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Plant Based Diet

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The Game of the documentary and former MMA fighter, James

Changing Diet Wilks, has a vegan diet. A common name that might
be the most familiar is actor, former body builder,
and politician Arnold Schwarzenegger, who lives his
By: Marisa Garlin life with a plant-based diet. They get all the protein
they need and win athletic competitions on a
Diets are all anybody can talk about. Whether it’s a
completely plant-based diet.
new diet fad being shown to you as an ad on
The second reason the plant-based diet is the
Instagram or a diet that you found yourself while
best diet to be on is because of its environmental
trying to lose weight. With all the mixed reviews on
impact. Today, in 2020, the world is in a climate
what diet is best I’m here to tell you what that is: a
change crisis. According to the World Wild Life
plant-based diet. Personally, I have been on the hunt
Fund we have until 2050 to eliminate the release of
for what diet will help me lose weight and feel my
greenhouse gasses before it will dramatically hurt the
best. I tried the keto diet, I tried cutting out red meat,
earth. The meat industry plays a big role in the effects
I also tried intermittent fasting, and none of them
of climate change. According to PETA, animal
seemed to show long-term results. That was when I
agriculture is responsible for more greenhouse gas
discovered the plant-based diet.
emissions than the world’s transportation systems
A plant-based diet is a diet where the focus
combined. By going on a plant-based diet you are
is on fruits, vegetables, and grains as the main source
contributing to reducing the amount of greenhouse
of food. The goal is to consume little to no dairy
gasses emitted.
products and no meat. In simpler terms, it is a
I always thought that if I stopped eating
vegetarian or vegan diet with a fancier name. The
meat it wouldn’t impact anything. They would still
two main things that make this the best diet for you is
just continue breeding and killing animals. That was
that it not only positively affects your overall health
where I was wrong. PETA claims that it takes more
but it also helps save the environment.
than 2,400 gallons of water to produce one pound of
I found the plant-based diet from a
beef. That is enough water to fill the average size of
documentary on Netflix called The Game Changers. I
an above ground swimming pool. Joining together, if
promise that in one hour and twenty-five minutes
we all pledge to skip that burger or steak we can save
your mind will be changed. This documentary
hundreds of thousands of gallons of water every year.
doesn’t show sad clips of chickens and cows getting
To live a long life your health needs to be
killed but instead shows the science behind how a
the best it can be and the planet needs to be saved. By
plant-based diet is the healthiest diet to go on.
going on a plant-based diet you are doing both at the
According the documentary people who get their
same time. I have personally been on this diet for a
protein from plants reduce their risk of heart disease
month now and the results are amazing. I have more
by 55 percent. It also is the only diet proven to
energy, I’ve lost ten pounds, I feel better, and I have
reverse heart disease. Consuming meat puts someone
a good state of mind knowing I’m doing something to
at a higher risk for developing all types of cancer.
help save the planet. Take the pledge yourself and try
The big question is always “Weren’t humans
it out for a month. There is no need to cut off all meat
made to eat meat? Where do you get your protein?”
and dairy products immediately, start slow. Habits
The answers to those questions are simple. The first
take a long time to form and I promise once you’ve
answer is no, humans weren’t made to eat meat.
been doing this for at least a week you will feel better
Recent studies show cavemen would eat mainly
than you’ve ever felt.
vegetables. Humans have flat molars in the back of
our mouths to help grind plant materials. The second
answer is from plants! The animals we eat get their
protein from the plants they eat. Cows and chickens
are just the middle men in helping us get our protein.
One cup of cooked lentils or a peanut butter sandwich
has as much protein as three ounces of beef or three
large eggs. Every plant contains all the essential
amino acids that a human needs to survive.
Don’t just take it from me, take it from the
countless number of professional athletes on a plant-
based diet. Patrik Baboumian, a professional body
builder who won the world record for being the
strongest man in the world has a vegan diet. Narrator

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