The New American Bible, Revised Edition (NABRE) : Teacher: Mrs - Osborn Room: 203 or B3-202 Text: Source

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Mercyhurst Prep School

Teacher: ​Mrs.Osborn
Room:​ 203 or B3-202
E-Mail:​ [email protected]
Text: ​The New American Bible, Revised Edition (NABRE)
Source: ​

SCRIPTURES – COLLEGE PREP 1.00 credit Yearlong 001 Freshman
The Bible! The most read book of all time. What is it really all about? As freshmen we can use the Bible as our principal text and learn
the stories of the people of the Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament) and of the Christian Scriptures (New Testament). We will attempt to
discover why the Bible is called sacred literature and why it has had such a profound influence on the lives of so many people. Studying
the Bible will help us to better know the God who is revealed in the story of salvation, especially emphasizing the person of Jesus
Christ. The theology of Jesus the Christ (Christology) will be studied during this year. In addition to this, attention will be given to life
skills and character building, in particular the Charism of Mercy instituted by Catherine McCauley, the foundress of the Sisters of Mercy.
The process of discovery in this course will be based on experiential learning techniques such as journal writing, learning teams,
prayer, projects, use of technology, and activities that develop awareness of our responsibilities to God, self and others.
TERM I: Beginning the study of Hebrew Scriptures
● Foundations of Faith: Exploring the Philosophical Foundation of Faith Development
● What are the Hebrew Scriptures?
● Literary forms
● Truth
● In the Beginning
● Creation stories, Adam and Eve
● Noah, the flood
● Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, the Patriarchs
● Joseph
● Journey toward the Promised Land
● Moses
● Exodus
TERM II: Journey toward the Promised Land and New Testament
National Growth
● Judges, including sin cycle
● Kings—Saul, David, Solomon
● Prophets
● The New Testament
● Looking at the four Gospels
● Who is Jesus?
TERM III: The New Testament (cont.)
● What do the Gospels say about Jesus?
● The Acts of the Apostles, the Early Church
● What is Christianity?
● The Epistles of Paul
● Revelation
A notebook or binder is required for taking notes. It is the discretion of the student as to which is preferred. A pen or pencil
is required for taking notes. Ink color for note taking is the student's personal preference but any work to be handed in must
be legible and done ​in blue or black ink.​ Two folders are required for this class, a folder for class handouts and a folder for
graded material. The iPad will be used as a tool in conjunction with the lessons but does not serve as a replacement for an
actual notebook.
Class Information:​ (Of course, all school rules apply):
▪ Parent, as well as student, communication is ​very important​. Please let me know if you have any questions or
▪ Students are expected to be prepared for and on time for class daily.
▪ Please be at your seat and ready to begin when class starts (This includes placing backpack on window counter
and being seated with your notebook, folder, pens and iPad. Phone, earbuds, and electronic devices must be in
backpack during class time).
▪ You must bring note taking supplies, class handouts, folders and your book to class each day.
▪ The dress code will be enforced.
▪ The school discipline policy will be followed.
▪ Please keep a copy of all your computer generated work in your school folder on the MPS server and please keep a
hard copy of all your work. In case of a question regarding a grade or missing assignment, ​the burden of proof
rests with you.
▪ No gum, no food, no cell phones, no fidget spinners or other distracting devices - teacher discretion.
▪ You can find my correspondence eBackpack on the school's website ( Here you will find a
copy of this syllabus along with homework assignments and other useful links.
▪ Please let me know if you are struggling with the material or have any questions about what we cover in class.
Never be embarrassed to ask for help.

Integrity Policy: 
It is expected that the student will respect everyone in the classroom in both word and action. Disrespect for another
student or for the teacher will not be tolerated.
Cheating on assignments or tests is not accepted. Plagiarism in any form is equal to cheating. No credit, a “0”, is given for
cheating in any form and a detention is issued.
Grade Breakdown:
All assignments will be graded on a total points system. We will follow the grading scale as published in the Mercyhurst
Prep School handbook. The student’s overall grade will be based on the following:

1) Class Participation
Participation is expected and graded. Ask your questions. Share your observations. The class will be so much the better
for them. The same rules of respect for one another obviously exist in any online forum as they do in class. If respect for
one another isn't demonstrated the points for the assignment will be forfeited.

To be fair, class participation consists of more than just the amount of times you volunteer and answer during a class
discussion. As a result, this grade will also be comprised of whether or not you're present in class daily, being respectful of
others, paying attention, taking notes, not distracting other students, and keeping phones, earbuds, iPads and other
electronic devices away at all times except when instructed to do otherwise.

Students who are tardy more than 2 consistent times or 3 times in a trimester must have a meeting with the teacher and
potentially with the parents. Teacher reserves the right to contact the parent and request a meeting at any time during the
course of the school year regarding student progress and participation, attendance and grades.
2) Homework
Student is responsible for completion of all assigned homework, in class assignments as well as assignments posted on the
website. Students are expected to record homework given verbally in class. Students must check the Homework website
daily for postings. Homework will come in a variety of forms in this class. The student can expect reading assignments
from the text as well as accompanying handouts. Personal reflection and papers are a necessary component of this class.
Students will be expected to master the reading and provide evidence of understanding and application. Personal projects
and group work are also elements of this class.
Students can expect to work hard each day in class, exploring the material in a variety of ways. Homework will be given
when it is deemed necessary. It is expected that students take assignments seriously. It is expected that the students
come to class every day having read the assigned section and be ready to participate in a class discussion about the
material. Students need to have any written work that may be due that day. Failure to be prepared for class discussion and
assignments will negatively affect the students grade. Assignments will be considered late if they are not completed ​by the
beginning​ ​of class the day they are due: This includes being printed, stapled and handed in.​ If an assignment is late, the
assignment will still need to be completed and turned in. (See more on late work below.)

3) Late Work
Late work will be accepted. However late assignments will negatively affect the grade. Assignments turned in one calendar
day late, will lose 10% of total points possible. Subsequent late days accumulatively will lose 10% until the 3​rd​ late day.
After 3 late calendar days, the student grade becomes a “0”. (Note: Student must communicate issues and the decision
lies at the discretion of the teacher.

4)​ ​Quizzes and Tests

Students will be given quizzes and tests throughout the year. The tests will be the primary means for measuring content
knowledge of each section. However, quizzes may become more frequent if the material warrants it or if a lack of regular
reading is apparent. ​Quizzes may be given without notice.​ Students will always be given a few days’ notice for a test.

5) Extra Credit
Extra credit may be given at the instructor's discretion throughout the year. Only students who have completed ​all​ of their
assignments for a term, even those they did not receive credit for, may participate in the extra credit issued during any given

6)​ ​Other
The notes from the class discussion and lectures are vitally important to the student's understanding of the material.
Student’s notebooks may be checked once a term for content and neatness. ​All notes written on the board should be
written in the notebook each day, along with the date and topic covered​.

Extra Help Sessions, Make Up Tests and Personal Conferences: 

I will be available in my room most afternoons from 3:00-3:30pm after school. Student is asked to communicate the need to
meet after school. If you need to meet with me on a specific day, I can be available on any weekday by appointment.

Responsibilities when Absent: 

Excused absences only: It is the responsibility of the student to see the teacher the first class day upon their return from an
absence to turn in any work that was due while they were absent. When turning in work, it should be clearly marked as
ABSENT at the top to receive full credit.
If the student was absent for a test, the first day back the student is required to schedule with the teacher to make-up the
test. If the student fails to meet and schedule a time for the make-up test or if they fail to take the test within the allotted
time they will receive a "0". It is the student responsibility to get any and all notes they missed as well as any handouts that
were given out the day/s they were absent.
There is no make up for unexcused absences. Unexcused absences will be given a “0” for any classwork, homework,
quizzes and tests that were missed on the unexcused class day.

iPad usage:
Students are to follow all school policies in regard to their iPad use in this class. Unless otherwise indicated for an
assignment, the iPad is to be off when class begins and is to be turned on only at the direction of the teacher. If a student
has their iPad out when they are not supposed to or are using it for something other than the work assigned in class it will
be taken away and they will receive a detention. To honor our daily discussions and the opinions and views shared, no
portion of this class may be recorded in either an audio or video format. To do so will result in the loss of the iPad as well as
detention. Obviously the use of the iPad in class, while exciting, is a privilege and not a right.

Classroom Rules:
Compassionate presence, justice, service, and concern for the dignity of all persons impel our mission and incarnate the
spirit that is Mercy. Mercyhurst exists to provide an education that affirms the unchanging relevance of Jesus Christ and the
power of His love and freedom in each person’s search for a meaningful life, for right values, and for positive attitudes.

As a student of Mercyhurst, I accept and embrace the mercy values. I have read, understand and accept the syllabus which
was reviewed in class by my teacher. This syllabus may be found on the MPS Teacher Website. It is because of the mercy
values that I will follow the syllabus and these classroom rules:
● Turnitin will be used for student papers. Each student will receive a username and access to the Turnitin site for
student papers. Students will submit a copy of all written/research work to this site for review.
● Students who choose to ignore the MPS Academic Honesty Policy (as found in the Student Handbook) will comply
with school policy for consequences as well as complete the next graded quiz/test as an individual oral quiz/test at
the discretion of the teacher.
● Students will be prepared for and on time for class. Demerits will be given for tardiness.
● Students will abide by the dress code as found in the Student Handbook.
● Plain water in a water bottle is allowed in the classroom. No cups or glasses.
● Please use the lav during change of classes whenever possible. Student using the lav (in case of necessity ONLY)
must sign out prior to leaving the room.
● International students are expected to use English (unless otherwise instructed) in class to enhance their English
speaking skills.
● Students will assist other students in understanding material presented through patience and explanation.
● On occasion a student may be asked to serve as a tutor to other students.
● Students may not go to their lockers for forgotten supplies.
● Students may get up from their seats to sharpen pencils, get extra paper, etc. during private work or group work.
● Class discussion is encouraged and required (guided group talk will be allowed during project time).
● Students needing assistance must raise their hands for assistance.
● Students who complete their assignments early are free to quietly read or begin work on another assignment.
Inappropriate use of quiet time will result in additional assignments.
● When the P.A. comes on, students are to be quiet and attentive.
● Students remain in their seats until the final bell rings.

(Sign in Notability) Submit Signed form below to eBackpack


I have read and understand the Syllabus for this class. I agree with and will abide by the expectations as stated within this Syllabus. I
will follow the classroom rules and abide by the rules held within the Student Handbook. I accept the consequences of not abiding by
the above mentioned rules. (Copy and paste this form (SSF) only in Notability, then submit to eBackpack/ due 1​st​ Class day / 2 Points)
Alyson Amendo
Name (PRINTED):___________________________________Parent Name (PRINTED):___________________________________


Signature:_________________________________________Parent Signature:__________________________________________


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