Culture of Animal Cells: Fig. 1.2. Tissue Culture Applications

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encouraged toxicity and virological studies in insects, and neoplasia. The standardization of conditions and cell lines for
developments in gene technology have suggested that insect the production and assay of viruses undoubtedly provided
cell lines with baculovirus and other vectors may be useful much impetus to the development of modern tissue culture
producer cell lines because of the possibility of inserting technology, particularly the production of large numbers
larger genomic sequences in the viral DNA and a reduced of cells suitable for biochemical analysis. This and other
risk of propagating human pathogenic viruses. Furthermore, technical improvements made possible by the commercial
the economic importance of fish farming and the role of supply of reliable media and sera and by the greater control of
freshwater and marine pollution have stimulated more studies contamination with antibiotics and clean-air equipment have
of normal development and pathogenesis in fish. Procedures made tissue culture accessible to a wide range of interests.
for handling nonmammalian cells have tended to follow those An additional force of increasing weight from public
developed for mammalian cell culture, although a limited opinion has been the expression of concern by many animal-
number of specialized media are now commercially available rights groups over the unnecessary use of experimental
for fish and insect cells (see Sections 27.7.1, 27.7.2). animals. Although most accept the idea that some
The types of investigation that lend themselves requirement for animals will continue for preclinical trials
particularly to tissue culture are summarized in Fig. 1.2: of new pharmaceuticals, there is widespread concern that
(1) intracellular activity, e.g., the replication and transcription extensive use of animals for cosmetics development and
of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), protein synthesis, energy similar activities may not be morally justifiable. Hence,
metabolism, and drug metabolism; (2) intracellular flux, e.g., there is an ever-increasing lobby for more in vitro assays,
RNA, the translocation of hormone receptor complexes the adoption of which, however, still requires their proper
and resultant signal transduction processes, and membrane validation and general acceptance. Although this seemed a
trafficking; (3) environmental interaction, e.g., nutrition, distant prospect some years ago, the introduction of more
infection, cytotoxicity, carcinogenesis, drug action, and sensitive and more readily performed in vitro assays, together
ligand–receptor interactions; (4) cell–cell interaction, e.g., with a very real prospect of assaying for inflammation in vitro,
morphogenesis, paracrine control, cell proliferation kinetics, has promoted an unprecedented expansion in in vitro testing
metabolic cooperation, cell adhesion and motility, matrix (see Section 22.4).
interaction, and organotypic models for medical prostheses In addition to cancer research and virology, other areas
and invasion; (5) genetics, including genome analysis in of research have come to depend heavily on tissue culture
normal and pathological conditions, genetic manipulation, techniques. The introduction of cell fusion techniques (see
transformation, and immortalization; and (6) cell products Section 27.9) and genetic manipulation [Maniatis et al., 1978;
and secretion, biotechnology, bioreactor design, product Sambrook et al., 1989; Ausubel et al., 1996] established
harvesting, and downstream processing. somatic cell genetics as a major component in the genetic
The development of cell culture owed much to the analysis of higher animals, including humans. A wide range
needs of two major branches of medical research: the of techniques for genetic recombination now includes DNA
production of antiviral vaccines and the understanding of transfer [Ravid & Freshney, 1998], monochromsomal transfer

Proteomics, secretion,
biotechnology, biorector design,
product harvesting, down-
stream processing
DNA transcription, protein synthesis, hybridomas, cytokines and signaling,
energy metabolism, drug metabolism, inflammation
cell cycle, differentiation, apoptosis
GENOMICS: Genetic analysis,
INTRACELLULAR transfection, infection,
FLUX: RNA processing, transformation, immortalization,
hormone receptors, senescence
metabolite flux, calcium
mobilization, signal
transduction, membrane
constructs, matrices and
scaffolds, stem cell sources,
propagation, differentiation
action, ligand receptor
interactions, drug metabolism, TOXICOLOGY: Infection,
drug resistance CELL-CELL INTERACTION: cytotoxicity, mutagenesis,
Morphogenesis, paracrine control, cell carcinogenesis, irritation,
proliferation kinetics, metabolic inflammation
cooperation, cell adhesion and motility,
matrix interaction, invasion

Fig. 1.2. Tissue Culture Applications.

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