COA Assignment - 3

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Subject: Computer Organization & Architecture

B.E. Semester: 4th

Assignment - 3

1 Design a 4-bit combinational circuit decrementer using four full-adder circuits.
2 Draw the block diagram for the hardware that implements the following statements:
x + yz : AR  AR + BR
3 Represent the following conditional control statement by two register transfer
statements with control functions.
If (P = 1) then (R1R2) else if (Q =1) then (RIR3)
4 A digital computer has a common bus system for 16 registers of 32 bits each. The
bus is constructed with multiplexers.
a. How many selection inputs are there in each multiplexer?
b. What size of multiplexers is needed?
c. How many multiplexers are there in the bus?
5 Register A holds the 8-bit binary 11011001. Determine the B operand and the logic
microoperation to be performed in order to change the value in A to:
a. 01101101
b. 11111101
6 A computer uses a memory unit with 256K words of 32 bits each. A binary
instruction code is stored in one word of memory. The instruction has four parts: an
indirect bit, an operation code, a register code part to specify one of 64 registers, and
an address part.
a. How many bits are there in the operation code, the register code part, and the
address part?
b. Draw the instruction word format and indicate the number of bits in each part.
c. How many bits are there in the data and address inputs of the memory?
7 Following register transfers are to be executed in the bus system of basic computer.
For each transfer, specify: (1) the binary value that must be applied to bus select
inputs S2, S1, and S0; (2) the register whose LD control input must be active (if
any); (3) a memory read or write operation (if needed); and (4) the operation in the
adder and logic circuit (if any).
a. AR PC
b. IR M[AR]
c. M[AR]TR
d. ACDR, DRAC (done simultaneously)
8 Explain why each of the following micro-operations cannot be executed during a
single clock pulse in the system shown in basic computer. Specify a sequence of
micro-operations that will perform the operation.
a. IR M[PC]
b. AC  AC + TR
c. DR  DR + AC (AC does not change)
9 Which are the two instructions needed in the basic computer in order to set the E
flip-flop to 1?
10 Draw a timing diagram assuming that SC is cleared to 0 at time T 3 if control signal
C7 is active.
C7T3 : SC  0
C7 is activated with the positive clock transition associated with T1
11 An output program resides in memory starting from address 2300. It is executed
after the computer recognizes an interrupt when FGO becomes a 1 (while IEN = 1).
a. What instruction must be placed at address 1?
b. What must be the last two instructions of the output program?

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