3 Codified Requirements For MORE THAN 2 LPG CYLINDER

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Codified Fire Safety Requirements For Use of


It is responsibility of owner/occupier to comply following codified requirements

before actual commencement of the trade activities. Asstt. Commissioner shall
ensure that trade activity is commenced only after all approvals (i.e. issuance of
compliance certificate from this department and trade license).

1. The entrance, exit, passage shall be kept free from any obstruction.
2. A separate rear/side exit shall be provided for kitchen.
3. A clear passage of at least one meter width shall be kept from entrance of the trade
premises to the exit/rear wall of kitchen.
4. Rear side exit of the premise shall be kept open during all the working hours.
5. The entire electric wiring shall be laid as per prevailing Electricity Act & Rules & the
compliance certificate to that effect from Govt. Approved electrician / agency shall
be submitted along with the application.
6. No combustible storage of any kind shall be done within the radius of one meter
from any electric wiring and/or electric installations.
7. Good housekeeping shall be maintained on the premise.
8. A minimum distance of 03 mtrs shall be maintained between an installation & any
other building, public place, road ways, etc.. The installations shall be protected
from excessive weathering by sun, rain etc. & from tampering by unauthorized
persons. A lean to roof with expanded metal on angle iron framework on the sides
is considered suitable for this purpose. In any case, adequate ventilation at ground
level to outside air shall be provided.
9. Necessary permission shall be obtained from the Owner/Society of the said
premises for the installation of L.P.G. Cabin & the authenticity of it shall be verified
by A.E.(B&F) of concerned Ward.
10. The position of the cylinders shall facilitate:
a. Changing and quick removal of any cylinder in case of necessity, access to
cylinder valve connections and regulating devices.
b. Cylinders shall be installed upright with the valves uppermost.
c. Cylinders shall not be installed or used below ground level, in cellars or
d. Cylinders shall not be installed at a place where they may be overheated, for
example, close to steam pipes and boilers.
e. Cylinders shall not be installed at a place where they are likely to cause an
obstruction, to be damaged or to be exposed to conditions likely to affect their
f. Cylinders shall be located on a concrete or brick floor, preferably raised in case
of outdoor installations.
g. In order to prevent the hazardous collection of gas, cylinders shall be placed at
least 1 m away from culverts, depressions, or openings leading to below ground
level compartment, and drains.
11. The cooking burners of BIS mark shall be restricted to ____ in numbers (Number of
burners will be finalized with due inspection on site by the fire officer) and shall be
kept on the raised non-combustible platform.
12. The entire gas installation i.e. regulator, other fixtures shall be carried out under the
supervision of a qualified engineer from any one of the public utility company
confirming to the rules for commercial and industrial use of L.P. gas.
13. Installations on which flexible hose is used shall satisfy the following conditions:
a. The length of hose shall be kept as short as possible and should normally not
exceed 2 metres.
b. The appliances connected shall be of portable type and not mounted in a fixed
c. Flexible hose shall not be extended from one room or verandah or one space to
another and therefore shall not be passed through doors, windows, walls,
partitions, ceilings, or floors.
d. Flexible hose shall be accessible for easy inspection and shall not be
connected from view in walls, cupboards, cabinets and other obstructions.
e. Flexible hose shall not be used in conditions where ambient temperature
exceeds 52°C.
f. Flexible hose shall be so installed that it is not twisted, looped or kinked and is
not subjected to any external pressure. Periodic inspection to be carried out by
the supplier of the gas.
14. Appliances which are rigidly fixed in position shall be connected by means of rigid
piping. Appliances which are portable, if connected to rigid piping, shall be
connected through flexible or semi-flexible connections.
15. The two LPG cylinder cabins shall be separated by four meters distance from each
other as well as adjoining LPG cylinder cabins.
16. The open space in front of the L.P.G. cabin shall be maintained free from
17. From the cabin to building line, LPG pipe line shall be laid underground & piping
shall be buried to a minimum depth of 1m or covered in a manner so as to protect
the piping from physical damage as per NBC Part9, Sec-4, 8.4 & where it is laid
above ground it shall be encased in suitable metal pipe of sufficient thickness so
as to avoid damage to LPG pipe line due to physical impact, fire etc.
18. As the location of the LPG cabin is on ground floor where as the kitchens is on
upper floor i.e. ------floor, the route of the LPG pipe line shall not pass through
escape routes, corridor, staircase etc. & the pipe line shall be suitably protected
with clamps so that same should not be affected due to physical damage, flame
and source of heat.
19. Piping :
a. Piping shall be free internally & externally of cutting burrs, loose scales, dirt,
dust & other foreign matter before the installations is completed.
b. It is recommended that, where possible, joints should not be placed beneath
ground level in accessible places, confined places ( for example, cellars), air or
ventilating ducts, space under flooring or lift shafts.
c. If joints have to be used in piping beneath ground level in accessible places or
confined places, they shall be welded or brazed to minimize the risk of leakage
which may lead to hazardous collection of gas.
d. Where welded or brazed joints are used, they shall be of adequate mechanical
strength and for fire resistance; the material used for welding or brazing shall
have a minimum melting point of 5400C.
e. Joints other than welded or brazed shall be readily accessible.
f. Piping shall be so located or protected so as to avoid extremes of temperature
which might give rise to condensation or cracking of the gas.
g. Provision shall be made to avoid damage to the piping from its expansion,
contraction & vibration & by settlement of the building by which it is carried.
h. Piping shall be protected against corrosive atmospheres & materials.
i. As far as possible, concealed piping shall be avoided, if concealed piping is
used, it shall be protected against inadvertent damage, such as from nails &
knoks, by its location, type of material used for sheathing.
j. Piping shall not be run in or through an air or ventilating duct, chimney, flue or
lift shaft.
k. Piping up to an outside diameter of 12 mm shall be supported at intervals of
about 50 cm by means of pipe saddles or clamps in a way to avoid sagging and
shifting. For larger diameter pipes, suitable longer supporting intervals may be
l. It is recommended that if the pipes are run along the surface of a structure, the
supports should be so designed that the joints are sufficiently clear of the
surface to permit the use of tools without damage to the surface.
m. It is recommended that when installing pipes along the surface of a structure,
the installation is done in such a way that moisture is not trapped between
surface & the pipeline.
n. It is recommended that the piping passing through the walls should be
protected be a covering sleeve. It is necessary to pack the space between the
piping & the sleeve, a moisture proof material which does not corrode the piping
shall be used.
o. The distance between gas piping & steam piping, if running parallel shall be at
least 150 mm. The gas piping should preferably run below the steam piping.
p. The distance between gas piping & electrical wiring in case of non-concealed
system shall be at least 60 mm & where necessary; they shall be securely fixed
to prevent contact due to movement. The gas piping should run below the
electrical wiring.
q. Suitable line shut off valves shall be fitted for each appliance or burner.
r. A main valve shall be fitted in the piping as near as possible to its point of entry
into the building. It shall be enclosed in metal box with a glass frontage.
s. It is recommended that the number of fittings used in an installation should be
kept to a minimum in order to reduce the risk of gas leakage. As far as possible,
straight lengths of piping should be used. Where there are bends in the
pipeline, these should have a radius of at least five times the diameter of pipe.
t. The open ends of piping & fittings (with the exception of terminal taps or valves
in regular use) shall always be made gas tight by means of either an
appropriate terminal fitting or a plug, welded or brazed in position. Welding or
brazing material shall have a melting point of at least 5400C.
u. Hammering over the ends of piping or plugging with wood as a means sealing
shall not be allowed.
20. All the parts of the installations including piping, manifold and other accessories
shall be as per relevant I.S. Standards. [IS 6044-1 (2000)].
21. Empty cylinders shall be replaced by an experienced delivery person / worker from
the authorized gas distributing company and no naked light shall be kept “ON”
when the L.P.G. cylinder is replaced.
22. No spare/loose cylinder more than what is permitted to be kept anywhere on the
23. No other fuel such as kerosene, diesel oil, coke, firewood, P.N.G. etc. shall be
permitted on the premises. However electrical appliances & tandoor Bhatti may be
permitted. There shall be segregation in between LPG burners & tandoor bhatti
with a siporex wall or brick masonry wall of 22.5 cms thickness or Cement concrete
wall of 10 cms. thickness with minimum height of 1.5 metre.
24. Premises shall be kept well ventilated.
25. Heat , hot gases and smoke shall be disposed off in safe manner
26. Dwellings, smoking, use of naked light/flame (other than permitted) shall be
prohibited on the premises.
27. Storage of any other inflammable substances shall be strictly prohibited on the
28. No loft or mezzanine floor shall be constructed unless prior approval from
competent authorities.
29. If loft is approved, there shall be no kitchen room below the loft and loft shall
only be used for storage purpose.
30. If mezzanine floor is approved, there shall be no kitchen room below
mezzanine as well as on the mezzanine floor. The staircase landing of
mezzanine shall be towards the entrance of the premises/away from kitchen
31. The authenticity of the existing loft/mezzanine floor shall be verified by A.E. (B&F)
& report of the same shall be produced at the time of inspection for Compliance
certificate, failing to which compliance certificate will not be issued.
32. L.P. Gas detector (as approved by The Petroleum & Explosive Safety
Organisation- PESO) shall be installed as per IS/IEC-60079-20 near gas
installation so as to give alarm for L.P.G. leakage.
33. One No. of dry chemical powder ABC type fire extinguisher of 09 kgs. capacity for
every 100 sq. mtrs. having BIS marking and 2 Nos. of buckets filled with dry and
clean sand shall be kept on the premises. (however quantity will be finalized with
due inspection on site by the Fire Safety Compliance Officer depending upon the
type of structure, trade area & other hazard).
34. The compliance of the Fire safety measures/ requirements which is mandatory
from fire safety point of view, shall indemnify and in case of default, the user is
liable for prosecution.
35. Owner/Occupier must appoint Fire Marshal / Fire warden /fire safety officer from
amongst his employees who is acquainted with evacuation procedure. He should
have designated uniform such as fluorescent jacket / Arm band, cap & badge
easily identifiable by citizen/users. He should also possess a whistle to alert
customers/guest in case of emergency. Owner/Occupier must ensure that Fire
Marshal / Fire warden /fire safety officer is present all the time during working
hours. His name/s & contact details must be submitted to this department.
36. Staff shall be well acquainted with fire-fighting equipment.
37. Luminous ‘Fire Exit’, ‘Way to exit’ sign shall be provided at suitable locations
showing the direction of each exit.
38. The trade license, compliance certificate from C.F.O.’s dept.,consumer number
along with name of the distributor/ company supplying the LP Gas and details of
the agency maintaining gas installation shall be kept available on the premises all
the time.
39. Lay-out plan showing details about entry, exit, gas burners, pipe line, location of
staircases (if applicable) etc., , shall be displayed at the prominent place on the
40. Evacuation plan shall be displayed conspicuously at the prominent location.
41. At any time premises shall not be overcrowded beyond occupant load certified by

Note: The supply of Liquefied petroleum gas to non- domestic category shall be as
notified by the Central Government from time to time.

Safety Precautions:
A. In case of leakage of L.P. Gas:
1. Close the main valve of the cylinder at regulator assembly. In case of
leakage from main valve of the cylinder, fix the safety cap of the cylinder in
its place so as to stop the leakage & the cylinder shall be moved to an open
2. Ventilate the premises by opening all the doors, windows.
3. Do not operate (ON or OFF) any electrical switch. Let it be as it is.
4. Avoid any ignition source such as any naked flame, lighting match stick, gas
lighter, any type of spark. Put out the any lighted flame in close vicinity.
5. Evacuate the premises.
6. If you cannot stop the leakage, inform Fire Brigade and your L.P. Gas dealer.

B. In case of fire at supply pipe / tube:

1. Inform Fire Brigade immediately and evacuate the premises as early as
2. Till Fire Brigade arrives try to close the Gas supply by turning off the main
valve at regulator assembly /manifold.
3. Do not put out the flame until you shut off the main valve (supply of the gas).
4. Once the gas supply is shut off, try to put out the flame by smothering with
wet cloth, bucket of water or using fire extinguisher.

Above mentioned fire safety measures have been stipulated irrespective of

ascertaining area authenticity. However same shall be checked & verified by the
concerned authority of MCGM.

All the premises who comply all fire safety norms/ recommendations are
requested to put up board at prominent location at the entry in English and Marathi
stating that “This premises is fire safety compliant” and “हा प रसर अि न
सु र तते या ट ने प रपु ण आहे .”
1. These remarks are offered from fire risk point of view only, without
prejudice to legal matters pending in the court of law, if any & are valid
subject to necessary permission/clearance under section 394/390 of
M.M.C. Act and other permissions by concerned ward authorities,
Environment Authority, etc. as per rules applicable, are obtained from
concerned departments/authority. Also the authenticity & status of the
structure including loft/mezzanine floor if any & complete area of the
premises shall be verified by Ward Authorities, before issuing
permissions for commencement of the said activity.
2. Any additional fire safety requirements if necessary, will be suggested by
Inspecting officer after inspection, depending upon the type of structure,
trade area & other hazard, etc.
3. Fire Brigade dept. reserves the right to change/alter/add/delete the terms
and condition of these fire safety remarks as per the situation permits
with prior intimation to the occupier.

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