Effectsof Sit Factorson PAin SL2018

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Received: 18 February 2018 

  Revised: 14 June 2018 
|  Accepted: 19 July 2018

DOI: 10.1111/sms.13271


Effects of situational variables on the physical activity profiles of

elite soccer players in different score line states

Athalie J. Redwood-Brown1   |  Peter G. O’Donoghue2  |  Alan M. Nevill3   | 

Chris Saward1   |  Nicholas Dyer4  |  Caroline Sunderland1

Department of Sports Science, Sport,
Health and Performance Enhancement
The aim of this study were to investigate the effects of playing position, pitch loca-
Research Centre, Nottingham Trent tion, team ability and opposition ability on the physical activity profiles of English
University, Nottingham, UK premier league soccer players in difference score line states. A validated automatic
Cardiff Metropolitan University, Cardiff,
tracking system (Venatrack Ltd.) was used to track players in real time (at 25 Hz) for
total distance covered, high speed running distance and sprint distance. This is the
Institute of Healthcare
Sciences, Wolverhampton University, first study to include every team from an entire season in the English premier league,
Walsall, UK resulting in 376 games, 570 players and 35 000 rows of data from the 2011-­12 season
Teqnick Ltd, Swindon, UK being analyzed using multi-­level modelling. Multi-­level regression revealed an in-
Correspondence: Athalie J. Redwood- verted “u” shaped association between total distance covered and goal difference
Brown, Department of Sports Science, (GD), with greater distances covered when GD was zero and reduced distances when
Sport, Health and Performance
GD was either positive or negative. A similar “u” shaped association was found with
Enhancement Research Centre, Nottingham
Trent University, Nottingham, UK (Athalie. high speed distance covered at home. In addition distance covered (both at home and
[email protected]). away) were predicted by playing position. All activity profiles (with the exception of
sprint distance at home) were predicted by pitch location and time scored. Lastly,
distance away from home and high speed running at home were predicted by opposi-
tion ability. Score line appears to effect player activity profiles across a number of
situational factors and thus should be considered by managers when preparing and
selecting teams to maximize performance. The current study also highlighted the
need for more sensitive score line definitions in which to consider score line effects.

goal difference, multi-level modelling, opposition ability, pitch location, playing position, team ability

1  |   IN T RO D U C T ION (defined as either finishing position in the league table or

progress in knock out competition) as well as key perfor-
Determining what constitutes successful performance (de- mance indicators (eg action related variables such as high
fined as winning) has been one of the main points of focus speed distance completed or accuracy of passing).2,4-9
for football performance research to provide objective per- Advancements in technology (such as computerized track-
formance evaluations, comparisons and predictions.1-3 A ing systems) have enabled researchers to analyze match
large portion of football game research has investigated sit- performance in a more detailed manner helping profes-
uational variables related to successful performance, such sionals to identify these key attributes of success more
as game location (ie home or away) or quality of opposition readily.8,10-14

Scand J Med Sci Sports. 2018;1–12. wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/sms © 2018 John Wiley & Sons A/S.     1 |
Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
2       REDWOOD-­BROWN et al.

To win a match, the successful team must score more to professional soccer clubs.15,21 The volume of player move-
goals than their opponent. Commonly, comparisons between ment data available from semi-­ automatic player tracking
successful and unsuccessful teams are made through the in- would allow further investigation of how different playing
vestigation of playing patterns and success of performance positions react to score line changes. Access to data can also
variables such as shots on goal, crosses, corners, ball posses- be problematic leading to many studies using a case study ap-
sion etc.12 Although some studies11,13 have investigated the proach, with only one team analyzed limiting the application
activity profiles of various playing positions of elite soccer of findings to wider populations.
players, only a few to date have considered how successful The third issue with previous studies into score line is
and unsuccessful teams differ when in different score lines the lack of a gold standard for defining activity profiles that
states (eg 1-­0, 2-­0, 1-­1 etc.). Those that have investigated occur during the match (such as high speed running and
specific score line effects11,13 have generally excluded key sprinting). The use of computerized systems has been more
temporal factors (opposition ability, team ability, score lines apparent when investigating player movement, although with
and match location), which have been shown to effect player a number of different definitions, this has led to a difficulty
performance.5-8 in comparing findings. It has also been suggested that using a
The main methodological criticism of previous research running speed as a high intensity value does not consider the
has been the failure to consider normal performance, eg how energy cost of moving at a full range of speeds, for example,
teams perform when no goals are scored and the standard when a player is in possession of the ball22 or moving in back-
of the opposition (eg whether the team were considered top, wards and sideways directions at much lower speeds. In 2012
middle or bottom of the league). For example, much of the Redwood-­Brown et al23 validated the first fully automated
difference in work rate observed between different score tracking system (measuring at 25 Hz) which was found to
line states may be due to the opposition’s ability or simply have good validity over a range of soccer specific movements
fatigue rather than score line. Although studies have shown and speeds. In addition this system is highlighted in its abil-
that the percentage of time spent performing high intensity ity to produce and store data on a much larger scale and to a
activity is lower during the second half of soccer matches greater accuracy than seen in previous studies. The aim of the
(than during the first half)15 it is possible that differences in present study was to investigate the interaction of a number
the percentage of time spent performing high intensity ac- of situational factors (playing position, pitch location, oppo-
tivity may result from score line effects rather than fatigue. sition ability, team ability) which have independently been
Especially as more recent research has suggested that teams found to impact on player performance, specifically activity
pace themselves injecting periods of sub-­maximal or max- profiles in different score line states. The use of the auto-
imal bursts late on in matches5,16 therefore dismissing the mated tracking system validated by Redwood-­Brown et al23
previous thoughts that teams fatigue toward the latter stages can also allow the aggregated data of several teams to be ana-
of a match. Redwood-­Brown et al17 recently highlighted the lyzed rather than a single team, thus creating more normative
impact of psychological factors on the performance of play- data to improve team performance in a collective way. We hy-
ers during a match, suggesting players reduce their effort if pothesize that performance, specifically high speed running
the outcome of a match becomes obvious during the second and sprint distance will be highest when the score is close.
half (eg, the opposition are of a higher standard).18 Although We also hypothesize that performance will differ between
fatigue and normalized performance has been considered in different playing position and pitch location in different score
recent studies5,8,16 the sample size and subjective nature of line states.
the data collection methods has limited the application of the
A secondary issue has been the technological barriers in 2  |  M ATERIAL S AND M ETHOD S
data collection methods that have limited the ability to gen-
eralize findings for both physical and technical performance
2.1  |  Data set
investigated. Categorizing players by position (defenders,
midfielders, attackers) in relation to score line effects has In total 376 of the 380 games played during the 2011-­2012
been considered for activity profiles but only using very English Premier League season were used in the current
small data sets5,19 or single clubs20 using overall match sta- study which included 570 independent players and 35 000
tus (winning, drawing, losing) rather than by how much the rows of data. The omission of four games was due to a
team were winning or losing by. There is however, a need to number of technological incidents outside of the opera-
investigate score line effects on performance using a greater tors’ control, which disabled the system and resulted in
volume of data as well as objective and reliable methods. the tracking data becoming unusable. This resulted in 20
Semi-­automatic player tracking systems are a useful tool pro- teams who played against each other at both their own
viding large volumes of objective and reliable movement data ground and that of their opponent’s, with the exception of
REDWOOD-­BROWN et al.   
the teams affected by the excluded games. The ability of
2.3  |  Performance indicators (Activity
each team and their respective opponents was calculated
using their final league position (ranked 1-­20, ie, 1st in the
league to 20th in the league) at the end of the season once For each player, the total playing time was used to calculate
all games had been played. This was in line with previ- how much relative time the player spent in each activity zone.
ous research24,25 which has highlighted the need for greater Initially the zones were presented as incremental categories
sensitively when using ability as a situational factor relat- from 0-­1  m·s−1, 1-­2  m·s−1 etc. and then further categorized
ing to team performance. For accuracy, player position into high speed running and sprinting based on previous
(striker, midfielder, defender) was determined at the start literature.5,7 High speed running was defined as “the total
of each game using the official teams sheets provided to the distance spent moving at 4 m·s−1 or faster” (to include move-
press association. This ensured players who may change ments such as shuffling, running backwards etc. which have
positional role depending on the tactical strategy adopted been shown to increase work rate but are not included when
by the team were accurately defined for each game. In line higher speeds are used).22 Sprinting was defined as “the total
with previous research25 the pitch was split evenly into distance spent moving at 8 m·s−1 or faster”. This resulted in
three sections (attacking third, middle third and defensive three values for each player; total distance covered, total dis-
third) using a theodolite and calibrated pitch dimensions tance covered in the high speed zone (≤4 m·s−1) and total
(specific to each individual stadium). Consent to use the distance covered in sprinting zone (≤8 m·s−1).
data for research purposes was given by both Venatrack
Ltd and the English Premier League. Ethical approval was
2.4  |  Data analysis
granted by the University’s Ethics Committee.
Firstly, due to the hierarchical structure of the data, multi-­
level modelling was used to predict the activity profiles
2.2  |  Data gathering across goal differences with each of the match related and
Visual-­AI (Venatrack Ltd, UK) technology was used to performance related variables using MLwiN software pack-
track the players in the current study. This allowed play- age (v 2.22, Bristol University, Bristol, UK). For each vari-
ers to be monitored in real time (at 25 Hz) providing iden- able, a two-­ level hierarchical structure was defined with
tification through recognition algorithms (based on x,y,z repeated measures (level 1) grouped with match ID (level
coordinates for hands, feet, head and the pelvis & shoul- 2). The benefit of this hierarchical structure means that, un-
der lines; Venatrack Ltd, UK). The video capture system like traditional longitudinal data analysis techniques such as
used 28 HD color cameras positioned at specific loca- repeated measures ANOVA, the same number of measure-
tions around the respective soccer stadium. Twenty-­eight ment points per individual are not required. Therefore, due to
HD cameras were used to ensure maximum positional the variation that occurs between matches in the current data
accuracy (visual acuity) was provided to the computer set, this statistical technique is well suited to the current data
algorithm. Using a greater number of cameras, a greater structure. A multi-­level model of this nature is also able to
number of pixels with which to quantify the pitch area and describe the underlying trends of a particular component in
thus provide a greater accuracy for measuring each point the population (the fixed part of the model), as well as model-
was achieved. The estimated visual acuity for the current ling the unexplained variation around the mean trend for that
system was in the range 5-­25 mm compared to previous component due to individual differences (the random part of
systems, which have been estimated at between 500 mm-­ the model)26 or in this case differences both within (repeated
1500 m depending on the region of the pitch. The cameras measures) and between matches (match ID).
position, orientation and field of vision were determined The first stage in this multi-­level modelling statistical anal-
and fixed using a Theodolite (Nikon NPL 362, Japan) dur- ysis approach was to create a model that explained changes
ing installation. The cameras were positioned to give a full in distance covered, high speed distance covered and sprint
view of the pitch using the systems unique configuration distance covered. Each activity profile (total distance cov-
coordinates (unique to each ground), which allowed each ered, high speed distance covered, sprint distance covered)
position on the pitch to be covered by at least five cam- performance characteristic was modelled in turn. Firstly, to
eras at any one time (Venatrack Ltd, UK). Calibration of investigate the variance between players the intercept was al-
the automatic tracking system was completed by a team of lowed to vary randomly between players. The effect of score
technical experts who had collectively over eighteen years line defined by GD (centered at 0 goals) on each of the three
of experience of visual AI technology, such as that used activity profiles of players was modelled. GD was introduced
by the system in question. The system was also found to to the model as a quadratic term to establish whether the data
be valid and reliable for tracking player movement at both would be better explained by a curve. Subsequently, the effect
high speed and sprinting distances.23 of playing position, the zone on the pitch the activity took

T A B L E   1   Mean activity profiles per player for each club included in the analysis in a winning, drawing and losing score line state

Winning Drawing Losing

Number of
Number players Total sprint Total sprint Total sprint
Team games played included Total DC (m) Total HSR (m) dist. (m) Total DC (m) Total HSR (m) dist. (m) Total DC (m) Total HSR (m) dist. (m)
1 38 32 9885 422 169 10 332 397 97 9896 372 118
2 38 27 9822 403 135 10 294 386 87 9827 386 126
3 38 31 9776 423 137 10 077 371 114 9889 468 161
4 38 30 9600 439 156 10 153 402 114 9685 387 147
5 35 29 9801 395 94 10 338 396 77 9693 430 90
6 38 30 10 265 439 126 10 539 399 93 10 007 416 124
7 37 29 9796 381 84 10 217 355 85 9929 371 91
8 37 25 9555 379 120 10 198 404 99 9927 403 139
9 38 26 9919 354 97 10 425 316 92 9684 335 109
10 38 32 10 073 423 143 10 385 383 78 10 238 429 168
11 37 27 9806 324 100 10 530 569 105 9981 369 118
12 38 28 10 056 382 106 10 504 435 106 10 198 444 94
13 38 36 9796 412 130 10 005 346 68 9807 370 134
14 38 23 9887 348 74 10 365 338 69 9905 307 74
15 38 28 9690 393 102 10 339 449 184 9869 541 150
16 38 25 9929 413 105 10 179 386 102 10 118 428 147
17 38 31 9790 321 103 10 187 434 59 9646 339 65
18 37 25 9652 361 112 10 266 399 77 9892 399 101
19 38 24 9854 377 80 9966 317 63 9729 342 84
20 37 32 10 109 350 79 10 482 404 87 10 077 452 134
Mean 28.5 9853.5 387.6 117.2 10 289.6 394.9 98.6 9900.2 399.8 123.7
SD 3.3 174.7 35.6 32.6 166.8 54.9 36.8 169.6 54.2 36.9
REDWOOD-­BROWN et al.   
T A B L E   2   Estimated models for total distance covered per minute both home and away

Distance covered -­Home Distance covered -­Away

Fixed effects Coefficient (m) SE (m) Fixed effects Coefficient (m) SE (m)
Constant 118.527 0.646 Constant 123.625 1.088
Goal difference 0.601 0.189 Goal difference 1.388 0.217
Goal difference2 −0.462 0.072 Goal difference2 −0.362 0.083
Midfielder 7.275 0.554 Midfielder 6.75 0.601
Striker 1.116 0.557 Striker 0.433 0.605
Time scored −0.069 0.01 Time scored −0.087 0.011
Defending 3rd −7.884 0.558 Defending 3rd −11.436 0.606
Middle 3rd −12.082 0.553 Middle 3rd −14.081 0.602
Opposition ability −0.204 0.078

Random effects Variance SE Random effects Variance SE

Between game (Repeat) 349.365 6.146 Between game (Repeat) 407.802 7.215
Within game (Match ID) 27.199 3.589 Within game (Match ID) 44.289 5.217
Intercept estimates at (Goal Difference 0) for each playing position (reference defender), pitch location (reference attacking 3 ), team ability (rank 1), opposition ability
(rank 1) and time scored (minute 1).

T A B L E   3   Estimated models for total high speed distance covered per minute both home and away

High speed running -­Home High speed running -­Away

Fixed effects Coefficient (m) SE (m) Fixed effects Coefficient (m) SE (m)
Constant 6.654 0.238 Constant 7.376 0.289
Defending 3 −1.971 0.174 Goal difference 0.21 0.103
Middle 3rd −4.011 0.168 Goal Difference2 −0.112 0.042
Opposition ability −0.035 0.017 Defending 3 −3.221 0.302
Time Scored 0.011 0.003 Middle 3rd −4.904 0.294
Time scored 0.01 0.005

Random effects Variance SE Random effects Variance SE

Between game (Repeat) 29.707 0.554 Between game (Repeat) 88.651 1.664
Within game (Match ID) 1.279 0.232 Within game (Match ID) 6.298 0.904
Intercept estimates at (Goal Difference 0) for each playing position (reference defender), pitch location (reference attacking 3 ), team ability (rank 1), opposition ability
(rank 1) and time scored (minute 1).

place; the time the goal was scored; the opposition’s ability 3  |  RESULTS
and the team’s ability were added to the model (fixed compo-
nents). These fixed components were accepted or rejected on A total of 570 players across 376 games were analyzed, with
the basis of firstly, changes in the model fit; as indicated by the maximum number of appearances from one player being
a difference in log likelihood between models, and the effect 38 games and the minimum 1 game. Table 1 presents the ac-
of the variable on the activity profiles of players, indicated by tivity profiles for each of the teams included in the analysis
z-­scores. Following each analysis, the assumption that vari- across the three match statuses (winning, drawing, losing).
ations in intercepts were normally distributed with an aver- The average distance covered per player per game (Mean ±
age of zero was assessed visually using normality probability SD) was 10 020.2 m ± 141.7 m, with players covering on
plots.26 Statistical significance was accepted at the 95% con- average 395.6 ± 33.9 m of high speed running per game and
fidence level (P < 0.05). Mean ± SD were used to describe 107.0 ± 21.3 m sprinting distance (a full break down of each
the average and variability of the activity profile data. teams activity profiles can be seen in the Table S1).
6       REDWOOD-­BROWN et al.

Tables 2 and 3 present the final multi-­level models for the fit. For distance covered away from home, the same was true,
development of the match-­running performance characteris- with the addition of opposition ability. It is possible to cal-
tics of total distance covered, high speed distance covered and culate the performance of players, playing either, at home or
sprint distance covered for players of different playing posi- away using the coefficients from Table 2. For example, the
tions, in different pitch zones, across different abilities and prediction equation for distance covered at home for a mid-
against different standards of opposition of players in the 376 fielder in the middle 3rd of the pitch, who are in a + 2 GD at
English Premier League games analyzed. The random part of half time (45 minutes) is: Constant + (β1 × GD centered at 0)
the multi-­level models predicted that the fit of all models was + (β2 × GD centered at 02) + (β3 × midfielder) + (β4 × mid-
improved when the intercept was allowed to vary randomly dle 3rd) + (β5 × time scored) which is: 118.53 + (−0.601 × 2)
(P < 0.05), as indicated by the between game standard error + (−0.462 × 22) + (7.275) + (−12.082) + (−0.069 × 45) =
displayed in Tables 2 and 3. Only variables that were signif- 107.6 m·min−1 (9681.1 m per 90 min. game).
icant when added to the model are presented in the tables.
3.2  |  High speed running
3.1  |  Distance covered
Modelling indicated that high speed running distance cov-
Modelling indicated that the distances covered at both home ered away from home in relation to GD was non-­linear
and away in relation to GD were non-­linear and best described and best described with a quadratic term. Goal difference
with a quadratic term. The estimated models of distance cov- was not found to significantly influence distance covered
ered for home and away teams that included GD as an inde- while playing at home. The estimated models of high speed
pendent factor can also be seen in Table 2. The table shows distance covered for home and away teams can be seen in
that for distance covered at home; GD, GD2, playing position, Table 3. The table shows that for high speed distance cov-
time scored and pitch zone significantly improved the model ered at home, pitch zone, opposition ability and time scored

F I G U R E   1   Total distance covered(m) during match-­play in English Premier League across difference goal differences. Curves are based on
predicted distances covered from multi-­level models of longitudinal data. Points are based on the ‘raw’ distance covered data (mean ± SD). Data
are presented by playing position both at home and away during match-­play
REDWOOD-­BROWN et al.   

F I G U R E   2   Total distance covered (m) and total high speed distance covered (m) during match-­play in English Premier League across
difference goal differences. Curves are based on predicted distances covered from multi-­level models of longitudinal data. Points are based on the
‘raw’ distance covered data (mean ± SD). Data are presented by pitch location during match-­play

F I G U R E   3   Total distance covered (m) during match-­play in English Premier League across difference goal differences. Curves are based on
predicted distances covered from multi-­level models of longitudinal data. Points are based on the ‘raw’ distance covered data (mean ± SD). Data
are presented by opposition ability rank (teams finishing 1st, 10th and 20th in the English Premier League at the end of the season).

significantly improved the model fit. For high speed run- the model. The prediction equation for high speed distance
ning distance covered away from home, GD, GD2, the time covered away from home for all players in the middle 3rd
goals were scored and pitch zone significantly improved of the pitch, who are in a + 2 GD at half time (45 minutes)
8       REDWOOD-­BROWN et al.

is: Constant + (β1 × GD centered at 0) + (β2 × GD cen- players across various goal differences (GD). The multi-­level
tered at 02) + (β3 × middle 3rd) + (β4 × time scored) which model suggested that activity profiles changed with changes
is: = 7.376 + (0.21 × 2) + (−0.112 × 22) + (−4.904) + in GD in a non-­linear manner and there was significant vari-
(0.001 × 45) = 2.9 m·min−1 (260.5 m per 90 min. game). ation between matches, specifically teams covered more
distance and more high speed distance (at home) when the
score was close (eg, ±2 goals). Modelling also suggested that
3.3  |  Sprint distance
activity profiles were influenced by playing position, pitch
Modelling indicated that sprint distance covered at both home location and opposition ability, as well as the time at which
and away was not affected by GD. In fact the only parameter goals were scored.
that was found to explain this activity was pitch zone and
only when playing away from home. The prediction equation
4.1  |  Goal difference/Score line
for sprint distance covered away from home for all players in
the middle 3rd of the pitch, who score at half time (45 min- In general, predictive modelling suggested that distance cov-
utes) is: Constant + (β3 × middle 3rd) + (β4 × time scored) ered decreased as GD increased either positively (scoring
which is: 2.742 + (−2.002) + (0.015 × 45) = 1.42 m·min−1 team) or negatively (conceding team), across all playing po-
(127.4 m per 90 min. game). sitions and all pitch locations. Playing away from home this
decrease was greater when teams conceded goals than when
teams scored (eg less distance was covered at −3 compared
3.4  |  Goal difference effects
to +3 GD), whereas at home the decrease was even for both
Figures 1-3 display the predicted goal difference related the scoring and conceding teams. Research3,6,27 suggests that
changes in significant activity (per player per 90 minutes) teams who are winning may relax their work rate, poten-
for each playing position, pitch zone and opposition ability tially allowing opponents back in the game. Alternatively,
(ranked 1st, 10th and 20th) respectively. Tables S2, S3, S4 and although losing teams may initially increase their work
S5 display the mean ± SD of match-­running performance for rate4,28 to get back in the game, they may quickly lose mo-
each of the categories (playing position, pitch location, team tivation to maintain a sufficient work rate which may be es-
ability rank and opposition ability rank). pecially true when teams play away from home as shown
in the findings here. From a psychological perspective, it
Models predicted that for all playing positions and across has been suggested29 that teams move through a period of
all pitch zones, the total distance covered both at home and building momentum as they work toward scoring through
away from home was greatest when GD was close (−1 to +1) positive play to cruising (where teams try and economize ef-
decreasing toward the extremes of GD (+5 or −5). Players fort). This often results in a decrease in effort27,29,30 once the
also tended to decrease their activity more when losing heav- goal has been achieved as shown in the current study. The
ily as opposed to winning, this was more prominent when reverse maybe true when teams are losing and experiencing
playing away from home. Goal difference was only found to negative momentum, ie, although an initial surge in effort
predict high speed running when playing away from home is sometimes seen to overcome this deficit (as teams search
showing a similar pattern to total distance covered. Teams for a goal to get back in the game), if the negative momen-
covered less distance (both total distance covered away and tum persists, teams tend to abandon the activity and reduce
high speed distance at home) when playing lower ranked their effort dramatically29,30 as seen when teams conceded
teams (eg rank 20), whereas in comparison a team’s own abil- more goals in the current study. The current findings further
ity was not found to predict any physical performance across support the misconception that physical activity profiles are
GDs. Although time scored appeared in the majority of pre- related to purely fatigue, rather than the psychological ef-
dictive models, its impact was small. Across all performance fects of the score line. This is especially pertinent as recent
parameters (except sprint distance at home) models predicted research5,16 has found little support for decreases in physical
that the later into the game a goal was scored the less total activity as a function of fatigue.
distance, high speed distance and sprint distance away from High speed running also decreased as GD increased ei-
home that was covered. ther positively (scoring team) or negatively (conceding
team). Away from home, this decrease was more rapid for
the conceding team, whereas when playing at home the de-
4  |   D IS C U SS ION crease was similar for both conceding and scoring teams. As
previous research considering GD as opposed to match status
The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect has been limited, it is difficult to compare results from this
of playing position, pitch location, team ability and opposi- current study, however in general, high speed running was at
tion ability on the activity profiles of English premier league its highest when the GD was small (eg −1 to +1) supporting
REDWOOD-­BROWN et al.   
previous studies which have shown that players spend a
4.3  |  Pitch zone
greater percentage of time performing high speed activity
when level, than when behind or ahead.18,27 In support of All playing positions were found to cover more distance per
previous research18 the current findings suggest that players minute in the attacking 3rd both at home and away from home
may maintain their efforts to overcome negative momentum than either the middle 3rd (12.1 m·min−1 less at home and
(eg, losing or conceding) while they perceive the goal to still 14.1 m·min−1 less away from home than attacking 3rd) or
be in reach (eg, conceding only 1-­2 goals). However, once defending 3rd (7.9 m·min−1 less at home and 11.4 m·min−1
this goal is perceived out of reach (eg, −3 and beyond in the less away from home) across all GDs. High speed running
current study) findings suggest teams decrease their effort, followed a similar pattern with more covered in the attack-
especially when playing away from home. This therefore sug- ing 3rd both at home and away than either the middle 3rd
gests that although GD is a major factor in influencing player (4.0 m·min−1 less at home and 4.9 m·min−1 less away from
activity, the ‘size’ of the GD and the environment (playing home than attacking 3rd) or defending 3rd (2.0 m·min−1 less at
at home or away) may also play a role in predicting player home and 3.2 m·min−1 less away from home) across all GDs.
movement activity and thus should be considered by manag- No significant differences were found between pitch location
ers and coaches. for sprint distance covered at home, however when playing
away from home, more distance was covered in the attacking
3rd than either the middle 3rd (2.0 m less away from home
4.2  |  Playing position than attacking 3rd) or defending 3rd (2.01 m less away from
According to the predictive models, playing position in- home than attacking 3rd) across all GDs.
fluenced total distance covered both at home and away Although research considering the interactional effect of
from home across all GD’s. Midfielders covered more pitch position and score line is scarce, Lago6 did find when
meters per minute when playing both at home and away teams were behind they spent more time in the attacking third
from home than either strikers (1.1 m·min−1 less at home than when in the lead potentially in search of a consolation
and 0.43 m·min−1 less away from home than midfielders) goal if the opportunity arises. Similarly, García-­Rubio et al32
or defenders (7.3 m·min−1 less at home and 6.8 m·min−1 found that when teams are winning they tend to play less
less away from home than midfielders). This was consist- risky options, and with a more structured defense strategy
ent across all GD’s. No significant differences were found placing more players between the ball and their own goal thus
between playing positions for either high speed running or reducing the amount of time, and thus distance covered in the
sprint distance. Indeed, it is commonplace for midfielders defending and middle thirds. This supports the idea that win-
to cover more distance due to their interlinking role be- ning teams are more likely to adopt a counterattack style of
tween attack and defense within a team.15 Strikers, on the play6,10 and therefore helps to explain why the middle 3rd had
other hand have generally been found to cover more high the lowest values for distance covered in the current study as
speed running and sprint distance than defenders and in the majority of games end with one dominant team.
some cases midfielders in an attempt to capitalize on goal The strategy (eg, time spent in each pitch location) teams
scoring opportunities.31 The lack of significant differences employ when either winning or losing maybe somewhat de-
between players in the current study is most likely related termined by the ability of that team. For example, winning
to the higher frequency of the automated tracking system teams have been found to maintain ‘control’ of the game by
used ensuring more accurate estimates of both high speed keeping possession especially if higher in ability,2,9 which
running and sprint distance, which has previously been contradicts the idea that teams adopt a direct style of play
problematic. when winning.2,9 This therefore suggests that there is a need
In relation to score line Redwood-­Brown et al8 found to investigate activity profiles and technical performance to-
midfielders covered more high speed running when level, gether especially when considering the pitch location during
defenders more when losing and attackers more when different score line states as higher ability teams may be able
winning. A similar pattern was reported by Bradley and to maintain their style of play despite other variables (eg,
Noakes11 who found central defenders covered 17% less match location or evolving score).28
and attackers 15% more high speed running during matches
that were heavily won vs heavily lost (score differential ≥
4.4  |  Team ability
3 goals). The lack of sensitivity to the playing positions
maybe the reason for no significant effect of high speed Models predicted that the ability of the team did not predict
running or sprint distance in the current study. Thus sug- activity profiles of players across GDs. Even though re-
gesting that individual player comparisons maybe more rel- search has found teams higher in ability covered more dis-
evant when investigating the effect of score line in relation tance than lower ranked teams, especially in higher speed
to physical activity profiles. zones.19 A possible explanation for this maybe that teams
10       REDWOOD-­BROWN et al.

are more capable than previously thought at adapting their

4.6  | Limitations
strategy based on the evolving score. A more plausible ex-
planation is that there may not be much difference between Although the current study included playing position in
the top and bottom ranked teams in the English Premier the multi-­level modelling, unlike more recent studies only
League in terms of physical activity profiles and ‘ability’ 3 categories were used. Splitting these categories further
is better explained by a team’s technical performance33 (eg, into wide and central midfielder) would further high-
This provides additional support for the need to investi- light any variation between playing position. It would
gate both physical and technical performance together in however, be interesting to investigate the extent that indi-
line with individual teams, playing formations and strate- vidual differences contribute to the overall team, or in this
gies in order for managers and coaches to maximum team case, the overall mean of their playing position given the
performance. amount of research20,36 that suggests variability between
players with regards performance accomplishments and
success and failure. Another consideration/limitation of
4.5  |  Opposition ability the current study was the definition used for score line,
Models predicted that when playing away from home, although the current study used a more sensitive score
teams covered 0.09 m per minute, less total distance and line definition to the traditional win, loss, draw it did not
when playing at home 0.04 m less high speed distance for give an indication to the actual evolving score line; eg 2-­0
every decrease in rank position of their opposition. For ex- could be perceived by players differently to 4-­2 but would
ample when playing against opposition who finished sec- have the same GD. This should therefore be investigated
ond in the league, teams would cover 0.09 m total distance in future research.
and 0.04 m high speed distance per minute less than when
playing the top ranked team. Whereas when playing opposi-
tion ranked 10th in the league teams covered 0.81 m total 5  |   PERSPECTIVES AND FUTU R E
distance and 0.36 m high speed distance less per minute. DIRECTIONS
This was in support of previous research5,19 which has
found players cover more ground when their opposing Goal difference was found to have a large and varied im-
team is higher in ability compared to medium or bottom pact on the activity profiles of premier league soccer play-
ranked teams.4 No significant differences were found for ers where total distance both at home and away and high
total distance covered at home, high speed running away speed distance covered at home were greatest when the goal
from home or sprint distance either home or away. Lago difference was close. Pitch zone was found to have the big-
and Dellal9 suggested when playing against higher or lower gest effect on activity profiles across GD being present in
ranked opposition, teams may bunch together at either end all but one model, this was followed by playing position.
of the pitch reducing the total distance covered, but increas- Opposition ability was found to effect teams but on a much
ing sub-­maximal and maximal activity profiles. Lago-­Penas smaller scale -­supporting the findings that the difference in
and Lago-­Ballesteros34 suggested that match location and ability maybe negated when teams are on their own terri-
quality of opposition have equal importance, for example tory.37 The absence of team ability in all models suggests
if a lower rank teams plays at home against higher ranked that the physical movement of players is less of a predic-
opposition the influence of both these variables maybe com- tor of overall team performance than technical performance
promised accounting for the small effect shown in the cur- and thus both aspects should be considered when modelling
rent findings. player and team performance.
Teams consistently reported the highest distance covered One area that should be considered in future research
and high speed distance when the game was close (eg, −1 is the impact of individual player performance. The cur-
to +1). Although it is not always the case that these games rent study was not able to present individual players data
will end in a close final score, previous research has found with regards to the impact of score line however previous
teams cover more high speed running when they play oppo- work using a case study approach of one team has found
sition of similar ability compared to lower ranked or higher that players differ in their approach to different score line
ranked teams.5 These findings also support the idea that the states.20 To achieve maximum success, it may therefore
technical performance of a team maybe more indicative of be more appropriate, that to maximize team performance,
their overall ability (final league position) than how far they the starting eleven should be picked based on the exter-
run during a match.4,33,35 This is especially true, as recent nal factors highlighted to influence player performance,
research has shown teams are able to inject sub-­maximal and for example, if playing against top opposition it may be
maximal runs toward the end of the match, showing no signs more appropriate to select players who perform better
of physical fatigue.9 against higher abilities, or in a negative score line states.
REDWOOD-­BROWN et al.   
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