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Marketing Research on

Consumers’ comparative perception towards

Tabaq and North End and their level of satisfaction
Prepared for:
Department of Marketing & International Business
North South University
Course: MKT470_SEC: 7

Serial No. Name ID

17 Monira Binte Jamal 1430021030
18 Md. Karim Hasan Bhuiyan 1430418030
15 Tawhida Nasrin 1421166030
41 Joy Banik 1520447030
14 Fazlay Rabbi 1420538030
30 Munshi Abrar Nadim 1511062030
29 Mahade Hasan Nobel 1510608030

Date of Submission:
23rd Dec, 2018

First and foremost, we would like to thank our parents for their relentless support. A special
thanks goes to our honorable course teacher Mr. Rafsan Elahi for allowing us to work under his
supervision. We are none to do this without his directions, and thanks for his valuable guidance
and suggestion. He has helped us a lot from proposal selection to final submission, and his
guidance was most valuable for preparing this research paper. We have tried our best to
accomplish the task within desired period. Our deepest appreciation to all the people who have
respondents’ in the survey. Without them, our research would have been baseless. All our
families and friends also deserve special thanks.
Letter of Transmittal
23rd Dec, 2018
School of Business and Economics
North South University

Subject: Submission of the research paper on the Consumers’ comparative perception

towards Tabaq and North End, and their level of satisfaction

Respected Sir,
It is indeed a great pleasure to have the opportunity to submit the research paper. We have
prepared this research paper in accordance with the instructions given by you. In our research we
tried to link the SPSS formula what we learned from class. Working on this research was very
interesting and we have explored many new issues throughout our research period. All our works
have been done according to your guidelines. We are glad to have the opportunity to work on
this research and hope that, you would be kind enough to accept our research work.

Sincerely yours,
Monira Binte Jamal
Md. Karim Hasan Bhuiyan
Tawhida Nasrin
Joy Banik
Fazlay Rabbi
Munshi Abrar Nadim
Mahade Hasan Nobel
Table of Contents
Abstract ............................................................................................................................................. 1

1.0: Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 2

2.0: Background ............................................................................................................................... 2

3.0: Research Objectives ................................................................................................................. 5

4.0: Research Questions................................................................................................................... 5

5.0: Research Hypothesis................................................................................................................. 5

6.0: Research Methodology ............................................................................................................. 6

7.0: Data Analysis and Findings ..................................................................................................... 7

7.1 Frequency for Discrete Variables: ........................................................................................ 7

8.0: Compare Means: Analysis of Means .................................................................................... 15

8.1: Compare Means: One-Sample T-Test ............................................................................... 20

8.2 Compare Means: Independent Samples T-Test ................................................................ 25

8.3 Compare Means: Paired Samples T-Test ........................................................................... 29

8.4 Compare Means: One Way ANOVA .................................................................................. 35

9.0 Discussion and Results............................................................................................................. 40

10.0 Result from the Research ...................................................................................................... 42

11.0 Limitation of the study .......................................................................................................... 43

12.0 Recommendations .................................................................................................................. 43

13.0 References ............................................................................................................................... 44

A Coffee shop is a commercial outfit which specializes in the preparation of quality food and to
serve them to satisfy the customer’s demands. Most coffee shops are also equipped with important
facilities to suit customer to provide a satisfactory service. The purpose of this research is to
investigate the factors related to the facilities provided by coffee shops and consumers’
comparative perception towards coffee shops that effect on consumer satisfaction. This research
explores two different coffee shops Tabaq and North End that attracts people to have a coffee in
those coffee shops. This research has been conducted to have the clear picture about the perception
of peoples in selecting particular coffee shop for their preferences. In this paper, some research
objectives have been formulated with some possible hypothesis. A questionnaire has been made
and surveyed which was filled by 120 respondents ‘students, employee along with job holders and
business owners. And the results showed that there is a significant positive relationship between
the Consumers’ comparative perception towards Tabaq and North End, and their level of
satisfaction. These results were found by analyzing data’s using different statistical tools such as
frequency counts, comparing means by using descriptive means, one sample T-Test, Independent
samples T-Test, Paired sample T-Test, and one-way ANOVA. At the end, discussion of the results,
results from the research and recommendation have been made based on the findings of the

1|P a g e
1.0: Introduction
Coffee is one of the world’s most popular beverages. Moreover, it is one of the most widely
consumed liquids in the world. Coffee shop customers, by nature are looking for something
special, that’s why they are willing to pay so much for a cup of coffee. The environmental
experience and artistic is nowadays a major component in the way customer perceived about a
coffee shop. Atmosphere of coffee shop is important and quality of coffee is important. People
are willing to spend more for quality and they want to meet their level of satisfaction. The coffee
will get people to come to a place but the overall environment will cause them to stay there.
That’s why coffee shop like Tabaq and North End has opened up to serve coffee lovers of
Bangladesh. They have been establishing themselves as leaders over the years by providing
coffee along with inviting atmosphere, culture of coffee and memories. Tabaq had started their
journey in 2013. Tabaq offers both premium quality single- origin coffees from around the world
and locally-grown blends. Moreover, North End they had started in 2011 and it’s a pleasant place
for Gourmet coffee and deserts which is now one of the best coffee shops in town.

2.0: Background
Consumers’ perception is able to describe as it demonstrates why customers buy the product they
do and their level of satisfaction. Consumers’ perception is influenced by different social,
psychological and marketing factors (Bray, 2008). The moment before consumers form
perceptions about coffee shops, it is influenced by many causes like individual preferences,
resources, cultural differences and family (Bray, 2008). Coffee shops should meet consumers’
basic expectations to survive in the industry (Akbar & Alaudeen, 2012). A coffee shop that
understands consumers’ need and exceeds their expectations will achieve success. Factors like
price, quality of service, quality of coffee, location, environment of coffee shop and
trustworthiness will affect consumers’ perception (Longart, 2015; Akbar & Alaudeen, 2012;
Azim et al., 2014). Consumers’ perceptions are different based on individual judgment towards a
coffee shop (Ubeja & Jain, 2013). Consumers’ perceptions can be measured by the degree of
satisfaction which consumers get from a coffee shop (Ubeja & Jain, 2013; Adebiyi et al., 2016).
Consumers’ perception may vary due to individual tastes, and individual will rank coffee shops
based on the utility level the coffee shops provide to customers (Ubeja & Jain, 2013). The

2|P a g e
analysis of consumers’ perception has become an extreme important criterion for coffee shops to
improve their quality of coffee in order to get competitive advantage (Pagliuca & Scarpato,
2011). Customer satisfaction is built when coffee and services provided by a coffee shop are able
to meet or exceed customers’ expectation. Satisfaction is an outcome from buyer after
purchasing and using a product and comparison between the reward and cost of the purchase in
relation to the anticipated consequences (Churchill & Surprenant, 1982). Customer satisfaction
means the percentage of total customers whose reported experiences with a firm, its products or
services exceed specified satisfaction goals (Singh & Saluja, 2013). Customer satisfaction is a
key element of business strategy which helps to differentiate a company from its competitors in
this competitive marketplace (Adebiyi et al., 2016; Homburg et al., 2005; Singh & Saluja, 2013).
Nowadays, traditional financial accounting system is not enough to manage a company to
compete in the modern markets, so non-financial business performances like customer
satisfaction, service quality and customer complaints have started to take place to compete in
modern markets (Abdullah et al., 2013). Customer satisfaction has positive impact on company
profitability (Homburg et al., 2005). Highly satisfied customers are willing to buy products or
services again and again that are provided by the company (Abdullah et al., 2013). Environment
in a coffee shop can be created by using different lighting, colors, music and temperature, and
these can affect consumers’ perception (Jin, 2015). People pay more attention on better
environment, and it becomes as important as saving time compare to earlier time (Ryu & Han,
2011). That’s why, owners of coffee shops tend to design and decorate coffee shops, so that they
can provide comfortable and relaxing place to the customers. Not only food and beverages but
also enjoyable dining atmosphere is important to retain and attract new customers (Jin, 2015).
Customers’ perception about dining experience may not be created from coffee the coffee shops
serve but from the coffee shop’s environment and style (Alonso & O’Neill, 2010; Abdullah et
al., 2013). Physical environment is important as it affects consumers’ perception and customer
satisfaction (Ryu & Han, 2011). Physical environment of a coffee shop has the ability to increase
the coffee shop’s performance and create competitive advantage (Horng et al., 2013). Consumers
think that price is what consumers give or pay as an exchange for a product or service (Haghighi
et al., 2012). From psychological point of view, fair pricing is important to customers (Haghighi
et al., 2012). If the perceived price is not fair, it will eventually affect customers’ willingness to
purchase or to consume a product and their perception value (Hui, et al., 2014). Different

3|P a g e
customers with different cultures and different timing will result in different value in terms of
consuming a product (Chaiyasoonthorn & Suksa-ngiam, 2011). Customers tend to compare
between payment they have made and the value they have received from the coffee shop (Hui et
al., 2014). Moreover, some consumers see price as an indicator of quality (Brunsø et al., 2002).
Quality of service helps a coffee shop to gain competitive advantage and ensure sustainable
business performance (Markovic et al., 2011). That’s why, coffee shops from all around the
world are trying to promote themselves either in the style of delivery of their services or their
special offered menu (Yulisetiarini, 2014). Coffee shops should fulfill the responsibility of
offering good services to customers by fulfilling their desires and wants (Yulisetiarini, 2014).
Special taste of food and healthy ingredients play an important role in forming consumers’
perception (Mhlanga & Tichaawa, 2016). Different consumers have different requirements on
food characteristics and nutritional value (Rosalin & Soetanto, 2006). Fantastic food quality with
comfortable environment and service has the ability to satisfy customers’ needs from all aspects
(Ryu et al., 2012). Quality food can be portrayed as well present, tasty and fresh food (Petzer &
Mackay, 2014). Factors like freshness of food, color and taste can affect the food appeal and
customers’ appetite (Longart, 2015). Some consumers emphasize more on quality of food rather
than price (Akbar & Alaudeen, 2012). The location of a coffee shop is not an important factor
(Haghighi et al., 2012). Consumers think that taste of coffee and better environment are more
important than location (Haghighi et al., 2012). However, a coffee shop must be located in
strategic place and easier to access (Yulisetiarini, 2014). In addition to location, some consumers
consider the convenience of the public transport and parking slot (Longart, 2015). According to
Medeiros & Salay (2013), location is a must for selecting a food service; especially, for those
which are located close to work place or residence. The owners of coffee shops must try to
satisfy consumers’ needs and desires by fulfilling their expectation and providing quality
services. Research methodology will be tested in next section.

4|P a g e
3.0: Research Objectives
The first objective is to find out consumer’s perception towards North End and Tabaq.
Which coffee shop is satisfying consumers need by maintaining good quality and better services?

4.0: Research Questions

1. What do you look for when you go to a coffee shop?

2. Do you feel comfortable with the coffee shops overall services?

3. Do they maintain the quantity of coffee they serve?

4. Do you think the staffs are friendly and helpful regarding their service?

5. Does the coffee shop close and open at certain time?

6. Are the staffs could be able to solve the customer’s complaint immediately?

7. Do you get a good take care from the staffs?

8. Do you recommend this coffee shop to your friends and family to visit?

9. Why do you like the coffee shop?

10. Does a branded coffee shop affect consumers’ buying preference?

5.0: Research Hypothesis

H1: Significant influence of membership facility in coffee shop creates long lasting
relationship with consumers.

5|P a g e
H0: Significant influence of membership facility in coffee shop doesn’t create long lasting
relationship with consumers.

H2: Quality products and extra facilities influence loyalty of the customers towards coffee
H0: Quality products and extra facilities do not influence loyalty of the customers towards
coffee shops.

6.0: Research Methodology

The primary data of the research will be collected by conducting a survey on 120 respondents.
The survey answers will generate the answers of the research question. The secondary data will
be collected from Internet browsing.

6.0.1: Sampling design process: Questionnaire for both male and female.
6.0.2: Research type: Descriptive
6.0.3: Research Method: Qualitative
6.0.4: Types of data: Primary and Secondary
6.0.5: Target Population:
➢ University students
➢ Jobholders of different ages
➢ Business owners

6.0.6: Sampling Technique: Convenience Random Sampling

6.0.7: Sample Size: 120
6.0.8: Method of administering questionnaire: Served in Hand.

6.1: Types of questions in Questionnaire

The survey question is based on the hypothesis. And the questions were related to Demographic
information’s of the respondent and structured questions (Dichotomous type or Yes/No type
questions. Likert-scale type or Agree/Disagree type questions.)

6|P a g e
6.2: Field work or Data collection
For the research and data analysis purposes the data were collected through the survey method
and data are collected from students of different university and job holder people.

6.3: Descriptive Statistics

Descriptive statistics are represented by One- Way ANOVAs, One- sample T-Test, Independent-
samples T-Test, Paired-Samples T-Test of demographic profile and consumer’s perception
towards North End and North End and their level of Satisfaction.

7.0: Data Analysis and Findings

7.1 Frequency for Discrete Variables:

Frequency distribution is a representation, either in a graphical or tabular format that displays the
number of observations within a given interval. The intervals must be mutually exclusive and
exhaustive, and the interval size depends on the data being analyzed and the goals of the analyst.
Frequency distributions are typically used within a statistical context.

7.1.1 Demographic Information: Respondents’ Gender

Respondents’ Gender
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Male 81 59.6 67.5 67.5
Valid Female 39 28.7 32.5 100.0
Total 120 88.2 100.0

Table 01: Respondents’ Gender

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Figure 01: Respondents’ Gender

The table above shows that the number of male is total 81 and female is 39 which represent
81% of male participants and 39% of female participants.

7.1.2 Demographic Information: Respondents’ Age

Respondents’ Age
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Below 20 years 11 8.1 9.5 9.5
Valid 20-25 years 76 55.9 65.5 75.0
26-30 years 29 21.3 25.0 100.0
Total 116 85.3 100.0

Table 02: Respondents’ Age

8|P a g e

29% 11%

Below 20 years
20-25 years
26-30 years

Figure 02: Respondents’ Age

The Age of these 120 participants’ means the age of 11% participants are below 20 years.
76% participants are in between 20-25 years and 29% are 26-30 years.

7.1.3 Demographic Information: Respondents’ occupation

Respondents’ occupation
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Student 90 66.2 82.6 82.6
Employee 4 2.9 3.7 86.2
Valid employee 11 8.1 10.1 96.3
Business owner 4 2.9 3.7 100.0
Total 109 80.1 100.0
Missing System 11 19.9
Total 120 100.0

Table 03: Respondents’ occupation

9|P a g e


70 90%




10 4% 4%
Student Employee Government Business owner

Figure 03: Respondents’ occupation

Among the 120 participants 90% participants are students, 4% employee, 11% Government
employee 11% and 4% are Business owner.

7.1.4 Demographic Information: Respondents’ monthly income

Respondents’ monthly income
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Under 10000 TK 61 44.9 55.5 55.5
10001-20,000 TK 8 5.9 7.3 62.7
Valid 20001-30000 TK 4 2.9 3.6 66.4
Over 40001 TK 37 27.2 33.6 100.0
Total 110 80.9 100.0
Missing System 10 19.1
Total 120 100.0

Table 04: Respondents’ monthly income

10 | P a g e
Monthly Income

Under 10000 TK
37% 10001-20,000 TK
20001-30000 TK
Over 40001 TK


Figure 04: Respondents’ monthly income

The monthly income of these 120 participants means that 61% of their income is under 10,000 TK,
8% of the participant’s income is 10001-20000 TK, 4% participant’s income is 20001-30000 TK
and the rest of them are 37% that indicates over 40001 TK.

7.1.5 Respondents’ perception view: Preferred coffee shop

Which coffee shop do you prefer?
Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative
Percent Percent
Valid Tabaq 74 53.7 60.8 60.8
North End 46 34.6 39.2 100.0
Total 120 88.2 100.0

Table 05: Respondents’ preferred coffee shop

11 | P a g e
Coffee Shop

Tabaq 74%

North End 46%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Figure 05: Respondents’ preferred coffee shop

120 respondents’ indicating 74% preferred for Tabaq and 46% preferred for North End.

7.1.6 Respondents’ perception view: Visiting frequency to the coffee shop

Respondents' visiting frequency to the coffee shop

Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative
Percent Percent
More than 1 time per 21 15.4 17.5 17.5
Once a week 41 30.1 34.2 51.7
1 time per two weeks 11 8.1 9.2 60.8
Once a month 47 34.6 39.2 100.0
Total 120 88.2 100.0

Table 06: Respondents' visiting frequency to the coffee shop

12 | P a g e


More than 1 time per Once a week 1 time per two weeks Once a month

Figure 06: Respondents' visiting frequency to the coffee shop

Respondents’ visiting at coffee shop, 120 participants indicating that 21% go to the coffee shop
more than 1 times per week, 41% visit in coffee shop once a week, 11% of them are go there 1
time per two weeks and 47% participants visit there once a month.

7.1.7 Respondents’ perception view: If a coffee shop located near workplace or home
Respondent's visiting near workplace or near home
Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative
Percent Percent
Daily or almost 10 7.4 9.1 9.1
2-3 times a week 35 25.7 31.8 40.9
Once a week 47 34.6 42.7 83.6
Valid Once every 2/3 15 11.0 13.6 97.3
Occasionally 3 2.2 2.7 100.0
Total 110 80.9 100.0
Table 07: Respondents' visiting frequency to the coffee shop, if it located near workplace or

13 | P a g e
40 35%
10 3%
Daily or almost 2-3 times a week Once a week Once every 2/3 Occasionally

Figure 07: Respondents' visiting frequency to the coffee shop, if it located near workplace
or home
In 120 respondents’, 47% are reply on once a week, which means they are like to visit in coffee
shop in once a week. 35% voted for 2-3 times a week, 15% reply on once every 2/3 weeks, 10%
are daily or almost visit and lastly 3% often visit coffee shop in occasionally.

14 | P a g e
8.0: Compare Means: Analysis of Means
The Compare Means procedure is useful when you want to summarize and compare differences
in descriptive statistics across one or more factors, or categorical variables.

8.0.1 Analysis of Means: Membership Facility provided by Tabaq and North End
Case Processing Summary
Included Excluded Total
Which coffee shop do you prefer? N Percent N Percent N Percent
Tabaq Provide Gender 74 100.0% 0 0.0% 74 100.0%
membership respondents’
North End Provide Gender 46 100.0% 0 0.0% 46 100.0%
membership respondents’

Table 08: Case Processing Summary of the membership facility provided by coffee shops

Provide membership facility
Which coffee Respondents’
shop do you gender Std.
prefer? Mean N Deviation Minimum Maximum
Tabaq Male 4.06 43 1.273 Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree
Female 3.19 31 1.195 Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree
Total 3.64 74 1.302 Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree
North End Male 3.05 29 1.026 Strongly Disagree Agree
Female 2.71 17 1.490 Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree
Total 2.89 46 1.260 Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree

Table 09: Compare Means Report of the Membership Facility provided by the coffee shops

15 | P a g e
The table above explains that there were total 120 participants (in the N column). Among the
120 participants, 74% of the participants including male and female responded that they prefer
43 male participants have agreed that on an average the Tabaq provides membership facility (the
mean value is 4.06) with a standard deviation of 1.273, but minimum male participants have
strongly disagreed it and maximum male participants have strongly agreed it that Tabaq provides
membership facility. And 31 female participants have neutrally responded that on an average the
Tabaq provides membership facility (the mean value is 3.19) with a standard deviation of 1.195,
but minimum female participants have strongly disagreed it and maximum female participants
have strongly agreed it that Tabaq provides membership facility.

In case of North End, among the 120 participants, 46% of the participants including male and
female responded that they prefer North End. 29 male participants have neutrally responded that
on an average the North End provides membership facility (the mean value is 3.05) with a
standard deviation of 1.026, but minimum male participants have strongly disagreed it and
maximum male participants have strongly agreed it that North End provides membership
facility. And 17 female participants have neutrally disagreed that on an average the North End
provides membership facility (the mean value is 2.71) with a standard deviation of 1.490, but
minimum female participants have strongly disagreed it and maximum female participants have
agreed it that North End provides membership facility.

So here appears to be a difference in the means in relation to the membership facility provided
by the both coffee shop. According to the perception of different genders including male and
female neutrally agreed that, the membership facility provided by Tabaq is higher (mean total =
3.64) than the membership facility provided by North End (mean total= 2.89).

16 | P a g e
8.0.2 Analysis of Means: Quality Foods provided by coffee shop
Case Processing Summary
Included Excluded Total
Which coffee shop do you prefer? N Percent N Percent N Percent
Tabaq I am satisfied 100.0% 0.0% 100.0%
with coffee
74 0 74
North End I am satisfied 97.2% 2.8% 100.0%
with coffee
45 1 46
Table 10: Case Processing Summary of the Quality Foods provided by coffee shops
I am satisfied with coffee menu
Which coffee shop Gender of
Do you prefer? the Std.
participants Mean N Deviation Minimum Maximum
Tabaq Male 3.45 43 .833 Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree
Female 3.10 31 1.193 Strongly Disagree Agree
Total 3.28 74 1.031 Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree
North End Male 3.06 28 1.056 Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree
Female 3.12 17 1.453 Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree
Total 3.09 45 1.245 Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree
Table 11: Compare Means Report of the Quality Foods provided by coffee shops

17 | P a g e
The table above explains that there were total 120 participants (in the N column). Among the
120 participants, 74% of the participants including male and female responded that Tabaq.

43 male participants have neutrally agreed that on an average the Tabaq provides quality foods
(the mean value is 3.45) with a standard deviation of 0.833, but minimum male participants have
strongly disagreed it and maximum male participants have strongly agreed it that Tabaq provides
quality foods. And 31 female participants have neutrally responded that on an average the Tabaq
provides quality foods (the mean value is 3.10) with a standard deviation of 1.193, but minimum
female participants have strongly disagreed it and maximum female participants have agreed it
that Tabaq provides quality foods.

In case of North End, among the 120 participants, 45% of the participants including male and
female responded North End. 28 male participants have neutrally responded that on an average
the North End provides quality foods (the mean value is 3.06) with a standard deviation of 1.056,
but minimum male participants have strongly disagreed it and maximum male participants have
strongly agreed it that North End provides membership facility. And 17 female participants have
neutrally responded that on an average the North End provides quality foods (the mean value is
3.12) with a standard deviation of 1.453, but minimum female participants have strongly
disagreed it and maximum female participants have strongly agreed it that North End provides
quality foods.
So here appears to be a difference in the means in relation to the quality foods provided by the
both coffee shop. According to the perception of different genders including male and female
neutrally responded that, the quality foods provided by Tabaq is higher (mean total = 3.28) than
the quality foods provided by North End (mean total= 3.09).

18 | P a g e
8.0.3 Analysis of Means: Reasonable price charged by the coffee shop
Case Processing Summary
Included Excluded Total
Which coffee shop do you prefer? N Percent N Percent N Percent
Tabaq Offer coffee at a 100.0% 0.0% 100.0%
reasonable price
Gender respondents’
74 0 74
North End Offer coffee at a 100.0% 0.0% 100.0%
reasonable price
Gender respondents’
46 0 46

Table 12: Case Processing Summary of reasonable price charge by the coffee shops

Which coffee shop Gender St.

do you prefer? respondent’s Mean N Deviation Minimum Maximum
Male 3.88 43 .781 Neutral Agree
Strongly Strongly
Tabaq Female 3.42 31 .923 Disagree Agree
Strongly Strongly
Total 3.66 74 .877 Disagree Agree
Male 2.84 29 .602 Disagree Agree
North End Female 3.41 17 1.176 Disagree Agree

19 | P a g e
Total 3.11 46 .950 Disagree Agree
Table 13: Compare Means Report of reasonable price charge by the coffee shops
The table above explains that there were total 120 participants (in the N column). Among the
120 participants, 74% of the participants including male and female responded Tabaq.
43 male participants have neutrally agreed that on an average the Tabaq offering reasonable price
(the mean value is 3.88) with a standard deviation of 0.781, but minimum male participants have
neutrally responded and maximum male participants have strongly agreed it that Tabaq offering
reasonable price. And 31 female participants have neutrally responded that on an average the
Tabaq offer reasonable price (the mean value is 3.42) with a standard deviation of 0.923, but
minimum female participants have strongly disagreed it and maximum female participants have
strongly agreed it that Tabaq offers reasonable price.

In case of North End, among the 120 participants, 46% of the participants including male and
female responded North End. 29 male participants have neutrally disagreed that on an average
the North End offering reasonable price (the mean value is 2.84) with a standard deviation of
0.602, but minimum male participants disagreed it and maximum male participants have agreed
it that North End offering reasonable price. And 17 female participants have neutrally responded
that on an average the North End offering reasonable price (the mean value is 3.41) with a
standard deviation of 1.176, but minimum female participants have disagreed it and maximum
female participants have strongly agreed it that North End offering reasonable price.

So here appears to be a difference in the means in relation to both coffee shops. According to the
perception of different genders including male and female neutrally responded that, the
reasonable price by Tabaq is higher (mean total = 3.66) than North End (mean total= 3.11).

8.1: Compare Means: One-Sample T-Test

The One Sample T-Test determines whether the sample mean is statistically different from
a known or hypothesized population mean. The One Sample T-Test is a parametric test.
8.1.1 One-Sample T-Test: Membership Facility provided by the coffee Shops

20 | P a g e
One-Sample Statistics
Which coffee shop do you prefer? N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean
Tabaq Provides membership facility 74 3.74 1.302 .163
North End Provides membership facility 46 2.89 1.260 .210
Table 19: One-Sample Statistics for the Membership Facility provided by the coffee shops

The table above shows that there were 120 respondents including male and female (in the N
column). Among the 120 participants, 74% of the participants including male and female
responded that Tabaq is their favorite coffee shops for having coffee and membership facility is
provided by the coffee shop. The sample mean for Tabaq in connection with membership facility
is 3.74, the sample standard deviation is 1.302, and the standard error of the mean is .163.
In case of, North End coffee shop, among the 120 participants there are 46% of the participants
including male and female responded that North End coffee shop is their favorite coffee shop for
having coffee and membership facility provided by the coffee shop. The sample mean for North
End coffee shop in connection with membership facility is 2.89, the sample standard deviation is
1.260, and the standard error of the mean is 0.210.
One-Sample Test

Test Value =3 95% confidence

Interval of the
Which coffee shop do you Sig. (2- Mean difference
prefer? t df tailed) Difference Lower Upper
Tabaq Provide 3.937 63 .000 .741 .32 .97
North End Provide -.529 45 .686 -.111 -.54 .32
Table 20: One-Sample T-Test for the Membership Facility provided by the coffee shops

21 | P a g e
The statistics for the test from the table above shows that the one sample t-test statistic for Tabaq
in connection with membership facility is 3.937 and the p-value from this statistic is 0.000 and
that is less than 0.05 (Sig./p-value<0.05 or p<0.05). This indicates that sampled population of
participant’s perception about Tabaq in connection with providing membership facility is
statistically significantly different from the test value (hypothesized population mean) of 3.
Consequently, null hypothesis was rejected. The degrees of freedom (in the df column) is 63 (df
= N – 1 = 74 – 1). The 95% confidence interval estimate for the difference between the
population mean of Tabaq in connection with membership facility and the test value is (0.32,

On the other hand, the statistics for the test from the table above shows that the one sample t-test
statistic for the North End in connection with quality coffee is 0.407 and the p-value from this
statistic is 0.686 and that is more than 0.05 (Sig./p-value>0.05 or p>0.05). This indicates that
sampled population of participant’s perception about North End in connection with quality
coffee is not statistically significantly different from the test value (hypothesized population
mean) of 3. Consequently, null hypothesis was accepted. The degrees of freedom (in the df
column) is 45 (df = N – 1 = 36 – 1). The 95% confidence interval estimate for the difference
between the population mean of the North End in connection with membership facility and the
test value is (-0.54, 0.32).

H1: Significant influence of membership facility in coffee shops in creating long lasting
relationship with consumers.
(Sig. / p=0.000, p<0.05, H1: µ ≠ 0, Accepted).

H0: Significant influence of membership facility in coffee shops doesn’t create long lasting
relationship with consumers.
(Sig. / p=0.000, p<0.05, H1: µ = 0, Rejected)

22 | P a g e
North End:
H1: Significant influence of membership facility in coffee shops creating long lasting
relationship with consumers.
(Sig. / p=0.600, p>0.05, H1: µ = 0, Rejected).

H0: Significant influence of membership facility in coffee shops doesn’t create long lasting
relationship with consumers.
(Sig. / p=0.600, p>0.05, H1: µ ≠ 0, Accepted).

8.1.2 One-Sample T-Test: Quality Coffee provided by coffee shops

One-Sample Statistics
Std. Std. Error
Which coffee shop do you prefer? N Mean Deviation Mean
I am satisfied with their coffee
Tabaq menu 74 3.28 1.031 .129

I am satisfied with their coffee

North End menu 45 3.09 1.245 .211
Table 21: One-Sample Statistics for the Quality Coffee provided by coffee shops

The table above explains that there were 120 participants including male and female (in the N
column). Among the 120 participants, 74% of the participants including male and female
responded that Tabaq is their favorite coffee shop for having coffee. The sample mean for Tabaq
in connection with quality coffee is 3.28, the sample standard deviation is 1.031, and the
standard error of the mean is 0.129.
In case of North End, among the 120 participants there are 45% of the participants including
male and female responded that North End is their favorite coffee shop for having coffee. The
sample mean for North End in connection with quality coffee is 3.09, the sample standard
deviation is 1.245, and the standard error of the mean is 0.211.

23 | P a g e
One-Sample Test
Test Value = 3 95% Confidence

Sig. Interval of the

(2- Mean Difference
Which coffee shop do you prefer? t df tailed) Difference Lower Upper
Tabaq I am satisfied
with their coffee
2.183 63 .033 .281 .02 .54
North End I am satisfied
with their coffee
menu .407 34 .686 .086 -.34 .51
Table 22: One-Sample Test for the Quality Coffee provided by coffee shops

The statistics for the test from the table above shows that the one sample t-test statistic for the
Tabaq in connection with quality coffee is 2.183 and the p-value from this statistic is 0.033 and
that is less than 0.05 (Sig./p-value<0.05 or p<0.05). This indicates that sampled population of
participant’s perception about Tabaq in connection with quality coffee is statistically
significantly different from the test value (hypothesized population mean) of 3. Consequently,
null hypothesis was rejected. The degrees of freedom (in the df column) is 63 (df = N – 1 = 64 –
1). The 95% confidence interval estimate for the difference between the population mean of the
Tabaq in connection with quality coffees and the test value is (0.02, 0.54).
On the other hand, the statistics for the test from the table above shows that the one sample t-test
statistic for the North End in connection with quality coffees is .407 and the p-value from this
statistic is 0.686 and that is more than 0.05 (Sig./p-value>0.05 or p>0.05). This indicates that
sampled population of participant’s perception about North End in connection with quality
coffee is not statistically significantly different from the test value (hypothesized population
mean) of 3. Consequently, null hypothesis was accepted. The degrees of freedom (in the df
column) is 35 (df = N – 1 = 36 – 1). The 95% confidence interval estimate for the difference
between the population mean of the North End in connection with quality coffee and the test
value is (-0.34, 0.51).

24 | P a g e
H2: Quality products and extra facilities influence customer loyalty of the customers of coffee
(Sig. / p=0.033, p<0.05, H2: µ ≠ 0, Accepted).

H0: Quality products and extra facilities do not influence customer loyalty of the customers of
coffee shops.
(Sig. / p=0.033, p<0.05, H2: µ = 0, Rejected)

North End:
H2: Quality products and extra facilities influence customer loyalty of the customers of coffee
(Sig. / p=0.686, p>0.05, H2: µ = 0, Rejected).
H0: Quality products and extra facilities do not influence customer loyalty of the customers of
coffee shops.
(Sig. / p=0.686, p>0.05, H2: µ ≠ 0, Accepted)

8.2 Compare Means: Independent Samples T-Test

The Independent Samples T-Test compares the means of two independent groups in order to
determine whether there is statistical evidence that the associated population means are
significantly different. The Independent Samples T-Test is a parametric test.

8.2.1 Independent Samples T-Test: Membership Facility provided by the coffee shop
Group Statistics
Which coffee shop do Std. Std. Error
you prefer? N Mean Deviation Mean
Provide membership Tabaq 74 3.64 1.302 .163
facility North End 46 2.89 1.260 .210
Table 23: Group Statistics for the Membership Facility provided by the coffee shops

25 | P a g e
In the table above, there are 120 participants. Among the 120 participants, 74% of the
participants including male and female responded Tabaq; membership facility is provided by the
coffee shop.
And among the 120 participants, 46% of the participants including male and female responded
North End, they prefer and membership facility is being provided. The output shows that the
average membership facility provided by Tabaq is 3.64; versus membership facility provided by
North End is 2.89.
Independent Samples Test

Levene’s Test for Equality of
Variances T-Test for Equality of Means
Sig. Mean Std. Error Interval of the
(2 Difference Difference Difference
F Sig. t df tailed) Lower Upper
Provide assumed .143 .706 2.804 98 .006 .752 .268 .220 1.284
membership Equal
facility variances
assumed 2.830 74.686 .006 .752 .266 .223 1.281
Table 24: Independent Sample Test for the Membership Facility Provided by the coffee shops

In the table above, the Sig. (2-Tailed)/p-value of Levene's test is printed as is 0.006. This value is
less than 0.05. Because of this, we can’t reject the null of Levene's test and conclude that there is
no statistically significant difference between the mean number of membership facility by the
Tabaq and North End. Since the Group Statistics box revealed that the Mean for the Tabaq was
greater than the Mean for the North End, so we can conclude that participants responses for

26 | P a g e
Tabaq regarding membership facility is significantly more than the participants responses for
North End regarding membership facility.
As the significant value is 0.006 which is less than 0.05, we cannot reject the null hypothesis. So,
our hypothesis related to the research objective is-

H1: Significant influence of membership facility in coffee shop creating long lasting relationship
with consumers.

(Sig. / p=0.006, p<0.05, H1: µ ≠ 0, Accepted).

H0: Significant influence of membership facility in coffee shop doesn’t create long lasting
relationship with consumers.

(Sig. / p=0.006, p<0.05, H1: µ = 0, Rejected)

8.2.2 Independent Samples T-Test: Quality Foods provided by coffee shop

Group Statistics
Which coffee shop do Std. Std. Error
you prefer? N Mean Deviation Mean
I am satisfied with Tabaq 74 3.28 1.031 .129
coffee menu North End 46 3.09 1.245 .211

Table: 25 Group Statistics for the Quality Foods provided by coffee shops

In the table above, there are 120 participants. Among the 120 participants, 74% of the
participants including male and female responded Tabaq and they provide quality foods. And
among the 120 participants, 46% of the participants including male and female responded North
End and quality foods are provided by the coffee shop. The output shows that the average
quality food provided by Tabaq is 3.28, versus quality food provided by North End 3.09.

27 | P a g e
Test for
Equality of
Variances T-Test for Equality of Means
Sig. Interval of the
(2- Mean Std. Error Difference
F Sig. t Df tailed) Difference Difference Lower Upper
I am Equal
satisfied variances .042 .838 .837 97 .404 .196 .234 -.268 .659
with assumed
menu Equal
variances .792 59.719 .431 .196 .247 -.298 .689

Table 26: Independent Sample Test for the Quality Foods provided by coffee shops

In the table above, the Sig. (2-Tailed)/p-value of Levene's test is printed as is 0.404 (equal
variances assumed) and 0.431 (equal variances not assumed). This value is more than 0.05.
Because of this, we reject the null of Levene's test and conclude that there is statistically
significant difference between the mean number of quality food by the Tabaq and North End.
Since the Group Statistics box revealed that the Mean for the Tabaq was greater than the Mean
for the North End coffee shop, so we can conclude that participants responses for Tabaq
regarding quality food is significantly more than the participants responses for North End
regarding quality food.

As the significant value is 0.404 which is greater than 0.05, we reject the null hypothesis. So, our
hypothesis related to the research objective is-

28 | P a g e
H2: Quality products and extra facilities influence loyalty of the customers of coffee shops.

(Sig. / p=0.404, p>0.05, H2: µ = 0, Rejected).

H0: Quality products and extra facilities do not influence loyalty of the customers of coffee

(Sig. / p=0.404, p>0.05, H2: µ ≠ 0, Accepted)

8.3 Compare Means: Paired Samples T-Test

The paired sample T-Test, sometimes called the dependent sample T-Test, is a statistical
procedure used to determine whether the mean difference between two sets of observations is
zero. In a paired sample T-Test, each subject or entity is measured twice, resulting in pairs of
8.3.1 Paired Samples T-Test: Membership Facility provided by the coffee shop

Paired Samples Statistics

Std. Std. Error
Which coffee shop do you prefer? Mean N Deviation Mean
Tabaq Pair 1 How often do you
go to the coffee shop? 1.78 74 .701 .088

Provide membership
3.64 74 1.302 .163
North End Pair 1 How often do you
go to the coffee shop? 1.78 46 .760 .127

Provide membership
2.89 46 1.260 .210

Table 27: Paired Samples Statistics for the Membership Facility provided by the coffee shops

29 | P a g e
The table above explains that there were 120 participants including male and female (in the N
column). Among the 120 participants, 74% of the participants including male and female
responded Tabaq. The average time participants go to Tabaq in a month is 1.78. And on an
average the membership facility provided by Tabaq is 3.64.
In case of North End, among the 120 participants there are 46% of the participants including
male and female responded North End. The average time participants visit North End in a month
is 1.78. And on an average the membership facility provided by North End is 2.89.

And here appears to be a difference in the means in relation to the membership facility provided
by the coffee shop. Membership facility provided by Tabaq is higher than the membership
facility provided by North End. But there is no difference in the means regarding the average
times participants visit at both Tabaq and North End.

Paired Samples Correlations

Which coffee shop do you prefer? N Correlation Sig.
North End Pair 1 How often do you
go to the coffee shop?
46 -.053 .679
& Provide membership
Tabaq Pair 1 How often do you
go to the coffee shop?
74 .182 .287
& Provide membership
Table 28: Paired Samples Correlations for the Membership Facility provided by the coffee

The table above explains that, at -0.053, the correlations between the North End and Tabaq,
membership facility provided by North End is not statistically significant. There is weak and
negative relationship between the participants visit at North End and membership facility. On the
other hand, at 0.182, the correlations between the participants visit at Tabaq and membership

30 | P a g e
facility is statistically significant. There is weak but positive relationship between the
participants visit Tabaq and membership facility is being provided.
Paired Samples Test
Paired Differences
Std. Std. Interval of the Sig.
Devia Error Difference (2-
Which coffee shop do you prefer? Mean tion Mean Lower Upper t df tailed)
How many
times you go and
drink coffee
Tabaq Pair 1 in a month? -1.859 1.510 .189 -2.237 -1.482 -9.848 73 .000
How many
times you go and
drink coffee
Pair 1 in a month? -1.111 1.348 .225 -1.567 -.655 -4.947 45 .000

Table 29: Paired Samples Test for the Membership Facility provided by the coffee shops

From the table above, the mean difference is -1.859 (subtracting the mean for the participants
visiting Tabaq in a month variable 1.78 and the membership facility provided by Tabaq variable
3.64). The t obtained is -9.848, and, with 73 degrees of freedom (df = n -1, df =74-1), it is
significant at the 0.000 alpha level as the sig. /p-value is less than 0.05. The mean for the Tabaq
differed from their provided membership facility. So, we can conclude that on average Tabaq

31 | P a g e
visiting in a month with an average of -1.859 times, is not less important than the membership
facility provided by Tabaq.
In case of North End, the mean difference is -1.111 (subtracting the mean for the participants
visiting North End in a month variable 1.78 and the membership facility provided by North End
variable 2.89). The t obtained is -4.947, and, with 45 degrees of freedom (df = n -1, df = 46-1), it
is significant at the 0.000 alpha level as the sig. /p-value is less than 0.05. The mean for the
participants visiting North End differed from their provided membership facility. So, we can
conclude that on average participants visiting North End in a month with an average of -1.111
times, is less important than the membership facility provided by North End.
As the significant value is 0.000 which is less than 0.05, we can accept the alternative hypothesis
by rejecting the null hypothesis. So, our hypothesis related to the research objective is-

H1: Significant influence of membership facility in coffee shop creates long lasting relationship
with consumers.

(Sig. / p=0.000, p<0.05, H1: µ ≠ 0, Accepted).

H0: Significant influence of membership facility in coffee shop doesn’t create long lasting
relationship with consumers.

(Sig. / p=0.000, p<0.05, H1: µ = 0, Rejected)

8.3.2 Paired Samples T-Test: Quality Foods Provided by Restaurants
Paired Samples Statistics
Std. Std. Error
Which coffee shop do you prefer? Mean N Deviation Mean
How many times you go and drink
Tabaq coffee in a month? 1.78 74 .701 .088

Pair 1 I am satisfied with their coffee menu 3.28 74 1.031 .129

How many times you go and drink
North End coffee in a month? 1.77 46 .770 .130

Pair 1 I am satisfied with their coffee menu 3.09 46 1.245 .211

Table 30: Paired Samples Statistics for the Quality Foods provided by coffee shops

32 | P a g e
The table above explains that there were 120 participants including male and female (in the N
column). Among the 120 participants, 74% of the participants including male and female
responded Tabaq. The average time for visiting in a month is 1.78. And on an average the
satisfactory quality food provided by Tabaq is 3.28. In case of, North End among the 120
participants there are 46% of the participants including male and female responded at North
End. The average time for visiting in a month is 1.77. And on an average the satisfactory quality
food provided by North End is 3.09.
And here appears to be a difference in the means in relation to the quality food provided by the
coffee shops. Quality food provided by Tabaq is higher than the quality food provided by North
End. But there is a difference in the means regarding the average times at both Tabaq (1.78) and
North End (1.77).

Paired Samples Correlations

Which coffee shop do you prefer? N Correlation Sig.

How many times you go and drink coffee in a

Tabaq month?
74 .218 .083
Pair 1 &I am satisfied with their coffee menu

How many times you go and drink coffee in a

North End month?
46 -.163 .350
Pair 1
&I am satisfied with their coffee menu

Table 31: Paired Samples Correlations for the Quality Foods provided by coffee shops

The table above explains that, at 0.218, the correlations between the Tabaq’s quality foods are
statistically significant. There is weak but positive relationship. On the other hand, at -0.163, the
correlations between the North End’s quality foods is not statistically significant. There is weak
but negative relationship.

33 | P a g e
Paired Samples Test
Paired Differences

Interval of the
Difference Sig.
Which coffee shop Std. (2-
do you prefer? Mean Deviation Lower Upper t df tailed)
Tabaq How many
times you
go and
drink coffee -
in a month? -1.500 1.113 .139 -1.778 -1.222 10.785 73 .000
Pair 1 I am
with their
North How many
End times you
go and
drink coffee -
in a month? 1.3141 1.568 .265 -1.853 -.776 -4.960 45 .000
Pair 1 I am
with their

Table 32: Paired Samples Test for the Quality Foods provided by coffee shops

34 | P a g e
From the table above, the mean difference is -1.500 (subtracting the mean for the participants
visit in a month variable 1.78 and the quality food provided by Tabaq variable 3.28). The t
obtained is -10.785, and, with 73 degrees of freedom (df = n -1, df = 74-1), it is significant at the
0.000 alpha level as the sig. /p-value is less than 0.05. The mean for the participants visiting
Tabaq differed from their provided quality food. So, we can conclude that on average
participants visiting Tabaq in a month with an average of - 1.500 times, is less important than the
quality food provided by Tabaq.

In case of North End, the mean difference is -1.314 (subtracting the mean for the participants
visiting in a month variable 1.77 and the quality food provided by North End variable 3.09). The
t obtained is -1.314, and, with 45 degrees of freedom (df = n -1, df = 46-1), it is significant at the
0.000 alpha level as the sig. /p-value is less than 0.05. The mean for the participants visiting
North End differed from their provided quality food. So, we can conclude that on average
participants visit North End in a month with an average of -1.314 times, is less important than
the quality food provided by North End.
As the significant value is 0.000 which is less than 0.05, we can accept the alternative hypothesis
by rejecting the null hypothesis. So, our hypothesis related to the research objective is-

H2: Quality products and extra facilities influence loyalty of the customers of coffee shops.

(Sig. / p=0.000, p<0.05, H2: µ ≠ 0, Accepted).

H0: Quality products and extra facilities do not influence loyalty of the customers of coffee

(Sig. / p=0.000, p<0.05, H2: µ = 0, Rejected)

8.4 Compare Means: One Way ANOVA

The One-Way ANOVA ("analysis of variance") compares the means of two or more
independent groups in order to determine whether there is statistical evidence that the associated
population means are significantly different. One-Way ANOVA is a parametric test.
8.4.1 One Way ANOVA: Membership Facility Provided by the Restaurants

35 | P a g e
Provide membership facility
95% Confidence
Interval for Mean
Which coffee shop do Std. Std. Lower Upper
you prefer? N Mean Deviation Error Bound Bound Minimum Maximum
Male 43 4.06 1.273 .222 3.61 4.51 1 5
Female 31 3.19 1.195 .215 2.76 3.63 1 5
Tabaq Total 74 3.64 1.302 .163 3.32 3.97 1 5
Male 29 3.05 1.026 .235 2.56 3.55 1 4
Female 17 2.71 1.490 .361 1.94 3.47 1 5
North End Total 46 2.89 1.260 .210 2.46 3.32 1 5

Table 33: Descriptive Statistics for the Membership Facility provided by the coffee shops

The mean of the membership facility provided by coffee shop is the core output in the above
table. The research hypothesis was whether there is a significant influence of membership
facility in coffee shop creating long lasting relationship with consumers or not. The total number
of participants is 120.

Among the 74 participants regarding Tabaq, 43 male participants think that on an average the
Tabaq provides membership facility (the mean value is 4.06) with a standard deviation of 1.273.
And 31 female participants consisting male and female thinks that on an average the Tabaq
provides membership facility (the mean value is 3.19), with a standard deviation of 1.195.

In case of North End, Among the 46 participants, 29 male participants think that on an average
the North End provides membership facility (the mean value is 3.05), with a standard deviation
of 1.026. 17 female participants think that on an average the North End provides membership
facility (the mean value is 2.71), with a standard deviation of 1.490.

So, it can be concluded that, there appears to be a difference in the means in relation to the
membership facility provided by the both coffee shops. According to the perception of different

36 | P a g e
genders including male and female, the membership facility provided by Tabaq is higher (mean
total = 3.64) than the membership facility proved by North End (mean total= 2.89).

Provide membership facility
Which coffee shop do you prefer? Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Tabaq Between Groups 12.017 1 12.017 7.866 .007
Within Groups 94.717 72 1.528
Total 106.734 73
North End Between Groups 1.079 1 1.079 .673 .418
Within Groups 54.477 44 1.602
Total 55.556 45

Table 34: One-Way ANOVA for the Membership Facility provided by the coffee shops

From the ANOVA table above, the Sig. value regarding Tabaq is 0.007. This value is less than
0.05. This shows that here is a statistically significant difference between the mean numbers of
the membership facility and different type of genders (male and female). So, it can be concluded
that membership facility provided by Tabaq is differed significantly among the different
genders, F (1, 62) = 7.866, Sig. = 0.007 (sig. / p<0.05). So, membership facility provided by
Tabaq is affected by the gender of the participants.

In case of North End, the Sig. value is 0.418. This value is more than 0.05. This shows that here
is no statistically significant difference between the mean numbers of the membership facility
and different type of genders (male and female). So, it can be concluded that membership
facility provided by North End is not differed significantly among the different genders, F (1,
34) = 0.673, Sig. = 0.418 (sig. / p>0.05). So, membership facility provided by North End is not
affected by the gender of the participants.
8.4.2 One Way ANOVA: Quality Foods Provided by Restaurants

37 | P a g e
I am satisfied with their coffee menu
95% Confidence
Interval for Mean
Which coffee shop do Std. Std. Lower Upper
you prefer? N Mean Deviation Error Bound Bound Minimum Maximum
Male 43 3.45 .833 .145 3.16 3.75 1 5
Female 31 3.10 1.193 .214 2.66 3.53 1 4
Tabaq Total 74 3.28 1.031 .129 3.02 3.54 1 5
Male 29 3.06 1.056 .249 2.53 3.58 1 5
Female 17 3.12 1.453 .352 2.37 3.86 1 5
North End Total 46 3.09 1.245 .211 2.66 3.51 1 5

Table 35: Descriptive Statistics for the Quality Foods provided by coffee shops

The mean of the quality food provided by the coffee shop is the core output in the above table.
The research hypothesis was whether quality products and extra facilities influence loyalty of the
customers of coffee shops or not. The total number of participants is 120.

Among the 74 participants regarding Tabaq, 43 male participants think that on an average the
Tabaq provides quality foods (the mean value is 3.45) with a standard deviation of 0.833. And
31 female participants consisting male and female thinks that on an average the Tabaq provides
quality foods (the mean value is 3.10), with a standard deviation of 2.66.

In case of North End, Among the 46 participants, 29 male participants think that on an average
the North End provides satisfied lunch menu (the mean value is 3.06), with a standard deviation
of 1.056. 17 female participants think that on an average the North End provides quality foods
(the mean value is 3.12), with a standard deviation of 1.453.
So, it can be concluded that, there appears to be a difference in the means in relation to quality
foods provided by the both coffee shops. According to the perception of different genders
including male and female, quality foods provided by Tabaq is higher (mean total = 3.28) than
the quality foods proved by North End (mean total= 3.09).

38 | P a g e
I am satisfied with their coffee menu
Which coffee shop do you prefer? Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Tabaq Between Groups 2.046 1 2.046 1.955 .167
Within Groups 64.891 72 1.047
Total 66.938 73
North End Between Groups .034 1 .034 .021 .885
Within Groups 52.709 44 1.597
Total 52.743 45

Table 36: One-Way ANOVA for the Quality Foods provided by coffee shops

From the ANOVA table above, the Sig. value regarding Tabaq is 0.167. This value is greater
than 0.05. This shows that here is statistically significant difference between the mean numbers
of quality foods and different type of genders (male and female). So, it can be concluded that
quality foods provided by Tabaq is differed significantly among the different genders, F (1, 62) =
1.955, Sig. = 0.167 (sig. / p>0.05). So, quality foods provided by Tabaq is affected by the gender
of the participants.

In case of North End, the Sig. value is 0.885. This value is more than 0.05. This shows that here
is no statistically significant difference between the mean numbers of the quality foods and
different type of genders (male and female). So, it can be concluded that quality foods provided
by North End is not differed significantly among the different genders, F (1, 34) = 0.021, Sig. =
0.885 (sig. / p>0.05). So, quality foods provided by North End is not affected by the gender of
the participants.

39 | P a g e
9.0 Discussion and Results
The findings of the present study reveal that there is a significant relationship between the factors
associated with drinking coffee in coffee shops in connection with provided membership facility,
quality food services by the coffee shops. This extends our knowledge and understanding of the
peoples having coffee in two different coffee shops called Tabaq and North End and their
perception about the facilities provided by those coffee shops.
Frequency for discrete variable in regards with demographic profile shows that there are 81 male
and 39 female have been taken into account for finding their perception about having coffee in
different coffee shops and facilities provide by those coffee shops. Among the 120 participants
most of their ages are in between 20 to 25 years. And most of them are students. Among the 120
participants, 90% participants are students, 4% employee, 11% Government employee 11% and
4% are Business owner.
As 90% of participants are students among the 120 participants so they are not involved in any
job or businesses but few participants’ income is under 10000 TK.

Frequency for participants answer regarding drinking coffee at coffee shops shows that there are
120 participants consist of male and female and their preferred coffee shops. 47 of the
participants drink coffee at a coffee shop once a month. When 74 of the participants said that,
Tabaq is their favorite coffee shop for drinking coffee. 41 of the participants go to coffee shops
for drinking coffee for once a week.
Analysis of means regarding membership facility provided the restaurants shows that there is a
difference in the means in relation to the membership facility provided by the both coffee shops.
According to the perception of different genders including male and female neutrally agreed that,
the membership facility provided by Tabaq is higher (mean total = 3.64) than the membership
facility provided by North End (mean total= 2.89). There are differences in the means in relation
to the quality foods provided by the both coffee shops, the quality foods provided by Tabaq is
higher (mean total = 3.28) than the quality foods provided by North End (mean total= 3.09
Analysis of One Sample T-Test regarding membership facility provided the coffee shops shows
that the Tabaq in connection with membership facility is 3.937 and the p-value from this statistic
is 0.000 and that is less than 0.05 (Sig./p-value<0.05 or p<0.05). This indicates that the Tabaq in
connection with providing membership facility is statistically significantly different from the test

40 | P a g e
value (hypothesized population mean) of 3. Consequently, null hypothesis was rejected. On the
other hand, North End in connection with quality foods is 0.407 and the p-value from this
statistic is 0.686 and that is more than 0.05 (Sig./p-value>0.05 or p>0.05). Consequently, null
hypothesis was accepted. The one sample t-test statistic for the Tabaq in connection with quality
foods is 2.183 and the p-value from this statistic is 0.033 and that is less than 0.05 (Sig./p-
value<0.05 or p<0.05). Consequently, null hypothesis was rejected. On the other hand, North
End in connection with membership facility is -0.529 and the p-value from this statistic is 0.600
and that is more than 0.05 (Sig./p-value>0.05 or p>0.05). This indicates that sampled population
of participant’s perception about the North End in connection with membership facility is
statistically significantly different from the test value (hypothesized population mean) of 3.
Consequently, null hypothesis was accepted.
Analysis of Independent Samples T-Test regarding membership facility provided the coffee
shops shows that participants responses for Tabaq regarding membership facility is significantly
more than the participants responses for North End regarding membership facility. As the
significant value is 0.006 which is less than 0.05, we can accept the alternative hypothesis by
rejecting the null hypothesis. Independent Sample T Test regarding quality foods provided the
coffee shops shows that participants responses for Tabaq regarding quality food is significantly
more than the participants responses for North End regarding quality food. As the significant
value is 0.404 which is greater than 0.05, we are failed to reject the null hypothesis by which the
null hypothesis is accepted and alternative hypothesis is rejected.
Analysis of Paired Sample T-Test regarding membership facility provided the coffee shops show
that membership facility provided by Tabaq is higher than the membership facility provided by
North End. But there is no difference in the means regarding the average times participants
drinking coffee at both Tabaq and North End, as the significant value is 0.000 which is less than
0.05, we can accept the alternative hypothesis by rejecting the null hypothesis. Paired Sample T-
Test regarding quality foods provided the coffee shops show that quality food provided by Tabaq
is higher than the quality food provided by North End. But there is a difference in the means
regarding the average times participants drinking coffee at both Tabaq (1.78) and North End
(1.77), as the significant value is 0.000 which is less than 0.05, we can accept the alternative
hypothesis by rejecting the null hypothesis.

41 | P a g e
Analysis of One-Way ANOVA regarding membership facility provided the coffee shops show
that there are differences in the means in relation to the membership facility provided by both
coffee shops. According to the perception of different genders including male and female, the
membership facility provided by Tabaq is higher (mean total = 3.64) than the membership
facility proved by North End (mean total= 2.89). Membership facility provided by Tabaq is
differed significantly among the different genders, F (1, 62) = 7.866, Sig. = 0.007 (sig. / p<0.05).
Membership facility provided by Tabaq is affected by the gender of the participants.
Membership facility provided by North End is not differed significantly among the different
genders, F (1, 34) = 0.673, Sig. = 0.418 (sig. / p>0.05). Membership facility provided by North
End is not affected by the gender of the participants. One Way ANOVA regarding quality foods
provided the coffee shops show that there are differences in the means in relation to the
membership facility provided by the both restaurants. According to the perception of different
genders including male and female, quality foods provided by Tabaq is higher (mean total =
3.28) than the quality foods proved by North End (mean total= 3.09). Quality foods provided by
Tabaq is differed significantly among the different genders, F (1, 62) = 1.955, Sig. = 0.167 (sig. /
p>0.05). So, quality foods provided by Tabaq is affected by the gender of the participants.
Quality foods provided by North End is not differed significantly among the different genders, F
(1, 34) = 0.021, Sig. = 0.885 (sig. / p>0.05). So, quality foods provided by North End is not
affected by the gender of the participants.

10.0 Result from the Research

So, the result shows that according to the participants’ perception towards Tabaq is the best. And
membership facility, quality food and extra facilities in connection with reasonable price
provided by Tabaq is higher than the North End.

42 | P a g e
11.0 Limitation of the study
The limitations we faced along the course of this research project are:
• The sample size was considerably small. By taking more sample sizes from more people
we could have got more accurate results.
• For conducting a proper research method, we need adequate investment and time to carry
out surveys. Time constraint was a major issue. A research analysis on such a vast topic
requires more time and resource investment.
• Measures of data collected were limited.
• Available data required for this research work was also limited.
• The respondents need to provide a heavy portion of information thinking carefully about
their experiences. Due to less motivation for not having proper incentives, the results data
collected may not have been fully valid.
• Lack of available and reliable data.
• Lack scope of discussions with respondents.

12.0 Recommendations
For Future Research:

• For further research it is recommended that the sample size should be large enough
consisting male and females.

• More public and private universities should be selected to collect data from the students
to find out their comparative perception towards the coffee shops and their level of
• In future research the survey questionnaire can be revised and upgraded to full standard
and questions should be designed more structured and standard way.

• There can be more depth discussion about the research after reviewing other related
research papers.

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47 | P a g e

Survey Questionnaire:

Which coffee shop do you prefer?

 Tabaq
 North End
Part 1: Demographic Information
1/ Gender
 Male  Female  Other
2/ Age
 Below 20  26 – 30  36 – 40  Over 46
years years years years

 20 – 25  31 – 35  41 – 45
years years years
3/ Status
 Single  Married
4/ Occupation
 Student  Government employee  Other

 Employee  Business owner

5/ Income per month
 Under 10,000  20,001 – 30,000  Over 40,001
 10,001 – 20,000  30,001 – 40,000

Part 2: The consumption of coffee of preferred coffee shop

6/ Do you get better service from the coffee shop?
 Yes  No

7/ How often do you go the coffee shop?

 More than 1 time per week  1 time per two weeks
 Once a week  Once a month
8/ How long do you stay in the coffee shop?
 5 – 15 minutes  More than 30 minutes
 16 – 30 minutes  More than 1 hour

48 | P a g e
9/ Which day or days of a week do you like to go to the coffee shop?
 Friday – Saturday  Sunday – Wednesday

 Other Holiday  Everyday

10/ If a coffee shop like this one was located near your workplace or home how often do you
think you would visit it?
 Daily or almost  4-5 times a week
 3-4 times a week  2-3 times a week
 Once a week  Once every 2/3 weeks
 Occasionally

11/ What time of the day would you usually call in a coffee shop?
 8.00 – 11.00 am  5.00 – 8.00 pm

 11.00 – 2.00 pm  8.00 – 11.00 pm

 2.00 – 5.00 pm  Other (Please Specify)

12/ For what reasons would you like to drink coffee? (You could choose more than one) *
 Release Stress  Refreshing

 Social Occasions  Drinking Habit

 Other (Please Specify)

13/ What type of coffee do you drink/buy?

 Cappuccino  Latte/Café Latte

 Espresso  Macchiato

 Americano  Ristretto

 Mocha  Iced coffee

 Other, please specify:

14/ What size of coffee do you prefer?

 Short (10 OZ)  Venti (20 OZ)

49 | P a g e
 Tall (12 OZ)  Grande (16 OZ)

15/ What other items do you buy with your coffee?

 I don’t buy anything else  Panini

 Sandwich  Muffin

 Biscuit  Cake

 Crisps  Pastries

16/ What other food would you expect to see in your favorite coffee shop?

17/ A coffee shop who offered discounts to students would encourage you to go.
 Yes  No
18/ Do you feel satisfied with the environment of coffee shop? (You could choose more than
 Yes  No, because it is
 Noisy  Crowded
 Dirty  Poor Decoration
 Other (Please Specify)

19/ Do you want to skip to another coffee shop in future?

 Yes  No
20/ What would be the reason behind skipping to another coffee shop? (Answer only if you
mark Yes)
 Better quality  Better taste

 Environment issues  Other

Part 3: The Customer Satisfaction
21/ What are the factors that attract you to enter the coffee shop? (Can choose more than 1
 Coffee tasty  Nice decoration

50 | P a g e
 Located in urban area  Good service

 Other

22/ Does the coffee shop have any smoking zone?

 Yes  No

Please answer the following questions (23-28) at your Disagree and Agreement where 5 =
Strongly disagree and 1 = Strongly agree.
23/ Nice decoration attracts you to enter the coffee shop.
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
5 4 3 2 1

24/ Customized facilities and extra services:

Provide membership facility 5 4 3 2 1
Provide discount to the member 5 4 3 2 1
Provide extra quantity of coffee 5 4 3 2 1
Cleanliness of washrooms 5 4 3 2 1
Provide WI-FI accessibility 5 4 3 2 1

25/ Quality coffee provided by the coffee shop:

I am satisfied with coffee menu 5 4 3 2 1
I am getting hygiene coffee from the coffee
5 4 3 2 1
The coffee shop provides outstanding taste of
5 4 3 2 1
Make coffee at the proper temperature 5 4 3 2 1

26/ Facilities of the coffee shop:

Has sufficient space for customers 5 4 3 2 1
The coffee shop provides parking facility
5 4 3 2 1
as needed

51 | P a g e
Has backup power supply facility 5 4 3 2 1

27/ Specialty of the coffee shop:

Offers different types of coffee items 5 4 3 2 1
Has a beautiful interior 5 4 3 2 1
Offers welcome drinks 5 4 3 2 1
Has very quick service facility 5 4 3 2 1

28/ Price charged by coffee shop:

Offers coffee at a reasonable price 5 4 3 2 1

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