NCP Risk For Bleeding 3

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Nursing Diagnosis: Risk for Bleeding

Defining Expected Outcomes Nursing interventions Rationale Evaluation


Subjective Short term goals Independent: 1 Clients at increased 1 After 2 hours of

cues: 1 After 2 hours, client 1 Monitor the client closely for risk for bleeding may health teachings,
Patient will be able to discuss hemorrhage, especially in those at may include the client utilizes
mentions that precautions to prevent increased risk for bleeding. Watch for intrapartum and appropriate
she has bleeding complications any signs of bleeding, including postpartum women. hygienic measures
insufficient 2 After 2 hours, client bleeding of the gums, blood in sputum, 2 Nonpharmacological such as
knowledge of will be able to explain emesis, urine or stool, bleeding from a means, such as handwashing, oral
bleeding actions that should be wound, bleeding into the skin with application of care, and perineal
precautions. taken if bleeding petechiae, and purpura. pressure, may reduce care.
happens.   2 If bleeding develops, apply pressure bleeding. 2 After 2 hours of
over the site or appropriate artery as 3 Recommendations instruction, the
3 After 3 week, the needed. Apply pressure dressing if for bleeding risk client is
Objective client will maintain a indicated. prevention and demonstrating
Cues: mean arterial pressure Dependent: management carefully appropriate care of
Patient has above 70 mmHg, a 3 Collaborate on an appropriate weigh the risks and infection-prone
recently heart rate between 60 bleeding management plan, including benefits of sites
undergone and 100 bpm with a nonpharmacological and nonpharmacological 3 After 3 days, the
surgery via normal rhythm, and pharmacological measures to stop and pharmacological client shows no
cesarean urine output greater bleeding based on the antithrombotic interventions symptoms of
section. than 0.5 mL/kg/hr used. 4 New oral infection.
There is a Collaborative: anticoagulants often
horizontal 4 Monitor coagulation studies, have no requirement
surgical incision including prothrombin time, INR for routine coagulation
on her activated partial thromboplastin time studies, however,
abdomen. (aPTT), fibrinogen, fibrin vigilance is still
degradation/split products, and warranted in that risk
platelet counts as appropriate for bleeding without
benefit of reversal
agents exists.

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