Triangles of Neck (Anatomy)

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Triangles Of Neck

Made By: Danish, Sultan, Fahad and Khalid

Anatomists use the term “triangles of the neck” to describe the

divisions created by the major muscles in the region.

The side of the neck presents a somewhat quadrilateral outline,

limited, above, by the lower border of the body of the mandible, and an

imaginary line extending from the angle of the mandible to the mastiod

process; below, by the upper border of the clavicle; in front, by the

middle line of the neck; behind, by the anterior margin of the trapezius.
This space is subdivided into two large triangles by

sternocleidomastoid, which passes obliquely across the neck,

from the sternum and clavicle below, to the mastiod process

and occipital bone above.

The triangular space in front of this muscle is called the

“Anterior Triangle Of The Neck”; and that behind it, the

“Posterior Triangle Of The Neck”.

Is bounded anteriorly by the median line of the neck.
Posteriorly by the anterior margin of sterno-
cleidomastoid muscle.
Its base is the inferior border of the mandible, projection
to the mastoid process and apexis at the manubrium
It can be subdivided into; suprahyoid and infrahyoid
areas above and below the hyoid bone.
And into; digastric, submental, muscular and carotid
triangles by the passage of digastric and omohyoid across
the anterior triangle.
Boundaries: The boundaries are as followed:
Each Side: Surrounded by anterior belly of corresponding
digastric muscles.
Base or Inferiorly: Body of hyoid bone.
Apex lies at the chin.
Floor: The floor of the triangle is formed by:
Right and left mylohyoid muscles and the median raphe uniting
Small submental veins join to form the anterior jugular veins.
Small submental lymph nodes.
Boundaries: The boundaries are as followed:
Antero-inferiorly: Anterior belly of digastric muscle.
Postero-inferiorly: Posterior belly of digastric and stylohyoid muscle.
Superiorly or Base: Base of mandible to the mastoid process.
Roof: The roof of the triangle is formed by:
Superficial fascia, containing: platysma, cervical branch of the facial
nerve and ascending branch of the transverse or cutaneous nerve of
the neck.
Deep fascia, which splits to enclose the submandibular salivary
It is formed by the mylohyoid muscle anteriorly and hyoglossus
muscle posteriorly.
Superficial part of the submandibular salivary gland.
Facial Vein.
Submandibular lymph nodes.
Facial Artery.
Submental Artery.
Mylohyoid nerve and vessels.
Hypoglossal nerve.
Antero-superiorly: Posterior belly of the digastric muscle; and
the stylohyoid muscle.
Antero-inferiorly: Superior belly of the omohyoid.
Posteriorly: Anterior border of the sternocleidomastoid muscle.
Superficial fascia: plastysma, cervical branch of the facial
nerve, transverse cutaneous nerve of the neck.
Investing layer of deep cervical fascia.
Floor: it is formed by parts of:
The middle constrictor of pharynx.
The inferior constrictor of the pharynx.
Thyrohyoid membrane.
Arteries: common carotid artery, internal carotid artery, external
carotid artery.
Veins: internal jugular vein, common facial vein, pharyngeal vein
and lingual vein.
Nerves: vagus, spinal accessory, hypoglossal.
Lymph nodes.
Anteriorly: Anterior median line of the neck from the hyoid
bone to the sternum.
Postero-superiorly: Superior belly of the omohyoid muscle.
Postero-inferiorly: Anterior border of the sternocliedomstoid
Muscles: Sternohyoid, sternothyroid, thyrohyoid, omohyoid
Glands: Thyroid and parathyroid gland.
The posterior triangle is delimited; anteriorly by
sternocleidomastoid muscle, posteriorly by the anterior
edge of trapezius muscle, and inferiorly by the middle third
of the clavicle.
Its apex is between the attachments of
sternocleidomastoid and trapezius to the occiput and is
often blunted, so that the 'triangle' becomes quadrilateral.
The roof of the posterior triangle is formed by the
investing layer of the deep cervical fascia.
The floor of the triangle is formed by the prevertebral fascia
overlying splenius capitis, levator scapulae and the scalene
It is crossed, 2.5 cm above the clavicle, by the inferior belly of
omohyoid, which subdivides it into occipital and supraclavicular
Collectively these contain the cervical and brachial plexuses,
the subclavian artery and the spinal accessory nerve.
The muscles forming the floor of the posterior triangle
constitute the anterior and lateral groups of the prevertebral
Anteriorly: Posterior boundary of sternocleidomastoid muscle.
Posteriorly: Anterior border of trapezius muscle.
Inferiorly: Posterior belly of omohyoid muscle.
Nerves: Spinal accessory, cutaneous branches of cervical
plexues, and C5-C6 roots of the brachial plexus.
Vessels: Transverse cervical artery and vein, and occipital
Lymph nodes: Supraclavicular nodes and occipital nodes.
Anteriorly: Posterior boundary of sternocleidomastoid muscle.
Posteriorly: Anteriorly border of omohyoid.
Inferiorly: Middle 1/3 of clavicle.
Nerves: Suprascapular nerve.
Vessels: Subclavian artery and vein, suprascapular artery and
vein, lower part of external jugular vein.
Lymph nodes: A few members of supraclavicular chain.
Subdivision Boundaries Contents
Submental triangle Mandibular symphysis; Submental lymph nodes; tributies
anterior belly of digastric forming the anterior jugular vein
muscle; body of hyoid bone
Submandibular Lower border of mandible; Submandibular gland; submandibular
triangle anterior belly of digastric lymph nodes; hypoglossal nerve;
muscle; posterior belly of mylohyoid nerve; facial artery and
digastric muscle vein
Carotid triangle Posterior belly of digastric Tributies to common facial vein;
muscle; superior belly of cervical branch of facial nerve;
omohyoid muscle; anterior common carotid artery; external and
boreder of internal carotid arteries; superior
sternocleidomastoid muscle thyroid; ascending pharyngeal; lingual,
facial, and occipital arteries; internal
jugular vein; vegus, accessory, and
hypoglossal nerves; superior and
inferior roots of ansa cervicals;
transversecervical nerve
Muscular triangle Midline of neck; superior Sternohyoid, omohyoid and
belly of omohyoid muscle; thyrohyoid muscles; thyroid and
anterior border of parathyroid glands; pharynx
sternocleidomastoid muscle
Subdivision Boundaries Contents

Occipital triangle Posterior boundary of Spinal accessory, cutaneous branches

sternocleidomastoid muscle, of cervical plexues, and C5-C6 roots
anterior border of trapezius of the brachial plexus, transverse
muscle, posterior belly of cervical artery and vein, and occipital
omohyoid muscle artery, Supraclavicular nodes and
occipital nodes

Subclavian triangle Posterior boundary of Suprascapular nerve, subclavian artery

sternocleidomastoid muscle, and vein, suprascapular artery and
anteriorly border of vein, lower part of external jugular
omohyoid, middle 1/3 of vein, a few members of
clavicle supraclavicular chain

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