Income Statement (For The Year Ended 31 December, Taka'000) : Historical Periods
Income Statement (For The Year Ended 31 December, Taka'000) : Historical Periods
Income Statement (For The Year Ended 31 December, Taka'000) : Historical Periods
Non-current assets
Property, plant and equipment, net 70,306,649 74,204,532
Intangible assets, net 41,045,545
Investment in associate 710,643
Right-of-use assets 0
Contract cost 0
Other non-current assets 4,561,035
Total non-current assets 120,521,755
Current assets
Inventories 387,475 435,340
Trade and other receivables 7,339,372
Cash and cash equivalents 4,153,100
Total current assets 11,927,812
Total assets 130,672,825 132,449,567
Shareholders' equity
Share capital 13,503,000
Share premium 7,840,226
Capital reserve 14,446
Deposit from shareholders 1,880
Retained earnings 9,265,706
Total equity 30,625,258
Non-current liabilities
Finance lease obligation 5,207,147
Loans and borrowings 18,964,209
Deferred tax liabilities 7,910,630
Employee benefits 1,444,641
Other non-current liabilities 672,505
Total non-current liabilities 37,906,187 34,199,132
Current liabilities
Trade and other payables 22,575,339
Provisions 14,077,929
Loans and borrowings 9,975,569
Current tax payable 19,785,655
Other current liabilities 1,210,685
Lease liabilities 0
Total current liabilities 61,402,136 67,625,177
Total liabilities 99,308,323 101,824,309
Total equity and liabilities 132,449,567
Profitability index
Gross profit Margin 51.590%
operating profit Margin 35.286%
Net Profit Margin 18.812%
Efficiency Ratio
Tax Ratio 0.564305836269537
Inventory Turnover Ratio 7.70598494193713
PP&E turnover Ratio 0.031754747060022
Net assets turnover Ratio 3.3797314911366
Total Assets turnover ratio 0.796
Solvency Ratio
Times interst Earned Ratio 16.868740885723
Cash coverage ratio 8.67339551288956
Liquidity Ratio
Current ratio 0.176
Cash Ratio 0.061
Leverge Ratio
Debt to Equity Ratio 1.11499223941232
Total Liability to equity 3.32484738577549
Total assets to equity 4.32484738577549
Debt to EBITDA 0.633170794353974
Rate of Return
Return on Equity 64.3%
Return On Assets 0.15
DU pont Analysis
Tax Burden 1.06
Interest Burden 0.941
EBIT margin 0.333
Net profit Margin(operating Efficiency) 0.188
Asset turnover(Assets uses efficency) 0.796
Equity Multyplier 4.325
Return on Equity 64.78%
Volatillity Mean
Revenue 124,908,117
COGS 3,468,020
Operating Expense 74,525,513
Net Income 27,507,044
Degree of leverage
% change in Revenue 2.0368%
% change in Earnings per share -0.5453%
change in Assets 1.3597%
% Change in Market Cap -30.0898%
% change in EBIT 0.193%
% in operating Income 0.183%
% in net income -0.487%
Degree of operating Leverage 0.09489%
Degree of Financial leverage(DFL) -2.52%
Degree of Total leverage(DTL) -0.0000239%
Market Value Ratio
Price-earning ratio 17,340.85
Market-to-book value ratio 25,300.30
EV to EBITDA 6.33
EV to Revnue 3.55
Internal Growth
Divident Payout Ratio 0.41
Retention Ratio(b) 0.59
ROA*b 0.09
ROE*B 0.38
Internal Growth Rate 9.603%
Sustainable growth Rate 61.015%
LIquidity Ratio
0.25 0.232
0.160 0.161
0.4 0.061
0.05 0.043
Current ratio 0.2 Cash
Gross profit Margin operati
Current ratio 0.2 Cash
Gross profit Margin operati
Efficiency Ratio 2014 2015 2016
Solvency Ratio
10 90
6 60
4 50
2 30
0 20
tio tio ati
o tio tio
x Ra r Ra 0 er R r Ra r ra
Ta ve ov ve ve
r no rn
r no 2016 r no 2017
Tu u u tu
r y & Et et
s t
to PP 2016 ss A ss
2014 ven 2015 a
t 2018 al ratio 2019
In Ne Total Assets turnover To
t Solvency Ratio Times
Leveage Ratio
5 Rate of Return
4.5 1
2 0.6
1.5 0.5
1 0.4
0.5 0.3
Debt to Equity Ratio Total Liability to equity Total assets to equity Debt to EBITDA
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
0.5 0.3
Debt to Equity Ratio Total Liability to equity Total assets to equity Debt to EBITDA
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Degree of operating L
0 2.0%
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Revenue COGS
Net cash generated by operating activities Net cash used in investing activities
Net cash used in financing activities Cash and cash equivalents as at 31 December
160000000 Safe Zone
Growth in SIZE
1 0.8
0.6 Beta
% change in Revenue
0 0.4
0 % change in Earnings
0.2 share
0 change in Assets
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 % Change in Market
25.000% 3
2 Internal Growth Rate
5.000% 0.5
0.000% 0
2015 2016 2014
2017 2018
2015 2019
2016 2017 2018 2019
Dupont Components
Tax Burden
Interest Burden
EBIT Margin
Net Profit margin(Operating Efficeincy)
Asset turnover(Asset use efficiency)
Equity multiplier, Financial Leverage
Historical Periods
2016 2017 2018 2019
-223,815 0 0 0
-486,828 0 0 0
-91,271 170,178 224,308 -1,718,354
-86,006 -1,164,885 -114,432 -229,809
-2,499,797 -1,637,392 -2,038,804 -804,706
-3,387,717 -2,632,099 -1,928,928 -2,752,869
38,178,406 47,322,290 54,848,054 63,898,959
35,678,609 45,684,898 52,809,250 63,094,253
15,652,051 19,899,642 21,485,486 29,382,199
22,526,355 27,422,648 33,362,568 34,516,760
-1,911,800 -2,688,200 0 0
-5,402,010 -5,653,890 -5,833,955 -5,848,364
-19,579,350 -26,330,850 -30,381,750 -26,301,675
-660,278 -663,359 -483,089 -3,157,864
-27,553,438 -35,336,299 -36,698,794 -35,307,903
-1,241,240 9,502,808 -6,485,624 7,821,901
4,153,100 2,911,860 12,414,668 5,932,292
3,248 6,484
2,911,860 12,414,668 5,932,292 13,760,677
Profitability Ratio
Cash Ratio
18 2019
18 2019
Solvency Ratio
r ra
r no 2017 2018 2019
tio 2019
Solvency Ratio Times interst Earned Ratio
te of Return
Return On Assets
Return on Equity
Debt to EBITDA
ee of operating Leverage
ancial leverage(DFL)
Trend summary
5 Year Average
Revenue 124,908,117
COGS 3,468,020
nvesting activities
ivalents as at 31 December
Revenue Decomposition
y zone
trees zone
4 5 6
Business Growth Potential
% change in Revenue
change in Assets
wth Rate
1.03860695 1.012754
0.96282814 0.987407
0.41291306 0.444805
0.2511637 0.240273
0.98784205 0.999529
3.76566048 3.878605
93.43% 93.15%
LIquidity Ratio
0.160 0.161
0.05 0.043
Current ratio Cash
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Tax Rati o Inventory
Solvency Ratio
Total Assets turnover ratio Solvency Ratio
2015 2016 2017
2015 2016 2017
Rate of Return
2014 2015 2016 201
Return on Equity Return O
Trend summary
5 Year Average
Revenue 124,908,117
COGS 3,468,020
Revenue COGS
Revenue Decompositi
Row 10 Row 9 Row 8 Ro
1 2 3 4
Gross profit Margin
Cash Ratio
2018 2019 2
Solvency Ratio
lvency Ratio
Inventory Turnover Rati o
PP&E turnover Rati o
Net asse
Debt to Equ
2017 2018 2019 0
Debt to Equ
ate of Return
016 2017 2018 2019 2014 20
f operating Leverage
e of operating Leverage
.00000% 100.00000% 100.00000% 100.00000%
.00000% 100.00000% 100.00000% 100.00000%
2016 2017 2018 2019 0%
summary 80000
ge Trend 60000
124,908,117 40000
27,507,044 -40000
27,507,044 -40000
4 5 6
Profitability Ratio
017 2018 2019
Net assets turnover Rati o Total Assets turnover rati o
Leveage Ratio
Debt to Equity Ratio Total Liability to Total assets to Debt to EBI
equity equity
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Degree of Financial leverage(DFL)
60000000 5
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Net cash generated by operating activities
Net cash used in investing activities
Net cash used in financing activities
Cash and cash equivalents as at 31 December
2014 2015 2016 2017
ati o
o Debt to EBITDA
o Debt to EBITDA
2018 2019
ash Balance
g activities
31 December
enPhone Ltd.
Safe Zone
Gray zone
Destrees zone
6 2017
Annualized Daily
Mean -0.40894383 Mean -0.1440%
Stdev 0.186703752 Variance 0.000145
Beta(cov/var) 0.52 Covariance 0.003370%
Beta from Slope 0.52 Stdev 0.0120266459
Price Return
1/1/2015 364.30 4,941.52 0.8235%
05-01-2015 367.30 4,926.41 0.0272%
06-01-2015 367.40 4,969.67 -0.6260%
07-01-2015 365.10 4,963.66 -0.0274%
08-01-2015 365.00 4,968.71 -0.7123%
11-01-2015 362.40 4,943.99 0.6071%
12-01-2015 364.60 4,956.93 -0.4388%
13-01-2015 363.00 4,969.73 -0.7713%
14-01-2015 360.20 4,951.69 -0.2499%
15-01-2015 359.30 4,956.09 -0.6401%
18-01-2015 357.00 4,917.38 -1.1204%
19-01-2015 353.00 4,867.08 -0.2550%
20-01-2015 352.10 4,856.95 -0.5396%
21-01-2015 350.20 4,783.21 -0.3998%
22-01-2015 348.80 4,797.96 -2.7523%
25-01-2015 339.20 4,716.76 -2.9186%
26-01-2015 329.30 4,708.33 0.6681%
27-01-2015 331.50 4,757.10 0.2413%
28-01-2015 332.30 4,747.64 -0.9028%
29-01-2015 329.30 4,724.05 -0.9414%
01-02-2015 326.20 4,654.95 0.0920%
02-02-2015 326.50 4,618.43 2.7871%
03-02-2015 335.60 4,656.47 0.8939%
04-02-2015 338.60 4,668.06 0.2363%
05-02-2015 339.40 4,685.04 0.2062%
08-02-2015 340.10 4,701.60 -0.0294%
09-02-2015 340.00 4,712.57 1.7647%
10-02-2015 346.00 4,786.69 2.1098%
11-02-2015 353.30 4,810.54 -1.0473%
12-02-2015 349.60 4,841.72 -0.1716%
15-02-2015 349.00 4,831.18 -0.7450%
16-02-2015 346.40 4,769.47 -0.6640%
17-02-2015 344.10 4,800.41 -3.1967%
19-02-2015 333.10 4,788.23 2.0414%
22-02-2015 339.90 4,802.18 0.2059%
23-02-2015 340.60 4,808.64 -0.2642%
24-02-2015 339.70 4,801.15 -0.7654%
25-02-2015 337.10 4,742.22 -0.5340%
26-02-2015 335.30 4,763.22 -0.0895%
01-03-2015 335.00 4,739.65 -1.1940%
02-03-2015 331.00 4,719.41 0.5136%
03-03-2015 332.70 4,695.80 -0.9919%
04-03-2015 329.40 4,681.54 -0.3947%
05-03-2015 328.10 4,664.91 0.2743%
08-03-2015 329.00 4,624.95 -0.6687%
09-03-2015 326.80 4,626.23 0.5814%
10-03-2015 328.70 4,649.30 -0.3042%
11-03-2015 327.70 4,585.73 -0.7934%
12-03-2015 325.10 4,556.94 1.5995%
15-03-2015 330.30 4,536.40 2.8762%
16-03-2015 339.80 4,478.00 -1.0594%
18-03-2015 336.20 4,442.82 -0.5354%
19-03-2015 334.40 4,468.02 0.5682%
22-03-2015 336.30 4,533.21 -0.1189%
23-03-2015 335.90 4,506.56 0.3870%
24-03-2015 337.20 4,493.40 2.2242%
25-03-2015 344.70 4,509.30 3.2202%
29-03-2015 355.80 4,558.08 -0.8432%
30-03-2015 352.80 4,509.28 1.5306%
31-03-2015 358.20 4,530.48 -1.2563%
01-04-2015 353.70 4,513.11 -1.4702%
02-04-2015 348.50 4,472.14 1.0904%
05-04-2015 352.30 4,431.11 -0.8515%
06-04-2015 349.30 4,397.26 -0.2577%
07-04-2015 348.40 4,345.03 0.7750%
08-04-2015 351.10 4,347.14 -0.4272%
09-04-2015 349.60 4,345.89 -0.4005%
12-04-2015 348.20 4,305.27 -0.4021%
13-04-2015 346.80 4,291.63 -1.1822%
15-04-2015 342.70 4,360.50 -0.2043%
16-04-2015 342.00 4,373.34 -0.8772%
19-04-2015 339.00 4,373.66 -2.0649%
20-04-2015 332.00 4,308.45 0.1807%
21-04-2015 332.60 4,283.25 -0.9922%
22-04-2015 329.30 4,252.95 -1.3665%
23-04-2015 324.80 4,192.21 -1.4163%
26-04-2015 320.20 4,094.48 3.4354%
27-04-2015 331.20 4,118.49 -1.5700%
29-04-2015 326.00 4,099.21 -0.7055%
30-04-2015 323.70 4,047.29 -0.3398%
04-05-2015 322.60 3,959.74 2.6038%
05-05-2015 331.00 4,014.37 -0.0302%
06-05-2015 330.90 4,089.88 -1.6621%
07-05-2015 325.40 4,122.32 1.3522%
10-05-2015 329.80 4,277.05 -0.3032%
11-05-2015 328.80 4,349.22 -0.6083%
12-05-2015 326.80 4,326.61 -1.0404%
13-05-2015 323.40 4,342.66 0.4020%
14-05-2015 324.70 4,314.89 -0.3080%
17-05-2015 323.70 4,316.00 1.8536%
18-05-2015 329.70 4,407.43 1.4255%
19-05-2015 334.40 4,459.29 -1.2560%
20-05-2015 330.20 4,455.57 -1.1205%
21-05-2015 326.50 4,483.28 -0.7351%
24-05-2015 324.10 4,484.62 2.0981%
25-05-2015 330.90 4,615.02 -0.6649%
26-05-2015 328.70 4,627.17 -1.3386%
27-05-2015 324.30 4,616.12 -0.3392%
28-05-2015 323.20 4,544.71 0.0928%
31-05-2015 323.50 4,586.95 0.7419%
01-06-2015 325.90 4,623.63 0.7671%
02-06-2015 328.40 4,586.85 -0.4872%
04-06-2015 326.80 4,591.43 -0.5814%
07-06-2015 324.90 4,617.70 -0.4001%
08-06-2015 323.60 4,542.27 -0.2163%
09-06-2015 322.90 4,513.98 0.3097%
10-06-2015 323.90 4,556.69 2.9639%
11-06-2015 333.50 4,515.14 0.6297%
14-06-2015 335.60 4,453.37 -1.1323%
15-06-2015 331.80 4,477.56 0.2110%
16-06-2015 332.50 4,506.72 -0.1805%
17-06-2015 331.90 4,527.42 -1.0244%
18-06-2015 328.50 4,519.85 -0.5175%
21-06-2015 326.80 4,511.47 -0.3978%
22-06-2015 325.50 4,503.99 -0.6144%
23-06-2015 323.50 4,489.46 -0.0309%
24-06-2015 323.40 4,455.28 0.2165%
25-06-2015 324.10 4,455.28 0.2160%
28-06-2015 324.80 4,502.22 0.1539%
29-06-2015 325.30 4,531.99 1.3526%
30-06-2015 329.70 4,583.11 0.6976%
02-07-2015 332.00 4,572.59 -1.0241%
05-07-2015 328.60 4,536.00 0.0000%
06-07-2015 328.60 4,526.72 -0.3956%
07-07-2015 327.30 4,565.25 1.6193%
08-07-2015 332.60 4,579.73 1.9844%
09-07-2015 339.20 4,599.91 1.4446%
12-07-2015 344.10 4,615.20 1.0462%
13-07-2015 347.70 4,628.85 -1.5818%
14-07-2015 342.20 4,656.14 -2.0164%
21-07-2015 335.30 4,731.32 -0.5070%
22-07-2015 333.60 4,741.98 1.2890%
23-07-2015 337.90 4,808.40 0.2072%
26-07-2015 338.60 4,786.49 -0.3544%
27-07-2015 337.40 4,775.28 0.5335%
28-07-2015 339.20 4,797.17 -2.5649%
30-07-2015 330.50 4,792.31 -1.4523%
02-08-2015 325.70 4,802.02 1.0132%
03-08-2015 329.00 4,862.55 -0.3343%
04-08-2015 327.90 4,871.82 -1.1894%
05-08-2015 324.00 4,873.96 -0.0617%
06-08-2015 323.80 4,864.45 -0.1853%
09-08-2015 323.20 4,844.36 -0.2166%
10-08-2015 322.50 4,815.64 -0.5891%
11-08-2015 320.60 4,791.47 -0.2495%
12-08-2015 319.80 4,821.62 -1.0319%
13-08-2015 316.50 4,808.87 0.0316%
16-08-2015 316.60 4,783.81 -1.7372%
17-08-2015 311.10 4,768.01 1.5429%
18-08-2015 315.90 4,809.27 -0.3166%
19-08-2015 314.90 4,816.98 -0.1588%
20-08-2015 314.40 4,840.16 1.1450%
23-08-2015 318.00 4,831.72 -0.2516%
24-08-2015 317.20 4,794.00 0.2207%
25-08-2015 317.90 4,792.94 0.6920%
26-08-2015 320.10 4,805.66 -0.0625%
27-08-2015 319.90 4,812.82 -0.6565%
30-08-2015 317.80 4,790.98 -0.3461%
31-08-2015 316.70 4,768.67 -0.6315%
01-09-2015 314.70 4,724.52 0.2542%
02-09-2015 315.50 4,763.88 -0.0317%
03-09-2015 315.40 4,765.72 -0.0634%
06-09-2015 315.20 4,772.65 -0.5076%
07-09-2015 313.60 4,791.91 0.2232%
08-09-2015 314.30 4,784.46 -1.6863%
09-09-2015 309.00 4,758.43 -1.1327%
10-09-2015 305.50 4,760.14 0.1637%
13-09-2015 306.00 4,768.30 0.2614%
14-09-2015 306.80 4,786.19 0.4237%
15-09-2015 308.10 4,801.81 -0.4219%
16-09-2015 306.80 4,796.82 -1.4342%
17-09-2015 302.40 4,819.45 -0.8267%
20-09-2015 299.90 4,830.68 -0.0333%
21-09-2015 299.80 4,841.62 0.0334%
22-09-2015 299.90 4,853.29 -1.7673%
28-09-2015 294.60 4,866.76 -1.2899%
29-09-2015 290.80 4,853.17 -1.9601%
30-09-2015 285.10 4,852.08 0.2455%
01-10-2015 285.80 4,856.97 -1.4346%
04-10-2015 281.70 4,814.61 -1.9879%
05-10-2015 276.10 4,831.60 -0.3260%
06-10-2015 275.20 4,833.33 -2.8343%
07-10-2015 267.40 4,800.63 -2.7300%
08-10-2015 260.10 4,781.36 1.6917%
11-10-2015 264.50 4,728.13 0.4915%
12-10-2015 265.80 4,776.15 -2.3326%
13-10-2015 259.60 4,779.66 -1.6564%
14-10-2015 255.30 4,716.08 -4.2303%
15-10-2015 244.50 4,676.63 0.0409%
18-10-2015 244.60 4,608.03 3.1071%
19-10-2015 252.20 4,644.64 2.3791%
20-10-2015 258.20 4,657.65 -1.4330%
21-10-2015 254.50 4,647.68 -0.5894%
25-10-2015 253.00 4,649.29 -2.1344%
26-10-2015 247.60 4,630.58 0.9289%
27-10-2015 249.90 4,589.33 -0.5202%
28-10-2015 248.60 4,579.37 0.0000%
29-10-2015 248.60 4,564.49 0.1207%
01-11-2015 248.90 4,514.85 1.0044%
02-11-2015 251.40 4,536.05 -1.1535%
03-11-2015 248.50 4,551.51 -0.2817%
04-11-2015 247.80 4,511.31 1.4528%
05-11-2015 251.40 4,502.16 -0.6364%
08-11-2015 249.80 4,443.15 0.4003%
09-11-2015 250.80 4,416.91 0.0000%
10-11-2015 250.80 4,410.58 -1.0367%
11-11-2015 248.20 4,371.54 0.6446%
12-11-2015 249.80 4,433.58 0.1201%
15-11-2015 250.10 4,424.21 0.0800%
16-11-2015 250.30 4,475.81 1.6780%
17-11-2015 254.50 4,496.36 -0.9037%
18-11-2015 252.20 4,496.68 0.3569%
19-11-2015 253.10 4,531.63 0.0790%
22-11-2015 253.30 4,596.81 0.2764%
23-11-2015 254.00 4,585.11 -0.5906%
24-11-2015 252.50 4,574.06 0.2376%
25-11-2015 253.10 4,570.11 0.5927%
26-11-2015 254.60 4,573.75 0.7070%
29-11-2015 256.40 4,580.76 3.5491%
30-11-2015 265.50 4,581.00 1.6573%
01-12-2015 269.90 4,621.67 0.3335%
02-12-2015 270.80 4,619.51 0.2216%
03-12-2015 271.40 4,641.04 -0.9948%
06-12-2015 268.70 4,654.75 -4.1682%
07-12-2015 257.50 4,608.05 -1.3204%
08-12-2015 254.10 4,593.49 -0.8658%
09-12-2015 251.90 4,587.38 0.4367%
10-12-2015 253.00 4,583.42 -0.4348%
13-12-2015 251.90 4,542.73 0.0397%
14-12-2015 252.00 4,533.91 -0.2381%
15-12-2015 251.40 4,513.97 0.1193%
17-12-2015 251.70 4,520.88 0.2384%
20-12-2015 252.30 4,511.54 0.6342%
21-12-2015 253.90 4,578.88 0.0394%
22-12-2015 254.00 4,593.74 -0.1969%
23-12-2015 253.50 4,588.75 -0.1183%
24-12-2015 253.20 4,608.32 0.2765%
27-12-2015 253.90 4,602.52 -0.3151%
28-12-2015 253.10 4,592.33 -0.1580%
29-12-2015 252.70 4,596.81 -0.0396%
30-12-2015 252.60 4,604.92 0.1584%
31-12-2015 253.00 4,629.64
DSE Index GP DSE Index GP
Annualized Daily
-0.0238% Mean 0.212935742213 Mean 0.0529%
0.000065 Stdev 0.146103459186 Variance 0.000090
Beta(cov/var) 0.5916887 Covariance 0.00119%
0.0080686714477 Beta from Slope 0.59419584 Stdev 0.0094904395
Return Price Return
DSE Index GP DSE Index GP
-0.3057% 03-01-2016 253.30 4,624.02 -0.3948%
0.8782% 04-01-2016 252.30 4,617.73 -0.3171%
-0.1209% 05-01-2016 251.50 4,643.25 0.3976%
0.1017% 06-01-2016 252.50 4,679.81 -0.1188%
-0.4975% 07-01-2016 252.20 4,676.08 0.5948%
0.2617% 10-01-2016 253.70 4,674.84 1.5372%
0.2583% 11-01-2016 257.60 4,663.62 -0.8152%
-0.3631% 12-01-2016 255.50 4,665.44 0.2740%
0.0889% 13-01-2016 256.20 4,686.05 0.2732%
-0.7812% 14-01-2016 256.90 4,694.95 0.9342%
-1.0227% 17-01-2016 259.30 4,674.83 0.6942%
-0.2083% 18-01-2016 261.10 4,687.20 4.5576%
-1.5182% 19-01-2016 273.00 4,697.51 -1.5751%
0.3082% 20-01-2016 268.70 4,669.51 -1.0048%
-1.6922% 21-01-2016 266.00 4,657.94 0.6391%
-0.1787% 24-01-2016 267.70 4,626.14 0.0000%
1.0358% 25-01-2016 267.70 4,620.32 0.1121%
-0.1990% 26-01-2016 268.00 4,610.12 -1.0821%
-0.4968% 27-01-2016 265.10 4,585.99 -1.4711%
-1.4626% 28-01-2016 261.20 4,573.59 -1.7228%
-0.7846% 31-01-2016 256.70 4,540.89 -0.1558%
0.8237% 01-02-2016 256.3 4,560.42 1.8338%
0.2488% 02-02-2016 261 4,591.10 0.0000%
0.3638% 03-02-2016 261 4,573.33 -0.7280%
0.3535% 04-02-2016 259.1 4,571.12 -0.6947%
0.2332% 07-02-2016 257.3 4,580.49 0.2332%
1.5729% 08-02-2016 257.9 4,560.77 -0.1163%
0.4981% 09-02-2016 257.6 4,570.01 0.1553%
0.6483% 10-02-2016 258 4,573.43 -0.9302%
-0.2177% 11-02-2016 255.6 4,581.35 -0.3521%
-1.2772% 14-02-2016 254.7 4,580.56 0.7067%
0.6486% 15-02-2016 256.5 4,585.04 -0.0780%
-0.2536% 16-02-2016 256.3 4,578.86 -0.4682%
0.2913% 17-02-2016 255.1 4,580.79 -0.1176%
0.1346% 18-02-2016 254.8 4,587.67 1.3736%
-0.1558% 22-02-2016 258.3 4,577.62 -0.6581%
-1.2274% 23-02-2016 256.6 4,598.34 -0.2728%
0.4427% 24-02-2016 255.9 4,579.53 0.1172%
-0.4947% 25-02-2016 256.2 4,567.57 0.1561%
-0.4272% 28-02-2016 256.6 4,536.84 -4.8714%
-0.5003% 01-03-2016 244.10 4,484.04 -1.5977%
-0.3036% 02-03-2016 240.20 4,462.18 1.5820%
-0.3552% 03-03-2016 244.00 4,472.84 1.3525%
-0.8566% 06-03-2016 247.30 4,435.47 -0.8896%
0.0276% 07-03-2016 245.10 4,443.63 -0.4896%
0.4988% 08-03-2016 243.90 4,453.89 -0.0410%
-1.3675% 09-03-2016 243.80 4,457.81 -0.3692%
-0.6277% 10-03-2016 242.90 4,484.53 0.2470%
-0.4508% 13-03-2016 243.50 4,480.18 -0.9856%
-1.2873% 14-03-2016 241.10 4,467.62 -0.2074%
-0.7857% 15-03-2016 240.60 4,475.89 -0.7481%
0.5673% 16-03-2016 238.80 4,446.29 1.1307%
1.4591% 20-03-2016 241.50 4,430.28 -0.5797%
-0.5880% 21-03-2016 240.10 4,442.15 -1.2495%
-0.2918% 22-03-2016 237.10 4,410.22 -0.2531%
0.3538% 23-03-2016 236.50 4,381.16 0.0000%
1.0817% 24-03-2016 236.50 4,370.50 -0.8457%
-1.0706% 27-03-2016 234.50 4,355.94 -0.8955%
0.4702% 28-03-2016 232.40 4,302.58 -0.5594%
-0.3835% 29-03-2016 231.10 4,311.81 -0.5625%
-0.9078% 30-03-2016 229.80 4,335.30 -1.3055%
-0.9174% 31-03-2016 226.80 4,357.54 3.1305%
-0.7639% 03-04-2016 233.90 4,379.23 -0.2993%
-1.1877% 04-04-2016 233.20 4,431.66 -0.0858%
0.0485% 05-04-2016 233.00 4,409.72 -0.2146%
-0.0286% 06-04-2016 232.50 4,413.85 0.2581%
-0.9349% 07-04-2016 233.10 4,443.07 1.0296%
-0.3169% 10-04-2016 235.50 4,431.13 -0.6794%
1.6048% 11-04-2016 233.90 4,401.78 -0.0855%
0.2945% 12-04-2016 233.70 4,407.52 0.0000%
0.0073% 13-04-2016 233.70 4,408.64 -0.0428%
-1.4909% 17-04-2016 233.60 4,393.34 -0.1284%
-0.5849% 18-04-2016 233.30 4,391.42 0.8573%
-0.7074% 19-04-2016 235.30 4,357.63 2.1249%
-1.4282% 20-04-2016 240.30 4,359.40 3.4540%
-2.3312% 21-04-2016 248.60 4,340.34 0.0000%
0.5863% 24-04-2016 248.60 4,338.25 1.0459%
-0.4682% 25-04-2016 251.20 4,321.63 0.1990%
-1.2666% 26-04-2016 251.70 4,281.93 -0.5562%
-2.1631% 27-04-2016 250.30 4,238.95 -1.5581%
1.3797% 28-04-2016 246.40 4,195.70 -0.8117%
1.8811% 02-05-2016 244.40 4,171.41 1.4730%
0.7932% 03-05-2016 248.00 4,272.18 -0.8468%
3.7534% 04-05-2016 245.90 4,258.20 0.9760%
1.6873% 05-05-2016 248.30 4,306.80 0.4027%
-0.5198% 08-05-2016 249.30 4,340.07 1.4842%
0.3710% 09-05-2016 253.00 4,329.40 0.7115%
-0.6395% 10-05-2016 254.80 4,330.32 -0.7849%
0.0257% 11-05-2016 252.80 4,318.45 -0.0791%
2.1185% 12-05-2016 252.60 4,298.65 0.0792%
1.1766% 15-05-2016 252.80 4,275.48 0.0791%
-0.0833% 16-05-2016 253.00 4,288.65 0.2372%
0.6219% 17-05-2016 253.60 4,326.64 0.6703%
0.0299% 18-05-2016 255.30 4,364.31 -0.0392%
2.9076% 19-05-2016 255.20 4,392.88 0.9404%
0.2632% 22-05-2016 257.60 4,394.32 -0.3882%
-0.2387% 24-05-2016 256.60 4,394.07 -0.8184%
-1.5470% 25-05-2016 254.50 4,366.03 0.0000%
0.9295% 26-05-2016 254.50 4,388.01 0.9037%
0.7997% 29-05-2016 256.80 4,426.78 0.0389%
-0.7956% 30-05-2016 256.90 4,423.00 -0.7007%
0.0999% 31-05-2016 255.10 4,419.39 0.5096%
0.5723% 01-06-2016 256.4 4,421.79 -0.1560%
-1.6335% 02-06-2016 256 4,446.09 0.1953%
-0.6229% 05-06-2016 256.5 4,425.89 -0.0780%
0.9462% 06-06-2016 256.3 4,410.93 -0.4292%
-0.9119% 07-06-2016 255.2 4,412.51 0.2351%
-1.3680% 08-06-2016 255.8 4,420.43 -0.0782%
0.5432% 09-06-2016 255.6 4,418.99 -0.1956%
0.6512% 12-06-2016 255.1 4,409.40 -0.0392%
0.4594% 13-06-2016 255 4,405.40 0.0784%
-0.1672% 14-06-2016 255.2 4,409.09 -0.0784%
-0.1855% 15-06-2016 255 4,412.00 -0.9412%
-0.1658% 16-06-2016 252.6 4,395.28 -0.3167%
-0.3226% 19-06-2016 251.8 4,387.78 -0.1589%
-0.7612% 20-06-2016 251.4 4,369.01 -0.0398%
0.0000% 21-06-2016 251.3 4,363.11 -0.3183%
1.0535% 22-06-2016 250.5 4,366.25 0.0399%
0.6612% 23-06-2016 250.6 4,381.46 -0.1197%
1.1280% 26-06-2016 250.3 4,380.22 -0.1598%
-0.2296% 27-06-2016 249.9 4,412.83 1.0404%
-0.8001% 28-06-2016 252.5 4,451.36 -0.1188%
-0.2046% 29-06-2016 252.2 4,470.26 0.9913%
0.8511% 30-06-2016 254.7 4,507.58 -0.6282%
0.3173% 10-07-2016 253.1 4,495.19 0.5927%
0.4407% 11-07-2016 254.6 4,505.17 0.5499%
0.3323% 12-07-2016 256 4,544.71 0.1953%
0.2958% 13-07-2016 256.5 4,538.08 0.1559%
0.5895% 14-07-2016 256.9 4,537.92 0.1168%
1.6146% 16-07-2016 257.2 4,554.74 0.3888%
0.2254% 17-07-2016 258.2 4,558.94 -0.0775%
1.4006% 18-07-2016 258 4,571.81 1.7442%
-0.4555% 19-07-2016 262.5 4,556.93 2.0571%
-0.2343% 20-07-2016 267.9 4,554.55 0.0000%
0.4585% 21-07-2016 267.9 4,553.78 -0.7465%
-0.1014% 24-07-2016 265.9 4,551.07 1.8052%
0.2027% 25-07-2016 270.7 4,549.18 3.3247%
1.2605% 26-07-2016 279.7 4,550.16 1.7876%
0.1905% 27-07-2016 284.7 4,538.21 -1.2645%
0.0441% 28-07-2016 281.1 4,538.26 -1.6720%
-0.1951% 31-07-2016 276.4 4,525.35 -0.2894%
-0.4130% 01-08-2016 275.60 4,533.71 0.3266%
-0.5929% 02-08-2016 276.50 4,552.37 -0.2170%
-0.5018% 03-08-2016 275.90 4,575.97 -0.5799%
0.6292% 04-08-2016 274.30 4,577.57 0.2552%
-0.2645% 07-08-2016 275.00 4,568.43 -2.6909%
-0.5212% 09-08-2016 267.60 4,567.69 0.6353%
-0.3302% 10-08-2016 269.30 4,569.29 0.7798%
0.8653% 11-08-2016 271.40 4,574.36 -0.4422%
0.1602% 14-08-2016 270.20 4,577.09 1.1103%
0.4812% 16-08-2016 273.20 4,586.26 -0.4758%
-0.1745% 17-08-2016 271.90 4,595.24 -0.1471%
-0.7806% 18-08-2016 271.50 4,585.08 -0.4788%
-0.0222% 21-08-2016 270.20 4,579.03 0.1850%
0.2654% 22-08-2016 270.70 4,577.85 -0.9235%
0.1491% 23-08-2016 268.20 4,563.68 -0.4847%
-0.4539% 24-08-2016 266.90 4,554.27 -0.5620%
-0.4657% 28-08-2016 265.40 4,534.56 -0.2638%
-0.9258% 29-08-2016 264.70 4,534.04 -0.0378%
0.8331% 30-08-2016 264.60 4,523.66 -0.2646%
0.0386% 31-08-2016 263.90 4,526.58 0.1895%
0.1454% 01-09-2016 264.40 4,549.04 1.0212%
0.4036% 04-09-2016 267.10 4,557.44 0.1872%
-0.1555% 05-09-2016 267.60 4,563.69 -0.1868%
-0.5440% 06-09-2016 267.10 4,568.36 0.0374%
0.0359% 07-09-2016 267.20 4,594.68 -0.3743%
0.1714% 08-09-2016 266.20 4,601.09 -0.1503%
0.3753% 18-09-2016 265.80 4,626.18 -0.9029%
0.3262% 19-09-2016 263.40 4,639.13 0.2278%
-0.1039% 20-09-2016 264.00 4,660.15 -0.6439%
0.4719% 21-09-2016 262.30 4,665.35 1.0294%
0.2331% 22-09-2016 265.00 4,680.31 1.3585%
0.2264% 25-09-2016 268.60 4,673.44 0.4840%
0.2412% 26-09-2016 269.90 4,683.99 -0.7410%
0.2774% 27-09-2016 267.90 4,677.69 0.1493%
-0.2791% 28-09-2016 268.30 4,690.63 0.5591%
-0.0225% 29-09-2016 269.80 4,695.19 0.0371%
0.1006% 02-10-2016 269.90 4,690.93 0.0741%
-0.8721% 03-10-2016 270.10 4,691.14 1.4069%
0.3529% 04-10-2016 273.90 4,708.79 -0.7667%
0.0359% 05-10-2016 271.80 4,714.05 0.1840%
-0.6766% 06-10-2016 272.30 4,723.73 -1.2119%
-0.4013% 09-10-2016 269.00 4,698.63 -0.6691%
-1.1134% 10-10-2016 267.20 4,689.32 0.9731%
1.0157% 13-10-2016 269.80 4,701.31 0.1112%
0.0735% 16-10-2016 270.10 4,709.63 0.0370%
-1.3303% 17-10-2016 270.20 4,692.95 1.3323%
-0.8366% 18-10-2016 273.80 4,711.86 0.6939%
-1.4668% 19-10-2016 275.70 4,702.51 0.3990%
0.7944% 20-10-2016 276.80 4,692.44 1.5173%
0.2803% 23-10-2016 281.00 4,693.00 1.3167%
-0.2142% 24-10-2016 284.70 4,693.70 -0.9484%
0.0347% 25-10-2016 282.00 4,681.87 -1.1348%
-0.4024% 26-10-2016 278.80 4,658.21 0.1076%
-0.8908% 27-10-2016 279.10 4,636.23 -0.7882%
-0.2170% 30-10-2016 276.90 4,605.09 -1.3362%
-0.3250% 31-10-2016 273.20 4,592.18 1.5739%
-1.0874% 01-11-2016 277.5 4,596.86 0.2523%
0.4696% 02-11-2016 278.2 4,633.19 0.2157%
0.3408% 03-11-2016 278.8 4,672.88 -0.1435%
-0.8833% 06-11-2016 278.4 4,672.39 0.5029%
-0.2028% 07-11-2016 279.8 4,689.18 0.8578%
-1.3108% 08-11-2016 282.2 4,691.06 -0.4252%
-0.5906% 09-11-2016 281 4,671.26 -0.7117%
-0.1433% 10-11-2016 279 4,677.14 0.2151%
-0.8850% 13-11-2016 279.6 4,667.20 0.1073%
1.4190% 14-11-2016 279.9 4,644.99 -0.1429%
-0.2113% 15-11-2016 279.5 4,664.81 0.4651%
1.1664% 16-11-2016 280.8 4,676.76 1.1040%
0.4590% 17-11-2016 283.9 4,698.54 1.4442%
0.0073% 20-11-2016 288 4,721.99 -0.3472%
0.7771% 21-11-2016 287 4,721.40 1.0453%
1.4385% 22-11-2016 290 4,750.21 0.0690%
-0.2547% 23-11-2016 290.2 4,765.36 -0.7581%
-0.2410% 24-11-2016 288 4,791.33 -0.2431%
-0.0863% 27-11-2016 287.3 4,786.58 -0.8006%
0.0797% 28-11-2016 285 4,797.65 -0.1404%
0.1533% 29-11-2016 284.6 4,793.31 -0.4216%
0.0051% 30-11-2016 283.4 4,801.24 0.2823%
0.8879% 01-12-2016 284.20 4,823.02 0.1056%
-0.0467% 04-12-2016 284.50 4,822.29 0.7030%
0.4660% 05-12-2016 286.50 4,836.33 0.1047%
0.2954% 06-12-2016 286.80 4,846.09 0.4533%
-1.0032% 07-12-2016 288.10 4,871.29 -0.0347%
-0.3160% 08-12-2016 288.00 4,892.82 -0.7292%
-0.1331% 11-12-2016 285.90 4,861.12 -0.1049%
-0.0863% 12-12-2016 285.60 4,869.60 0.0700%
-0.8876% 14-12-2016 285.80 4,906.92 0.3849%
-0.1942% 15-12-2016 286.90 4,925.72 -0.4531%
-0.4397% 18-12-2016 285.60 4,938.59 0.1401%
0.1530% 19-12-2016 286.00 4,941.65 0.3147%
-0.2066% 20-12-2016 286.90 4,931.17 0.0349%
1.4926% 21-12-2016 287.00 4,924.34 -0.4530%
0.3245% 22-12-2016 285.70 4,956.73 -0.7350%
-0.1086% 26-12-2016 283.60 4,993.53 0.0353%
0.4266% 27-12-2016 283.70 5,016.75 -0.1057%
-0.1260% 28-12-2016 283.40 5,027.92 0.2470%
-0.2213% 29-12-2016 284.10 5,036.05
DSE Index GP DSE Index GP DSE Index
Annualized Daily
0.0370% Mean 1.182424528 Mean 0.2140% 0.0859%
0.002014% Stdev 0.1738047341 Variance 0.01233% 0.00395%
Beta(cov/var) 0.377409 Covariance 0.00149%
0.004487223 Beta from Slope 0.3789553719 Stdev 0.01110398 0.00628422
Return Price Return
DSE Index GP DSE Index GP DSE Index
-0.1359% 01-01-2017 283.00 5,083.89 0.2827% 0.7021%
0.5527% 02-01-2017 283.80 5,119.59 0.7047% 0.3545%
0.7872% 03-01-2017 285.80 5,137.74 0.9797% 0.3672%
-0.0796% 04-01-2017 288.60 5,156.60 -0.3465% 0.4973%
-0.0266% 05-01-2017 287.60 5,182.25 1.5299% -0.4544%
-0.2399% 08-01-2017 292.00 5,158.70 -0.4110% 1.0837%
0.0388% 09-01-2017 290.80 5,214.60 -0.5158% 1.2041%
0.4419% 10-01-2017 289.30 5,277.39 0.4148% 1.0703%
0.1899% 11-01-2017 290.50 5,333.88 0.6885% 0.1688%
-0.4287% 12-01-2017 292.50 5,342.88 -0.8889% 1.4958%
0.2648% 15-01-2017 289.90 5,422.80 1.5178% 1.0155%
0.2199% 16-01-2017 294.30 5,477.86 0.2379% 1.7819%
-0.5960% 17-01-2017 295.00 5,575.47 0.9492% -0.7529%
-0.2478% 18-01-2017 297.80 5,533.50 -0.2015% 0.0103%
-0.6829% 19-01-2017 297.20 5,534.07 -0.0336% 1.2429%
-0.1257% 22-01-2017 297.10 5,602.85 0.5385% 1.1949%
-0.2209% 23-01-2017 298.70 5,669.80 2.6448% 0.6782%
-0.5234% 24-01-2017 306.60 5,708.25 -1.2720% -1.5236%
-0.2704% 25-01-2017 302.70 5,621.28 0.7598% -0.0468%
-0.7148% 26-01-2017 305.00 5,618.65 -0.2951% -2.0965%
0.4301% 29-01-2017 304.10 5,500.86 -0.4933% -1.4479%
0.6727% 30-01-2017 302.60 5,421.21 -0.3305% 0.8694%
-0.3870% 31-01-2017 301.60 5,468.34 1.6247% 0.1015%
-0.0484% 01-02-2017 306.50 5,473.89 -0.7178% -1.9868%
0.2051% 02-02-2017 304.30 5,365.14 0.0657% -0.7878%
-0.4307% 05-02-2017 304.50 5,322.87 0.3284% 0.7557%
0.2027% 06-02-2017 305.50 5,363.09 -0.1309% 0.5409%
0.0747% 07-02-2017 305.10 5,392.10 1.1799% 1.7828%
0.1732% 08-02-2017 308.70 5,488.23 0.1296% 0.4415%
-0.0172% 09-02-2017 309.10 5,512.46 0.2265% 2.9713%
0.0979% 12-02-2017 309.80 5,676.26 2.6791% -0.2913%
-0.1349% 13-02-2017 318.10 5,659.72 0.5344% 0.3805%
0.0423% 14-02-2017 319.80 5,681.26 -0.5003% 0.0537%
0.1500% 15-02-2017 318.20 5,684.31 0.5343% 0.2984%
-0.2191% 16-02-2017 319.90 5,701.27 -0.0625% -2.0743%
0.4527% 19-02-2017 319.70 5,583.01 -0.1251% 0.3939%
-0.4091% 20-02-2017 319.30 5,605.00 -1.2841% 0.3627%
-0.2612% 23-02-2017 315.20 5,625.33 -0.6662% 0.1739%
-0.6726% 26-02-2017 313.10 5,635.11 -0.5430% -0.2638%
-1.1639% 27-02-2017 311.40 5,620.25 -0.7707% -0.1343%
-0.4875% 28-02-2017 309.00 5,612.70 0.1294% -0.2758%
0.2389% 01-03-2017 309.40 5,597.22 0.3232% -0.1871%
-0.8355% 02-03-2017 310.40 5,586.75 0.2255% -0.2447%
0.1841% 05-03-2017 311.10 5,573.08 0.0964% 0.2828%
0.2309% 06-03-2017 311.40 5,588.84 0.9955% 0.6023%
0.0879% 07-03-2017 314.50 5,622.49 0.7631% 0.4890%
0.5994% 08-03-2017 316.90 5,649.99 0.2840% 0.3829%
-0.0969% 09-03-2017 317.80 5,671.62 -0.2832% 0.0818%
-0.2805% 12-03-2017 316.90 5,676.26 0.0000% -0.2913%
0.1853% 13-03-2017 316.90 5,659.72 0.1578% 0.3805%
-0.6614% 14-03-2017 317.40 5,681.26 -0.0315% 0.0537%
-0.3600% 15-03-2017 317.30 5,684.31 -0.1576% 0.2984%
0.2679% 16-03-2017 316.80 5,701.27 0.1578% -0.1021%
-0.7188% 19-03-2017 317.30 5,695.45 -0.0315% 0.0047%
-0.6589% 20-03-2017 317.20 5,695.72 0.2522% 0.5115%
-0.2434% 21-03-2017 318.00 5,724.86 -0.1887% 0.2001%
-0.3331% 22-03-2017 317.40 5,736.31 0.0000% -0.1756%
-1.2250% 23-03-2017 317.40 5,726.23 0.0000% -0.4942%
0.2145% 27-03-2017 317.40 5,697.93 0.5671% 0.6930%
0.5448% 28-03-2017 319.20 5,737.42 3.3521% -0.0728%
0.5130% 29-03-2017 329.90 5,733.24 0.6669% -0.2378%
0.4978% 30-03-2017 332.10 5,719.61 1.8669% -0.4937%
1.1972% 02-04-2017 338.30 5,691.37 2.7786% 0.8427%
-0.4949% 03-04-2017 347.70 5,739.34 0.1150% 0.6583%
0.0936% 04-04-2017 348.10 5,777.12 -0.7182% -0.3496%
0.6619% 05-04-2017 345.60 5,756.92 -0.7813% -0.3564%
-0.2687% 06-04-2017 342.90 5,736.40 0.3500% -0.6208%
-0.6622% 09-04-2017 344.10 5,700.79 -0.0872% -0.1951%
0.1304% 10-04-2017 343.80 5,689.67 -0.1745% -0.1091%
0.0254% 11-04-2017 343.20 5,683.46 -0.2040% -0.6525%
-0.3470% 12-04-2017 342.50 5,646.38 -1.1387% -0.0091%
-0.0438% 13-04-2017 338.60 5,645.86 -0.4430% -0.9393%
-0.7694% 16-04-2017 337.10 5,592.83 -0.5043% 0.0589%
0.0404% 17-04-2017 335.40 5,596.12 -0.2087% -0.4396%
-0.4371% 18-04-2017 334.70 5,571.52 0.1793% -0.2948%
-0.0483% 19-04-2017 335.30 5,555.10 -0.2684% -0.6019%
-0.3831% 20-04-2017 334.40 5,521.66 1.1962% -1.5107%
-0.9185% 23-04-2017 338.40 5,438.25 0.4137% -0.0480%
-1.0038% 24-04-2017 339.80 5,435.63 -0.2649% 0.6225%
-1.0203% 25-04-2017 338.90 5,469.47 -0.6492% 0.8758%
-0.5790% 26-04-2017 336.70 5,517.37 0.1782% 0.3090%
2.4157% 27-04-2017 337.30 5,534.42 0.0889% -1.0637%
-0.3272% 30-04-2017 337.60 5,475.55 0.2370% 0.8370%
1.1413% 02-05-2017 338.40 5,521.38 -0.2069% 0.4295%
0.7726% 03-05-2017 337.70 5,545.10 0.5922% -0.0792%
-0.2459% 04-05-2017 339.70 5,540.71 0.0883% -0.1311%
0.0213% 07-05-2017 340.00 5,533.45 -0.0882% -0.0712%
-0.2742% 08-05-2017 339.70 5,529.51 -0.4416% -0.3337%
-0.4584% 09-05-2017 338.20 5,511.06 -0.4435% -0.2694%
-0.5390% 11-05-2017 336.70 5,496.21 -0.2079% -0.6575%
0.3079% 14-05-2017 336.00 5,460.07 -1.1905% -0.5863%
0.8859% 15-05-2017 332.00 5,428.06 -0.5723% 0.1404%
0.8708% 16-05-2017 330.10 5,435.68 0.6059% -0.1107%
0.6546% 17-05-2017 332.10 5,429.67 -0.1204% -0.5526%
0.0328% 18-05-2017 331.70 5,399.66 -0.1507% -0.6654%
-0.0057% 21-05-2017 331.20 5,363.73 0.2114% 0.4032%
-0.6380% 22-05-2017 331.90 5,385.36 -0.0603% 0.1757%
0.5033% 23-05-2017 331.70 5,394.82 0.0000% 0.3312%
0.8836% 24-05-2017 331.70 5,412.69 0.5427% 0.0209%
-0.0853% 25-05-2017 333.50 5,413.82 -0.5097% -0.7565%
-0.0816% 28-05-2017 331.80 5,372.86 -0.0301% -0.3030%
0.0544% 29-05-2017 331.70 5,356.58 -0.7838% 0.3113%
0.5494% 30-05-2017 329.10 5,373.26 -0.1215% 0.5557%
-0.4542% 31-05-2017 328.70 5,403.12 1.7037% 0.6587%
-0.3381% 01-06-2017 334.30 5,438.71 0.6282% 0.0972%
0.0358% 04-06-2017 336.40 5,443.99 -0.0595% 0.7078%
0.1794% 05-06-2017 336.20 5,482.53 0.0892% 0.3307%
-0.0326% 06-06-2017 336.50 5,500.66 0.0297% -0.1960%
-0.2169% 07-06-2017 336.60 5,489.88 -0.8021% -0.2574%
-0.0907% 08-06-2017 333.90 5,475.75 -0.8386% -0.3757%
0.0837% 11-06-2017 331.10 5,455.17 0.0000% -0.0927%
0.0660% 12-06-2017 331.10 5,450.12 0.1510% 0.0856%
-0.3790% 13-06-2017 331.60 5,454.78 0.0603% 0.0905%
-0.1705% 14-06-2017 331.80 5,459.72 0.1206% 0.1576%
-0.4279% 15-06-2017 332.20 5,468.33 -0.0301% -0.1224%
-0.1349% 18-06-2017 332.10 5,461.63 0.1506% 0.3147%
0.0719% 19-06-2017 332.60 5,478.82 0.6915% 0.8834%
0.3484% 20-06-2017 334.90 5,527.22 0.9854% 0.7323%
-0.0282% 21-06-2017 338.20 5,567.70 0.5027% 0.5637%
0.7443% 22-06-2017 339.90 5,599.08 0.4413% 0.8431%
0.8733% 28-06-2017 341.40 5,646.28 0.8787% 0.1729%
0.4246% 29-06-2017 344.40 5,656.05 0.0290% -0.0252%
0.8348% 02-07-2017 344.50 5,654.62 2.2061% 0.0000%
-0.2749% 03-07-2017 352.10 5,654.62 0.9940% 1.8725%
0.2221% 04-07-2017 355.60 5,760.50 -0.0562% 0.3846%
0.8776% 05-07-2017 355.40 5,782.66 -4.2769% -0.5707%
-0.1458% 06-07-2017 340.20 5,749.66 -0.8230% 0.4285%
-0.0036% 09-07-2017 337.40 5,774.30 3.1713% 0.9160%
0.3707% 10-07-2017 348.10 5,827.19 0.0862% 0.0615%
0.0923% 11-07-2017 348.40 5,830.77 -0.1435% -0.6858%
0.2823% 12-07-2017 347.90 5,790.79 4.9439% 0.7612%
-0.3256% 13-07-2017 365.10 5,834.87 1.5612% 0.1689%
-0.0522% 16-07-2017 370.80 5,844.72 -0.4315% -0.3472%
-0.0168% 17-07-2017 369.20 5,824.43 -1.1105% -0.0886%
-0.0595% 18-07-2017 365.10 5,819.26 1.2873% -0.7504%
-0.0415% 19-07-2017 369.80 5,775.59 -0.9194% 0.1191%
0.0215% 20-07-2017 366.40 5,782.47 0.1365% -0.1189%
-0.2627% 23-07-2017 366.90 5,775.60 0.3271% 0.3899%
0.0013% 24-07-2017 368.10 5,798.12 0.6520% 0.0652%
-0.2845% 25-07-2017 370.50 5,801.90 1.1876% 0.3883%
0.1848% 26-07-2017 374.90 5,824.43 1.1203% -0.1607%
0.4114% 27-07-2017 379.10 5,815.07 -0.4484% -0.2240%
0.5186% 30-07-2017 377.40 5,802.04 0.5564% 1.0101%
0.0349% 31-07-2017 379.50 5,860.65 -0.0527% 0.2664%
-0.1998% 01-08-2017 379.30 5,876.26 -1.1864% 0.0712%
-0.0162% 03-08-2017 374.80 5,880.45 0.7204% 0.4622%
0.0350% 06-08-2017 377.50 5,907.63 -0.3444% 0.1011%
0.1110% 07-08-2017 376.20 5,913.60 0.0000% -0.2692%
0.0596% 08-08-2017 376.20 5,897.68 0.0797% -0.1280%
0.2003% 09-08-2017 376.50 5,890.13 0.9562% 0.1983%
0.1959% 10-08-2017 380.10 5,901.81 0.1842% 0.3353%
-0.2210% 13-08-2017 380.80 5,921.60 1.6807% -0.6477%
-0.1320% 16-08-2017 387.20 5,883.24 1.2397% -0.3761%
-0.0259% 17-08-2017 392.00 5,861.12 -0.1276% -0.7139%
-0.3094% 20-08-2017 391.50 5,819.27 0.1022% 0.4268%
-0.2062% 21-08-2017 391.90 5,844.11 -0.1531% 0.3118%
-0.4329% 22-08-2017 391.30 5,862.33 -0.9967% -0.1101%
-0.0113% 23-08-2017 387.40 5,855.88 -0.1033% 0.5045%
-0.2290% 24-08-2017 387.00 5,885.42 0.1809% 0.5097%
0.0645% 27-08-2017 387.70 5,915.42 0.3095% 0.5380%
0.4963% 28-08-2017 388.90 5,947.25 0.5143% 0.0211%
0.1845% 29-08-2017 390.90 5,948.51 0.0512% 0.4277%
0.1373% 30-08-2017 391.10 5,973.95 -0.3835% 0.5438%
0.1023% 31-08-2017 389.60 6,006.43 0.6160% 0.5318%
0.5761% 04-09-2017 392.00 6,038.38 1.2755% 0.7392%
0.1395% 05-09-2017 397.00 6,083.01 -0.0252% -0.2273%
0.5453% 06-09-2017 396.90 6,069.18 2.4439% 0.7548%
0.2800% 07-09-2017 406.60 6,114.99 5.3615% 0.8586%
0.4530% 10-09-2017 428.40 6,167.49 -2.2176% -0.2640%
0.1116% 11-09-2017 418.90 6,151.21 -1.6710% -0.0294%
0.3206% 12-09-2017 411.90 6,149.40 2.4521% 0.5720%
-0.1469% 13-09-2017 422.00 6,184.57 -0.3318% 0.3126%
0.2258% 14-09-2017 420.60 6,203.90 -1.5692% 0.5911%
-0.1347% 17-09-2017 414.00 6,240.57 -1.3527% -0.0742%
0.2768% 18-09-2017 408.40 6,235.94 1.1508% 0.0104%
0.0972% 19-09-2017 413.10 6,236.59 0.1452% -1.0209%
-0.0907% 20-09-2017 413.70 6,172.91 -0.6043% -0.0395%
0.0044% 21-09-2017 411.20 6,170.48 -0.1946% -0.0835%
0.3762% 24-09-2017 410.40 6,165.32 0.3899% -0.9582%
0.1118% 25-09-2017 412.00 6,106.25 -0.1942% -0.0323%
0.2052% 26-09-2017 411.20 6,104.27 1.2403% -0.4087%
-0.5313% 27-09-2017 416.30 6,079.32 -0.2402% 0.2223%
-0.1982% 28-09-2017 415.30 6,092.84 -1.1317% 0.0018%
0.2558% 02-10-2017 410.60 6,092.95 1.0229% 0.6610%
0.1768% 03-10-2017 414.80 6,133.23 0.5063% 0.4358%
-0.3541% 04-10-2017 416.90 6,159.96 0.6237% 0.6875%
0.4030% 05-10-2017 419.50 6,202.31 -0.3814% 0.0514%
-0.1983% 08-10-2017 417.90 6,205.50 0.9811% -1.2345%
-0.2143% 09-10-2017 422.00 6,128.90 1.3033% 0.2108%
0.0120% 10-10-2017 427.50 6,141.81 1.1930% -0.5412%
0.0149% 11-10-2017 432.60 6,108.57 -0.8322% -0.7230%
-0.2521% 12-10-2017 429.00 6,064.41 -0.0699% -0.9145%
-0.5053% 15-10-2017 428.70 6,008.95 -0.5365% 0.0815%
-0.4718% 16-10-2017 426.40 6,013.84 -1.0319% 0.2976%
-0.6717% 17-10-2017 422.00 6,031.74 -0.4502% -0.1073%
-0.2804% 18-10-2017 420.10 6,025.27 0.9284% 0.2371%
0.1021% 19-10-2017 424.00 6,039.56 1.4387% 0.0273%
0.7901% 22-10-2017 430.10 6,041.20 0.2558% -0.9808%
0.8566% 23-10-2017 431.20 5,981.95 1.9481% -0.2329%
-0.0103% 24-10-2017 439.60 5,968.02 1.3876% 0.5615%
0.3593% 25-10-2017 445.70 6,001.53 -0.0897% 0.2788%
0.0401% 26-10-2017 445.30 6,018.26 -0.7411% -0.3796%
-0.4222% 29-10-2017 442.00 5,995.41 -0.5204% 0.0139%
0.1258% 30-10-2017 439.70 5,996.25 -0.3184% 0.3893%
-0.2125% 31-10-2017 438.30 6,019.59 0.3879% 0.8762%
-0.4759% 01-11-2017 440.00 6,072.33 0.2500% 0.4395%
0.4267% 02-11-2017 441.10 6,099.02 -0.3401% -0.4268%
0.2562% 05-11-2017 439.60 6,072.99 1.1829% 0.5190%
0.4658% 06-11-2017 444.80 6,104.51 -0.5621% 0.4126%
0.4991% 07-11-2017 442.30 6,129.69 3.7757% 0.4793%
-0.0125% 08-11-2017 459.00 6,159.07 -0.4575% 0.5600%
0.6102% 09-11-2017 456.90 6,193.57 3.1736% 0.4879%
0.3188% 12-11-2017 471.40 6,223.78 4.2639% -0.1152%
0.5451% 13-11-2017 491.50 6,216.62 1.7091% 0.5715%
-0.0993% 14-11-2017 499.90 6,252.14 -2.7606% -0.2628%
0.2313% 15-11-2017 486.10 6,235.71 0.0411% 0.7438%
-0.0905% 16-11-2017 486.30 6,282.09 0.3085% 0.3957%
0.1655% 19-11-2017 487.80 6,306.95 -1.5580% 0.1930%
0.4536% 20-11-2017 480.20 6,319.12 -1.4161% -0.5895%
-0.0152% 21-11-2017 473.40 6,281.87 2.0913% 0.1187%
0.2911% 22-11-2017 483.30 6,289.33 -0.9725% 0.5276%
0.2019% 23-11-2017 478.60 6,322.51 -0.5015% 0.2273%
0.5199% 26-11-2017 476.20 6,336.88 -1.1970% -0.5433%
0.4420% 27-11-2017 470.50 6,302.46 -1.4453% -0.4742%
-0.6477% 28-11-2017 463.70 6,272.57 1.1645% 0.0953%
0.1743% 29-11-2017 469.10 6,278.55 0.4903% 0.4509%
0.7665% 30-11-2017 471.40 6,306.86 1.0182% -0.1690%
0.3831% 03-12-2017 476.20 6,296.20 1.3230% -0.5310%
0.2612% 04-12-2017 482.50 6,262.77 0.4145% 0.3829%
0.0620% 05-12-2017 484.50 6,286.75 -1.2178% -0.3254%
-0.2121% 06-12-2017 478.60 6,266.30 -0.1254% -0.2884%
-0.1386% 07-12-2017 478.00 6,248.23 -0.6485% -0.7009%
0.6579% 10-12-2017 474.90 6,204.43 -0.4211% -0.1254%
0.7424% 11-12-2017 472.90 6,196.65 -0.7190% 0.8867%
0.4649% 12-12-2017 469.50 6,251.60 -0.2343% -0.4403%
0.2227% 13-12-2017 468.40 6,224.08 -0.5551% 0.0954%
0.1617% 14-12-2017 465.80 6,230.02 0.2576% -0.2717%
17-12-2017 467.00 6,213.09 0.2355% 0.1854%
18-12-2017 468.10 6,224.61 -0.4059% 0.0650%
19-12-2017 466.20 6,228.66 -0.8151% -0.5165%
20-12-2017 462.40 6,196.48 -0.0433% -0.2210%
21-12-2017 462.20 6,182.79 1.0601% -0.3798%
24-12-2017 467.10 6,159.31 -0.1070% 0.1341%
26-12-2017 466.60 6,167.57 0.2786% 0.3064%
27-12-2017 467.90 6,186.47 0.6198% 0.9384%
28-12-2017 470.80 6,244.52
GP DSE Index GP DSE Index
Annualized Daily
Mean -0.3760811 Mean -0.129% -0.083%
Stdev 0.16547578 Variance 0.000154702 5.9086E-05
Beta(cov/var) 0.68962 Covariance 0.00407%
Beta from Slope 0.69354235 Stdev 0.012437921 0.0076867
Price Return
GP DSE Index GP DSE Index
01-01-2018 472.00 6,254.41 1.610% 0.409%
02-01-2018 479.60 6,279.97 1.334% 0.610%
03-01-2018 486.00 6,318.27 -1.605% -0.244%
04-01-2018 478.20 6,302.84 0.021% -0.546%
07-01-2018 478.30 6,268.42 -1.192% -0.924%
08-01-2018 472.60 6,210.50 -0.360% -0.193%
09-01-2018 470.90 6,198.53 0.106% -0.421%
10-01-2018 471.40 6,172.45 0.976% 0.111%
11-01-2018 476.00 6,179.32 0.000% -0.994%
14-01-2018 476.00 6,117.90 -0.504% -0.981%
15-01-2018 473.60 6,057.86 1.309% 1.171%
16-01-2018 479.80 6,128.81 0.333% -0.497%
17-01-2018 481.40 6,098.33 0.395% 0.392%
18-01-2018 483.30 6,122.23 0.910% 0.408%
21-01-2018 487.70 6,147.19 1.374% 0.778%
22-01-2018 494.40 6,195.00 1.901% 0.189%
23-01-2018 503.80 6,206.72 0.417% -0.097%
24-01-2018 505.90 6,200.69 0.949% 0.244%
25-01-2018 510.70 6,215.80 -1.057% -1.144%
28-01-2018 505.30 6,144.72 0.990% 0.516%
29-01-2018 510.30 6,176.45 -1.039% -0.788%
30-01-2018 505.00 6,127.80 -0.515% -1.436%
31-01-2018 502.40 6,039.78 -0.478% -0.304%
01-02-2018 500.00 6,021.45 -0.740% -2.211%
04-02-2018 496.30 5,888.29 -0.060% -0.314%
05-02-2018 496.00 5,869.79 -0.081% 1.354%
06-02-2018 495.60 5,949.25 0.303% -0.217%
07-02-2018 497.10 5,936.35 0.724% 0.493%
08-02-2018 500.70 5,965.63 1.598% 2.151%
11-02-2018 508.70 6,093.95 -0.609% -0.191%
12-02-2018 505.60 6,082.29 0.415% 0.100%
13-02-2018 507.70 6,088.37 -0.315% 0.229%
14-02-2018 506.10 6,102.31 -0.198% -0.854%
15-02-2018 505.10 6,050.20 0.317% -1.644%
18-02-2018 506.70 5,950.76 -2.743% -0.701%
20-02-2018 492.80 5,909.03 -2.192% -0.035%
22-02-2018 482.00 5,906.98 -0.726% -1.267%
25-02-2018 478.50 5,832.13 -1.296% -0.987%
26-02-2018 472.30 5,774.57 0.508% 0.413%
27-02-2018 474.70 5,798.43 0.843% 0.112%
28-02-2018 478.70 5,804.94 0.919% 1.135%
01-03-2018 483.10 5,870.83 0.310% 0.214%
04-03-2018 484.60 5,883.39 -0.598% -0.817%
05-03-2018 481.70 5,835.34 1.183% 0.214%
06-03-2018 487.40 5,847.82 0.308% -0.438%
07-03-2018 488.90 5,822.19 0.061% 0.100%
08-03-2018 489.20 5,827.99 -0.859% -0.937%
11-03-2018 485.00 5,773.37 -0.577% -1.174%
12-03-2018 482.20 5,705.57 -0.975% -1.436%
13-03-2018 477.50 5,623.64 0.314% 0.203%
14-03-2018 479.00 5,635.05 0.647% 1.518%
15-03-2018 482.10 5,720.60 0.498% 0.019%
18-03-2018 484.50 5,721.70 -0.681% -1.012%
19-03-2018 481.20 5,663.77 -0.873% -1.619%
21-03-2018 477.00 5,572.06 -1.027% 0.153%
22-03-2018 472.10 5,580.59 -0.847% -0.186%
25-03-2018 468.10 5,570.19 -0.192% -1.407%
27-03-2018 467.20 5,491.80 -1.199% -0.053%
28-03-2018 461.60 5,488.87 0.087% 1.978%
29-03-2018 462.00 5,597.44 2.100% 2.674%
01-04-2018 471.70 5,747.14 1.484% 1.398%
02-04-2018 478.70 5,827.52 -0.564% -0.639%
03-04-2018 476.00 5,790.29 0.105% 0.048%
04-04-2018 476.50 5,793.05 0.126% 0.831%
05-04-2018 477.10 5,841.19 -0.524% 0.414%
08-04-2018 474.60 5,865.38 -0.021% 0.239%
09-04-2018 474.50 5,879.42 1.222% -0.337%
10-04-2018 480.30 5,859.61 1.208% -0.450%
11-04-2018 486.10 5,833.26 -0.021% -0.345%
12-04-2018 486.00 5,813.14 -0.288% -0.680%
15-04-2018 484.60 5,773.61 -0.165% 0.192%
16-04-2018 483.80 5,784.67 0.682% -0.116%
17-04-2018 487.10 5,777.95 0.677% 0.780%
18-04-2018 490.40 5,823.00 1.162% 0.352%
19-04-2018 496.10 5,843.47 -2.419% -0.517%
22-04-2018 484.10 5,813.29 -0.269% -0.123%
23-04-2018 482.80 5,806.13 -1.761% -0.496%
24-04-2018 474.30 5,777.36 -0.274% 0.427%
25-04-2018 473.00 5,802.03 0.063% 0.203%
26-04-2018 473.30 5,813.80 -0.782% -1.283%
30-04-2018 469.60 5,739.23 -1.171% -0.706%
03-05-2018 464.10 5,698.69 -0.108% -0.077%
06-05-2018 463.60 5,694.28 -0.173% -0.189%
07-05-2018 462.80 5,683.54 -1.188% -0.723%
08-05-2018 457.30 5,642.47 0.459% -0.268%
09-05-2018 459.40 5,627.33 1.001% -0.713%
10-05-2018 464.00 5,587.22 0.323% -0.511%
13-05-2018 465.50 5,558.67 0.107% -0.020%
14-05-2018 466.00 5,557.58 -0.601% -0.156%
15-05-2018 463.20 5,548.89 -2.288% -0.669%
16-05-2018 452.60 5,511.76 -1.834% -1.242%
17-05-2018 444.30 5,443.31 -2.183% -0.966%
20-05-2018 434.60 5,390.70 -0.690% 0.419%
21-05-2018 431.60 5,413.29 -1.437% -0.395%
22-05-2018 425.40 5,391.89 1.011% -0.571%
23-05-2018 429.70 5,361.09 -0.070% 1.280%
24-05-2018 429.40 5,429.69 0.838% 0.500%
27-05-2018 433.00 5,456.82 -0.254% -0.722%
28-05-2018 431.90 5,417.42 -0.903% -0.143%
29-05-2018 428.00 5,409.70 -0.397% -0.258%
30-05-2018 426.30 5,395.75 -2.698% -0.961%
31-05-2018 414.80 5,343.88 -2.989% -0.504%
03-06-2018 402.40 5,316.97 1.292% -0.061%
04-06-2018 407.60 5,313.71 -0.442% 0.623%
05-06-2018 405.80 5,346.80 -0.197% 0.972%
06-06-2018 405.00 5,398.76 -2.395% -0.594%
07-06-2018 395.30 5,366.67 -1.113% -0.808%
10-06-2018 390.90 5,323.29 -3.556% 0.059%
11-06-2018 377.00 5,326.44 -0.637% 0.728%
12-06-2018 374.60 5,365.22 1.121% -0.446%
18-06-2018 378.80 5,341.30 0.132% 0.000%
19-06-2018 379.30 5,341.30 1.028% 0.069%
20-06-2018 383.20 5,344.96 5.271% 0.747%
21-06-2018 403.40 5,384.87 1.289% 2.546%
24-06-2018 408.60 5,522.00 -1.224% -1.597%
25-06-2018 403.60 5,433.79 -1.437% -0.414%
26-06-2018 397.80 5,411.28 -0.804% 0.328%
27-06-2018 394.60 5,429.04 -1.445% -0.434%
28-06-2018 388.90 5,405.46 -2.031% -1.536%
02-07-2018 381.00 5,322.41 -1.129% -0.925%
03-07-2018 376.70 5,273.17 -0.345% 0.682%
04-07-2018 375.40 5,309.12 2.264% 1.001%
05-07-2018 383.90 5,362.28 1.016% 0.070%
08-07-2018 387.80 5,366.02 0.026% -0.461%
09-07-2018 387.90 5,341.27 -2.166% 0.562%
10-07-2018 379.50 5,371.30 0.316% 0.148%
11-07-2018 380.70 5,379.24 2.049% -0.378%
12-07-2018 388.50 5,358.91 -1.390% -0.413%
15-07-2018 383.10 5,336.75 1.279% 0.059%
16-07-2018 388.00 5,339.91 2.500% -0.270%
17-07-2018 397.70 5,325.48 0.880% 0.163%
18-07-2018 401.20 5,334.18 0.150% 0.061%
19-07-2018 401.80 5,337.42 -1.294% 0.033%
22-07-2018 396.60 5,339.18 -0.328% 0.166%
23-07-2018 395.30 5,348.07 -0.354% -0.237%
24-07-2018 393.90 5,335.38 -0.889% -0.299%
25-07-2018 390.40 5,319.44 -1.025% -0.268%
26-07-2018 386.40 5,305.17 0.776% -0.473%
29-07-2018 389.40 5,280.07 -0.128% -0.325%
30-07-2018 388.90 5,262.91 0.334% 0.755%
31-07-2018 390.20 5,302.64 0.564% 0.859%
01-08-2018 392.40 5,348.20 -0.765% 0.965%
02-08-2018 389.40 5,399.79 -3.287% -0.859%
06-08-2018 376.60 5,353.42 1.195% 0.532%
07-08-2018 381.10 5,381.89 -1.837% 0.447%
08-08-2018 374.10 5,405.96 -2.753% 0.019%
09-08-2018 363.80 5,407.01 -2.721% 0.003%
12-08-2018 353.90 5,407.19 1.215% -0.526%
13-08-2018 358.20 5,378.73 2.345% 0.553%
14-08-2018 366.60 5,408.46 2.291% 1.096%
16-08-2018 375.00 5,467.74 -0.320% 1.294%
19-08-2018 373.80 5,538.51 0.428% 0.590%
20-08-2018 375.40 5,571.20 0.613% 0.462%
26-08-2018 377.70 5,596.91 1.403% -0.213%
27-08-2018 383.00 5,584.97 1.802% 0.617%
28-08-2018 389.90 5,619.42 -0.641% -0.288%
29-08-2018 387.40 5,603.26 -0.207% -0.047%
30-08-2018 386.60 5,600.64 0.078% -0.182%
03-09-2018 386.90 5,590.42 0.233% -0.673%
04-09-2018 387.80 5,552.81 0.155% 0.170%
05-09-2018 388.40 5,562.24 -1.107% 0.216%
06-09-2018 384.10 5,574.25 -1.041% -0.439%
09-09-2018 380.10 5,549.78 -0.316% -0.174%
10-09-2018 378.90 5,540.11 0.501% 0.069%
11-09-2018 380.80 5,543.94 -1.077% -0.255%
12-09-2018 376.70 5,529.82 -1.619% -0.528%
13-09-2018 370.60 5,500.62 -0.702% -0.662%
16-09-2018 368.00 5,464.18 0.000% -0.373%
17-09-2018 368.00 5,443.81 -1.141% 0.529%
18-09-2018 363.80 5,472.60 -0.715% 0.593%
19-09-2018 361.20 5,505.05 -1.080% -0.690%
20-09-2018 357.30 5,467.05 1.651% -0.948%
23-09-2018 363.20 5,415.25 -0.055% -1.065%
24-09-2018 363.00 5,357.55 0.496% 0.548%
25-09-2018 364.80 5,386.89 0.987% 0.074%
26-09-2018 368.40 5,390.85 -0.353% -0.890%
27-09-2018 367.10 5,342.89 0.899% 0.488%
30-09-2018 370.40 5,368.96
GP DSE Index GP DSE Index
Annualized Daily
Mean -0.39716377577 Mean -0.139% -0.066%
Stdev 0.287153575344 Variance 0.00034 0.000055
Beta(cov/var) 0.67988566 Covariance 0.00373%
Beta from Slope 0.682718517698 Stdev 0.01849719 0.0074020804
Price Return
GP DSE Index GP DSE Index
01-01-2019 368.30 5,465.25 -0.733% 0.571%
02-01-2019 365.60 5,496.44 -0.055% 1.711%
03-01-2019 365.40 5,590.47 2.080% 1.727%
06-01-2019 373.00 5,687.01 -0.241% -0.560%
07-01-2019 372.10 5,655.19 2.042% 2.044%
08-01-2019 379.70 5,770.78 0.790% 0.482%
09-01-2019 382.70 5,798.59 1.620% -0.022%
10-01-2019 388.90 5,797.30 0.257% 1.085%
13-01-2019 389.90 5,860.22 -0.154% -0.409%
14-01-2019 389.30 5,836.23 -0.565% 0.463%
15-01-2019 387.10 5,863.28 -1.162% -0.406%
16-01-2019 382.60 5,839.48 -1.960% -0.238%
17-01-2019 375.10 5,825.57 2.693% 1.059%
20-01-2019 385.20 5,887.28 -0.156% -0.475%
21-01-2019 384.60 5,859.30 1.118% 0.105%
22-01-2019 388.90 5,865.46 0.669% 1.019%
23-01-2019 391.50 5,925.24 1.022% 0.418%
24-01-2019 395.50 5,950.01 -0.480% -0.177%
27-01-2019 393.60 5,939.45 4.040% -0.593%
28-01-2019 409.50 5,904.23 1.441% 0.344%
29-01-2019 415.40 5,924.53 -0.385% -0.682%
30-01-2019 413.80 5,884.11 -3.770% -1.072%
31-01-2019 398.20 5,821.01 -1.055% -0.338%
03-02-2019 394.00 5,801.33 2.030% 0.461%
04-02-2019 402.00 5,828.07 0.373% -0.477%
05-02-2019 403.50 5,800.24 0.347% -0.245%
06-02-2019 404.90 5,786.01 0.148% 0.448%
07-02-2019 405.50 5,811.92 0.148% -0.829%
10-02-2019 406.10 5,763.73 -2.093% -0.517%
11-02-2019 397.60 5,733.91 -2.264% -0.034%
12-02-2019 388.60 5,731.95 1.107% 0.285%
13-02-2019 392.90 5,748.31 -0.764% 0.034%
14-02-2019 389.90 5,750.29 -3.283% -0.448%
18-02-2019 377.10 5,724.52 0.636% 0.199%
19-02-2019 379.50 5,735.92 1.634% 0.173%
20-02-2019 385.70 5,745.83 -0.026% -0.549%
24-02-2019 385.60 5,714.27 3.060% 0.727%
25-02-2019 397.40 5,755.79 0.302% -0.298%
26-02-2019 398.60 5,738.64 -1.279% -0.467%
27-02-2019 393.50 5,711.83 -0.889% 0.197%
03-03-2019 390.00 5,723.08 0.872% -0.711%
04-03-2019 393.40 5,682.41 -0.356% 0.089%
05-03-2019 392.00 5,687.49 -0.510% -0.019%
06-03-2019 390.00 5,686.38 -1.077% 0.036%
07-03-2019 385.80 5,688.46 -0.130% 0.380%
10-03-2019 385.30 5,710.07 -0.104% -0.337%
11-03-2019 384.90 5,690.82 2.078% -0.147%
12-03-2019 392.90 5,682.44 -1.883% -0.514%
13-03-2019 385.50 5,653.21 0.415% 0.046%
14-03-2019 387.10 5,655.82 0.336% -0.900%
18-03-2019 388.40 5,604.90 0.850% 0.471%
19-03-2019 391.70 5,631.29 0.817% -0.546%
20-03-2019 394.90 5,600.56 0.608% -0.543%
21-03-2019 397.30 5,570.15 1.032% -1.043%
24-03-2019 401.40 5,512.08 2.018% 0.326%
25-03-2019 409.50 5,530.07 -0.244% -0.499%
27-03-2019 408.50 5,502.49 -0.269% 0.055%
28-03-2019 407.40 5,505.50 0.442% -0.247%
31-03-2019 409.20 5,491.91 1.906% 0.203%
01-04-2019 417.00 5,503.08 -1.775% 0.347%
02-04-2019 409.60 5,522.17 -2.490% -1.267%
03-04-2019 399.40 5,452.20 -2.879% 0.141%
04-04-2019 387.90 5,459.91 -3.197% -0.477%
07-04-2019 375.50 5,433.89 -1.225% -1.135%
08-04-2019 370.90 5,372.23 -2.400% -0.996%
09-04-2019 362.00 5,318.75 -1.215% -1.074%
10-04-2019 357.60 5,261.60 2.824% 1.231%
11-04-2019 367.70 5,326.39 2.747% -0.318%
15-04-2019 377.80 5,309.47 -1.615% -1.140%
16-04-2019 371.70 5,248.92 0.323% 0.200%
17-04-2019 372.90 5,259.41 -1.207% 1.179%
18-04-2019 368.40 5,321.41 1.520% 0.044%
21-04-2019 374.00 5,323.74 -1.230% -1.181%
23-04-2019 369.40 5,260.86 -0.406% -0.389%
24-04-2019 367.90 5,240.37 -1.006% 0.493%
25-04-2019 364.20 5,266.18 0.275% -0.531%
28-04-2019 365.20 5,238.20 -1.424% -1.198%
29-04-2019 360.00 5,175.47 -0.361% 0.529%
30-04-2019 358.70 5,202.85 -0.139% 1.613%
02-05-2019 358.20 5,286.75 1.200% 2.046%
05-05-2019 362.50 5,394.90 -0.855% -0.979%
06-05-2019 359.40 5,342.08 -1.391% -0.975%
07-05-2019 354.40 5,290.00 0.056% -0.333%
08-05-2019 354.60 5,272.39 -0.141% 0.065%
09-05-2019 354.10 5,275.83 -0.480% -0.036%
12-05-2019 352.40 5,273.93 -1.220% -0.495%
13-05-2019 348.10 5,247.83 -0.431% -0.570%
14-05-2019 346.60 5,217.91 -0.058% -0.419%
15-05-2019 346.40 5,196.03 -0.318% 0.669%
16-05-2019 345.30 5,230.79 1.680% 0.000%
19-05-2019 351.10 5,230.79 -0.883% 0.867%
20-05-2019 348.00 5,276.14 -1.322% -0.745%
21-05-2019 343.40 5,236.85 -0.175% 0.269%
22-05-2019 342.80 5,250.95 -1.429% -0.007%
23-05-2019 337.90 5,250.60 0.089% 0.052%
26-05-2019 338.20 5,253.33 0.857% 0.004%
27-05-2019 341.10 5,253.55 2.521% 1.432%
28-05-2019 349.70 5,328.76 0.029% 0.477%
29-05-2019 349.80 5,354.20 1.515% 0.440%
30-05-2019 355.10 5,377.75 0.366% 0.469%
09-06-2019 356.40 5,402.97 -0.168% 0.530%
10-06-2019 355.80 5,431.60 2.305% 0.817%
11-06-2019 364.00 5,475.98 -0.742% -0.116%
12-06-2019 361.30 5,469.63 0.028% 0.085%
13-06-2019 361.40 5,474.31 -0.968% -0.794%
16-06-2019 357.90 5,430.84 -0.168% -1.023%
17-06-2019 357.30 5,375.29 1.511% 0.464%
18-06-2019 362.70 5,400.24 -0.634% 0.207%
19-06-2019 360.40 5,411.40 -0.305% -0.292%
20-06-2019 359.30 5,395.63 0.250% -0.217%
23-06-2019 360.20 5,383.90 -0.639% -0.088%
24-06-2019 357.90 5,379.15 0.279% 0.034%
25-06-2019 358.90 5,380.96 1.170% 0.553%
26-06-2019 363.10 5,410.70 0.551% 0.358%
27-06-2019 365.10 5,430.05 -0.110% -0.155%
30-06-2019 364.70 5,421.62 -1.206% -0.677%
02-07-2019 360.30 5,384.93 -0.167% -0.236%
03-07-2019 359.70 5,372.21 0.028% 0.160%
04-07-2019 359.80 5,380.79 -2.251% -0.887%
07-07-2019 351.70 5,333.09 -1.848% -0.271%
08-07-2019 345.20 5,318.62 -1.275% -0.725%
09-07-2019 340.80 5,280.05 -1.966% -0.936%
10-07-2019 334.10 5,230.63 -0.748% -0.159%
11-07-2019 331.60 5,222.30 3.951% -0.820%
14-07-2019 344.70 5,179.50 -5.889% -1.699%
15-07-2019 324.40 5,091.48 1.110% 0.647%
16-07-2019 328.00 5,124.45 -0.610% 0.170%
17-07-2019 326.00 5,133.14 1.319% -0.047%
18-07-2019 330.30 5,130.70 -1.514% -1.890%
21-07-2019 325.30 5,033.75 -0.861% -1.337%
22-07-2019 322.50 4,966.44 0.217% 2.241%
23-07-2019 323.20 5,077.75 -0.866% -0.009%
24-07-2019 320.40 5,077.29 1.342% 1.102%
25-07-2019 324.70 5,133.26 0.031% 0.013%
28-07-2019 324.80 5,133.93 0.770% 0.522%
29-07-2019 327.30 5,160.75 -0.489% -0.692%
30-07-2019 325.70 5,125.02 2.057% 0.269%
31-07-2019 332.40 5,138.79 1.414% 0.602%
01-08-2019 337.10 5,169.74 -4.657% -0.181%
05-08-2019 321.40 5,160.37 0.249% 0.522%
06-08-2019 322.20 5,187.29 -1.055% -0.002%
07-08-2019 318.80 5,187.20 -0.345% 0.274%
08-08-2019 317.70 5,201.42 -0.220% 0.291%
18-08-2019 317.00 5,216.54 2.177% 0.206%
19-08-2019 323.90 5,227.27 0.834% 0.004%
20-08-2019 326.60 5,227.50 -1.010% -0.078%
21-08-2019 323.30 5,223.41 -1.114% 0.257%
22-08-2019 319.70 5,236.85 -0.907% -0.251%
25-08-2019 316.80 5,223.73 -1.042% -1.110%
26-08-2019 313.50 5,165.77 2.105% 0.250%
27-08-2019 320.10 5,178.70 -1.031% -0.747%
28-08-2019 316.80 5,140.00 -1.515% -0.860%
29-08-2019 312.00 5,095.78 -0.641% -0.492%
01-09-2019 310.00 5,070.69 -1.903% -0.733%
02-09-2019 304.10 5,033.54 -3.091% -0.526%
03-09-2019 294.70 5,007.06 -1.798% -0.413%
04-09-2019 289.40 4,986.37 2.108% 0.534%
05-09-2019 295.50 5,013.02 1.252% 0.415%
08-09-2019 299.20 5,033.80 2.941% -0.493%
09-09-2019 308.00 5,008.97 -0.942% -1.513%
11-09-2019 305.10 4,933.18 -0.328% 0.015%
12-09-2019 304.10 4,933.89 0.658% 0.169%
15-09-2019 306.10 4,942.23 0.686% 0.354%
16-09-2019 308.20 4,959.73 1.428% -0.620%
17-09-2019 312.60 4,928.98 -1.344% -0.831%
18-09-2019 308.40 4,888.02 8.722% -0.655%
19-09-2019 335.30 4,855.99 7.516% 1.338%
22-09-2019 360.50 4,920.97 0.638% 1.611%
23-09-2019 362.80 5,000.24 -1.213% -0.830%
24-09-2019 358.40 4,958.72 -0.921% -0.141%
25-09-2019 355.10 4,951.74 1.211% 0.338%
26-09-2019 359.40 4,968.47 -0.696% 0.146%
29-09-2019 356.90 4,975.74 -1.261% -0.565%
30-09-2019 352.40 4,947.64 -0.993% 0.036%
01-10-2019 348.90 4,949.40 -1.204% -0.263%
02-10-2019 344.70 4,936.37 0.116% 0.029%
03-10-2019 345.10 4,937.82 0.000% -0.428%
06-10-2019 345.10 4,916.69 -1.217% -1.107%
07-10-2019 340.90 4,862.26 -1.437% 0.000%
09-10-2019 336.00 4,862.26 -0.893% -1.070%
10-10-2019 333.00 4,810.22 -2.282% -1.005%
13-10-2019 325.40 4,761.88 -2.735% -1.062%
14-10-2019 316.50 4,711.31 4.929% 2.342%
15-10-2019 332.10 4,821.65 -1.204% -0.830%
16-10-2019 328.10 4,781.63 -3.139% -0.222%
17-10-2019 317.80 4,771.00 0.283% 0.233%
20-10-2019 318.70 4,782.09 -1.035% -0.432%
21-10-2019 315.40 4,761.42 1.966% -1.108%
22-10-2019 321.60 4,708.68 0.342% 0.381%
23-10-2019 322.70 4,726.62 1.518% 0.960%
24-10-2019 327.60 4,772.00 -0.977% -0.406%
27-10-2019 324.40 4,752.65 -0.493% -1.124%
28-10-2019 322.80 4,699.23 -0.217% -0.606%
29-10-2019 322.10 4,670.75 -0.776% 0.267%
30-10-2019 319.60 4,683.21 -0.657% -0.006%
31-10-2019 317.50 4,682.90 -0.315% 0.623%
03-11-2019 316.50 4,712.09 -0.632% -0.716%
04-11-2019 314.50 4,678.36 -0.445% 0.542%
05-11-2019 313.10 4,703.70 -0.064% 1.084%
06-11-2019 312.90 4,754.70 0.128% 0.362%
07-11-2019 313.30 4,771.92 0.192% 0.200%
11-11-2019 313.90 4,781.48 0.382% -0.048%
12-11-2019 315.10 4,779.19 -1.587% -0.879%
13-11-2019 310.10 4,737.17 -1.258% -0.566%
14-11-2019 306.20 4,710.37 1.274% 0.149%
17-11-2019 310.10 4,717.39 0.129% 0.098%
18-11-2019 310.50 4,722.02 4.026% 0.008%
19-11-2019 323.00 4,722.37 0.031% -0.645%
20-11-2019 323.10 4,691.94 1.981% 0.314%
21-11-2019 329.50 4,706.67 -5.311% -0.388%
24-11-2019 312.00 4,688.43 -1.346% 0.111%
25-11-2019 307.80 4,693.63 -0.520% 0.611%
26-11-2019 306.20 4,722.31 4.474% 0.170%
27-11-2019 319.90 4,730.35 -0.531% 0.023%
28-11-2019 318.20 4,731.44 -2.137% 0.579%
01-12-2019 311.40 4,758.81 -0.064% -0.509%
02-12-2019 311.20 4,734.59 -1.253% -0.787%
03-12-2019 307.30 4,697.35 -0.098% 0.120%
04-12-2019 307.00 4,702.98 0.130% -0.673%
05-12-2019 307.40 4,671.34 -0.488% -1.613%
08-12-2019 305.90 4,596.00 -1.079% -1.354%
09-12-2019 302.60 4,533.75 -1.157% -0.591%
10-12-2019 299.10 4,506.94 -0.033% 0.121%
11-12-2019 299.00 4,512.39 -0.702% 0.046%
12-12-2019 296.90 4,514.45 1.044% -0.353%
15-12-2019 300.00 4,498.49 -2.967% -1.749%
17-12-2019 291.10 4,419.83 -0.378% -0.042%
18-12-2019 290.00 4,417.95 1.138% 0.880%
19-12-2019 293.30 4,456.84 -3.103% -0.581%
22-12-2019 284.20 4,430.96 1.619% -0.824%
23-12-2019 288.80 4,394.44 -0.554% -0.086%
24-12-2019 287.20 4,390.67 -0.104% 0.641%
26-12-2019 286.90 4,418.84 -0.383% 0.342%
29-12-2019 285.80 4,433.95 0.000% 0.428%
30-12-2019 285.80 4,452.93 -11.302% 3.050%
23-12-2015 253.50 4,588.75 -0.118% 0.427%
24-12-2015 253.20 4,608.32 0.276% -0.126%
27-12-2015 253.90 4,602.52 -0.315% -0.221%
28-12-2015 253.10 4,592.33 -0.158% 0.098%
29-12-2015 252.70 4,596.81 -0.040% 0.176%
30-12-2015 252.60 4,604.92 0.158% 0.537%
31-12-2015 253.00 4,629.64