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Combo 1

28. Describe a person who is always full of energy

35. Describe a friend who is a good leader

I know many people who can lead well/ are always full of energy, but here I would like
to talk about my best friend Henry as I believe he is a good leader/ the most energetic
person that I’ve known.

He is 25 years old and very handsome. We have been friends since university days. I met
him when we were attending Macroeconomics class. He sat next to me and we ended up
being close friends as we could share a lot of common interests.

I remember that time, I used to be very shy but he was always full of confidence. He was
selected as the monitor of the class and represented the whole class if we had any problem
and needed to talk to our school principal. He is himself very disciplined and he always
used to encourage other students to be punctual.

Henry is a person to whom I look up and whose habits I adopt to make myself more
energetic and dynamic. He is a dream boy for many people out there to be honest.
Whenever I am with him, I always feel his positive influence on me.

1. Disciplined (adj) behaving in a very controlled way:

The young gymnasts who won the competition were a talented and disciplined team.

2. Dynamic (adj) having a lot of ideas and enthusiasm:

We need a dynamic expansion of trade with other countries.

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Combo 2

17. Describe a friend you lost contact with and started contacting again
22. Describe a time when you were surprised to meet a friend.

I would like to talk about a time when I bumped into one of my primary school friends at
a study abroad conference in Hanoi two years ago. Out of the blue, I spotted someone who
looked pretty familiar and then I quickly realized it was Henry, my primary school

Since high-school, Henry has been outstanding academically and in sports as well. When
we were in school, he was the captain of the football team. In studies, he was always among
the top four-five students. Despite all this, he was very modest, and still he is very modest.
It was such fun talking to him.

It just so happened that Henry and I were arranged to sit at the same table and we quickly
recognized each other. Then we talked about our lives and headed for an afternoon tea
session at a nearby cafe shop.

I think it was a bittersweet feeling getting in touch with him after so long. It was an
interesting experience to get to know more about him and our changes over 10 years.

1. Bump into sb (phrasal verb) to meet someone you know when you have
not planned to meet them
We bumped into Amy when we were in town last week.

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Combo 3

5. Describe a successful small company that you know

12. Describe a successful family business.

Well I do know a company which I consider to be a successful family business. It’s a

company of my neighbor. She set up the business with her sister 4 years ago and has received
quite a good level of popularity from society.

Regarding what their company does, well to put it simply, it is a cosmetics manufacturing
company, which then became one of the most well-known natural and organic cosmetics
brands in Vietnam. And they seem to be doing pretty well because a few years ago they
were just a small operation and didn’t even make the cosmetics themselves. I mean, to begin
with, they were just a trading company which imported products from foreign countries,
then sold them to the Vietnamese market. But after doing this for a while, they became big
enough that they started producing cosmetics themselves.

I really admire them for being able to achieve all this. I used one of their products and
really loved it. I think one of the reasons behind their success is that they really focus on
the quality of their products. They commit to all of their products being made from high
quality certified ingredients which can be used on all skin types including the most
sensitive ones. The positive results and feedback from customers prove it to be true.

1. Organic (adj) not using artificial chemicals in the growing of plants and animals
for food and other products

Supermarkets have recognized the increasing popularity of organic food.

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Combo 4

16. Describe a journey that you went on by car.

20. Describe a volunteer experience you have had. You should say:

Today, I would like to talk about one of the most memorable days ever in my life. It is the
day that I participated in a volunteer campaign with my friends in university, on which I had
the chance to visit rural areas and help people there. That time, we traveled by many kinds
of transportation, some went by bus and some went by their own private vehicles. One of
my friends had a car and that’s how we got there.

The volunteer campaign was called “Green Summer” which was celebrated in summer and
provided students chances to enhance their life experiences through volunteering activities.
The place my team visited that time was a small village in a mountainous area near Hanoi,
the capital. The village was called “Dong Luan”. I never forget the day we went there on
the countryside road as the car passed through many beautiful natural landscapes which
cannot be seen in big cities, especially Hanoi. You know what, two sides of the road were
surrounded by green rice paddy fields, which looked really magnificent.

We stayed in the village headman houses for 3 days. During those days we were divided
into teams which would be responsible for different work like repairing streets and irrigation
systems; providing free health exams and medicine to the poor, etc.

That was the first time I had participated in such a volunteering activity, which turned
out to be far beyond what I had expected. Everyone was so enthusiastic and hardworking
and I had learned a lot from them.

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1. Vehicles (n) a machine, usually with wheels and an engine, used
for transporting people or goods on land, especially on roads:
The number of thefts of motor vehicles rose by a third last year.

2. Enhance (v) to improve the quality, amount, or strength of something:

Smart personnel practices enhance the value of a company and its stock.

Combo 5

2. Describe a film you would like to share with your friends.

43. Describe a film or TV program that made you laugh

Well, I was struggling to decide on the film to talk about because I have watched hundreds
of movies, and there are so many great ones that I really want to share with my friends.
However, I’ve decided to talk about “The Incredibles 2” because the movie is still vivid in
my mind as I watched it last week.

I watched the movie and knew The Incredibles 2 by chance when my friend came to visit
my house at the weekend and we made up our minds to watch a movie for entertainment.
My friend, Henry, opted for The Incredibles 2. After watching the movie, I fell in love with
it and figured out why the movie had been all the rage.

I really like the movie as the message that is conveyed by the film is meaningful. I believe
that the movie is beyond action and beautiful graphics. Every single battle tells a meaningful
story which can only be fully comprehended after watching the film.

I would like to share it with my friends due to many reasons. First of all, The Incredibles,
both 1 and 2, are not just all about battles and fighting but they do tell meaningful stories
from Brad Bird. As can be seen, the family is close-knit and the members support each other
a lot. Also, a discerning viewer will spot that the value of women is upheld in the film. A lot
has changed since the Incredibles 1 when Bob played the main role. In this film, Helen, a

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woman, plays the most vital role in confronting rivals and putting a stop to villains. So I love
the movie due to its colourful animation as well as its meaningful stories.

1. Make up one’s mind (phrase): decide.

I haven't made up my mind where to go yet.

2. Opt (v): choose

Instead of a soft drink, she opted for water.

3. To be all the rage (idiom): very popular

In China, Mercedes-Benz cars are all the rage among the moneyed elite.

Combo 6

38. Describe an enjoyable dinner you had with friends.

42. Describe something you enjoyed doing with a group of people

Well, my friends and I used to do a lot of things together when we were students. However,
as we are all grown up and don’t have much time like we used to, the most enjoyable things
I would like to do with my friends now is gathering together for a dinner and having some
chats to update each other.

I remember the last time we had dinner was last weekend. We booked a table at Opera
Restaurant, which is under the management of Park Hyatt Hotel. As I recall, it was on a
Sunday evening and the sky was illuminated by the gorgeous sunset glow.

The dinner was comprised of 8 dishes, starting with some salad and white wine. The main
course was Spaghetti Bolognese, which is the most popular kind of spaghetti in the world.
The meal ended with one of the best tiramisus I’ve ever had in my life.
We had such a good dinner with the atmosphere filled with classical live music played by a
professional pianist and a violinist. We were blown away by such high-quality food and
service offered by the Opera Restaurant.
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I really enjoyed those dinners with friends. It was just more than food as sitting and chatting
with them is like a mental remedy for me after a hard-working week. It was also the
atmosphere and the happiness that made it so special.

1. Under someone’s management (phrase): guided or managed by someone

The club prospered under Ferguson's management.

2. To blow someone away (phrase): to surprise sb

Winning first prize and a full scholarship blew her away.

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