Lu Kang Murals 01

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‘The Secret Key to the Channels and Winds’ (Rtsa rlung

gsang ba’i lde mig)

A Chapter from Pema Lingpa’s Compendium of Enlightened Spontaneity

(Rdzogs chen kun bzang dgongs’dus).

Homage to Absolute Goodness, Samantabhadra (kun tu bzang po)!

I, the Powerful Skull-Garlanded Lotus (Rdo rje thod phreng rtsal )43 have com-
posed this ‘Secret Key’ to elucidate the [nature of the] Inner Winds (rlung,
Skt: prāṇ a) in order to help practitioners open their subtle channels, balance
the three humors of wind, bile and phlegm, and ensure physical [and mental]

In an isolated place free from disturbances, abide in the non-conceptual space

of thod rgal [leaping over] and generate boundless love and compassion for
all beings.

First, expel the stale winds

three times [from the two side
­channels].46 Then rub the palms
of your hands together and
massage the left and right sides
of your body.

Second, turn your feet outward

and alternate turning them to
the left and right.
Third, apply [sesame] oil [to the
body] and shake.

Fourth, churn the abdomen

three times to the left and three
times to the right.47
Fifth, as if pushing a vajra, hold
your breath [in the lower abdo-
men] and firmly press out your
two arms.

Sixth, like throwing a rock,

fling your left and right arms
outwards three times.48
Seventh, rotate the wrists
inwards and outwards three
times each.

Eighth, while holding the

breath [in the lower abdomen],
rotate the entire body and the
heart-centre three times to the
left and right and exclaim
Ninth, with your two hands
[crossed in front and] holding
your upper arms rotate to the
left and right and then strike
the heart-centre.

Tenth, while holding the breath

[in the lower abdomen], rotate
your left and right shoulders in
and out three times each [with
the arms straight and the fists
pressing against the thighs].
Eleventh, strongly strike your
fists nine times against your

Twelfth, join your palms at the

heart-centre and alternate strik-
ing your elbows against the
sides of the ribs and then bang
both [elbows against the body]
Thirteenth, interlacing your
fingers, push back against the
back of the neck and rotate [the
head] three times to the left and
three times to the right.

Fourteenth, like drawing a bow,

pull three times to the left and
three times to the right and,
while crossing the arms, strike
the point of the shoulder.49

Fifteenth, rotate the head and

eyes three times to the right and
three times to the left. Then
stretch the head nine times to
the back and front, and nine
times from side to side. Then
shaking [the head] nine times,
expel all stagnant air.
Sixteenth, the ‘Lions Frolic’:
Seal the eyes with the two index
fingers, block the ears with the
two thumbs, block the nostrils
with the middle fingers and,
with the small and ring fingers,
seal the lips.50 Rotate the head
three times to the left and three
times to the right. Then shake
[the upper body] three times.

Seventeenth, while standing

up, shake the legs to the back
and front and from left to right.
Turn the arms to the left and
right and shake them to the
Eighteenth, bend forward and
touch the hands to the ground.
Standing up, repeat nine times.

Nineteenth, while standing up

strike the heels [on the ground]
then, rising up, jump. Then
alternate shaking the arms and
Twentieth, sit in [full lotus]
vajra posture and lift up the
body [with the hands pressing
against the ground], then drop
the body against the floor. Do
this three times, shaking the
body into wakefulness.

Twenty-first, while lying back,

hold the breath [in the lower
abdomen] and lift your body
up three times.
Twenty-second, bend forward
and touch the forehead to the
ground. Then rolling back,
touch the toes to the ground.
Shake the body and utter a
strong HA three times.

Twenty-third, sit comfortably

in the seven-point posture of

In the crown chakra of great bliss

There are three hundred and sixty channel petals;
In the throat chakra of gathering taste
There are sixteen channel petals;
In the heart-centre, the dharma chakra
There are eight channel petals;
In the navel chakra of emanation;
There are sixty-four channel petals;
In the secret centre, the chakra of preserving bliss53
There are twenty-eight channel petals.
The entire body contains twenty-one thousand channel petals.
The three principal channels are:
The uma, roma, and kyangma.54

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