EAT-Lancet Commission: Brief For Business

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report Summary
brief for

Our future depends on our ability Aligned with the United Nations
The World Business Council to create a food system that Sustainable Development Goals
for Sustainable Development supports healthy people and (SDGs) and the Paris Climate
(WBCSD) is working with a healthy planet. Current food Agreement, the EAT-Lancet report
more than 80 companies to systems are outstripping the outlines how to deliver a sustainable
develop a shared ambition for resources of the planet, while diets and healthy food system for
the food systems. Achieving are resulting in global health crises 10 billion people within planetary
our Healthy People, Healthy of both over - and under-nutrition. boundaries by 2050.
Planet vision will require All this will be amplified by continued
population growth and changes Achieving these targets will
leadership action and
in dietary habits. require an unprecedented system
wide-scale deployment of
transformation, not dissimilar – yet
business solutions across
The independent EAT-Lancet more complex – than the changes
the value chain of nutrition Commission report, Our Food in the we are now seeing in the global
and health, livelihoods and Anthropocene: Healthy Diets from energy system. In order to lead
human rights, biodiversity Sustainable Food Systems, is the the transformation and secure
and ecosystems, and climate first to connect scientific targets continued business success,
mitigation and resilience. for global healthy diets with those companies in the food systems
for sustainable food production. need to come prepared.

What should you know?

• More than 820 million people -- protection of biodiversity, • Nearly 30% of all food, and
still lack enough food, and many -- reduced water use, up to 50% of all fruits and
more consume too much food of -- decreased nitrogen and vegetables, is lost or wasted.
lower quality. phosphorus loss to waterways, Halving food loss at the
-- net zero greenhouse gas (GHG) production side and food waste
• Today, food systems use 40% emissions, at the consumption side also
of global land; produce 30% -- and significantly lower levels decreases water use
of global emissions and use of methane and nitrous oxide by about 13%.
70% of freshwater withdrawals. emissions.
Land conversion for food • The global scientific targets
productionis the largest driver • A move towards a diet rich in published by the EAT-Lancet
of biodiversity loss. plant-based foods and with Commission on dietary shifts,
fewer animal sources will lead sustainable food production and
• The food system is key to to both improved health and food loss and waste reduction will
optimizing human health and environmental benefits. However, allow business to create science-
environmental sustainability. the transition pathways to such based solutions that can shape
A sustainable global food diets need to be culture and the food system transformation.
system by 2050 means: context specific. It will also enable governments
-- sufficient, healthy food for all to set regional-and country-
with no additional land use specific targets and regulations.
conversion for food,

EAT-Lancet Commission report - summary brief for business

What can business do?
The EAT-Lancet Commission report
requires a shift towards healthy diets,
sustainable food production and, at
least, halving food loss and waste…
all at the same time. Delivering
against these targets will bring
huge benefits: the Business
and Sustainable Development Consumption Production Supply chain
Commission states that a & distribution
sustainable transformation of food
systems could generate USD $2.3
trillion of new value and provide up
to 800 million jobs globally by 2030.

Business solutions
Promote food products Produce and supply food Halve food loss and waste
contributing to healthy sustainably across your value chain in line
and sustainable diets with the SDGs
• Decrease GHG emissions across
• E­ mbrace a diverse and operations and supply chains by, • Use the Food Loss and Waste
sustainable mix of proteins, for example, using natural climate Protocol to set a benchmark
increasing diverse plant-based solutions, no till, low till, and and quantify food loss and
protein sources. precision-agriculture technology. waste in terms of nutrition
• ­Expand and standardize food • ­Increase water use efficiency and environmental impacts.
labeling to include information with improved water management • Build business capabilities
on the health and sustainability and technology. through education and training.
implications of products, • Improve animal farming • Help consumers reduce their
including suggested serving practices by scaling up food waste with ideas and apps
sizes and their environmental sustainable feeds and using for using leftovers, portion sizes.
costs. diverse, locally-relevant integrated • Deploy logistics solutions and
• ­Drive transparent marketing production systems. technology to improve storage,
practices that promote the • ­Support farmers in this transition and smart packaging solutions.
consumption of healthy and with training and development,
sustainable foods. grants and recognition.
• ­Develop strategies for making • ­Align business strategies
healthy ingredients and food and R&D to provide nutritious
more accessible and affordable, and affordable foods sourced
especially in emerging markets. sustainably.

Business leadership is essential to achieve food system transformation

While each company can adjust meet community needs and reflect There are huge opportunities
strategies and innovation to position regional and cultural preferences. over the next two years to advance
itself towards the targets, no one And with more than a third of food systems transformation for
company can effectively address the the world’s population relying on a shared Healthy People, Healthy
systemic challenge required by the agriculture for its livelihood we must Planet vision. But business
targets alone. We must collaborate keep people at the centre in ways as usual simply won’t get us
across the value chain to achieve that are equitable and responsible. there. WBCSD has built business
urgent and inclusive transformation, solutions with you to ensure we,
partnering with the public sector can accelerate the food system
and civil society to ensure decisions transformation.

Additional resources
• Participate in multi-stakeholder • Download the full EAT-Lancet • More information on WBCSD’s
initiatives like the Food and Land Commission report or summary. Food and Nature projects is
Use Coalition (FOLU) and the Food available here.
System Dialogues that foster • The EAT-Lancet Commission
greater interaction to unlock new scientific targets for healthy diets
models of sustainable nutrition and sustainable food production
within planetary boundaries. are available here.

EAT-Lancet Commission report - summary brief for business

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