Activity 9

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Activity 9- Meal Plans

1. What are the four meal plans? Describe each.

 American Plan (AP) - Full Board
- means that the nightly rate quoted by a hotel or resort includes three
meals a day, i.e. breakfast, lunch, and dinner. In the American plan,
the meals are provided by the establishment's kitchen and served on
site, typically in the dining room.
 Modified American Plan (MAP) – Half Board
- refers to a booking option that includes the room night, a free
breakfast and a second meal either lunch or more typically dinner.
This option is offered for multiple reasons. One of which being that it
allows hotels to offer more price conscious guests and families the
ability to anticipate their costs.
 Continental Plan (CP)
- indicates that the quoted rate includes a continental breakfast. A
continental breakfast normally consists of coffee or tea, juice, and
bread. The bread may be as simple as a loaf or as appealing as a
basket of freshly baked croissants, scones, and muffins. At some
facilities, yogurt and fresh fruit may also be available. The Continental
Plan breakfast does not include cooked foods, such as pancakes or
 European Plan (EP)
- indicates that the quoted rate is strictly for lodging and does not
include any meals. All food provided by the hotel is billed separately.
Taxes and tips are usually additional as well.

2. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of each plan.

Four Meal Plans Advantages Disadvantages
1. American Plan  You can spend time  It’s not for foodies.
(AP) touring. And less  It’s not for people with
worrying about where small appetites.
to your next meal is  You may not like the
coming from. menu or the food itself.
 Breakfast will be Some places offer a
waiting for you. fixed lunch and/or
 Drinks with dinner. dinner menu that does
Normally beverages, not allow for
including coffee, soda, substitutions or offer
beer, and wine are alternative dishes.
included with meals.  You may have to dine
on their schedule, not
 Reservations may be
2. Modified  It should be cheaper  It squelches your
American Plan than the three-meals- sense of dining
(MAP) a-day American adventure.
 It gives you the  Food choices are
freedom to try another typically limited
restaurant.  The food could be
 You have the unappealing
convenience of  Food is served during
knowing where your specified hours.
meals will be provided  A boon for people with
a small appetite
3. Continental Plan  You have complete  Service times for the
(CP) choice over your lunch breakfast can be fixed,
and dinner meals. which means if
 The service is something came up,
manageably cheaper you would be
than other plans. inconvenienced.
 Depending on the  This type of hotel may
hotel, you can be not serve the best food
served in bed or be quality.
invited out for a buffet
in the dining area.
4. European Plan  You are not limited to  It’s harder to budget
(EP) eating at the hotel  No “free” breakfast
 It’s easier to save  Foraging in lousy
money weather
 It’s more romantic  Not every local
 You can still have restaurant is a winner
breakfast in bed
 Lunch in freestyle

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