Test Bank (Chapter 10 - 12)

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I. MATCHING: Match each description with the person described.

descriptions can apply to more than one person.

A. Boaz
B. Naomi
C. Ruth
D. David
E. Bathsheba
F. Nathan
G. Uriah
H. Samson
I. Delilah

1. His temptation turned to lust, then sin.

2. lost husband and two sons
3. begged and pleaded until she got her way
4. confronted the king about his sin
5. became a kinsman-redeemer
6. was a Moabitess
7. owned large amounts of property
8. refused to go home because his troops were in battle
9. demanded his own way
10. made a bargain by taking off his shoe
11. was placed at the front of the battle so he would be killed
12. refused to leave her mother-in-law
13. showed how a wife shouldn’t behave
14. told a story of how rich man stole a lamb from a poor neighbor
15. ended up grinding grain
16. returned to Bethlehem in bitterness
17. renounced idols and accepted God
18. ignored parental advice
19. continued to suffer the consequences of his sin throughout life
20. changed her name to Mara
21. devised a plot for the husband to come home and sleep with his wife
22. had a child named Obed
23. killed more people in his death than in his life.
24. advised her daughter-in-law on how to ‘catch’ a husband
25. was a “man after God’s own heart”
26. was kind to his workers
27. had a child die because of sin
28. cooperated with the Philistines.

1. David was Israel’s first king

2. Samson killed more people on his death than he did on his life.
3. Ruth sought protection under God’s “wing” as well as Boaz’s.
4. Irresponsible behavior cause others to avoid becoming friends with you.
5. The commander of David’s army was Nathan.
6. Psalm 3 describes David’s confession of his sin with Bathsheba.
7. Ruth was a great grandmother to David and thus part of the family line of
8. Because Bathsheba became pregnant, David arranged for her husband to
be put “at the front of the battle”.
9. Orpah loved her mother-in-law and returned to Bethlehem with her.
10. Samson kept his Nazirite vow throughout life.
11. God continued His covenant withy David in spite of David’s sin.
12. Boaz became the kinsman-redeemer because he was the closest of kin
to Naomi.
13. After Delilah’s incessant whining, Samson finally told her the secret of his
strength on her third try.
14. Naomi’s name, meaning pleasant, changed to Mara, meaning bitter, then
to Reba, meaning teacher.
15. Irresponsible behavior becomes a real problem when it happens often,
causes serious consequences and continues for longer than expected.


1. What were the three requirements of the Nazirite vow?

2. List three things that make a home Christian.

3. Although God forgave David, David still had to bear the consequences of his
sins. According to 2 Samuel, what were some consequences?

4. Define “a terrible loss.”

5. Who were the following individuals?

Chilion :





1. What are the consequences of continuing in sin for both an unsaved and a saved

2. Explain why the decision “to be responsible” can be life-changing.

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