Globalisation and Covid 19

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This paper will discuss the future of globalization under the surge of the covid 19 pandemic.

The importance of globalization, the history of covid 19 and its impact on the economic
situations of countries around the globe will be discussed before getting into answering the

Globalisation is just merely a notion that there will be no national borders in the world of
conducting business and all trade will function on a global scale. Since time in memorial
people have had benefits from the geographical locations of one another through migration,
business relations and trade. Equally, today the same occurrence continues on a big scale
through the introduction of free trade agreements and new developments in the international
relations enabling the countries to benefit from each other’s interest. The practice of inter
country integration is what is known as globalisation, (Cullen 2010).

Globalisation is of importance and provides many benefits to countries and business

involved. Not everything gets to be in abundance everywhere, globalisation gets to bring
resources that are in abundance at one point to a place that those resources are scarce.
Globalisation also gets to expose companies to cheap labour opportunities overseas giving
examples to companies like Japanese automobile company that manufactures its automobile
parts in Pakistan and gets to assemble them from Bangladesh, selling the finished product
(car) to other countries, Ansoff, H. I. (2019).

The novel covid 19 first stared in china, city of Wuhan Hubei province in December 2019,
and started spreading around the globe. By April the endemic by then in china was
announced as a pandemic by world health organization (WHO) as it had spread to most parts
of the world compelling thousands of people and hundreds of countries to go on lockdown
for weeks/ months, John Hopkins University..

2020 has seen the worst economic conditions of the countries globally which is worse than
the 2008 global crisis. The economic downturn has been wholly due to the outbreak of the
corona virus, a pandemic that has disrupted the operations of many companies around the
globe, both domestic and multinational companies. Globalization has become under threat as
a result of the outbreak and crumbling of economies around the globe. The exponential
spreading of the virus has force governments to harshly shut down policies, taking almost all
of the country’s population into quarantine. Due to these actions, there is a big consent that
the costs of the pandemic economically will be so high as business, schools, factories and
borders of the countries have been closed. The effects of globalization on a country or in the
economy of a country is dependent on how much active or extent the economy of a country
depends on the global production network.

Globalization gives people access to cross border movements of people, supply of goods
among countries, supply of inputs, supply of employment, flow of money and tourism.
Through the movements of people from one country to another has allowed the pandemic to
spread rapidly across the globe. Due to the outbreak, the world has responded by putting
restrictions such us restricting the movement of people, closing down of businesses and
restricting cross border movements, UNCTAD (2020).

Companies and organizations around the world are having distressing effects of the pandemic
that where hugely benefiting from doing business involving movements of goods (inputs or
outputs) across borders. From the supply side (inputs), companies have not been able to
conduct their operations swiftly as most of the countries that gets to supplier these supply
chains where mostly hit earliest by the pandemic which led to the locking down of their
economies from the international markets, ,making it had for companies outside to get hold of
the supplies. For instance, China is the world’s largest production base, and lies at the heart
of many supply chains. Since the outbreak of this coronavirus, many companies that had
come to depend on China were hard hit, Alessandro (2020).

Companies have to start long for ways to increase on domestic demands. In as much as Covid
19 has brought about problems in how the companies get to do business, it has also made
some business realise that they can still get to conduct business using online stores. The
advancement in technology has helped many companies do most of its administration work
online, holding meetings virtually and conducting some other less physical activities online.

The pandemic ha not only affected the manufacturing industries, tourism sectors have been
widely affected living tourism sites almost with no activities. Going forward it is likely that
tourism industry in most of the countries will start preaching domestic tourism unlike only
eyeing international customers. Travel restrictions that have been placed by countries
has hurt globalizations and the benefits that comes with it due to the absence of
goods and services to exchange on the market due to closure of economies and
borders by most countries.

The covid 19 pandemic has considerably changed the technological, economic and social
environments and it has pushed companies in being innovative in terms of how they get to
conduct their day to day activities. The future of globalization after the pandemic can set to
with the advancement in technological innovations. Under the period of the pandemic,
organization shave changed how they conduct business even after easing the lockdown
restrictions, in most of the companies have adopted a way of using mostly technology to
conduct most of the business activities that are capable of been handled using technology.

In conclusion, the spread of the pandemic across the globe has caused the downturn in
economic activities of the countries around the world and has caused disruption in the
running of companies especially on an international level, this study has provided the
negative side of the pandemic towards globalization and the importance of globalization in
the development of domestic economies. The future of globalization is not blurred, with the
coming of the pandemic, companies have been able to come up with new ways of interacting
with their international customers. It might easy for some sectors to adopt technological
innovations in order to conduct business and hard for some business like manufacturing and
tourism but with time as countries are slowly opening up their borders with caution, soon
companies will get back to trading international of course with caution as the pandemic is
something that is seemingly not going away anytime soon.

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