Loudspeaker cables – two pairs of cables per loudspeaker or
Bi-wiring improves the sound of your system because it divides a suitably terminated cable set (a loom, probably prepared by
the high and low frequency signal currents into separate your dealer and capable of being used for bi-amping in one
speaker cables. This avoids signal distortions arising from the length).
high and low frequency currents interacting with one another Interconnect cables – one pair of high quality interconnect
within a single cable, as in conventionally wired systems. cables.

You will need: How to set up a bi-amped system

Speakers – with four input terminals each: these will be marked 1. Remove the terminal links on the rear of your
HF (High Frequency) and LF (Low Frequency). loudspeakers.
Loudspeaker cables – two pairs of cables per loudspeaker
(which may be joined at the amplifier end if your amplifier has WARNING: This step is essential or damage to
only one pair of output terminals per channel). Or, a suitably your amplifier may result which is not covered
terminated cable set (a loom, probably prepared by your dealer under warranty.
and capable of being used for bi-wiring in one length). 2. Connect the cables as shown in the diagram below,
ensuring correct polarity at all times.
How to bi-wire loudspeakers
3. Use the interconnect cables to connect the PRE OUT
1. Remove the terminal links on the rear of your
sockets of the A85 to the corresponding AUDIO IN
sockets of the power amplifier.
WARNING: This step is essential or damage to
your amplifier may result which is not covered
under warranty.

2. Connect the cables as shown in the diagram below,

ensuring correct polarity at all times.

Amplificateur Arcam A85

+ – + –

Arcam A85 amplifier

+ – + –
R L –
+ + –
Enciente HF HF Enciente
droite – gauche
+ – + –

+ HF – Right + HF – Left
+ – + –
+ LF – speaker + LF – speaker
Amplificateur de puissance Arcam P85

Bi-wiring using one set of connections on amplifier Recommended bi-amping configuration


A85/P85 12 03/29/01, 3:46 PM

Service information

E ng l i s h
Before returning your amplifier for service, please check the Note that because of the high output voltage from a CD player,
following: it is possible to drive the A85 at full power even though the
volume is not set at maximum.
Sound cuts out for no reason
If the temperature of the internal heatsink rises above a safe Amplifier does not switch back on
level, then a thermal cutout inside the amplifier will operate. The A85 and P85 amplifiers have a protection mechanism
The power indicator on the front panel flashes and the which is activated if you switch the unit on immediately after
protection system temporarily removes the power to the turning it off. If this mechanism activates, wait 30 seconds
speakers. The system resets itself as the heatsink cools down. then try again.

Technical specifications
A85 P85

Continuous power output, per channel

Both channels, 8Ω, 20Hz–20kHz 85W 85W
Single channel, 4Ω, 1kHz 140W 140W
Distortion, 8Ω, 80% power, 1kHz 0.005% 0.005%

Phono cartridge (optional module):
input sensitivity, MM 2.5mV
input sensitivity, MC 250µV
Line and tape inputs:
Nominal sensitivity 250mV 700mV
Input impedance 22kΩ 22kΩ
Signal/noise ratio (CCIR) 105dB 112dB
Tone controls, max. boost/cut ±12dB

Preamplifier outputs
Nominal output level 700mV
Output impedance <3Ω

Power consumption (maximum) 800VA 800VA (950VA for P85/3)
Dimensions W x D x H (including feet) 435 x 340 x 100mm 435 x 320 x 100mm
Weight (net) 9kg 9.5kg (10.5kg for P85/3)
Weight (packed) 10.5kg 11kg (12kg for P85/3)
Supplied accessories mains lead mains lead
CR-389 remote control
2 x AAA batteries


Continual improvement policy NOTE: All specification values are typical unless otherwise
Arcam has a policy of continual improvement for its products. stated.
This means that designs and specifications are subject to
change without notice.


A85/P85 13 03/29/01, 3:46 PM

Worldwide Guarantee It should be sent carriage prepaid by a reputable carrier -–
This entitles you to have the unit repaired free of charge, NOT by post. No responsibility can be accepted for the unit
during the first two years after purchase, at any authorised whilst in transit to the dealer or distributor and customers are
Arcam distributor provided that it was originally purchased from therefore advised to insure the unit against loss or damage
an authorised Arcam dealer or distributor. The manufacturer whilst in transit.
can take no responsibility for defects arising from accident,
misuse, abuse, wear and tear, neglect or through unauthorised For further details contact Arcam at:
adjustment and/or repair, neither can they accept responsibility Arcam Customer Support Department,
for damage or loss occurring during transit to or from the Pembroke Avenue, Waterbeach, CAMBRIDGE
person claiming under the guarantee. CB5 9PB, England.
Telephone: +44 (0)1223 203203
The warranty covers: Fax: +44 (0)1223 863384
Parts and labour costs for two years from the purchase date. Email: [email protected]
After two years you must pay for both parts and labour costs.
The warranty does not cover transportation costs at any time. Problems!
If your dealer is unable to answer any query regarding this
Claims under guarantee or any other Arcam product please contact Arcam Customer
This equipment should be packed in the original packing Support on +44 (0) 1223 203203 or write to us at the above
and returned to the dealer from whom it was purchased, or address and we will do our best to help you.
failing this, directly to the Arcam distributor in the country of

On-line registration
You can register your Arcam product on line at:

Other languages
A85/P85 Check the Arcam website ( for further
14 languages.

A85/P85 14 03/29/01, 3:46 PM

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