High Pressure Carbon Dioxide Fire Suppression System: Description

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High Pressure Carbon Dioxide Description

Fire Suppression System The ANSUL CO2 Fire Suppression System can be actuated by
detection and control equipment for automatic system opera-
tion along with providing local and remote manual operation
as needed. Accessories are used to provide alarms, delay
Features discharge, ventilation control, door closures, or other auxiliary
n Non-corrosive, non-conductive, clean extinguishing agent that shutdown or functions.
leaves no residue
Due to the method of extinguishment, personnel occupying
n  Suitable for Class A, B, and C hazards
areas protected by carbon dioxide systems must be evacu-
n  Fixed nozzle and/or hose reel agent distribution ated prior to system discharge. For this reason, discharge time
delays and alarms are mandatory for occupied hazards. Two
n  UL, ULC, and FM approved
or more hazard areas can be protected with a single group of
n In accordance with NFPA-12 – Carbon Dioxide Extinguishing agent storage containers (cylinders) by means of directional or
Systems selector valves.
The ANSUL CO2 Fire Suppression System is particularly useful
for suppressing fires in hazards where an electrically non-
Application conductive medium is essential or desirable; where clean-up of
The ANSUL® Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Fire Suppression System other agents presents a problem; or where the hazard obstruc-
is an engineered system utilizing either a fixed nozzle agent tions require the use of a gaseous agent.
distribution network, hose reel(s), or a combination of both.
The system is listed by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (UL) and Additional equipment includes: remote manual pull stations,
Underwriters Laboratories of Canada (ULC), and is approved by corner pulleys, door closures, pressure trips, bells and sirens,
Factory Mutual (FM). The system is designed in accordance with transfer switches, time delays, pneumatic switches, and weigh-
the latest revision of the National Fire Protection Association ing devices. All or some are required when designing a total
(NFPA) Standard 12, ‘‘Carbon Dioxide Extinguishing Systems.’’ system.
When properly designed, the carbon dioxide system will
suppress fire in Class A, B, and C hazards by displacing the air
containing oxygen which supports combustion. Ordering Information
Order all system components through your local authorized
ANSUL distributor.
Typical Applications
The following are typical hazards protected by carbon dioxide
systems: Specifications
n  Printing presses
n Vaults
n  Open pits
A. Design and installation shall be an engineered fire detec-
n  Dip tanks
tion and carbon dioxide total flooding, gaseous agent,
n  Spray booths fire suppression system as manufactured by Johnson
Controls, Marinette, Wisconsin.
n Ovens
B. Drawings: The contract drawings shall indicate the
n  Engine rooms
general arrangements of the areas to receive detection
n  Coating machines and carbon dioxide protection. Contractor is to review
n  Process equipment all drawings so that all items affecting the operation of
the fire detection/carbon dioxide suppression system
n  Hoods and ducts
(such as equipment location, air diffusers, damper
n  Flammable gas or liquid storage areas closures, and door openings) are considered in the
design of the engineered system.
n Generators

One Stanton Street  |  Marinette, WI 54143-2542, USA  | +1-715-735-7411 | www.ansul.com

© 2018 Johnson Controls. All rights reserved. All specifications and other information shown were
current as of document revision date and are subject to change without notice.  |  Form No. F-2007164-02
Specifications (Continued) 2.02 SEQUENCE OF OPERATION:
A. Activation of any single detector in any detection zone
1.02 REFERENCES: shall:
A. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA): 1. Cause audio and visual pre-discharge alarms to
1. NFPA 12 – Standard on Carbon Dioxide Extinguishing operate.
Systems 2. Transmit an alarm signal to remote monitoring or
2. NFPA 70 – National Electrical Code building alarm panel.
3. NFPA 72 – Standard For Protective Signaling Systems 3. Operate auxiliary contacts for HVAC shutdowns and
automatic dampers
B. Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (UL) and Underwriters
4. Initiate a mechanical/pneumatic time delay to sound
Laboratories of Canada (ULC) – Fire Protection Equipment
prior to CO2 release.
B. Upon completion of the time delay the carbon dioxide
C. Factory Mutual (FM) Approval Guide system shall:
D. Requirements of the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) 1. Cause a discharge alarm to be activated.
1.03 REQUIREMENTS: 2. Energize control actuator for carbon dioxide cylinders
releasing CO2.
A. This installation shall be made in strict accordance with
the drawings, specifications and applicable National 2.04 CONTROL PANEL – AUTOPULSE CONTROL SYSTEM:
Fire Protection Association Standards. All equipment A. The control panel shall be an AUTOPULSE system and
and devices used shall be listed in both the UL/ULC Fire shall communicate with and control the following types
Equipment Directory and the Factory Mutual Approval of equipment used to make up the system: heat detectors,
Guide. manual release, alarm notification appliances, releasing
B. Design and installation of the fire detection/carbon dioxide components and other system controlled devices.
suppression system shall be in strict accordance with the
following guidelines and regulatory agencies:
1. NFPA 12 – Carbon Dioxide Extinguishing Systems A. Rate compensated heat detectors shall be supplied.
Maximum spacing shall be 250 ft2 (23.3 m2) per detector.
2. NFPA 70 – National Electric Codes
3. NFPA 72 – National Fire Alarm Code 2.06 INDICATING APPLIANCES:

1.04 GENERAL: A. Explosion-proof horn shall be provided in protected area.

A. Furnish all engineering designs and materials for a
complete fire detection/carbon dioxide suppression Alarm horn strobe shall be provided in protected area.
system, including: charged carbon dioxide storage cylin- 2.07 MANUAL PULL STATION:
ders, nozzles, control panel, detectors, wiring, annuncia-
tors, alarms, and all other equipment necessary for a A. Explosion-proof manual pull station shall be provided
complete operational system. at each exit.
B. Major system components shall be produced by Johnson
Controls (no alternatives) and shall be installed by an Manual pull station shall be provided at each exit.
authorized ANSUL distributor certified for the design, 2.08 CARBON DIOXIDE STORAGE CYLINDERS:
installation, and service of carbon dioxide suppression
systems. A. Cylinder Assembly:
1. Steel construction with red epoxy finish and equipped
PART 2 – PRODUCTS with a pressure seat-type CV-98 valve.
2.01 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION AND OPERATION: 2. Cylinder sizes shall be 35 lb (15.9 kg), 50 lb (22.7 kg),
75 lb (34.0 kg), 100 lb (45.4 kg), or 120 lb (54.4 kg)
A. Design Requirements:
1. System design shall be total flood providing a
minimum of 34% design concentration throughout the 2.09 PNEUMATIC TIME DELAY:
entire protected area. A. Pneumatic time delay shall be provided to delay discharge
OR of carbon dioxide.
 Specify the design concentration or the area of cover- B. Pneumatic pressure operated siren shall be located
age if used as a local application. in protected space to sound for 30 seconds prior to
A. Installer shall provide a supervised mechanical lockout
valve installed in the discharge line to prevent discharge
of CO2 into the protected space. Control panel must
display a supervisory signal when valve is closed.
Specifications (Continued) G. Prior to final acceptance, the contractor shall provide
operational training in all concepts of the system to the
2.11 CYLINDER BRACKET: owner’s key personnel. Training shall consist of:
A. Each cylinder assembly shall be furnished with a bracket 1.  Control system operation
made from welded steel. The bracket shall hold the cylin- 2.  Trouble procedures
ders in a saddle with a front bracket piece that secures 3.  Abort procedures
the cylinders. The brackets shall be modular in design to 4.  Emergency procedures
allow added bracketing or stacking of cylinders depending
5.  Safety requirements
on installation requirements.
6. Demonstration of the system (excluding carbon dioxide
B. Cylinder brackets shall be UL/ULC listed and/or FM release)
approved for use with the carbon dioxide system as
manufactured by Johnson Controls. H. The quantity of agent shall reflect the actual design quan-
tity of carbon dioxide agent.
I. A functional test shall be completed consisting of detec-
A. Electric valve actuators shall be of brass construction tion, release, alarm, accessories related to the system,
and stackable design with swivel connections to allow control unit and a review of the cylinders, piping, fittings,
removal of actuators for maintenance or testing. hangers and cylinder pressure.
A. When manifolding, all cylinder assemblies shall include a
flexible discharge hose and check valve for connection to
the manifold inlet. Safety Data Sheets (SDS) are available at www.ansul.com
B. All hose/check valves shall be UL/ULC listed and/or FM Note: The converted values in this document are provided for dimensional
approved for use with the CV-98 carbon dioxide valves as reference only and do not reflect an actual measurement.
manufactured by Johnson Controls. ANSUL and the product names listed in this material are marks and/or
registered marks. Unauthorized use is strictly prohibited.
A. Designed to direct discharge of carbon dioxide in a liquid
or gaseous state.
B. Orifice size determined by flow rate and system design
C. Standard nozzles to be natural brass or painted red.
D. Nozzle quantity and placement shall be in compliance
with the ANSUL Design, Installation, Recharge and
Maintenance Manual (Part No. 427604).
A. The completed installation shall be inspected by factory
authorized and trained personnel. The inspection shall
include a full operational test of all components per the
equipment manufacturer’s recommendations.
B. Inspection shall be performed in the presence of the
owner’s representative, architect or engineer’s representa-
tive, insuring authority and/or the local authority having
C. All mechanical and electrical components shall be tested
according to the manufacturers recommended procedure
to verify system integrity.
D. Inspection shall include a complete checkout of the detec-
tion/control system and certification of cylinder contents.
A written report shall be filed with the owner.
E. As-built drawings shall be provided by the contractor (two
copies) indicating the installation details. All routing of
piping, electrical conduit, and accessories shall be noted.
F. Equipment installation and maintenance manuals shall be
provided in addition to the as-built drawings.

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