Chapter 1 An Offer of Marriage

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Introduction Chapter 1 An Offer of Marriage

'Harriet Smith has no family and no money. Robert Martin was a good match for Emma Woodhouse was beautiful, clever and rich. She lived sixteen miles
her, Emma. Until she met you, she thought of nothing better for herself, but you have from London in the village of Highbury and at nearly twenty-one years old she
filled her head with ideas of high society and of how beautiful she is.' thought her life was perfect. But nothing stays the same for ever and even the most
Emma Woodhouse is beautiful, clever and rich. She has never thought of perfect life must sometimes change.
getting married herself. Instead, she amuses herself by trying to arrange marriages Emma was the younger of two daughters but only she lived with her father at
between her friends and neighbours. But Emma makes a lot of mistakes and causes the family home. Her sister Isabella lived in London with her husband and five
more problems than happy marriages. Because she is so busy trying to arrange other children.
people's lives, will she lose her own chance of happiness? Emma's mother died when she was only five, and so her father found Miss
Jane Austen was born in 1775, the daughter of a vicar. She had six brothers Taylor to five with them at Hartfield and look after his two daughters. Miss Taylor
and one sister, Cassandra, who was her greatest friend. Her home was in Hampshire became their teacher and friend and, even after Emma had grown up and didn't need
in the south of England and she lived there for most of her life. Miss Taylor as a teacher any longer, she continued to live with them and was part of
She began writing short stories when she was sixteen but she did not write her the family.
first book, Sense and Sensibility, until 1811. There were five more books. Emma But Emma's comfortable life changed when Miss Taylor decided to get
came out in 1816 and many people think it her best work. Sense and Sensibility, married to Mr Weston. Although his house — called 'Randalls' — was very near
Pride and Prejudice (1813) and Persuasion (1817) are three of her books on the list Emma's, she soon realised there would be a great difference between a Miss Taylor
of Penguin Readers. Her books have always been popular and recently many people at Hartfield and a Mrs Weston half a mile from Hartfield. And so Emma and her
have been introduced to her stories for the first time through films for the cinema father were left alone together, both wishing that Miss Taylor was still there too.
and television. 'What a pity Mr Weston ever thought of Miss Taylor,' said Mr Woodhouse,
Although she wrote a lot about falling in love, Jane Austen never married. She sadly.
died in Cassandra's arms in 1817, when she was forty-one years old. 'I cannot agree, Papa. They are very happy together, and I am happy for them.
And we shall see them often. They will come here to Hartfield and we shall visit
them at Mr Weston's house. We shall always be meeting.'
But although Emma tried to make her father feel happier, she was just as sad
as him.
As they sat together playing cards on the evening after Miss Taylor's wedding,
their friend Mr Knightley came to visit them. His brother John was Isabella's
husband and he had just returned from their home in London.
'How was the wedding? Who cried the most?'
'Everybody was on time and looked their best,' said Emma, 'And there were
no tears.'
'But I know how sad you must feel, Emma,' said Mr Knightley.
'Yes, but I am happy that I made the match myself, four years ago. People said
Mr Weston would never marry again, but I saw the possibility of love,' said Emma.
'And now Miss Taylor has left us,' said Mr Woodhouse. 'So please do not
make any more matches that might break up our circle of friends and family, Emma.'
Mr Knightley did not agree with Emma.
'I cannot see why you think you succeeded. It was no more than a lucky
guess,' he said.
But Emma would not listen. She was sure it was because of her help that Miss
Taylor had married Mr Weston, and now she had the idea of making another match. 'The picture is a little too beautiful around the eyes,' said Mrs Weston.
'Mr Elton, the vicar — he is such a good and handsome man, everybody says 'Not at all!' replied Mr Elton. 'Miss Smith is just as beautiful as Miss
so. And today, in the church, I could see that he would like it very much if it was his Woodhouse has painted her.'
wedding. I wish I could help to find him a wife.' Mr Knightley knew Emma very well and was always honest with her. He said,
'Leave him to choose his own wife,' laughed Mr Knightley. 'He is twenty- 'You've made her too tall, Emma.'
seven and can take care of himself.' 'Oh, no,' said Mr Elton. 'Not too tall. Exactly right in my opinion.'
That was when Emma first began to see the possibility of a match between
Mr Woodhouse often invited his neighbours to Hartfield for an evening spent them and had great hopes that it would happen. Then Harriet had started talking
playing cards. Emma was happy to entertain their friends, although many of them about Robert Martin and Emma worried that he might spoil her match-making plans.
were closer in age to her father than to her. But on one of these evenings Emma was The next day she met Harriet in Highbury village and heard some unwelcome
luckier because one of their neighbours a young friend with her. Seventeen-year-old news.
Harriet Smith had been a pupil at the school in Highbury and was still living there 'Miss Woodhouse,' said a very excited Harriet, 'Mr Martin has written to ask
with the head teacher because she had no living family. Harriet was very pretty and me to marry him!'
she and Emma immediately became friends. Harriet was very impressed. She She showed Emma the letter and she agreed it was certainly a very good
thought Emma was wonderful and the surroundings of Hartfield were much better letter.
than she was used to. Emma liked Harriet a lot and wanted to introduce her into 'So good that I wonder whether his sister helped him to write it,' she said.
good society, but first she would have to help by teaching Harriet a few things. She 'How shall I reply?' Harriet asked.
decided this was a very kind and thoughtful plan. ' I cannot tell you — it must be your own letter,' Emma replied. 'But I am sure
After that evening, Harriet spent a lot of time at Hartfield and she and Emma you will write it so that he will not be too unhappy.'
were often together. Harriet told Emma about her schoolfriend Elizabeth Martin and 'So you think I should refuse him,' said Harriet sadly, looking down.
her family, who she had stayed with in the summer. Emma heard about the Martins' 'I shall not advise you. This is something you must decide yourself
farm and as she listened she began to realise that Mr Robert Martin was not the Harriet was silent. She looked at the letter again.'I had no idea he liked me so
father of the family, but the son. And he was single. much,' she said.
'Tell me about Mr Robert Martin,' Emma said and Harriet did tell her. He was Emma decided she must speak to save Harriet from an unsuitable marriage.
kind and clever, she said, and she liked him a lot. Emma thought a farmer was a 'Harriet, if you doubt your answer, of course you should refuse him. If you
most unsuitable friend for Harriet and knew Mr Elton, the vicar, would be a much cannot say "yes" immediately you must say "no".'
better husband. She turned their conversation away from Robert Martin. 'Then I will refuse. Do you think I am right?'
'If you compare him to other young men you will certainly see a difference. 'Perfectly, dearest Harriet. And remember, Mr Martin is only a farmer — he is
For example, Mr Elton is a perfect gentleman. Did I tell you what he said about you not your equal or mine. If you married him, I could never visit you,' said Emma.
the other day?' she asked, and told Harriet how beautiful he thought she was. Harriet Harriet's letter was written and sent. She was a little quiet all evening and once
was very pleased and suddenly seemed to want to talk less about Mr Martin. she said she hoped Mr Martin and his sisters were not too sad. Emma tried to help
'I think Mr Elton likes you a lot. Remember how he wanted me to paint a her and started talking about Mr Elton again.
picture of you? And how he sighed over it when I had finished?' 'We shall see him tomorrow, Harriet. He will come into this room and look at
The painting had been Emma's idea at first but when he heard about it, Mr your picture again, and sigh as he always does when he sees it.'
Elton was immediately enthusiastic and thought it a very good suggestion. Emma Harriet smiled and became happier.
painted Harriet in the garden and Mr Elton wanted to watch. But he walked about so
much and asked so many questions that it became difficult for Emma to think about When Mr Knightley and Emma were in the gardens at Hartfield the next day
painting and for Harriet to think about standing still. Finally, Emma asked him to sit he spoke to her about Harriet.
down and read something to them. 'I congratulate you, Emma. She was always a pretty girl but you have taught
When the picture was finished Mr Elton thought it looked exactly like Harriet, her a lot. I think your friend may get some news today that will make her happy.'
but not everyone agreed.
Emma thought at first that Mr Elton might have said something to Mr 'He means it for you of course,' said Emma.
Knightley but then he continued. They read the poem together and saw that it was a very pretty love poem.
'Robert Martin asked my opinion of her, was she too young to marry? Was it Harriet was delighted with it.
too soon to ask her? I advised him to ask. He's very much in love with her.' 'Mr Elton! He really is in love with me!' she sighed.
'He has already asked,' said Emma,'and she has refused him.' The poem was read to Mr Woodhouse and he said it was probably the best
'What? She is a very foolish girl. Are you sure?' they had found. Then he started talking about Isabella.
' Of course, I saw her answer.' 'She is coming next week, and they will all be here for Christmas.'
Mr Knightley became angry with her. 'We must ask Mr and Mrs Weston to dinner while they are here, Papa. And
'Saw it! You mean you wrote it! I think this was your idea, Emma.' Harriet must come as often as she can,' said Emma. 'You will love my nieces and
'It was not, but I believe that, although he is a very pleasant young man, he is nephews,' Emma said to Harriet,' and it will be a Christmas to remember.'
not Harriet's equal.'
'Harriet Smith has no family and no money.This was a good match for her. The next day, Emma had to visit a poor sick family in the village and Harriet
Until she met you, she thought of nothing better for herself, but you have filled her went with her. The road to their little house passed the church and then later Mr
head with ideas of high society and of how beautiful she is. She was happy enough Elton's house and for a moment they stopped to look at it. It was the first time
with the Martins in the summer.' Harriet had seen where Mr Elton lived.
Emma was unhappy because he was so angry with her, but she would not 'What a sweet house!' said Harriet.
agree that she had been wrong. 'And there you and your book of poems will go one day. Then I shall often
'Now she knows what gentlemen are, she sees him differently. Now she is walk this way,' replied Emma.
looking for something better.' They continued their walk and visited the family. Emma was a very kind
'Remember, Emma, sensible men do not want silly wives. Harriet may not young lady and she took them food and clothes for the children and tried to help as
have another chance to marry,' he replied. He started to walk away from her. much as she could.
'And if you were thinking of Mr Elton for Harriet, it will not work. He is a As they started their walk back to Hartfield, they met Mr Elton just as he was
good vicar and a good man but he will look for money and good family in a wife.' coming out of his house and he asked if he could walk with them.
Emma laughed. 'I am not trying to make a match for Harriet with Mr Elton,' Emma wanted to let Harriet and Mr Elton walk together without her and so
she said, hoping that Mr Knightley would stop being angry and stay. she stopped and bent down to check her boot. They walked on and seemed to be
'Believe me, Emma, Mr Elton will choose sensibly,' he said over his shoulder. having an interesting conversation. Emma tried to keep a long way behind but soon
'Good morning to you.' they stopped, turned and waited for her to catch up with them. She had hoped Mr
Elton might take the opportunity to tell Harriet he loved her, but he didn't.
Chapter 2 A Second Offer 'He is very careful,' she thought. 'He will not tell her until he is sure she loves
Mr Knightley was so angry that it was some time before he went to Hartfield But although she did not succeed with that plan, she was certain they had
again. When Emma saw him again she could see that he had not forgiven her and moved a little closer to the great day of their marriage.
she was sorry about that.
But she thought her plan was succeeding. Every time Mr Elton met Harriet Isabella, John Knightley and their children arrived at Hartfield the week
and Emma he sighed a little more and Emma was certain he really did love Harriet. before Christmas. Mr Woodhouse was delighted to see them all again and the family
Harriet was making herself a little book of poems, and some of the people she were happy to be together. They talked about their friends in Highbury and of course
knew had suggested their favourites for the book. One day Emma told Mr Elton they talked about Mr and Mrs Weston.
about it and then she said, 'Perhaps you could write something for Harriet's book? 'Do you see Mrs Weston often?' asked Isabella. Not as often as I would like,
You are so clever it will be easy for you,' and she always goes away again,' said Mr Woodhouse sadly.
'I'm sure I couldn't do it,' he replied, but the next day he called at Hartfield and 'But remember poor Mr Weston! She must go now that she is married, Papa,'
left a paper with a short poem written on it. It was addressed to Miss —. laughed Emma.
'And what about the young man, Mr Weston's son? Has he been to see his about Frank.
father since the wedding?' asked John Knightley. 'I should like to see two more people here tonight — your friend Miss Smith
Everyone in Highbury knew about Mr Weston's son, Frank, but nobody had and my son,' he said. 'Did you know we had another letter from him this morning?
seen him. Several times he had said he was coming but each time something had
happened to stop the visit. He will be with us in a fortnight. Mrs Weston doubts it, but I am sure he will
Frank's aunt and uncle, Mr and Mrs Churchill, had adopted him when his come this time.'
mother died. He was only a baby and it seemed to Mr Weston at the time that it was 'If you think he will come, I shall think so too,' said Emma. She hoped he was
the best thing to do. The Churchills had no children of their own and Frank took right because she wanted to meet Frank very much.
their family name. But Mrs Churchill was very jealous and wanted to keep Frank for The evening at Randalls was a very pleasant one and, as they left for home, it
herself. Although Frank saw his father once a year in London, he had not yet met his started to snow.
new wife. Mr Woodhouse, Isabella and John all rode in the first carriage, and so Emma
If Frank Churchill finally did come to Highbury it would be very exciting for and Mr Elton were alone in the second. They had just driven through the gates
Mr and Mrs Weston, and for the whole village. Everybody looked forward to and reached the road when suddenly Mr Elton jumped up from his seat to sit next
meeting him, especially Emma. to Emma and took her hand in his. She immediately moved across the carriage.
Mr Woodhouse told Isabella,'I have seen a letter he wrote to Mrs Weston and 'Mr Elton! What are you thinking of? Please stop this minute!' cried Emma,
he seems a very pleasant young man. I am only sorry he is not here now, so that you afraid that he had drunk too much of Mr Weston's excellent wine. But Mr Elton
could meet him, my dear.' would not stop. He said he loved her and he would die if she refused to marry him.
Again he moved next to Emma and again she moved away.
Mrs Weston invited all the family to Randalls for dinner on Christmas Eve* 'I cannot understand this,' said Emma.'Surely it is Miss Smith you love, not
and Harriet, Mr Knightley and Mr Elton were asked to join them.Two carriages were me!'
going from Hartfield and Mr Woodhouse arranged to meet Mr Elton at his house and 'Miss Smith? How can you think that?' he asked.
take him to Randalls with them. 'But the painting — and the poem. Explain yourself, Mr Elton.'
The day before, Harriet became ill with a cough and a bad throat and so she 'Miss Smith means nothing to me. I thought the artist was wonderful, not the
could not go. Emma explained to Mr Elton and he said he was very sorry that subject. And the poem was for you.' Mr Elton tried to take Emma's hand again. 'Miss
Harriet was ill. Emma thought he might be so unhappy that he would not go to Smith is a pretty, pleasant girl and I wish her well, but my visits to Hartfield have
Randalls without Harriet but he surprised her. been for you only.'
'It is a pity our friend cannot join our little party but I am looking forward to Emma was so surprised that she did not know what to say Mr Elton tried to
the evening,' he told her. 'We must hope she will soon feel better.' take her hand again.
Emma thought it strange that he was not more worried but she said nothing. 'Your silence makes me think that you always understood me,' he said.
During the journey, he was quite happy and even joked a little. He seemed to have 'Then I see we have both made a mistake. I do not wish you to have any
forgotten poor Harriet and was obviously enjoying himself. interest in me, Mr Elton, and I do not intend to marry anyone at present.'
When they arrived at Randalls, Emma was surprised to find Mr Elton at her After that they sat silently until the carriage stopped outside Mr Elton's house
side most of the time. She heard Mr Weston telling the others something about and he got out. They both said a cold 'good night' and the carriage drove Emma
Frank, but because Mr Elton was talking to her she could not hear everything. home to Hartfield, where the family were waiting for her.
Emma had an interest in Frank Churchill, although she had never met him.
They were about the same age and because their two families were now joined in Chapter 3 Mr Elton's Choice
marriage it seemed to her that he was the man she should marry. She thought Mr and
Mrs Weston had probably had the same idea, perhaps her father also. That night it was difficult for Emma to sleep. For herself, she did not worry
At dinner she was sitting next to Mr Weston, and far from Mr Elton, so she about what had happened in the carriage with Mr Elton, but she felt very sad for
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Harriet.
* Christmas Eve: The day before Christmas Day - December 24th had a chance to ask 'Harriet has grown to like this man and then to love him,' she thought,'and it
was because of me.' Emma knew Mr Knightley was becoming angry about Frank Churchill and
She remembered what Mr Knightley had said to her about him, that day in the she could not understand why.
garden. 'Mr Elton will choose sensibly,' he had said, and now it seemed he.was right. 'I believe he will come soon,' she said. 'And when he does, everyone in
He had not wanted Harriet, had never thought about her as a wife. All the time it had Highbury will be very excited. We are all interested and want to meet him.'
been Emma he wanted. But she knew the first and worst mistake had been hers. It 'Oh? I never think of him from one month to another,' was all Mr Knightley
was wrong and foolish to try to bring two people together and she was ashamed of said.
'It was enough that I talked her out of love with Mr Martin. There, at least, I Emma and Harriet were out walking one morning and in Emma's opinion had
was right,' she thought. talked enough about Mr Elton for one day. Harriet could not forget him and still
The next day, Emma was pleased to see a lot of snow outside. This was a loved to hear his name. They were near the house where some old friends lived and
good thing because it meant she could not go to church and see Mr Elton, or go to Emma decided a visit to them may help Harriet to think about other things.
visit Harriet, and none of them could meet. The snow stayed for several days after Mrs and Miss Bates loved to have visitors and Emma did not call at their
Christmas and the only visitor to Hartfield was Mr Knightley. house as often as she knew she should. They were quite poor but there was always
As soon as the snow disappeared, Isabella, John and the children went back to tea and cake and a warm welcome for their visitors. Miss Bates loved to talk and
London. The same evening, a letter arrived for Mr Woodhouse from Mr Elton. It because her old mother was deaf she repeated conversations by shouting at her.
said he was leaving Highbury the next day and going to Bath to spend a few weeks They were delighted to see Emma and Harriet and made them sit near the fire
with friends. There was no message in the letter for Emma and she was a little angry and have tea with them. They asked Emma about their old friend Mr Woodhouse
about that, but also pleased he was going away. She knew the next thing she must do and were happy when she said he was in very good health.
was to speak to Harriet and tell her everything. 'Have you heard from Miss Fairfax recently?' asked Emma, hoping they had
Harriet cried, but she did not blame Emma at all for what had happened. They not just received a letter.
went back to Hartfield together and Emma tried very hard to make Harriet feel Jane Fairfax was Miss Bates's niece. Her parents had died when she was
better, but she knew only time could help her to forget. Perhaps when Mr Elton young and she had come to Highbury to live with her grandmother and aunt. But
returned they might all be able to meet without feeling embarrassed. then, an old friend of her father's, a Mr Campbell, had offered to look after her and
Jane had gone to live with his family. Mr and Mrs Campbell had a daughter the
Mr Frank Churchill did not come. He wrote a letter of excuse and in it he said, same age as Jane and they were a rich family, so Jane was very lucky. Mrs and Miss
I hope to come to Randalls quite soon. Bates were very sad when she left Highbury but they knew it was much better for
Both Mr and Mrs Weston were very sorry but they decided perhaps the spring her to live in London with the Campbell family. She wrote to her aunt and
was a better time to visit and maybe he could stay for a longer time then. grandmother regularly, and sometimes came to stay with them.
Emma gave Mr Knightley the news and blamed the Churchills, especially his Emma and Jane Fairfax were about the same age and they knew each other
aunt. Mr Knightley did not agree. but they were never friends. Miss Bates liked to tell everyone in Highbury about
'If he wanted to see his father, he could come. He is twenty-three or -four — Jane because they were generally interested in her. Only Emma was not interested.
at that age it is not impossible. A short time ago he was in Weymouth, so he can She was bored with Jane's letters and hearing all about her life, but Miss Bates was a
leave the Churchills when he wants to,' he said. very kind lady and she knew it was polite to ask.
'It may not be easy for him all the time. His aunt and uncle may need him at 'We had a letter just this morning. Jane is coming to stay next week.'
home. Why do you dislike him so much?' asked Emma. 'How lovely for you! And how long will she stay?'
'I neither like nor dislike him because we have never met. But I cannot 'For three months at least — and we are so excited, Miss Woodhouse,' said
understand why this is so difficult for him. He seems a very weak young man.' Miss Bates. 'I said we are very excited!' she shouted at her mother.
'We shall never agree about that,' said Emma. 'Perhaps he is just a kind and 'The Campbells are going to Ireland and because Jane has had a bad cold
gentle man. Perhaps he does not want to make his aunt unhappy.' recently she decided not to travel with them,' she explained. 'Now, let me read you
'He is certainly very good at writing letters and making excuses. But Mrs the whole letter, Miss Woodhouse.'
Weston must feel very insulted because he has not come to meet her.' But although she knew it was not polite to go so suddenly, Emma did not want
to stay and hear the letter. 'Elizabeth Martin and her brother! I did not know what to do. I was sitting
'I am so sorry, but we must go now,' she said. 'My father will be waiting for near the door and Elizabeth saw me immediately, but he did not because he was
us.' busy with the umbrella. Then they both went to the other side of the shop and I kept
Emma and Harriet left the house, although Miss Bates tried very hard to make sitting there -I could not go away because of the rain. At last he saw me and they
them stay a few more minutes. They promised to return the next week when Jane whispered together for a little and then, Miss Woodhouse, what do you think?'
was there, and Emma invited Mrs and Miss Bates to come to Hartfield with Jane for Harriet stopped for breath and Emma said, 'I really do not know Harriet, do
an evening of music. tell me.'
'They came across to me and we shook hands and stood talking for some time.
The evening at Hartfield was pleasant and everyone enjoyed the music. Mr Then I saw that the rain had nearly stopped so I said I must go.'
Knightley was invited, also Harriet and Mr and Mrs Weston, so there was quite a big 'And now here you are.'
party. Both Jane and Emma sang and played the piano, but Jane was much better. 'Miss Woodhouse, I did not want it to happen, but it was so nice to speak to
Emma tried to make conversation with her but she always found it difficult because them again. Did I do the right thing?' asked Harriet.
Jane was quiet and a little cold. She often seemed unfriendly and Emma did not Emma thought about it. As Harriet was so pleased to see Mr Martin again she
know why. might not be too upset at the news about Mr Elton, so the meeting must be a good
As she tried to find something to say, she remembered Miss Bates telling her thing.
that Jane had spent some time the summer before in Weymouth. 'You behaved perfectly, Harriet. Now it is over and, as a first meeting, it can
'Did you meet Mr Frank Churchill? I understand he was also in Weymouth never happen again.'
last summer.' For some time Harriet could not talk about anything except the Martins and
'Yes, we were introduced,' said Jane. Emma was right. The news about Mr Elton did not shock her so very much after all.
'Tell me about him. Was he handsome?'
'People seem to think so.' Chapter 4 Frank Churchill Appears
'And sensible? Interesting? Clever?'
But Jane told her nothing. 'It is difficult to say, we did not meet often. He is Mr Elton returned to Highbury a happy man. It was not long before everyone
very polite,' was all she said. Emma was not at all satisfied with that, and disliked knew about his future wife. Her name was Augusta Hawkins and she came from a
Jane more than before. family with money. Ten thousand pounds was the rumour in Highbury.
Emma only saw him once or twice before he went to Bath again, but Harriet
The next day, the same news came to Hartfield from two different people, first always seemed to see him, or hear his voice. Everyone said he looked very much in
Mr Knightley, then Miss Bates. Mr Elton was going to be married. love and when she heard that, Harriet became more unhappy.
Emma was surprised, it was only four weeks since he had left Highbury. One day when they were shopping in Highbury, Emma and Harriet met Mr
'He is marrying a Miss Hawkins of Bath. That is all I know,' said Miss Bates. and Mrs Weston.
'A new neighbour for us all Miss Woodhouse! My mother is so pleased!' 'We have just been sitting with your father,' said Mr Weston. 'We wanted to
'We are all pleased, of course,' said Emma, without looking at Mr Knightley. tell you the good news. Frank is coming tomorrow and staying for a whole fortnight.
That afternoon Emma decided she must tell Harriet the news when she called, We had a letter this morning.'
before she heard it from Miss Bates or someone else. But it started to rain and 'And we shall soon bring him over to Hartfield,' said Mrs Weston.
Harriet did not come at her usual time. When she arrived later, the first thing she They were both very happy and Emma was delighted. She hoped Mr Elton
said was, 'Oh, Miss Woodhouse, what do you think has happened?' might be talked about less when Frank Churchill arrived in Highbury and was
Emma thought at once that Harriet knew about Mr Elton, but it was a different looking forward to meeting him at last.
story that she told.
'It started to rain as I was walking through Highbury so I decided to wait in The next morning, Emma was in her bedroom when she heard voices
one of the shops until the rain stopped. And who do you think came into the shop?' downstairs and when she walked into the drawing room, there sat her father with Mr
Emma could not guess but she could see how excited Harriet was. Weston and his son. Mr Weston introduced her and explained that Frank had come a
day earlier than they thought. neighbours, Mr and Mrs Cole, were going to hold a dinner party. The Coles had a
He was a very handsome man and he looked sensible and friendly. She felt large and beautiful house. There was always music there, and there might possibly
immediately that she would like him. As they talked together, Frank asked Emma be dancing.
about herself and Highbury. Did she like walking and riding? Was it a pleasant On the night of the party, Emma's carriage arrived at the Coles' house behind
society in Highbury? Did they have musical evenings? And dancing — were Mr Knightley's.
there balls? They talked about Mrs Weston and Frank said how much he liked her 'I am surprised to see your carriage,' she said,'you usually walk or ride
already. everywhere. But this is more suitable for a gentleman so now I shall really be very
Emma looked at Mr Weston and could see what he was thinking. He had happy to walk into the same room with you!'
wanted to see them as a couple. Mr Knightley laughed at her and they went in to the party together.
After some time, Mr Weston said they must go because he had business in At dinner, Emma sat next to Frank and they talked together about society in
Highbury and Frank said he might spend the time visiting some people he knew a Highbury. Jane Fairfax sat across the table from them, wondering what they were
little. talking about. Emma wondered whether other guests thought she and Frank were a
'Miss Jane Fairfax and I met last summer in Weymouth. Do you know the special couple. After dinner, when he joined the ladies in the drawing room, he came
family she lives with?' across the room and sat next to Emma again. She began to realise that his life with
Of course Mr Woodhouse was delighted to give Frank directions to find Mrs his aunt and uncle was very boring.
Bates's house. 'We never see anyone new and never have parties. My aunt is often ill and it is
'Miss Fairfax is a beautiful woman and a brilliant musician,' said Emma and difficult for her to let me go away from home on my own.'
Frank agreed but with a very quiet 'Yes.' Harriet and some other young ladies were invited to arrive after dinner and
'Her aunt will talk to you without stopping,' she continued, 'but they will make Emma was happy to see Harriet looking pretty and confident when she came into the
you very welcome.' room. Frank spoke to Jane for a short time and was polite and friendly to Miss Bates.
And so they left, but the next morning Mr Frank Churchill went to Hartfield to Before he could get back to his seat next to Emma, Mrs Weston had taken it.
see Emma again, this time with Mrs Weston. All three walked together into 'I have just made a little plan,' said Mrs Weston. 'How do you think Miss
Highbury and had a very pleasant morning. The more Emma talked to Frank the Bates and her niece came here tonight?' she asked.
more she believed Mr Knightley had been wrong about him. 'I suppose they walked.'
They stopped to look at the Crown Inn, a hotel in Highbury, and Mrs Weston 'Exactly. I suddenly thought it was not a very good idea for Jane to walk home
told Frank about the ballroom there. He was immediately interested, although Emma late on a cold night, so Mr Weston suggested to Miss Bates that we should take them
said it was not used for balls any more. Frank looked through the windows and said in our carriage. But she said Mr Knightley had already offered his. I wonder if that is
it was a beautiful room and should be used again. why he used his carriage.You know he usually walks.'
'You must arrange it, Miss Woodhouse,' he said, and Emma laughed at the 'Yes, that is typical of him,' said Emma. 'You know how kind he always is.'
idea. 'But perhaps it is more than kindness.The more I think about it, the more I am
sure that I have made a match between Miss Fairfax and Mr Knightley!'
Emma's good opinion of Frank was shaken a little the next day when she 'Dear Mrs Weston! How could you think of such a thing? Mr Knightley must
heard he had gone to London just to have his hair cut. There was nothing wrong with not marry! Isabella's son should have the family house after him. No, no I cannot
that, except that it did not seem very sensible. But generally, everyone in Highbury agree to Mr Knightley's marrying. And I am sure it is not at all likely to happen,'
seemed to think Frank was a very good young man. Everyone except Mr Knightley. whispered Emma.'And Jane Fairfax too, of all women!' she added.
He was not surprised to hear about Frank's trip to London and said he thought it was ' She has always been a favourite with him,' said Mrs Weston. And I cannot
a silly thing to do. see anything unsuitable in the match.'
That evening, Frank returned to Randalls from London. He had had his hair Emma would not listen. 'Mr Knightley does not want to marry. Why should
cut and laughed at himself for doing it. He was not ashamed and Emma began to he? He is happy by himself with his farm and his sheep and his library.'
think there was nothing wrong in it after all. 'But if he really loves Jane Fairfax ...'
There was other news in Highbury that was more important. Some 'No, no, you are quite wrong. Believe me, this is not a good match, or a
possible one,' Emma replied. They discussed the idea and decided it was a possibility. The room was much
They talked a little more and then, when Emma looked around, she saw that bigger and there was another room for dinner.
Frank was sitting with Jane. At that moment, Mr Cole asked Emma to play the piano My father and Mrs Weston are at the Crown at this moment, looking at the
and sing. She agreed but after two songs she invited Jane to play. Emma sat down rooms,' said Frank. 'They would like you to join them and give your opinion.'
and looked across at Mr Knightley. He was listening very carefully to Jane, and Mr Woodhouse stayed at home but Frank and Emma went immediately to the
Emma started to wonder about what Mrs Weston had said. Crown.
When Jane finished her songs somebody suggested dancing and the room was Emma and Mrs Weston thought the room was a little dirty
quickly prepared. Mrs Weston sat at the piano and immediately Frank took Emma's although Mr Weston and Frank did not agree. Someone
hand and led her to the centre of the room. suggested asking Miss Bates to come and look, and Frank went
While the other couples were getting ready Emma looked round for Mr across to her house. Miss Bates and Jane came and looked at the
Knightley. She knew he did not like dancing and if he danced with Jane Fairfax, it rooms and listened to the plan. Yes, they agreed, the Crown was
might possibly mean something. But she saw he was talking to Mrs Cole and the best place for the dance and they all spent the next half an
another man had asked Jane to dance. hour walking from room to room and talking about the ball.
Emma enjoyed dancing with Frank and was sorry that there were only two The only other thing to arrange was that Frank must write to
dances before someone said it was getting late and they all ought to go home. his aunt and uncle to tell them he was staying in Highbury for
Frank took Emma to her carriage. another few days.
'Perhaps it was a good thing we had to stop,' he said. 'Soon I would have had As people heard the news about the ball they were very excited. Jane Fairfax
to ask Miss Fairfax and she does not dance as well as you. Dancing with you was told Emma she was looking forward to it and Harriet talked about it a lot. Mr
wonderful,' he told her as they said goodnight. Knightley was the only one of Emma's friends who did not seem interested.
Unfortunately, a few days before the ball a letter came from Mrs Churchill.
Chapter 5 Mrs Elton Comes to Highbury She was very ill, it said, and Frank must return home immediately. Emma was very
upset when she heard the news. All their plans for the ball were ended and Frank
The evening at Mr and Mrs Cole's house had been a very happy one. Emma was going away.
looked back on it and smiled and so did Frank Churchill. He had enjoyed the He came to Hartfield to see Emma and her father before he left for home.
dancing so much that all the next day he was thinking of how to arrange more. 'Of all the most horrible things, saying goodbye is the worst.' he said to
When Mr Woodhouse and Emma called at Randalls the next evening, he told Emma. He looked very unhappy.
Emma his idea. 'You will come again,' she replied.
'The dancing we started at the Coles' could be finished here at Randalls,' he 'But I cannot say when. I shall certainly try, and then we shall have our ball.'
said,'with the same people and the same musician — what do you think?' 'And now there is no time to say goodbye to Miss Bates and Miss Fairfax
They thought it was a good idea. Mr and Mrs Weston were happy to use their before you go,' said Emma.
house and Mrs Weston said she would play the music as long as they wanted to 'I did call there on my way here. Just for three minutes,' he said. 'My father
dance. Together, they added up the number of couples and then looked at the size of will be here very soon and then I must leave immediately. Miss Woodhouse, it has
the two rooms at Randalls that could be used. been a wonderful fortnight. I shall think of you all and dear Highbury. Mrs Weston
'Five couples — is the room big enough?' has said she will write with all the news, but until I can be here again ...'
'Perhaps the other room ...' He stopped and looked at Emma and she thought, 'He must really be in love
'Should we also invite Miss Cox? And Miss Gilbert? And her cousins?' with me.'
Soon the five couples had become ten and Randalls was certainly not big He was just going to speak again when his father arrived with Mr Woodhouse
enough for that. If it was so crowded, nobody could dance, they decided. behind him and there was only time to shake her hand and say goodbye before he
Frank did not give up the idea though, and by the middle of the next day he left.
was at Hartfield to suggest another plan to Emma and her father. It was a sad change for Emma. They had met almost every day that Frank had
'What do you think of having our little ball at the Crown Inn?' he asked. been in Highbury and now Emma's life seemed very quiet. That night she wrote in
her diary, I suppose I am in love with him. I think about him a lot and everything is Randalls. What lovely people Mr and Mrs Weston are! He is quite a favourite of
so very boring without him. mine already! Mrs Weston was your teacher, I think?'
Mr Knightley was not sorry to see Frank go, but he was sorry that Emma was Emma did not have time to reply.
upset. 'I knew that and so I was a little surprised to find that she is such a lady. And
'You have so few opportunities for dancing, Emma. You are really very much who do you think arrived while we were there?' she asked.
out of luck,' he said to her. Emma could not think of anybody to suggest.
In time, Emma told herself she was only a little in love with Frank. She was 'Knightley! Knightley himself! Was it not lucky? A very good friend of Mr
happy to hear about him from Mrs Weston an see his letters but she was not really E's! And I like him already. Knightley is quite the gentleman.'
unhappy without him. Soon she thought of him as only a dear friend. In his first Happily, it was then time for Mr and Mrs Elton to leave. Emma could breathe
letter he had spoken about Harriet. again.
'Please say my goodbye to Miss Woodhouse's beautiful little friend.' What an awful woman,' she thought. 'A very rude woman. Knightley, she
Now that Emma was not in love with Frank herself, a little idea started to called him! A music club! And she was surprised that Mrs Weston was a lady! I do
grow in her mind. She told herself not to think about it because, after Mr Elton, she not like her at all.'
knew match-making was a dangerous thing. But once the idea had come into her Mr Woodhouse was kinder.
mind, she could not completely forget it. A very pretty young woman,' he said, 'but she speaks a little too quickly. It
Almost as soon as Frank Churchill left Highbury Mr Elton and his new wife hurts the ear.'
arrived and suddenly everyone was talking about them. Harriet was unhappy about Dear Papa,' said Emma. 'You are too kind.'
meeting them and talked about it a lot.
They first saw Mrs Elton at church but soon after Emma decided she and During the next few weeks, Emma did not see anything to change her opinion
Harriet must call on her at her home. of Mrs Elton. She was rude and thought herself very important, but Mr Elton seemed
Emma did not really like Mrs Elton. She seemed a little too comfortable, in a happy and proud of her. Emma wondered whether it was just because of the ten
new place with new people. She was not very elegant, Emma thought. She dressed thousand pounds. Mrs Elton seemed to know Emma did not like her so she stayed
well and was pretty, but she did not seem a lady. away from Hartfield. But she became very interested in Jane Fairfax and decided
When Mr Elton came into the room he looked very uncomfortable, but Emma Jane needed her help as an introduction into good society. Emma felt very sorry for
thought it was really bad luck for him. He had married Augusta, he had wanted to Jane, who was more elegant than Mrs Elton could ever be.
marry Emma, and Harriet had wanted him to marry her. And now they were all in One afternoon at Randalls, Emma, Mrs Weston and Mr Knightley were
the same room at the same time. discussing Jane.
The visit was short and, in time, Mr and Mrs Elton returned it by visiting 'Why does she stay here so long?' wondered Emma. 'She could go home to the
Hartfield. Campbells and I cannot understand why she prefers to be here month after month.'
There, Mrs Elton talked a lot about her brother and sister and their house. She 'If she stays, she will have to see Mrs Elton a lot of the time and I cannot
said it was a lot like Hartfield. believe she will like that,' said Mrs Weston. 'But perhaps she likes to be away from
'This room is just like their drawing room! Do you agree Mr E? And the her aunt and grandmother occasionally.'
gardens! When my brother comes to visit us, we must all come to see your gardens, Mr Knightley agreed. 'And if there is no other person to be
Miss Woodhouse.' with ...' he said, looking at Emma.
Emma liked her even less than before and Mr Elton had very little opportunity 'I know how much you like Jane Fairfax. Perhaps you like her
to speak at all. more than you realise,' Emma said to him.
'Is there a musical society in Highbury, Miss Woodhouse? Do you play?' she 'Oh - I see what you are thinking of. I am sure Miss Fairfax would not have
asked. me if I asked her, and I am also sure I will never ask her,' he replied.
Emma said she did. Mrs Weston touched Emma's foot with hers.
'We must start a little music club. It will be so amusing, don't you think?' Mr Knightley continued. 'So, you have decided that I should marry Jane
Before she could answer, Mrs Elton continued, 'We have just come from Fairfax, have you?'
'Not at all,' said Emma. 'You were angry with me before for match-making 'I only went to the Post Office,' she replied. 'I go every morning to fetch the
and I had no idea of trying it with you. You would not come and sit with us in this letters.'
comfortable way if you were married.' 'When you have lived to my age you will know that no letter is important
Emma thought Mr Knightley might be angry with her if he thought she and enough to get wet for!' he said.
Mrs Weston were match-making him with Jane, but she was surprised to see that he Mrs Elton had been listening to the conversation. 'What is this I hear? Going
seemed a little amused by the idea. to the Post Office in the rain! You must not do it again,' she said loudly, 'I will not
I like Jane Fairfax, of course. But I have never thought of being in love with let you. I shall speak to Mr E and he will ask the man who fetches our letters to
her. Not once,' he said. deliver yours too.'
After he had left, Emma said to Mrs Weston, 'Now, what do you think about Jane looked embarrassed. 'You are very kind, but I enjoy the walk,' she said,
Mr Knightley marrying Jane Fairfax?' but Mrs Elton would not listen.
My dear Emma, I think he tries too hard to tell us he is not in love with her. I 'My dear girl, say no more about it. It is already arranged,' she said.
would not be surprised if he was. I may be right in the end,' Mrs Weston replied. 'I really cannot agree to it. There is no need to make more work for your
servant,' replied Jane.
Emma heard all this and wondered who might be writing to Jane, but she said
Chapter 6 The Ball at the Crown Inn nothing.
Dinner was ready. Emma took Jane's arm and they walked into the dining
Everybody in Highbury wanted to entertain Mr and Mrs Elton. Dinner parties room together as if they were the best of friends.
and evening parties were arranged for them and they had so many invitations that Later, soon after the gentlemen had joined the ladies in the drawing room, Mr
they rarely spent an evening at home. Weston arrived. He had only just come home from London and then walked to
Emma knew they must have a dinner at Hartfield for them or , people might Hartfield.
guess that she did not like Mrs Elton. It was easy to decide who to invite — the After he had spoken to all the guests he gave his wife a letter which had been
Westons and Mr Knightley, of course, but there must be an eighth person. This waiting at Randalls when he arrived there.
ought to be Harriet, but Emma was not surprised when she said she could not come 'It's from Frank,' he said, mostly to Mrs Weston, although everyone in the
and she understood exactly why. Poor Harriet did not yet feel comfortable with the room was listening, 'and he's coming here next month! The Churchills are going to
Eltons. stay in Richmond for a few months — only nine miles from here! So he can be with
So Emma was able to ask Jane Fairfax to be the eighth person at the dinner. us very often. He says we must start planning the ball again!'
She was glad she could do this because Mr Knightley's words had worried her. He Mrs Weston was very pleased and Emma was a little surprised to feel so
had said that Jane spent time with Mrs Elton only because no other person asked her. excited by the news. Her guests said they were looking forward to seeing Frank
'This is very true,' thought Emma. 'And I am certainly guilty of it. I ought to again. Mrs Elton had never met him but she still had something to say.
have been a better friend and I will try harder now.' 'How delightful for him to come back to Highbury now there is a new
Everyone replied to her invitations and said they could come, and there was neighbour to meet,' she said.
one other surprise guest. Isabella's two eldest boys were coming to stay at Hartfield
and Mr John Knightley was bringing them on the day of the dinner party. So Emma Emma thought about Frank after the party and hoped that he might perhaps
had one extra guest until she lost another. Mr Weston had to go to London on come back to Highbury less in love with her than before. She knew she must look
business and could not be there for the dinner but he hoped to join them later in the carefully to see if this was true, then she could decide how to behave. She did not
evening. have to wait long.
On the day of the party everyone arrived on time. Mr John Knightley and his As soon as the Churchills arrived in Richmond, Frank rode to Highbury for
sons had met Miss Fairfax that morning as they were walking home from Highbury, the day. He was certainly very pleased to see Emma, but she was sure he loved her
when it had just started raining. less. He was as happy to talk and laugh as always, but after only fifteen minutes at
'I hope you did not get too wet this morning,' he asked Miss Fairfax as they Hartfield he hurried away to see other friends in Highbury.
stood together in the drawing room. This was his only visit for ten days, although he wrote to Mrs Weston and said
they must now decide on a date for the ball and he would certainly be there; Harriet to the dance. Emma felt very grateful to Mr Knightley and when she looked
for Mr Elton she saw him going into the card room and hoped he felt foolish.
The day of the ball came. Emma and Harriet travelled together to the Crown Emma did not have an opportunity to talk to Mr Knightley until after dinner.
Inn and arrived just after the group from Randalls. Frank was obviously happy to be 'They wanted to hurt both you and Harriet,' he said.'Why are they your
with Emma again but he spent a lot of time walking to the door and back and enemies?'
listening for the sound of other carriages. 'They cannot forgive me because I wanted Mr Elton to marry Harriet,' she
Soon some friends of Mr Weston's arrived, then Mr and Mrs Elton. Somebody replied. 'You were right about Mr Elton. I made a serious mistake,' she said.
said it was raining and Frank immediately went to look for umbrellas. 'I think he has made a bigger one,' he replied. 'Harriet has some excellent
'We must not forget Miss Bates,' he said. 'I will see that she does not get wet,' qualities and she is very pleasant and easy to talk to. Unlike Mrs Elton!'
and he went to the door and waited there. He soon came back with Miss Bates and At that moment Mrs Weston called them in to start the dancing again. 'Come,
Jane Fairfax. Emma, they are all lazy! You must start!'
'So very kind,' said Miss Bates. 'Not enough rain to worry about, but we must 'Who is your partner?'-Mr Knightley asked Emma.
think of Jane, of course ... well!' she stopped as she saw into the ballroom. 'Well! 'You, if you will ask me,' she replied. 'We are not exactly brother and sister
This is certainly brilliant! after all!'
An excellent room now that we have these wonderful lights!' 'Brother and sister — certainly not,' he said, and they walked into the ballroom
When everyone had arrived, Mr Weston and Mrs Elton led them forward for together.
the first dance. Emma was delighted to see so many people dancing and knew she
was going to enjoy the evening, but she was sad to see that Mr Knightley did not Chapter 7 The Trip to Box Hill
dance. He stood with some of the older men and looked quite serious except when
Emma caught his eye and then he smiled at her. She thought it was a pity he did not Dancing with Mr Knightley was one of Emma's favourite memories of the
like either dancing or Frank Churchill a little better. ball. She was also glad they both thought the same of Mr and Mrs Elton and their
The last two dances before dinner had almost started and Harriet had no insult to Harriet. It seemed as if Harriet's eyes had suddenly opened at the ball and
partner. She was the only young lady sitting down. Until then, the numbers had been she now saw Mr Elton differently. Emma walked in the garden the morning after the
equal and Emma could not understand what had happened, but then she saw Mr ball and decided it would be a happy summer - Harriet out of love, Frank not too
Elton walking about. He would not ask Harriet if he did not have to and Emma much in love and Mr Knightley not arguing with her!
thought he might suddenly escape into the card room. But she was wrong. Frank was not going to call at Hartfield that morning because he had to go
Mr Elton stood in front of the place where Harriet was sitting and talked to straight back to Richmond. So, as Emma was just going back into the house, she was
other people, but he did not even look at her. Emma was quite near and when Mrs very surprised to see him coming through the gates, with Harriet. Harriet looked
Weston came and spoke to him she heard every word. white and frightened and he was obviously trying to calm her. Soon they were all in
'You are not dancing, Mr Elton?' she asked. the house and Harriet immediately fainted.
'I certainly will, if you will dance with me.' Emma fetched some water and slowly Harriet became a little better and was
'Me! Oh no, I was thinking of a better partner for you.' able to tell her story.
'Ah! Mrs Gilbert! Well, I am an old married man now and my dancing days She had been out with a friend and they were walking along the Richmond
are almost over, but I will be happy to dance with her,' he said. Road, when they suddenly met a group of gipsies. A child asked the girls for money
'Mrs Gilbert does not dance, but there is a certain young lady - Miss Smith is and they were both very frightened. Harriet's friend ran away, but before Harriet
not dancing,' Mrs Weston explained. could follow her, more gipsy children arrived and were all round her. She thought if
'Miss Smith,' he said,'I did not see her. If only I were not an old married man! she gave them some money they would go away but the opposite happened and
But I must be excused, Mrs Weston. I am afraid my dancing days are over.' suddenly she was surrounded by a lot of gipsies.
Mrs Weston said no more and Emma felt angry and upset for Harriet. She saw At that moment, Frank came along the road on his way back to Richmond. He
Mr Elton walk away and watched him and his wife smile at each other. saw what was happening, saved her and brought her to Hartfield. When he was sure
The next time Emma looked she saw a happier sight as Mr Knightley led Harriet felt better, he continued on his journey home.
In half an hour, the news was all over Highbury and everyone heard what had do it himself.
happened. Mr Knightley went with some other men to find the gipsies but they had 'Very well. I shall bring Jane and her aunt and you can ask the other guests.
already gone. The story soon became unimportant, but Emma remembered how We will walk around your gardens, pick strawberries and sit under trees, just like a
worried gipsy party! It will be very pleasant.'
Frank had been about Harriet and how she had held onto his arm. She began to have As Emma walked in Mr Knightley's gardens on the day of the party she saw
stronger hopes for them both. him and Harriet standing together away from the others. She was a little surprised,
About a fortnight later, Emma and Harriet were talking together and Emma but pleased to find them in conversation. She joined them and they walked together
said something about people getting married.To her surprise, Harriet replied,'I shall for a time.
never marry.' Mr Weston had invited Frank but by lunch time he still had not arrived and
'I hope this is nothing to do with Mr Elton,' replied Emma and Harriet denied Mrs Weston began to be worried about him. They all had lunch in the house and
it at once. then afterwards went into the garden again. Still there was no sign of Frank. Emma
'No, of course not. It is someone much better.' stayed in the drawing room with Mr Woodhouse for a time because it was too hot
Emma understood at once. Harriet meant Frank Churchill and she was for him to be outdoors. She was just walking through the hall when Jane Fairfax
unhappy because she knew he came from a very good family and could not think of suddenly came in through the door. She looked as if she wanted to escape from
marrying her. something and she was surprised to see Emma.
'I am not surprised about this Harriet.The way he saved you was enough to 'Will you be so kind,' she said,'when they ask about me, to say I have gone
warm your heart, but you are right.You must not hope for too much.' home? My aunt does not realise how long we have been here and I think I should go
'He was wonderful, Miss Woodhouse! When I remember how I felt at the time back to see my grandmother now.'
— and then I saw him coming towards me. Suddenly I was happy again,' said It was a long walk to Highbury and Emma wanted to order her carriage, but
Harriet. Jane did not want this. 'I would like to walk,' she said as she left.
'But strange things have happened before, Harriet. You must see how he Not long after, Frank arrived. His aunt had been ill again, he said. He was
behaves with you to know how much he really likes you. We made a mistake before quite annoyed because he had not been at the party and Jane had already gone home.
because we hoped for too much. This time we will be more careful and not even The Eltons' horse was better and they had already decided to make their trip to
speak his name,' said Emma. Box Hill the next day.
Mr Knightley had never liked Frank Churchill and as time went on he disliked 'You must come with us,' Emma said to Frank, who was still a little angry. At
him more. He began to think that, while Emma seemed to be his special favourite, he first he said he did not want to ride from Richmond again the next day, but then
also had a liking for Jane Fairfax. Nothing was said to make him think this, but once changed his mind and said to her,'If you wish me to join the party, I will.'
or twice he had seen a certain look pass between them. Emma was his dear friend
and he knew he must say something to her about it. She did not believe it at all and It was a wonderful sunny day for the trip to Box Hill and it should have been a
was amused by the idea so he said no more, but it worried him. happy party, but it was not. They separated too much into groups — the Eltons
In June, a trip was arranged by Mrs Elton to Box Hill, a beautiful place in the walked together, Mr Knightley went with Miss Bates and Jane, and Frank looked
countryside. It was going to be a simple party with only one or two servants and a after Emma and Harriet. Mr Weston tried all day to make them come together but he
picnic. A few days before the trip, one of the Eltons' carriage horses hurt his leg and could not.
they could not go. Emma was bored. She had never seen Frank Churchill so silent and stupid. He
'Most annoying, Knightley,' Mrs Elton said. 'What can we do? The weather is said very little and did not seem to listen to anything she said, and Harriet was quiet
perfect, too.' because he was quiet.
'Come and eat my strawberries.They are ready now and you do not need When they all sat down together for their picnic lunch it was better. Frank
horses to travel that distance.' He meant it as a joke but Mrs Elton thought it was a became much happier and more amusing, and Emma thought he was trying very
delightful idea. hard to win her heart. They talked and laughed together, although the rest of the
'Excellent!' she said.'I will arrange food and guests. Just name the day.' group did not join in.
Mr Knightley certainly did not want her to arrange anything and said he could 'We are the only people speaking,' she whispered to him. 'It is silly for us to
entertain seven silent people.' Jane go out of the opposite door.
'What can we do to make them talk?' whispered Frank.Then he had an idea. 'We are very happy to see you, Miss Woodhouse,' Miss Bates said, although
'Ladies and gentlemen, I am ordered by Miss Woodhouse to say that you must Emma thought her voice was not quite as friendly as usual. She asked about Jane.
each say something to entertain her. You can say one very clever thing, two quite 'Poor Jane has an awful headache,' she told her. She has been writing letters
clever things or three very boring things, and she promises to laugh at them all!' all morning — to the Campbells and to her other friends. We shall be so sad when
'Oh, well,' said Miss Bates,'then I need not worry. I shall be sure to say three she goes, but it is a very good opportunity for her, you know.'
very boring things as soon as I open my mouth!' Emma was surprised.'Where is Miss Fairfax going?' she asked.
Emma could not stop herself. 'But there may be a difficulty — you can only 'To a Mrs Smallridge — three delightful little girls to look after. An old friend
say three things, no more.' of Mr Elton's. Jane will be just like Mrs Weston was to you and your sister. She
Miss Bates did not immediately understand, but when she did, she looked finally decided to go yesterday evening when we were at Mrs Elton's house. A
very hurt and embarrassed.The others were all silent. lovely evening, with good friends.'
'Ah, yes, I see what she means. I will try not to say more than three,' she said 'And when is she going?'
quietly. 'Very soon, within a fortnight. My dear mother does not like to think about it,'
Mr and Mrs Elton stood up and said they did not like games like that and they said Miss Bates sadly.
were going for a walk, and soon Mr Knightley, Jane and her aunt followed them. Emma stayed a little longer and then walked home.
Frank became louder and more annoying until he began to give Emma a headache. When she arrived Mr Knightley was at Hartfield and he seemed more serious
When the servants came to say the carriages were ready she was quite pleased. than usual.
As Emma was waiting for her carriage, Mr Knightley joined her. He looked 'I wanted to see you before I went away, Emma. I am going to London to
around to see if they were alone, then said, 'Emma, I must speak to you. How could spend a few days with John and Isabella. I have been thinking about it for some
you be so cruel to Miss Bates?' time.'
Emma remembered and was sorry but tried to laugh about it. Emma thought he looked as if he had not forgiven her. He stood, ready to go
'It was not so bad and she probably did not understand me,' she said. but not going, and Mr Woodhouse chose that moment to ask her how Mrs and Miss
'She certainly did. You were very rude to her and you have hurt her.' Bates were.
'Miss Bates is a very good woman, but you know that she is also rather silly.' Mr Knightley suddenly appeared to be pleased with her. He took her hand and
'She is not your equal, Emma. She is not rich and clever like you and I was she at first thought he might kiss it, but he let it go again. Then he left immediately.
ashamed of you for speaking to her like that. And it was worse because you said it in Emma felt happier now that they were friends again. Her father said he had
front of other people. Badly done, Emma.Very badly done.' been there for half an hour and she thought, 'What a pity I did not come home
Mr Knightley walked away to his horse and Emma climbed into her carriage. sooner!'
She felt angry with herself and ashamed. She thought she must say something to Mr The next day brought news from Richmond. Mrs Churchill, Frank's aunt, had
Knightley and looked back, but he had already gone. suddenly died. Mr and Mrs Weston were shocked and Emma wondered how Frank's
The journey home to Hartfield did not make her feel better. Harriet was tired life might change now. Perhaps he would be able to marry Harriet if he wanted to.
and silent and as Emma remembered what she had said to Miss Bates, tears ran Emma still hoped for this, but it was too soon to make any plans.
down her face. Emma's first wish at this time was not for Harriet but for Jane. She wanted to
be a friend to her now, before it was too late and she went away to Mrs Smallridge.
Chapter 8 A Secret Engagement She wrote to her and invited her to come to Hartfield for the day. Jane thanked
her for her invitation but refused. Emma heard that she was not feeling well and
Emma thought about the trip to Box Hill all evening. Maybe the rest of the thought an hour or two in the. countryside might help, so she offered to call in her
party had enjoyed it, but she could only think of Miss Bates and how angry Mr carriage one day. Jane replied that she was not well enough to go out, but when
Knightley had been with her. She knew she had been wrong and she was certain she Harriet said she had seen Jane out walking only that morning, Emma had no doubt.
would never do it again. She decided to call on Miss Bates the next morning. Jane did not want any kindness from her, and she was very, very sorry.
Emma went early, and as she walked into the room she just had time to see
One morning, about ten days after Mrs Churchill had died, Mr Weston called Churchill.'
at Hartfield and asked Emma to go back to Randalls with him. 'Mrs Weston must see Emma sat down and tried to keep calm.
you alone,' he said. 'Let us be very clear, Harriet. I remember you saying how you felt when he
Emma could not guess what might be so urgent and when they arrived Mr saved you from the gipsies — I am certain I did not imagine it.'
Weston left them alone together. At first Harriet looked confused, then she said, 'I remember the conversation,
'Frank has been here this morning,' said Mrs Weston. 'He came to talk to his but I was thinking of something very different at the time. The night of the ball when
father about something, a young lady he is in love with Mr Elton would not dance with me and there was no other partner in the room ...'
Emma thought first about herself, then Harriet. 'Good God!' cried Emma.'You are speaking of Mr Knightley! This is an awful
'. . . Frank and Jane Fairfax have been secretly engaged since they met in mistake.'
Weymouth last October,' she said. Harriet did not think so.
Emma was very surprised. 'He is kind and sweet to me. And you said yourself, strange things have
'Jane Fairfax! So they were engaged before either of them came to Highbury!' happened before.'
'And nobody knew about it.We are very upset by the way he has behaved, Suddenly Emma realised why it was so much worse now that Harriet was in
specially to you, Emma. We cannot excuse him for that.' love with Mr Knightley and not Frank Churchill. It cut through her like a knife. She
'You need not worry about me.When we first met I did think he was very would be unhappy if Mr Knightley married anyone except herself!
attractive,' said Emma, 'And I thought I was in love with him. But for at least the last The rest of the day and the next night she did not stop thinking about it. How
three months I have not felt at all like that.' long had she loved Mr Knightley? How could she be happy now without him?
Mrs Weston was much happier then and called her husband into the room. He was coming back to Highbury very soon and until then, Emma decided,
'It was our wish that you should love each other and we thought you did. she and Harriet had better not meet.
Since this morning we have felt very upset for you,' she said. Mrs Weston visited Jane Fairfax and she told Emma about it afterwards.
'But he was very wrong. He might have made me love him, and what about 'She only decided to go to Mrs Smallridge because she believed Frank was in
Jane? She is going to Mrs Smallridge now 'He did not know about that, Emma. It love with you and they could never marry. Now that she has spoken to him again
was only when he found out that he decided to tell his uncle and then come here,' and the secret is out, she will not go. She said you were very kind to her recently
said Mr Weston. 'And Mr Churchill was happy with the match. While Mrs Churchill when she was ill,' said Mrs Weston.
was alive there was no hope of them marrying, but now they can.' 'I am glad she is happy now, and very sorry if I sometimes hurt her in the
'She will be a good wife for him,' said Emma. 'I congratulate you and them.' past,' Emma replied.
Emma now had to do a difficult thing — tell Harriet before she heard about it That evening there was a storm and it continued all night. Emma sat quietly
in Highbury. with her father and it reminded her of the evening of Mrs Weston's wedding day.
Harriet had just come home when Emma arrived. Then Mr Knightley had walked in soon after tea and made them feel happier, but
Miss Woodhouse — isn't the news very strange?' everything was different now. Mrs Weston had told Emma she was going to have a
'What do you mean? What news?' baby, so they were probably going to see less of her. Jane and Frank were getting
'About Jane Fairfax and Frank Churchill. They have been secretly engaged married and might not live in Highbury, and if Mr Knightley and Harriet married she
and are now going to be married. I just saw Mr Weston and he said you already would also lose her two dearest friends to each other. There might not be other
knew.' evenings when Mr Knightley just walked into Hartfield for the evening.
Harriet certainly did not look upset, and Emma did not understand it. Emma felt very sad and could not sleep that night. The bad weather continued
'Did you ever suspect that he loved her?' asked Harriet. next morning but in the afternoon it stopped raining, the sun came out and it was
'Of course not. I let you hope for him.' summer again.
'Me? I have never hoped for Frank Churchill!'
'Harriet, what do you mean?' Chapter 9 Three Weddings
'I know we agreed not to speak his name, but I do not understand how you
could have made this mistake. I spoke of someone much better than Frank That afternoon, Emma was walking in the garden when she saw Mr Knightley
come through the gate. She did not know he had returned to Highbury and she was 'I could not leave him,' said Emma.
thinking of him and Harriet at exactly that moment. She was beginning to believe he 'We could all live in my house,' he suggested.
might really love Harriet and they may perhaps marry one day. 'He would be very unhappy if he had to leave Hartfield,' said Emma.
They talked about Isabella and John but Mr Knightley was quieter than usual. 'Then there is only one answer,' said Mr Knightley. 'We must all live in
Emma wondered whether he wanted to talk to her about Harriet but found it difficult Hartfield.'
to know how to start. She tried to make conversation. It was a good idea and Emma said she would think about it before speaking to
'We have some surprising news — a wedding.' her father. The more she thought about it, the more delightful the idea became. The
'Miss Fairfax and Frank Churchill. I have already heard about it,' he replied. only thing that made her sad was Harriet. If she was still in love with Mr Knightley,
Emma immediately thought he had been to see Harriet before he came to she could not be a part of the happy picture in Emma's mind.
Hartfield and she had told him. 'How is it possible that you know?' she asked. Poor Harriet. Emma knew there was going to be a day when she could forget
'Mr Weston wrote to me on business and he told me the news in his letter,' he Mr Knightley, but it was not likely to be soon. It was too much to hope that even
explained. Harriet could be in love with more than three men in one year.
'You are probably not as surprised as we were.You suspected it before and Harriet was invited to London as planned and, before Harriet left, Emma
tried to warn me.' Emma sighed. 'But I would not listen to you. I seem to have been wrote to her and explained that she and Mr Knightley wanted to marry.
blind about a lot of things.' Mr Woodhouse's carriage took Harriet to Isabella's house and, after she had
Nothing was said for a few minutes, then Mr Knightley took her hand and gone, Emma felt more comfortable. Now she could enjoy Mr Knightley's visits
pressed it to his heart. without feeling guilty. She was sure that Harriet could find interesting things to do
'Dear Emma, time will help you forget him,' he said, 'and he will soon be and there may be people to meet in London to help her forget all that had happened.
gone.' Emma told her father she and Mr Knightley were going to get married and
'You are very kind, but you have misunderstood. I am sorry for things I did they were all going to live in Hartfield. Mr Woodhouse did not like changes in his
and tried to do, but I never loved Frank Churchill and he did not love me. He was life and at first he was a little shocked.
only trying to hide his love for Jane and I just enjoyed being with him. It was not 'We will always be here to look after you, Papa. Nothing will change for you,
love,' said Emma. and you know how much you enjoy talking to Mr Knightley' she said. Emma talked
There was suddenly a great difference in Mr Knightley. He held her hand to him about it a little longer and he soon saw that they could all be happy together
tightly. 'Emma, might there be a chance for me?' and it was really quite a good plan. 'Perhaps in a year or two ...' he said.
Emma was so surprised she could not speak. The news spread quickly and generally people in Highbury thought it was a
'If your answer is "No" please tell me now, Emma. I cannot tell you very good match, except for Mr and Mrs Elton. She had never liked Emma and
everything I feel for you. If I loved you less I might be able to talk about it more,' he thought it was terrible that they would all live together at Hartfield.
continued. 'But you know what I am, everything I say to you is true. And I tell you 'It will not work. It is a shocking idea,' she said to her husband.
now, my dear, that I have always loved you.' He just said, 'She probably always meant to catch Knightley if she could.'
Emma had never been happier. She told him then that she loved him too. As
they kissed she thought, just for a moment, of Harriet and was glad she had not said About two weeks later, Mr Knightley called at Hartfield one morning as usual
anything to Mr Knightley about her. and told Emma, 'I have something to tell you -some news.'
They went into the house and had tea with Mr Woodhouse but, for the present, 'Good or bad?' she asked.
said nothing to him about their love. After Mr Knightley had gone, Emma wrote to I think it is good, but I am afraid you will not agree with me. It is about
Isabella and suggested she invited Harriet to London. She thought it would be a Harriet Smith.'
good idea if Harriet went away from Highbury for a short time so they did not see Emma could not think what had happened to her.
each other for a few weeks. ‘She is going to marry Robert Martin,' he said.
Later that day, Mr Knightley returned to Hartfield. He wanted to ask Emma to 'Good God, that is impossible so soon . . . how do you know this?'
marry him but he was worried that Mr Woodhouse would be very upset if Emma left 'Robert Martin told me himself, half an hour ago. You do not like the idea, I
Hartfield and went to live in Mr Knightley's house. can see. But in time you will grow to like him as much as I do,' he said.
'I am not unhappy at all, just very surprised.Tell me the whole story. How did Highbury church by Mr Elton — the last of the three couples to get engaged and the
it happen?' asked Emma. first to be married.
Mr Knightley told her he had sent Robert to London with a message for John, Jane Fairfax and Frank Churchill had planned their wedding for November
and at his house he met Harriet again. and Emma and Mr Knightley thought October was a good time for theirs. Isabella
'The family were going out together that evening and they asked Robert to and John were going to be staying at Hartfield at that time and they could look after
join them. During the evening he told Harriet he still loved her and she agreed to Mr Woodhouse while the couple went away to the sea for a fortnight.
marry him,' he said. The only problem was making Emma's father agree with them that October
'I hope they will be very happy together,' said Emma, with a smile. was a good time for the wedding. Mr Woodhouse thought it was too soon and
'Have you changed your mind about him?' suggested they wait a little longer but something happened to change his mind.
'I think I have. I hope so, because I was a fool before.' Mrs Weston's chickens were all stolen from the chicken house one night and
'I have also changed my mind about her,' said Mr Knightley.'I used to think the same thing happened to other people in Highbury. Mr Woodhouse was very
she was a silly girl, but the more I talked to her the more I saw that she is kind and worried about this. He said he would be nervous in his house after John and Isabella
sensible. I sometimes thought you must wonder why I had suddenly started to spend had gone back to London if there was no other man at Hartfield to look after him.
time talking to Harriet,' he continued, 'but I wanted to get to know her and John had to return to London by the end of the first week in November so it was
understand why you liked her so much. They will make a good match.' finally agreed that the wedding must be arranged for October.
Emma agreed and was very glad that her friend was now as happy as she was. Emma and Mr Knightley's wedding was a simple one. Mrs Elton had not been
That afternoon, Emma and her father drove to Randalls. Mrs Weston was invited and so her husband described it to her. She thought it sounded very plain and
alone in the drawing room when they arrived but they had only just sat down when was nothing compared to her own wedding.
they saw a group of people in the garden. But the small group of true friends who were invited were delighted by it, and
'Frank arrived here this morning and he has just come back in the carriage Emma and Mr Knightley were perfectly and completely happy.
with Miss Fairfax, her aunt and her grandmother. They are coming in now,' Mrs
Weston said.
The little group came into the drawing room with Mr Weston, and Emma
was very pleased to see Frank and Jane again. While the rest of the party talked
together, Frank said to Emma, 'I am surprised you did not suspect us. Once, I nearly
told you but I changed my mind. I hope you can forgive me for the way I behaved to
you. I know I was wrong and I only did it because I could see you had no thoughts
of marriage.'
'There is nothing to forgive,' she said.'I also behaved badly.' 'I am delighted to
see you again,' he said,'and also to hear that you and Mr Knightley are engaged. You
will be very happy, I am sure of it.'

The next day, Harriet arrived back in Highbury and called on Emma
immediately. She told her she felt a little foolish now when she thought of Mr
Knightley, and Emma was pleased to see that she loved Mr Martin very much.
Very soon, Robert Martin was invited to Hartfield and Emma saw that Mr
Knightley had been right about him. He was polite and kind and she had no doubt
that Harriet was always going to be happy in his home surrounded by people who
loved her.

Before the end of September, Harriet and Robert Martin were married in

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