VMM RAL LCA Features User Guide: N-2017.12-SP1, March 2018

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VMM RAL LCA Features

User Guide
N-2017.12-SP1, March 2018
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RTL Generation from a RALF Description

RTL Generation Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Using the ‘ralgen –R’ Option . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
User RTL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Host-Side Protocol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Design-Side Protocol. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Design-Side Protocol for External Fields. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Data Input and Output Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Blocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Memories. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Multiple Domains. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Register Arrays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Register Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Register File Arrays. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Systems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Unsupported RALF Constructs and Functionality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Appendix: RTL Implementation of RALF Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

RTL Generation from a RALF Description 1
The RALF specification contains all of the necessary information to
generate the RTL code implementing the specified registers.
Automatically generating the RTL code and the RAL model ensures
that they are kept up to date and requires that only one change be
made manually.

This chapter contains the following sections:

• RTL Generation Overview

• Using the ‘ralgen –R’ Option
• Data Input and Output Requirements
• Appendix: RTL Implementation of RALF Fields

RTL Generation from a RALF Description

RTL Generation Overview

The ralgen option, -R, can be used to generate the register RTL
code for one or more blocks in the RALF file. When the -R option is
specified, ralgen generates the register RTL code for the block
specified as the top-level block or all the blocks and systems
included in the specified top-level system.

The RTL code is generated in separate files for each system, block,
register file, and register. The name of the generated file is
ral_typ_name_rtl.sv, where typ is one of sys, blk, rfile, or
reg and name is the unique, fully-scoped name of the system, block,
register file or register, as in the RALF file.

The following are some of the key capabilities of RALF to RTL


• RTL code is generated for registers containing the following types

of fields:
- RW fields
- RO fields
- WO fields
- RU fields
- RC fields
- W1C fields
- A0 fields
- A1 fields

RTL Generation from a RALF Description

- OTHER fields
- USER0 fields
- USER1 fields
- USER2 fields
- USER3 fields
• RTL code is generated for registers that are wider than the block
data path, using LITTLE_ENDIAN or BIG_ENDIAN ordering.
• RTL code is generated for register arrays, register files, register
files containing register arrays, and register file arrays.
• RTL code is generated for blocks with single and multiple domains
and registers shared across multiple domains.
• RTL code is generated for blocks that have a wider datapath than
the system they are instantiated in, using LITTLE_ENDIAN or
BIG_ENDIAN ordering.
• Generated RTL can be instantiated multiple times in the same
RTL design, at different base addresses.

Using the ‘ralgen –R’ Option

The ralgen command-line option -R dir-name must be used to

trigger or request RALF to RTL generation.

• dir-name specifies the folder in which generated RTL files are

to be stored.

RTL Generation from a RALF Description

• ralgen command line option -l sv is implicit when using the
-R option but can be specified as well. Only SystemVerilog RTL
is supported.
• Using the -R option prevents the generation of the RAL model. It
cannot be used in conjunction with ralgen options -g/gen_c,
-b, -d/top_domain, -e/ext_ud or -c.
The generated RTL is of a predetermined style and assumes a
specific read/write protocol. You must implement a suitable decoding
function between the actual bus interface used by the block and the
generated register RTL.

The generated register RTL code uses a single clock signal. You are
responsible for any clock domain crossing issues between the
generated register RTL and the clock domain of the bus interface.

All generated files are written in the directory specified with the –R
option. Each file contains a single module and is named according to
the module name with the .sv suffix. This allows you to override a
generated module with a user-provided one by locating the user-
defined module in a directory that is searched before the ralgen
generated RTL directory, using the +incdir option for simulation,
or the search-path variable in synthesis.

This section contains the following topics:

• User RTL
• Host-Side Protocol
• Design-Side Protocol
• Design-Side Protocol for External Fields

RTL Generation from a RALF Description

User RTL

To use the generated RTL modules that implement the registers and
address decoders specified in the RALF file, instantiate the
appropriate block and host interfaces and block and system
modules. As long as the system and block type names do not
change, it is not necessary to change your code. As registers or
fields are modified, the corresponding design-side signals located in
the block interfaces will be modified. The latter changes may require
modifications in your code, but only for the portions that make use of
the changed registers or fields.

For example, the generated RTL from the following RALF file:

system s1 {
bytes 1;
system s2 @’h1000 {
bytes 1
block b4;
block b1 @’h2000;

can be instantiated in your RTL as follows:

File b1.sv:
`include "vmm_ral_host_itf.sv"
`include "ral_blk_b1_rtl.sv"

module b1(vmm_ral_host_itf.slave hst, ...);

ral_blk_b1_itf ral_io();
ral_blk_b1_rtl ral(hst, ral_io.regs);

RTL Generation from a RALF Description

File b4.sv:
`include "vmm_ral_host_itf.sv"
`include "ral_blk_b4_rtl.sv"

module b4(vmm_ral_host_itf.slave hst, ...);

ral_blk_b4_itf ral_io();
ral_blk_b4_rtl ral(hst, ral_io.regs);

File s1.sv:
`include "vmm_ral_host_itf.sv"
`include "ral_sys_s1_rtl.sv"

`include "b1.sv"
`include "s2.sv"

module s1(input bit clk, input bit rstn, ...);

vmm_ral_host_itf hst_bus(clk, rstn);

vmm_ral_host_itf s2_bus(clk, rstn);
vmm_ral_host_itf b1_bus(clk, rstn);
ral_sys_s1_rtl ral(hst_bus.slave, s2_bus.master,
s2 s2_i(s2_bus.slave);
b1 b1_i(b1_bus.slave);

File s2.sv:
`include "vmm_ral_host_itf.sv"
`include “ral_sys_s1_s2_rtl.sv”
`include "b4.sv"

module s2(vmm_ral_host_itf.slave hst, ...);

vmm_ral_host_itf b4_bus(hst.clk, hst.rstn);

ral_sys_s1_s2_rtl ral(hst, b4_bus.master);
b4 b4_i(b4_bus.slave);

RTL Generation from a RALF Description

Host-Side Protocol

The generated RTL assumes that the host-side protocol is

implemented using the signals shown in Table 2-1. Unless otherwise
specified, all signals are active high and are sampled at the rising
edge of the clock. The direction is specified with respect to the slave

Table 2-1 Host-Side Signals

Name Width Direction Description
hst_adr M Input Address offset within the register file, block, or system.
hst_wdat N Input Write data value. How this value is interpreted depends
on the type of field being written.
hst_sel B Input When HIGH, the field or corresponding byte lane in the
register, block, or system is selected. When LOW, the
field or byte lane is not selected and the corresponding
“hst_rdat” value is ignored.
hst_wen I Input When HIGH, indicates a write cycle. When LOW,
indicates a read cycle.
hst_rdat N Output Current value in the field or register. Current value of
fld_out the selected register in the block or system.
hst_ack I Output When HIGH, acknowledges completion of a write cycle.
Read cycles are not acknowledged.

The default implementation for the fields assumes that the host-side
protocol for read and write accesses is as shown in Figure 2-1.

RTL Generation from a RALF Description

Figure 2-1 Host-Side Protocol

Design-Side Protocol

The generated RTL provides the design side with the signals in
Table 2-2 (where functionally relevant). Unless otherwise specified,
all signals are active high and are sampled at the rising edge of the
clock. The direction is specified with respect to the generated RTL
code. It is not necessary for a design to make use of all output
signals, but all input signals must be driven. If a function provided by
an input signal is not used, it must be driven to an inactive state.

RTL Generation from a RALF Description

Table 2-2 Design-Side Signals
Name Width Direction Description
fld_adr M Output Address offset, within the memory.
fld_in N Input Update data value. How this value is interpreted
depends on the type of field being updated.
fld_wen 1 Input When HIGH, the field, register, block, or system is to be
updated, based on the “fld_in” value.
fld_wr 1 Output A write cycle was performed on a system, block,
memory, or register.
fld_rd 1 Output A read cycle was performed on a system, block,
memory, or register.
fld_out N Output Current value in the field or register.

The default implementation for the fields assumes that the design-
side protocol for read and write accesses (where relevant) is as
shown in Figure 2-2.

RTL Generation from a RALF Description

Figure 2-2 Design-Side Protocol

Only the design-side signals required by the functionality of a field

are generated. Table 2-3 defines which design-side signals are
included for the various field types. It also shows how the input value
is interpreted by the default implementation of the field.

Table 2-3 Design-Side Signals by Field Type

fld_in As-is As-is No Set Mask Set Mask Clr Mask Set Mask As-is
fld_wen Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
fld_wr Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes No
fld_rd Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
fld_out Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

RTL Generation from a RALF Description

Design-Side Protocol for External Fields

For fields that are assumed to be implemented by the design, and

not in the generated RTL, the generated RTL provides the design
side with the signals shown in Table 2-4 (where functionally
relevant). Unless otherwise specified, all signals are active high and
are sampled at the rising edge of the clock. The direction is specified
with respect to the generated RTL code. It is not necessary for a
design to make use of all output signals, but all input signals must be
driven. If a function provided by an input signal is not used, it must
be driven to an inactive state.

Table 2-4 Design-Side Signals in the Generated RTL

Name Width Direction Description
fld_sel 1 Output When HIGH, the field is selected and must be read or
written by the design. When LOW, all other signals
should be ignored by the design.
fld_wdat N Output Write data value.
fld_wen 1 Input When HIGH, indicates a write cycle. When LOW,
indicates a read cycle.
fld_rdat N Input Current value in the field.

The generated RTL assumes that the design-side protocol for read
and write accesses of an externally-implemented field are as shown
in Figure 2-3.

RTL Generation from a RALF Description

Figure 2-3 Design-Side Protocol for External Fields

An external field may not span multiple physical addresses in the

generated RTL.

Data Input and Output Requirements

The only user input requirement is a syntactically correct RALF file.

No modifications are necessary.

An auxiliary input is a set of files containing the RTL implementation

for fields based on the field type. Each file, named
vmm_ral_fieldtype_field_rtl.sv, must contain the definition
of a module named vmm_ral_fieldtype_field_rtl, where
fieldtype is the type of the field (for example, rw, wo, and so on).
A default implementation is provided in a VMM distribution and
included in Appendix D. It is possible to override these default
implementations by providing a different implementation that must
be picked up before the default ones via a suitable module search
order (for example the -y VCS command-line option).

RTL Generation from a RALF Description

The following sections describe the RTL code generated that
corresponds to the various RALF constructs.

This section contains the following topics:

• Registers
• Blocks
• Memories
• Multiple Domains
• Register Arrays
• Register Files
• Register File Arrays
• Systems
• Unsupported RALF Constructs and Functionality


For every register definition, a module is generated. The module

is named according to the unique scoped register type name and
contains instances of the appropriate field modules. A single set of
host-side signals is included in the module pins. A set of design-side
signals is included for each field in the register.

The RTL generation template for a register is:

module ral_reg_<regname>_rtl(<host-side signals>,

{<design-side signals>});

{<field module instantiations>}

{<field rd/wr notifiers>}

RTL Generation from a RALF Description

<read value concatenation>

For example, the following RALF declaration:

register r1 {
bytes 4;
field f10 @0 {bits 8; access rw;}
field f11 @16 {bits 8; access ro;}

will generate the following corresponding RTL:

module ral_reg_r1_rtl(input clk,

input rstn,
input [31:0] hst_wdat,
output [31:0] hst_rdat,
input [ 3:0] hst_sel,
input hst_wen,
output [ 7:0] f10_out,
output f10_rd, f10_wr,
input [ 7:0] f10_in,
input f10_wen,
input [ 7:0] f11_in);

vmm_ral_rw_field_rtl #(8, 8’b0)

f10(clk, rstn, f10_out,
hst_wdat[7:0], hst_sel[0], hst_wen,
f10_in, f10_wen);

wire [ 7:0] f11_out;

vmm_ral_ro_field_rtl #(8)
f11(clk, rstn, f11_in, f11_out);

vmm_ral_notifier_rtl _n(clk, rstn, hst_sel[0], hst_wen,

f10_rd, f10_wr);

assign hst_rdat[31:0] = {f11_out, 8’b0, f10_out};


Shared registers are generated in an identical fashion: the sharing is

implemented in the block RTL code.

RTL Generation from a RALF Description

Registers with External Fields
Fields of type OTHER and USER are assumed to be implemented
by the design. Therefore, their design-side signals are those of an
external field instead of those of a type-specific internal field.

For example, the following RALF declaration:

register r2 {
bytes 1;
field f20 {bits 2; access user0; }
field f21 {bits 3; access ru; }
field f22 {bits 3; access other;}

will generate the following corresponding RTL:

module ral_reg_r2_rtl(input clk,

input rstn,
input [7:0] hst_wdat,
output [7:0] hst_rdat,
input [0:0] hst_sel,
input hst_wen,
output f20_sel,
output [1:0] f20_wdat,
output f20_wen,
input [1:0] f20_rdat,
output [2:0] f21_out,
output f21_rd,
input [2:0] f21_in,
input f21_wen,
output f22_sel,
output [2:0] f22_wdat,
output f22_wen,
input [2:0] f22_rdat);

assign f20_sel = hst_sel[0];

assign f20_wdat = hst_wdat[1:0];
assign f20_wen = hst_wen;

vmm_ral_rw_field_rtl #(3, 2’b0)

f21(clk, rstn, f21_out,
hst_wdat[4:2], hst_sel[0], hst_wen,

RTL Generation from a RALF Description

f21_in, f21_wen);

assign f22_sel = hst_sel[0];

assign f22_wdat = hst_wdat[7:5];
assign f22_wen = hst_wen;

vmm_ral_notifier_rtl _n(clk, rstn, hst_sel[0], hst_wen,

f21_rd, /*open*/);

assign hst_rdat[7:0] = {f22_rdat, f21_in, f20_rdat};


Fields Spanning Byte Boundaries

To support combining registers, blocks, and systems of different bus
widths, individual byte lane selection signals are used in the
generated RTL. As long as narrower buses are instantiated in wider
buses, there are no problems, but when a wider bus is instantiated
in a narrower bus, accesses to the registers must be broken up into
multiple accesses. If a field spans a byte boundary, it might straddle
different physical addresses in the final RTL. In that case, a warning
is issued by the code generator and the field is split across multiple
fields wholly contained in a byte lane.

Because there is only one fld_wr and fld_rd notification flag per
field, a warning will be issued by ralgen for every field spanning
multiple physical addresses.

External fields must always be accessible via a single physical

address. An error will be issued by ralgen if RTL code is generated
for a RALF description containing an external field that spans
multiple physical addresses.

For example, the following RALF declaration:

register r3 {
bytes 2;

RTL Generation from a RALF Description

field f30 {bits 16; access rw; }

will generate the following corresponding RTL:

module ral_reg_r3_rtl(input clk,

input rstn,
input [31:0] hst_wdat,
output [31:0] hst_rdat,
input [ 3:0] hst_sel,
input hst_wen,
output [15:0] f30_out,
output f30_rd, f30_wr,
input [15:0] f30_in,
input f30_wen);

vmm_ral_rw_field_rtl #(8, 8’b0)

f30_7_0(clk, rstn, f30_out[7:0],
hst_wdat[7:0], hst_sel[0], hst_wen,
f30_in[7:0], f30_wen);
vmm_ral_rw_field_rtl #(8, 8’b0)
f30_15_8(clk, rstn, f30_out[15:8],
hst_wdat[15:8], hst_sel[1], hst_wen,
f30_in[15:8], f30_wen);

vmm_ral_notifier_rtl _n(clk, rstn, |hst_sel[1:0], hst_wen,

f30_rd, f30_wr);

assign hst_rdat[15:0] = {f30_out};



For every block definition, an interface and a module are

generated. The interface and module are named according to the
unique scoped block type name. The module contains instances of
the appropriate register modules. The interface contains a set of
design-side signals for each field in the block. The module pins
include a host-side slave interface and a block design-side interface.

RTL Generation from a RALF Description

The RTL generation template for a block is:

interface ral_blk_<blkname>_itf();
{<design-side signals>});

module ral_blk_<blkname>_rtl({<host-side slave interface>},

<design-side interface>);
<address decoding>
{<register module instantiations>}
{<memory signals decoding>}
{<register muxing>

For example, the following RALF declaration:

block b1 {
bytes 2;
register r1;
register r2=rx;
register r2=ry @’h0100;

will generate the following corresponding RTL:

interface ral_blk_b1_itf();

logic [7:0] f10_out;

logic f10_rd, f10_wr;
logic [7:0] f10_in;
logic f10_wen;
logic [7:0] f11_in;

logic rx_f20_sel, rx_f20_wen;

logic [1:0] rx_f20_wdat;
logic [1:0] rx_f20_rdat;
logic [2:0] rx_f21_out;
logic rx_f21_rd;
logic [2:0] rx_f21_in;
logic rx_f21_wen;
logic rx_f22_sel, rx_f22_wen;
logic [2:0] rx_f22_wdat;
logic [2:0] rx_f22_rdat;

RTL Generation from a RALF Description

logic ry_f20_sel, ry_f20_wen;
logic [1:0] ry_f20_wdat;
logic [1:0] ry_f20_rdat;
logic [2:0] ry_f21_out;
logic ry_f21_rd;
logic [2:0] ry_f21_in;
logic ry_f21_wen;
logic ry_f22_sel, ry_f22_wen;
logic [2:0] ry_f22_wdat;
logic [2:0] ry_f22_rdat;

modport regs(output f10_out, f10_rd, f10_wr,

input f10_in, f10_wen,
input f11_in,
output rx_f20_sel, rx_f20_wen, rx_f20_wdat,
input rx_f20_rdat,
output rx_f21_out, rx_f21_rd,
input rx_f21_in, rx_f21_wen,
output rx_f22_sel, rx_f22_wen, rx_f22_wdat,
input rx_f22_rdat,
output ry_f20_sel, ry_f20_wen, ry_f20_wdat,
input ry_f20_rdat,
output ry_f21_out, ry_f21_rd,
input ry_f21_in, ry_f21_wen,
output ry_f22_sel, ry_f22_wen, ry_f22_wdat,
input ry_f22_rdat);

modport usr(input f10_out, f10_rd, f10_wr,

output f10_in, f10_wen,
output f11_in,
input rx_f20_sel, rx_f20_wen, rx_f20_wdat,
output rx_f20_rdat,
input rx_f21_out, rx_f21_rd,
output rx_f21_in, rx_f21_wen,
input rx_f22_sel, rx_f22_wen, rx_f22_wdat,
output rx_f22_rdat,
input ry_f20_sel, ry_f20_wen, ry_f20_wdat,
output ry_f20_rdat,
input ry_f21_out, ry_f21_rd,
output ry_f21_in, ry_f21_wen,
input ry_f22_sel, ry_f22_wen, ry_f22_wdat,
output ry_f22_rdat);


RTL Generation from a RALF Description

module ral_blk_b1_rtl(vmm_ral_host_itf.slave hst,
ral_blk_b1_itf.regs usr);

reg [3:0] r1_sel;

reg rx_sel, ry_sel;
always @(*)
r1_sel = 0;
rx_sel = 0;
ry_sel = 0;
hst.ack = 0;
case (hst.adr)
0: begin
r1_sel = {2’b00, hst.sel[1:0]};
hst.ack = hst.wen;
1: begin
r1_sel = {hst.sel[1:0], 2’b00};
hst.ack = hst.wen;
2: begin
rx_sel = 1;
hst.ack = hst.wen;
‘h0100: begin
ry_sel = 1;
hst.ack = hst.wen;

wire [31:0] r1_out;

ral_reg_r1_rtl r1(hst.clk, hst.rstn,
{hst.wdat[15:0], hst.wdat[15:0]},
r1_out, r1_sel, hst.wen,
usr.f10_out, usr.f10_rd, usr.f10_wr,
usr.f10_in, usr.f10_wen, usr.f11_in);

wire [7:0] rx_out;

ral_reg_r2_rtl rx(hst.clk, hst.rstn,
hst.wdat[7:0], rx_out, rx_sel, hst.wen,
usr.rx_f20_sel, usr.rx_f20_wdat, usr.rx_f20_wen,
usr.rx_f20_rdat, usr.rx_f21_out, usr.rx_f21_rd,
usr.rx_f21_in, usr.rx_f21_wen, usr.rx_f22_sel,
usr.rx_f22_wdat, usr.rx_f22_wen,

RTL Generation from a RALF Description

wire [7:0] ry_out;
ral_reg_r2_rtl ry(hst.clk, hst.rstn,
hst.wdat[7:0], ry_out, ry_sel, hst.wen,
usr.ry_f20_sel, usr.ry_f20_wdat, usr.ry_f20_wen,
usr.ry_f20_rdat, usr.ry_f21_out, usr.ry_f21_rd,
usr.ry_f21_in, usr.ry_f21_wen, usr.ry_f22_sel,
usr.ry_f22_wdat, usr.ry_f22_wen,

reg [15:0] _rdat;

always @(*)
_rdat = 16’b0;
unique casez ({|r1_sel[3:2], |r1_sel[1:0], |rx_sel,
4’b1???: _rdat = r1_out[31:16];
4’b?1??: _rdat = r1_out[15:0];
4’b??1?: _rdat[7:0] = rx_out;
4’b???1: _rdat[7:0] = ry_out;
4’b0000: _rdat = 15’b0;

assign hst.rdat[15:0] = _rdat;



All memory instances are assumed to be external. For each memory

instance, a set of design-side signals is included in the block

For example, the following RALF declaration:

block b2 {
bytes 4;
register r1;
memory m1 @’h0100 {
bits 16;

RTL Generation from a RALF Description

size 256;
access rw;
memory m2 @’h1000 {
bits 23;
size 1k;
access ro;

will generate the following corresponding RTL:

interface ral_blk_b2_itf();

logic [7:0] f10_out;

logic f10_rd, f10_wr;
logic [7:0] f10_in;
logic f10_wen;
logic [7:0] f11_in;

logic [ 1:0] m1_sel;

logic [ 7:0] m1_adr;
logic [15:0] m1_rdat;
logic [15:0] m1_wdat;
logic m1_wen;

logic [ 2:0] m2_sel;

logic [ 9:0] m2_adr;
logic [22:0] m2_rdat;

modport regs(output f10_out, f10_rd, f10_wr,

input f10_in, f10_wen,
input f11_in,
output m1_sel, m1_adr, m1_wdat, m1_wen,
input m1_rdat,
output m2_sel, m2_adr,
input m2_rdat);

modport usr(input f10_out, f10_rd, f10_wr,

output f10_in, f10_wen,
output f11_in,
input m1_sel, m1_adr, m1_wdat, m1_wen,
output m1_rdat,
input m2_sel, m2_adr,
output m2_rdat);

RTL Generation from a RALF Description


module ral_blk_b2_rtl(vmm_ral_host_itf.slave hst,

ral_blk_b2_itf.regs usr);

reg [3:0] r1_sel;

reg [1:0] m1_sel;
reg [2:0] m2_sel;
always @(*)
r1_sel = 0;
m1_sel = 0;
m2_sel = 0;
hst.ack = 0;
case (hst.adr)
0: begin
r1_sel = hst.sel[3:0];
hst.ack = hst.wen;
if (hst.adr >= ‘h0100 && hst.adr <= ‘h01FF) begin
m1_sel = hst.sel[1:0];
hst.ack = hst.wen;
if (hst.adr >= ‘h1000 && hst.adr <= ‘h13FF) begin
m2_sel = hst.sel[2:0];
hst.ack = hst.wen;

wire [31:0] r1_out;

ral_reg_r1_rtl r1(hst.clk, hst.rstn, hst.wdat[31:0],
r1_out, r1_sel, hst.wen,
usr.f10_out, usr.f10_rd, usr.f10_wr, usr.f10_in,
usr.f10_wen, usr.f11_in);

assign usr.m1_adr = hst.adr – ‘h0100;

assign usr.m1_wdat = hst.wdat[15:0];
assign usr.m1_wen = hst.wen;

assign usr.m2_adr = hst.adr – ‘h1000;

reg [31:0] _rdat;

always @(*)

RTL Generation from a RALF Description

unique casez ({|r1_sel, |m1_sel, |m2_sel})
3’b1??: _rdat = r1_out;
3’b?1?: _rdat[15:0] = usr.m1_rdat;
3’b??1: _rdat[21:0] = usr.m2_rdat;
3’b000: _rdat = 32’b0;

assign hst.rdat = _rdat;


Shared memories are generated in an identical fashion: the sharing

is implemented in the block RTL code.

Multiple Domains

The arbitration between different physical interfaces for different

domains is handled by the generated RTL code for the multi-domain
block. All domains are assumed to conform to the host-side protocol
and are synchronized to the same clock. For each domain, a host-
side slave interface is included in the block module pins.

When multiple domains attempt to write a shared register during the

same cycle, the domain declared first has priority.

For example, the following RALF declaration:

register r4 {
bytes 1;
field f1 {bits 8; access ro};

register r5 {
bytes 1;
field f2 {bits 8; access rw};
block b3 {

RTL Generation from a RALF Description

domain north {
bytes 1;
register r4=r1;
register r5=r2;
domain south {
bytes 1;
register r4=r3;
register r5=r2;

will generate the following corresponding RTL:

module ral_blk_b3_rtl(vmm_ral_host_itf.slave north,

vmm_ral_host_itf.slave south,
ral_blk_b3_itf.regs usr);

reg r1_sel;
reg north_r2_sel;
reg south_r2_sel;
reg [7:0] r2_in;
reg r2_wen;
reg r3_sel;
always @(*)
r1_sel = ‘b0;
north_r2_sel = ‘b0;
south_r2_sel = ‘b0;
r2_in = ‘bx;
r2_wen = ‘b0;
r3_sel = ‘b0;
north.ack = 0;
south.ack = 0;

case (south.adr)
0: begin
r3_sel = south.sel[0];
south.ack = south.wen;
1: begin
south_r2_sel = south.sel[0];
r2_in = south.wdat[7:0];
r2_wen = south.wen;
south.ack = south.wen;

RTL Generation from a RALF Description

case (north.adr)
0: begin
r1_sel = north.sel[0];
north.ack = north.wen;
1: begin
north_r2_sel = north.sel[0];
if (north.wen) begin
if (r2_wen) south.ack = 0;
r2_wen = 1;
r2_in = north.wdat[7:0];
north.ack = 1;

wire [7:0] r1_out;

ral_reg_r4_rtl r1(north.clk, north.rstn,
north.wdat[7:0], r1_out, r1_sel, north.wen,

wire [7:0] r2_out;

wire r2_sel = north_r2_sel | south_r2_sel;
ral_reg_r5_rtl r2(north.clk, north.rstn,
r2_in, r2_out, r2_sel, r2_wen,
usr.f2_out, usr.f2_rd, usr.f2_wr, usr.f2_in,

wire [7:0] r3_out;

ral_reg_r4_rtl r3(south.clk, south.rstn,

south.wdat[7:0], r3_out, r3_sel, south.wen,

reg [7:0] _north_rdat;

always @(*)
unique casez ({r1_sel, r2_sel})
2’b1?: _north_rdat = r1_out;
2’b?1: _north_rdat = r2_out;
2’b00: _north_rdat = 8’b0;

RTL Generation from a RALF Description

assign north.rdat[7:0] = _north_rdat;

reg [7:0] _south_rdat;

always @(*)
unique casez ({r1_sel, r2_sel})
2’b1?: _south_rdat = r3_out;
2’b?1: _south_rdat = r2_out;
2’b00: _south_rdat = 8’b0;
assign south.rdat[7:0] = _south_rdat;


Register Arrays

Register arrays present a challenge because they can easily create

a large number of fields. One possibility would be to flatten the
register arrays, but this would create a large number of signals in the
block interface. Another approach would be to add an array offset to
the design-side interface and consider its value whenever a field in
the register array is read or written from the design. However, this
would limit access to a single register in the array per clock cycle and
make it impossible to concurrently access different fields at different
offsets in the array.

Register arrays are implemented using generated instances of the

individual register modules and the corresponding design-side
signals are provided as arrays.

For example, the following RALF declaration:

block b4 {
bytes 1;
register r4[256];

RTL Generation from a RALF Description

will generate the following corresponding RTL:

interface ral_blk_b4_itf();

logic [7:0] f1_in[256];

modport regs(input f1_in);

modport usr(output f1_in);


module ral_blk_b4_rtl(vmm_ral_host_itf.slave hst,

ral_blk_b4_itf.regs usr);

reg [7:0] _r4_sel_i;

reg r4_sel[256];
always @(*)
reg [31:0] i;
hst.ack = 0;
_r4_sel_i = ‘bx;
for (i = 0; i < 256; i = i + 1) begin
r4_sel[i] = ‘b0;
if (hst.adr == 0 + i*1) begin
r4_sel[i] = hst.sel[0];
_r4_sel_i = i;
hst.ack = hst.wen;

wire [7:0] r4_out[256];

genvar _r4_i;
generate for (_r4_i=0; _r4_i<256; _r4_i=_r4_i+1)
begin: r4
ral_reg_r4_rtl i(hst.clk, hst.rstn, hst.wdat[7:0],
r4_out[_r4_i], r4_sel[_r4_i], hst.wen,

reg [7:0] _rdat;

always @(*)

RTL Generation from a RALF Description

begin: muxout
unique casez ({|r4_sel[_r4_sel_i]})
1’b1: _rdat = r4_out[_r4_sel_i];
1’b0: _rdat = 8’b0;
assign hst.rdat[7:0] = _rdat;


Register Files

For every regfile definition, a module is generated. The module is

named according to the unique scoped regfile type name and
contains instances of the appropriate register modules. A set of host-
side slave interfaces is included in the module pins. A set of design-
side signals is included for each field in the register file.

The RTL generation template for a register file is:

module ral_rfile_<filename>_rtl(<host-side signals>,

{<design-side signals>});
<address decoding>
{<register module instantiations>}
<register muxing>

For example, the following RALF declaration:

block b5 {
bytes 1;
regfile rf {
register r4;
register r4=r5;

will generate the following corresponding RTL:

RTL Generation from a RALF Description

module ral_rfile_b5_rf_rtl(input clk,
input rstn,
input [`VMM_RAL_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] hst_adr,
input [31:0] hst_wdat,
output logic [31:0] hst_rdat,
input [ 3:0] hst_sel,
input hst_wen,
output logic hst_ack,
input [ 7:0] r4_f1_in,
input [ 7:0] r5_f1_in);

reg r4_sel;
reg r5_sel;
always @(*)
r4_sel = 0;
r5_sel = 0;
hst_ack = 0;
case (hst_adr)
0: begin
r4_sel = hst_sel[0];
hst_ack = hst_wen;
1: begin
r5_sel = hst_sel[0];
hst_ack = hst_wen;

wire [7:0] r4_out;

ral_reg_r4_rtl r4(clk, rstn, hst_wdat[7:0],
r4_out, r4_sel, hst_wen,

wire [7:0] r5_out;

ral_reg_r4_rtl r5(clk, rstn, hst_wdat[7:0],
r5_out, r5_sel, hst_wen,

reg [7:0] _rdat;

always @(*)
unique_casez ({|r4_sel, |r5_sel})
2’b1?: _rdat = r4_out;
2’b?1: _rdat = r5_out;

RTL Generation from a RALF Description

2’b00: _rdat = 8’b0;
assign hst_rdat[7:0] = _rdat;


Register files are typically used as register file arrays. A simple

register file will be generated as if it were a register file array of size

Register File Arrays

Register file arrays are implemented in a fashion similar to register


For example, the following RALF declaration:

block b5 {
bytes 1;
regfile rf[256] {
register r4;
register r4=r5;

will generate the following corresponding RTL:

interface ral_blk_b5_itf();

logic [7:0] r4_f1_in[256];

logic [7:0] r5_f1_in[256];

modport regs(input r4_f1_in,

input r5_f1_in);

modport usr(output r4_f1_in,

output r5_f1_in);


RTL Generation from a RALF Description

module ral_blk_b5_rtl(vmm_ral_host_itf.slave hst,
ral_blk_b5_itf.regs usr);

reg [7:0] _rf_sel_i;

reg rf_sel[256];
always @(*)
reg [31:0] i;
hst.ack = 0;
_rf_sel_i = ‘bx;
for (i = 0; i < 256; i = i + 1) begin
rf_sel[i] = ‘b0;
if (hst.adr == 0 + i*1) begin
rf_sel[i] = hst.sel[0];
_rf_sel_i = i;
hst.ack = hst.wen;

wire [7:0] rf_out[256];

genvar _rf_i;
generate for (_rf_i=0; _rf_i<256; _rf_i=_rf_i+1)
begin: r1
ral_rfile_b5_rf_rtl i(hst.clk, hst.rstn, hst.adr – 0,
hst.wdat[7:0], rf_out[_rf_i],
rf_sel[_rf_i], hst.wen,
usr.r4_f1_in[_rf_i], usr.r5_f1_in[_rf_i]);

reg [7:0] _rdat;

always @(*)
begin: muxout
unique casez ({|rf_sel[_rf_sel_i]})
1’b1: _rdat = rf_out[_rf_sel_i];
1’b0: _rdat = 8’b0;
assign hst.rdat[7:0] = _rdat;


RTL Generation from a RALF Description


For every system definition, a module is generated. The module is

named according to the unique scoped system type name. A host-
side slave interface for each domain is included in the module pins.
A host-side master interface is included for each module and sub-
system instantiated in the system.

The RTL generation template for a system is:

module ral_sys_<sysname>_rtl({<slave host-side interface>},

{<master host-side interface>});

<address decoding>
<readback muxing>

For example, the following RALF declaration:

system s1 {
bytes 1;
system s2 @’h1000 {
bytes 1
block b4;
block b1 @’h2000;

will generate the following corresponding RTL:

module ral_sys_s1_rtl(vmm_ral_host_itf.slave hst,

vmm_ral_host_itf.master s2,
vmm_ral_host_itf.master b1);

always @(*)
s2.sel[0] = ‘b0;
b1.sel[1:0] = ‘b0;
if (hst.adr >= ‘h1000 && hst.adr <= ‘h1000 + 255) begin
s2.sel[0] = hst.sel[0];

RTL Generation from a RALF Description

if (hst.adr >= ‘h2000 && hst.adr <= ‘h2000 + 7) begin
b1.sel[1] = hst.sel[0] & hst.adr[0];
b1.sel[0] = hst.sel[0] & ~hst.adr[0];

assign s2.adr = hst.adr – ‘h1000;

assign s2.wdat = hst.wdat;
assign s2.wen = hst.wen;

assign b1.adr = (hst.adr – ‘h2000) >> 1;

assign b1.wdat = {hst.wdat[7:0], hst.wdat[7:0]};
assign b1.wen = hst.wen;

reg [7:0] _rdat;

always @(*)
begin: muxout
unique casez ({s2.sel[0], b1.sel[1:0] })
3’b1??: begin
_rdat = s2.rdat;
hst.ack = s2.ack;
3’b?1?: begin
_rdat = b1.rdat[15:8];
hst.ack = b1.ack;
3’b??1: begin
_rdat = b1.rdat[7:0];
hst.ack = b1.ack;
3’b000: begin
_rdat = 8’b0;
hst.ack = 0;
assign hst.rdat[7:0] = _rdat;


RTL Generation from a RALF Description

Unsupported RALF Constructs and Functionality

The following RALF constructs or RAL functionality are explicitly not

supported and will be either ignored or a warning will be issued.

• Virtual registers
• Register files with a mix of shared and unshared registers
• Soft reset values
• Programmable base offset
• Programmable reset value

Appendix: RTL Implementation of RALF Fields

Default implementation for fields, provided in $VCS_HOME/etc/rvm/


File vmm_ral_host_itf.v:
interface vmm_ral_host_itf(input bit clk,
input bit rstn);
logic [`VMM_RAL_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] adr;
logic [`VMM_RAL_ADDR_BYTES-1:0] sel;
logic [`VMM_RAL_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] rdat;
logic [`VMM_RAL_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] wdat;
logic wen;
logic ack;

modport master(input clk, rstn,

output adr, sel, wdat, wen,
input rdat, ack);
modport slave(input clk, rstn,
input adr, sel, wdat, wen,
output rdat, ack);

RTL Generation from a RALF Description


File vmm_ral_rw_field_rtl.v:
module vmm_ral_rw_field_rtl(
clk, rstn, fld_out,
hst_wdat, hst_sel, hst_wen,
fld_in, fld_wen);

parameter width = 1;
parameter reset = 0;

input clk, rstn;

output [width-1:0] fld_out;
input [width-1:0] hst_wdat;
input hst_sel;
input hst_wen;
input [width-1:0] fld_in;
input fld_wen;

reg [width-1:0] fld_out;

always @(posedge clk or negedge rstn)

if (!rstn) begin
fld_out <= reset;
else begin
if (fld_wen) fld_out <= fld_in;
else if (hst_sel && hst_wen) begin
fld_out <= hst_wdat;


File vmm_ral_ro_field_rtl.v:
module vmm_ral_ro_field_rtl(
clk, rstn, fld_in, fld_out);

parameter width = 1;

RTL Generation from a RALF Description

input clk, rstn;
input [width-1:0] fld_in;
output [width-1:0] fld_out;

assign fld_out = fld_in;


File vmm_ral_wo_field_rtl.v:
module vmm_ral_wo_field_rtl(
clk, rstn, fld_out,
hst_wdat, hst_sel, hst_wen);

parameter width = 1;
parameter reset = 0;

input clk, rstn;

output [width-1:0] fld_out;
input [width-1:0] hst_wdat;
input hst_sel;
input hst_wen;

reg [width-1:0] fld_out;

always @(posedge clk)

if (!rstn) begin
fld_out <= reset;
else if (hst_sel && hst_wen) begin
fld_out <= hst_wdat;


File vmm_ral_a0_field_rtl.v:
module vmm_ral_a0_field_rtl(
clk, rstn, fld_out,
hst_wdat, hst_sel, hst_wen,
fld_in, fld_wen);

RTL Generation from a RALF Description

parameter width = 1;
parameter reset = 0;

input clk, rstn;

output [width-1:0] fld_out;
input [width-1:0] hst_wdat;
input hst_sel;
input hst_wen;
input [width-1:0] fld_in;
input fld_wen;

reg [width-1:0] fld_out;

always @(posedge clk or negedge rstn)

if (!rstn) begin
fld_out <= reset;
else begin
case ({hst_sel, hst_wen, fld_wen})
3’b111: fld_out <= (fld_out | hst_wdat) & ~fld_in;
3’b110: fld_out <= fld_out | hst_wdat;
3’b001: fld_out <= fld_out & ~fld_in;


File vmm_ral_a1_field_rtl.sv:
module vmm_ral_a1_field_rtl(
clk, rstn, fld_out,
hst_wdat, hst_sel, hst_wen,
fld_in, fld_wen);

parameter width = 1;
parameter reset = 0;

input clk, rstn;

output [width-1:0] fld_out;
input [width-1:0] hst_wdat;
input hst_sel;
input hst_wen;
input [width-1:0] fld_in;

RTL Generation from a RALF Description

input fld_wen;

reg [width-1:0] fld_out;

always @(posedge clk or negedge rstn)

if (!rstn) begin
fld_out <= reset;
else begin
case ({hst_sel, hst_wen, fld_wen})
3’b111: fld_out <= (fld_out & hst_wdat) | fld_in;
3’b110: fld_out <= fld_out & hst_wdat;
3’b001: fld_out <= fld_out | fld_in;


File vmm_ral_w1c_field_rtl.v:
module vmm_ral_w1c_field_rtl(
clk, rstn, fld_out,
hst_wdat, hst_sel, hst_wen,
fld_in, fld_wen);

parameter width = 1;
parameter reset = 0;

input clk, rstn;

output [width-1:0] fld_out;
input [width-1:0] hst_wdat;
input hst_sel;
input hst_wen;
input [width-1:0] fld_in;
input fld_wen;

reg [width-1:0] fld_out;

always @(posedge clk or negedge rstn)

if (!rstn) begin
fld_out <= reset;

RTL Generation from a RALF Description

else begin
case ({hst_sel, hst_wen, fld_wen})
3’b111: fld_out <= (fld_out & ~hst_wdat) | fld_in;
3’b110: fld_out <= fld_out & ~hst_wdat;

3’b001: fld_out <= fld_out | fld_in;



File vmm_ral_rc_field_rtl.v
module vmm_ral_rc_field_rtl(
clk, rstn, fld_out,
hst_wdat, hst_sel, hst_wen,
fld_in, fld_wen);

parameter width = 1;
parameter reset = 0;

input clk, rstn;

output [width-1:0] fld_out;
input [width-1:0] hst_wdat;
input hst_sel;
input hst_wen;
input [width-1:0] fld_in;
input fld_wen;

reg [width-1:0] fld_out;

always @(posedge clk or negedge rstn)

if (!rstn) begin
fld_out <= reset;
else begin
case ({hst_sel, fld_wen})
2’b11: fld_out <= fld_in;
2’b10: fld_out <= 0;
2’b01: fld_out <= fld_out | fld_in;

RTL Generation from a RALF Description


File vmm_ral_ru_field_rtl.v:
module vmm_ral_ru_field_rtl(
clk, rstn, fld_out,
hst_wdat, hst_sel, hst_wen,
fld_in, fld_wen);

parameter width = 1;
parameter reset = 0;

input clk, rstn;

output [width-1:0] fld_out;
input [width-1:0] hst_wdat;
input hst_sel;
input hst_wen;
input [width-1:0] fld_in;
input fld_wen;

reg [width-1:0] fld_out;

always @(posedge clk or negedge rstn)

if (!rstn) begin
fld_out <= reset;
else if (fld_wen) begin
fld_out <= fld_in;

File vmm_ral_rw_notifier_rtl.v:
module vmm_ral_notifier_rtl(clk, rstn, sel, wen, rd, wr);
input sel, wen;
input clk, rstn;
output rd, wr;

reg rd, wr;

always @(posedge clk or negedge rstn)

RTL Generation from a RALF Description

if (!rstn) begin
rd <= 0;
wr <= 0;
else begin
rd <= sel & ~wen;
wr <= sel & wen;

RTL Generation from a RALF Description


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