KBP Code Notes

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Part 1.

Program Standards

Article 1. News and Public affairs

 News must be able to inform the public, must have at least 30 minutes program in all
radio stations, and must be factual and straightforward.
 Accepting any form of bribery to publish falsity or to make stories prevalent is
 Expressing personal opinions is discouraged to avoid planting biases on the listeners.
 Selection of credible sources must be carefully done.
 Identity of news sources must me stated, unless confidentiality was demanded upon
getting the news.
 Airing of rumours or gossips shall in lieu of news is prohibited.
 Unconfirmed reports shall not be aired unless immediately necessary for public
knowledge, and must be verified as soon as possible.
 Interviews must be properly presented and must not be edited.
 Conventional methods must first be used. Unconventional methods are only used if the
there are no others resorts.
 Only trained journalists shall use unconventional techniques in information gathering.
 Labels and identity of subjects of audio, video and photo files must be visible in time
 Re-enactment of events must be clearly labelled.
 News and commentaries must not be sensationalized.

Article 2. Analysis and Commentaries

 Analysis and commentaries shall be able to encourage public discussion of issues, shall
be handled by persons who practice broadcasting ethics, and shall inform the public of
current issues.
 Contrasting ideas shall be presented fairly, and must not distort the facts.

Article 3. Coverage Involving Children

 The child dignity must be respected and his/her innocence must not be exploited.
 Sensationalizing disabled children or children belonging to ethnic groups must be
 “Ambush” interviews of children are avoided. Respect for their privacy must always be
 Children shall be protected for emotional stress, shall be consented before interviewed,
ans mist be interviewed by authorized persons only.
 Bribing children to re-tell traumatic experienced is prohibited.
 Any programs/materials involving children must comply with the laws.

Article 4. Personal Attacks

 Personal attacks against to any person or fellow broadcaster are prohibited.
 When personal attacks are aired, an opportunity to reply must be granted to the attacked

Article 5. Correcting Mistakes

 When a mistake is aired, it must be identified and corrected.

Article 6. Crime and Crisis Situations

 The coverage of crimes in progress/crisis situations shall consider safety above public
interest, and shall not provide support to the perpetrator.
 Plans of resolving the situation must not be broadcasted.
 The station/personnel must not engage in communication with the perpetuator without
coordination with officers.
 Anchors/reporters/station personnel shall not initiate negotiations or interfere with
negotiations conducted by officers.
 Provoking the perpetuator is prohibited.
 Persons taken into custody by authorities must not be identified unless formal complaint
against them has been filed.

Article 7. Individual Rights

 The right to privacy of individuals must be respected.

 Persons grieving must be treated with sensitivity. They shall be allowed to grieve in
 News coverage must not interfere with one’s right to be presumed innocent until proven
 Proper labelling of persons should be observed to protect their reputation and safety.
 Humiliation of any persons is prohibited.

Article 8. Political Propaganda

 Programs must not favour any candidate of political party.

 Airtime of political propaganda and its rates must follow the laws.
 All broadcast of election propaganda must be labelled “paid for by” followed by the
name of candidate or propaganda.

Article 9. Public Complaints and Grievances

 Complaints, criticism, or grievances against persons/institutions must be limited to the

issues that are of public interest.
 Identity of complainants must be verified before it is can be aired.
 Subjects of complaint, criticisms or grievances aired must be given opportunity to reply
by the station where complains against them are aired.
Article 10. Calls or Messages

 Calls or messages on air shall be guided on the manners and language they are to use on
 Ensuring legitimacy of requested airing of calls or appeals must be considered.
 Airing of personal calls, appeal or messages from unknown sources is prohibited.

Article 11. Children’s Programs and Welfare

 Programs promoting children’s development are encouraged.

 At least 15% daily airtime shall be suitable for children.
 Children’s programs shall not promote violence and depict sexual subjects.
 Children’s programs shall promote values and shall complement learning from school.
 Advertisements of products and services or trailers not suitable for children must not be
aired on children’s programs.
 Any material that is harmful to children must be aired before after a children’s program.
 Trailers classifies as Restricted (R) by the MTRCB shall be aired only between 9:00pm
and 5:00am.

Article 12. Religion

 Religious programs must promote the positive role of religion in society.

 Religious programs must not aim to accuse any person or organizations with different
 Religious programs shall observe the freedoms of religion and religious expression.

Article 13. Superstition and the Occult

 Programs featuring superstitions shall not induce belief in them. Programs that promote
occult practices and the like are prohibited.

Article 14. Medical, Legal and Other Professional Advice

 Only duly qualified and authorized persons shall be allowed to give medical, legal or
other advices. Any medical, legal or professional information must come from authorized
 Any information on alternative medicine shall comply the regulations of the BFAD.

Article 15. Music

 Broadcast stations shall promote Filipino music.

 Radio stations must play at least 4 Original Pilipino Music (OPM) per hour.
 Music with lyrics that don’t conform to Filipino values shall not be played.
 Sing with vulgar lyrics or that promotes racism or Satanism shall not be played.
 Bribery in exchange for playing music on air is prohibited.
 Ranking of recorded music must be based on valid criteria.

Article 16. Fund Raising

 Fund raising programs or messages shall clearly state the organizers and its beneficiaries.

Article 17. Quiz Shoes, Contests, Public Participation Programs and Promotions

 Contests and promos shall be conducted with fairness and must comply with the
 All contest rules and details must be announced 3 days prior to the contest. Winners and
prizes shall be announced after the contest.
 Participation must not destroy the participants’ reputation.

Article 18. Gambling and Betting

 The coverage of forms of gambling and betting can be allowed and conducted only by
authorized government agencies or if licensed or authorized. However, such coverage
may be aired only after the actual event has taken place and only between 9:00 p.m. and
5:00 a.m.
 A warning that gambling or betting programs are not suitable for children must be stated
before the airing of such programs.
 The announcement of gambling and betting results shall be authorized.
 Advertising lotteries must not entice the public to bet. Phrases like “tumaya na kayo” (bet
now), “bumili na kayo ng ticket” (buy a ticket) or “yayaman ka sa lotto” (you’ll get rich
with lotto) shall not be used. The announcement of tips is prohibited. However, mention
of prizes, schedule of draws and results are allowed.

Article 19. National Development

 Support for national development shall be pursued always. Public Service

Announcements (PSAs) that promote national development shall be aired.

Article 20. Culture and Tradition

 Traditional Filipino values must be promoted.

 Any form of disrespect to traditions and cultures is prohibited.
 Opportunities to promote and/or express Filipino identity must be available.
 Broadcasters must immerse in cultures to deliver the best service to communities.

Article 21. Respect for Law and Order

 Broadcast facilities must not be used to advocate violence against the government.

Article 22. Discrimination

 A person’s colour, race ethnicity, gender, and disability shall not be used to ridicule

Article 23. Mentally and Physically Challenged Persons

 Mentally and physically challenged persons shall be treated with respect.

Article 24. Crime and Violence

 Crime and violence shall not be presents as good.

 Criminals shall not be glorified.
 Violence shall not be promoted.

Article 25. Sex, Obscenity and Pornography

 Sex and related subjects must be treated with care.

 Pre-marital and extra-marital sex must not me justified.
 Explicit depiction of sexual acts shall be prohibited.

Article 26. Liquor, Cigarettes, and Dangerous Drugs

 The of liquor, cigarettes and dangerous drugs must not be presented as acceptable.

Article 27. On-air Language

 Vulgar language is prohibited. Language tending to promote violence is prohibited.

 Personal insults are prohibited.

Article 28. On-air Decorum

 Behavior of persons in entertainment and variety programs must be appropriate.

 Persons who are not sober shall not be allowed to go on air.

Article 29. Qualification of On-air/Program Persons

 Persons allowed to handle programs shall have adequate knowledge and competence to
insure integrity and credibility of the broadcast media.

Article 30. Accreditation

 Persons who go on air and whose job is to produce material which go on air must have
accreditation from KBP.

Article 31. Bribery

 Asking or receiving any form of bribes is prohibited.

Article 32. Blocktimers

 The term blocktimer shall refer to natural or juridical person that buys contracts for or is
given broadcast airtime. Blocktimers and on-air performers in blocktime programs shall
be required to sign an undertaking to comply with the provisions of this Code and other
pertinent policies, rules and regulations of the KBP.

Article 33. Universal Ethical Standards

 Universally accepted ethical practices and code of conduct, about Philippine laws are
adopted in this code.
 Violations of the code of conduct for broadcast media not covered by his code shall be
sanctioned with censure.

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