Chemistry 1010 Reflection

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Taking Chemistry 1010 has helped me to understand more of my full potential as a

scientist. There has been a lot more to taking chemistry than just learning about atoms and

molecules though. Some of the best things I have learned from this class are how to study more

effectively, how to progress when things are not easy, and gain a general understanding of

chemical knowledge. When I first started this class, I was extremely worried that I was not

going to be able to keep up with the vast amount of material covered. The beginning of the

class gives strategies for studying that are very helpful for learning a lot of material quickly. Pre

reading, and repetition have been some of the most helpful things in the class. The feynman

notes assignments are a really great way to solidify a skill that takes a lot of concentration and

patience. The critical chemistry learnspace is an easy and effective way of learning and

reviewing material.

Taking chemistry has made me proud in some ways. Everyone I have spoken with has

told me that chemistry is hard. Chemistry for me has been a test of time and patience at times,

but it makes me feel good to get through the material. I now understand a lot more about how

chemical reactions work, and things that they can be used for to help people in the world. It has

been good to brush up on my math skills and prepare me for scientific thought again. I am

happy that I can understand way more about a periodic table than I ever thought was possible.

The class has certainly helped me to have a better understanding of the world, and particularly

the way molecules work in it. Overall, I have found the class to be well put together, and I

would recommend it to anyone interested in getting their toes wet in chemistry or anyone

looking to go into the field.

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