Key Chemistry Terms Arranging Atoms in Lewis Structures

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Key Chemistry Terms Arranging Atoms in Lewis Structures

• Valence Shell: Electrons in the outermost shell that are 1. For molecules with only 2 elements, arrange the atoms
involved in bonding. symmetrically.
• Valence Bond Theory: Overlap of atomic orbitals form a 2. “COOH” is a carboxylic acid (both O’s bond to the C and
bond. the H goes on one of the O’s).
• Covalent Bond: A bond formed between two nonmetals 3. Hydrogen and halogens cannot go in the middle.
that involves shared electrons. 4. Write the remaining atoms in the order they appear in the
• Octet Rule: Atoms are most stable with a full valence shell formula.
(with in most cases is “8”). 5. Write the hydrogen and halogen atoms around the
• Lewis Structure: A 2D representation of a molecule and element they are written next to in the formula.
its bonds.
• Lone Pair: Pair of electrons not being shared in a bond.
• Bonding Pair: Pair of electrons that are a bond. Both 1. Arrange the atoms as above.
atoms sharing the electrons can “count” them in their 2. Determine the # of valence electrons for each atom.
valence shell. 3. Draw the valence electrons—do not double up where a
• Single bond: One pair of shared electrons. bond is going to form between two atoms.
• Double bond: Two pairs of shared electrons. Shorter and 4. Count to see if all atoms have full valences (noting
stronger than a single bond. exceptions above).
• Triple bond: Three pairs of shared electrons. Shorter and 5. If two atoms adjacent to each other do not have full
stronger than a double bond. valences, move in an electron from each to form a double
• Polyatomic Ion: Group of atoms covalently bonded bond. Repeat for triple bond if necessary.
together that have a net charge. 6. If two atoms that are not adjacent to each other need to
• Ionic Compound: Electrons are transferred from one double bond, try moving a hydrogen to one of them to
atom to another. Transfer of electrons results in net cause two atoms adjacent to each other to need the
charges, which bond with electrostatic attraction. double bond.
• Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion Theory
(VSEPR): Is used to predict the 3D shape of a molecule
that is based on electron-pair electrostatic repulsion.
Electrons considered include: bonding pairs, nonbonding Single bonds: Double bonds:
pairs and single electron.
• Electron Geometry: 3D structure of a molecule
determined by counting the electron regions around a Polyatomic anion:
central atom. Drawing Ionic Lewis Structures
• Electron Region: Each bond (single, double or triple) and
lone pair count as “1” electron region. Transfer the electrons from the metal to the nonmetals until
• Molecular Geometry: 3D structure determined by the all have full valences and the net charge = 0.
atoms bonded to the central atom.
• Ligand: Atoms bonded to the central atom. Ionic compound:

Determining # of Valence Electrons

1. Arrange the atoms as above.
Determining valence electrons from the periodic table:
2. Determine the total # of valence electrons for the whole
3. Put 1 bonding pair between a set of atoms to be bonded.
4. Place remaining electrons in lone pairs, starting with the
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 most electronegative element.
5. If atoms do not have full valence shells, move a lone pair
from an adjacent atom in to double, or triple, bond.
VSEPR Theory and Geometry
Drawing Lewis Structures for an Element A = central atom; X = ligands; E = lone pairs
Electron Molecular Name
1. Use the element symbol to represent the nucleus and
regions Formula
core electrons.
2 AX2 Linear
2. Determine # of valence electrons.
3 AX3 Trigonal Planar
3. Draw valence electrons—placing one on each side before
3 AX2E Bent
doubling up.
4 AX4 Tetrahedron
4 AX3E Trigonal pyramidal
1. Hydrogen and Helium can only hold 2 electrons (they 4 AX2E2 Bent
only have a 1s orbital). 5 AX5 Trigonal bipyramidal
2. Boron and Beryllium can be full with 6 electrons. 5 AX4E See-saw
3. Any element in period 3 or below can have more than 8 5 AX3 E2 T-shaped
electrons (they have empty d orbitals that can hold 5 AX2E3 Linear
them). 6 AX6 Octahedron
6 AX5E Square pyramidal
6 AX4 E2 Square planar

15: Lewis Structures & VSEPR Theory

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