Naughty and Nice List 2020 PDF

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The document outlines the Naughty and Nice list for 2020 published by the North Pole Government, including details on how individuals can dispute or rehabilitate their status.

It contains an alphabetical list of individuals and whether they are naughty or nice, as well as sections on disputes, rehabilitation, and the evaluation process.

Individuals who believe they were incorrectly placed on the naughty list can dispute the result by performing good deeds that will be detected and sending a request for review before Christmas Day.

North Pole Government



Naughty and Nice List

This is the Secretary’s This list relates to the people of the world’s
performance for 2020 against the measures outlined
Naughty and Nice list in the Christmas Behaviour Statements.
to the Minister for
Christmas Affairs for In addition to providing an alphabetised list of all
naughty and nice people for the year 2020, this
the year 2020. document contains details of how to rectify a
naughty reputation.

2 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

About this list 04

Official list (in alphabetical order) 05

Disputes 459

Rehabilitation 460

3 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

About this list

This list relates to the people of the world’s performance for 2020 against the
measures outlined in the Christmas Behaviour Statements.

In addition to providing an alphabetised list of all naughty and nice people for the
2020 financial year, this document contains details of how to rectify a naughty

4 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Official List
In alphabetical order

A’Kylah Nice Aaniyah Nice

A’Lee Nice Aanna Nice

A’Nora Naughty Aanya Nice

A’Shauntee Nice Aaralee Naughty

Aadarsh Nice Aaralyn Naughty

Aaden Nice Aaran Naughty

Aadya Nice Aarav Nice

Aadyn Nice Aaren Nice

Aakash Naughty Aarianna Naughty

Aalani Naughty Aariell Nice

Aalannah Naughty Aarielle Nice

Aalden Naughty Aarika Nice

Aaleah Nice Aarilyn Nice

Aaleahya Naughty Aarilynn Nice

Aaleya Naughty Aarin Naughty

Aaleyah Nice Aarit Nice

Aalia Nice Aarna Naughty

Aalianah Naughty Aaron Nice

Aalijah Nice Aaronc Naughty

Aalis Nice Aarti Nice

Aaliyah Nice Aaru Nice

Aaliyahh Nice Aaryah Nice

Aaliyanora Naughty Aaryan Nice

Aamani Nice Aaryck Naughty

Aamiah Nice Aaryn Nice

Aamir Naughty Aasha Nice

Aanchal Naughty Aashna Nice

Aaniya Naughty Aashvi Nice

5 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Aaven Nice Abbigayle Nice

Aavry Naughty Abbott Nice

Aawyn Naughty Abby Nice

Aayceous Naughty Abbygail Nice

Aayden Naughty Abbygale Naughty

Aayla Naughty Abcde Naughty

Aaylah Nice Abdel Nice

Aazlee Naughty Abdi Naughty

Ab Naughty Abdiel Nice

Abagail Nice Abdoul Nice

Abagale Naughty Abdul Nice

Abaigeal Nice Abdullah Nice

Abanobb Nice Abe Naughty

Abb Nice Abebi Nice

Abbagail Nice Abel Nice

Abbalynn Naughty Abelardo Nice

Abbe Naughty Abella Nice

Abbegail Nice Aben Nice

Abbegale Naughty Abernethy Naughty

Abbey Nice Abhay Naughty

Abbeygail Nice Abhishek Nice

Abbi Nice Abi Nice

Abbie Nice Abicat Naughty

Abbiegail Nice Abie Naughty

Abbigael Nice Abiegaile Naughty

Abbigail Nice Abiel Nice

Abbigale Nice Abigael Naughty

Abbigayl Nice Abigail Nice

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Abigail-Marie Naughty Abygaele Nice

Abigale Nice Abygaiel Nice

Abigayl Nice Abygail Nice

Abigayle Nice Abygayle Nice

Abilene Naughty Ac Nice

Abilio Naughty Acacia Naughty

Abish Naughty Acadia Naughty

Abishai Nice Acardia Naughty

Abixandr Naughty Acaylia Nice

Abner Nice Ace Nice

Abrah Naughty Acedia Naughty

Abraham Nice Aceley Nice

Abrahanna Nice Acelin Naughty

Abram Nice Acelyn Naughty

Abran Naughty Acelynn Naughty

Abree Nice Acen Naughty

Abreyanna Nice Acesen Nice

Abri Naughty Aceson Naughty

Abrian Naughty Aceton Nice

Abriana Nice Acey Nice

Abrianna Naughty Aceyn Nice

Abrie Nice Achal Naughty

Abriella Naughty Achilles Nice

Abrielle Nice Achsah Naughty

Abril Nice Achten Naughty

Abrin Naughty Acie Nice

Abry Nice Ackens Nice

Abundio Naughty Acy Naughty

7 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Ada Nice Adaliyah Naughty

Ada-Mae Nice Adalleia Naughty

Adabella Nice Adallie Nice

Adaea Nice Adallyn Nice

Adael Naughty Adalyn Nice

Adah Nice Adalyne Nice

Adain Naughty Adalynn Nice

Adair Naughty Adalynne Nice

Adais Nice Adam Nice

Adaiyan Naughty Adamari Nice

Adalae Nice Adamaris Nice

Adalaide Nice Adamaya Naughty

Adalay Naughty Adams Naughty

Adalayde Nice Adan Nice

Adalberto Nice Adanesne Nice

Adaleah Naughty Adanna Nice

Adalee Nice Adaon Nice

Adaleh Nice Adara Naughty

Adalei Naughty Adare Nice

Adaleiah Naughty Adarie Nice

Adaleigh Nice Adarius Naughty

Adaley Nice Adasha Naughty

Adalicia Nice Adasya Nice

Adalie Nice Adasyn Naughty

Adalind Nice Adaya Naughty

Adaline Nice Adayah Naughty

Adalinn Nice Add Naughty

Adalise Naughty Adda Naughty

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North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Addalie Naughty Addysann Nice

Addalyn Naughty Addysen Nice

Addalyne Naughty Addyson Nice

Addalynn Nice Adeala Nice

Addalynne Nice Adeana Nice

Adde Nice Adeanna Nice

Addeline Nice Adebusola Naughty

Addelyn Nice Adeetra Naughty

Addelynn Nice Adel Nice

Addi Nice Adela Nice

Addia Naughty Adelae Nice

Addie Nice Adelah Nice

Addilee Nice Adelaida Naughty

Addiley Nice Adelaide Nice

Addillee Nice Adelaina Naughty

Addilyn Nice Adelais Naughty

Addilynn Nice Adelard Nice

Addis Naughty Adelayde Naughty

Addisen Nice Adelbert Nice

Addison Nice Adele Nice

Addissun Naughty Adelea Naughty

Addisun Naughty Adelei Naughty

Addisyn Nice Adeleigh Nice

Addler Naughty Adelena Naughty

Addley Naughty Adelheid Nice

Addrienn Nice Adelheide Naughty

Addy Nice Adelia Naughty

Addylin Naughty Adelie Naughty

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North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Adelin Naughty Adi Nice

Adelina Nice Adia Nice

Adeline Nice Adianna Nice

Adelinn Nice Adiaris Naughty

Adelise Nice Adib Naughty

Adelita Naughty Adie Naughty

Adeliz Naughty Adiel Naughty

Adeliza Naughty Adielle Naughty

Adell Nice Adien Naughty

Adella Nice Adiena Nice

Adelle Nice Adikyn Nice

Adellyn Naughty Adil Nice

Adelmaro Naughty Adilea Nice

Adelyn Nice Adilene Naughty

Adelyna Nice Adilheide Nice

Adelyne Naughty Adiline Nice

Adelynn Nice Adilyn Nice

Adelynne Naughty Adilyne Nice

Adelyse Naughty Adilynn Nice

Adem Naughty Adilynne Nice

Aden Nice Adin Naughty

Adena Nice Adina Nice

Adeola Naughty Adishiwot Nice

Adessa Nice Adison Nice

Adette Nice Adisyn Naughty

Adeyinka Nice Aditi Nice

Adham Nice Aditya Nice

Adhel Nice Adkyn Naughty

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Adlai Nice Adri Naughty

Adlar Naughty Adria Nice

Adlee Nice Adriah Nice

Adlei Naughty Adrian Nice

Adleigh Nice Adriana Nice

Adler Nice Adrianah Nice

Adley Nice Adriane Nice

Adliee Nice Adriann Naughty

Adline Naughty Adrianna Nice

Admiral Nice Adrianne Nice

Adnan Naughty Adriano Nice

Adolf Nice Adriat Naughty

Adolfo Naughty Adriaty Naughty

Adolph Nice Adric Naughty

Adolphus Naughty Adrie Nice

Adom Naughty Adriel Naughty

Adon Nice Adriella Naughty

Adonia Naughty Adrielle Nice

Adonis Nice Adrien Nice

Adonisc Nice Adriene Naughty

Adora Naughty Adrienna Naughty

Adra Naughty Adrienne Nice

Adrain Naughty Adrik Naughty

Adrea Naughty Adrika Nice

Adreana Naughty Adrina Naughty

Adreiannah Nice Adrinna Nice

Adrenna Naughty Adrionah Nice

Adreona Naughty Adrionna Nice

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North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Adron Nice Aejay Nice

Adryan Nice Aekadan Nice

Adryana Nice Aelah Nice

Adryene Nice Aelia Nice

Adryenna Nice Aeliana Naughty

Adryenne Nice Aelinn Naughty

Adryian Nice Aelish Nice

Adrynna Naughty Aelita Nice

Aduel Naughty Aeloi Naughty

Advay Nice Aelyn Nice

Adventure Nice Aemelia Naughty

Advik Nice Aemilia Nice

Adylaide Nice Aemon Naughty

Adyleena Nice Aeneas Naughty

Adylen Naughty Aeos Nice

Adyline Nice Aerabella Naughty

Adylyn Nice Aerek Nice

Adyn Naughty Aerial Nice

Adynn Naughty Aeriana Nice

Adysen Naughty Aerianna Naughty

Adyson Nice Aerielle Naughty

Adysson Nice Aerilyn Nice

Aedan Nice Aerilynn Nice

Aeden Naughty Aerin Nice

Aedra Naughty Aeris Nice

Aedyn Nice Aerith Nice

Aegon Nice Aerix Naughty

Aeidan Nice Aero Naughty

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Aeron Nice Agustina Nice

Aeryn Naughty Agustus Nice

Aeryn-Jessie Nice Ah Nice

Aesa Nice Ahana Naughty

Aeson Naughty Aharon Nice

Aesyn Naughty Aheva Naughty

Aethan Naughty Ahlahna Naughty

Aetheria Nice Ahlaya Nice

Aeva Nice Ahleanna Nice

Aevlyn Naughty Ahlijah Naughty

Affie Nice Ahmad Nice

Afiba Nice Ahmani Nice

Afnan Nice Ahmari Nice

Afonso Naughty Ahmed Nice

Afrasenia Naughty Ahmir Nice

Africa Naughty Ahna Naughty

Afton Nice Ahnaleah Naughty

Agastya Nice Ahnalyn Nice

Agata Nice Ahnna Naughty

Agatha Nice Ahnysa Naughty

Aggie Naughty Ahren Nice

Aghy Nice Ahri Nice

Agianna Naughty Ahrik Naughty

Agnes Nice Ahsha Naughty

Agness Naughty Ahsoka Naughty

Agripina Naughty Ahtziri Nice

Agusta Naughty Aiana Nice

Agustin Nice Aibhlinn Naughty

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Aibrey Naughty Aiko Naughty

Aicia Nice Aila Nice

Aida Nice Ailam Nice

Aidan Nice Ailani Nice

Aidan-Thomas Naughty Ailee Naughty

Aidden Naughty Aileen Nice

Aideen Naughty Ailene Naughty

Aiden Nice Aileonna Nice

Aidenc Naughty Ailey Nice

Aideth Naughty Aili Nice

Aideyn Naughty Ailidh Nice

Aidhan Naughty Ailie Naughty

Aidian Naughty Ailinhnie Naughty

Aidil Naughty Ailinn Nice

Aidon Nice Aillison Naughty

Aidrea Nice Ailsa Nice

Aidric Naughty Ailyn Naughty

Aidrick Naughty Aime Nice

Aidyn Nice Aimee Nice

Aidynn Naughty Aimee-Lee Naughty

Aiinsley Naughty Aimery Nice

Aija Naughty Aimey Naughty

Aijah Nice Aimie Nice

Aijay Nice Aina Nice

Aiji Naughty Aine Naughty

Aika Nice Ainee Nice

Aiken Naughty Ainesis Nice

Aikley Nice Aingeal Nice

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Ainslee Naughty Airionna Nice

Ainsley Nice Airis Nice

Ainsli Nice Airisoton Nice

Ainslie Nice Airlie Naughty

Ainye Nice Airouyuwa Nice

Ainzlee Naughty Airra Naughty

Ainzleigh Nice Airrion Naughty

Aion Naughty Airyana Nice

Air Nice Airyeal Naughty

Aira Nice Aish Naughty

Airabella Nice Aisha Nice

Airabelle Nice Aishleen Naughty

Airalynn Nice Aisiah Nice

Airam Nice Aisla Naughty

Aireana Naughty Aislee Naughty

Airee Nice Aislen Nice

Aireka Naughty Aisley Naughty

Airel Naughty Aislin Nice

Airell Naughty Aisling Nice

Airen Nice Aislinn Naughty

Airian Nice Aislyn Nice

Airiana Naughty Aislynn Nice

Airianah Naughty Aison Naughty

Airiann Nice Aiva Naughty

Airianna Nice Aivah Naughty

Airica Naughty Aivia Nice

Airik Naughty Aivla Nice

Airikka Nice Aixa Nice

15 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

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Aiya Nice Akaydia Nice

Aiyana Nice Akayla Nice

Aiyanah Nice Akaylia Nice

Aiyanna Nice Akaysha Naughty

Aiyasia Naughty Akeelah Naughty

Aiyden Nice Akeem Nice

Aiyla Nice Akeilah Naughty

Aiyonna Nice Akeisha Naughty

Aiyvah Nice Akela Nice

Aiza Naughty Akemi Naughty

Aizeiah Nice Aker Naughty

Aizik Naughty Akheel Naughty

Aizley Nice Akhil Nice

Aizlyn Nice Akhilleus Naughty

Aizlynne Naughty Akiel Nice

Aj Nice Akiesha Naughty

Aja Naughty Akiiwaandemkwa Naughty

Ajai Nice Akima Nice

Ajax Naughty Akimyth Nice

Ajay Naughty Akina Naughty

Ajdin Nice Akira Nice

Ajla Nice Akrysta Nice

Ajsha Nice Aksel Nice

Akari Naughty Akshata Nice

Akarie Nice Akshay Naughty

Akash Nice Aksheya Nice

Akasha Nice Akur Nice

Akayah Naughty Akyie Naughty

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Akyra Naughty Alane Nice

Akyren Naughty Alani Naughty

Al Nice Alanie Nice

Al’Lijah Nice Alanis Naughty

Ala Naughty Alanna Nice

Alaa Naughty Alannah Nice

Alabama Naughty Alanzo Nice

Alacia Naughty Alara Naughty

Alaeda Nice Alarese Nice

Alaena Nice Alaric Naughty

Alaetra Nice Alasdair Naughty

Alahna Nice Alasia Nice

Alaia Nice Alaska Nice

Alaika Nice Alastair Nice

Alain Naughty Alaster Nice

Alaina Nice Alathea Nice

Alainah Naughty Alauna Nice

Alainea Nice Alaura Nice

Alainna Nice Alawi Nice

Alaiya Naughty Alaya Naughty

Alaiyah Naughty Alayah Nice

Alakhi Nice Alaycia Nice

Alan Nice Alayia Nice

Alana Nice Alayja Nice

Alanah Nice Alayjah Naughty

Alanda Nice Alayla Nice

Alandra Naughty Alayna Nice

Alandria Nice Alaynah Naughty

17 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

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Alayney Naughty Alby Nice

Alaynie Nice Alcee Naughty

Alaynna Nice Alcide Naughty

Alayra Nice Alcie Naughty

Alaysia Nice Alda Naughty

Alazayra Nice Alden Nice

Alaze Naughty Alder Nice

Alazne Naughty Aldo Nice

Alazra Nice Aldona Nice

Alazya Naughty Aldrick Nice

Alba Nice Aldrin Naughty

Alban Naughty Alea Nice

Albany Nice Aleah Nice

Albee Naughty Aleaha Naughty

Alben Naughty Aleahra Nice

Albert Nice Aleandra Nice

Alberta Naughty Alease Nice

Albertha Nice Aleasha Nice

Albertina Nice Aleayah Nice

Albertine Nice Alec Nice

Alberto Nice Alece Nice

Albertus Nice Alecea Naughty

Albi Naughty Alecia Nice

Albie Naughty Aleck Nice

Albin Naughty Alector Naughty

Albina Naughty Aleczandyr Nice

Albion Naughty Aled Nice

Albree Nice Aleda Nice

18 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

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Alee Nice Aleksander Naughty

Aleeah Nice Aleksandr Nice

Aleece Nice Aleksandra Nice

Aleemah Naughty Aleksey Naughty

Aleen Nice Aleksi Nice

Aleena Nice Aleksis Nice

Aleesa Nice Alekzander Nice

Aleesha Naughty Alena Nice

Aleeyah Naughty Alenda Naughty

Aleeza Naughty Alene Naughty

Alehna Naughty Alenisse Nice

Aleia Nice Alenna Naughty

Aleiana Nice Alenni Nice

Aleigh Nice Alenza Naughty

Aleigha Nice Aleria Naughty

Aleighana Nice Aleric Nice

Aleina Nice Alesa Nice

Aleisa Nice Alesha Nice

Aleisha Naughty Aleshea Naughty

Aleiya Nice Aleshia Nice

Alejandra Nice Alesia Nice

Alejandrina Nice Alessa Nice

Alejandro Nice Alessandra Nice

Alejo Nice Alessandro Naughty

Alek Nice Alessandrya Nice

Aleks Naughty Alessia Nice

Aleksa Nice Alessio Naughty

Aleksandar Nice Alesta Nice

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Alesya Nice Alexei Nice

Aleta Naughty Alexes Nice

Aletha Nice Alexi Nice

Alethea Naughty Alexia Nice

Alethia Naughty Alexianna Naughty

Alex Nice Alexie Nice

Alexa Nice Alexina Nice

Alexah Nice Alexio Naughty

Alexanda Naughty Alexis Nice

Alexandar Nice Alexisha Nice

Alexande Nice Alexius Nice

Alexander Nice Alexiz Naughty

Alexandr Naughty Alexsander Nice

Alexandra Nice Alexsandra Nice

Alexandre Nice Alexsys Nice

Alexandrea Nice Alexus Naughty

Alexandria Nice Alexuss Nice

Alexandrine Nice Alexuz Nice

Alexandro Nice Alexxis Nice

Alexandros Naughty Alexxus Nice

Alexanndra Nice Alexys Nice

Alexanndria Nice Alexyss Naughty

Alexavier Nice Alexzander Nice

Alexavior Nice Alexzandra Naughty

Alexay Naughty Alexzandria Nice

Alexaz Nice Aley Nice

Alexcia Nice Aleya Naughty

Alexea Naughty Aleyah Naughty

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Aleyanah Naughty Aliana Nice

Aleyce Nice Alianna Nice

Aleycia Nice Aliannah Nice

Aleyn Naughty Aliatair Nice

Aleyna Naughty Aliaya Nice

Aleysha Naughty Aliccia Nice

Aleyssa Nice Alice Nice

Alez Nice Alice-Rae Naughty

Alf Naughty Aliceia Nice

Alferd Nice Alicekate Nice

Alfie Nice Alicen Naughty

Alfonse Naughty Aliceson Nice

Alfonso Naughty Alicha Nice

Alfonza Naughty Alicia Nice

Alfonzo Nice Alicianna Nice

Alford Nice Alicja Naughty

Alfred Nice Alida Nice

Alfreda Nice Alie Nice

Alfredo Nice Aliecia Nice

Alger Naughty Aliegha Naughty

Algernon Nice Aliesha Naughty

Algia Naughty Aliesia Nice

Algie Nice Alieyah Nice

Algot Nice Aligh Naughty

Ali Nice Aligra Naughty

Alia Nice Aliiah Naughty

Aliah Nice Alijah Nice

Aliahna Naughty Alika Nice

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Alila Nice Alithza Nice

Alina Nice Alivea Naughty

Aline Naughty Aliveah Nice

Alinta Nice Alivia Nice

Alionah Naughty Aliviah Nice

Aliryn Naughty Aliviana Nice

Alis Naughty Alivianna Naughty

Alisa Nice Aliviya Naughty

Alisah Nice Aliviyah Nice

Alisandra Nice Alivya Naughty

Alisdair Naughty Alix Nice

Alise Naughty Alixa Naughty

Alisen Nice Alixandria Nice

Alisha Nice Alixis Naughty

Alishia Naughty Aliya Nice

Alisia Nice Aliyah Nice

Alison Nice Aliyana Nice

Alissa Nice Aliyanah Nice

Alissandra Naughty Aliyanna Nice

Alissanna Nice Aliydah Nice

Alissia Nice Aliyha Nice

Alisson Nice Aliysia Nice

Alistair Nice Aliza Nice

Alistar Nice Alizabelle Nice

Alister Nice Alizabeth Nice

Alisyn Naughty Alizae Naughty

Alita Nice Alizah Nice

Alithia Nice Alizalyn Nice

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Alizandra Naughty Allene Naughty

Alizay Naughty Allenna Nice

Alize Nice Allerie Naughty

Alizea Nice Allex Naughty

Alizee Nice Allexis Naughty

Alizha Nice Allexys Naughty

Alizia Nice Allexzander Naughty

Alizyah Naughty Alley Naughty

Alkario Naughty Alli Naughty

Alla Nice Alliana Nice

Allahna Nice Alliandre Naughty

Allan Nice Allicia Nice

Allana Naughty Allie Nice

Allanah Naughty Allie-Grace Nice

Allannah Nice Allieana Nice

Allayna Nice Allieanna Naughty

Allbree Nice Allieghann Nice

Allea Naughty Allin Naughty

Alleaha Nice Alline Naughty

Allean Naughty Allira Nice

Alleana Nice Allirah Naughty

Allee Naughty Allis Nice

Alleen Naughty Allisa-Lyn Naughty

Allegra Nice Allisea Nice

Alleigh Naughty Allisha Naughty

Allen Nice Allison Nice

Allena Naughty Allissa Naughty

Allende Nice Allisson Naughty

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Allistasia Nice Allyssa Nice

Allister Naughty Allysuncatherine Naughty

Allisyn Naughty Allyx Nice

Alliyah Nice Allyza Nice

Allizay Naughty Alma Nice

Allondra Nice Almeda Nice

Allonna Naughty Almedia Naughty

Allora Naughty Almer Naughty

Alloria Naughty Almeta Nice

Allua Naughty Almina Nice

Allura Naughty Almira Nice

Allwyn Nice Almon Naughty

Ally Nice Almond Nice

Allyanna Nice Almus Naughty

Allyce Naughty Almyra Naughty

Allycia Nice Aloe Naughty

Allydia Naughty Alois Naughty

Allye Nice Aloma Naughty

Allyn Nice Alon Nice

Allyna Nice Alona Nice

Allysa Nice Alonah Nice

Allyse Nice Alondra Nice

Allysea Naughty Alonia Nice

Allysen Nice Alonna Naughty

Allysha Nice Alonso Nice

Allyshia Naughty Alonte Naughty

Allysia Nice Alonya Nice

Allyson Nice Alonza Nice

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North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Alonzo Nice Alton Nice

Alora Nice Alucard Naughty

Aloradannan Nice Aluciana Naughty

Alorah Nice Alula Nice

Alouette Naughty Alunda Naughty

Aloy Naughty Alura Naughty

Aloys Nice Alva Nice

Aloysius Nice Alvah Nice

Alpha Nice Alvan Naughty

Alpheus Nice Alvaro Nice

Alphie Nice Alvena Nice

Alphons Naughty Alvenia Nice

Alphonse Nice Alver Nice

Alphonsine Nice Alvera Naughty

Alphonso Naughty Alverda Nice

Alphonsus Naughty Alverine Naughty

Alrich Nice Alvert Nice

Alskar Naughty Alverta Nice

Alston Naughty Alvetia Nice

Alstroemeria Nice Alvia Nice

Alta Nice Alviana Naughty

Altair Naughty Alvie Naughty

Altamiece Nice Alvin Nice

Altan Nice Alvina Nice

Altha Nice Alvira Naughty

Althea Nice Alvis Naughty

Altie Naughty Alvy Naughty

Alto Naughty Alvyajoi Nice

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North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Alwalik Nice Alyse Nice

Alwilda Nice Alysen Naughty

Alwin Naughty Alysha Nice

Alwina Naughty Alyshia Nice

Alwine Nice Alysia Nice

Aly Naughty Alysis Nice

Alyah Naughty Alyson Nice

Alyana Nice Alyssa Nice

Alyanna Naughty Alyssandra Nice

Alyas Naughty Alyssha Nice

Alyce Nice Alyssia Nice

Alycia Nice Alyssiana Nice

Alydia Naughty Alysson Naughty

Alyea Nice Alyssyn Naughty

Alyia Naughty Alyster Nice

Alyiah Naughty Alyvia Nice

Alyiai Nice Alyviah Nice

Alyn Naughty Alyx Naughty

Alyna Nice Alyxander Nice

Alynn Nice Alyxandra Nice

Alynna Nice Alyxandria Nice

Alyra Nice Alyxis Nice

Alyrah Nice Alyza Naughty

Alys Naughty Alyzabeth Naughty

Alysa Nice Alyzae Nice

Alysah Naughty Alyzah Naughty

Alysann Naughty Alzina Nice

Alyscia Nice Ama Nice

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North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Amadeo Nice Amaranda Nice

Amadeus Naughty Amare Nice

Amadika Naughty Amarea Nice

Amadis Naughty Amaree Naughty

Amado Nice Amari Nice

Amador Nice Amaria Naughty

Amaiah Naughty Amariah Nice

Amaias Naughty Amariana Nice

Amaila Naughty Amarie Nice

Amairani Nice Amariella Nice

Amairany Naughty Amarilis Nice

Amaiya Nice Amarion Nice

Amaiyah Naughty Amaris Nice

Amal Naughty Amarisa Nice

Amalia Nice Amarissa Nice

Amalie Naughty Amarith Naughty

Amaliyah Nice Amariya Nice

Amanda Nice Amariz Nice

Amandeep Nice Amarlee Naughty

Amandelyn Nice Amaro Naughty

Amando Naughty Amarra Naughty

Amandra Naughty Amaryllis Naughty

Amani Nice Amasa Nice

Amantha Naughty Amataga Naughty

Amantina Naughty Amauri Nice

Amar Naughty Amay Naughty

Amara Nice Amaya Nice

Amarah Nice Amayah Nice

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Amayhi Naughty Ambrojia Nice

Amayla Naughty Ambrose Nice

Amayrani Naughty Ambrosia Naughty

Amaziah Naughty Ambrosio Nice

Amber Nice Ambur Nice

Amberlea Nice Ambyr Nice

Amberlee Naughty Amedio Nice

Amberleigh Naughty Amee Nice

Amberlie Naughty Ameela Nice

Amberlin Nice Ameena Nice

Amberly Naughty Ameenah Naughty

Amberlyn Nice Ameer Nice

Amberlynn Naughty Ameerah Nice

Amberlynne Nice Ameia Naughty

Amberr Naughty Ameilia Nice

Amberrose Nice Ameir Nice

Ambers Nice Ameira Naughty

Ambia Nice Amela Nice

Ambiga Nice Amelia Nice

Ambra Nice Ameliah Naughty

Ambraysiah Nice Amelianna Nice

Ambre Naughty Amelie Nice

Ambree Naughty Amelis Nice

Ambria Naughty Ameliya Nice

Ambrie Naughty Amellia Naughty

Ambriehl Nice Amelliah Naughty

Ambriel Nice Amelya Naughty

Ambrina Nice Amera Nice

28 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Amerci Nice Amilia Nice

America Nice Amiliyah Naughty

Americo Nice Amillieon Naughty

Americus Nice Amily Nice

Amerie Nice Amilya Naughty

Amerigo Naughty Amilyn Nice

Amerique Nice Amilynn Naughty

Ameristar Naughty Amin Nice

Ameroy Nice Amina Nice

Amersyn Naughty Aminah Naughty

Amery Naughty Aminser Nice

Ames Nice Aminta Nice

Amethyst Naughty Amir Nice

Amey Naughty Amira Nice

Ameya Nice Amirah Naughty

Amgad Naughty Amiru Naughty

Ami Nice Amish Naughty

Amia Nice Amisha Nice

Amiah Nice Amista Naughty

Amiahna Naughty Amit Nice

Amias Naughty Amitee Naughty

Amie Naughty Amith Naughty

Amiee Nice Amity Naughty

Amieya Naughty Amiya Nice

Amihas Naughty Amiyah Nice

Amika Naughty Amma Naughty

Amil Nice Ammelija Nice

Amileigh Naughty Ammie Nice

29 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Ammo Naughty Amry Nice

Ammod Naughty Amrynn Nice

Ammon Nice Amund Naughty

Ammy Nice Amy Nice

Amna Naughty Amy-Erin Nice

Amneris Nice Amy-Jo Nice

Amnesty Nice Amya Naughty

Amogh Nice Amyah Naughty

Amon Naughty Amyla Naughty

Amontai Nice Amylynn Nice

Amor Nice Amzie Nice

Amora Nice An Nice

Amorah Naughty Ana Nice

Amore Nice Anabel Nice

Amoree Naughty Anabell Naughty

Amoreena Naughty Anabella Nice

Amorette Naughty Anabelle Nice

Amoria Nice Anabeth Naughty

Amorie Nice Anacelia Nice

Amory Nice Anaeli Nice

Amos Naughty Anah Naughty

Amoura Nice Anahi Nice

Amparo Naughty Anahii Naughty

Amren Naughty Anahit Naughty

Amri Nice Anahlya Naughty

Amrie Naughty Anai Nice

Amrisha Nice Anaiah Nice

Amrita Naughty Anaiese Nice

30 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Anaiis Naughty Anamar Naughty

Anaily Naughty Anamaria Nice

Anain Nice Anamia Nice

Anais Nice Anamine Nice

Anaka Nice Anand Naughty

Anakin Nice Ananda Naughty

Analea Naughty Anani Nice

Analeah Nice Ananias Naughty

Analee Nice Ananya Nice

Analeia Naughty Anaraziel Nice

Analeigh Nice Anari Nice

Analeigha Nice Anasia Nice

Analese Naughty Anasofia Naughty

Analeyah Nice Anastacia Naughty

Anali Naughty Anastacio Nice

Analia Nice Anastascia Naughty

Analicia Nice Anastasia Nice

Analidio Naughty Anastasiah Naughty

Analiese Naughty Anastasiia Nice

Analilia Naughty Anastasiya Nice

Analisa Naughty Anastassia Naughty

Analise Naughty Anastazia Nice

Analiyah Nice Anastazja Naughty

Analyn Nice Anastazya Nice

Analynne Nice Anastie Nice

Analysa Naughty Anat Nice

Analyssa Naughty Anathea Naughty

Analyz Nice Anatole Nice

31 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Anaveah Naughty Andilynn Naughty

Anaya Nice Andon Naughty

Anayalee Nice Andra Naughty

Anayanci Nice Andrada Naughty

Anayancy Nice Andrae Nice

Anayeli Nice Andralea Nice

Anayte Nice Andraya Naughty

Anayva Naughty Andre Nice

Anberlin Nice Andrea Nice

Anberlyn Nice Andreah Naughty

Ancel Naughty Andreana Naughty

Ancil Naughty Andreanne Nice

Andalyn Naughty Andreannna Naughty

Andana Nice Andreas Nice

Andee Naughty Andrei Naughty

Andelain Naughty Andres Nice

Andelle Nice Andreu Naughty

Andelyn Naughty Andrew Nice

Anden Nice Andrewjacobr Naughty

Ander Nice Andrey Naughty

Anders Nice Andreya Nice

Andersen Naughty Andrez Nice

Anderson Nice Andri Naughty

Andersyn Nice Andria Naughty

Andeson Naughty Andriah Nice

Andi Nice Andriana Naughty

Andie Nice Andric Nice

Andilashia Nice Andrielle Naughty

32 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Andrik Naughty Anevay Nice

Andrina Naughty Aney Nice

Androllano Naughty Anezka Naughty

Androlynd Naughty Anfernee Naughty

Andromada Nice Angalena Naughty

Andromeda Nice Angalic Naughty

Androniki Nice Angalina Naughty

Andros Naughty Ange Nice

Andru Naughty Angel Nice

Andrya Nice Angela Nice

Andy Nice Angele Nice

Andyn Naughty Angeleah Naughty

Aneek Nice Angeleena Nice

Aneela Naughty Angeleesya Naughty

Aneena Nice Angelena Naughty

Anees Nice Angeles Nice

Aneesa Nice Angelia Nice

Aneha Nice Angelic Nice

Aneilka Nice Angelica Nice

Aneka Naughty Angelie Nice

Anela Naughty Angelika Nice

Anelena Nice Angelina Nice

Anell Naughty Angeline Nice

Anelle Nice Angelique Nice

Aneres Nice Angelisa Naughty

Anesha Naughty Angelisse Nice

Anessa Nice Angelita Nice

Aneta Nice Angeliyah Naughty

33 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Angeliz Nice Aniecea Nice

Angell Naughty Aniele Naughty

Angella Nice Anijah Nice

Angelle Nice Anik Nice

Angellena Naughty Anika Nice

Angelo Nice Anikin Naughty

Angelsue Naughty Anil Nice

Angelus Naughty Anilah Nice

Angelynn Nice Animikee Nice

Angelys Nice Anirudh Nice

Angharad Nice Anisa Naughty

Angi Nice Anish Naughty

Angie Nice Anisha Naughty

Angiel Naughty Anissa Nice

Angielaine Nice Anisten Nice

Anglia Nice Aniston Nice

Angus Nice Anistyn Nice

Angyla Nice Anita Nice

Anh Naughty Anitra Nice

Anheia Nice Aniya Nice

Ani Nice Aniyah Nice

Ania Nice Aniyla Nice

Aniaah Naughty Aniyla-Rose Nice

Aniah Naughty Aniyyah Naughty

Anibal Naughty Anja Nice

Anica Naughty Anjali Naughty

Anice Naughty Anjana Naughty

Anie Naughty Anjanette Nice

34 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Anjani Nice Anna-Belle Nice

Anjee Nice Anna-Bri Naughty

Anjela Nice Anna-Elizabeth Naughty

Anjele Nice Anna-Faith Nice

Anjelica Naughty Anna-Victoria Nice

Anjelina Nice Annabel Nice

Anjelite Nice Annabell Nice

Anjelo Nice Annabella Nice

Anjia Naughty Annabelle Nice

Anjilla Naughty Annabeth Nice

Anjolina Naughty Annaclaire Naughty

Anjula Naughty Annadel Naughty

Anjuli Naughty Annadra Nice

Anjulie Naughty Annafaye Naughty

Anjulique Nice Annah Naughty

Ankica Naughty Annaka Nice

Ankit Nice Annakate Nice

Ankita Naughty Annalaissa Nice

Anlea Naughty Annalaya Nice

Anlouisa Nice Annalayia Naughty

Anmaria Naughty Annaleah Naughty

Anmarie Naughty Annalease Nice

Anmol Naughty Annalecia Nice

Ann Nice Annalee Nice

Ann-Elise Naughty Annalei Nice

Ann-Maree Nice Annaleigh Nice

Ann-Marie Nice Annaleigha Nice

Anna Nice Annalese Nice

35 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Annalia Naughty Annasophia Nice

Annalice Nice Annastascia Nice

Annalicia Nice Annaston Nice

Annalie Nice Annastyn Naughty

Annaliese Nice Annasyn Nice

Annalisa Naughty Annberly Nice

Annalise Nice Anndraya Nice

Annalissa Naughty Anne Nice

Annalisse Naughty Anne-Chloe Nice

Annaliz Naughty Anne-Maree Nice

Annaliza Nice Anne-Marie Nice

Annalouise Naughty Annebel Nice

Annalya Naughty Annebelle Naughty

Annalyce Nice Annee Naughty

Annalyese Nice Anneka Nice

Annalyn Naughty Anneke Nice

Annalynn Nice Anneleise Nice

Annalynne Naughty Annelie Nice

Annalyse Naughty Anneliese Nice

Annalyze Naughty Anneline Nice

Annamae Nice Annelis Naughty

Annamari Naughty Annelise Nice

Annamarie Nice Annelyn Nice

Annamieke Nice Annelyse Nice

Annapace Nice Annemarie Nice

Annapoorni Naughty Anner Naughty

Annara Nice Annesleigh Naughty

Annarose Nice Annessa Nice

36 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Annetta Naughty Annsleigh Nice

Annette Nice Annsley Naughty

Anni Nice Anntellin Nice

Annia Naughty Anny Naughty

Annice Nice Annyssia Naughty

Annicka-May Nice Annzlee Naughty

Annie Nice Anola Nice

Annielee Naughty Anona Naughty

Anniemae Nice Anoop Nice

Anniesther Nice Anora Nice

Annietra Naughty Anoria Naughty

Annik Naughty Anouska Nice

Annika Nice Anquavis Naughty

Annis Naughty Ansa Nice

Annisa Naughty Ansel Nice

Annissa Nice Anseley Naughty

Annisten Naughty Anshul Naughty

Anniston Nice Anslee Nice

Annistyn Nice Ansleigh Nice

Annji Naughty Ansley Nice

Annjoelina Nice Ansli Nice

Annlouise Nice Anslow Naughty

Annmarie Nice Anson Nice

Annora Naughty Antar Nice

Annorah Nice Ante Nice

Annq Naughty Antha Naughty

Annslea Naughty Anthea Nice

Annslee Nice Anthiny Naughty

37 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Anthon Nice Antwan Nice

Anthoney Nice Antwanette Naughty

Anthony Nice Antwon Nice

Antigone Nice Anu Naughty

Antigudra Nice Anuar Naughty

Antione Naughty Anudi Nice

Antionette Naughty Anuhea Naughty

Antje Naughty Anuj Naughty

Antoine Nice Anuja Nice

Antoinette Nice Anup Naughty

Anton Nice Anusha Naughty

Antone Nice Anushi Naughty

Antonella Naughty Anushka Nice

Antonetta Nice Anvya Naughty

Antonette Nice Anwar Naughty

Antoney Naughty Anwen Naughty

Antonia Naughty Anwyn Naughty

Antonietta Naughty Anya Nice

Antonina Naughty Anyha Naughty

Antonino Nice Anyka Naughty

Antonio Nice Anyla Nice

Antonioinapedro Nice Anyle Naughty

Antonior Nice Anyssa Naughty

Antonios Nice Anza Naughty

Antony Nice Anzalika Nice

Antuan Naughty Anzel Naughty

Antulio Naughty Anzleigh Naughty

Antwain Naughty Aodhan Nice

38 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Aohdan Nice Arabella Nice

Aoi Naughty Arabelle Nice

Aoife Nice Arabeth Naughty

Aolani Naughty Araceleigh Naughty

Aonika Nice Araceli Nice

Aosha Nice Aracely Nice

Aowyn Nice Aradessa Naughty

Ap Naughty Aradia Naughty

Apachelynn Naughty Araeba Naughty

Aparecido Nice Aragon Naughty

Aphria Naughty Arah Nice

Apolinar Naughty Arahi Naughty

Apollo Nice Araia Nice

Appa Nice Araiah Naughty

Appin Nice Araiaha Naughty

Appollonia Naughty Arailee Nice

April Nice Arainna Naughty

Aprile Naughty Araiyah Nice

Aprill Naughty Aralee Naughty

Apryll Naughty Araleigha Naughty

Aquamarie Naughty Araliea Naughty

Aquarius Naughty Aralyn Nice

Aquela Naughty Aralynn Nice

Aquetzalli Nice Araminta Nice

Aquilino Nice Aramis Nice

Ara Nice Aran Naughty

Araba Nice Aranka Nice

Arabel Nice Aranza Naughty

39 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Aras Nice Ardath Nice

Arash Naughty Ardelia Nice

Arata Nice Ardell Nice

Aratreyia Naughty Ardella Nice

Araua Nice Ardelle Nice

Aravis Nice Ardellia Nice

Araya Naughty Arden Nice

Arayah Naughty Ardeth Naughty

Arayalyn Naughty Ardice Nice

Arayea Nice Ardis Nice

Arayla Nice Ardith Nice

Arba Naughty Ardyce Naughty

Arbie Nice Areal Nice

Arbor Naughty Arealle Nice

Arborlynn Naughty Areana Nice

Arcaden Naughty Arebella Nice

Arcadence Naughty Arecio Nice

Arcadia Nice Arega Nice

Arcangel Nice Areli Naughty

Arcaydian Nice Arelis Nice

Arcelia Naughty Arella Naughty

Arch Naughty Arely Naughty

Archana Nice Aren Naughty

Archer Nice Ares Nice

Archibald Naughty Aretha Nice

Archie Nice Aretta Naughty

Archimedes Nice Areya Nice

Ardan Naughty Argelia Nice

40 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Argeo Nice Arick Nice

Argie Naughty Aridra Naughty

Argos Nice Arie Naughty

Arhonda Naughty Arieal Nice

Ari Nice Ariel Nice

Aria Nice Ariel-Mo’Ne Nice

Ariadna Naughty Ariela Nice

Ariadne Nice Ariell Nice

Ariagna Naughty Ariella Nice

Ariah Nice Arielle Nice

Arial Nice Arienette Naughty

Arialla Naughty Arienna Naughty

Ariam Naughty Arieon Naughty

Arian Nice Arieonna Nice

Ariana Nice Aries Naughty

Arianah Naughty Arietta Nice

Arianda Nice Arihanna Nice

Ariane Nice Arijana Nice

Arianey Naughty Arik Nice

Arianna Nice Arika Nice

Ariannah Nice Arilyn Nice

Arianne Naughty Arin Naughty

Arianny Nice Arina Nice

Arianthegil Naughty Arinze Naughty

Ariany Nice Arion Naughty

Aribella Naughty Arionna Nice

Aric Nice Aris Naughty

Arica Naughty Arisa Nice

41 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Arissa Naughty Arleigh Nice

Arista Nice Arleigha Nice

Aristides Naughty Arlen Nice

Aristotle Nice Arlena Naughty

Aristraeya Naughty Arlene Nice

Arius Naughty Arleth Nice

Arivanna Naughty Arletta Naughty

Ariya Nice Arlette Nice

Ariya-Jade Nice Arley Naughty

Ariyah Nice Arlie Nice

Ariyan Naughty Arlin Nice

Ariyanna Nice Arlind Naughty

Ariyon Naughty Arline Naughty

Ariza-Anozira Naughty Arlington Nice

Arizona Nice Arlis Naughty

Arjun Nice Arlo Nice

Arkeyel Nice Arlonzo Nice

Arkham Nice Arlou Naughty

Arkie Nice Arly Naughty

Arkin Naughty Arlyce Naughty

Arla Nice Arlyn Naughty

Arlan Nice Arlyne Nice

Arlana Nice Arlynmarie Nice

Arland Naughty Armaine Nice

Arlean Nice Arman Nice

Arlee Nice Armand Nice

Arleen Naughty Armando Nice

Arleene Naughty Armani Nice

42 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Armanni Naughty Arnold Nice

Armay Naughty Arnoldo Nice

Armella Naughty Arnulfo Nice

Armelle Nice Aromal Naughty

Armen Nice Aron Nice

Armentha Naughty Aronda Nice

Armentia Naughty Aronika Naughty

Armeta Nice Aronne Nice

Armida Nice Arooj Naughty

Armin Nice Aroura Naughty

Arminda Naughty Arpy Naughty

Armindie Naughty Arquelius Naughty

Arminta Nice Arquette Naughty

Armon Naughty Arra Nice

Armond Nice Arrabella Nice

Armoni Naughty Arran Naughty

Armour Nice Arraya Naughty

Armstead Nice Arren Nice

Arnav Nice Arriana Nice

Arne Nice Arrianna Nice

Arnel Nice Arrianne Nice

Arnell Naughty Arrick Naughty

Arnelle Naughty Arrie Naughty

Arnett Nice Arrien Nice

Arnetta Nice Arris Naughty

Arnie Nice Arrissa Nice

Arnis Naughty Arriya Naughty

Arno Nice Arron Nice

43 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Arrow Nice Arvid Nice

Arrowyn Naughty Arvil Naughty

Arryn Nice Arvilla Naughty

Arrysa Naughty Arvin Naughty

Arsei Naughty Arvind Naughty

Arsema Naughty Arvo Naughty

Arsen Nice Arwen Nice

Arsenio Nice Arwun Nice

Art Nice Arwyn Naughty

Arta Nice Arya Nice

Artair Nice Aryaa Naughty

Artelia Naughty Aryah Naughty

Artell Nice Aryahna Naughty

Artem Nice Aryahnna Naughty

Artemio Nice Aryaman Naughty

Artemis Nice Aryan Naughty

Arther Nice Aryana Nice

Arthor Nice Aryanah Naughty

Arthur Nice Aryann Naughty

Artie Nice Aryanna Nice

Artis Naughty Aryanni Nice

Artur Nice Aryanshi Nice

Arturo Nice Aryden Naughty

Arun Nice Arye Nice

Arvaeda Naughty Aryella Naughty

Arvani Nice Aryelle Nice

Arvel Nice Aryen Nice

Arven Nice Aryeonna Nice

44 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Aryia Naughty Ashalynn Naughty

Aryka Nice Ashan Nice

Arykah Nice Ashanafi Nice

Aryn Nice Ashanti Nice

Aryna Naughty Ashawn Naughty

Arynne Nice Ashby Nice

Aryona Nice Ashden Nice

Aryonna Naughty Ashdon Naughty

Arysle Naughty Ashe Nice

Arysta Nice Ashel Nice

Aryz Nice Asheley Nice

Asa Nice Ashely Nice

Asacia Nice Ashen Naughty

Asael Naughty Asher Nice

Asahi Nice Ashi Nice

Asaiah Naughty Ashik Nice

Asaler Naughty Ashira Naughty

Asami Naughty Ashkan Nice

Asantha Naughty Ashlae Naughty

Asberry Naughty Ashlan Naughty

Asbury Nice Ashland Naughty

Aschellynne Naughty Ashle Naughty

Aschlynn Nice Ashlea Nice

Asden Naughty Ashlee Nice

Aseel Nice Ashlei Naughty

Ash Naughty Ashleigh Nice

Asha Nice Ashlen Naughty

Ashaaye Nice Ashley Nice

45 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Ashli Nice Ashwin Naughty

Ashlie Nice Ashyah Nice

Ashlin Nice Ashyla Nice

Ashling Nice Ashyr Nice

Ashlinn Nice Asia Nice

Ashlund Nice Asiana Naughty

Ashly Nice Asif Naughty

Ashlyn Nice Asilyn Nice

Ashlynd Nice Asim Naughty

Ashlynde Naughty Aslyn Naughty

Ashlyne Nice Aslynn Naughty

Ashlynn Nice Aslynne Naughty

Ashlynne Nice Ason Naughty

Ashok Naughty Aspacia Naughty

Ashon Naughty Aspen Nice

Ashraf Nice Aspyn Nice

Ashtaynne Naughty Aspynn Nice

Ashten Nice Assunta Naughty

Ashtin Nice Astacia Naughty

Ashton Nice Astara Naughty

Ashtryd Naughty Astasha Naughty

Ashtun Nice Astella Nice

Ashtyn Nice Aster Nice

Ashtynn Nice Asti Naughty

Ashua Naughty Astin Nice

Ashur Naughty Aston Nice

Ashura Nice Astra Nice

Ashvin Naughty Astraea Nice

46 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Astre Nice Atiana Naughty

Astreid Naughty Atiena Nice

Astrid Nice Atif Nice

Astro Naughty Atin Naughty

Asyla Nice Atiya Nice

Asynith Naughty Atlanta Nice

Atalia Nice Atlas Nice

Atalie Nice Atlee Nice

Atalya Naughty Atleigh Nice

Atari Nice Atley Nice

Ateya Nice Atli Naughty

Atha Nice Atom Nice

Athalia Naughty Atraya Nice

Athan Naughty Atreau Naughty

Athanasia Nice Atreus Nice

Athanasios Nice Atreya Nice

Athanasius Naughty Atreyu Naughty

Atharv Nice Atsushi Nice

Atharvaa Naughty Attalie Nice

Athea Naughty Attica Naughty

Athena Nice Atticus Nice

Athenas Nice Attie Nice

Atheus Nice Attikus Nice

Athlene Nice Attila Nice

Athony Nice Attilio Nice

Athos Nice Attison Naughty

Athrun Naughty Attley Nice

Athziri Nice Atyanna Naughty

47 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Atyra Naughty Audel Naughty

Aubi Naughty Auden Nice

Aubra Nice Audessa Nice

Aubreanna Nice Audie Nice

Aubree Nice Audio Naughty

Aubreeanna Naughty Audley Naughty

Aubrei Naughty Audon Nice

Aubreigh Nice Audra Nice

Aubrey Nice Audrah Naughty

Aubreyanna Nice Audrea Naughty

Aubri Nice Audree Naughty

Aubriana Nice Audrey Nice

Aubrianna Naughty Audreyanna Naughty

Aubrie Nice Audri Nice

Aubrieana Naughty Audria Nice

Aubriella Nice Audriana Nice

Aubriellaa Nice Audrianna Naughty

Aubrielle Nice Audriauna Nice

Aubriiella Nice Audrie Nice

Aubry Nice Audrihana Naughty

Aubryana Naughty Audrika Nice

Aubryeanne Naughty Audrina Nice

Aubryn Naughty Audrinah Nice

Auburn Naughty Audrinna Naughty

Aubury Nice Audry Naughty

Aubyn Naughty Audun Nice

Auctober Naughty Audy Naughty

Aude Naughty Auggie Naughty

48 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

August Nice Aurelia Nice

Augusta Nice Aureliano Naughty

Augustas Naughty Aurelie Naughty

Auguste Nice Aurelio Naughty

Augustin Nice Auri Nice

Augustina Nice Auria Naughty

Augustine Nice Aurianna Nice

Augustino Naughty Aurianni Naughty

Augustus Nice Auric Naughty

Auhndre Nice Aurie Nice

Aujanae Nice Auriel Naughty

Aulani Naughty Auriella Naughty

Auldrain Nice Aurielle Nice

Aulona Naughty Aurilla Nice

Aulora Nice Aurla Naughty

Auna Naughty Auron Nice

Aunabel Nice Aurora Nice

Aundrea Naughty Aurore Naughty

Aundreianna Nice Auroriealise Naughty

Aundrey Nice Aurrin Nice

Aundreyez Nice Aurthur Nice

Aunie Nice Aury Nice

Aunika Naughty Auryn Naughty

Aunna Naughty Ausen Naughty

Aura Nice Ausencio Naughty

Auraura Nice Ausilia Nice

Aureaamor Nice Ausley Nice

Aureanna Nice Auslynn Naughty

49 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Austen Nice Avacarol Naughty

Austin Nice Avaclaire Naughty

Auston Nice Avacyn Naughty

Austyn Nice Avaeh Nice

Austynn Naughty Avagayle Nice

Austynne Nice Avagrace Naughty

Auther Naughty Avah Nice

Authina Naughty Avairy Nice

Author Nice Avajoy Naughty

Authur Naughty Avalee Naughty

Autiana Nice Avaleigh Nice

Auto Nice Avalena Naughty

Autobea Nice Avalene Nice

Autry Naughty Avalina Naughty

Autum Nice Avalon Nice

Autumn Nice Avalyn Nice

Autumnmae Naughty Avalyne Naughty

Auturo Naughty Avalynn Naughty

Auvrielle Nice Avam Nice

Auxley Naughty Avamae Nice

Auzlyn Naughty Avan Nice

Ava Nice Avangeline Naughty

Ava-Dawn Naughty Avani Nice

Ava-Lee Naughty Avanleigh Nice

Ava-Marie Naughty Avanna Nice

Ava-Rose Naughty Avante’ Nice

Avaani Naughty Avanti Nice

Avabeth Nice Avarae Nice

50 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Avarah Nice Averley Naughty

Avari Nice Averlie Nice

Avarie Naughty Averly Nice

Avarielle Nice Averrie Naughty

Avary Naughty Avery Nice

Avaya Nice Avett Naughty

Avayah Naughty Aveyah Nice

Aveah Nice Avi Nice

Aveiah Naughty Avia Nice

Avein Naughty Aviah Naughty

Aveleen Nice Avian Naughty

Aveline Nice Aviana Nice

Avella Nice Avianna Naughty

Avelle Nice Aviannah Nice

Avelyn Nice Avie Nice

Avelynn Nice Avielle Naughty

Aven Nice Avien Nice

Avena Nice Aviendha Naughty

Avenly Nice Avigail Naughty

Aver Nice Avigaile Nice

Averan Naughty Avilee Nice

Averee Nice Avilyn Naughty

Avereigh Nice Avin Nice

Averey Naughty Avina Naughty

Averi Nice Avinash Nice

Averick Naughty Avinn Nice

Averie Nice Aviry Naughty

Averil Nice Avis Naughty

51 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Avneet Naughty Axell Naughty

Avnita Naughty Axelle Naughty

Avon Naughty Axisa Nice

Avondre Nice Axl Naughty

Avonell Nice Axle Nice

Avonlea Nice Axtin Naughty

Avontae Naughty Axton Naughty

Avorie Naughty Axtyn Nice

Avory Naughty Axyl Nice

Avoryana Naughty Axzel Nice

Avraam Naughty Aya Naughty

Avrahm Naughty Ayaan Naughty

Avram Naughty Ayah Nice

Avree Nice Ayahna Naughty

Avreet Nice Ayako Naughty

Avrie Nice Ayame Nice

Avrielle Naughty Ayana Naughty

Avril Nice Ayane Nice

Avrill Naughty Ayanna Nice

Avy Naughty Ayansh Naughty

Avyana Naughty Ayasha Naughty

Avyen Naughty Aybree Nice

Avynlee Nice Ayce Naughty

Avyonnah Naughty Aycen Nice

Awbree Naughty Ayda Nice

Awen Nice Aydan Nice

Axcel Nice Ayden Nice

Axel Nice Aydia Nice

52 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Aydien Naughty Aylinn Nice

Aydin Nice Aylish Nice

Aydn Nice Aymee Nice

Aydon Naughty Aymen Naughty

Aydra Nice Aynabelle Naughty

Aydrian Naughty Aynsley Naughty

Aydrianna Nice Aynzley Nice

Aydrien Naughty Ayoloni Naughty

Aydyn Nice Ayonna Nice

Ayeisha Nice Ayreannah Nice

Ayelen Nice Ayren Nice

Ayesa Naughty Ayriauna Nice

Ayesha Nice Ayris Naughty

Ayeson Naughty Ayrrington Nice

Ayia Nice Ayrro Nice

Ayiana Naughty Ayrton Nice

Ayiden Nice Aysen Naughty

Ayisha Naughty Aysha Naughty

Ayjah Nice Aysia Nice

Ayla Nice Ayslinn Nice

Aylah Nice Ayson Nice

Ayleana Nice Ayssa Nice

Aylee Naughty Ayush Nice

Ayleea Naughty Ayva Nice

Ayleen Nice Ayvah Naughty

Ayleigh Naughty Ayvee Naughty

Aylin Nice Ayven Nice

Ayline Naughty Ayvianna Naughty

53 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Ayvin Naughty Azazel Naughty

Ayvn Nice Azdextria Naughty

Ayvre Naughty Azeem Nice

Ayzalee Naughty Azel Naughty

Ayzha Naughty Azelia Nice

Aza Naughty Azelin Naughty

Azael Nice Azella Nice

Azaelia Naughty Azerdae Nice

Azah Nice Azi Nice

Azai Nice Aziah Naughty

Azaia Nice Aziel Nice

Azaiah Naughty Azii Nice

Azaiahs Naughty Azilee Naughty

Azailya Nice Aziza Naughty

Azalea Nice Azland Nice

Azaleah Naughty Azlin Nice

Azalee Nice Azlyn Nice

Azalia Naughty Azlynn Nice

Azaliah Nice Azmat Naughty

Azaliea Nice Azmeriah Naughty

Azaliiya Naughty Azmya Naughty

Azalin Nice Azoa Naughty

Azari Nice Azrael Naughty

Azaria Nice Azrial Nice

Azariah Nice Azrianna Nice

Azariyah Naughty Azriel Nice

Azavier Nice Azrielle Naughty

Azaya Nice Azucena Naughty

54 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Azul Nice Bailey Nice

Azur Naughty Bailie Nice

Azura Nice Baillie Nice

Azure Nice Bain Nice

Azurite Naughty Bains Naughty

Azza Naughty Baize Naughty

Azzie Naughty Baker Nice

Azzy Nice Balbina Nice

B’Elana Nice Baldomar Nice

Babe Naughty Baldwin Naughty

Babette Nice Baleigh Nice

Baby Nice Balen Nice

Babyboy Nice Baley Nice

Baci Nice Bali Naughty

Baden Nice Balian Nice

Bader Naughty Balinda Nice

Badriah Nice Balint Naughty

Badyn Nice Baljeet Nice

Bae Nice Baljit Nice

Baeden Naughty Ballard Nice

Baelee Naughty Baloo Nice

Baelynn Naughty Balthazar Nice

Baer Naughty Bama Naughty

Bahar Naughty Bambi Nice

Baila Nice Bana Nice

Bailee Nice Banastre Nice

Baileey Naughty Bandit Nice

Baileigh Nice Bandon Nice

55 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Bane Nice Barnabas Nice

Banesa Naughty Barnaby Nice

Banff Naughty Barnard Nice

Banjo Nice Barnett Nice

Banks Nice Barney Nice

Banner Naughty Barnicus Nice

Bannor Naughty Barnie Nice

Banther Naughty Barnitta Naughty

Banyon Nice Baron Nice

Bao Nice Barre Naughty

Barack Nice Barret Naughty

Barakah Nice Barrett Nice

Barb Nice Barrie Nice

Barbara Nice Barrington Nice

Barbarajean Naughty Barron Nice

Barbie Nice Barry Nice

Barbra Nice Bart Naughty

Barda Naughty Bartholomew Nice

Bardon Naughty Bartley Naughty

Bardya Nice Bartolo Nice

Baree Nice Barton Nice

Baret Naughty Bartosz Nice

Barett Naughty Bas Naughty

Bari Naughty Bascom Naughty

Barker Nice Basheer Nice

Barkley Nice Basia Nice

Barley Naughty Basil Nice

Barlow Naughty Basilia Naughty

56 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Basilio Naughty Baylin Nice

Bassam Nice Baylon Nice

Bassem Naughty Baylor Nice

Bastian Nice Baylyn Naughty

Bastien Naughty Baylynn Naughty

Batool Naughty Bayne Nice

Bauer Nice Bayron Nice

Baxley Naughty Bea Nice

Baxlyn Naughty Beachy Naughty

Baxter Nice Beadie Naughty

Bay Nice Beal Nice

Baya Nice Bean Nice

Bayah Naughty Bear Naughty

Bayard Naughty Bearett Naughty

Bayden Nice Bearington Nice

Bayker Naughty Beaslie Nice

Bayla Nice Beat Naughty

Baylah Nice Beata Naughty

Bayle Nice Beatrice Nice

Baylea Naughty Beatricia Nice

Baylee Nice Beatrix Nice

Baylei Nice Beatriz Nice

Bayleigh Nice Beau Nice

Baylen Nice Beauden Naughty

Bayley Naughty Beaudyn Nice

Bayli Nice Beaulah Nice

Baylian Naughty Beauregard Nice

Baylie Nice Beaux Nice

57 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Bebe Naughty Bedina Nice

Beberly Nice Bee Nice

Bec Naughty Beecher Nice

Beca Nice Beenish Naughty

Becca Nice Bees Nice

Becci Naughty Behr Nice

Beck Nice Beige Nice

Becka Naughty Beila Naughty

Beckam Naughty Bekah Naughty

Beckem Naughty Bekka Naughty

Becker Naughty Bekki Naughty

Becket Nice Beko Naughty

Beckett Nice Belamy Nice

Beckettt Nice Belanna Naughty

Beckham Nice Belen Nice

Beckhet Naughty Belia Nice

Becki Naughty Belinda Nice

Beckie Nice Belindar Naughty

Becklen Nice Belita Nice

Becklien Naughty Beliza Naughty

Becklyn Naughty Bell Nice

Beckslee Naughty Bella Nice

Beckston Naughty Bellabea Nice

Becky Nice Belladonna Naughty

Beda Nice Bellah Naughty

Bede Nice Bellami Nice

Bedelia Naughty Bellamie Naughty

Bedford Nice Bellamy Naughty

58 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Bellatrix Nice Benji Nice

Belle Nice Benjiman Nice

Belton Naughty Benjimin Naughty

Belva Nice Benjman Naughty

Belvia Naughty Benn Naughty

Belynda Nice Bennet Naughty

Ben Nice Bennett Nice

Bena Naughty Bennie Nice

Benaiah Nice Bennito Nice

Benard Nice Bennon Naughty

Bence Nice Benny Nice

Bene Nice Bensen Nice

Benedetto Nice Benson Nice

Benedict Naughty Benta Naughty

Benedicta Nice Bentlee Naughty

Benelli Nice Bentleigh Naughty

Benete Naughty Bentley Nice

Beniah Naughty Bentlie Nice

Benicia Nice Bently Naughty

Benicio Nice Benton Nice

Benigno Nice Benz Naughty

Benita Nice Benzy Nice

Benito Nice Beonica Naughty

Benjahmen Naughty Beosker Naughty

Benjaman Nice Beowulf Naughty

Benjamen Naughty Berdie Naughty

Benjamin Nice Bere Naughty

Benjamine Nice Berel Naughty

59 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Beren Nice Bernedette Nice

Berenda Nice Berneice Naughty

Berenice Naughty Bernetta Nice

Berg Nice Bernhard Naughty

Bergen Naughty Bernice Nice

Bergithe Naughty Bernie Nice

Beric Naughty Berniece Nice

Berjes Naughty Bernita Nice

Berke Nice Berny Naughty

Berkeley Nice Beronica Naughty

Berklee Nice Berrett Naughty

Berkleigh Nice Berri Naughty

Berkley Nice Berry Naughty

Berlin Naughty Bert Nice

Berly Nice Berta Nice

Berlyn Nice Bertalyn Naughty

Berlynetta Nice Bertha Naughty

Bern Naughty Bertie Nice

Berna Nice Bertil Naughty

Bernabe Naughty Bertina Nice

Bernabel Naughty Berton Nice

Bernadetta Nice Bertram Nice

Bernadette Nice Bertrand Nice

Bernadine Nice Beryl Nice

Bernard Nice Bess Naughty

Bernardine Nice Besse Nice

Bernardo Naughty Bessie Nice

Bernd Nice Bet Naughty

60 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Beta Naughty Betty-Jane Nice

Beth Nice Betty-Jean Nice

Betha Naughty Betty-Jo Naughty

Bethan Nice Bettye Nice

Bethanee Nice Bettyjane Naughty

Bethani Nice Bettylou Nice

Bethanie Naughty Beula Nice

Bethann Nice Beulah Nice

Bethanne Naughty Bev Naughty

Bethannie Naughty Bevan Naughty

Bethany Nice Beverlee Naughty

Bethel Naughty Beverley Nice

Bethine Naughty Beverly Nice

Bethzy Naughty Bevin Nice

Betina Nice Bex Nice

Beto Nice Bexlee Nice

Betsabe Naughty Bexleigh Naughty

Betse Nice Bexley Nice

Betsey Nice Bexlie Naughty

Betsi Nice Beyanni Naughty

Betsie Naughty Beyla Naughty

Betsy Nice Beyonce Nice

Bette Nice Bezhan Nice

Bettianne Naughty Bhadra Nice

Bettie Nice Bharathi Naughty

Bettina Naughty Bhodi Naughty

Bettu Nice Bhrahsten Nice

Betty Nice Bhreten Naughty

61 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Bhumi Naughty Bimal Naughty

Bhumy Naughty Bina Nice

Biagio Nice Bindi Nice

Biam Naughty Bindya Nice

Bianca Nice Bingham Naughty

Biba Naughty Binti Naughty

Bibi Naughty Bintzen Naughty

Bibian Naughty Bionca Nice

Bibiana Naughty Bipin Nice

Bibiann Nice Bird Nice

Bictor Naughty Birdella Naughty

Biddie Naughty Birdfish Nice

Biela Nice Birdie Nice

Biesyn Naughty Bireanna Nice

Biff Nice Birgit Naughty

Big Naughty Birgitt Nice

Bilal Naughty Biridiana Nice

Bill Nice Birt Naughty

Billi Naughty Birtha Naughty

Billie Nice Birtie Nice

Billie-Joanna Naughty Birute Naughty

Billie-Rae Naughty Bishop Naughty

Billiejo Nice Bisma Nice

Billielynne Nice Bitsy Nice

Billy Nice Bizzy Nice

Billye Naughty Bj Naughty

Billyolson Nice Bjana Naughty

Billysweeney Nice Bjaye Naughty

62 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Bjorn Nice Blakelynn Nice

Blace Naughty Blakney Nice

Black Naughty Blanca Nice

Blade Nice Blanch Nice

Bladen Nice Blanchard Nice

Bladimir Nice Blanche Nice

Blaiden Naughty Blanchie Naughty

Blaike Naughty Blandon Naughty

Blaikely Nice Blane Naughty

Blaiklee Nice Blas Nice

Blaiklyn Nice Blase Nice

Blain Nice Blaven Naughty

Blaine Nice Blayden Naughty

Blair Nice Blayk Nice

Blaire Naughty Blayke Nice

Blaise Nice Blaylenn Nice

Blaison Naughty Blayn Naughty

Blaiz Naughty Blayne Naughty

Blaize Nice Blayson Naughty

Blake Nice Blayten Naughty

Blakelan Nice Blayze Nice

Blakelee Naughty Blaz Nice

Blakelei Nice Blaze Nice

Blakeleigh Naughty Blazeleigh Nice

Blakeley Nice Bleddyn Nice

Blakeli Naughty Blenda Nice

Blakely Nice Blessed Naughty

Blakelyn Nice Blessing Nice

63 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Bleu Naughty Bobbylee Nice

Blevenda Nice Bobetta Nice

Bling Nice Bobette Nice

Blinne Naughty Bobi Naughty

Bliss Nice Bobie Naughty

Blossom Nice Bode Nice

Blu Naughty Bodee Naughty

Blue Nice Boden Nice

Bluford Naughty Bodhi Nice

Bly Naughty Bodhie Naughty

Blye Naughty Bodi Nice

Blyler Naughty Bodie Nice

Blythe Nice Bodyn Nice

Bo Nice Boe Nice

Boaz Nice Boede Naughty

Bob Nice Boen Nice

Bobak Naughty Bogdan Naughty

Bobanne Naughty Bohannon Nice

Bobbi Nice Bohdi Naughty

Bobbi-Jo Naughty Bohs Naughty

Bobbie Nice Bojan Naughty

Bobbie-Jean Naughty Bojangles Nice

Bobbie-Lee Naughty Bolden Nice

Bobbieann Nice Bomani Naughty

Bobby Nice Bon Nice

Bobbye Naughty Bong Naughty

Bobbyjack Nice Boni-Lou Naughty

Bobbyjo Nice Bonifacio Nice

64 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Bonita Nice Bowdie Nice

Bonna Nice Bowdy Naughty

Bonner Naughty Bowe Naughty

Bonni Nice Bowen Nice

Bonnie Nice Bowie Nice

Bonnielinden Naughty Bowin Naughty

Bonny Naughty Bowman Nice

Bono Naughty Bowser Naughty

Boogie Naughty Bowyn Nice

Booker Naughty Boyce Nice

Boomer Nice Boyd Nice

Boone Nice Boysie Nice

Booster Naughty Brache Naughty

Booth Nice Bracie Naughty

Bootsie Nice Bracken Naughty

Bootsy Naughty Bracyn Nice

Bordeaux Naughty Brad Nice

Boris Naughty Bradalyn Nice

Bort Naughty Braddock Nice

Bosco Naughty Braddyk Naughty

Bose Nice Brade Naughty

Boss Nice Braden Nice

Boston Nice Bradford Nice

Bostyn Nice Bradigan Nice

Boun Nice Bradlea Nice

Bourke Naughty Bradlee Nice

Bourne Naughty Bradleigh Naughty

Bowden Nice Bradley Nice

65 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Bradlie Naughty Braileigh Naughty

Bradly Nice Brailey Nice

Bradon Naughty Brailyn Nice

Bradshaw Nice Brailynn Nice

Brady Nice Brain Naughty

Bradyn Nice Braison Naughty

Bradynn Nice Braith Nice

Brae Nice Braiya Nice

Braedan Naughty Brakken Nice

Braeden Nice Braley Nice

Braedin Nice Bralyn Naughty

Braedon Nice Bralynn Naughty

Braedyn Naughty Bram Nice

Braelee Nice Bramley Nice

Braeleigh Nice Brance Nice

Braeley Nice Branch Nice

Braelin Nice Branda Nice

Braelyn Nice Brandan Nice

Braelynn Nice Brande Nice

Braelynne Nice Brandee Naughty

Braeton Naughty Brandel Nice

Bragnae Nice Brandelyn Naughty

Brahm Naughty Branden Nice

Brahnan Naughty Brandey Nice

Braidan Nice Brandht Nice

Braiden Nice Brandi Nice

Braidon Naughty Brandice Naughty

Brailea Nice Brandie Nice

66 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Brandilyn Nice Brantley Nice

Brandin Nice Branton Nice

Branditt Nice Brason Naughty

Brandn Naughty Brass Nice

Brandolyne Naughty Brastin Nice

Brandon Nice Braulio Naughty

Brandonlee Nice Brave Nice

Brandt Nice Braven Nice

Brandtley Nice Bravyck Naughty

Brandun Naughty Brawley Naughty

Brandy Nice Brawner Nice

Brandyn Naughty Brax Naughty

Branek Naughty Braxley Nice

Branick Nice Braxlyn Nice

Branleigh Nice Braxstyn Naughty

Brannan Naughty Braxten Nice

Brannon Nice Braxtin Naughty

Branon Naughty Braxton Nice

Bransen Nice Braxtyn Nice

Bransford Nice Braxxton Nice

Bransley Naughty Bray Nice

Branson Nice Bray’Lee Naughty

Bransten Nice Brayan Nice

Branston Naughty Braycen Nice

Branstrom Nice Braydan Nice

Brant Nice Brayde Nice

Brantin Naughty Brayden Nice

Brantlee Nice Braydenn Naughty

67 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Braydon Nice Bre’Onna Nice

Braydyn Nice Brea Nice

Brayla Nice Brea-Anna Nice

Braylah Naughty Breah Naughty

Braylan Naughty Brealin Nice

Braylee Naughty Brealye Nice

Braylei Naughty Brealyn Naughty

Brayleigh Nice Brealynn Naughty

Braylen Nice Breana Nice

Braylend Naughty Breann Nice

Braylew Naughty Breanna Nice

Brayli Naughty Breanne Nice

Braylie Naughty Breannyia Nice

Braylin Nice Breannyn Nice

Braylon Nice Breasia Naughty

Braylyn Naughty Breasya Nice

Braylynn Naughty Breauna Naughty

Brayon Naughty Breaunna Naughty

Braysen Nice Breayan Nice

Brayson Nice Breccan Nice

Braysons Nice Breck Naughty

Brayten Nice Brecka Naughty

Braythan Naughty Brecken Nice

Brayton Nice Breckin Nice

Brazdon Nice Brecklyn Nice

Brazen Nice Brecklynn Nice

Brazos Naughty Breckon Nice

Brazyn Nice Breckyn Naughty

68 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Bredyn Naughty Breilyn Nice

Bree Nice Breionna Naughty

Bree-Anna Naughty Breita Nice

Breeah Naughty Brek Nice

Breeann Nice Brekken Naughty

Breeanna Naughty Breklyn Nice

Breece Nice Brelee Naughty

Breeden Naughty Breleigh Naughty

Breegan Nice Brelyn Nice

Breelee Nice Brelynn Naughty

Breeley Naughty Bremen Nice

Breely Naughty Bren Nice

Breelyn Nice Brena Nice

Breelynn Nice Brenagin Naughty

Breen Nice Brenan Nice

Breena Nice Brenaye Naughty

Breesa Nice Brenda Nice

Breesy Nice Brendan Nice

Breezie Naughty Brenden Nice

Breezy Naughty Brendlyn Nice

Bregan Nice Brendon Nice

Brehanna Nice Brendyn Naughty

Breia Nice Breneg Nice

Breianna Naughty Brenlee Nice

Breigh Nice Brenleigh Naughty

Breighlee Nice Brenley Naughty

Breighten Naughty Brenly Naughty

Breighton Naughty Brenlyn Nice

69 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Brenn Naughty Bret Nice

Brenna Nice Breton Nice

Brennah Nice Brett Nice

Brennam Nice Brettkk Nice

Brennan Nice Brettlyn Nice

Brennen Nice Brettney Nice

Brenner Nice Brettnie Naughty

Brennon Naughty Bretton Nice

Breno Naughty Breunna Naughty

Brenson Nice Brevin Nice

Brent Nice Brewer Naughty

Brentan Nice Brewster Nice

Brenten Nice Brewtus Naughty

Brentin Nice Brex Nice

Brentlee Naughty Brexleigh Naughty

Brentley Nice Brexley Nice

Brently Nice Brexlynn Nice

Brenton Nice Brexlynne Naughty

Brentson Nice Brexten Nice

Brenyn Naughty Brexton Naughty

Brenynn Naughty Brey Nice

Breon Nice Breya Naughty

Breona Nice Breyanna Nice

Breonna Nice Breydan Nice

Bresden Naughty Breyden Nice

Breslin Nice Breydon Nice

Breslyn Nice Breylea Nice

Breslynn Naughty Breylon Naughty

70 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Breyson Naughty Bricyn Nice

Breyton Nice Bridany Naughty

Brezlyn Nice Bridger Nice

Bri Nice Bridget Nice

Bria Nice Bridgett Nice

Briahana Nice Bridgette Nice

Briahna Naughty Bridgit Nice

Briallen Nice Bridie Naughty

Brian Nice Brie Nice

Briana Nice Brieanna Nice

Brianah Nice Brieanne Naughty

Brianda Naughty Brieian Naughty

Briann Naughty Briel Nice

Brianna Nice Briella Nice

Briannah Naughty Briellah Nice

Brianne Nice Brielle Nice

Brianni Nice Brielyn Nice

Brianrambert Naughty Brien Nice

Briar Nice Briena Naughty

Briauna Nice Brienna Nice

Briawna Nice Brienne Nice

Brice Nice Brieon Nice

Briceida Nice Brier Nice

Bricen Naughty Briesn Naughty

Briceon Naughty Brietta Nice

Bricio Naughty Brig Naughty

Brick Nice Brigette Nice

Bricki Nice Brigg Naughty

71 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Briggs Nice Brindlie Nice

Brigham Nice Brindy Naughty

Brighid Nice Brinidie Nice

Brightin Nice Brinkley Naughty

Brighton Nice Brinlee Naughty

Brightyn Nice Brinleigh Nice

Brigid Nice Brinley Nice

Brigida Naughty Brinlie Naughty

Brigiette Nice Brinly Naughty

Brigit Naughty Brinlye Naughty

Brigitta Naughty Brinlynn Nice

Brigitte Nice Brinn Nice

Brihana Naughty Brinna Nice

Brijesh Nice Brinnin Nice

Brikel Nice Brinnon Nice

Brikenna Nice Brinsley Naughty

Brilee Nice Brinton Nice

Brilei Naughty Brinxly Naughty

Brileigh Nice Brio Naughty

Briley Nice Brion Naughty

Brilynn Naughty Briona Nice

Brimin Naughty Brionna Nice

Brimmer Nice Briony Nice

Brin Nice Brisa Nice

Brina Naughty Briseida Nice

Brinda Naughty Briseis Nice

Brindee Nice Briseyda Nice

Brindle Nice Brislynn Naughty

72 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Brison Naughty Briton Naughty

Brissa Naughty Britt Nice

Brista Naughty Britta Nice

Bristal Naughty Brittagh Naughty

Bristle Naughty Brittain Nice

Bristol Nice Brittainy Nice

Briston Nice Brittana Nice

Bristyn Naughty Brittanee Naughty

Brisyln Nice Brittaney Naughty

Brit Naughty Brittani Nice

Britain Nice Brittanie Nice

Britaini Naughty Brittannee Nice

Britaney Nice Brittany Nice

Britani Nice Brittanya Naughty

Britany Nice Britten Nice

Britchard Nice Brittin Nice

Britian Nice Brittini Nice

Britiany Nice Brittinni Nice

Britin Naughty Brittlee Nice

Britiny Naughty Brittlyn Naughty

Britleigh Naughty Brittlynn Naughty

Britlyn Nice Brittnam Nice

Britlynn Naughty Brittnay Naughty

Britnee Nice Brittnea Nice

Britney Nice Brittnee Nice

Britni Nice Brittney Nice

Britnie Nice Brittni Naughty

Britny Naughty Brittnie Nice

73 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Brittnnie Nice Brogan Nice

Brittny Nice Brohdy Naughty

Britton Nice Brohm Naughty

Brittyn Nice Brokton Naughty

Brittz Girls Nice Brolin Nice

Brityn Naughty Bronco Naughty

Brixley Naughty Brondon Naughty

Brixon Naughty Bronicx Naughty

Brixton Nice Bronjalin Nice

Brixtyn Naughty Bronn Nice

Briystel Nice Bronsen Nice

Broady Naughty Bronson Nice

Broan Naughty Bronte Naughty

Broc Nice Bronwin Naughty

Brocha Nice Bronwyn Nice

Brock Nice Bronx Naughty

Brocker Nice Bronzen Naughty

Brode Nice Brook Nice

Brodee Naughty Brooke Nice

Broden Naughty Brookel Nice

Broder Nice Brookelyn Nice

Broderick Nice Brookelynn Naughty

Brodey Nice Brookie Nice

Brodi Naughty Brooklee Naughty

Brodick Naughty Brooklen Nice

Brodie Nice Brooklin Nice

Brody Nice Brookly Nice

Brodyn Naughty Brooklyn Nice

74 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Brooklyne Nice Bryck Naughty

Brooklynn Nice Brycyn Naughty

Brooklynne Nice Bryden Nice

Brooklynnrae Nice Brydgette Naughty

Brooks Nice Brydie Nice

Brouck Nice Brye Nice

Brown Nice Bryelle Naughty

Brozden Naughty Bryen Naughty

Bruce Nice Bryer Naughty

Bruh Nice Bryiar Nice

Bruin Nice Bryker Nice

Bruiser Nice Bryklyn Nice

Bruna Naughty Brylan Naughty

Bruno Nice Bryland Nice

Brunson Nice Brylee Nice

Brutus Naughty Brylei Nice

Bryan Nice Bryleigh Nice

Bryana Nice Brylen Nice

Bryane Nice Bryler Nice

Bryani Naughty Bryley Naughty

Bryanna Nice Bryli Nice

Bryanne Nice Brylie Nice

Bryant Nice Brylin Nice

Bryar Naughty Bryliuana Naughty

Bryce Nice Brylon Nice

Bryce’Son Nice Brylyn Nice

Brycen Nice Brylynn Nice

Bryceson Naughty Brylynne Nice

75 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Bryn Nice Brysen Nice

Bryna Nice Brysha Naughty

Brynae Nice Brysin Nice

Bryndal Nice Bryson Nice

Bryndale Naughty Bryst Naughty

Bryndee Naughty Brystal Nice

Bryndle Naughty Brysten Nice

Bryndy Naughty Brystin Naughty

Bryne Nice Brystol Nice

Bryner Nice Bryston Nice

Brynlee Nice Brystynn Naughty

Brynleigh Nice Brysun Naughty

Brynley Nice Bryten Naughty

Brynlie Naughty Brytne Naughty

Brynlyn Nice Bryton Nice

Brynn Nice Bryttany Nice

Brynna Nice Bubba Naughty

Brynnan Naughty Bubbub Nice

Brynne Nice Bubby Nice

Brynnica Naughty Buck Nice

Brynnlee Naughty Buckeye Naughty

Brynnley Nice Bud Naughty

Brynnlie Nice Budd Nice

Brynsley Nice Buddie Nice

Bryon Naughty Buddy Nice

Bryony Naughty Buel Naughty

Brysan Naughty Buelah Nice

Bryse Nice Buell Nice

76 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Buena Nice Burnett Naughty

Buffy Nice Burney Naughty

Buford Naughty Burnice Nice

Bugga Nice Burnie Naughty

Bugsy Naughty Burns Nice

Bukola Naughty Burr Naughty

Bula Nice Burrel Nice

Bulah Nice Burrell Nice

Buna Nice Burt Naughty

Bungis Naughty Burton Nice

Bunk Nice Bush Nice

Bunker Nice Buster Nice

Bunny Nice Butch Nice

Bunra Naughty Butler Naughty

Burcu Naughty Buttercup Naughty

Burdette Nice Butters Nice

Buren Naughty Butterz Naughty

Burgandi Nice Buxton Nice

Burgandie Naughty Buzz Naughty

Burgess Naughty Bwenevere Nice

Burgundy Naughty Bylinda Naughty

Burk Naughty Bynum Naughty

Burke Nice Byran Nice

Burkley Nice Byrd Nice

Burl Naughty Byrdie Naughty

Burleigh Nice Byrne Naughty

Burley Nice Byron Nice

Burnell Nice Byshop Nice

77 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

C-Train Naughty Cadyn Nice

Caaliyah Nice Caeddyn Naughty

Cabe Naughty Caeden Nice

Cabella Nice Caedence Naughty

Cabot Nice Caedman Naughty

Cabrian Nice Caedon Nice

Cace Nice Caedyn Naughty

Cache Nice Cael Nice

Cacie Naughty Caela Naughty

Cacindra Nice Caelah Nice

Cacis Nice Caelan Naughty

Cadan Naughty Caeleb Naughty

Cadance Nice Caelee Naughty

Caddie Naughty Caelei Naughty

Caddoc Nice Caeleigh Nice

Cade Nice Caelen Naughty

Cadee Naughty Caeley Nice

Cadel Naughty Caeli Nice

Cadell Naughty Caelie Nice

Caden Nice Caelin Nice

Cadence Nice Caelinn Nice

Caderyn Naughty Caellum Naughty

Cadewyn Nice Caelsa Naughty

Cadey Naughty Caelum Nice

Cadi Naughty Caelyn Nice

Cadie Naughty Caelynn Naughty

Cadin Nice Caemlyn Nice

Cady Nice Caera Nice

78 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Caesar Naughty Cailon Nice

Caeson Nice Cailum Naughty

Caetlin Naughty Cailyn Nice

Caffrey Naughty Cailynn Nice

Cage Nice Cailynne Nice

Cager Nice Caim Naughty

Cahira Naughty Caimen Naughty

Cai Nice Caimyn Nice

Caia Naughty Cain Nice

Caiana Naughty Cainan Naughty

Caibree Nice Cainden Naughty

Caicos Nice Caine Naughty

Caid Nice Cainen Naughty

Caidance Naughty Cainon Nice

Caide Nice Caio Nice

Caiden Nice Caira Nice

Caiden-Lee Naughty Cairo Nice

Caidence Naughty Caisen Naughty

Caidyn Nice Caison Naughty

Caige Naughty Caisyn Naughty

Cailan Naughty Cait Nice

Caile Nice Caithan Nice

Cailean Naughty Caiti Nice

Cailee Naughty Caitie Nice

Cailey Nice Caitlan Nice

Cailin Nice Caitlin Nice

Caillou Naughty Caitlinb Nice

Caillum Naughty Caitlyn Nice

79 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Caitlynn Nice Calhen Nice

Caitlynne Nice Calhoun Naughty

Caitrin Nice Cali Nice

Caius Naughty Calia Nice

Caiya Nice Caliahna Naughty

Caiyah Nice Caliana Naughty

Caiyden Naughty Calianne Nice

Cal Nice Calibur Nice

Calaia Nice Calicity Nice

Calailee Naughty Calie Naughty

Calan Nice Calisa Nice

Calder Nice Calisee Naughty

Caldonia Naughty Calissa Naughty

Cale Nice Calista Nice

Caleah Nice Calix Naughty

Caleb Nice Caliyah Naughty

Calebisaac Nice Calla Nice

Calee Nice Callahan Naughty

Caleena Naughty Callan Naughty

Caleigh Nice Callaway Nice

Caleigha Naughty Calle Nice

Calem Naughty Calleigh Naughty

Calen Nice Callen Nice

Calena Nice Calley Nice

Calene Naughty Calli Nice

Caleob Naughty Callia Naughty

Calessa Naughty Callie Nice

Caley Nice Callie-Mae Naughty

80 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Calliegh Naughty Camarii Naughty

Calliope Nice Camarin Naughty

Callissa Nice Camaron Nice

Callista Naughty Camaryn Naughty

Callisto Naughty Camber Nice

Calloway Naughty Cambree Naughty

Callum Nice Cambri Nice

Cally Nice Cambria Nice

Callyn Naughty Cambrianne Naughty

Callysta Nice Cambridge Nice

Calob Naughty Cambrie Nice

Calogero Naughty Cambriella Nice

Calum Nice Cambryn Naughty

Calumn Nice Cambrynn Naughty

Calvin Nice Camden Nice

Calvun Naughty Camdenn Naughty

Calyb Naughty Camdin Nice

Calyn Naughty Camdon Nice

Calynn Nice Camdyn Nice

Calypso Naughty Cameeon Nice

Calyssa Nice Camelia Nice

Cam Nice Camella Nice

Cama Nice Camellia Nice

Camalin Nice Cameo Nice

Camara Nice Cameran Nice

Camaran Nice Cameren Nice

Camari Nice Camerin Nice

Camarie Naughty Cameron Nice

81 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Cameronb Nice Camree Naughty

Camerron Naughty Camreigh Naughty

Cameryn Naughty Camren Nice

Camey Nice Camri Naughty

Cami Nice Camrie Nice

Camie Naughty Camrin Nice

Camila Nice Camron Nice

Camilia Naughty Camry Naughty

Camiliya Nice Camryn Nice

Camilla Nice Camrynn Nice

Camille Nice Camton Nice

Camille-Marie Nice Camy Nice

Camilo Nice Camya Naughty

Camilya Naughty Camylla Nice

Camiren Naughty Can Nice

Camisha Naughty Cana Naughty

Camishia Nice Canaan Nice

Camlin Naughty Canan Naughty

Camlynn Nice Canda Naughty

Cammeron Nice Candace Nice

Cammi Naughty Candan Nice

Cammie Nice Candas Nice

Cammy Nice Candelaria Nice

Camora Naughty Candelario Nice

Campbell Nice Canden Nice

Campion Nice Candi Nice

Campton Naughty Candice Nice

Camran Nice Candida Nice

82 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Candido Naughty Caprice Nice

Candie Nice Caprie Naughty

Candilynn Naughty Caprise Nice

Candis Nice Captain Nice

Candler Naughty Cara Nice

Candra Nice Caradee Nice

Candy Nice Caragen Naughty

Candyce Nice Carah Naughty

Cane Nice Caraigh Naughty

Canelo Naughty Caralee Nice

Canessa Naughty Caralia Naughty

Cannady Naughty Caraline Nice

Cannen Naughty Caralyn Nice

Cannie Naughty Caralynn Naughty

Cannon Nice Caramel Nice

Canon Naughty Caramella Nice

Canton Naughty Caramia Naughty

Canyon Nice Carden Naughty

Caoilfhionn Nice Carder Nice

Caoilin Naughty Cardin Naughty

Caoimhe Naughty Cardon Nice

Cap Naughty Cardyn Naughty

Capel Nice Careem Naughty

Caperton Naughty Careen Naughty

Capitola Nice Caren Naughty

Cappie Nice Caressa Nice

Capree Nice Carey Nice

Capri Naughty Cari Nice

83 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Cariana Naughty Carles Naughty

Cariann Naughty Carleton Nice

Carianne Nice Carlett Naughty

Caribeth Nice Carletta Nice

Carie Nice Carley Nice

Carieon Naughty Carli Nice

Carigan Naughty Carliann Naughty

Carilyn Naughty Carlie Nice

Carin Nice Carlin Naughty

Carina Nice Carlina Naughty

Carington Naughty Carlisle Naughty

Carinne Naughty Carlita Nice

Caris Nice Carlo Nice

Carisa Nice Carlos Nice

Carisma Nice Carlota Nice

Carissa Nice Carlotta Naughty

Carista Nice Carlous Naughty

Carita Nice Carlton Naughty

Carl Nice Carlus Nice

Carla Nice Carly Nice

Carlas Nice Carlyce Nice

Carlea Nice Carlye Nice

Carlee Nice Carlyle Nice

Carleen Nice Carlyn Nice

Carleigh Nice Carlynn Nice

Carlen Nice Carlynne Naughty

Carlena Nice Carma Nice

Carlene Nice Carmalina Naughty

84 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Carmel Nice Carolyne Nice

Carmela Naughty Carolynn Nice

Carmelda Naughty Caron Nice

Carmelina Naughty Carra Naughty

Carmelita Naughty Carraghann Nice

Carmella Naughty Carrah-Lynda Naughty

Carmelo Nice Carrel Naughty

Carmen Nice Carrera Nice

Carmin Nice Carri Naughty

Carmine Nice Carrick Nice

Carmyn Nice Carrie Nice

Carnell Nice Carrie-Ann Nice

Caro Naughty Carrie-Lee Nice

Carodie Nice Carrielle Naughty

Carol Nice Carriesue Naughty

Carolann Nice Carrigan Naughty

Carolanne Naughty Carrine Nice

Carole Nice Carrington Nice

Carolea Nice Carrissa Naughty

Carolee Naughty Carrol Naughty

Caroleen Naughty Carroll Naughty

Carolena Nice Carrolyn Nice

Caroliena Naughty Carry Nice

Carolin Naughty Carsen Nice

Carolina Nice Carsin Naughty

Caroline Nice Carson Nice

Caroliyn Naughty Carsten Nice

Carolyn Nice Carston Naughty

85 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Carsyn Nice Cashis Nice

Carter Nice Cashius Nice

Cartier Nice Cashlynn Nice

Carver Naughty Cashman Nice

Carwyn Nice Cashton Nice

Cary Nice Casi Nice

Caryl Nice Casidee Nice

Carylon Nice Casie Naughty

Caryn Nice Casimer Naughty

Carys Nice Casimir Nice

Caryssa Nice Casimira Nice

Cas Nice Casimiro Nice

Casady Naughty Casin Nice

Casandra Nice Casmera Nice

Casaundra Naughty Casmere Naughty

Casaya Naughty Cason Nice

Casbah Nice Casondra Nice

Casca Nice Casper Nice

Case Nice Caspian Naughty

Casea Nice Cass Nice

Casen Naughty Cassadee Naughty

Caseton Naughty Cassadie Naughty

Casey Nice Cassady Nice

Caseyann Nice Cassandra Nice

Caseylayne Nice Cassandre Nice

Cash Nice Cassandria Naughty

Cashawna Nice Cassara Nice

Cashel Nice Cassaundra Naughty

86 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Cassey Nice Cataleya Naughty

Cassi Nice Catalina Nice

Cassia Nice Catarina Nice

Cassian Nice Catberine Nice

Cassideay Naughty Cate Nice

Cassidee Nice Catelin Naughty

Cassidy Nice Catelyn Nice

Cassie Nice Caterina Nice

Cassil Nice Catesby Naughty

Cassiopeia Nice Catharina Naughty

Cassity Naughty Catharine Nice

Cassius Nice Catherina Nice

Casson Naughty Catherine Nice

Cassondra Nice Cathern Naughty

Cassuandra Naughty Catheryne Nice

Cassy Nice Cathey Naughty

Cassye Nice Cathi Nice

Casteen Nice Cathie Nice

Casten Naughty Cathleen Nice

Castiel Nice Cathlene Nice

Castle Nice Cathlyn Nice

Caston Naughty Cathlyne Naughty

Castor Naughty Cathrine Nice

Caswell Nice Cathryn Nice

Casyn Naughty Cathy Nice

Cat Nice Catiana Nice

Catalaya Naughty Catie Nice

Catalena Nice Catina Nice

87 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Catlin Naughty Cayden Nice

Catlyn Nice Caydence Nice

Catlynn Naughty Caydie Nice

Cato Nice Caydon Nice

Catori Nice Caydyn Nice

Catrece Nice Cayenne Naughty

Catrin Naughty Cayia Naughty

Catrina Naughty Cayla Nice

Catrinna Naughty Caylah Nice

Catriona Naughty Cayleb Nice

Catryna Naughty Caylee Nice

Caty Naughty Cayleigh Nice

Caulder Naughty Caylen Naughty

Caull Nice Cayley Nice

Cauryn Nice Caylib Nice

Cavan Naughty Caylie Nice

Cavelyn Nice Caylin Nice

Cavin Nice Caylor Naughty

Cavion Nice Cayman Nice

Cawyer Naughty Caymen Nice

Caybree Naughty Cayn Naughty

Cayc Naughty Cayna Naughty

Cayce Nice Caynan Nice

Cayci Naughty Cayri Nice

Caycia Nice Caysen Nice

Caydance Nice Cayslee Naughty

Cayde Naughty Cayson Naughty

Caydee Naughty Cayton Nice

88 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Cayven Nice Cedar Nice

Caz Naughty Cedarius Naughty

Cazaiah Nice Cederick Naughty

Cazber Naughty Cedrianna Naughty

Cazzmirea Nice Cedric Nice

Cazzy Naughty Cedrick Nice

Cc Nice Ceeah Nice

Ceagan Nice Ceegan Nice

Ceahna Nice Ceejay Naughty

Cealy Naughty Ceeson Naughty

Ceana Nice Ceiara Naughty

Ceanntighern Nice Ceil Naughty

Cearstyn Nice Ceili Nice

Ceasar Naughty Ceilidh Naughty

Cebastian Naughty Ceion Nice

Cebryna Nice Ceira Nice

Cece Nice Ceirra Naughty

Ceceila Nice Celecity Naughty

Cecelia Nice Celena Naughty

Cecely Naughty Celenia Nice

Cecil Nice Celesta Nice

Cecila Naughty Celeste Nice

Cecile Nice Celestia Naughty

Cecileigh Nice Celestin Naughty

Cecilia Nice Celestine Naughty

Cecill Naughty Celestino Nice

Cecillee Naughty Celia Nice

Cecily Nice Celica Naughty

89 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Celicity Naughty Cesar Nice

Celie Nice Cesley Nice

Celimar Naughty Ceth Nice

Celina Nice Cevela Naughty

Celinda Nice Cevin Naughty

Celine Nice Ceylon Nice

Celsey Nice Cezara Naughty

Celtic Naughty Cha Nice

Celton Naughty Cha-Chi Nice

Celyna Nice Chaben Nice

Cember Naughty Chace Nice

Cemita Nice Chachiko Naughty

Cena Nice Chacie Nice

Cendrianna Nice Chacoy Nice

Cendyl Nice Chad Nice

Cene Nice Chadd Naughty

Cenora Nice Chadrick Nice

Ceola Nice Chadwell Nice

Cephus Nice Chadwick Naughty

Cera Naughty Chae Nice

Ceres Nice Chael Naughty

Cereza Naughty Chaela Naughty

Ceri Nice Chaeleigh Naughty

Cerinitee Nice Chaeli Nice

Cerise Nice Chaelyn Naughty

Cerrenitty Naughty Chaelynn Nice

Cerridwen Naughty Chafin Nice

Cerys Nice Chailyn Nice

90 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Chaim Nice Chalyse Naughty

Chaine Nice Chamari Nice

Chainey Nice Chamberlain Nice

Chais Naughty Chambra Nice

Chaise Nice Chambrea Nice

Chaislyn Naughty Chambri Nice

Chaitra Naughty Chamell Nice

Chaka Nice Chamisa Nice

Chakena Naughty Chamonix Nice

Chakota Naughty Champ Nice

Chalaena Naughty Champagne Nice

Chalden Naughty Chana Nice

Chalene Naughty Chanae Nice

Chalet Naughty Chanah Naughty

Chali Nice Chance Nice

Chalie Naughty Chancee Naughty

Chalise Nice Chancellor Nice

Challae Naughty Chancey Naughty

Challanor Nice Chancho Naughty

Challie Naughty Chancy Nice

Challis Naughty Chanda Nice

Chalmer Nice Chandall Nice

Chalmers Naughty Chandelyn Nice

Chalon Naughty Chandise Naughty

Chalonna Naughty Chandler Nice

Chalyce Naughty Chandlor Naughty

Chalyn Naughty Chandni Naughty

Chalynn Naughty Chandon Nice

91 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Chandra Nice Chantilly Nice

Chanel Nice Chantz Naughty

Chanelle Nice Chao Nice

Chanette Nice Chapel Nice

Chaney Nice Chaphan Naughty

Chanie Nice Chapin Naughty

Chanin Nice Char Naughty

Chanlee Naughty Chara Nice

Chanler Nice Chardelle Naughty

Chanmony Nice Chardey Nice

Channelle Nice Charee Nice

Channie Nice Charell Naughty

Channing Nice Chares Naughty

Chans Naughty Chari Nice

Chanse Naughty Charice Naughty

Chanson Nice Chariel Nice

Chansophea Naughty Charis Naughty

Chanston Naughty Charisa Naughty

Chanta Naughty Charisma Nice

Chantal Nice Charissa Nice

Chante Naughty Charisse Nice

Chantee Naughty Chariti Naughty

Chantel Nice Charity Nice

Chantele Nice Charl Nice

Chantell Naughty Charla Nice

Chantelle Nice Charlai Nice

Chanterelle Nice Charlane Naughty

Chantey Nice Charlcie Nice

92 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Charle Naughty Charlsie Naughty

Charlea Naughty Charlton Naughty

Charlee Nice Charly Naughty

Charlee-Ann Naughty Charlyee Naughty

Charleen Nice Charlyn Naughty

Charleerose Naughty Charlyse Naughty

Charleey Naughty Charm Naughty

Charlei Nice Charmain Nice

Charleigh Naughty Charmaine Nice

Charlena Naughty Charmika Nice

Charlene Nice Charmin Nice

Charles Nice Charmine Nice

Charleston Naughty Charmy Nice

Charlette Naughty Charolette Nice

Charley Nice Charvel Nice

Charli Nice Charyl Nice

Charlie Nice Charyssa Nice

Charlieb Naughty Chas Naughty

Charlii Nice Chasalee Naughty

Charlina Naughty Chase Nice

Charline Naughty Chaselynn Nice

Charlize Nice Chasen Naughty

Charlleigh Naughty Chasey Nice

Charlly Nice Chasidy Nice

Charlotta Naughty Chasin Nice

Charlotte Nice Chasity Nice

Charlottie Naughty Chassidy Nice

Charls Naughty Chassie Naughty

93 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Chassity Nice Chaysyn Naughty

Chasta Naughty Chayton Nice

Chastin Naughty Chaz Nice

Chastina Naughty Chazlyn Nice

Chastine Nice Che Naughty

Chastitie Naughty Che-Ivy Naughty

Chastity Nice Chea Naughty

Chasyn Nice Cheanelle Nice

Chatell Naughty Chearil Naughty

Chatlie Nice Chearrie Nice

Chauncey Nice Cheaunti Naughty

Chauncy Naughty Chebrai Naughty

Chaundale Nice Ched Nice

Chauntai Naughty Chee Naughty

Chaunte Nice Cheech Naughty

Chauntel Nice Cheeta Nice

Chauntelle Naughty Cheetah Naughty

Chava Nice Chelan Nice

Chay Nice Chelby Naughty

Chaya Naughty Chelcey Naughty

Chayanne Nice Cheleena Nice

Chayce Naughty Chelene Nice

Chayla Nice Chelese Nice

Chaylen Nice Chella Naughty

Chaylin Naughty Chelle Nice

Chaylla Naughty Chelley Nice

Chayna Naughty Chellsea Nice

Chayse Nice Chelly Nice

94 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Chelsa Nice Cheresa Naughty

Chelsae Naughty Cheri Nice

Chelsea Nice Cheriah Naughty

Chelsee Nice Cherie Nice

Chelseie Nice Cherilyn Nice

Chelsey Nice Cherisa Naughty

Chelsi Nice Cherise Nice

Chelsie Nice Cherish Nice

Chelstiene Naughty Cherita Nice

Chelsy Naughty Cherly Naughty

Chely Nice Cherlyn Naughty

Chelzey Naughty Cherlynn Nice

Chemayne Naughty Cherokee Nice

Chen Nice Cherrelle Nice

Chenae Nice Cherri Nice

Cheney Naughty Cherrie Nice

Chenia Nice Cherry Nice

Chenille Naughty Cherryann Naughty

Chennen Naughty Cherryl Nice

Chenoa Nice Cherub Nice

Chentel Nice Cheryl Nice

Chenyrene Nice Cheryl-Lynn Nice

Cher Nice Cherylann Naughty

Cherae Nice Cheryle Nice

Chere Nice Cheryll Naughty

Cheree Naughty Chesalea Naughty

Cherelle Nice Cheshire Nice

Cherene Nice Chesla Nice

95 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Chesley Nice Chhorn Naughty

Cheslyn Nice Chi Nice

Chesney Naughty Chia Naughty

Chessa Naughty Chiani Naughty

Chessie Naughty Chiara Nice

Chessney Naughty Chicago Naughty

Chester Nice Chico Nice

Chestina Naughty Chicora Nice

Cheston Naughty Chiderah Naughty

Chet Nice Chiho Naughty

Chev Nice Chimene Naughty

Chevea Nice Chimere Naughty

Chevelle Nice Chin Nice

Chevis Naughty China Nice

Chevy Nice Chip Nice

Chewbacca Nice Chiquita Naughty

Chewy Nice Chirae Naughty

Chey Nice Chiron Nice

Cheyann Nice Chivon Nice

Cheyanna Naughty Chizum Nice

Cheyanne Nice Chloe Nice

Cheyene Nice Chloeannah Naughty

Cheyenne Nice Chloee Nice

Cheylynne Nice Chloey Nice

Cheyne Nice Chloie Naughty

Cheza Nice Cho Naughty

Chezlee Naughty Chomi Naughty

Chhavan Nice Chon Naughty

96 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Chong Nice Christeen Nice

Chonte Naughty Christeene Nice

Choochi Naughty Christel Nice

Choong Nice Christella Naughty

Chorus Nice Christelle Naughty

Chowder Nice Christen Nice

Chris Nice Christena Nice

Chris-Lee Nice Christene Naughty

Chrisaundra Nice Christi Nice

Chrise Nice Christiaan Nice

Chrisette Nice Christian Nice

Chrisha Nice Christiana Nice

Chrisley Nice Christiane Nice

Chrisma Nice Christianjorge Nice

Chrissa Nice Christiann Nice

Chrissian Nice Christianna Naughty

Chrissie Naughty Christianne Naughty

Chrissy Nice Christianno Nice

Christ Nice Christiano Nice

Christa Nice Christie Nice

Christabel Naughty Christienne Nice

Christabella Naughty Christilee Naughty

Christabelle Naughty Christin Nice

Christal Nice Christina Nice

Christall Nice Christine Nice

Christana Nice Christion Naughty

Christe Naughty Christlyn Naughty

Christee Naughty Christofer Nice

97 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Christoffer Naughty Chyann Nice

Christofor Naughty Chyanne Naughty

Christop Nice Chyenne Nice

Christoper Nice Chyleen Naughty

Christoph Nice Chyler Nice

Christopher Nice Chyna Naughty

Christophers Nice Chynna Nice

Christophorus Naughty Chyrese Nice

Christos Nice Cia Naughty

Christy Nice Ciaara Nice

Christyn Nice Cian Naughty

Christyna Nice Ciana Nice

Chrisy Naughty Cianah Naughty

Chryistal Naughty Cianna Nice

Chrysabelle Naughty Ciannagayle Nice

Chrysann Nice Cianne Naughty

Chrysanthemum Naughty Ciara Nice

Chrysanthi Nice Ciaran Naughty

Chrysanthos Naughty Ciarra Nice

Chrysta Nice Ciba Nice

Chrystal Nice Cicaley Nice

Chrystaline Nice Cicely Naughty

Chrystian Nice Cicene Naughty

Chubba Nice Cicero Naughty

Chuck Nice Ciceron Nice

Chulee Nice Cicilia Nice

Churrui Naughty Cidnee Nice

Chyan Naughty Cidney Naughty

98 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Cidni Nice Cionna Naughty

Ciejae Nice Cipriano Naughty

Ciel Nice Cira Naughty

Cielo Nice Cirdan Nice

Cienna Naughty Cire Naughty

Ciera Nice Ciressa Nice

Cierra Nice Ciria Nice

Cija Naughty Ciriah Naughty

Ciji Naughty Cirilla Nice

Cilla Nice Ciro Naughty

Cillian Nice Cirsta Naughty

Cimber Naughty Cisco Naughty

Cimcie Naughty Cissy Naughty

Cimonnett Naughty Citlali Naughty

Cinch Nice Citlalli Nice

Cinda Nice Cj Nice

Cindee Nice Clabe Naughty

Cindi Nice Clad Naughty

Cindo Naughty Clae Nice

Cindy Nice Claeshae Nice

Ciniyah Naughty Claiborne Naughty

Cinna Naughty Clair Nice

Cinnamon Nice Claira Nice

Cinnia Naughty Clairah Nice

Cinthia Nice Claire Nice

Cinthya Naughty Claireanne Nice

Cinty Naughty Clairese Naughty

Cinzia Naughty Clairyssa Nice

99 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Clancy Nice Claudina Naughty

Clara Nice Claudine Nice

Clarabelle Nice Claudio Naughty

Clarance Nice Claudius Naughty

Clare Nice Claus Nice

Clarence Nice Clay Nice

Clarens Nice Claya Naughty

Claressa Naughty Clayden Naughty

Claribel Nice Clayre Naughty

Clarice Naughty Clayson Nice

Clarinda Naughty Clayt Nice

Clarine Nice Claython Naughty

Clarisa Nice Clayton Nice

Clarise Naughty Cle Naughty

Clarissa Nice Clea Nice

Clarisse Nice Clearence Nice

Clariza Nice Cleave Nice

Clark Nice Cleda Naughty

Clarke Naughty Clell Nice

Clarnce Nice Clella Nice

Claryce Nice Clem Nice

Class Naughty Clemence Nice

Classie Nice Clemens Naughty

Claud Nice Clement Naughty

Claude Nice Clemente Nice

Claudette Naughty Clementina Nice

Claudia Nice Clementine Nice

Claudie Naughty Clemie Naughty

100 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Clemma Nice Cloey Nice

Clemmie Naughty Cloie Nice

Clemon Nice Clora Naughty

Cleo Nice Clorissa Nice

Cleola Nice Clotilda Nice

Cleon Naughty Clotilde Naughty

Cleone Nice Cloud Naughty

Cleopatra Naughty Cloudy Nice

Cleora Nice Clouse Nice

Cleotha Naughty Clover Naughty

Cleta Nice Clovis Naughty

Cletus Naughty Cloyd Naughty

Cleva Nice Clu Nice

Cleve Naughty Clyda Nice

Cleveland Naughty Clyde Nice

Clevie Naughty Clydie Nice

Clide Nice Clytie Naughty

Cliff Nice Coady Nice

Cliffie Naughty Coah Nice

Clifford Nice Coale Naughty

Clifton Nice Coalton Nice

Clint Nice Coaster Nice

Clinton Nice Cobain Nice

Clintonkildepstein Nice Coben Nice

Clio Naughty Cobi Naughty

Clive Nice Cobie Nice

Clodagh Nice Coby Nice

Cloe Naughty Coco Nice

101 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Cocoa Nice Colee Naughty

Coda Nice Coleen Nice

Codee Nice Coleman Nice

Coden Naughty Colena Naughty

Codey Nice Colene Nice

Codi Nice Coles Naughty

Codie Nice Coleson Naughty

Cody Nice Coleton Nice

Coeetta Naughty Coletta Naughty

Coel Nice Colette Nice

Coen Nice Coley Naughty

Cohen Nice Colgin Nice

Cohren Nice Colie Naughty

Coilin Naughty Colin Nice

Col Nice Colina Nice

Cola Naughty Colita Naughty

Colan Nice Collan Naughty

Colbert Naughty Colleen Nice

Colbey Naughty Collette Nice

Colbie Nice Collie Naughty

Colbin Naughty Collier Nice

Colby Nice Collin Nice

Colden Nice Collins Nice

Cole Nice Collis Nice

Colean Naughty Collison Nice

Coleby Nice Collyn Nice

Coledon Nice Collyns Naughty

Coledyn Naughty Colman Naughty

102 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Colon Nice Conan Nice

Colonel Nice Conard Naughty

Colsen Naughty Concepcion Nice

Colsie Nice Concetta Nice

Colson Nice Concha Naughty

Colstin Nice Conchita Nice

Colston Nice Conchubhar Nice

Colstyn Nice Condy Nice

Colt Nice Coneshia Nice

Coltan Nice Conetha Naughty

Colten Nice Cong Nice

Colter Nice Conlan Nice

Coltier Nice Conlee Naughty

Coltin Nice Conleigh Nice

Colton Nice Conley Nice

Coltyn Nice Connagher Nice

Colum Nice Connall Naughty

Columbia Nice Connally Naughty

Columbus Naughty Connar Naughty

Colvin Nice Connee Nice

Colyn Naughty Connell Naughty

Commodore Nice Connelly Naughty

Compton Nice Connemara Naughty

Con Nice Conner Nice

Conagher Nice Connie Nice

Conaire Nice Connley Naughty

Conal Nice Connor Nice

Conall Nice Connorranen Nice

103 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Cono Nice Corabelle Nice

Conor Nice Corah Nice

Conrad Nice Coraima Nice

Conrado Nice Coral Nice

Conri Nice Coralea Naughty

Conroy Naughty Coralee Naughty

Constance Nice Coralene Nice

Constancia Nice Coralie Nice

Constantine Nice Coraline Nice

Constantino Naughty Coralue Naughty

Consuela Naughty Coralyn Nice

Consuelo Nice Corazon Naughty

Contessa Naughty Corban Nice

Contiki Nice Corben Nice

Contina Naughty Corbett Naughty

Conway Naughty Corbin Nice

Conyer Nice Corbitt Nice

Cookie Nice Corbley Nice

Cookie-Monster Naughty Corby Nice

Coolidge Naughty Corbyn Nice

Cooper Nice Cord Naughty

Cooperjohnson Naughty Corda Nice

Cooperlynn Naughty Cordae Nice

Copeland Nice Cordam Nice

Copelynn Naughty Cordaro Nice

Copley Naughty Cordaya Nice

Copper Naughty Cordelia Nice

Cora Nice Cordell Nice

104 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Cordella Naughty Corky Naughty

Cordero Nice Corliss Naughty

Cordia Naughty Corlyn Nice

Cordie Nice Cormac Nice

Cordnie Nice Cornel Nice

Cordon Nice Cornelia Nice

Cordova Naughty Cornelio Nice

Corduroy Naughty Cornelious Nice

Corean Naughty Cornelius Nice

Coree Naughty Cornell Naughty

Coreen Naughty Cornie Nice

Coreena Naughty Correalle Nice

Corena Nice Corriana Nice

Corene Nice Corrick Nice

Coretta Naughty Corrie Nice

Corey Nice Corrigan Nice

Cori Nice Corrin Naughty

Coriana Naughty Corrina Nice

Corianna Naughty Corrine Nice

Corianne Nice Corrinna Nice

Corie Nice Corrinne Naughty

Corin Naughty Corrissa Nice

Corina Nice Corry Naughty

Corine Naughty Corson Nice

Corinna Nice Cort Nice

Corinne Nice Cortana Nice

Corinth Nice Corterious Naughty

Corissa Naughty Cortez Naughty

105 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Cortland Naughty Coulter Nice

Cortlyn Nice Coumba Naughty

Cortnee Nice Council Nice

Cortney Nice Coupe Naughty

Cortni Naughty Couper Nice

Cortnie Nice Coura Nice

Cortrell Naughty Courtaney Nice

Corvin Naughty Courtenay Nice

Corvo Naughty Courteney Naughty

Corwin Nice Courtland Nice

Corwyn Naughty Courtlyn Naughty

Cory Nice Courtnay Nice

Coryb Naughty Courtnee Nice

Corydon Nice Courtney Nice

Coryion Naughty Courtni Nice

Coryn Nice Courtnie Nice

Coryna Nice Cove Nice

Cosette Naughty Coveh Naughty

Cosmo Naughty Covin Nice

Cossette Nice Cow Nice

Costa Nice Cowan Naughty

Costin Naughty Cowen Nice

Coston Nice Coy Naughty

Cotey Naughty Coye Naughty

Coty Nice Cozette Naughty

Cougar Nice Cozzette Nice

Cougen Naughty Crace Naughty

Coulson Nice Craeden Nice

106 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Craig Nice Criselda Naughty

Craigen Naughty Crisily Naughty

Crandon Nice Crislyn Naughty

Crawford Nice Crispin Naughty

Craylon Nice Crissie Naughty

Crayton Nice Crissy Nice

Crazy Naughty Crist Nice

Crazyboy Nice Crista Nice

Cree Nice Cristal Nice

Creecha Nice Cristeana Naughty

Creed Nice Cristel Naughty

Creede Naughty Cristela Naughty

Cregg Naughty Cristella Nice

Creigh Nice Cristelle Nice

Creighton Naughty Cristen Naughty

Creola Nice Cristi Nice

Crescent Naughty Cristian Nice

Cresenciana Naughty Cristiana Nice

Creslin Naughty Cristiano Nice

Cressie Nice Cristie Nice

Creston Naughty Cristin Nice

Crete Naughty Cristina Nice

Crew Nice Cristine Nice

Cricket Nice Cristionna Naughty

Crimson Naughty Cristis Nice

Cris Naughty Cristo Nice

Crisandra Nice Cristobal Nice

Crisdee Nice Cristofer Nice

107 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Cristoff Nice Crysten Nice

Cristopher Naughty Crysthal Nice

Cristy Nice Crystiana Nice

Cristyn Naughty Crystina Nice

Crixus Nice Crystle Naughty

Crocifisso Naughty Crystol Naughty

Crockett Naughty Cryztopher Nice

Croft Naughty Csaba Naughty

Croix Naughty Cterling Naughty

Crosby Nice Cuba Naughty

Crosley Naughty Culain Naughty

Cross Nice Cullen Nice

Crowley Nice Culley Nice

Cru Naughty Cuma Naughty

Crue Naughty Cura Naughty

Cruise Naughty Curie Naughty

Crusoe Naughty Curley Naughty

Cruz Nice Curran Naughty

Cruze Nice Curston Naughty

Cruzito Nice Curt Nice

Cryniesha Naughty Curtice Naughty

Crysta Naughty Curtis Nice

Crystal Nice Curtiss Nice

Crystal-Rose Naughty Cushla Nice

Crystale Naughty Cutler Nice

Crystalrose Naughty Cutter Naughty

Crystalyn Naughty Cuyler Nice

Crystel Nice Cy Nice

108 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Cyan Naughty Cynder Naughty

Cyann Naughty Cyndi Nice

Cyara Nice Cyndie Nice

Cyarah Naughty Cyndle Naughty

Cybella Nice Cynita Naughty

Cybil Nice Cyntha Naughty

Cybil-Lynn Nice Cynthia Nice

Cycloria Naughty Cyntia Naughty

Cydnee Nice Cypress Nice

Cydney Naughty Cyprian Naughty

Cydni Naughty Cyr Nice

Cydnie Naughty Cyra Naughty

Cyenna Nice Cyrah Nice

Cyerra Naughty Cyrene Nice

Cylah Naughty Cyril Nice

Cylas Nice Cyrille Nice

Cyle Nice Cyris Nice

Cylee Nice Cyrita Naughty

Cyler Naughty Cyrol Nice

Cyless Nice Cyrus Nice

Cylo Nice Cysallie Naughty

Cylus Nice Czarley Nice

Cyn Naughty Cziana Naughty

Cynarra Naughty D Naughty

Cynarrar Naughty D’ Naughty

Cynda Naughty D’Adrian Naughty

Cyndal Naughty D’Aleena Naughty

Cynde Nice D’Amitrius Naughty

109 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

D’Andre Naughty Daegan Nice

D’Anita Nice Daeghan Nice

D’Anna Nice Daeja Naughty

D’Armani Nice Daelan Naughty

D’Artagnan Naughty Daelen Naughty

D’Avante Nice Daelyn Nice

D’Jarvis Naughty Daelynn Naughty

Da Nice Daemon Nice

Da’Kaydian Naughty Daenariah Nice

Da’Leeia Nice Daeneris Nice

Da’Shek Nice Daenerys Naughty

Da’Vi Naughty Daescha Nice

Daario Nice Daesean Nice

Dabney Nice Daesin Nice

Dacari Naughty Daeson Nice

Dacei Naughty Daeton Nice

Dacey Nice Dafne Nice

Dacia Naughty Dafyness Naughty

Dacie Naughty Dagan Naughty

Dacoda Nice Dagmar Nice

Dad Naughty Dagnija Naughty

Daddy Naughty Dagny Nice

Dade Nice Dagon Nice

Dae Nice Dagonae Naughty

Dae’Onna Naughty Dahlia Nice

Daebrion Nice Dahliiya Nice

Daedra Nice Dahlilla Nice

Daedre Naughty Dahnie Nice

110 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Dahnna Nice Daisha Nice

Dahnyale Naughty Daisie Nice

Dahr Naughty Daisie-Mae Naughty

Dahri Nice Daisy Nice

Daiah Naughty Daisye Naughty

Daicin Nice Daiszia Naughty

Daidalus Naughty Daithi Nice

Daiden Naughty Daitona Nice

Daija Nice Daiya Naughty

Daijah Naughty Daizee Naughty

Daije Naughty Daizon Naughty

Dail Nice Daizy Naughty

Daila Naughty Daja Nice

Daileen Naughty Dajan Naughty

Dailene Nice Dak Naughty

Dailey Naughty Dakaasin Nice

Dailyn Naughty Dakiree Naughty

Dailynn Nice Dakoda Nice

Daimel Nice Dakohda Nice

Daimon Naughty Dakota Nice

Daimyn Nice Dakotah Nice

Dain Nice Dakova Nice

Dainan Nice Daks Nice

Dainel Nice Dalaina Nice

Dainese Naughty Dalaney Naughty

Dainius Naughty Dalani Naughty

Daiquiri Naughty Dalayna Naughty

Daisey Naughty Dale Nice

111 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Dalee Naughty Dallon Naughty

Daleena Naughty Dallyn Nice

Daleighla Naughty Dallynn Nice

Daleina Nice Dalson Nice

Dalen Naughty Dalten Nice

Dalena Naughty Dalto Nice

Dalene Naughty Dalton Nice

Dalex Nice Daltyn Naughty

Daleyssa Naughty Dalvin Naughty

Daleyza Naughty Daly Naughty

Dalfonzo Naughty Dalyla Nice

Dali Naughty Dalylah Nice

Dalia Nice Dalyn Nice

Daliana Naughty Dalynn Naughty

Daliborca Naughty Dalynne Nice

Dalighla Nice Damahya Naughty

Dalila Naughty Damara Naughty

Dalilah Nice Damarcus Nice

Dalina Nice Damari Nice

Dalis Nice Damarion Nice

Dalisay Naughty Damaris Naughty

Daljinder Nice Damarys Nice

Dallana Naughty Damaury Nice

Dallas Nice Damen Nice

Dallen Nice Damenna Naughty

Dallie Naughty Dameon Nice

Dallin Nice Dametrius Naughty

Dallis Nice Damian Nice

112 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Damiana Nice Dandre Naughty

Damico Naughty Dane Nice

Damien Nice Daneah Naughty

Damiere Nice Daneal Naughty

Damin Nice Danee Naughty

Damion Nice Daneen Naughty

Damir Nice Daneishia Naughty

Damjan Naughty Danelinne Nice

Damon Nice Danell Naughty

Damond Naughty Danella Naughty

Damone Nice Danelle Naughty

Damonnie Naughty Danelly Nice

Damra Nice Danene Naughty

Damyn Naughty Danessa Nice

Dan Nice Danette Nice

Dana Nice Dangelo Naughty

Danae Nice Danger Naughty

Danaerys Nice Dangledorf Naughty

Danajah Naughty Dango Nice

Danaka Nice Dani Nice

Danalynn Nice Dania Nice

Danan Naughty Danial Nice

Danara Naughty Danica Nice

Danashya Nice Daniegh Naughty

Danasia Nice Daniel Nice

Danay Naughty Daniela Nice

Danaya Naughty Daniele Naughty

Dancie Nice Daniell Naughty

113 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Daniella Nice Danno Nice

Danielle Nice Danny Nice

Danija Naughty Danovan Nice

Danika Nice Danrico Naughty

Danikka Nice Danson Naughty

Danilo Naughty Dante Nice

Daniq Nice Dany Nice

Danise Nice Danya Nice

Danita Naughty Danyal Nice

Danity Nice Danycia Nice

Danja Nice Danyel Nice

Dankea Naughty Danyele Nice

Dann Nice Danyell Nice

Danna Nice Danyella Nice

Dannaca Naughty Danyelle Nice

Dannah Nice Danyka Nice

Dannan Naughty Danyse Naughty

Danne Nice Danzig Naughty

Dannee Nice Daphna Naughty

Dannel Nice Daphne Nice

Dannen Nice Daphnie Nice

Danner Naughty Daqoune Naughty

Dannette Naughty Daquan Nice

Danni Nice Dara Nice

Dannie Nice Darac Nice

Danniel Nice Darah Nice

Dannielle Nice Daranado Nice

Dannikka Nice Daranda Nice

114 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Daray Naughty Darin Nice

Darayash Nice Darinka Nice

Darbee Naughty Dario Nice

Darby Nice Darion Naughty

Darcee Nice Darius Nice

Darcel Nice Dariyan Naughty

Darcey Nice Darko Nice

Darci Nice Darl Nice

Darcia Naughty Darla Nice

Darcie Nice Darleen Nice

Darcie-Mae Nice Darlene Nice

Darcy Nice Darley Naughty

Darek Naughty Darlin Nice

Darell Nice Darlinda Nice

Daren Naughty Darline Nice

Daria Nice Darlyne Naughty

Darian Nice Darma Nice

Dariana Naughty Darnel Naughty

Dariann Naughty Darnell Nice

Darianys Naughty Darnice Nice

Daric Nice Darold Naughty

Darice Naughty Daron Naughty

Darick Nice Darra Naughty

Dariel Nice Darragh Naughty

Dariela Nice Darrah Nice

Darien Nice Darrel Naughty

Darienne Naughty Darrell Nice

Darilyn Naughty Darren Nice

115 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Darri Naughty Daryion Naughty

Darrian Nice Daryk Nice

Darric Naughty Daryl Naughty

Darrick Nice Darylann Nice

Darrien Nice Daryle Naughty

Darrin Nice Daryll Nice

Darrion Nice Daryn Naughty

Darris Nice Dasey Nice

Darrius Nice Dash Nice

Darrol Naughty Dasha Nice

Darron Nice Dashanda Nice

Darry Naughty Dasharra Naughty

Darryl Nice Dashawn Naughty

Darryle Naughty Dashel Nice

Darryll Naughty Dashia Naughty

Darryn Naughty Dashiell Nice

Darshan Nice Dashinae Nice

Dartagnan Nice Dasia Naughty

Dartanian Naughty Dasianae Nice

Dartanya Nice Dasmann Naughty

Darvile Naughty Dason Naughty

Darvin Nice Dastan Naughty

Darwin Nice Dat Nice

Darwon Nice Data Nice

Darwyn Nice Dathan Nice

Darya Naughty Dathon Nice

Daryan Nice Daton Naughty

Daryil Naughty Datta Naughty

116 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Daughtry Nice Davilyn Nice

Daulton Naughty Davin Nice

Daunelle Nice Davina Nice

Daunte Naughty Davinci Naughty

Dava Naughty Davine Nice

Davah Naughty Davinson Naughty

Davanee Nice Davion Nice

Davaney Nice Davione Naughty

Davante Naughty Davis Nice

Dave Nice Davita Naughty

Daveed Nice Davon Nice

Daveena Nice Davonia Nice

Daveeshea Nice Davonna Naughty

Davelyn Nice Davonta Nice

Davena Naughty Davonte Nice

Davene Naughty Davontray Naughty

Daveney Nice Davorin Nice

Daveon Nice Davri Naughty

Davey Nice Davy Nice

Davi Naughty Davyn Naughty

Davia Nice Davynee Naughty

Davian Nice Dawn Nice

Daviano Nice Dawna Nice

David Nice Dawndalee Nice

Davida Naughty Dawne Nice

Davie Nice Dawnelle Naughty

Daviess Naughty Dawnette Naughty

Daviliz Nice Dawniel Nice

117 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Dawnita Nice Daykota Naughty

Dawnmarie Nice Daylan Naughty

Dawon Nice Dayle Nice

Dawson Nice Daylen Naughty

Dawsyn Nice Daylin Nice

Dax Nice Daylon Naughty

Daxon Naughty Daylyn Naughty

Daxson Nice Daylynn Nice

Daxstyn Nice Daymarion Naughty

Daxten Nice Daymein Naughty

Daxter Naughty Daymen Naughty

Daxtin Nice Daymon Naughty

Daxton Nice Daymond Nice

Daxtyn Nice Daymoni Nice

Daxx Nice Dayn Nice

Daxxon Nice Dayna Nice

Daxziely Naughty Dayne Nice

Dayami Naughty Daynel Nice

Dayana Naughty Daynen Nice

Dayanara Naughty Daynette Naughty

Dayde Nice Daynna Naughty

Dayden Nice Dayona Naughty

Daydre Nice Dayse Naughty

Daydrien Nice Daysen Nice

Daye-Sean Naughty Daysha Naughty

Daygan Naughty Daysia Naughty

Dayin Naughty Dayson Naughty

Dayja Naughty Dayton Nice

118 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Daytona Nice Deane Naughty

Dayva Nice Deangelo Nice

Dayvion Naughty Deanie Nice

Dayvis Nice Deann Naughty

Dayvon Naughty Deanna Nice

Dazey Nice Deanne Nice

Dazi Naughty Deante Naughty

Dazire Nice Deanthony Nice

Dazlin Naughty Dearien Naughty

Dazzlyn Naughty Deasia Nice

De Naughty Deaton Nice

De’Carlo Naughty Deaun Nice

De’Javue Nice Deaundrey Naughty

De’Lana Naughty Deaunta Nice

De’Metri Nice Deavawna Naughty

De’Onna Nice Deaven Naughty

Dea Naughty Deb Nice

Deacon Nice Debarah Nice

Deadre Naughty Debbi Nice

Deagan Nice Debbie Nice

Deaglan Naughty Debbra Nice

Deajahnae Nice Debby Nice

Deakyn Nice Debe Naughty

Deallan Naughty Debee Naughty

Dean Nice Debera Nice

Deana Nice Debi Nice

Deandra Nice Debiy Nice

Deandre Nice Debonair Naughty

119 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Debora Nice Deeanalys Nice

Deborah Nice Deeann Nice

Deborrah Naughty Deeanne Nice

Debra Nice Deebo Naughty

Debragh Nice Deedee Nice

Debrah Naughty Deegan Nice

Debralee Nice Deeks Nice

Debrinka Nice Deelia Naughty

Debroah Nice Deen Naughty

Decarla Nice Deena Nice

Decateur Nice Deepraj Naughty

December Nice Deetta Nice

Decemberlyn Nice Deeznuts Naughty

Decker Nice Deforest Naughty

Decklan Naughty Degni Nice

Decklyn Naughty Dehaan Nice

Declan Nice Dehlia Nice

Declin Nice Deidra Nice

Declyn Nice Deidre Nice

Decoda Naughty Deinian Naughty

Decora Nice Deion Naughty

Decoursey Naughty Deirdre Nice

Dede Nice Deirdri Naughty

Dedra Nice Deirdria Nice

Dedran Naughty Deisy Naughty

Dedric Nice Deja Nice

Dedrick Naughty Deja-Marie Naughty

Dee Nice Dejah Naughty

120 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Dejanine Naughty Delara Nice

Dejay Naughty Delavine Naughty

Dejon Nice Delayna Nice

Dejuan Nice Delayne Nice

Dekarii Naughty Delayni Nice

Dekarrion Nice Delaynie Naughty

Deken Nice Delbert Nice

Dekevion Naughty Delcedy Nice

Deklan Nice Delci Nice

Deklin Naughty Delcie Naughty

Deklyn Nice Deleah Naughty

Deklynd Nice Deleena Naughty

Dekoda Naughty Delfina Nice

Dekori Nice Delfino Naughty

Dekota Nice Delhi Naughty

Dekoyer Naughty Delia Nice

Del Nice Deliah Naughty

Delaenee Naughty Delicia Nice

Delaina Nice Delight Nice

Delainey Naughty Delila Nice

Delana Naughty Delilah Nice

Delanea Naughty Delilas Naughty

Delanee Naughty Delina Nice

Delaney Nice Delinah Naughty

Delanie Nice Delinda Naughty

Delano Nice Delisa Nice

Delante Naughty Deliyah Naughty

Delany Naughty Delizah Nice

121 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Dell Naughty Delsie Nice

Della Nice Delta Naughty

Dellamae Nice Deltah Naughty

Dellania Nice Delton Nice

Dellanira Nice Delvin Nice

Dellar Nice Delwin Nice

Delle Nice Delylah Nice

Dellia Nice Delynn Nice

Dellie Naughty Delys Nice

Dellonn Naughty Dema Nice

Delma Nice Demarco Nice

Delmar Nice Demarcus Nice

Delmario Naughty Demario Naughty

Delmas Naughty Demarion Nice

Delmer Nice Demarise Nice

Delmir Naughty Demarius Naughty

Delmont Naughty Demarriae Naughty

Delmus Naughty Demarrio Naughty

Delois Naughty Demaurier Naughty

Delora Nice Demelza Nice

Delores Nice Demery Nice

Deloria Naughty Demetra Naughty

Deloris Naughty Demetri Naughty

Delos Naughty Demetria Nice

Delpha Nice Demetric Nice

Delphia Nice Demetrice Naughty

Delphin Naughty Demetrios Naughty

Delphine Naughty Demetrius Nice

122 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Demi Nice Denieah Nice

Demi-Anna Nice Denielle Naughty

Demian Nice Deniese Naughty

Demianna Nice Denika Naughty

Demirra Nice Denim Naughty

Demitri Naughty Denine Nice

Demitria Nice Denis Nice

Demly Naughty Denise Nice

Demond Nice Denisha Nice

Demonte Naughty Denisse Nice

Demozae Nice Denita Naughty

Dempsey Nice Deniz Nice

Dena Nice Denna Nice

Denae Naughty Denne Nice

Denah Naughty Dennee Nice

Denahi Nice Denni Naughty

Denali Nice Dennie Naughty

Denay Nice Dennis Nice

Denby Nice Dennise Naughty

Dene Nice Dennon Naughty

Denee Nice Denny Nice

Deneen Nice Denton Naughty

Denele Nice Denver Nice

Denell Naughty Denyel Nice

Denese Naughty Denys Naughty

Deneta Naughty Denyse Naughty

Deni Naughty Denzel Nice

Denice Naughty Denzell Naughty

123 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Denzella Naughty Derian Naughty

Denzil Nice Deriane Nice

Deon Naughty Deric Nice

Deonca Nice Derica Naughty

Deondra Naughty Derick Naughty

Deondre Nice Derico Nice

Deonicia Nice Deriel Naughty

Deonna Naughty Derienne Naughty

Deonta Naughty Derik Nice

Deontae Naughty Derinda Nice

Deonte Nice Derjon Nice

Depp Naughty Derl Naughty

Deprise Naughty Dermot Naughty

Deqlyn Naughty Dernier Nice

Dequan Nice Deron Nice

Dequane Nice Derrek Nice

Derain Naughty Derrell Nice

Derald Naughty Derrick Nice

Derana Naughty Derrien Nice

Derbie Nice Derrik Naughty

Derec Nice Derrike Nice

Dereck Nice Derringer Nice

Dereda Naughty Derris Nice

Dereese Nice Derwin Nice

Derek Nice Deryck Naughty

Dereon Nice Deryk Naughty

Derhon Naughty Deryke Nice

Deri Naughty Deryl Naughty

124 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Deryle Naughty Desma Nice

Deryn Nice Desman Nice

Desa Nice Desmo Naughty

Desalia Nice Desmond Nice

Desanne Naughty Desray Nice

Desarae Nice Dessa Nice

Desaray Nice Dessariah Naughty

Desaree Naughty Dessie Naughty

Desarie Naughty Dessika Naughty

Desdi Nice Destane Naughty

Desean Nice Destanee Naughty

Deserae Nice Destaneh Naughty

Deseree Nice Destanie Naughty

Deshae Naughty Destannee Naughty

Deshanel Naughty Destany Nice

Deshanna Nice Desten Nice

Deshaun Nice Destennie Nice

Deshawn Nice Destin Nice

Deshea Naughty Destinee Nice

Deshyla Nice Destiney Nice

Desi Nice Destini Nice

Desirae Nice Destinie Naughty

Desiray Naughty Destiny Nice

Desirea Nice Destney Nice

Desireah Nice Deston Naughty

Desiree Nice Destrie Naughty

Desirie Nice Destry Naughty

Deslyn Nice Desty Naughty

125 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Destyni Nice Devinn Naughty

Deta Nice Devinreigh Naughty

Deuce Nice Devlin Naughty

Deureka Nice Devlyn Nice

Dev Nice Devon Nice

Devan Nice Devona Nice

Devanee Naughty Devonna Naughty

Devangelo Nice Devonne Nice

Devanie Nice Devonta Nice

Devann Naughty Devontae Naughty

Devansh Nice Devonte Naughty

Devante Naughty Devony Naughty

Devaughn Nice Devra Nice

Devaun Naughty Devree Naughty

Devaunte Naughty Devrim Nice

Devay Naughty Devryn Nice

Deveaux Naughty Devun Naughty

Deven Nice Devyn Nice

Devenn Naughty Dewana Naughty

Deveny Nice Deward Naughty

Devereaux Naughty Dewayne Nice

Deverie Naughty Dewey Nice

Devesh Naughty Dewi Naughty

Devhan Nice Dewitt Nice

Devi Naughty Dewmi Nice

Devika Naughty Dexious Naughty

Devin Nice Dexter Nice

Devina Naughty Deyaneira Nice

126 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Deyanida Nice Dhina Naughty

Deyanira Naughty Dhiya Naughty

Deyette Naughty Dhoowarakh Nice

Deymian Nice Dhruv Naughty

Deyonna Nice Dhruvan Nice

Deysi Naughty Dhruvil Naughty

Deysy Nice Dhyey Nice

Dez Nice Di Nice

Dezarae Nice Dia Naughty

Dezaray Naughty Diago Nice

Dezaraye Nice Diahann Nice

Dezdemona Nice Diallo Naughty

Dezha Nice Diamond Nice

Dezirae Nice Diamonique Naughty

Dezma Naughty Dian Naughty

Dezmon Nice Diana Nice

Dezmond Nice Dianah Nice

Dezra Nice Diandra Nice

Dezrae Nice Diandre Naughty

Dezyree Naughty Diane Nice

Dezzie Nice Diangelo Naughty

Dezzy Naughty Dianika Nice

Dhanytza Naughty Diann Naughty

Dharma Nice Dianna Nice

Dharmik Nice Diannaha Naughty

Dharmit Nice Dianne Nice

Dheja Nice Diarae Naughty

Dhillon Naughty Diarmuid Naughty

127 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Dicie Nice Dillie Nice

Dick Nice Dillinger Nice

Dickie Naughty Dillion Nice

Dickson Nice Dillon Nice

Dicky Naughty Dilma Nice

Dicy Nice Dilwen Nice

Diedre Naughty Dilyn Naughty

Diedrick Naughty Dilynn Naughty

Dieem Nice Dim Nice

Diego Nice Dimas Nice

Diem Nice Dimitra Nice

Dierk Nice Dimitri Naughty

Dierks Nice Dimitrios Nice

Diesel Nice Dimitrius Naughty

Dieter Nice Dimity Nice

Dietra Naughty Dimple Nice

Dietrich Nice Dina Nice

Digno Naughty Dinah Nice

Dijon Naughty Dinayah Nice

Dila Nice Dineen Naughty

Dilan Naughty Dineth Naughty

Dilara Naughty Dingy Naughty

Dilen Naughty Dinin Nice

Dilexi Nice Dink Nice

Dilin Nice Dino Nice

Dillan Nice Dinorah Naughty

Dillard Naughty Dio Nice

Dillen Nice Dion Nice

128 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Diona Naughty Dj Nice

Dione Naughty Djanae Nice

Dioneiris Naughty Djanaya Nice

Dionicio Nice Django Nice

Dionisios Naughty Djuana Naughty

Dionna Nice Djuna Naughty

Dionne Nice Djurdjica Naughty

Dionte Nice Dmitri Nice

Diovanni Nice Dmitrii Nice

Dipti Naughty Dmitriy Nice

Dirck Naughty Doak Naughty

Dirinda Nice Doane Naughty

Dirk Naughty Doanh Naughty

Diron Nice Doc Nice

Disa Naughty Docia Naughty

Disney Naughty Dock Naughty

Diver Nice Doctor Nice

Divia Naughty Dodge Naughty

Divina Nice Dodger Naughty

Divine Naughty Dody Naughty

Divinity Nice Dola Nice

Divonta Nice Dolan Naughty

Divya Naughty Dolce Naughty

Dixee Nice Dolcie Nice

Dixie Nice Doll Nice

Dixon Nice Dollie Nice

Diya Nice Dolly Nice

Diyani Nice Dollye Nice

129 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Dolmiro Naughty Dominque Nice

Dolores Nice Dominyk Nice

Doloris Naughty Domireli Naughty

Dolph Naughty Domnica Nice

Dolphus Nice Domonic Nice

Dolson Nice Domonick Naughty

Domanic Nice Domonico Nice

Domanick Nice Domonique Nice

Domarchine Nice Domownae Nice

Domenic Nice Don Nice

Domenica Naughty Dona Nice

Domenick Nice Donaciano Naughty

Domenico Nice Donal Naughty

Domiana Naughty Donald Nice

Domina Naughty Donat Naughty

Dominga Naughty Donathan Nice

Domingo Naughty Donato Nice

Domini Nice Donavain Nice

Dominic Nice Donavan Naughty

Dominica Nice Donaven Naughty

Dominick Nice Donavon Nice

Dominico Nice Donavyn Nice

Dominik Nice Dondi Nice

Dominika Nice Dondre Nice

Dominiq Nice Donell Nice

Dominique Nice Donelle Naughty

Dominix Nice Donetta Naughty

Domino Nice Donevan Naughty

130 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Doni Naughty Dontravis Nice

Donia Nice Dontrell Nice

Donie Naughty Donulus Naughty

Doniel Nice Donya Naughty

Donielle Naughty Donyale Naughty

Donilyn Nice Donyea Nice

Donio Naughty Doohwanna Nice

Donita Nice Dooley Nice

Donivan Naughty Dooney Naughty

Donn Naughty Doonya Naughty

Donna Nice Dora Nice

Donna-Marie Nice Dorabeth Naughty

Donnamae Naughty Dorae Naughty

Donnas Nice Doran Naughty

Donnell Naughty Dorathea Naughty

Donnelly Naughty Dorathy Naughty

Donnette Naughty Dorcas Nice

Donnie Nice Dorean Naughty

Donny Nice Doree Naughty

Donovahn Nice Doreen Nice

Donovan Nice Doren Nice

Donoven Nice Dorene Nice

Donovon Nice Doretha Nice

Donovyn Naughty Doretta Naughty

Donquel Nice Dori Naughty

Donta Nice Doria Naughty

Dontae Naughty Dorian Nice

Donte Naughty Dorie Naughty

131 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Dorielou Naughty Dot Nice

Dorinda Naughty Dotti Naughty

Dorine Nice Dotti-Kate Nice

Doris Nice Dottie Nice

Dorissa Naughty Dotty Naughty

Dorla Nice Doug Nice

Dorman Naughty Douglas Nice

Doroin Nice Douglass Naughty

Doron Nice Doval Naughty

Dorota Naughty Dove Nice

Dorotha Naughty Dovie Nice

Dorothea Naughty Dow Nice

Dorothy Nice Doyala Naughty

Dorr Nice Doyle Nice

Dorrie Nice Dozer Nice

Dorris Nice Dozier Nice

Dorsey Naughty Dracen Nice

Dortha Nice Drache Naughty

Dorthea Nice Draco Naughty

Dorthey Naughty Dracula Nice

Dorthy Nice Draden Naughty

Dory Nice Drae Naughty

Dosha Naughty Draeden Naughty

Doshia Naughty Draegan Nice

Doshie Naughty Dragan Nice

Dosia Naughty Dragana Naughty

Doss Nice Dragica Nice

Dossie Nice Draiden Naughty

132 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Draidyn Naughty Drelynn Naughty

Draiten Naughty Drema Naughty

Drake Nice Drenda Nice

Drako Nice Drennon Nice

Drakon Naughty Dresden Naughty

Dranon Nice Dresdyn Nice

Draque Naughty Drevan Nice

Dravan Nice Drew Nice

Draven Nice Drewb Naughty

Dravin Naughty Drey Nice

Dravyn Naughty Dreya Naughty

Draxtyn Naughty Dreyden Nice

Dray Naughty Dreysen Naughty

Draya Naughty Dreyson Naughty

Drayden Naughty Dreytin Nice

Draysen Nice Drezden Nice

Drayson Naughty Dria Naughty

Drayton Naughty Dridyn Nice

Drayven Naughty Drielle Nice

Dre Naughty Drostan Naughty

Dre’Lyn Nice Dru Nice

Dreama Naughty Drucilla Nice

Dreamer Naughty Drue Naughty

Dreau Nice Drumil Naughty

Dree Nice Drury Naughty

Dregan Naughty Drusilla Nice

Drei Naughty Dryden Nice

Drelyn Naughty Drystan Naughty

133 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Duane Nice Dustan Naughty

Duanna Nice Dustee Naughty

Duard Naughty Dusten Naughty

Duayne Nice Dusti Nice

Dub Nice Dustie Naughty

Dublin Naughty Dustin Nice

Duc Nice Duston Nice

Duckie Naughty Dusty Nice

Ducote Nice Dusty-Jo Naughty

Dudley Nice Dustyn Nice

Duff Naughty Dutch Nice

Dugald Naughty Duvall Naughty

Dugan Nice Duwayne Nice

Duke Nice Duy Nice

Dulce Nice Dwain Nice

Dulcie Nice Dwaine Naughty

Dulcinea Naughty Dwan Nice

Dulton Nice Dwane Naughty

Duncan Nice Dwanna Nice

Dunte Nice Dwayn Nice

Durad Naughty Dwayne Nice

Duran Naughty Dwight Nice

Durell Nice Dwilene Nice

Durham Nice Dwyane Nice

Duriel Naughty Dwyer Nice

Durrell Nice Dyalan Nice

Durward Nice Dyamond Nice

Durwood Nice Dyan Naughty

134 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Dyani Naughty Dzenita Nice

Dyann Nice E’Layna Nice

Dyanna Nice E’Layzia Naughty

Dylan Nice E’Lisha Nice

Dylana Nice Eadaigh Nice

Dylanger Naughty Eadlyn Nice

Dylani Nice Eakon Nice

Dylanie Naughty Eam Naughty

Dylann Naughty Eamon Nice

Dylantiara Naughty Ean Naughty

Dylilah Nice Earl Nice

Dylin Nice Earle Naughty

Dyllan Naughty Earlean Naughty

Dyllian Nice Earlen Nice

Dyllon Naughty Earlene Nice

Dyllyn Naughty Earley Nice

Dylon Nice Earlie Nice

Dylynn Nice Earline Nice

Dymin Naughty Earling Nice

Dymond Naughty Early Nice

Dymphna Nice Earnest Nice

Dynahli Nice Earnestine Naughty

Dyno Nice Eartha Nice

Dyraisha Naughty Eason Naughty

Dyrell Naughty Easten Naughty

Dyson Nice Easter Naughty

Dystyn Naughty Eastham Naughty

Dzenana Nice Eastin Nice

135 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Eastley Naughty Ebsa Naughty

Eastlyn Naughty Ecco Nice

Eastn Nice Echo Nice

Easton Nice Ector Nice

Eastwood Naughty Ed Nice

Eastyn Naughty Eda Nice

Eathan Nice Edai Naughty

Eathel Naughty Edan Naughty

Eathen Nice Edana Naughty

Eavalyn Naughty Edd Naughty

Eaven Nice Edda Naughty

Ebb Nice Edden Nice

Ebba Naughty Eddeth Nice

Ebbie Naughty Eddie Nice

Ebby Naughty Eddy Naughty

Ebelia Nice Edeline Nice

Eben Nice Edelyn Nice

Ebenezer Naughty Eden Nice

Eber Naughty Eder Naughty

Ebert Naughty Edgar Nice

Ebin Nice Edgardo Nice

Ebon Naughty Edgars Naughty

Eboneve Nice Edge Naughty

Eboni Nice Edgebert Naughty

Ebonie Nice Edgrick Naughty

Ebonique Naughty Edi Naughty

Ebony Nice Edie Nice

Ebreanna Nice Edilner Naughty

136 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Ediltrodito Nice Edson Naughty

Edilzar Nice Eduar Nice

Edin Nice Eduard Naughty

Edison Nice Eduardo Nice

Edith Nice Edud Naughty

Edla Nice Eduwiges Nice

Edlayka Naughty Edvin Nice

Edlin Naughty Edw Naughty

Edlyn Nice Edward Nice

Edmar Naughty Edwardo Naughty

Edmon Nice Edwige Naughty

Edmond Nice Edwin Nice

Edmonia Naughty Edwina Nice

Edmund Nice Edwyn Naughty

Edna Nice Edyn Naughty

Ednah Naughty Edyta Nice

Edona Nice Edyth Naughty

Edouard Naughty Edythe Nice

Edra Naughty Eegan Nice

Edria Naughty Eeksha Nice

Edric Naughty Eenan Naughty

Edrick Nice Eero Naughty

Edrie Naughty Eesher Nice

Edrieanna Naughty Efa Naughty

Edrin Nice Effa Nice

Edris Nice Effie Nice

Edron Nice Efigenia Naughty

Edsel Naughty Efrain Nice

137 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Efrem Nice Eileeyah Nice

Efren Naughty Eileigh Nice

Egan Nice Eiley Nice

Egbert Naughty Eilidh Naughty

Eggbert Naughty Eilie Nice

Eggnog Naughty Eilish Naughty

Eghosa Nice Eiliyah Naughty

Egliani Nice Eilley Nice

Egzon Nice Eilonwy Nice

Eh Naughty Eily Nice

Ehan Nice Eimear Nice

Ehco Nice Einar Nice

Ehliana Naughty Eino Naughty

Ehliyah Naughty Eira Nice

Ehren Nice Eirene Naughty

Ehrin Naughty Eirian Naughty

Ehryn Nice Eirik Naughty

Eian Nice Eirika Nice

Eibhleann Naughty Eiryn Naughty

Eibhlin Nice Eisen Naughty

Eidyn Nice Eisley Nice

Eiger Nice Eislinn Naughty

Eija Naughty Eislyn Nice

Eila Nice Eithan Naughty

Eilam Naughty Eithel Naughty

Eilee Nice Eithon Naughty

Eileen Nice Eivin Nice

Eileene Naughty Eizzabella Nice

138 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Ej Nice Elayne Nice

Ekaterina Nice Elba Nice

El Naughty Elbert Nice

Ela Nice Elberta Nice

Eladia Nice Elbridge Nice

Eladie Naughty Elby Naughty

Eladio Naughty Elcie Naughty

Elah Naughty Elda Naughty

Elaina Nice Eldarion Nice

Elainah Nice Elden Naughty

Elaine Nice Elder Nice

Elainna Naughty Eldianne Naughty

Elainny Nice Eldon Nice

Elainnypaulino Nice Eldora Nice

Elaisa Nice Eldred Nice

Elam Nice Eldridge Nice

Elan Naughty Ele Nice

Elana Nice Elean Nice

Elanda Nice Eleanna Nice

Elanea Nice Eleanor Nice

Elanee Naughty Eleanor-Grace Nice

Elanor Nice Eleanora Nice

Elanore Nice Eleanore Nice

Elara Nice Elease Naughty

Elarie Nice Eleazar Nice

Elaura Naughty Electa Naughty

Elayah Naughty Electra Naughty

Elayna Nice Eleis Naughty

139 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Eleisha Naughty Elexys Naughty

Elektra Naughty Elfie Naughty

Elena Nice Elfreda Naughty

Elend Nice Elfrieda Naughty

Eleneal Nice Elgie Naughty

Eleni Nice Elgin Nice

Elenna Naughty Elhajj Nice

Elenor Naughty Eli Nice

Elenora Nice Elia Nice

Elenore Naughty Eliada Nice

Elenya Nice Eliah Naughty

Eleonor Naughty Eliajah Nice

Eleonora Nice Elian Nice

Eleonore Nice Eliana Nice

Eleora Nice Eliane Naughty

Eleri Naughty Elianna Nice

Elesa Naughty Eliany Naughty

Elese Naughty Elias Nice

Elesia Nice Eliaz Naughty

Elet Naughty Elic Naughty

Elevi Naughty Elicia Nice

Elevy Naughty Elick Naughty

Elex Naughty Elicyana Naughty

Elexa Nice Elida Nice

Elexandra Naughty Elidon Nice

Elexia Nice Elie Naughty

Elexis Nice Eliescha Naughty

Elexus Naughty Eliesha Nice

140 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Eliette Nice Elisia Nice

Eliezer Naughty Elisiana Nice

Eliga Naughty Eliss Nice

Eligah Nice Elissa Nice

Elige Nice Elissia Naughty

Eligh Naughty Elita Nice

Elihu Nice Elithyia Naughty

Elijah Nice Eliu Nice

Elika Naughty Elivia Nice

Elikai Naughty Eliya Nice

Elim Nice Eliyah Naughty

Elin Nice Eliyana Naughty

Elina Nice Eliyanah Naughty

Elinor Nice Eliza Nice

Elinore Naughty Elizabet Naughty

Elio Naughty Elizabeth Nice

Eliot Nice Elizah Nice

Eliott Nice Elizbeth Naughty

Eliotte Nice Elizebeth Nice

Elis Nice Elizeth Naughty

Elisa Nice Elizett Nice

Elisabeth Nice Elizibeth Nice

Elisbeth Nice Elka Naughty

Elise Nice Elke Nice

Elisena Nice Elki Nice

Eliseo Nice Ell Naughty

Elisey Nice Ella Nice

Elisha Nice Ella-Grace Nice

141 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Ella-Kate Nice Ellerie Naughty

Ella-Maye Nice Ellery Naughty

Ellagrace Nice Ellessia Naughty

Ellah Nice Ellette Nice

Ellaina Naughty Elley Nice

Ellaine Nice Elli Nice

Ellalie Naughty Ellia Nice

Ellamae Nice Elliana Nice

Ellanora Nice Ellianah Nice

Ellar Nice Ellianai Nice

Ellarae Nice Ellianna Nice

Ellard Nice Elliat Nice

Ellaria Nice Ellice Nice

Ellary Nice Ellicia Naughty

Ellasyn Naughty Ellidi Nice

Ellaura Naughty Ellie Nice

Ellavee Naughty Ellie-Ann Nice

Elle Nice Ellie-May Nice

Elledee Nice Ellie-Rose Nice

Ellee Naughty Ellieanna Nice

Elleeana Nice Elliemae Nice

Elleeauna Nice Ellien Naughty

Elleena Naughty Elliette Nice

Elleigh Naughty Elliface Naughty

Ellelynie Nice Ellington Nice

Ellen Nice Ellinor Nice

Ellenore Nice Elliot Nice

Eller Naughty Elliott Nice

142 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Elliotte Nice Ellysia Nice

Ellis Nice Ellyssa Naughty

Ellisa Naughty Ellysse Naughty

Ellise Naughty Ellyvia Naughty

Ellison Nice Elma Naughty

Ellissa Nice Elmer Nice

Elliston Nice Elmina Nice

Ellistyn Naughty Elmira Naughty

Ellisyn Nice Elmire Nice

Elliwynne Naughty Elmo Nice

Elliyana Nice Elmore Naughty

Elloise Nice Elmyra Nice

Ellora Naughty Elna Naughty

Ellouise Naughty Elnora Nice

Ellowyn Naughty Elodie Naughty

Ellsworth Naughty Elody Naughty

Elluxa Nice Eloina Naughty

Ellwood Nice Elois Naughty

Elly Naughty Eloisa Naughty

Elly’Mae Naughty Eloise Nice

Ellyan Nice Elon Naughty

Ellyana Nice Elonzo Naughty

Ellyanna Naughty Elora Nice

Ellye Nice Elora-Rey Nice

Ellyn Naughty Elorah Nice

Ellysa Nice Elouise Nice

Ellyse Nice Elowen Nice

Ellysha Nice Elowyn Naughty

143 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Eloy Naughty Elwood Naughty

Elray Naughty Elwyn Naughty

Elreta Naughty Elwynn Nice

Elric Nice Ely Nice

Elroy Nice Elyaah Nice

Elsa Nice Elyahna Naughty

Elsabeth Nice Elyana Nice

Elsbeth Naughty Elyanna Naughty

Else Nice Elyas Nice

Elsie Nice Elydia Nice

Elspeth Naughty Elyijah Nice

Elsworth Nice Elyisen Naughty

Elsy Naughty Elyjah Naughty

Elta Nice Elyk Nice

Elton Nice Elyn Naughty

Elva Naughty Elyna Nice

Elvaleeah Naughty Elysa Nice

Elvera Nice Elysabeth Nice

Elvia Nice Elysah Nice

Elviana Naughty Elyse Nice

Elvie Nice Elysha Nice

Elvin Nice Elysia Nice

Elvina Nice Elyssa Nice

Elvira Naughty Elysse Naughty

Elvis Nice Elyxa Naughty

Elvy Naughty Elyzabeth Nice

Elwanda Naughty Elyzah Nice

Elwin Nice Elyzibeth Naughty

144 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Elza Nice Emberlyn Naughty

Elzada Nice Emberlynn Nice

Elzbeth Naughty Embree Naughty

Elzie Naughty Embrie Nice

Elzy Naughty Embry Nice

Ema Nice Emel Nice

Emah-Lei Naughty Emelee Nice

Emalee Naughty Emeli Naughty

Emaleigh Naughty Emelia Nice

Emaley Nice Emelie Nice

Emalia Naughty Emelina Naughty

Emalie Nice Emeline Nice

Emalin Nice Emely Nice

Emaline Nice Emelyn Nice

Emalyn Naughty Emem Nice

Emalynn Naughty Emer Naughty

Emani Naughty Emerald Nice

Emanuel Nice Emeree Naughty

Emanulynne Naughty Emeri Naughty

Emarie Nice Emerick Nice

Emarosa Nice Emerie Naughty

Emarys Naughty Emerik Naughty

Emastie Nice Emerionah Naughty

Ember Nice Emerleigh Nice

Emberlee Naughty Emerson Nice

Emberleigh Nice Emersyn Nice

Emberley Nice Emery Nice

Emberly Nice Emeryl Naughty

145 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Emett Naughty Emira Nice

Emi Naughty Emiray Naughty

Emiel Naughty Emiree Nice

Emika Naughty Emit Naughty

Emil Nice Emiyah Nice

Emile Nice Emjay Naughty

Emilee Nice Emley Nice

Emileigh Nice Emlyn Nice

Emilene Nice Emma Nice

Emileo Naughty Emma-Kate Naughty

Emiley Naughty Emma-Lee Naughty

Emili Naughty Emma-Leigh Naughty

Emilia Nice Emma-Paisley Naughty

Emiliana Nice Emma-Rose Nice

Emilianna Nice Emmaclaire Nice

Emiliano Nice Emmaclare Naughty

Emilie Nice Emmagrace Naughty

Emilina Nice Emmajean Naughty

Emiline Naughty Emmalaya Nice

Emilio Nice Emmalee Nice

Emillie Nice Emmalene Nice

Emily Nice Emmali Naughty

Emilyann Naughty Emmalia Nice

Emilyn Naughty Emmalin Nice

Emilyne Naughty Emmalina Naughty

Emilynn Naughty Emmaline Nice

Emilyziegler Naughty Emmalinn Naughty

Emir Nice Emmalou Nice

146 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Emmalucia Nice Emmett Nice

Emmaly Nice Emmette Naughty

Emmalyn Nice Emmi Naughty

Emmalynn Naughty Emmie Nice

Emmanual Naughty Emmiefay Nice

Emmanuel Nice Emmilee Nice

Emmarae Nice Emmilou Nice

Emmarah Nice Emmily Nice

Emmarayne Naughty Emmilynn Naughty

Emmarie Nice Emmit Nice

Emmarose Naughty Emmitt Nice

Emmary Nice Emmons Nice

Emmasyn Nice Emmy Nice

Emmaylee Naughty Emmybeth Nice

Emme Nice Emmylou Naughty

Emmelia Naughty Emmyrhson Nice

Emmeline Nice Emmytt Nice

Emmer Nice Emogene Nice

Emmercyn Nice Emoni Naughty

Emmeri Nice Emonie Naughty

Emmerie Nice Emonnie Nice

Emmerlee Naughty Emor Naughty

Emmerlyn Naughty Emora Naughty

Emmersen Nice Emoree-Grace Naughty

Emmerson Nice Emorie Nice

Emmersyn Nice Emorson Nice

Emmery Naughty Emory Nice

Emmet Nice Emrah Nice

147 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Emree Nice Enielys Naughty

Emri Nice Eniyha Nice

Emrie Naughty Enjolie Nice

Emriel Nice Enna Nice

Emry Nice Ennis Naughty

Emryn Naughty Enoch Nice

Emrys Nice Enochdavid Nice

Emsleigh Naughty Enoka Nice

Emsley Naughty Enola Nice

Emya Nice Enos Nice

Emylee Nice Enoviah Nice

Emylie Naughty Enrica Nice

Emzy Nice Enrico Nice

Ena Naughty Enrique Nice

Enan Nice Enriqueta Naughty

Enanzaraea Nice Ensley Naughty

Encarnacion Naughty Envie Naughty

Enceladus Naughty Envy Nice

Enchantra Nice Enya Nice

Ender Naughty Enzio Naughty

Endi Naughty Enzo Nice

Endia Naughty Eoghan Nice

Endrit Nice Eoin Nice

Endsley Naughty Eola Nice

Endya Nice Eowyn Nice

Endymion Naughty Ephantus Nice

Enea Naughty Ephesus Nice

Enid Nice Ephien Nice

148 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Ephraim Nice Erich Nice

Ephrain Nice Ericha Naughty

Ephram Nice Erick Nice

Ephriam Nice Ericka Nice

Epifanio Naughty Erico Naughty

Eppie Nice Ericson Nice

Epsie Naughty Erie Naughty

Era Nice Erielle Nice

Erabelle Nice Erik Nice

Eralyn Naughty Erika Nice

Eralynn Nice Erikka Naughty

Eran Naughty Erikson Nice

Erasmo Nice Erilye Naughty

Erasmus Nice Erin Nice

Erastus Nice Erin-Louise Naughty

Eratraya Nice Erinbeth Naughty

Eratreya Naughty Erinee Nice

Erby Nice Erinn Nice

Erdi Nice Erinna Nice

Erek Nice Erinraquel Naughty

Eretraya Naughty Eris Nice

Eretria Naughty Erivan Nice

Erfan Nice Eriyah Nice

Erialyse Nice Eriyn Naughty

Eriberto Nice Erjel Nice

Eric Nice Erkan Nice

Erica Nice Erla Nice

Ericca Naughty Erland Naughty

149 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Erle Naughty Erwan Nice

Erlene Nice Erwin Nice

Erlin Nice Erwina Nice

Erlina Naughty Eryc Nice

Erlinda Nice Eryca Nice

Erline Nice Eryck Nice

Erling Nice Eryk Naughty

Erma Nice Eryka Nice

Ermano Nice Erykah Nice

Ermina Nice Eryn Nice

Ermine Nice Erynn Nice

Erna Nice Erza Naughty

Ernani Naughty Erzsebet Nice

Ernest Nice Esabella Nice

Ernestina Naughty Esabelle Naughty

Ernestine Naughty Esai Nice

Ernesto Naughty Esaias Naughty

Ernie Naughty Esau Nice

Ernst Naughty Esbeida Nice

Erol Nice Esco Naughty

Eros Nice Esdras Naughty

Erreck Naughty Esean Nice

Errin Nice Esequiel Naughty

Erro Naughty Esha Naughty

Errol Nice Esin Nice

Erron Nice Eskel Nice

Ervin Naughty Esker Nice

Erving Nice Esley Nice

150 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Esli Nice Estefania Nice

Eslin Nice Estefany Naughty

Esma Nice Estel Nice

Esmae Naughty Estela Nice

Esmarina Nice Estell Naughty

Esmay Naughty Estella Naughty

Esme Naughty Estelle Naughty

Esmee Naughty Esten Nice

Esmeralda Nice Estephanie Naughty

Esmi Naughty Ester Naughty

Esmie Nice Estes Naughty

Esmigahan Naughty Estevan Nice

Espen Nice Esteviana Naughty

Esperanza Nice Esther Nice

Espn Nice Esthy Nice

Espynn Naughty Estie Nice

Essa Naughty Estill Naughty

Essence Nice Eston Naughty

Essex Naughty Estrella Nice

Essian Nice Estrellita Nice

Essie Naughty Eswaran Nice

Esta Naughty Etaine Naughty

Estara Nice Etalia Naughty

Este Nice Ete’Tish Nice

Esteban Nice Eternity Nice

Estee Nice Etha Nice

Estefan Naughty Ethan Nice

Estefani Naughty Ethanael Naughty

151 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Ethanyol Nice Eugenio Naughty

Ethayn Nice Eula Nice

Ethel Naughty Eulah Nice

Ethelbert Naughty Eulalia Nice

Ethelene Nice Eulalie Nice

Ethelyn Nice Eulalio Nice

Ethen Nice Euliss Nice

Etheoni Naughty Eumelinda Naughty

Ether Nice Euna Nice

Ethie Nice Eunice Nice

Ethon Naughty Eunique Nice

Ethyl Naughty Euphemia Naughty

Ethyle Naughty Eura Naughty

Ethyn Nice Euric Naughty

Etienne Naughty Eusebia Naughty

Etna Naughty Eusebio Naughty

Etosha Naughty Eustace Naughty

Etta Nice Eustacio Nice

Etter Nice Eustaquio Naughty

Ettie Nice Eva Nice

Ettore Nice Evah Naughty

Euan Nice Evaine Naughty

Eucario Nice Evalee Nice

Eudeal Naughty Evaleen Nice

Eudora Naughty Evaleigh Nice

Eugene Nice Evalena Nice

Eugenia Nice Evalie Nice

Eugenie Nice Evalina Nice

152 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Evaline Naughty Evelin Nice

Evaliser Naughty Evelina Nice

Evalisse Nice Eveline Nice

Evalyn Nice Evelis Nice

Evalynn Nice Evelise Naughty

Evalynne Naughty Evellyn Naughty

Evalysse Naughty Evelyn Nice

Evalytt Naughty Evelyn-May Nice

Evan Nice Evelyne Naughty

Evana Naughty Evelynn Nice

Evander Nice Even Naughty

Evanessa Naughty Ever Nice

Evangelina Naughty Everardo Naughty

Evangeline Nice Everest Nice

Evangelos Naughty Everet Naughty

Evanie Naughty Everett Nice

Evanne Nice Everette Naughty

Evanora Nice Everitt Nice

Evans Nice Everlee Naughty

Evany Nice Everleigh Nice

Evaristo Naughty Everley Naughty

Evatt Nice Everlie Nice

Evaya Naughty Everly Nice

Eve Nice Everlyn Nice

Eveleen Naughty Everson Nice

Eveleigh Naughty Evert Naughty

Evelena Naughty Everton Naughty

Evelia Naughty Evertt Naughty

153 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Evette Nice Evyn Nice

Evey Nice Evynn Nice

Eveyna Naughty Ewald Naughty

Eveyona Naughty Ewan Nice

Evia Nice Ewart Naughty

Evian Naughty Ewelina Naughty

Eviana Naughty Ewell Nice

Evianna Nice Ewin Naughty

Evie Nice Ewing Nice

Evilyn Nice Exa Naughty

Evin Naughty Exavier Naughty

Evina Naughty Exavor Nice

Evis Nice Excalibur Naughty

Evita Naughty Exequiel Nice

Evitt Naughty Exie Nice

Evlyn Nice Exilda Naughty

Evnika Nice Exodus Nice

Evoleht Naughty Exten Naughty

Evolet Nice Extor Nice

Evon Naughty Exzavier Nice

Evonne Nice Exzily Nice

Evrek Nice Eyad Naughty

Evren Nice Eyan Naughty

Evrett Naughty Eyanna Nice

Evric Nice Eyasu Naughty

Evvie Nice Eydis Naughty

Evy Nice Eylan Naughty

Evyda Nice Eylem Nice

154 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Eymbree Naughty Fabienne Nice

Eyzaya Naughty Fabio Naughty

Eyzec Naughty Fabiola Naughty

Eyzlei Nice Fable Nice

Ezabella Naughty Fadi Naughty

Ezale Nice Fady Naughty

Ezalia Naughty Fae Naughty

Ezaray Naughty Faelyn Naughty

Ezekial Naughty Faelynn Nice

Ezekiel Nice Faeryn Nice

Ezekiel-Isaiah Naughty Faethe Naughty

Ezell Naughty Fafa Naughty

Ezequiel Naughty Fagan Nice

Ezera Nice Fahd Nice

Eziah Naughty Faida Nice

Ezio Nice Faiez Naughty

Ezlynn Nice Fairlie Naughty

Ezmay Nice Fairy Naughty

Ezmerelda Nice Faith Nice

Ezra Nice Faith’Lynn Nice

Ezrah Nice Faithlyn Nice

Ezri Nice Faithlynn Naughty

Ezykiel Naughty Faitj Naughty

Ezyriah Nice Falaun Naughty

Ezzard Naughty Falcon Nice

Fabein Naughty Faleatua Naughty

Fabian Nice Faleisha Naughty

Fabiana Naughty Fallon Nice

155 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Fallyn Nice Farralyn Naughty

Falon Nice Farran Nice

Falona Naughty Farrell Naughty

Falyn Nice Farris Naughty

Fame Nice Farryn Nice

Fancy Naughty Farzad Nice

Fannie Naughty Fashaun Naughty

Fanny Naughty Fasika Naughty

Fannye Naughty Fate Nice

Fantasia Nice Fatima Naughty

Fantazia Nice Fatimeh Nice

Faolin Nice Fatsy Nice

Farah Nice Fattimah Naughty

Faraz Naughty Fauna Nice

Fardeen Naughty Faust Nice

Fares Naughty Faustin Nice

Farhaan Naughty Faustine Nice

Farhaana Naughty Faustino Naughty

Fariah Nice Fausto Naughty

Farid Naughty Fawn Nice

Fariha Naughty Faxon Nice

Farin Naughty Fay Nice

Farina Nice Faya Naughty

Farley Naughty Fayd Nice

Farm Naughty Faydie Nice

Faron Naughty Faye Nice

Farra Nice Fayelene Nice

Farrah Nice Fayelin Nice

156 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Fayette Nice Felix Nice

Faylyn Naughty Felixia Naughty

Faylynn Nice Felton Nice

Fayten Naughty Felvic Nice

Fayth Nice Felyx Nice

Faythe Naughty Fenix Nice

Fazil Naughty Fenlie Nice

Fe Naughty Fenrir Naughty

Feathyr Nice Fenris Naughty

Feba Nice Fenton Nice

Febe Naughty Fenway Nice

Feben Naughty Ferd Nice

Fed Naughty Ferdinand Nice

Federico Nice Fereidoon Naughty

Fedor Naughty Fergie Naughty

Fefe Nice Fergus Naughty

Felecia Naughty Ferin Naughty

Feleecia Nice Ferman Naughty

Feleena Nice Fermin Nice

Felice Nice Fern Nice

Felicia Nice Fernand Naughty

Feliciano Naughty Fernanda Naughty

Felicie Nice Fernande Nice

Felicitas Nice Fernando Nice

Felicity Nice Ferne Naughty

Felipa Naughty Feroz Nice

Felipe Nice Ferrell Nice

Felisha Nice Ferris Nice

157 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Ferruccio Naughty Finlay Nice

Ferryn Naughty Finlee Naughty

Festus Naughty Finleigh Nice

Feyd Naughty Finley Nice

Ffion Naughty Finn Nice

Fhonda Naughty Finnbar Naughty

Fia Naughty Finnegan Nice

Fiadh Naughty Finnian Nice

Fidel Naughty Finnick Nice

Fidelia Nice Finnigan Nice

Fidelina Nice Finnlan Naughty

Fidencio Nice Finnlay Nice

Fielder Nice Finnlee Naughty

Fielding Naughty Finnleigh Nice

Fig Nice Finnley Nice

Figaro Naughty Finola Naughty

Filip Naughty Fintan Nice

Filippo Naughty Fiona Nice

Fillan Naughty Fionn Nice

Fillippo Naughty Fionnbar Naughty

Filmon Nice Fionnula Naughty

Filomena Nice Fiorella Naughty

Finch Nice Fiorenza Naughty

Findlay Nice Fiorina Nice

Findus Naughty Fiorra Naughty

Finis Naughty Firemonkey Nice

Finja Nice Firman Naughty

Finlan Nice Fischer Naughty

158 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Fish Nice Florance Nice

Fisher Nice Florcita Naughty

Fitts Nice Floreen Nice

Fitz Naughty Floren Naughty

Fitzgerald Nice Florence Nice

Fitzhugh Nice Florencia Naughty

Fitzwilliam Nice Florencio Naughty

Fiza Nice Florene Nice

Fj Naughty Florentina Naughty

Flannery Naughty Florentino Nice

Flavia Naughty Floretta Naughty

Flavien Nice Florian Nice

Flavio Naughty Floriane Nice

Fleda Naughty Florida Naughty

Fleet Naughty Florie Nice

Fleeta Naughty Florine Nice

Fleik Nice Florissa Nice

Flem Nice Florpies Naughty

Fleming Nice Florrie Naughty

Fleta Naughty Flossie Naughty

Fletcher Nice Floy Nice

Flint Naughty Floyd Nice

Flo Naughty Fluttershy Nice

Floki Nice Flynn Nice

Flonnie Nice Foch Nice

Floof Nice Fonda Nice

Flor Nice Foni Naughty

Flora Nice Fonjenik Naughty

159 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Foo Nice Francies Naughty

Forbes Naughty Francina Nice

Ford Nice Francine Nice

Foresst Naughty Francis Nice

Forest Nice Francisca Naughty

Foreste Naughty Francisco Nice

Forever Naughty Franciska Naughty

Forrest Nice Francisqui Nice

Forster Naughty Franco Nice

Fortuna Naughty Francois Naughty

Fortunata Nice Frank Nice

Foster Nice Frank-Michael Naughty

Fotene Nice Frankie Nice

Foti Nice Franklin Nice

Fouad Nice Franklyn Nice

Fount Naughty Franky Nice

Fox Naughty Franshelys Nice

Foy Naughty Frantzdy Naughty

Fraisia Nice Franwin Naughty

Fran Nice Franz Nice

Franc Naughty Franziska Naughty

Frances Nice Fraser Naughty

Francesca Nice Frayne Nice

Francesco Nice Frazer Naughty

Franceska Nice Frazier Nice

Franchay Nice Fred Nice

Francheska Naughty Freda Nice

Francia Naughty Freddick Nice

160 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Freddie Nice Fritz Nice

Freddy Naughty Fritzi Naughty

Frederek Naughty Frodo Nice

Frederic Naughty Froment Nice

Frederica Nice Frona Nice

Frederick Nice Fronia Naughty

Fredericka Naughty Fronie Nice

Frederik Naughty Fronnie Naughty

Fredie Nice Froylan Naughty

Fredric Nice Fuller Nice

Fredrick Nice Fulton Nice

Fredy Nice Fumiko Nice

Freeda Nice Furman Nice

Freedom Nice Fury Naughty

Freeman Naughty Fuzzy Nice

Freida Nice Fynlee Nice

Frejya Naughty Fynleigh Nice

Fremont Nice Fynley Nice

French Naughty Fynly Nice

Freya Naughty Fynn Nice

Freyja Nice Fynnyck Nice

Freyr Naughty Fysher Nice

Frida Naughty Fyzal Nice

Friday Naughty Gabalfin Nice

Fridge Nice Gabbie Nice

Frieda Nice Gabbrielle Naughty

Friend Naughty Gabby Nice

Frisco Naughty Gabe Nice

161 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Gabi Nice Gaibrielle Naughty

Gabino Nice Gaige Naughty

Gable Naughty Gail Nice

Gabrael Nice Gailen Naughty

Gabriah Naughty Gaines Nice

Gabrial Nice Gaither Naughty

Gabrian Nice Gaius Nice

Gabrianna Naughty Gaje Nice

Gabriel Nice Galadriel Naughty

Gabriela Nice Galaxy Naughty

Gabrielalejandro Naughty Gale Nice

Gabriele Naughty Galen Nice

Gabriella Nice Galilea Nice

Gabrielle Nice Galilee Nice

Gabrijela Naughty Gallagher Nice

Gabrirlla Naughty Gallio Naughty

Gabryel Naughty Gallus Naughty

Gabryella Nice Gam Nice

Gaden Nice Gamble Nice

Gadriela Naughty Ganden Naughty

Gael Nice Gangadhar Naughty

Gaelle Nice Gannen Nice

Gaetano Nice Gannet Naughty

Gaga Nice Gannicus Naughty

Gaga- Nice Gannon Nice

Gagandeep Naughty Gantzen Naughty

Gage Nice Gar Naughty

Gaia Nice Gardenia Nice

162 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Gardner Naughty Garrick Nice

Garek Naughty Garrie Naughty

Garen Naughty Garrin Naughty

Garet Nice Garrison Nice

Gareth Nice Garrit Nice

Garett Nice Garron Nice

Garey Naughty Garrus Nice

Garfield Nice Garry Naughty

Garhett Naughty Garth Nice

Gari Nice Garvin Naughty

Garieg Naughty Gary Nice

Garik Nice Garyn Nice

Garin Nice Garysson Nice

Garion Nice Gaspar Nice

Garious Naughty Gasper Nice

Garland Nice Gaston Naughty

Garn Nice Gates Naughty

Garner Naughty Gatlin Nice

Garnet Nice Gatlyn Nice

Garnett Nice Gator Nice

Garnie Naughty Gatsby Naughty

Garo Nice Gatson Naughty

Garold Naughty Gauge Nice

Garon Nice Gaurav Nice

Garren Naughty Gaven Naughty

Garret Nice Gavin Nice

Garreth Nice Gavino Nice

Garrett Nice Gavon Naughty

163 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Gavriel Nice Geffrey Nice

Gavrielle Nice Gehrig Nice

Gavyn Nice Geilianys Naughty

Gavynn Nice Geja Naughty

Gawian Nice Gekivia Naughty

Gay Nice Gelis Nice

Gaye Nice Gema Nice

Gayla Nice Gemini Naughty

Gayland Naughty Gemma Nice

Gayle Nice Gena Nice

Gaylen Nice Genae Naughty

Gaylene Nice Genaro Nice

Gaylin Nice Genavieve Naughty

Gaylon Nice Gendi Nice

Gaylord Nice Gene Naughty

Gaynell Nice Genea Naughty

Ge’Angelo Naughty Geneaja Nice

Geanina Nice Genel Nice

Geannah Nice Genelle Naughty

Gear Naughty General Nice

Gearld Nice Genese Naughty

Gearldine Nice Genesee Naughty

Gearson Naughty Genesia Nice

Geary Naughty Genesis Nice

Gebenz Nice Geneva Nice

Geddy Naughty Geneveve Naughty

Gee Nice Genevie Nice

Geetika Nice Geneviev Naughty

164 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Genevieve Nice Geordi Naughty

Genevra Naughty Geordie Nice

Geni Nice Geordin Nice

Genia Nice Geordyn Naughty

Genie Nice Georgann Naughty

Genissa Naughty Georganna Naughty

Genista Nice Georganne Naughty

Geniveve Naughty George Nice

Genna Nice Georgeann Naughty

Gennafer Nice Georgeanna Nice

Gennaro Naughty Georgene Nice

Gennetta Naughty Georges Nice

Genni Naughty Georgetta Naughty

Gennie Naughty Georgette Nice

Gennifer Naughty Georgia Nice

Genny Naughty Georgialee Nice

Geno Nice Georgiana Naughty

Genoah Nice Georgiann Nice

Genova Nice Georgianna Nice

Genoveva Nice Georgie Nice

Gentri Naughty Georgienne Nice

Gentry Naughty Georgina Nice

Genyva Naughty Georgine Nice

Geo Naughty Georgino Nice

Geoff Nice Georja Naughty

Geoffrey Nice Georjeane Nice

Geomara Nice Geovana Nice

Geordan Nice Geovanna Naughty

165 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Geovanni Naughty Geron Nice

Geovanny Naughty Geronimo Nice

Gerad Nice Gerrad Naughty

Geraint Naughty Gerri Nice

Gerald Nice Gerrit Nice

Geraldine Nice Gerry Nice

Geraldo Naughty Gershwin Naughty

Geralt Naughty Gerson Naughty

Geralyn Naughty Gertha Naughty

Gerard Nice Gertie Naughty

Gerardo Nice Gertruda Nice

Gerda Naughty Gertrude Naughty

Gerea Naughty Gervan Nice

Gerell Nice Gesina Nice

Gereme Naughty Gethin Naughty

Geren Nice Gevah Naughty

Gerhard Naughty Ghazala Naughty

Gerhardt Nice Ghett Naughty

Geri Nice Ghianne Naughty

Gerianne Nice Ghin Naughty

Geric Nice Ghislain Naughty

Gerid Nice Ghow Naughty

Gerika Nice Gia Nice

Germaine Nice Giacomo Naughty

German Nice Giada Nice

Germania Nice Giampaolo Naughty

Gerold Naughty Gian Naughty

Gerome Nice Giana Nice

166 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Giancarlla Nice Gihyun Nice

Giancarlo Naughty Gijs Nice

Giancarlos Nice Gil Nice

Giancel Nice Gilbert Naughty

Giang Nice Gilberta Nice

Gianha Naughty Gilberto Nice

Giankarlo Nice Gilby Nice

Gianluca Naughty Gilda Naughty

Gianluigi Naughty Gilder Naughty

Gianna Nice Giles Naughty

Gianni Nice Gilford Nice

Gianora Naughty Gill Naughty

Gianpietro Nice Gilles Naughty

Giavanna Naughty Gillian Nice

Giavonna Nice Gillianne Naughty

Gibbs Nice Gillie Nice

Gibran Nice Gillis Naughty

Gibson Nice Gillon Nice

Giddeon Nice Gilman Nice

Gideon Nice Gilmer Naughty

Gidget Nice Gilmore Nice

Gieads Nice Gimli Nice

Giedrƒó Naughty Gina Nice

Gifford Naughty Ginessa Nice

Gifta Naughty Ginetta Naughty

Gifton Naughty Ginger Nice

Gigget Naughty Gini Nice

Gigi Nice Ginnielynne Nice

167 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Ginny Nice Giuseppina Naughty

Gino Nice Giz Nice

Ginson Naughty Gizele Nice

Gionni Nice Gizelle Nice

Giordanna Nice Gizmo Naughty

Giorganna Nice Gladis Nice

Giorgianna Naughty Gladstone Naughty

Giorgio Nice Gladyce Naughty

Giouse Naughty Gladys Nice

Giovani Naughty Glamour Naughty

Giovanna Nice Glavine Naughty

Giovanni Nice Glayjo Naughty

Giovanny Naughty Glen Naughty

Girtha Nice Glenda Naughty

Gisel Nice Glendon Naughty

Gisela Nice Glendora Nice

Gisele Nice Gleneasha Naughty

Giselle Nice Glenn Nice

Giselli Nice Glenna Nice

Gissel Nice Glenndon Nice

Gisselle Nice Glennie Naughty

Giulia Nice Glennis Nice

Giuliana Nice Glenwood Naughty

Giuliani Nice Glenys Naughty

Giulianna Nice Glinda Naughty

Giuliano Nice Gloria Nice

Giulietta Naughty Gloriana Naughty

Giuseppe Naughty Glorianah Nice

168 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Glory Nice Goretti Nice

Gloryanne Nice Gorge Naughty

Glover Nice Gorm Naughty

Glyde Nice Gosha Nice

Glyn Nice Goss Nice

Glynda Naughty Gotham Nice

Glynis Nice Gottlieb Naughty

Glynn Nice Govanna Naughty

Godfrey Nice Governor Nice

Godiva Naughty Grabiel Nice

Goebel Nice Grabowski Naughty

Golan Naughty Grace Nice

Golda Naughty Grace-Emily Nice

Golden Naughty Graceanne Naughty

Goldia Naughty Gracee Naughty

Goldie Nice Gracelee Naughty

Golzong Naughty Graceleigh Nice

Gomer Naughty Gracely Naughty

Gomez Naughty Gracelyn Nice

Gonzalo Nice Gracelyne Nice

Goobie Naughty Gracelynn Nice

Goose Naughty Gracelynne Naughty

Gopi Naughty Gracen Nice

Goran Nice Gracey Nice

Gorden Naughty Graceyn Nice

Gordon Nice Gracia Nice

Gordy Naughty Gracian Naughty

Gore Naughty Graciana Naughty

169 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Gracie Nice Grant Nice

Gracie-Mae Nice Grantham Nice

Graciejaymes Nice Grantlee Naughty

Graciela Naughty Grantlin Nice

Gracin Naughty Granville Nice

Gracious Nice Grasyn Nice

Gracy Naughty Gratten Nice

Gracyn Nice Graven Naughty

Graden Naughty Graves Nice

Grady Nice Gray Nice

Gradyn Naughty Grayce Nice

Gradynn Naughty Graycee Naughty

Graedan Naughty Graycen Naughty

Graeme Nice Graycen,Aydian,Treavor Naughty

Graeson Nice Graycin Nice

Graesyn Naughty Graycyn Nice

Grafton Naughty Graydem Nice

Graham Nice Grayden Nice

Grahlin Nice Graydon Nice

Graig Nice Graydyn Naughty

Grainne Naughty Grayland Naughty

Graison Nice Graylen Nice

Graisyn Nice Graylin Nice

Gramm Nice Grayling Naughty

Gramma Nice Graylynn Naughty

Grandma Nice Graysen Nice

Granger Nice Graysie Nice

Grannis Nice Graysin Naughty

170 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Grayson Nice Grex Naughty

Grazia Nice Grey Nice

Grazy Nice Greycie Nice

Grecia Nice Greyland Naughty

Gredin Nice Greysen Nice

Green Nice Greysin Nice

Greene Nice Greyson Nice

Greenlee Nice Grier Nice

Greenley Nice Grifan Nice

Greenlie Nice Griffen Naughty

Greenly Naughty Griffey Nice

Greer Nice Griffin Nice

Greg Nice Griffith Naughty

Gregg Nice Griffon Nice

Greggory Nice Griffyn Naughty

Gregor Nice Griifin Nice

Gregoria Naughty Grimm Naughty

Gregorio Nice Grinch Nice

Gregory Nice Grinner Naughty

Greir Nice Grisel Naughty

Grendl Naughty Griselda Nice

Greta Nice Grisell Naughty

Gretah Naughty Grissell Nice

Gretchen Nice Grogu Nice

Gretchyn Nice Groot Naughty

Gretel Naughty Grove Nice

Gretell Nice Grover Naughty

Gretta Nice Gruff Nice

171 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Gryffin Naughty Gurleen Nice

Gryphon Nice Gurney Naughty

Grzegorz Nice Gus Nice

Guadalupe Nice Guss Nice

Gudrun Naughty Gussie Naughty

Guelda Naughty Gusslee Nice

Guerin Naughty Gust Nice

Guido Naughty Gusta Nice

Guilford Naughty Gustaf Naughty

Guiliana Nice Gustav Naughty

Guilianna Naughty Gustave Naughty

Guillaume Nice Gustavo Nice

Guillermina Naughty Gustavus Naughty

Guillermo Naughty Gustie Naughty

Guinevere Nice Guthix Nice

Guinivere Nice Guthrie Naughty

Guitzell Naughty Guy Nice

Guleid Naughty Gw Naughty

Guliana Naughty Gwain Nice

Gulianna Nice Gwen Nice

Gumersinda Naughty Gwena Nice

Gunda Nice Gwenda Naughty

Gunilla Nice Gwendalynn Naughty

Gunjan Nice Gwendelyn Nice

Gunnar Nice Gwendilyn Nice

Gunner Nice Gwendolen Naughty

Gunter Nice Gwendoline Nice

Gunther Nice Gwendolyn Nice

172 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Gwendolynn Naughty Hadden Nice

Gwendolynne Naughty Haddie Naughty

Gwenevere Nice Haddon Nice

Gwenllian Nice Haddyx Naughty

Gwenn Naughty Haden Nice

Gwenna Naughty Hades Nice

Gwenneth Nice Hadessah Nice

Gwennia Naughty Hadie Nice

Gwennyvere Nice Hadin Nice

Gweyn Nice Hadlee Nice

Gwineth Nice Hadleigh Naughty

Gwyn Naughty Hadley Nice

Gwyneth Nice Hadlie Nice

Gwynn Nice Hadrian Nice

Gwynyth Naughty Hads Naughty

Gyan Nice Hadyn Nice

Gybrian Nice Haedyn Naughty

Gyllian Naughty Haegan Naughty

Gynna Nice Haeley Naughty

Gypsy Nice Haelie Nice

Gytanna Nice Haely Naughty

H Nice Haelyn Nice

Ha Nice Haelynn Naughty

Haabiba Nice Haerin Naughty

Haas Nice Haeven Naughty

Habeel Naughty Haevyn Nice

Habibou Naughty Hafida Naughty

Hadassah Nice Hafwen Nice

173 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Hagan Nice Haiven Naughty

Hagen Nice Haivyn Naughty

Haggis Naughty Haiyden Naughty

Haide Naughty Haize Naughty

Haiden Nice Haizleigh Naughty

Haidin Naughty Hakan Naughty

Haidyn Naughty Hakeem Nice

Haighdyjo Nice Hakim Nice

Haiiven Naughty Hal Nice

Haila Nice Hala Nice

Haile Naughty Halayna Naughty

Hailea Nice Halbert Naughty

Hailee Nice Hale Nice

Hailei Naughty Haleah Nice

Haileigh Nice Halee Nice

Hailein Naughty Haleigh Nice

Hailey Nice Halen Nice

Haili Nice Halena Nice

Hailianna Naughty Haley Nice

Hailie Nice Hali Nice

Haille Naughty Halie Naughty

Haillei Naughty Haliegh Naughty

Hailley Naughty Halima Nice

Haily Nice Hall Nice

Hailyanna Nice Halle Nice

Hailyn Nice Hallee Nice

Hailynne Nice Hallei Naughty

Haisley Nice Halleigh Nice

174 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Hallena Nice Handry Nice

Halley Nice Handy Naughty

Halli Nice Hang Naughty

Hallie Nice Hanh Naughty

Hallow Nice Haniel Nice

Hallum Nice Haniya Nice

Halo Nice Hanji Naughty

Halsey Nice Hank Nice

Halsten Nice Hanlee Naughty

Halyn Nice Hanley Naughty

Ham Nice Hanlon Naughty

Hamburger Naughty Hanna Nice

Hamdan Naughty Hannah Nice

Hamida Nice Hannaha Nice

Hamiley Nice Hannalee Naughty

Hamilton Nice Hannavia Naughty

Hamish Naughty Hanneleth Naughty

Hamonn Naughty Hannelore Naughty

Hamp Naughty Hannidy Nice

Hampten Nice Hannie Nice

Hampton Nice Hannlie Nice

Hamza Naughty Hanorah Naughty

Han Naughty Hans Nice

Hana Nice Hansel Nice

Hanah Nice Hansen Nice

Hanaleigh Naughty Hansford Naughty

Hanbing Naughty Hansol Naughty

Handley Nice Hanson Naughty

175 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Hap Naughty Harlem Naughty

Happie Nice Harlen Naughty

Harbhag Naughty Harlene Naughty

Harbor Naughty Harley Nice

Harbour Nice Harley-Anna Naughty

Harchan Naughty Harli Nice

Harden Nice Harliann Naughty

Hardie Nice Harlie Nice

Hardin Nice Harline Naughty

Harding Nice Harlon Naughty

Hardison Naughty Harlow Nice

Hardy Nice Harlowe Nice

Harethxy Nice Harlyn Nice

Hariadna Naughty Harlynn Nice

Haridas Nice Harm Naughty

Hariett Naughty Harman Naughty

Harini Nice Harmeet Nice

Harish Naughty Harminie Naughty

Harkeem Nice Harmon Naughty

Harker Nice Harmonee Nice

Harl Naughty Harmoni Naughty

Harlan Naughty Harmonie Naughty

Harland Naughty Harmony Nice

Harlee Naughty Harold Nice

Harleen Nice Harpah Naughty

Harlei Naughty Harper Nice

Harleigh Nice Harper-Ann Nice

Harleighlyn Naughty Harrell Nice

176 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Harren Nice Hashem Nice

Harri Naughty Hashim Naughty

Harriah Nice Haskell Nice

Harrie Naughty Hasler Naughty

Harriet Nice Hasley Nice

Harriett Nice Hassan Naughty

Harriette Naughty Hassie Nice

Harris Naughty Hastin Nice

Harrisen Naughty Haston Naughty

Harrison Nice Hatcher Naughty

Harrisyn Nice Hatim Naughty

Harrold Nice Hatleigh Nice

Harron Nice Hatler Naughty

Harry Nice Hatten Nice

Harsha Naughty Hattie Nice

Hart Naughty Hatty Nice

Hartley Nice Hava Naughty

Hartwell Nice Havalee Nice

Harty Nice Havana Naughty

Haruko Naughty Havanna Nice

Harve Nice Havannah Naughty

Harvest Naughty Havayla Nice

Harvey Nice Haven Nice

Harvie Naughty Havilah Nice

Harvin Nice Haviland Nice

Harvy Nice Havillon Naughty

Hasan Nice Havynn Nice

Hasel Nice Hawk Nice

177 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Hawken Nice Haylie Nice

Hawkin Naughty Haylieanne Nice

Hawkins Nice Haylin Nice

Hawleigh Naughty Hayloe Naughty

Hawley Naughty Haymish Nice

Hawthorne Nice Hays Naughty

Haya Naughty Hayslea Naughty

Haydan Nice Hayslen Naughty

Haydee Naughty Haytham Naughty

Haydelin Nice Hayven Naughty

Hayden Nice Hayward Naughty

Haydin Nice Haywood Nice

Haydn Nice Hayze Naughty

Haydon Naughty Hayzel Nice

Haydyn Naughty Hayzlee Nice

Haydynn Nice Hayzlei Naughty

Hayes Nice Hayzley Naughty

Haygan Nice Hazard Nice

Hayle Naughty Hazel Nice

Haylea Naughty Hazelee Nice

Hayleah Nice Hazelle Nice

Haylee Nice Hazelyn Nice

Haylei Nice Hazelynn Naughty

Hayleigh Nice Hazelynne Nice

Haylen Nice Hazem Naughty

Hayley Nice Hazen Nice

Hayli Naughty Haziel Naughty

Hayliauna Nice Hazle Naughty

178 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Headrick Naughty Heith Nice

Heart Naughty Hela Nice

Heartley Nice Heladio Naughty

Heath Nice Helaine Nice

Heathcliff Nice Helaman Nice

Heather Nice Helana Naughty

Heatherlin Nice Helen Nice

Heatherlyn Nice Helena Nice

Heatherten Naughty Helene Nice

Heaven Nice Helenorah Naughty

Heavenlee Nice Heleny Naughty

Heavenly Nice Helga Naughty

Heavyn Naughty Helio Naughty

Heba Nice Heliodoro Naughty

Heber Nice Helios Naughty

Hebert Naughty Hellen Naughty

Hectar Nice Hellena Nice

Hector Nice Helma Naughty

Hedi Naughty Helmer Naughty

Hedwig Naughty Helyn Nice

Hedy Naughty Hemant Nice

Hee Naughty Hemi Naughty

Heidi Nice Hence Naughty

Heidi-Beth Nice Henderson Nice

Heidy Naughty Hendrick Naughty

Heike Naughty Hendrik Nice

Heili Naughty Hendrix Nice

Heinz Nice Henery Nice

179 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Henisy Nice Herma Naughty

Henleigh Nice Hermalinda Nice

Henley Nice Herman Naughty

Henna Nice Hermann Naughty

Hennah Naughty Hermayla Naughty

Hennasea Naughty Hermes Nice

Hennessey Naughty Hermina Nice

Hennessy Naughty Hermine Nice

Hennie Nice Herminia Naughty

Henretta Naughty Hermione Nice

Henri Naughty Hermon Nice

Henrich Naughty Hernan Nice

Henrick Nice Hero Nice

Henrietta Naughty Herron Nice

Henriette Naughty Herschel Naughty

Henrik Naughty Hershel Naughty

Henrita Nice Hershell Nice

Henry Nice Hershey Naughty

Henryk Naughty Hertha Nice

Hensleigh Nice Hervey Naughty

Hensley Nice Hessie Naughty

Herb Naughty Hesston Nice

Herbert Nice Hesten Nice

Herbie Naughty Hester Nice

Herby Nice Heston Nice

Herculano Naughty Heta Nice

Heriberto Naughty Heti Nice

Herlinda Nice Hettie Nice

180 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Hetty Nice Hildy Nice

Hew Naughty Hiliana Nice

Hewey Nice Hilianna Nice

Hewitt Nice Hill Naughty

Hewson Naughty Hillard Naughty

Hexter Nice Hillaree Naughty

Heydan Naughty Hillari Nice

Heyleigh Nice Hillary Nice

Heyward Nice Hilleri Naughty

Hezekiah Nice Hillery Nice

Hezzie Nice Hillevi Nice

Hichame Nice Hilliard Naughty

Hickory Nice Hilliary Naughty

Hideo Naughty Hillorie Naughty

Hiedi Nice Hilma Nice

Hieronymus Naughty Hilmer Naughty

Hikaru Naughty Hilson Naughty

Hilah Naughty Hilton Naughty

Hilari Naughty Himanish Nice

Hilario Nice Hina Naughty

Hilary Nice Hinder Nice

Hilbert Naughty Hinleigh Nice

Hilda Nice Hinley Naughty

Hildeann Naughty Hiram Nice

Hildegard Naughty Hiraya Naughty

Hildegarde Naughty Hironori Nice

Hildred Naughty Hiroshi Nice

Hildur Nice Hisham Nice

181 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Hitarth Nice Holiday Naughty

Hitesh Naughty Hollace Naughty

Hitsa Naughty Hollan Naughty

Hixon Naughty Holland Nice

Hiyori Naughty Holleigh Naughty

Hjalmar Naughty Holley Nice

Hjalmer Naughty Holli Nice

Hjalti Nice Hollianne Nice

Hl Naughty Hollie Nice

Hoa Naughty Holliedazzle Nice

Hoban Nice Hollin Nice

Hobart Nice Hollings Nice

Hobbs Nice Hollis Nice

Hobert Nice Hollister Naughty

Hobson Naughty Hollon Nice

Hoby Nice Holly Nice

Hodari Naughty Hollyann Nice

Hodge Naughty Hollyn Nice

Hogan Naughty Holmes Nice

Hogen Naughty Holt Nice

Hogla Nice Holtin Nice

Hoke Nice Holton Naughty

Hokni Nice Holtyn Nice

Hokukupuohi Naughty Homan Nice

Holden Nice Homer Nice

Holder Naughty Hondo Nice

Holdyn Nice Honesty Naughty

Holidai Nice Honey Naughty

182 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Honor Nice Howell Nice

Honora Naughty Howie Naughty

Honorio Naughty Hoy Naughty

Honour Nice Hoyt Nice

Hooper Naughty Hriday Naughty

Hoover Nice Hristina Naughty

Hope Nice Hsrper Nice

Hopelynn Naughty Huan Naughty

Hopie Nice Hubbard Nice

Hopper Nice Hubert Naughty

Horace Nice Huck Nice

Horacio Nice Huckson Naughty

Horatio Nice Hudsen Nice

Horizon Naughty Hudson Nice

Hortencia Nice Hudsyn Nice

Hortense Nice Huey Nice

Hortensia Nice Hugh Nice

Horton Naughty Hughes Nice

Hosanna Naughty Hughey Nice

Hosea Naughty Hughie Naughty

Hosie Naughty Hugo Nice

Hoss Naughty Hulan Nice

Hosteen Nice Hulda Naughty

Hotdogs Naughty Huldah Naughty

Houida Nice Humberto Nice

Houston Nice Humphrey Naughty

Houzten Naughty Humza Naughty

Howard Nice Hung Nice

183 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Hunner Naughty Hyland Naughty

Hunnter Nice Hyley Naughty

Hunt Nice Hyman Naughty

Huntah Naughty Hymen Naughty

Hunter Nice Hyra Nice

Huntlee Nice Hyrum Nice

Huntleigh Nice Iaan Nice

Huntley Naughty Iace Nice

Huntre Naughty Iaezic Nice

Huon Naughty Iain Nice

Huong Naughty Ian Nice

Hurbert Nice Iana Nice

Huriah Nice Ianalys Naughty

Hurley Nice Ianna Naughty

Hurshell Naughty Ianne Nice

Husam Nice Ianthe Naughty

Huston Naughty Ianthee Naughty

Hutch Nice Iapyx Nice

Hutsen Nice Iara Nice

Huxlee Nice Iazzic Naughty

Huxley Nice Ibis Nice

Huxton Naughty Ibraheem Nice

Huy Nice Ibrahim Nice

Hyacinth Nice Ica Naughty

Hyatt Nice Icarus Naughty

Hyde Naughty Iceley Naughty

Hydie Naughty Icey Nice

Hylan Naughty Ichigo Nice

184 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Icie Naughty Igor Naughty

Icy Naughty Igypt Naughty

Icyss Nice Ihla Nice

Ida Nice Ijeoma Nice

Idabelle Nice Ikaia Nice

Idalena Naughty Ikaika Nice

Idalias Nice Ike Nice

Idalis Nice Ikea Nice

Idaly Nice Iker Nice

Idalysia Naughty Ikera Nice

Idamae Nice Ikhlaq Naughty

Idayna Nice Ila Nice

Idela Nice Ilaena Nice

Idell Nice Ilah Nice

Idella Naughty Ilaiza Nice

Ider Nice Ilana Nice

Idilia Naughty Ilani Nice

Idina Nice Ilaria Nice

Idris Nice Ilario Naughty

Ieasha Naughty Ilariya Naughty

Iesha Naughty Ilda Nice

Ieshia Naughty Ilea Nice

Ieva Naughty Ileah Naughty

Ifanna Nice Ileana Naughty

Ignacio Nice Ilene Nice

Ignatius Nice Ilesha Nice

Ignatz Nice Iless Nice

Ignazio Naughty Iley Nice

185 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Ilia Naughty Ilo Naughty

Iliana Nice Ilona Naughty

Ilianexy Nice Ilsa Nice

Ilianne Naughty Ilse Nice

Ilias Naughty Ilxys Naughty

Ilija Nice Ily Nice

Ilijah Nice Ilya Naughty

Ilina Nice Ilyan Naughty

Ilinca Nice Ilyeria Naughty

Ilinda Naughty Ilyria Naughty

Iliria Nice Ilysa Naughty

Iliza Naughty Ilyssa Nice

Illa Nice Ilythia Nice

Ille Naughty Ima Nice

Illeana Naughty Imaan Naughty

Illes Naughty Imaginae Nice

Illiana Nice Imalie Nice

Illianna Nice Iman Nice

Illias Naughty Imanda Naughty

Illidan Naughty Imani Nice

Illiyana Naughty Imanni Nice

Illrar Nice Imanol Naughty

Illumi Naughty Imany Nice

Illya Nice Imari Nice

Illyana Nice Imarli Nice

Illyeria Naughty Imelda Nice

Illyria Nice Imma Naughty

Ilma Nice Immanuel Naughty

186 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Immi Nice Infant Naughty

Imo Nice Infinity Nice

Imogen Nice Inga Nice

Imogene Nice Ingeborg Nice

Imonie Naughty Inger Nice

Impa Nice Ingram Naughty

Ina Nice Ingrid Nice

Inalee Nice Inna Naughty

Inara Nice Inno Nice

Inari Naughty Ioakeim Nice

Inaya Nice Ioan Naughty

Inca Nice Ioannis Naughty

Indi Naughty Iola Nice

India Nice Iolanda Naughty

Indiana Nice Ioma Naughty

Indica Nice Iona Naughty

Indie Nice Ione Nice

Indie-Rose Nice Ionii Naughty

Indigo Nice Iori Nice

Indira Naughty Ioritana Naughty

Indrani Naughty Iory Naughty

Indu Naughty Iosefa Nice

Indy Nice Ipsa Naughty

Inell Naughty Ira Nice

Ines Naughty Irada Naughty

Inese Nice Irassema Nice

Inessa Nice Irby Naughty

Inez Naughty Ireland Nice

187 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Ireley Naughty Irwin Nice

Irellynn Naughty Iryana Nice

Irelyn Naughty Isa Nice

Irelynd Naughty Isaac Nice

Irelynn Nice Isaacc Naughty

Irena Nice Isaak Nice

Irene Nice Isabeau Nice

Ireta Nice Isabel Nice

Iridessa Naughty Isabela Naughty

Iridian Nice Isabell Naughty

Irie Nice Isabella Nice

Iriel Nice Isabella-Kylee Nice

Irina Nice Isabellac Naughty

Irine Nice Isabellagrace Nice

Irineo Nice Isabellah Nice

Iris Nice Isabellah-Rain Nice

Irisa Naughty Isabelle Nice

Irish Nice Isabellia Nice

Irl Naughty Isabo Nice

Irleigh Nice Isadora Nice

Irlie Nice Isadore Naughty

Irma Naughty Isai Naughty

Irsel Nice Isaiah Nice

Irva Naughty Isaiahnewcomb Naughty

Irven Nice Isaias Naughty

Irvin Nice Isajah Naughty

Irvine Naughty Isak Naughty

Irving Naughty Isalei Nice

188 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Isaly Naughty Isla’Mae Naughty

Isam Nice Islan Naughty

Isamar Naughty Island Naughty

Isannah Naughty Islay Naughty

Isaura Naughty Isleta Nice

Isavel Naughty Isley Nice

Isayah Naughty Ismael Nice

Isebella Naughty Ismelka Nice

Isela Nice Isobel Nice

Isella Nice Isobella Nice

Isetyn Naughty Isobelle Naughty

Ish Naughty Isol Naughty

Isha Nice Isolde Naughty

Ishaan Naughty Isom Naughty

Ishabelle Naughty Israel Nice

Isham Naughty Israhil Naughty

Ishani Nice Isreal Naughty

Ishi Naughty Issa Naughty

Ishia Nice Issabell Naughty

Ishmael Nice Issac Nice

Ishtar Naughty Issi Naughty

Isiah Nice Iszaiah Nice

Isidor Nice Italia Naughty

Isidore Nice Italy Nice

Isidro Nice Itamar Naughty

Isis Nice Ithamar Nice

Iskander Nice Itze Naughty

Isla Nice Itzel Nice

189 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Iula Naughty Ivoryanna Naughty

Iv Naughty Ivry Nice

Iva Nice Ivurie Naughty

Iva’Una Nice Ivy Nice

Ivah Naughty Ivye Nice

Ivalee Naughty Ivylynn Naughty

Ivan Nice Iya Nice

Ivana Nice Iyah Nice

Ivani Naughty Iyana Nice

Ivanka Naughty Iyanna Naughty

Ivanna Naughty Iyla Nice

Ivanny Nice Iylah Naughty

Ivar Naughty Iyona Naughty

Ivee Nice Iysaak Nice

Ivelisse Nice Iysis Nice

Iver Naughty Iz Nice

Iverson Nice Iza Nice

Ives Naughty Izaac Nice

Ivette Nice Izaak Nice

Ivey Nice Izabel Nice

Ivie Nice Izabell Naughty

Ivin Nice Izabella Nice

Ivo Naughty Izabellah Naughty

Ivona Naughty Izabelle Nice

Ivonna Nice Izack Naughty

Ivonne Nice Izadora Nice

Ivor Naughty Izael Naughty

Ivory Nice Izaiah Nice

190 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Izaiah` Nice Izzy Nice

Izaiya Naughty J Nice

Izak Nice J’Ana Nice

Izaliya Naughty J’Lynn Nice

Izariyah Nice J’Lynne Naughty

Izarra Nice J’Veon Nice

Izarrah Nice Ja’ Naughty

Izaya Nice Ja’Braisha Naughty

Izayah Naughty Ja’Chyela Nice

Izayiah Nice Ja’Layiah Naughty

Izayis Naughty Ja’Leiyonna Nice

Izea Naughty Ja’Maia Nice

Izebella Naughty Ja’Myracle Nice

Izec Naughty Ja’Sanah Nice

Izeliana Nice Ja’Tez Nice

Izella Nice Ja’Vion Naughty

Izen Naughty Jaanna Naughty

Izetta Naughty Jaasiel Naughty

Iziah Nice Jaaydan Naughty

Izola Nice Jaaziah Nice

Izora Naughty Jaaziel Nice

Izrael Naughty Jabari Naughty

Izumi Naughty Jabbar Nice

Izybella Nice Jabez Nice

Izzabell Nice Jabrae Naughty

Izzabella Nice Jabriel Naughty

Izzak Naughty Jac Naughty

Izzie Nice Jacada Nice

191 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Jacaden Naughty Jacki Nice

Jacai Nice Jackie Nice

Jacalyn Nice Jackilyn Naughty

Jacalynn Naughty Jacklin Nice

Jaccara Nice Jacklyn Nice

Jace Nice Jacklynn Nice

Jacee Nice Jackson Nice

Jacek Naughty Jackston Naughty

Jacelyn Nice Jacksyn Naughty

Jacelynn Nice Jacky Nice

Jacen Nice Jaclyn Nice

Jacenr Nice Jaclynne Nice

Jacey Nice Jacob Nice

Jachel Nice Jacobey Naughty

Jachele Nice Jacobi Naughty

Jachiem Naughty Jacobus Nice

Jaci Nice Jacoby Nice

Jacie Naughty Jacoda Nice

Jacinda Nice Jacolby Nice

Jacinta Naughty Jaconda Nice

Jacinto Nice Jacorei Naughty

Jacion Naughty Jacoy Naughty

Jaciris Nice Jacqalyn Nice

Jack Nice Jacqlyn Naughty

Jackalinn Nice Jacqualyn Nice

Jackee Naughty Jacque Nice

Jackeline Naughty Jacquelin Nice

Jackelyn Naughty Jacqueline Nice

192 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Jacquelyn Nice Jadon Nice

Jacquelyn_Mendiza Naughty Jadrean Nice

Jacquelynn Naughty Jadrian Nice

Jacques Naughty Jadrien Nice

Jacquez Nice Jadsmine Naughty

Jacqui Nice Jadwiga Nice

Jacquilyn Naughty Jadwin Naughty

Jacquline Naughty Jadyn Nice

Jacqulyn Naughty Jadyne Naughty

Jacy Nice Jadynn Naughty

Jacyn Nice Jadzia Nice

Jad Nice Jae Naughty

Jada Nice Jae-Jin Nice

Jadalynn Naughty Jaea Nice

Jadan Naughty Jaeanna Nice

Jadaya Naughty Jaece Naughty

Jaddie Nice Jaecob Nice

Jade Nice Jaeda Nice

Jadelynn Naughty Jaedan Naughty

Jaden Nice Jaeden Nice

Jadi Naughty Jaedyn Nice

Jadia Naughty Jael Nice

Jadie Nice Jaela Nice

Jadiel Nice Jaelah Nice

Jadin Nice Jaelee Nice

Jadine Naughty Jaeleigh Naughty

Jadis Nice Jaelen Nice

Jadizyia Nice Jaelessa Naughty

193 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Jaeliana Naughty Jago Nice

Jaelie Nice Jahaira Naughty

Jaelin Nice Jahari Naughty

Jaelinn-Rose Naughty Jahcori Nice

Jaelithe Nice Jahdielle Naughty

Jaellynn Naughty Jahdon Naughty

Jaelon Nice Jaheem Naughty

Jaelyanna Naughty Jaheim Nice

Jaelyn Nice Jahelon Naughty

Jaelynn Nice Jahiem Nice

Jaelynne Naughty Jahir Nice

Jaema Naughty Jahkeim Nice

Jaemi Naughty Jahlea Naughty

Jaemon Nice Jahlil Nice

Jaena Nice Jahmiah Nice

Jaenelle Nice Jahmire Nice

Jaesika Naughty Jahna Naughty

Jaessa Nice Jahnavi Nice

Jaewoo Naughty Jahnel Nice

Jaey Naughty Jahnessa Nice

Jaezlyn Naughty Jahquail Nice

Jafer Nice Jahred Naughty

Jafia Naughty Jahrelyo Naughty

Jag Naughty Jahro Nice

Jagala Naughty Jahslynn Naughty

Jagdeep Naughty Jahviair Naughty

Jager Nice Jahzara Naughty

Jagger Nice Jahzari Nice

194 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Jai Nice Jailynn Nice

Jai’Ona Nice Jailynne Nice

Jaice Nice Jaime Nice

Jaicee Naughty Jaimee Nice

Jaici Naughty Jaimeelyn Nice

Jaicob Nice Jaimen Naughty

Jaid Naughty Jaimes Nice

Jaida Nice Jaimi Naughty

Jaidah Nice Jaimie Nice

Jaidan Nice Jaimmika Naughty

Jaide Naughty Jaina Naughty

Jaiden Nice Jaiquan Naughty

Jaidin Nice Jair Nice

Jaidis Nice Jaira Naughty

Jaidy Naughty Jairo Naughty

Jaidyn Nice Jairon Nice

Jaidynn Nice Jairus Nice

Jaigan Nice Jaisa Naughty

Jaigi Naughty Jaison Naughty

Jaik Nice Jaitin Naughty

Jaike Nice Jaivyen Naughty

Jaila Naughty Jaivyn Nice

Jailah Nice Jajuan Naughty

Jailee Naughty Jak Nice

Jailen Naughty Jakab Nice

Jailene Nice Jakaih Naughty

Jailey Naughty Jakari Naughty

Jailyn Naughty Jakayla Naughty

195 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Jake Nice Jaleel Nice

Jakeb Naughty Jaleesa Nice

Jakehlan Nice Jaleeya Nice

Jakelynn Naughty Jaleh Naughty

Jaken Naughty Jalehna Nice

Jakhi Naughty Jaleigh Nice

Jakhri Naughty Jaleigha Naughty

Jaki Naughty Jaleiya Nice

Jakie Nice Jalel Naughty

Jakiya Nice Jalen Nice

Jaklynn Naughty Jalena Nice

Jakob Nice Jalicia Nice

Jakobe Nice Jalie Naughty

Jakobi Naughty Jalil Naughty

Jakobus Nice Jalin Nice

Jakoby Naughty Jalina Naughty

Jakson Nice Jalisa Naughty

Jakub Naughty Jalisha Nice

Jakwan Naughty Jalissa Nice

Jakyla Nice Jaliyah Nice

Jakyra Nice Jaliyonna Naughty

Jalah Naughty Jalon Nice

Jalahny Nice Jalorra Naughty

Jalan Naughty Jalyla Naughty

Jalani Naughty Jalyn Naughty

Jaleah Nice Jalynn Naughty

Jaleb Nice Jalyssa Nice

Jalee Nice Jama Nice

196 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Jamaal Nice Jamey Nice

Jamaar Naughty Jamez Nice

Jamaica Naughty Jami Nice

Jamal Naughty Jamia Naughty

Jamar Nice Jamian Nice

Jamarcus Naughty Jamie Nice

Jamari Nice Jamielynn Nice

Jamario Naughty Jamien Nice

Jamarion Naughty Jamieson Nice

Jamarleigh Nice Jamii-Lee Nice

Jamarlo Nice Jamika Naughty

Jamaun Naughty Jamil Nice

Jame Naughty Jamila Nice

Jamee Nice Jamilet Naughty

Jameel Nice Jamilette Nice

Jameela Naughty Jamilius Naughty

Jameer Nice Jamilyn Naughty

Jameika Naughty Jamilynn Naughty

Jamel Nice Jamilynne Naughty

Jamelia Naughty Jamin Nice

Jamelyn Naughty Jamir Nice

Jamen Naughty Jamire Naughty

Jamer Nice Jamison Nice

Jamerson Nice Jamiya Nice

James Nice Jammel Naughty

Jamesa Nice Jammie Nice

Jameson Nice Jammy Nice

Jamethiel Nice Jamon Naughty

197 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Jamt Naughty Janeen Nice

Jamy Naughty Janeese Nice

Jamya Naughty Janeice Nice

Jamye Nice Janeil Nice

Jamykel Nice Janel Nice

Jamyn Naughty Janell Nice

Jamyrie Nice Janella Nice

Jan Nice Janelle Nice

Jana Nice Janely Nice

Janaae Nice Janely-Marie Naughty

Janaan Naughty Janelyn Naughty

Janae Nice Janene Naughty

Janai Naughty Janessa Nice

Janalea Naughty Janet Nice

Janani Naughty Janett Naughty

Janaris Nice Janette Nice

Janay Naughty Janeva Naughty

Janaya Nice Janeway Naughty

Jancarlos Nice Janey Nice

Jandellyn Nice Janhvi Nice

Jandrea Nice Jania Nice

Jane Nice Janiah Nice

Janea Nice Janice Nice

Janeace Nice Janie Nice

Janeal Naughty Janiece Nice

Janean Nice Janiel Naughty

Janeane Nice Janielle Nice

Janee Naughty Janier Naughty

198 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Janifer Naughty Janyce Nice

Janik Naughty Japheth Naughty

Janina Naughty Jaq Nice

Janine Nice Jaqix Naughty

Janis Nice Jaquam Nice

Janisia Naughty Jaquan Naughty

Janita Nice Jaquanna Nice

Janiya Nice Jaquarius Nice

Janiyah Nice Jaquelin Nice

Janjilla Naughty Jaqueline Naughty

Janmarie Nice Jaquelyn Nice

Jann Naughty Jaquez Naughty

Janna Nice Jara Nice

Janneke Nice Jarad Naughty

Jannell Naughty Jarah Naughty

Jannelle Naughty Jarame Naughty

Jannesyka Nice Jaray Nice

Jannette Nice Jarayl Naughty

Jannice Naughty Jared Nice

Jannie Nice Jaree Naughty

Jannisha Naughty Jareese Nice

Jansen Nice Jarek Nice

Janson Naughty Jareka Nice

Jansson Naughty Jarell Naughty

Janssyn Naughty Jarelly Naughty

Jantley Nice Jarely Naughty

Jantzen Nice Jaren Nice

January Nice Jaret Nice

199 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Jareth Nice Jarrenn Nice

Jarett Nice Jarret Naughty

Jariah Naughty Jarrett Nice

Jaricka Naughty Jarrick Nice

Jarid Nice Jarrin Nice

Jarin Nice Jarrod Nice

Jarinya Naughty Jarron Naughty

Jarious Naughty Jarrot Nice

Jarissa Naughty Jarryd Nice

Jarius Nice Jarryn Nice

Jariyah Naughty Jarvis Nice

Jarl Nice Jaryd Nice

Jarlath Naughty Jaryn Nice

Jarli Naughty Jas’Lynn Nice

Jarod Nice Jasa Nice

Jarom Naughty Jasaan Naughty

Jarome Nice Jasante Nice

Jaron Nice Jascia Naughty

Jaroslaw Naughty Jase Nice

Jaroy Naughty Jasella Nice

Jarrad Naughty Jasen Naughty

Jarrah Nice Jasenn Nice

Jarrden Naughty Jasey Naughty

Jarred Nice Jaseyana Naughty

Jarredd Nice Jashar Naughty

Jarrek Naughty Jashlynn Nice

Jarrell Nice Jashylyn Nice

Jarren Nice Jasiah Nice

200 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Jasie Naughty Jatelynn Naughty

Jasiel Naughty Jathan Nice

Jaskirat Nice Jatiah Nice

Jasleen Nice Jatianah Nice

Jaslene Nice Jatin Nice

Jaslin Nice Jatori Nice

Jaslyn Nice Jaunita Naughty

Jaslynn Nice Jauslynn Naughty

Jasmen Nice Java Nice

Jasmin Naughty Javan Nice

Jasmina Nice Javanna Naughty

Jasmine Nice Javas Naughty

Jasminka Naughty Javeaah Nice

Jasmyn Nice Javelin Nice

Jasmyne Nice Javen Nice

Jasmynn Naughty Javian Nice

Jasnoor Naughty Javid Nice

Jason Nice Javien Naughty

Jasper Nice Javier Nice

Jaspere Naughty Javin Nice

Jaspor Nice Javion Nice

Jaspyn Nice Javionn Nice

Jasten Nice Javita Nice

Jaswinder Nice Javon Nice

Jasynda Nice Javona Nice

Jatana Nice Javonie Nice

Jate Nice Javonne Nice

Jateah Nice Javonni Naughty

201 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Javontae Nice Jay-Jay Nice

Javonte Nice Jaya Nice

Javrielle Nice Jayale Nice

Jawanza Nice Jayana Naughty

Jax Nice Jayani Naughty

Jaxden Naughty Jaybrie Naughty

Jaxen Naughty Jayce Nice

Jaxi Naughty Jayceb Nice

Jaxie Nice Jaycee Nice

Jaxin Nice Jaycek Nice

Jaxom Naughty Jaycelyn Nice

Jaxon Nice Jaycen Nice

Jaxsen Nice Jayceon Naughty

Jaxson Nice Jayci Nice

Jaxster Naughty Jaycie Nice

Jaxstin Naughty Jaycob Nice

Jaxston Naughty Jayd Nice

Jaxsyn Nice Jayda Nice

Jaxten Naughty Jaydah Nice

Jaxtin Naughty Jaydan Nice

Jaxton Nice Jayde Nice

Jaxtyn Nice Jaydean Nice

Jaxx Naughty Jaydee Nice

Jaxxon Nice Jayden Nice

Jaxxson Nice Jaydence Nice

Jaxyn Nice Jaydene Naughty

Jaxzon Naughty Jaydian Nice

Jay Nice Jaydie Naughty

202 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Jaydin Nice Jaylie Nice

Jaydn Nice Jaylin Nice

Jaydon Nice Jayline Nice

Jaydoncole Naughty Jaylinn Nice

Jaydyn Nice Jaylinne Nice

Jaydyse Naughty Jaylinzey Nice

Jaye Naughty Jayllan Nice

Jayel Naughty Jaylon Nice

Jayelle Nice Jayloni Naughty

Jaygen Naughty Jaylyn Nice

Jayko Naughty Jaylynn Nice

Jaykob Nice Jayma Nice

Jaykub Nice Jayme Nice

Jayla Nice Jaymee Nice

Jaylah Nice Jaymes Nice

Jaylan Naughty Jaymeson Nice

Jaylani Naughty Jaymie Nice

Jaylannie Naughty Jaymin Nice

Jaylee Nice Jaymison Naughty

Jayleeah Naughty Jaymonn Naughty

Jayleen Naughty Jayms Naughty

Jayleigh Naughty Jaymz Nice

Jaylen Nice Jayna Naughty

Jaylena Naughty Jayne Nice

Jaylene Nice Jaynie Naughty

Jayley Naughty Jaynlynn Nice

Jayli Naughty Jayovanni Naughty

Jaylianna Nice Jaysa Nice

203 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Jayse Naughty Jaziyah Naughty

Jaysean Naughty Jazleen Nice

Jayseigh Naughty Jazlene Nice

Jaysen Nice Jazlin Nice

Jayshaun Nice Jazlyn Nice

Jayshawn Nice Jazlynn Nice

Jaysie Nice Jazmaine Nice

Jayson Nice Jazmari Nice

Jaysun Naughty Jazmarie Nice

Jayten Nice Jazmen Naughty

Jaythan Naughty Jazmin Nice

Jayton Nice Jazmine Nice

Jayvayon Naughty Jazminn Nice

Jayvian Nice Jazmyn Nice

Jayvion Nice Jazmyne Nice

Jayvis Naughty Jazmynn Naughty

Jayvon Nice Jazz Nice

Jayvoni Nice Jazzalynn Naughty

Jayvyn Naughty Jazzell Naughty

Jayze Naughty Jazzimyn Nice

Jazabel Naughty Jazzlyn Nice

Jazayla Naughty Jazzlyne Nice

Jazeah Nice Jazzlynn Naughty

Jazelle Nice Jazzmine Naughty

Jazhiel Naughty Jazzmon Nice

Jaziah Nice Jazzmyn Nice

Jazian Nice Jazzy Nice

Jaziayah Nice Jc Naughty

204 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Jd Nice Jeannine Naughty

Jealousy Naughty Jeannyia Nice

Jean Nice Jeb Naughty

Jean-Baptiste Nice Jebediah Naughty

Jean-Francois Naughty Jed Nice

Jean-Luc Nice Jeda Nice

Jean-Miguel Naughty Jeddah Nice

Jean-Rock Nice Jedduh Naughty

Jeana Nice Jedediah Nice

Jeane Naughty Jedha Nice

Jeanell Nice Jedi Naughty

Jeanella Naughty Jedidiah Nice

Jeanelle Nice Jeehan Naughty

Jeanetta Naughty Jeena Naughty

Jeanette Nice Jeep Nice

Jeanice Naughty Jeetha Nice

Jeanie Nice Jeevan Nice

Jeaniffer Naughty Jef Naughty

Jeanine Naughty Jeff Nice

Jeanise Nice Jefferey Nice

Jeanisha Nice Jefferson Nice

Jeanmarie Nice Jeffery Nice

Jeanna Nice Jeffie Naughty

Jeanne Nice Jeffrey Nice

Jeanne-Annette Nice Jeffri Nice

Jeannet Naughty Jeffry Nice

Jeannette Nice Jefro Naughty

Jeannie Naughty Jefte Nice

205 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Jehiah Nice Jenah Nice

Jehonna Nice Jenai Naughty

Jehu Naughty Jenalee Nice

Jehvon Nice Jenaleigh Nice

Jeightlin Naughty Jenanai Nice

Jeimar Naughty Jenaro Naughty

Jeiyda Naughty Jenasis Nice

Jejune Naughty Jenaveve Naughty

Jelani Naughty Jenaya Nice

Jelena Naughty Jendi Naughty

Jelissa Naughty Jene Nice

Jellique Naughty Jenea Nice

Jelly Nice Jeneal Nice

Jelontre Nice Jenean Nice

Jelvin Nice Jenee Nice

Jem Nice Jeneen Naughty

Jema Naughty Jeneine Naughty

Jemal Naughty Jenelle Nice

Jemari Naughty Jeneris Naughty

Jemeika Nice Jenesa Naughty

Jemima Nice Jenese Nice

Jemimah Naughty Jenessa Nice

Jemma Nice Jenessah Nice

Jemmi Naughty Jenessey Nice

Jen Nice Jenette Nice

Jena Nice Jeneveven Naughty

Jenacey Nice Jenevi Naughty

Jenae Nice Jenevie Naughty

206 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Jenevieve Nice Jenni-Marie Naughty

Jeni Nice Jennica Naughty

Jenica Nice Jennicka Nice

Jenice Naughty Jennie Nice

Jenie Nice Jennifer Nice

Jenifer Nice Jenniffer Nice

Jeniffer Nice Jennifier Naughty

Jenilee Nice Jennika Naughty

Jenisee Nice Jennilynn Naughty

Jenita Naughty Jennings Nice

Jenn Nice Jennivee Naughty

Jenna Nice Jenny Nice

Jennae Naughty Jennymatsler Nice

Jennai Naughty Jenova Naughty

Jennalee Nice Jenoveva Naughty

Jennaleigh Nice Jens Naughty

Jennalyn Nice Jensen Nice

Jennalynn Naughty Jensine Naughty

Jennasea Naughty Jenson Nice

Jennavie Nice Jensyn Nice

Jenne Nice Jentree Nice

Jennell Nice Jentri Naughty

Jennelle Nice Jentry Nice

Jenner Naughty Jentsyn Nice

Jennessa Nice Jenuel Nice

Jennette Nice Jeona Nice

Jenney Naughty Jeordie Nice

Jenni Nice Jeorjia Naughty

207 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Jep Naughty Jeremias Nice

Jephtha Nice Jeremie Nice

Jepp Nice Jeremy Nice

Jeptha Naughty Jeremyah Nice

Jerad Nice Jerence Naughty

Jerah-Lynn Naughty Jerene Nice

Jeralayne Naughty Jeri Nice

Jerald Naughty Jeriah Naughty

Jeraldine Nice Jerias Naughty

Jeralyn Nice Jeric Naughty

Jeramey Naughty Jerica Nice

Jeramiah Nice Jericho Nice

Jeramie Naughty Jerick Nice

Jeramiha Nice Jericka Nice

Jeramy Nice Jerico Naughty

Jeran Naughty Jeridan Nice

Jere Nice Jerie Nice

Jereal Naughty Jeriel Nice

Jereamy Nice Jerika Nice

Jerecho Naughty Jerilyn Nice

Jered Nice Jerilynn Naughty

Jerek Naughty Jerimay Naughty

Jerel Nice Jerimee Nice

Jereme Naughty Jerimiah Nice

Jeremee Naughty Jerimy Nice

Jeremey Nice Jerin Naughty

Jeremi Naughty Jerina Nice

Jeremiah Nice Jerion Naughty

208 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Jerith Naughty Jerridd Nice

Jermain Naughty Jerrie Naughty

Jermaine Nice Jerriko Naughty

Jermeer Nice Jerrilyn Nice

Jermey Nice Jerris Naughty

Jermica Nice Jerrison Nice

Jermyia Naughty Jerrius Nice

Jerod Naughty Jerrod Naughty

Jerold Nice Jerrold Nice

Jerome Nice Jerromey Nice

Jeromey Naughty Jerron Naughty

Jeromy Naughty Jerrud Naughty

Jeronimo Naughty Jerry Nice

Jerra Naughty Jersee Naughty

Jerrad Nice Jersey Nice

Jerray Nice Jersi Nice

Jerre Naughty Jersie Naughty

Jerred Nice Jersilyn Naughty

Jerrel Naughty Jerson Naughty

Jerrell Naughty Jertavious Naughty

Jerret Naughty Jerusha Naughty

Jerrett Naughty Jeryl Nice

Jerri Nice Jeryn Nice

Jerriann Nice Jerzee Naughty

Jerrica Naughty Jerzey Nice

Jerrick Nice Jerzie Nice

Jerrick-Zayne Nice Jerzy Naughty

Jerrid Naughty Jerzye Nice

209 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Jes Nice Jesselynn Nice

Jesaiah Naughty Jessenia Naughty

Jesca Naughty Jessey Naughty

Jeselle Naughty Jessi Nice

Jesenia Nice Jessic Nice

Jeshua Naughty Jessica Nice

Jesiah Naughty Jessicca Naughty

Jesica Nice Jessie Nice

Jesika Naughty Jessie-Simone Nice

Jesiskya Naughty Jessie’May Naughty

Jeslen Nice Jessiesue Nice

Jesley Naughty Jessiffa Naughty

Jeslyn Naughty Jessika Nice

Jesper Naughty Jessikah Nice

Jess Nice Jessilea Nice

Jessa Nice Jessilyn Naughty

Jessabella Nice Jessina Nice

Jessaka Naughty Jessip Naughty

Jessaleigh Nice Jesslyn Naughty

Jessalyn Naughty Jesslynn Nice

Jessalynn Nice Jessup Nice

Jessamine Nice Jessy Nice

Jessamyn Naughty Jessyca Nice

Jessanna Nice Jessye Nice

Jesse Nice Jessyka Naughty

Jessee Naughty Jestein Nice

Jessei Nice Jestin Naughty

Jesselyn Naughty Jesty Nice

210 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Jesus Nice Jewelyin Nice

Jeszel Naughty Jewett Naughty

Jet Nice Jewles Nice

Jeter Naughty Jex Nice

Jethra Nice Jexx Nice

Jethro Nice Jexy Nice

Jetlan Nice Jexziel Nice

Jetlyn Nice Jeydan Naughty

Jetsem Nice Jeydon Naughty

Jetson Naughty Jeyna Naughty

Jett Nice Jez Nice

Jetta Naughty Jezabella Nice

Jettie Naughty Jezanie Naughty

Jetton Naughty Jezebelle Nice

Jeuneaux Nice Jezebeth Nice

Jeuneelle Naughty Jezekah Nice

Jevan Nice Jezelle Nice

Jevante Nice Jezeriah Naughty

Jevin Nice Jeziah Nice

Jevon Nice Jezias Nice

Jevonali Naughty Jezlyina Naughty

Jewel Nice Jezmen Nice

Jewelann Naughty Jeznie Naughty

Jewelee Naughty Jezriel Nice

Jewelia Nice Jezzabelle Nice

Jewelie Nice Jezzmin Naughty

Jewell Nice Jhalynn Naughty

Jewelya Naughty Jhamiayah Nice

211 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Jhana Naughty Jicendle Naughty

Jhane’ Nice Jie Naughty

Jhase Naughty Jihad Nice

Jheilani Naughty Jihan Naughty

Jhene Nice Jihyo Naughty

Jhenna Nice Jiji Nice

Jherica Nice Jil Naughty

Jherimyah Naughty Jilashli Nice

Jherrica Naughty Jiles Naughty

Jherrii Nice Jilian Nice

Jhett Nice Jill Nice

Jhon Nice Jillene Nice

Jhonathan Naughty Jillian Nice

Jhordin Nice Jilliana Naughty

Jhordyn Naughty Jillianne Nice

Jia Naughty Jilly Naughty

Jiah Nice Jillyan Naughty

Jian Naughty Jillyn Naughty

Jiana Nice Jillynn Naughty

Jianina Nice Jim Nice

Jianna Nice Jimena Nice

Jiara Nice Jimilee Naughty

Jiayin Nice Jimileigh Nice

Jiazia Naughty Jimm Nice

Jibanyan Nice Jimma Naughty

Jibril Nice Jimmer Nice

Jicaela Nice Jimmi Naughty

Jicel Nice Jimmie Nice

212 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Jimmy Nice Jmya Nice

Jimothy Nice Jnai Nice

Jin Nice Jnevaeh Naughty

Jina Naughty Jo Nice

Jince Nice Jo-Lynn Naughty

Jineen Naughty Joachim Naughty

Jinelle Nice Joah Naughty

Jinger Nice Joan Nice

Jinky Nice Joana Naughty

Jinnie Naughty Joanie Nice

Jinny Naughty Joann Nice

Jintara Naughty Joanna Nice

Jinx Nice Joanne Nice

Jionni Nice Joannie Nice

Jiovanny Nice Joao Nice

Jiraiya Naughty Joaquim Nice

Jirehmiah Naughty Joaquin Nice

Jiselle Nice Joaquina Nice

Jisette Nice Job Nice

Jisoo Nice Jobe Naughty

Jiv Naughty Jobeth Nice

Jiwon Nice Jobian Naughty

Jiya Naughty Joby Naughty

Jiyanna Naughty Jocelin Naughty

Jj Nice Jocelina Naughty

Jjarred Nice Jocelyn Nice

Jjoy Nice Jocelyne Nice

Jm Nice Jocelynn Nice

213 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Jochen Nice Joely Naughty

Jocie Nice Joelyn Nice

Joclair Nice Joen Naughty

Joconda Naughty Joeseph Naughty

Jodee Nice Joesin Naughty

Jodene Naughty Joesph Nice

Jodessa Naughty Joetta Naughty

Jodi Nice Joette Naughty

Jodie Nice Joevin Nice

Jodine Naughty Joey Nice

Jody Nice Joey-Michelle Nice

Jodyne Nice Johan Nice

Joe Nice Johana Nice

Joe_Mama Nice Johann Naughty

Joeangel Naughty Johanna Nice

Joee Nice Johannah Nice

Joei Nice Johannes Nice

Joeigh Naughty Johathan Nice

Joel Nice Johelys Nice

Joeleane Naughty John Nice

Joelene Nice John-David Naughty

Joeli Naughty John-Luke Nice

Joelie Nice John-Patrick Nice

Joell Nice John-Paul Nice

Joella Naughty Johnalyn Nice

Joelle Nice Johnanthony Nice

Joellen Naughty Johnathan Nice

Joellynn Nice Johnathen Nice

214 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Johnathon Nice Joiya Nice

Johnaven Naughty Jojo Naughty

Johnetta Nice Jolan Naughty

Johney Naughty Jolana Nice

Johni Nice Jolanda Naughty

Johnie Naughty Jolee Nice

Johniece Naughty Joleen Nice

Johnluca Nice Joleena Naughty

Johnmark Nice Joleene Nice

Johnna Nice Joleigh Nice

Johnnah Naughty Jolena Nice

Johnnathan Naughty Jolenda Naughty

Johnnetta Naughty Jolene Nice

Johnnia Nice Jolette Nice

Johnnie Nice Joli Nice

Johnniel Nice Jolie Nice

Johnnielynn Nice Joliena Naughty

Johnny Nice Jolina Nice

Johnnye Naughty Joline Nice

Johnpaul Naughty Jolly Nice

Johnsie Naughty Jolon Naughty

Johnson Nice Jolseff Nice

Johny Nice Jolyn Nice

Johquez Nice Jolynn Nice

Joi Nice Jomalyne Nice

Joice Nice Jomar Naughty

Joie Naughty Jomeka Naughty

Joiee Naughty Jomias Naughty

215 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Jon Nice Jonie Nice

Jon-Henry Naughty Jonielle Nice

Jon-Taylor Nice Jonika Naughty

Jona Nice Jonis Nice

Jonah Nice Jonithan Nice

Jonalyn Naughty Jonko Nice

Jonalynn Nice Jonmarie Naughty

Jonas Nice Jonn Naughty

Jonatan Naughty Jonna Nice

Jonathan Nice Jonnalee Nice

Jonathen Nice Jonnalene Nice

Jonathin Nice Jonnathan Naughty

Jonathon Nice Jonnea Nice

Jonathun Naughty Jonnelle Naughty

Jonaven Naughty Jonnie Nice

Jonavin Naughty Jonnita Nice

Joncia Nice Jonny Nice

Jondavid Nice Jontae Nice

Jonel Nice Jonte Nice

Jonell Naughty Jonty Naughty

Jonella Naughty Jonythan Naughty

Jones Naughty Jonzie Nice

Jonessa Nice Joplin Naughty

Jonesy Nice Joplyn Nice

Jonette Naughty Jorae Nice

Jonhenry Naughty Jorah Naughty

Joni Nice Jorai Nice

Jonica Naughty Jordain Nice

216 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Jordan Nice Jorge Nice

Jordana Nice Jorgen Naughty

Jordanb Naughty Jorgia Nice

Jordanduran Naughty Jorgie Naughty

Jordann Nice Jorgito Nice

Jordanna Naughty Jori Naughty

Jordanne Naughty Jorilynn Naughty

Jorddan Nice Jorim Nice

Jorden Nice Joris Naughty

Jordenn Naughty Jorja Naughty

Jordhan Naughty Jorlena Naughty

Jordi Nice Jorliz Naughty

Jordie Naughty Jorren Naughty

Jordin Nice Jorryn Nice

Jordis Naughty Jory Nice

Jordon Nice Joryn Nice

Jordy Nice Jos Naughty

Jordyen Nice Josalin Nice

Jordyn Nice Josalyn Nice

Jordynce Naughty Josalynn Naughty

Jordynn Nice Josaphine Naughty

Jorel Naughty Josat Nice

Jorell Nice Joscelin Nice

Jorene Nice Joscelyn Nice

Joreny Nice Joscelyne Nice

Joress Naughty Josclynn Nice

Joretta Nice Jose Nice

Jorgan Naughty Joseangel Naughty

217 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Josee Naughty Josi Nice

Josef Nice Josiah Nice

Josef-James Nice Josianne Nice

Josefa Naughty Josias Nice

Josefina Nice Josie Nice

Josefita Nice Josiephine Naughty

Joseiphine Nice Josilin Nice

Joselin Nice Josilyn Nice

Joseline Nice Josiyah Nice

Joseluis Naughty Joslin Nice

Joselyn Nice Joslyn Nice

Joselyne Nice Joslynn Naughty

Joseph Nice Joss Naughty

Josephine Nice Josseling Naughty

Josephus Naughty Josselyn Naughty

Josette Naughty Jossie Naughty

Josey Nice Jossilyn Nice

Josh Nice Josslin Nice

Joshika Naughty Josslyn Nice

Joshlyn Naughty Josslynn Naughty

Joshlynn Nice Jost Naughty

Joshton Naughty Josue Nice

Joshua Nice Josyah Naughty

Joshuah Nice Josyph Nice

Joshualyn Naughty Jourdain Nice

Joshuel Naughty Jourdan Nice

Joshus Naughty Jourdian Naughty

Joshy Naughty Jourdyn Naughty

218 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Journee Naughty Joyanna Nice

Journeigh Nice Joyce Nice

Journey Nice Joycelyn Nice

Journie Naughty Joye Nice

Jovan Naughty Joyetta Nice

Jovana Nice Joylena Nice

Jovani Nice Joylynn Naughty

Jovania Naughty Jozarah Nice

Jovanna Nice Jozee Nice

Jovannah Naughty Jozelin Naughty

Jovanni Nice Jozella Nice

Jovanny Naughty Jozette Nice

Jovany Nice Joziah Naughty

Jove Nice Jozilyn Nice

Jovell Nice Jozlyn Naughty

Jovena Nice Jozlynn Naughty

Jovi Nice Jp Nice

Jovia Naughty Jpg Nice

Jovian Naughty Jqycob Nice

Jovianna Nice Jr Nice

Jovie Nice Jrayden Naughty

Jovita Naughty Jreson Naughty

Jovon Nice Jriosooto Nice

Jovonna Nice Jru Nice

Jowe Naughty Jsooto Nice

Jowell Nice Jt Nice

Joy Nice Ju Nice

Joya Nice Ju’Liyan Nice

219 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Juan Nice Juel Nice

Juana Nice Juelz Naughty

Juancarlos Naughty Juice Nice

Juanice Nice Juileana Nice

Juanico Nice Julaine Naughty

Juanisha Nice Jule Naughty

Juanita Nice Julean Naughty

Juantay Naughty Julee Nice

Juaquin Naughty Juleena Naughty

Jubal Naughty Juleigha Naughty

Jubaleigh Nice Julein Nice

Jubilee Nice Juleisa Nice

Jubileigh Naughty Julen Naughty

Judah Nice Julena Naughty

Judd Naughty Jules Nice

Juddy Naughty Juli Naughty

Jude Nice Julia Nice

Judea Nice Julian Nice

Judene Nice Juliana Nice

Judge Nice Juliana-Sofia Nice

Judi Nice Juliane Nice

Judie Naughty Juliann Naughty

Judith Nice Julianna Nice

Judson Nice Julianne Nice

Judy Nice Julias Naughty

Judy-Lynn Nice Julie Nice

Judyta Naughty Julieana Nice

Judyth Naughty Julieann Nice

220 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Julien Nice Jung Naughty

Julienne Nice Junia Nice

Juliet Nice Junie Nice

Juliett Nice Junior Nice

Julietta Nice Junious Naughty

Juliette Nice Juniper Nice

Julimar Naughty Junius Nice

Julio Naughty Junnetta Naughty

Julion Nice Juno Nice

Julious Nice Jupiter Nice

Julisa Nice Juri Nice

Julissa Nice Juriah Naughty

Julius Nice Juriz Nice

Jullane Naughty Jurnee Nice

Jullian Naughty Jurnemil Naughty

Julliana Nice Jurney Nice

Juluis Nice Jussalynn Nice

July Nice Justace Naughty

Julyan Naughty Justalyn Nice

Julyon Naughty Justeen Nice

Jumyr Naughty Justen Nice

Jun Nice Justi Nice

Junae Nice Justianna Naughty

June Nice Justice Nice

Juneau Naughty Justin Nice

Juneka Naughty Justina Nice

Junel Nice Justine Nice

Junell Nice Justino Naughty

221 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Justis Nice Ka’Dorian Nice

Justise Nice Ka’Leah Nice

Juston Nice Ka’Lijah Naughty

Justus Nice Ka’Rin Nice

Justyce Nice Kaanon Naughty

Justyn Naughty Kaara Nice

Justyna Naughty Kaaren Naughty

Justynne Nice Kaavya Nice

Justyse Naughty Kabel Nice

Jutta Naughty Kabria Naughty

Juvenal Nice Kace Nice

Juwan Naughty Kacee Nice

Jyase Naughty Kaceeus Naughty

Jyl Nice Kacelie Nice

Jyle Nice Kacelyn Nice

Jylian Nice Kacen Naughty

Jyll Nice Kacetin Naughty

Jyllean Naughty Kaceton Nice

Jynda Nice Kacey Nice

Jynessa Nice Kache Nice

Jyntri Nice Kachina Naughty

Jynxton Naughty Kaci Nice

Jysica Nice Kacia Nice

Jyssica Naughty Kacie Nice

K Nice Kacper Naughty

K-Ci Nice Kacy Nice

K’Mara Naughty Kacye Nice

K’Nya Naughty Kacyn Naughty

222 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Kadalina Nice Kadynce Naughty

Kadan Naughty Kae Naughty

Kadance Naughty Kae’Sey Naughty

Kadar Nice Kaeasia Naughty

Kadasia Naughty Kaebrie Nice

Kade Nice Kaedance Naughty

Kadee Nice Kaede Naughty

Kadeem Naughty Kaeden Nice

Kadeidra Naughty Kaedence Nice

Kadein Nice Kaedo Naughty

Kadelyn Naughty Kaedun Naughty

Kaden Nice Kaedyn Nice

Kadence Nice Kaegan Nice

Kader Naughty Kaege Nice

Kadey Naughty Kaehti Nice

Kadi Nice Kaejeneke Naughty

Kadia Nice Kaeko Nice

Kadian Nice Kael Nice

Kadie Nice Kaela Nice

Kadience Naughty Kaelacjae Nice

Kadija Naughty Kaelan Nice

Kadijah Nice Kaelani Naughty

Kadin Naughty Kaeleb Nice

Kadison Nice Kaelee Nice

Kadon Naughty Kaeleigh Naughty

Kadra Nice Kaelem Naughty

Kady Nice Kaeley Nice

Kadyn Nice Kaeli Naughty

223 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Kaelie Naughty Kahleal Nice

Kaelin Nice Kahlee Naughty

Kaelisynn Nice Kahleel Naughty

Kaelix Nice Kahlen Nice

Kaelub Nice Kahlena Naughty

Kaely Nice Kahli Naughty

Kaelyb Naughty Kahlia Naughty

Kaelyn Nice Kahlie Naughty

Kaelynn Nice Kahlil Nice

Kaemon Nice Kahlynne Naughty

Kaena Naughty Kahmila Nice

Kaenan Naughty Kahne Nice

Kaeon Nice Kahra Nice

Kaera Nice Kahri Nice

Kaesen Naughty Kahrin Nice

Kaeson Nice Kahua Naughty

Kaeston Naughty Kai Nice

Kaesyn Nice Kaia Nice

Kaetlin Nice Kaiah Nice

Kaetlyn Naughty Kaianna Naughty

Kaeven Nice Kaibry Nice

Kaeyla Naughty Kaicen Naughty

Kagan Nice Kaid Nice

Kagen Nice Kaida Naughty

Kahari Naughty Kaidan Naughty

Kahealani Nice Kaide Naughty

Kahlan Nice Kaidee Naughty

Kahlea Naughty Kaiden Nice

224 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Kaidence Nice Kailene Nice

Kaidi Naughty Kailer Naughty

Kaidie Nice Kailey Nice

Kaidyn Naughty Kaili Naughty

Kaidynn Nice Kailia Nice

Kaien Nice Kailie Naughty

Kaige Nice Kailin Naughty

Kaigen Naughty Kaillat Naughty

Kaighan Nice Kaillee Nice

Kaiiden Naughty Kailoni Nice

Kaiis Naughty Kaily Naughty

Kaija Naughty Kailym Nice

Kaila Nice Kailyn Nice

Kailah Naughty Kailynas Naughty

Kailahni Nice Kailynn Nice

Kailan Nice Kailysa Naughty

Kailani Nice Kaiman Nice

Kailanni Naughty Kaimbree Naughty

Kaile Nice Kaimbrie Nice

Kailea Nice Kaimi Nice

Kaileb Nice Kain Nice

Kailee Nice Kainalu Nice

Kaileen Nice Kaine Naughty

Kailei Naughty Kainen Nice

Kaileigh Nice Kainn Nice

Kaileiya Naughty Kainoa Nice

Kailen Nice Kaio Nice

Kailena Naughty Kaipo Naughty

225 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Kaira Nice Kaiton Nice

Kairi Nice Kaity Nice

Kairiona Nice Kaiulani Naughty

Kairo Naughty Kaius Nice

Kairos Naughty Kaiwa Nice

Kaise Naughty Kaiya Nice

Kaiser Naughty Kaiyah Nice

Kaisey Naughty Kaiyida Nice

Kaisley Nice Kaiysen Nice

Kaislie Nice Kaizah Nice

Kaislyn Naughty Kaizen Nice

Kaison Naughty Kaizer Naughty

Kaisyn Nice Kaizleigh Naughty

Kaitelyn Naughty Kaizlyn Naughty

Kaitence Naughty Kaizon Nice

Kaithlynn Naughty Kaizyk Naughty

Kaitie Nice Kaj Naughty

Kaitlan Naughty Kaja Nice

Kaitlea Naughty Kajae Naughty

Kaitlee Nice Kajsa Nice

Kaitleigh Nice Kal Naughty

Kaitlen Nice Kal-El Nice

Kaitlin Nice Kala Nice

Kaitlind Nice Kaladin Nice

Kaitlyn Nice Kalah Nice

Kaitlyne Naughty Kalan Nice

Kaitlynn Nice Kalani Nice

Kaitlynne Naughty Kalasia Naughty

226 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Kalaya Nice Kali-Ann Naughty

Kalaye Nice Kalia Nice

Kalayna Naughty Kaliah Nice

Kale Nice Kaliam Nice

Kalea Nice Kalib Naughty

Kaleah Nice Kalie Nice

Kaleana Naughty Kaliea Naughty

Kaleb Nice Kaliegha Nice

Kalee Naughty Kaliha Naughty

Kaleea Nice Kalii Nice

Kaleel Naughty Kalika Naughty

Kaleem Naughty Kalil Naughty

Kaleena Nice Kalilah Nice

Kaleesi Nice Kalin Nice

Kalehya Naughty Kalina Nice

Kalei Nice Kaliope Nice

Kaleigh Nice Kaliq Nice

Kaleigha Nice Kalique Naughty

Kaleighan Nice Kalis Nice

Kalel Naughty Kalisha Nice

Kalema Nice Kalisi Nice

Kalen Naughty Kalissa Naughty

Kalena Naughty Kalista Naughty

Kalene Naughty Kaliyah Nice

Kaleo Naughty Kallah Naughty

Kalev Nice Kallahan Naughty

Kaley Nice Kallan Nice

Kali Nice Kalle Nice

227 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Kallee Nice Kalyn Nice

Kalleigh Nice Kalynda Naughty

Kallen Nice Kalyndra Naughty

Kallex Naughty Kalyne Naughty

Kalli Nice Kalynn Nice

Kallie Nice Kalynne Nice

Kallienug Naughty Kalypsa Naughty

Kallima Naughty Kalyssa Nice

Kallin Nice Kalysta Naughty

Kalliope Naughty Kalyzie Nice

Kallista Nice Kam Nice

Kalliyah Nice Kama Naughty

Kallum Naughty Kamal Nice

Kally Nice Kamalei Nice

Kallyn Naughty Kamar Naughty

Kallyon Nice Kamara Naughty

Kallysta Nice Kamaran Nice

Kalob Naughty Kamari Nice

Kalon Nice Kamaria Naughty

Kaloni Nice Kamarin Nice

Kalonni Naughty Kamarion Nice

Kalpesh Nice Kamasha Nice

Kalten Nice Kamauri Nice

Kalub Nice Kambell Naughty

Kaluhm Nice Kamber Naughty

Kalvin Nice Kamberli Nice

Kaly Naughty Kamberlin Nice

Kalyanna Nice Kambree Nice

228 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Kambren Naughty Kamilla Nice

Kambrey Nice Kamille Nice

Kambri Nice Kamillia Nice

Kambria Nice Kamira Nice

Kambrian Nice Kamiya Nice

Kambrie Nice Kamiyah Naughty

Kambry Nice Kamlee Naughty

Kambrye Naughty Kammdan Naughty

Kamden Nice Kammden Naughty

Kamdin Nice Kammi Naughty

Kamdyn Naughty Kammie Naughty

Kamea Naughty Kammy Naughty

Kameko Naughty Kamora Nice

Kamen Naughty Kamoura Naughty

Kamera Nice Kamp Naughty

Kameren Naughty Kampbell Naughty

Kamerin Nice Kamran Nice

Kameron Nice Kamree Naughty

Kamery Nice Kamreigh Nice

Kameryn Nice Kamren Nice

Kami Nice Kamri Naughty

Kamia Nice Kamrie Nice

Kamie Naughty Kamrin Naughty

Kamika Nice Kamron Nice

Kamil Naughty Kamry Nice

Kamila Nice Kamryn Nice

Kamilah Naughty Kamrynn Nice

Kamili Nice Kamton Nice

229 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Kamya Nice Kannen Nice

Kamylle Nice Kannessia Naughty

Kamyra Nice Kannon Nice

Kanaan Naughty Kanoa Naughty

Kanade Nice Kanoelani Nice

Kanan Nice Kanon Naughty

Kanasia Nice Kansas Naughty

Kandace Nice Kansie Nice

Kandan Nice Kanton Naughty

Kandee Naughty Kanyapak Nice

Kandi Naughty Kanye Naughty

Kandice Nice Kanyon Naughty

Kandis Nice Kanzlyn Naughty

Kandy Naughty Kaori Nice

Kandyce Nice Kaos Naughty

Kane Nice Kaplan Nice

Kaneesha Nice Kappy Naughty

Kanein Naughty Kapri Naughty

Kanen Nice Kaprice Nice

Kanesha Nice Kara Nice

Kaney Naughty Kara-Lynn Nice

Kang Nice Karagan Naughty

Kanhai Naughty Karagen Naughty

Kani Naughty Karah Naughty

Kanices Naughty Karalea Naughty

Kanisha Nice Karaleigh Naughty

Kanita Nice Karalina Nice

Kaniya Nice Karalyna Naughty

230 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Karalynn Nice Karianna Naughty

Karalynne Naughty Karianne Nice

Karan Nice Karibeth Naughty

Karanda Naughty Karie Nice

Karandeep Naughty Karielle Naughty

Karas Nice Kariemah Nice

Karaya Naughty Karienn Naughty

Karcey Nice Karilee Nice

Kardan Naughty Karilyn Nice

Karder Nice Karilynn Nice

Kare Naughty Karim Nice

Karee Nice Karin Nice

Kareem Nice Karina Nice

Kareema Nice Karina-Joanne Naughty

Kareen Nice Karine Naughty

Karek Naughty Karinne Naughty

Karel Nice Karinya Naughty

Karem Nice Karis Nice

Karema Naughty Karisa Nice

Karen Nice Karisma Naughty

Karen-Ann Nice Karissa Nice

Karena Nice Karissma Nice

Karenna Nice Karita Naughty

Karey Naughty Karitha Nice

Kari Nice Karizma Nice

Kariah Nice Karl Nice

Kariana Nice Karla Nice

Kariann Nice Karlan Naughty

231 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Karle Naughty Karmen Nice

Karlea Naughty Karmyn Naughty

Karlee Nice Karnell Naughty

Karleigh Nice Karner Nice

Karleigh-Grace Nice Karol Nice

Karlen Naughty Karolanne Nice

Karlena Nice Karolina Naughty

Karlene Nice Karoline Nice

Karleta Nice Karolyn Nice

Karletta Nice Karolyne Nice

Karley Nice Karolynn Nice

Karli Nice Karon Naughty

Karliah Nice Karra Naughty

Karlie Nice Karragan Nice

Karlin Naughty Karrah Nice

Karlisle Nice Karraleigh Nice

Karlos Nice Karren Nice

Karly Nice Karri Naughty

Karlye Naughty Karrick Naughty

Karlyn Naughty Karrie Naughty

Karlynn Naughty Karrigan Naughty

Karlynnlj Nice Karrington Nice

Karma Nice Karris Naughty

Karmela Nice Karrlea Naughty

Karmell Nice Karrlita Naughty

Karmella Naughty Karry Nice

Karmellah Nice Karrynn Naughty

Karmelo Nice Karsen Nice

232 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Karsin Nice Kase Naughty

Karson Nice Kasee Nice

Karsten Naughty Kasen Nice

Karstin Nice Kasey Nice

Karston Nice Kash Nice

Karsyn Nice Kasha Naughty

Karsynn Nice Kashae Naughty

Kartar Nice Kashava Naughty

Karter Nice Kashe Naughty

Karthik Naughty Kashif Nice

Kartik Naughty Kashlee Naughty

Karuna Naughty Kashlynn Naughty

Karver Nice Kashmere Nice

Kary Naughty Kashmira Nice

Karyl Nice Kashous Nice

Karyme Naughty Kashtin Nice

Karyn Nice Kashton Naughty

Karyna Naughty Kashtyn Naughty

Karynn Nice Kashus Naughty

Karys Nice Kasi Naughty

Karysa Naughty Kasia Nice

Karyssa Nice Kasiah Naughty

Karzin Naughty Kasian Naughty

Kas Nice Kasie Nice

Kasandra Nice Kasin Nice

Kascey Naughty Kasius Nice

Kasch Naughty Kaslie Naughty

Kascia Nice Kaslin Naughty

233 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Kasmira Nice Katalia Naughty

Kasne Nice Katalina Nice

Kason Nice Kataliyah Nice

Kaspar Naughty Katana Naughty

Kasper Nice Katannya Nice

Kaspian Nice Katara Nice

Kaspyn Nice Katariah Nice

Kassadee Nice Katarina Nice

Kassady Nice Katarine Naughty

Kassandra Nice Kate Nice

Kassandre Naughty Katee Nice

Kassey Nice Kateel Naughty

Kassi Nice Katelin Nice

Kassia Naughty Katelinn Nice

Kassiah Nice Katelyn Nice

Kassidie Nice Katelyne Nice

Kassidy Nice Katelynn Nice

Kassie Nice Katelynne Nice

Kassy Nice Katerina Nice

Kastina Nice Katerine Naughty

Kastle Nice Katerra Naughty

Kaston Naughty Katey Naughty

Kasyn Naughty Kathaleen Nice

Kat Nice Kathan Naughty

Katah Nice Katharina Naughty

Kataleah Naughty Katharine Nice

Kataleeah Nice Katharyn Naughty

Kataleya Nice Kathee Naughty

234 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Kathelynn Naughty Katie-Louise Nice

Kathereen Nice Katielynn Nice

Katherin Nice Katierose Nice

Katherina Naughty Katilaya Nice

Katherine Nice Katilee Naughty

Kathern Naughty Katilyn Naughty

Katheryn Nice Katilynn Naughty

Kathey Naughty Katina Nice

Kathi Nice Katiya Naughty

Kathie Nice Katja Nice

Kathijo Nice Katlin Naughty

Kathina Nice Katlyn Nice

Kathleen Nice Katlyne Naughty

Kathleene Nice Katlynn Naughty

Kathlene Nice Katlynne Nice

Kathlyn Nice Katniss Nice

Kathrin Naughty Kato Nice

Kathrine Nice Katona Naughty

Kathryn Nice Katorah Naughty

Kathryne Nice Katoura Naughty

Kathy Nice Katreba Naughty

Kathyrn Naughty Katreena Naughty

Kati Nice Katrena Naughty

Katia Naughty Katrese Naughty

Katiana Naughty Katresha Naughty

Katie Nice Katrin Nice

Katie-Bree Naughty Katrina Nice

Katie-Lee Naughty Katrine Naughty

235 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Katrinia Naughty Kavery Naughty

Katrinka Nice Kavi Naughty

Katrisha Naughty Kavik Nice

Katron Naughty Kavin Nice

Katryn Nice Kavion Nice

Katryna Nice Kavish Nice

Kattia Naughty Kavita Naughty

Kattie Naughty Kavon Naughty

Kattilyn Nice Kavyn Naughty

Kattiuska Nice Kawena Nice

Kattleya Nice Kawika Naughty

Katty Nice Kawren Naughty

Katurena Naughty Kay Nice

Katy Nice Kay-Leigh Nice

Katya Naughty Kaya Naughty

Katyana Nice Kayan Nice

Kaulin Naughty Kayanna Naughty

Kauner Nice Kayanne Nice

Kauri Nice Kayannie Nice

Kaurrah Nice Kaybree Naughty

Kaushalya Nice Kayce Naughty

Kauthar Nice Kaycee Nice

Kautina Naughty Kaycen Naughty

Kavan Nice Kayci Naughty

Kavanaugh Naughty Kaycie Nice

Kavanni Naughty Kayda Naughty

Kaven Nice Kaydah Naughty

Kaveon Naughty Kaydan Naughty

236 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Kaydance Nice Kaylani Nice

Kayde Naughty Kaylann Naughty

Kaydee Naughty Kayle Naughty

Kayden Nice Kaylea Naughty

Kaydence Nice Kayleah Nice

Kaydie Nice Kayleane Nice

Kaydin Naughty Kayleanna Nice

Kaydince Naughty Kayleanne Naughty

Kaydn Nice Kayleb Nice

Kaydon Nice Kaylee Nice

Kaydynce Nice Kaylee-Ann Naughty

Kaye Nice Kayleen Naughty

Kayela Nice Kayleena Nice

Kayeleigh Nice Kaylei Naughty

Kayelin Naughty Kayleigh Nice

Kayelle Nice Kaylen Nice

Kayelynn Naughty Kaylena Naughty

Kayelynne Nice Kaylene Naughty

Kayena Naughty Kayler Nice

Kayhaun Nice Kayley Nice

Kayl Nice Kayleyne Naughty

Kayla Nice Kayli Naughty

Kayla-Brooke Nice Kaylia Naughty

Kaylah Nice Kayliana Nice

Kaylahh Nice Kaylianna Naughty

Kaylan Nice Kaylie Nice

Kaylana Nice Kaylin Nice

Kaylanah Naughty Kaylina Naughty

237 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Kaylinn Nice Kayston Nice

Kaylissa Naughty Kaytee Naughty

Kaylix Naughty Kaytie Nice

Kaylon Naughty Kaytlin Nice

Kaylor Nice Kaytlinn Nice

Kaylub Naughty Kaytlyn Nice

Kaylyn Nice Kaytlynn Naughty

Kaylynn Nice Kayton Nice

Kaylynne Nice Kaytriel Nice

Kaymen Naughty Kaytrna Naughty

Kaymie Nice Kayveon Nice

Kaynaya Naughty Kayvieanna Nice

Kayne Nice Kayvien Nice

Kaynen Nice Kayvon Naughty

Kayner Nice Kayzen Nice

Kayo Nice Kayzlee Naughty

Kayoking Naughty Kayzleigh Nice

Kayra Nice Kayzlie Nice

Kayren Nice Kaz Naughty

Kaysa Naughty Kazaria Naughty

Kaysea Naughty Kazemiera Naughty

Kaysen Naughty Kazen Naughty

Kaysha Naughty Kazia Nice

Kayshonda Nice Kazim Nice

Kaysie Nice Kazlyne Naughty

Kaysin Naughty Kazmira Naughty

Kaysleigh Nice Kazuko Nice

Kayson Nice Kazuo Naughty

238 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Kazz Nice Keanu Naughty

Kc Nice Keara Nice

Kcire Naughty Kearna Nice

Kd Naughty Kearrah Nice

Ke Naughty Kearsten Nice

Ke’Naaz Nice Kearstin Naughty

Kea Nice Kearston Naughty

Keaeryn Nice Kearstyn Naughty

Keagan Nice Keasia Nice

Keagen Naughty Keason Naughty

Keaghan Naughty Keasten Nice

Keah Nice Keaten Naughty

Keaira Naughty Keathan Naughty

Keala Nice Keathley Nice

Kealani Naughty Keatin Naughty

Kealey Nice Keaton Nice

Keali Nice Keaunia Nice

Kealie Naughty Kebra Naughty

Kealii Nice Kecera Naughty

Kealoha Nice Kechia Naughty

Kealy Naughty Kecia Nice

Kean Nice Kedia Naughty

Keana Nice Kedric Nice

Keanah Nice Kee-Hee Nice

Keanan Nice Kee’Aunte Naughty

Keandre Naughty Keeanu Nice

Keane Nice Keeden Naughty

Keanna Nice Keefe Nice

239 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Keefer Nice Keeton Naughty

Keegan Nice Keeva Nice

Keeghan Naughty Keewee Naughty

Keegn Nice Keeyactta Nice

Keegyn Nice Keeyan Naughty

Keehan Nice Keferah Nice

Keel Naughty Kegan Nice

Keela Nice Keghan Naughty

Keelan Nice Kegin Naughty

Keeleigh Nice Kehan Naughty

Keeley Nice Kehlani Nice

Keeli Nice Kehlen Nice

Keelie Nice Kei Nice

Keelii Naughty Keia Naughty

Keelin Nice Keian Naughty

Keelon Nice Keiana Naughty

Keely Nice Keiara Naughty

Keelyn Nice Keiarah Nice

Keemoni Naughty Keiaron Naughty

Keena Naughty Keiciana Naughty

Keenan Naughty Keiden Naughty

Keenen Naughty Keidi Nice

Keenyn Nice Keidre Naughty

Keera Nice Keidyn Naughty

Keeri Nice Keifer Nice

Keesa Nice Keigan Nice

Keesha Naughty Keighla Naughty

Keeta Naughty Keightley Naughty

240 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Keightly Naughty Keirsa Nice

Keiji Naughty Keirstan Nice

Keiko Naughty Keirsten Nice

Keil Naughty Keirstin Nice

Keila Nice Keiry Naughty

Keilan Nice Keiryn Naughty

Keilana Naughty Keisha Nice

Keilani Nice Keisten Nice

Keilee Nice Keiston Nice

Keileen Nice Keisyun Nice

Keileigh Nice Keith Nice

Keiley Naughty Keitha Naughty

Keili Nice Keithan Naughty

Keilly Naughty Keithen Naughty

Keily Naughty Keitlyn Nice

Keilyn Nice Keiva Nice

Keimi Nice Keivais Nice

Keion Naughty Keivan Naughty

Keionnah Nice Keiyan Nice

Keiontai Nice Kejren Nice

Keir Nice Kejuan Nice

Keira Nice Keke Naughty

Keiralyn Nice Kekoa Nice

Keiran Nice Kela Nice

Keirnan Nice Kelan Nice

Keiron Nice Kelbee Naughty

Keirra Nice Kelbi Nice

Keirrah Nice Kelby Nice

241 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Kelce Naughty Kelli Nice

Kelcee Nice Kellian Nice

Kelcey Nice Kellianne Naughty

Kelci Naughty Kellie Nice

Kelcie Nice Kellijo Nice

Kelcy Nice Kellin Nice

Keldan Nice Kelline Naughty

Kelden Naughty Kellon Naughty

Keleigh Naughty Kellsey Naughty

Keli Nice Kellsie Nice

Kelia Naughty Kellum Naughty

Kelin Nice Kelly Nice

Kelina Naughty Kellyann Nice

Kelis Naughty Kellye Nice

Kelita Nice Kellymae Nice

Kella Naughty Kellyn Naughty

Kellan Nice Kelonte Nice

Kelland Nice Kelsa Naughty

Kellar Naughty Kelsay Nice

Kellasandra Nice Kelsea Nice

Kelle Nice Kelsee Nice

Kellee Nice Kelseigh Naughty

Kelleen Naughty Kelsen Naughty

Kelleigh Naughty Kelsey Nice

Kellen Nice Kelsi Naughty

Kellene Nice Kelsie Nice

Keller Nice Kelson Naughty

Kelley Nice Kelsy Nice

242 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Kelsyn Naughty Kendalynn Nice

Kelton Nice Kendan Nice

Kelvin Nice Kendee Naughty

Kelynn Naughty Kendell Nice

Kem Nice Kendelle Naughty

Kemal Naughty Kenden Nice

Kemaryn Naughty Kenderick Naughty

Kembrey Naughty Kendi Naughty

Kemet Nice Kendie Nice

Kemi Naughty Kendler Naughty

Kemieah Naughty Kendon Naughty

Kemonte Nice Kendra Nice

Kemp Naughty Kendrah Nice

Kemper Nice Kendralynn Nice

Ken Nice Kendrea Nice

Kenadee Nice Kendreah Nice

Kenadi Nice Kendri Naughty

Kenadie Naughty Kendria Nice

Kenady Nice Kendrick Nice

Kenai Naughty Kendrix Naughty

Kenai’ Naughty Kendu Naughty

Kenan Nice Kendyl Naughty

Kenda Nice Kendyle Naughty

Kendahl Naughty Kendyll Naughty

Kendal Nice Kendyln Nice

Kendall Nice Keneca Naughty

Kendallynn Naughty Kenedi Naughty

Kendalyn Nice Kenella Nice

243 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Keni Nice Kennerly Naughty

Kenia Nice Kenneth Nice

Kenidee Nice Kenney Nice

Kenidy Nice Kenni Nice

Kenise Naughty Kennia Nice

Kenisha Nice Kennidy Naughty

Kenita Nice Kennie Nice

Kenji Naughty Kennike Naughty

Kenlee Naughty Kennith Naughty

Kenleigh Naughty Kennon Naughty

Kenley Nice Kennth Naughty

Kenli Nice Kenny Nice

Kenly Nice Kennya Nice

Kenlynn Naughty Kennzziie Naughty

Kenna Nice Kenobi Nice

Kennadea Nice Kenosha Nice

Kennadee Nice Kenric Nice

Kennadi Naughty Kenry Naughty

Kennah Nice Kensey Naughty

Kennan Nice Kenshi Nice

Kennard Naughty Kenshin Nice

Kennayzia Naughty Kensi Naughty

Kenne Nice Kensie Nice

Kennedee Naughty Kensington Nice

Kennedi Nice Kenslee Naughty

Kennedie Nice Kensleigh Nice

Kennedii Nice Kensler Naughty

Kennedy Nice Kensley Nice

244 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Kensli Nice Keon Nice

Kenslie Nice Keona Nice

Kensuke Nice Keong Naughty

Kensy Naughty Keoni Nice

Kent Nice Keonna Nice

Kentan Nice Keontre Nice

Kentlee Naughty Keowa Naughty

Kentleigh Naughty Kepa Naughty

Kentley Nice Kephanie Naughty

Kenton Nice Kepler Naughty

Kenya Nice Kera Naughty

Kenyati Nice Kerah Naughty

Kenyatta Nice Keranda Nice

Kenyon Nice Kerani Naughty

Kenzee Nice Kerby Naughty

Kenzey Nice Kere Nice

Kenzi Nice Keree Naughty

Kenzie Nice Keren Nice

Kenzington Nice Kerensa Nice

Kenzingtyn Nice Kergan Nice

Kenzlee Nice Keri Nice

Kenzleigh Naughty Kerian Nice

Kenzley Nice Keriann Nice

Kenzli Naughty Kerianna Naughty

Kenzlie Nice Kerianne Nice

Kenzo Naughty Kerie Naughty

Keoki Nice Kerin Nice

Keomi Nice Kerine Naughty

245 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Kerion Naughty Keryn Naughty

Kerissa Nice Keryssa Naughty

Kerith Nice Kesha Nice

Kerlissa Naughty Keshana Nice

Kermit Naughty Keshaun Nice

Keron Naughty Keshav Naughty

Kerr Naughty Keshawn Naughty

Kerra Naughty Keshia Nice

Kerre Nice Keshka Nice

Kerri Nice Keslee Nice

Kerria Nice Kesler Nice

Kerrianne Nice Kesley Nice

Kerrick Nice Keslie Nice

Kerrie Nice Kessa Nice

Kerrigan Nice Kesse Naughty

Kerril Nice Kessel Nice

Kerrin Naughty Kessler Nice

Kerrington Nice Kessley Naughty

Kerrisa Naughty Kestin Naughty

Kerry Nice Keston Naughty

Kerryn Naughty Kestra Naughty

Kerstan Naughty Kestynn Naughty

Kerstian Nice Keti Naughty

Kerstin Nice Ketra Nice

Kerstyn Nice Ketty Naughty

Kerstyne Nice Keturah Naughty

Kerwin Naughty Keva Nice

Kery Naughty Kevan Nice

246 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Keveair Naughty Keylie Naughty

Keven Nice Keyon Nice

Kevin Nice Keyonna Naughty

Kevina Naughty Keyonnie Naughty

Kevinanne Nice Keyra Naughty

Kevionne Naughty Keysha Naughty

Kevlar Nice Keyshawn Nice

Kevlyn Naughty Keyten Nice

Kevon Naughty Keyton Nice

Kevyn Nice Keyvin Nice

Key Naughty Keyvon Naughty

Keya Naughty Keyvonte Nice

Keyaira Nice Keyzlin Naughty

Keyan Nice Kezden Nice

Keyana Nice Kezia Naughty

Keyanna Naughty Keziah Nice

Keyara Naughty Kezla Nice

Keyarra Nice Kezziah Nice

Keyceana Naughty Khadeem Naughty

Keydra Naughty Khaden Naughty

Keydric Naughty Khadijah Nice

Keyera Naughty Khai Nice

Keygan Nice Khaicjae Nice

Keyla Naughty Khaidynn Naughty

Keylan Naughty Khaila Nice

Keylea Nice Khailani Naughty

Keylee Nice Khaison Naughty

Keyleigh Naughty Khaja Naughty

247 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Khal Nice Khaya Nice

Khaleah Nice Khayden Naughty

Khaled Naughty Khayla Naughty

Khalee Naughty Khaylah Nice

Khaleecio Nice Khayle Naughty

Khaleeq Nice Kheiton Naughty

Khaleesi Nice Khelan Naughty

Khali Nice Khelani Nice

Khalia Naughty Kheldon Nice

Khalid Naughty Kheley Naughty

Khaliif Naughty Khembryn Naughty

Khalil Nice Khemraj Naughty

Khalilah Nice Khepri Nice

Khalise Nice Kherington Nice

Khaliyah Nice Kheyanna Naughty

Khallandras Nice Khia Nice

Khamani Naughty Khiara Naughty

Khamisi Nice Khilyn Naughty

Khan Naughty Khirie Naughty

Khang Nice Khiry Nice

Khanh Naughty Khloe Nice

Khaos Naughty Khloee Naughty

Khari Nice Khloei Nice

Kharisma Naughty Khloey Nice

Kharissa Naughty Khloie Naughty

Kharma Naughty Khlowie Naughty

Kharter Naughty Khoi Nice

Khaty Nice Kholie Naughty

248 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Kholt Naughty Kiah Nice

Kholtin Nice Kiale Naughty

Kholton Nice Kialeigh Naughty

Khonel Naughty Kialeigha Nice

Khonesavanh Naughty Kialin Nice

Khori Naughty Kialyn Naughty

Khosyn Naughty Kiama Nice

Khotan Nice Kian Nice

Khris Nice Kiana Nice

Khrisda Nice Kianna Naughty

Khristian Naughty Kiany Nice

Khristina Nice Kiara Nice

Khrystabell Nice Kiarah Nice

Khrystal Naughty Kiari Nice

Khrystelle Naughty Kiarra Nice

Khsarah Nice Kiaya Naughty

Khush Naughty Kicsa Naughty

Khushboo Nice Kidd Nice

Khushi Nice Kidron Nice

Khyber Nice Kiedis Nice

Khye Nice Kiefer Naughty

Khyesha Nice Kieffer Nice

Khyla Nice Kiegan Naughty

Khylan Nice Kiehl Nice

Khyler Naughty Kiel Nice

Khyrie Naughty Kiele Nice

Kia Naughty Kielee Naughty

Kia-Lynne Nice Kielisha Nice

249 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Kiely Nice Kiev Naughty

Kielyn Naughty Kieva Naughty

Kien Naughty Kiffer Naughty

Kieochea Naughty Kifin Naughty

Kier Nice Kihre Naughty

Kiera Nice Kijai Nice

Kieralynn Naughty Kikae Naughty

Kieran Nice Kikelomo Nice

Kierdan Naughty Kiki Nice

Kierdyn Nice Kila Nice

Kieren Nice Kilah Nice

Kierian Nice Kilee Naughty

Kieriay Naughty Kileigh Nice

Kiernan Nice Kiler Nice

Kieron Naughty Kiley Nice

Kierra Nice Kilian Nice

Kierson Nice Kilie Nice

Kiersten Nice Killian Nice

Kiersti Nice Killie Naughty

Kierstin Nice Kily Nice

Kierston Nice Kilyen Naughty

Kierstyn Nice Kim Nice

Kiersyn Naughty Kimani Naughty

Kiery Naughty Kimara Nice

Kieryn Nice Kimariyan Nice

Kierynn Nice Kimaya Nice

Kiesha Naughty Kimball Nice

Kieth Naughty Kimber Nice

250 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Kimberely Naughty Kimra Nice

Kimberlee Nice Kimrey Naughty

Kimberley Nice Kinard Nice

Kimberli Nice Kinbur Nice

Kimberlie Nice Kincade Nice

Kimberlina Nice Kincey Naughty

Kimberly Nice Kindall Nice

Kimberlye Nice Kindell Naughty

Kimberlyn Nice Kindle Naughty

Kimberlynn Naughty Kindra Naughty

Kimbia Naughty Kindsey Nice

Kimbie Nice Kindy Naughty

Kimbra Nice Kinedy Nice

Kimbree Nice Kinen Nice

Kimbrel Nice Kinesha Nice

Kimbrell Nice King Nice

Kimbur Nice Kinga Naughty

Kimburly Naughty Kingsleigh Nice

Kimecha Nice Kingsley Nice

Kimerly Naughty Kingstin Nice

Kimi Nice Kingston Nice

Kimiko Nice Kingstyn Naughty

Kimiya Nice Kinlee Naughty

Kimmari Nice Kinleigh Nice

Kimmie Nice Kinley Nice

Kimo Naughty Kinly Naughty

Kimora Nice Kinlynn Naughty

Kimothy Nice Kinney Naughty

251 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Kinnick Nice Kioko Naughty

Kinnison Nice Kiomi Naughty

Kinnlee Naughty Kiona Naughty

Kinnleigh Nice Kionayh Naughty

Kinnley Nice Kip Nice

Kinoa Naughty Kipley Naughty

Kinsale Nice Kipp Nice

Kinsey Nice Kippi Nice

Kinsi Nice Kiptin Naughty

Kinslea Nice Kipton Naughty

Kinslee Nice Kira Nice

Kinsleigh Nice Kira-May Nice

Kinsler Naughty Kirah Nice

Kinsley Nice Kiralee Nice

Kinsli Nice Kiran Nice

Kinslie Naughty Kiraziegler Naughty

Kinson Naughty Kirby Nice

Kinte Naughty Kiren Nice

Kinverly Naughty Kiri Nice

Kinze Nice Kiriaco Nice

Kinzee Naughty Kiriana Naughty

Kinzer Nice Kirie Nice

Kinzey Naughty Kirien Naughty

Kinzie Nice Kirilee Naughty

Kinzlee Nice Kirilka Nice

Kinzleigh Nice Kirill Nice

Kinzley Nice Kirin Naughty

Kinzlie Nice Kirina Nice

252 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Kirita Nice Kisha Naughty

Kirk Nice Kismet Nice

Kirkland Nice Kissi Naughty

Kirklyn Naughty Kit Nice

Kirklynn Naughty Kita Nice

Kirkpatrick Nice Kitai Naughty

Kirnan Nice Kitchell Naughty

Kiron Nice Kito Nice

Kirra Naughty Kitry Naughty

Kirrily Naughty Kittaya Naughty

Kirsa Naughty Kittie Nice

Kirsey Naughty Kitty Nice

Kirshawna Naughty Kitzia Nice

Kirsi Naughty Kiu Naughty

Kirsta Nice Kiva Naughty

Kirstan Naughty Kivah Naughty

Kirstein Nice Kivet Nice

Kirsten Nice Kiwi Nice

Kirsti Nice Kixsten Nice

Kirstie Nice Kiya Nice

Kirstin Nice Kiyah Nice

Kirston Naughty Kiyanna Nice

Kirsty Naughty Kiyanni Nice

Kirstyn Naughty Kiyanoush Nice

Kirt Nice Kiyel Naughty

Kirtana Naughty Kiyia Nice

Kirtis Naughty Kiylee Nice

Kisa Nice Kiyoko Naughty

253 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Kiyomi Nice Klayton Nice

Kiyonna Naughty Kleanikki Nice

Kiyoshi Naughty Klein Naughty

Kiyzen Nice Kleo Naughty

Kiza Nice Kleoniki Nice

Kizzie Nice Klervi Naughty

Kizzy Nice Klien Naughty

Kj Nice Klint Nice

Kjarsten Naughty Klinton Naughty

Kjell Naughty Klista Naughty

Kjerstie Naughty Kloe Naughty

Kjerstine Nice Kloee Nice

Kjia Naughty Kloey Nice

Kjierstyn Nice Kloie Naughty

Kk Nice Klover Naughty

Klaessa Naughty Klowi Nice

Klaire Naughty Klyde Nice

Klancy Naughty Klyn Nice

Klara Nice Knakita Naughty

Klaressa Naughty Knazair Naughty

Klarissa Nice Knick Naughty

Klaryssa Naughty Knight Nice

Klaudia Nice Kniners Nice

Klaudija Naughty Kno’Elle Naughty

Klaudina Naughty Knoah Nice

Klaus Naughty Knolan Nice

Klay Naughty Knox Nice

Klayten Naughty Knoxin Naughty

254 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Knoxlee Naughty Kohen Nice

Knute Naughty Kohl Naughty

Koa Naughty Kohler Naughty

Koah Nice Kohlton Nice

Koal’I Naughty Kohner Naughty

Koaltyn Nice Kohwen Nice

Kobe Nice Kojana Naughty

Koben Naughty Koji Nice

Kobey Nice Koketi Naughty

Kobi Naughty Kokni Nice

Kobie Naughty Koko Nice

Kobin Naughty Kolbe Nice

Kobryn Naughty Kolbee Nice

Koby Nice Kolbi Naughty

Kobyk Naughty Kolbie Naughty

Koda Nice Kolby Nice

Kodah Nice Kole Nice

Kodaka Nice Kolebyn Nice

Kodashi Nice Koleman Nice

Kodee Nice Koleson Nice

Kodi Nice Kolette Nice

Kodiak Nice Kolie Naughty

Kodie Naughty Kollan Naughty

Kody Nice Kolleen Nice

Koehn Nice Kollen Naughty

Koen Nice Kollette Nice

Kofi Nice Kollin Nice

Kohaku Naughty Kollins Naughty

255 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Kollinzj Naughty Koopa Nice

Kollyn Naughty Koopah Naughty

Kollyns Nice Kooper Nice

Kolsen Nice Kopeland Nice

Kolsin Naughty Kopeleigh Nice

Kolson Nice Kora Nice

Kolsten Nice Korah Naughty

Kolt Nice Koral Nice

Koltan Nice Koralei Naughty

Kolten Nice Koralie Naughty

Kolter Nice Koralyn Naughty

Koltin Naughty Koralyne Naughty

Koltlee Nice Koralynn Naughty

Kolton Nice Koralys Nice

Koltyn Nice Koray Naughty

Kolvin Nice Korben Nice

Kolya Naughty Korbi Nice

Kona Naughty Korbin Nice

Konall Nice Korbyn Nice

Konnar Nice Kord Nice

Konnelly Naughty Kordale Naughty

Konner Nice Korday Nice

Konnor Nice Kordelia Naughty

Konor Nice Kordell Nice

Konrad Nice Kordelle Naughty

Konstance Naughty Koreen Nice

Konstantin Nice Koreena Nice

Kontessa Naughty Koren Nice

256 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Korena Naughty Kortlynd Nice

Korey Nice Kortnee Naughty

Kori Nice Kortney Naughty

Korian Naughty Kortni Nice

Korianna Nice Kortnie Nice

Korie Naughty Kory Nice

Korin Naughty Korynne Naughty

Korina Nice Kosal Naughty

Korine Nice Kosta Nice

Korinna Nice Koston Naughty

Korinne Naughty Kota Naughty

Korisa Naughty Kotori Nice

Korla Nice Koty Naughty

Korlin Nice Kou Nice

Kornelia Nice Kourtlynn Naughty

Kornelija Nice Kourtnee Nice

Kornelius Naughty Kourtney Nice

Kornika Nice Kourtni Nice

Korra Nice Kourtnie Nice

Korrena Naughty Kovalee Naughty

Korrey Nice Koven Naughty

Korri Nice Kowan Nice

Korrie Nice Koy Naughty

Korrin Naughty Koya Nice

Korrina Nice Koyiae Nice

Korryn Nice Koyie Naughty

Kort Nice Kraig Naughty

Kortland Naughty Kramer Nice

257 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Krappah Naughty Krisalyn Nice

Krasandra Naughty Krisane Nice

Krash Nice Krish Naughty

Kraton Naughty Krisha Nice

Kratos Nice Krishel Naughty

Kraven Naughty Krishna Naughty

Kray Naughty Krishona Naughty

Krayson Nice Krisily Nice

Kreah Naughty Krisinda Naughty

Kree Nice Krislin Naughty

Kreed Naughty Krislyn Nice

Kreesha Naughty Krislynd Naughty

Kreg Naughty Krisna Naughty

Kreider Nice Krispin Nice

Kreig Naughty Krissa Naughty

Kreighton Naughty Krissh Naughty

Kreios Nice Krissi Nice

Kresha Naughty Krissie Naughty

Kreshona Nice Krisstarah Nice

Kressie Nice Krissy Nice

Kreuzer Naughty Krista Nice

Krew Nice Kristabelle Naughty

Krey Nice Kristain Nice

Krielle Nice Kristal Nice

Krillin Nice Kristalei Naughty

Krima Nice Kristall Naughty

Krimson Nice Kristalynn Nice

Kris Nice Kristan Nice

258 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Kristance Naughty Krisulla Nice

Kristanelle Naughty Krizia Nice

Kristeen Naughty Kross Naughty

Kristel Naughty Kroy Nice

Kristen Nice Krsitof Nice

Kristers Nice Krue Nice

Kristi Nice Kruize Naughty

Kristian Nice Kruz Naughty

Kristiana Nice Kruze Nice

Kristiann Nice Kryonel Nice

Kristie Nice Kryslea Naughty

Kristien Naughty Kryslin Nice

Kristin Nice Kryssa Naughty

Kristina Nice Krysta Nice

Kristine Nice Krystabel Naughty

Kristinia Nice Krystabella Nice

Kristle Nice Krystal Nice

Kristofer Nice Krystal-Lea Naughty

Kristoff Naughty Krystalyn Naughty

Kristoffer Nice Krystan Naughty

Kristol Nice Krystel Nice

Kriston Naughty Krystele Nice

Kristopher Nice Krysten Naughty

Kristoval Nice Krysti Nice

Kristy Nice Krystian Nice

Kristyn Nice Krystiana Nice

Kristyna Nice Krystie Naughty

Kristyne Nice Krystin Nice

259 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Krystina Nice Kumo Nice

Krystinna Nice Kunga Naughty

Krystle Nice Kunta Nice

Krystlynn Naughty Kunya Naughty

Krystol Naughty Kuri Nice

Kryston Nice Kursti Naughty

Krysty Nice Kurstin Naughty

Krystyle Nice Kurt Nice

Krystyn Nice Kurtis Nice

Krystyna Naughty Kutter Nice

Krystyne Naughty Kuuipo Naughty

Krystynn Naughty Kuulei Nice

Krzys Naughty Kuya Naughty

Krzysztof Nice Kuyler Naughty

Ksenia Naughty Kwabena Nice

Kseniia Naughty Kwadwo Naughty

Ksenja Naughty Kwame Naughty

Ksha Naughty Kwaya Nice

Ksheera Naughty Kwita Nice

Kstyn Nice Kwynn Nice

Kuade Nice Ky Nice

Kuentyn Naughty Ky’Heem Nice

Kuerstin Naughty Kya Nice

Kuldeep Naughty Kyah Naughty

Kuljit Nice Kyahna Nice

Kullen Naughty Kyal Naughty

Kulsum Nice Kyalee Nice

Kumar Naughty Kyalie Naughty

260 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Kyan Naughty Kylah Nice

Kyana Naughty Kylan Nice

Kyann Nice Kylann Nice

Kyanna Nice Kylar Nice

Kyanne Naughty Kylas Nice

Kyara Nice Kyle Nice

Kyarah Nice Kylea Nice

Kyasia Naughty Kyleah Nice

Kybin Nice Kyleanna Nice

Kyden Nice Kylee Nice

Kydin Nice Kylee-Rae Nice

Kye Naughty Kyleen Nice

Kyelah Nice Kyleena Naughty

Kyen Nice Kylei Naughty

Kyer Naughty Kyleigh Nice

Kyera Nice Kylelaya Naughty

Kyere Nice Kylen Nice

Kyeson Naughty Kylene Naughty

Kyha Naughty Kyler Nice

Kyhlie Nice Kyley Nice

Kyia Naughty Kyli Nice

Kyiah Nice Kylia Nice

Kyidan Nice Kyliah Nice

Kyin Naughty Kylian Naughty

Kyion Nice Kylie Nice

Kyira Naughty Kyliee Naughty

Kyl Naughty Kyliegh Nice

Kyla Nice Kylies Nice

261 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Kylin Nice Kyndyl Nice

Kyllian Nice Kyndzie Nice

Kylo Naughty Kyneddi Nice

Kylor Nice Kyneshae Nice

Kylynn Naughty Kyng Naughty

Kym Nice Kyngston Naughty

Kymani Nice Kynidee Nice

Kymber Naughty Kynlee Nice

Kymberlee Nice Kynleigh Nice

Kymberlie Nice Kynli Naughty

Kymberly Naughty Kynlie Nice

Kymberlynd Nice Kynna Naughty

Kymbree Nice Kynnadi Naughty

Kyna Nice Kynndall Nice

Kynadi Nice Kynndyl Nice

Kynati Naughty Kynnedi Naughty

Kynda Naughty Kynnedie Naughty

Kyndal Nice Kynnedy Nice

Kyndalee Naughty Kynsee Nice

Kyndall Nice Kynsey Naughty

Kyndalynn Naughty Kynslea Naughty

Kyndel Naughty Kynslee Nice

Kyndell Nice Kynsleigh Nice

Kyndl Naughty Kynsley Naughty

Kyndle Nice Kynslie Nice

Kyndra Nice Kynthia Nice

Kyndrie Nice Kynzi Nice

Kyndsie Nice Kynzie Naughty

262 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Kynzlee Nice Kyrstin Naughty

Kynzleigh Naughty Kysa Naughty

Kynzli Naughty Kysen Nice

Kynzlie Nice Kyson Nice

Kyoko Nice Kyton Naughty

Kyper Nice Kyungsun Nice

Kyptin Naughty Kyunnie Nice

Kyra Nice Kywuanne Nice

Kyrah Naughty Kyx Naughty

Kyran Nice Kyza Nice

Kyree Nice Kyzaac Nice

Kyreigh Naughty Kyzer Nice

Kyren Nice Kyzick Naughty

Kyrese Nice Kyzlin Nice

Kyri Nice L Nice

Kyria Naughty L’Tanya Nice

Kyriah Naughty La’Miah Naughty

Kyrian Nice La’Nieya Nice

Kyriani Nice Labrandra Nice

Kyrie Nice Lacartis Naughty

Kyrin Nice Lacee Nice

Kyrissa Naughty Lacelynn Naughty

Kyrk Naughty Lacey Nice

Kyron Naughty Laceya Naughty

Kyros Nice Lacha Nice

Kyrra Nice Lachelle Naughty

Kyrsta Nice Lachlan Nice

Kyrsten Naughty Lachlann Naughty

263 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Lachlyn Nice Lafawn Naughty

Laci Naughty Lafayette Nice

Laciana Naughty Lafe Nice

Lacie Nice Lagina Naughty

Laciey Nice Lahanni Nice

Lacresha Naughty Lahela Naughty

Lacrisha Naughty Lahoma Nice

Lacu Naughty Lahteanna Nice

Lacy Nice Laia Nice

Ladarius Naughty Laiah Nice

Ladawn Naughty Laighla Naughty

Ladd Naughty Laiha Nice

Laddie Naughty Laik Nice

Ladejza Naughty Laiken Nice

Ladel Naughty Laikin Nice

Ladislao Nice Laiklyn Naughty

Ladon Nice Laikyn Naughty

Ladonna Nice Laikynn Naughty

Lady Nice Laila Nice

Laedon Naughty Lailah Nice

Laedynn Nice Lailani Nice

Laekyn Nice Lailiana Naughty

Lael Nice Laily Nice

Laela Naughty Laima Naughty

Laelani Nice Lain Nice

Laelia Nice Laina Naughty

Laethan Nice Laine Nice

Laetitia Nice Lainee Naughty

264 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Lainey Nice Lakha Nice

Laing Naughty Lakia Nice

Lainie Naughty Lakin Naughty

Lainy Nice Lakisha Naughty

Laiphesit Nice Lakita Naughty

Laira Naughty Laklyn Naughty

Lairy Nice Lakoda Nice

Laisha Nice Lakota Nice

Laith Nice Lakrishia Nice

Laithan Naughty Lakrishna Nice

Laityn Naughty Lakshmi Naughty

Laius Nice Lakyn Nice

Laiyah Nice Lakynn Naughty

Laiyn Naughty Lala Nice

Lajla Naughty Lalaine Nice

Lajuan Nice Laleh Naughty

Lajuana Nice Lali Naughty

Lake Nice Lalia Naughty

Lakeisha Naughty Lalise Naughty

Lakeland Nice Lalla Nice

Lakeley Nice Lallie Naughty

Lakelyn Nice Lalo Naughty

Lakelynn Naughty Lalon Nice

Laken Nice Laloni Nice

Lakendra Naughty Lama Naughty

Lakesha Nice Lamanda Naughty

Lakeshia Nice Lamar Nice

Lakeyra Naughty Lamarcus Naughty

265 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Lamarion Naughty Landus Naughty

Lamarkus Naughty Landy Naughty

Lamayiah Naughty Landyn Nice

Lambeau Nice Lane Nice

Lambert Nice Lanea Naughty

Lamont Naughty Laneah Naughty

Lamonte Nice Lanecia Naughty

Lamora Nice Lanee Naughty

Lan Nice Lanelle Nice

Lana Nice Lanessa Naughty

Lanaci Nice Lanette Nice

Lanae Nice Laney Nice

Lanai Naughty Lang Nice

Lanasia Naughty Langham Naughty

Lance Nice Langley Nice

Landan Nice Langli Naughty

Landen Nice Langston Naughty

Landi Nice Lani Nice

Landin Nice Laniah Naughty

Landis Nice Lanie Nice

Lando Naughty Laniee Nice

Landon Nice Lanieya Naughty

Landree Naughty Lanikoa Naughty

Landreigh Naughty Lanita Nice

Landri Naughty Laniya Naughty

Landrie Nice Laniyah Nice

Landry Nice Lannah Nice

Landson Nice Lannder Naughty

266 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Lanne Nice Larena Nice

Lannie Naughty Lareyna Nice

Lanny Naughty Larie Naughty

Lanyia Nice Larina Naughty

Lanyra Nice Larissa Nice

Laphayne Naughty Larita Nice

Laquan Naughty Lariyah Nice

Laquilla Naughty Lark Nice

Laquincy Naughty Larkin Nice

Laquita Nice Larkyn Naughty

Laqunna Naughty Laron Naughty

Lara Nice Larra Naughty

Lara-Lyn Nice Larrah Naughty

Larae Naughty Larraine Nice

Larah Naughty Larren Nice

Laraina Naughty Larresa Nice

Laraine Nice Larri Nice

Laraka Naughty Larrie Nice

Laramie Nice Larrita Naughty

Laramy Naughty Larry Nice

Laranda Naughty Lars Naughty

Larane Naughty Larsen Naughty

Laray Nice Larson Nice

Larayne Naughty Larsyn Nice

Laraza Nice Larue Nice

Lardner Naughty Lary Naughty

Laree Naughty Laryah Nice

Lareina Naughty Laryieha Nice

267 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Laryieha,Zendayiah,Lee- Nice Latessa Naughty


Lashai Nice Latham Naughty

Lashana Nice Lathan Nice

Lashanda Nice Lathiell Nice

Lashannon Naughty Lathina Nice

Lashantaye Nice Latia Naughty

Lashawn Nice Latifah Nice

Lashawnda Naughty Latina Nice

Lashawnna Nice Latisa Naughty

Lashayla Nice Latisha Nice

Lasheba Nice Latitia Nice

Lashell Naughty Latonda Naughty

Lashonda Naughty Latonia Nice

Lashunda Naughty Latonya Naughty

Lasondra Nice Latoria Nice

Lasonja Nice Latosha Naughty

Lasonya Nice Latovia Naughty

Lassie Naughty Latoy Nice

Lasumiya Naughty Latoya Nice

Laszlo Naughty Latoyia Naughty

Latanya Nice Latreasa Naughty

Latara Naughty Latrell Nice

Latari Nice Latrice Naughty

Latarsha Nice Latricia Nice

Latasha Nice Latrina Nice

Latavis Naughty Lattisha Nice

Latayana Naughty Laturah Naughty

Latesha Nice Laufey Naughty

268 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Laughlin Naughty Laurier Naughty

Launa Nice Laurin Naughty

Launi Naughty Laurinda Nice

Laura Nice Laurine Naughty

Laura-Lee Naughty Laurissa Nice

Laurae Naughty Lauro Nice

Lauralee Nice Laurrie Nice

Lauralynn Naughty Lauryn Nice

Laurana Naughty Lavada Naughty

Laurance Naughty Lavae Naughty

Laure Naughty Lavaih Nice

Laureen Nice Lavail Nice

Laurel Nice Lavani Nice

Laurelai Nice Lavanna Nice

Laureligh Nice Lavar Naughty

Laurellynn Nice Lavella Nice

Laurelynn Naughty Lavelle Nice

Lauren Nice Laven Nice

Laurence Nice Lavena Naughty

Laurene Nice Lavene Naughty

Laurent Nice Lavenia Naughty

Laurenzo Nice Lavera Nice

Lauretta Nice Lavern Naughty

Laurette Nice Laverna Nice

Lauri Nice Laverne Naughty

Laurian Nice Lavesa Naughty

Lauriano Naughty Lavi Nice

Laurie Nice Lavin Nice

269 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Lavina Naughty Layden Naughty

Lavinia Nice Laydon Naughty

Lavon Naughty Layke Nice

Lavona Nice Layken Nice

Lavonda Nice Laykin Nice

Lavonia Nice Laykleigh Nice

Lavonna Nice Laykynn Nice

Lavonne Nice Layla Nice

Lawana Naughty Laylah Nice

Lawanda Nice Laylana Naughty

Lawerence Naughty Layland Naughty

Lawrance Naughty Laylani Nice

Lawren Nice Laylee Naughty

Lawrence Nice Laylia Nice

Lawri Nice Layloni Nice

Laws Nice Laymen Naughty

Lawson Nice Layna Nice

Lawsyn Naughty Layne Nice

Lawton Nice Laynee Naughty

Lawyer Naughty Layneigh Nice

Laya Naughty Layni Nice

Layal Nice Laynie Nice

Layana Nice Layo Naughty

Layank Nice Layoz Nice

Layce Naughty Layron Nice

Laycee Naughty Lays Naughty

Laycie Naughty Layson Naughty

Laydee Nice Layten Nice

270 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Layton Nice Leander Nice

Laytyn Nice Leandra Naughty

Lazar Naughty Leandre Nice

Lazaria Nice Leandri Naughty

Lazaro Nice Leandria Naughty

Lazarus Naughty Leandro Nice

Laziah Naughty Leaner Naughty

Le Naughty Leann Nice

Le’Asia Naughty Leanna Nice

Le’Gone Naughty Leanndra Nice

Lea Nice Leanne Nice

Lea-Ann Naughty Lear Naughty

Leaann Nice Learden Naughty

Leaanna Naughty Learriah Naughty

Leaanne Naughty Learyn Nice

Leachele Naughty Leasa Naughty

Leafy Nice Leasha Naughty

Leah Nice Leaslie Nice

Leah-Anne Naughty Leatha Naughty

Leahanna Nice Leatrice Nice

Leaira Naughty Leauna Nice

Leala Naughty Leaunna Nice

Lealan Nice Leaven Nice

Leamon Naughty Leavitta Nice

Leamuel Naughty Leayla Naughty

Lean Nice Lebron Naughty

Leana Nice Lechel Nice

Leanda Naughty Leda Nice

271 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Leddie Naughty Leeta Nice

Ledel Naughty Leeum Nice

Ledeoux Nice Leevi Nice

Ledgen Naughty Leeya Nice

Ledger Nice Leeyah Nice

Lee Nice Leeza Naughty

Lee-Ann Nice Leezandro Nice

Lee-Anne Naughty Legacie Nice

Leeabeth Naughty Legacy Nice

Leeah Naughty Legare Naughty

Leeam Nice Legend Naughty

Leeann Nice Legion Nice

Leeanna Nice Legolas Nice

Leeanne Nice Lehara Naughty

Leela Nice Lehmann Nice

Leelan Nice Lehnyah Nice

Leeland Nice Lehua Naughty

Leelin Nice Lei-Anne Naughty

Leellen Naughty Lei’A Naughty

Leelyana Nice Lei’Nani Nice

Leelynd Naughty Leia Nice

Leelynn Nice Leiah Nice

Leeman Nice Leiana Naughty

Leena Nice Leiann Nice

Leeonna Naughty Leibe Naughty

Leeroy Nice Leicia Nice

Leesa Nice Leidy Nice

Leesha Naughty Leif Nice

272 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Leigh Nice Leina Nice

Leigh-Ann Naughty Leire Naughty

Leigh-Lynn Naughty Leisa Nice

Leigha Nice Leisha Nice

Leighann Nice Leisley Nice

Leighanna Nice Leith Naughty

Leighanne Nice Leitha Naughty

Leighia Nice Leityn Nice

Leighla Naughty Leixia Naughty

Leighlah Nice Leiya Naughty

Leighn Nice Leiylah Nice

Leighten Nice Leiza Nice

Leighton Nice Leizel Naughty

Leightyn Naughty Lejla Naughty

Leightynn Nice Lejon Naughty

Leighvy Nice Lekisha Nice

Leighya Naughty Leksia Nice

Leihla Naughty Lela Naughty

Leihla-Elena Naughty Lelah Nice

Leila Nice Lelaila Naughty

Leilah Naughty Lelan Naughty

Leiland Naughty Leland Nice

Leilani Nice Lelar Naughty

Leilia Naughty Lelia Nice

Leiliamarie Naughty Leliagrace Nice

Leiliana Naughty Leliana Nice

Leilyn Naughty Lella Naughty

Leimone Nice Lelyn Nice

273 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Lelynn Nice Lennon Nice

Lem Nice Lennox Nice

Lemaudia Nice Lenny Nice

Lemma Nice Lennyx Nice

Lemmie Nice Lenon Nice

Lemon Naughty Lenora Nice

Lempi Nice Lenord Nice

Lemuel Nice Lenore Nice

Len Nice Lenox Naughty

Lena Nice Lense Nice

Lenae Naughty Lenwood Nice

Lenard Naughty Leo Nice

Lendi Nice Leola Nice

Lenea Naughty Leoma Naughty

Lenee Nice Leon Nice

Lenette Nice Leona Nice

Leni Nice Leonard Nice

Lenina Nice Leonarda Nice

Lenixx Naughty Leonardo Nice

Lenka Naughty Leonce Naughty

Lenna Nice Leoncio Naughty

Lennan Naughty Leonda Nice

Lenneth Nice Leondrah Naughty

Lennex Nice Leondre Nice

Lenni Nice Leone Nice

Lennie Nice Leonel Naughty

Lennis Nice Leonesia Nice

Lennix Nice Leonia Naughty

274 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Leonid Nice Leslly Nice

Leonidas Nice Lesly Nice

Leonide Naughty Less Naughty

Leonie Naughty Lessie Naughty

Leonise Naughty Lessly Nice

Leonor Nice Lesta Naughty

Leonora Naughty Lestat Nice

Leonorah Nice Lester Nice

Leonore Naughty Leszlie Naughty

Leontine Naughty Leta Nice

Leopold Naughty Letaya Naughty

Leopoldo Nice Letha Naughty

Leora Nice Lethan Naughty

Leota Naughty Lethia Nice

Lera Naughty Leticia Nice

Leroy Nice Letitia Nice

Leryssa Nice Letta Naughty

Les Nice Letticia Naughty

Lesa Nice Lettie Nice

Leshai Naughty Letty Nice

Lesia Nice Leuan Nice

Leska Naughty Lev Nice

Leslea Nice Leva Naughty

Leslee Nice Levacy Naughty

Lesleigh Nice Levada Nice

Lesley Nice Levan Nice

Lesli Naughty Levanda Naughty

Leslie Nice Levar Nice

275 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Levee Nice Lexis Nice

Leveigh Nice Lexon Naughty

Levell Naughty Lexton Naughty

Leven Naughty Lexus Naughty

Levern Naughty Lexxie Nice

Levi Nice Lexxton Naughty

Levie Nice Lexy Nice

Leviesen Nice Leya Naughty

Levin Nice Leyah Naughty

Levina Naughty Leyda Nice

Levison Naughty Leyla Nice

Leviticus Nice Leylah Nice

Levon Nice Leyli Naughty

Levy Nice Leyna Naughty

Levytt Nice Leyson Nice

Lew Naughty Leyton Nice

Lewie Nice Lezlee Nice

Lewin Nice Lezlie Naughty

Lewis Nice Lezly Nice

Lex Nice Li Nice

Lexa Naughty Lia Nice

Lexanne Naughty Liabelle Nice

Lexi Nice Liala Naughty

Lexia Naughty Liam Nice

Lexie Nice Liamm Naughty

Lexii Naughty Lian Nice

Lexin Naughty Liana Nice

Lexington Nice Liane Naughty

276 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Liang-Kang Naughty Lienna Naughty

Liani Naughty Lieren Naughty

Liann Naughty Lierin Naughty

Lianna Nice Liese Nice

Lianne Naughty Liesel Naughty

Liara Nice Liesl Nice

Liarah Naughty Lige Naughty

Liat Nice Lightning Nice

Libba Nice Liiam Nice

Libbey Nice Lij Nice

Libbie Naughty Lil Nice

Libby Nice Lila Nice

Libbysue Naughty Lila-Rae Naughty

Liberty Nice Lilabelle Naughty

Libni Naughty Lilabet Nice

Librado Nice Lilac Nice

Lici Naughty Lilah Nice

Lida Nice Lilanna Nice

Liddie Naughty Lilax Nice

Lidia Nice Lilburn Nice

Lidie Naughty Lile Naughty

Lidija Nice Lilee Nice

Lidmila Nice Lileigh Nice

Lieghla Naughty Lili Nice

Liela Naughty Lilia Nice

Lien Naughty Lilian Nice

Liena Nice Liliana Nice

Lieneke Naughty Lilianah Naughty

277 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Lilianna Nice Lilliarna Nice

Lilianne Naughty Lillibeth Naughty

Lilibeth Nice Lillie Nice

Lilie Naughty Lillion Naughty

Lilimay Naughty Lillis Naughty

Lilionna Nice Lillith Nice

Lilith Nice Lilliyn Nice

Lilitha Nice Lilly Nice

Lilium Nice Lilly-Mae Naughty

Liliya Nice Lillyan Naughty

Liljani Naughty Lillyana Nice

Lilla Nice Lillyann Nice

Lillabelle Nice Lillyanna Naughty

Lillaraiyn Nice Lillyanne Naughty

Lillard Nice Lillyth Naughty

Lille Nice Lilo Nice

Lillee Nice Lilou Naughty

Lilleigh Nice Lilpump Nice

Liller Nice Lily Nice

Lilleth Nice Lily-Anne Nice

Lilli Nice Lily-Rose Nice

Lilli-Rae Nice Lilyan Naughty

Lillia Nice Lilyana Nice

Lillian Nice Lilyann Naughty

Lilliana Nice Lilyanna Nice

Lilliann Naughty Lilyjo Nice

Lillianna Nice Lilyonna Naughty

Lillianne Nice Lilyth Naughty

278 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Lim Naughty Lindzie Nice

Lin Nice Linette Naughty

Lina Nice Linh Naughty

Linara Naughty Link Nice

Linc Nice Linkan Naughty

Lincoln Nice Linken Nice

Linda Nice Linki Nice

Lindarose Naughty Linkin Nice

Lindbergh Nice Linkoln Nice

Lindee Nice Linkyn Naughty

Lindell Naughty Linlee Nice

Linden Nice Linley Nice

Lindey Naughty Linn Naughty

Lindi Nice Linna Naughty

Lindley Naughty Linnea Nice

Lindon Naughty Linnell Nice

Lindsay Nice Linnett Nice

Lindse Nice Linnie Nice

Lindsea Naughty Linnzi Nice

Lindsee Nice Linsey Nice

Lindsey Nice Linsi Naughty

Lindsi Nice Linsy Naughty

Lindsie Nice Linton Naughty

Lindsy Nice Linus Nice

Lindy Nice Linux Nice

Lindzee Naughty Linwood Nice

Lindzey Nice Linzee Nice

Lindzi Naughty Linzey Naughty

279 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Linzie Naughty Lister Naughty

Linzy Naughty Liston Naughty

Lionel Nice Listten Nice

Lionell Nice Lita Nice

Liono Naughty Litahni Nice

Lipmon Nice Litha Nice

Lira Nice Lito Nice

Liraida Nice Littie Naughty

Lis Naughty Little Nice

Lisa Nice Littlebear Naughty

Lisa-Anne Naughty Littlenyung Naughty

Lisabeth Naughty Littleton Nice

Lisandro Nice Litzy Naughty

Lisanna Nice Liv Nice

Lisanny Nice Livia Nice

Lisbeny Naughty Livianna Nice

Lisbeth Naughty Livie Naughty

Lise Nice Livingston Nice

Liseth Nice Livy Nice

Lisette Naughty Liyah Nice

Lish Nice Liyana Naughty

Lisha Nice Liyla Naughty

Lisl Naughty Liz Nice

Lisle Nice Liza Nice

Lissa Nice Lizabelle Naughty

Lisset Naughty Lizabeth Nice

Lissette Naughty Lizabyth Naughty

Lissie Naughty Lizann Nice

280 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Lizbeth Naughty Lochland Naughty

Lizeth Nice Lochlin Nice

Lizett Naughty Lochlynn Naughty

Lizette Nice Lochston Nice

Lizmery Naughty Locke Naughty

Lizz Nice Lockett Naughty

Lizzet Naughty Lockie Nice

Lizzete Nice Loda Naughty

Lizzeth Naughty Loden Naughty

Lizzie Nice Lodessa Naughty

Lizzy Naughty Loea Nice

Lj Nice Loela Nice

Llaneth Naughty Loene Nice

Llewellyn Naughty Lofton Nice

Llewyn Naughty Logan Nice

Lleyton Naughty Loganne Naughty

Lliam Naughty Logen Naughty

Lloyd Nice Logun Nice

Lluvia Naughty Logyn Naughty

Lluviia Nice Logynn Naughty

Lo Nice Lohanna Naughty

Loa Nice Loic Naughty

Loanne Naughty Loila Naughty

Loaunia Naughty Lois Nice

Loc Naughty Loisulu Nice

Loch Naughty Loken Nice

Lochiel Naughty Loki Nice

Lochlan Naughty Loklan Naughty

281 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Lola Nice Loralei Naughty

Lolita Naughty Loraleigh Nice

Lolla Naughty Loralie Nice

Lollie Nice Loralye Nice

Lolly Naughty Loralynn Naughty

Lolo Nice Loran Naughty

Loma Naughty Lorance Nice

Lon Nice Loranda Nice

Lona Naughty Lorann Nice

Londo Naughty Lorayne Naughty

London Nice Lorcan Naughty

Londyn Nice Lorean Naughty

Londynn Naughty Lorebeth Nice

Lone Nice Loreda Nice

Loney Nice Loredana Naughty

Long Naughty Loree Naughty

Loni Nice Loreen Nice

Lonie Nice Loreina Naughty

Lonna Nice Lorelai Nice

Lonni Naughty Lorelei Nice

Lonnie Nice Lorelle Naughty

Lonny Naughty Lorelli Naughty

Lonzo Naughty Loren Nice

Lora Nice Lorena Nice

Loraina Naughty Lorene Naughty

Loraine Naughty Lorenz Nice

Loral Naughty Lorenza Nice

Loralai Nice Lorenzo Nice

282 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Loretta Nice Lorrin Nice

Loretto Naughty Lorryn Naughty

Lori Nice Lory Nice

Lori-Ann Nice Loryn Nice

Loria Nice Lorynne Nice

Loriana Nice Lossie Nice

Loriann Nice Lota Nice

Lorie Nice Lott Naughty

Lorien Nice Lotta Nice

Lorilea Nice Lottie Nice

Lorilee Nice Lotus Nice

Lorimar Naughty Lotwyn Naughty

Lorin Nice Lou Nice

Lorinda Nice Louann Naughty

Lorine Nice Louanna Nice

Loring Naughty Loucile Nice

Loris Nice Louden Nice

Lorissa Naughty Loudon Naughty

Lorms Naughty Louella Nice

Lorn Nice Louetta Naughty

Lorna Nice Louie Nice

Lorne Nice Louis Nice

Lornelia Nice Louisa Naughty

Lorraine Nice Louise Nice

Lorrayne Naughty Louisiana Nice

Lorren Nice Louka Nice

Lorri Naughty Loukas Naughty

Lorrie Nice Loula Naughty

283 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Lourdes Nice Luana Naughty

Lourdess Naughty Luann Nice

Lourese Nice Luanne Naughty

Loureya Naughty Lubbert Nice

Louvenia Naughty Luberta Naughty

Love Nice Lubos Naughty

Lovell Nice Luc Nice

Lovella Naughty Luca Nice

Lovena Nice Lucah Naughty

Lovett Nice Lucan Nice

Lovetta Nice Lucardia Nice

Lovey Nice Lucas Nice

Lovie Nice Lucca Naughty

Lovina Naughty Lucee Nice

Lovisa Nice Lucelia Nice

Lowden Naughty Lucent Naughty

Lowell Nice Lucero Nice

Lowen Nice Lucetta Naughty

Lowenna Nice Lucette Naughty

Loxley Nice Luchiano Nice

Loxli Naughty Luci Naughty

Loy Nice Lucia Nice

Loyal Naughty Lucian Nice

Loyalle Naughty Luciana Nice

Loyalty Naughty Luciane Nice

Loyce Nice Lucianna Nice

Loyd Nice Luciano Nice

Lu Nice Lucie Nice

284 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Lucien Nice Luetta Naughty

Lucija Naughty Lugenia Naughty

Lucile Nice Lugh Nice

Lucille Nice Luigi Nice

Lucillia Naughty Luigino Naughty

Lucina Nice Luis Nice

Lucinda Nice Luisa Nice

Lucindy Nice Luise Nice

Lucine Nice Luiz Nice

Lucio Naughty Luka Nice

Lucious Nice Lukah Naughty

Lucius Nice Lukais Nice

Lucky Nice Lukas Nice

Lucretia Nice Lukasz Nice

Lucus Naughty Luke Nice

Lucy Nice Luktan Naughty

Lucyanna Naughty Lukus Naughty

Lucyanne Naughty Lula Naughty

Lucymai Naughty Lulah Naughty

Luda Nice Lular Nice

Ludia Naughty Lulie Nice

Ludie Nice Lulla Naughty

Ludmila Nice Lulu Nice

Ludo Nice Lum Nice

Ludovic Naughty Luma Naughty

Ludwig Naughty Lumen Naughty

Lue Naughty Lumi Naughty

Luella Nice Luminita Nice

285 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Lumyn Nice Lya Naughty

Luna Nice Lyaisha Naughty

Lunabella Nice Lyam Nice

Lunarai Naughty Lyanna Naughty

Lundy Nice Lybertee Naughty

Lundyn Naughty Lybertie Nice

Lupe Nice Lycan Nice

Lupita Nice Lyda Naughty

Lura Nice Lydeea Nice

Lurana Nice Lydell Nice

Luray Naughty Lyden Naughty

Lurena Nice Lydia Nice

Lurinda Nice Lydia’S Nice

Lurline Naughty Lydiah Nice

Luster Naughty Lydian Nice

Lute Nice Lydianna Nice

Luther Nice Lydianne Naughty

Lutie Naughty Lydie Naughty

Luvenia Nice Lydon Nice

Luverne Naughty Lygia Naughty

Luvinia Nice Lyilah Naughty

Lux Nice Lyis Nice

Luxe Nice Lyka Naughty

Luxor Nice Lyla Nice

Luz Naughty Lylah Nice

Luziana Nice Lyle Nice

Luzmaria Naughty Lyliana Nice

Ly Naughty Lylianah Naughty

286 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Lylianna Naughty Lyndy Nice

Lyllee Naughty Lyndzi Naughty

Lyllyan Nice Lyndzie Nice

Lyllyian Naughty Lyneah Naughty

Lyman Nice Lynelle Nice

Lymari Naughty Lynese Naughty

Lyn Naughty Lynessa Naughty

Lyna Naughty Lynette Nice

Lynae Nice Lynin Nice

Lynch Naughty Lynis Naughty

Lyncoln Naughty Lynise Naughty

Lynda Nice Lynix Nice

Lyndall Naughty Lynkin Naughty

Lyndee Naughty Lynlea Nice

Lynden Nice Lynlee Nice

Lyndi Nice Lynleigh Naughty

Lyndia Naughty Lynley Naughty

Lyndie Nice Lynli Naughty

Lyndjia Nice Lynn Nice

Lyndlee Nice Lynna Nice

Lyndley Naughty Lynnae Naughty

Lyndon Nice Lynnaya Nice

Lyndsay Nice Lynndessa Nice

Lyndsee Naughty Lynne Nice

Lyndsey Nice Lynnea Naughty

Lyndsi Nice Lynnell Naughty

Lyndsie Naughty Lynnellen Naughty

Lyndsy Nice Lynneth Nice

287 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Lynnette Nice Lyrie Naughty

Lynnex Naughty Lyriel Nice

Lynnie Nice Lyrik Nice

Lynnita Nice Lyron Nice

Lynnix Nice Lysa Naughty

Lynnlea Naughty Lysander Naughty

Lynnlee Nice Lysandra Nice

Lynnleigh Naughty Lysbeth Naughty

Lynnli Naughty Lysette Naughty

Lynnon Naughty Lysle Nice

Lynnox Nice Lyssa Naughty

Lynnsee Naughty Lyuba Nice

Lynnsey Nice Lyudmila Naughty

Lynnsi Naughty Lyvee Nice

Lynox Naughty Lyvia Naughty

Lynsay Naughty Lyvonia Naughty

Lynsey Nice Lyza Nice

Lynsi Nice Ma Naughty

Lynwood Naughty Maaike Naughty

Lynze Naughty Mabel Nice

Lynzee Nice Mabeliz Naughty

Lynzi Naughty Mabell Nice

Lynzie Naughty Mabelle Naughty

Lyon Naughty Mable Nice

Lyra Nice Mabrey Naughty

Lyric Nice Mabry Nice

Lyrica Naughty Mac Nice

Lyrick Nice Macai Naughty

288 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Macailyn Nice Macia Naughty

Macal Naughty Macie Nice

Macala Nice Macilynn Naughty

Macalla Nice Mack Nice

Macallan Nice Mackaila Nice

Macallister Naughty Mackay Nice

Macarena Nice Mackayla Nice

Macario Naughty Mackee Nice

Macarthur Naughty Mackena Nice

Macauly Nice Mackenna Nice

Macayla Naughty Mackensie Nice

Macayle Nice Mackenzee Naughty

Maccall Nice Mackenzey Nice

Maccallum Nice Mackenzeye Naughty

Mace Naughty Mackenzie Nice

Macee Naughty Mackenzy Nice

Macel Nice Macki Naughty

Macelyn Naughty Mackinlee Nice

Macen Nice Mackinley Nice

Macenzie Nice Mackinly Naughty

Maceo Naughty Mackinnley Naughty

Macey Nice Mackinnon Nice

Macgregor Nice Mackinzie Nice

Machaela Nice Macklen Naughty

Mache Naughty Macklin Naughty

Machelle Naughty Macklynn Naughty

Machen Nice Macky Naughty

Maci Nice Mackye Nice

289 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Mackynzee Nice Maddalyn Nice

Maclain Nice Maddalynn Nice

Maclaylyn Naughty Maddax Naughty

Maclin Nice Maddelena Naughty

Maclyn Nice Maddelynne Naughty

Maclynn Naughty Madden Nice

Macon Naughty Maddex Naughty

Macoy Nice Maddi Naughty

Macrina Naughty Maddie Nice

Macsen Nice Maddigan Naughty

Macully Naughty Maddilyn Naughty

Macushla Naughty Maddilynn Naughty

Macy Nice Maddisen Nice

Macyn Naughty Maddison Nice

Madailein Naughty Maddisyn Nice

Madalee Nice Maddix Nice

Madalena Nice Maddon Naughty

Madalin Nice Maddox Nice

Madalina Naughty Maddux Nice

Madaline Naughty Maddy Nice

Madalyn Nice Maddyn Nice

Madalyne Naughty Maddyson Nice

Madalynn Nice Madeera Naughty

Madalynne Naughty Madelaine Naughty

Madason Nice Madelayne Naughty

Madasonn Nice Madelein Nice

Madasyn Nice Madeleine Nice

Maddalyann Naughty Madelene Nice

290 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Madelin Nice Madizyn Nice

Madelina Naughty Madlyn Nice

Madeline Nice Madolyn Naughty

Madelyn Nice Madonna Nice

Madelyne Nice Madora Nice

Madelynn Nice Madori Nice

Madelynna Naughty Madox Nice

Madelynne Naughty Madrox Nice

Madge Nice Madsen Naughty

Madi Nice Mady Nice

Madian Naughty Madylin Nice

Madie Naughty Madylon Nice

Madigan Naughty Madyn Naughty

Madilee Naughty Madysen Nice

Madilin Nice Madysin Naughty

Madilyn Nice Madyson Nice

Madilyn-Rose Nice Madysyn Naughty

Madilynn Nice Mae Nice

Madilynne Naughty Mae-Ann Naughty

Madis Nice Mae-Rose Naughty

Madisen Nice Maebell Naughty

Madison Nice Maebelle Nice

Madison_Mendoza Naughty Maebry Nice

Madissabelle Naughty Maechin Nice

Madissen Nice Maecyn Nice

Madisson Nice Maedella Naughty

Madisyn Nice Maegan Nice

Madisynn Nice Maegen Naughty

291 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Maeghan Nice Magalys Naughty

Maegun Naughty Magan Nice

Mael Naughty Magavin Nice

Maelani Nice Magda Nice

Maelee Naughty Magdalen Nice

Maeleena Naughty Magdalena Nice

Maeleigh Nice Magdalene Nice

Maeley Nice Magdalynn Naughty

Maeli Naughty Magdelana Nice

Maelii Nice Magdelyn Naughty

Maelle Naughty Maged Naughty

Maellen Naughty Magen Nice

Maelonna Nice Magenskye Naughty

Maelyn Nice Maggey Nice

Maeraid Nice Maggi Nice

Maery Naughty Maggie Nice

Maesen Naughty Maghan Naughty

Maesie Naughty Maghnuss Naughty

Maeson Nice Magi Nice

Maesyn Naughty Magic Naughty

Maesynn Nice Magnes Naughty

Maeva Naughty Magnolia Nice

Maeve Nice Magnus Nice

Maevis Nice Maguire Naughty

Maezie Nice Maha Nice

Mafalda Nice Mahala Nice

Mafia Naughty Mahalia Nice

Magaly Naughty Mahalie Naughty

292 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Mahalley Nice Maigan Naughty

Mahayla Naughty Maiganne Naughty

Mahaylee Nice Maigen Nice

Mahdee Naughty Maija Nice

Mahdi Nice Maika ªi Nice

Mahek Nice Maiki Naughty

Mahewa Naughty Maila Nice

Mahi Nice Maile Nice

Mahina Nice Mailey Nice

Mahkayla Nice Mailon Nice

Mahkel Naughty Maira Nice

Mahlan Naughty Mairead Naughty

Mahleah Nice Mairen Nice

Mahlia Naughty Mairin Naughty

Mahlon Naughty Maisa Nice

Mahna Nice Maisalynn Nice

Mahnoor Nice Maisen Nice

Mahogany Naughty Maisey Naughty

Mahoney Nice Maisie Nice

Mahri Naughty Maisie-Jane Nice

Mahsa Nice Maisley Naughty

Mahya Naughty Maison Nice

Mai Nice Maisy Naughty

Maia Nice Maisyn Nice

Maiah Naughty Maite Nice

Maibel Naughty Maiya Nice

Maiblee Naughty Maiyah Naughty

Maida Nice Maize Nice

293 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Maizey Naughty Makale Naughty

Maizie Naughty Makalee Nice

Maizie-Kate Naughty Makallen Naughty

Maizlee Naughty Makalyn Nice

Maizlyn Naughty Makamae Nice

Maizy Nice Makana Naughty

Maja Naughty Makanui Nice

Majeda Nice Makari Naughty

Majella Naughty Makaya Nice

Majenta Nice Makayden Naughty

Majestic Nice Makayelah Naughty

Majeztica Naughty Makayelee Nice

Majlinda Nice Makayl Nice

Major Nice Makayla Nice

Mak Naughty Makaylah Nice

Makaden Naughty Makaylee Nice

Makae Nice Makaylen Nice

Makaela Naughty Makayli Naughty

Makafui Nice Makaylie Naughty

Makahi Naughty Makaylin Nice

Makahla Naughty Makaylynn Nice

Makai Nice Makayna Nice

Makail Naughty Makeba Nice

Makaila Nice Makeeda Naughty

Makailyn Naughty Makeely Nice

Makaio Naughty Makeilah Nice

Makala Nice Makella Naughty

Makalah Nice Makena Nice

294 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Makenia Naughty Makkenzi Nice

Makenlee Naughty Mako Nice

Makenley Nice Makoy Naughty

Makenlie Nice Maks Naughty

Makenly Nice Maksim Naughty

Makenna Nice Maksym Naughty

Makennah Naughty Makya Naughty

Makensey Nice Makyah Naughty

Makenza Nice Makye Nice

Makenzee Nice Makyla Naughty

Makenzey Naughty Makylee Nice

Makenzi Nice Makyna Naughty

Makenzie Nice Makyndee Naughty

Makenzii Nice Makynlee Nice

Makhenna Nice Makynley Naughty

Makheveli Naughty Makynli Nice

Makhi Naughty Makynlie Naughty

Makilya Nice Makynna Nice

Makindra Nice Makynzey Nice

Makinlee Naughty Makynzi Nice

Makinley Nice Makynzie Nice

Makinna Naughty Makynzlie Nice

Makinzie Naughty Mal Nice

Makisha Naughty Mala Nice

Makiya Naughty Mala’Kye Nice

Makiyah Nice Malachai Nice

Makiyla Naughty Malachi Nice

Makkenna Nice Malachy Naughty

295 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Malae Nice Male Naughty

Malaefono Naughty Malea Nice

Malaia Naughty Maleah Naughty

Malaika Nice Malec Naughty

Malak Naughty Maleeha Naughty

Malakai Nice Maleena Nice

Malakhi Nice Maleeya Nice

Malakhym Nice Maleia Naughty

Malaki Nice Maleigha Naughty

Malakigh Naughty Maleijha Nice

Malakye Naughty Maleiya Nice

Malana Nice Malek Nice

Malaney Naughty Malekai Naughty

Malani Nice Malekei Naughty

Malania Nice Malena Nice

Malanie Nice Malenna Naughty

Malaquias Naughty Maleny Nice

Malarie Naughty Malerie Nice

Malasia Nice Malesa Nice

Malauna Nice Maleyna Naughty

Malaya Naughty Malha Nice

Malayah Naughty Mali Nice

Malayna Naughty Malia Nice

Malaysia Nice Maliah Naughty

Malchai Nice Malibu Nice

Malchia Naughty Malieah Nice

Malcolm Nice Maliha Naughty

Malcom Nice Malijah Nice

296 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Malik Nice Malloree Nice

Malika Nice Mallori Naughty

Malikah Nice Mallorie Nice

Malikai Nice Mallory Nice

Malikhi Naughty Malone Naughty

Maliki Naughty Malorie Naughty

Maliko Nice Malory Nice

Malin Nice Malrik Nice

Malina Naughty Malte Nice

Malinda Nice Malvin Naughty

Malique Naughty Malvina Nice

Malisa Nice Malya Naughty

Malise Naughty Malychi Naughty

Malisha Naughty Malyn Naughty

Malissa Nice Malynda Nice

Malissie Naughty Malyssa Naughty

Malita Nice Mamdouh Naughty

Maliya Naughty Mame Naughty

Maliyah Nice Mamie Naughty

Malkin Nice Mammie Nice

Malkolm Naughty Mana Naughty

Mallarie Naughty Manaia Nice

Mallary Nice Manaka Nice

Mallauri Nice Manar Nice

Mallex Naughty Manasseh Nice

Malley Naughty Manda Naughty

Mallie Naughty Mandala Naughty

Mallissa Nice Mandaline Nice

297 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Mandalyn Nice Mannix Naughty

Mande Nice Manny Naughty

Mandee Naughty Manolo Nice

Mandeep Nice Mansa Nice

Mandi Nice Mansfield Naughty

Mandie Nice Mansha Naughty

Mandolin Nice Mansi Nice

Mandon Naughty Manson Naughty

Mandra Naughty Mansour Naughty

Mandy Nice Mantra Naughty

Manerva Naughty Manu Nice

Manervia Nice Manuel Nice

Manford Nice Manuela Nice

Manfred Nice Manuele Nice

Manhattyn Nice Manuelita Nice

Mani Nice Manuelito Nice

Manidoikwe Nice Mao Nice

Manie Naughty Maple Naughty

Manila Nice Maquilla Naughty

Manilla Nice Mar Naughty

Manisha Nice Mara Nice

Manisone Nice Marabel Naughty

Manley Nice Maracia Nice

Manly Nice Maraike Naughty

Manmeet Nice Maralyn Naughty

Manna Naughty Marama Naughty

Mannie Nice Maranda Nice

Manning Nice Maraya Nice

298 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Marbelis Nice Marcile Nice

Marbella Naughty Marcin Naughty

Marc Nice Marck Nice

Marcanthony Naughty Marco Nice

Marcas Naughty Marcos Nice

Marce Naughty Marcum Nice

Marcel Nice Marcus Nice

Marcela Nice Marcuz Naughty

Marcelina Nice Marcy Nice

Marceline Naughty Mardel Nice

Marcelino Nice Mardell Nice

Marcell Nice Mardi Nice

Marcella Nice Mare Naughty

Marcellas Nice Maree Nice

Marcelle Nice Mareena Nice

Marcello Nice Marek Nice

Marcellus Naughty Marela Naughty

Marcelo Nice Mareli Naughty

Marcene Naughty Marely Naughty

Marche Naughty Maren Nice

Marchele Naughty Marena Nice

Marchello Naughty Maressa Nice

Marci Nice Maret Nice

Marcia Nice Marfie Nice

Marcial Naughty Margaret Nice

Marciano Naughty Margarete Nice

Marcie Nice Margaretha Nice

Marciela Naughty Margarett Nice

299 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Margaretta Nice Mariam Nice

Margarette Naughty Marian Nice

Margarita Nice Mariana Naughty

Margarite Nice Marianela Nice

Margarito Naughty Mariangela Nice

Margaux Nice Marianita Nice

Marge Naughty Mariann Naughty

Margene Naughty Marianna Nice

Margeret Nice Marianne Nice

Margery Naughty Mariano Nice

Marget Naughty Maribel Nice

Margie Nice Maribelle Nice

Margit Nice Maribeth Nice

Margo Nice Maricel Naughty

Margot Nice Maricela Nice

Margret Nice Maricele Naughty

Margrett Nice Maricruz Nice

Margretta Nice Marie Nice

Marguerite Nice Marie-Claire Nice

Margueritta Naughty Marie-France Naughty

Margurite Nice Marie-Sophie Nice

Margy Nice Mariel Nice

Mari Nice Mariela Naughty

Mari-Ellyn Nice Mariele Naughty

Maria Nice Marielena Naughty

Maria-Tai Nice Mariella Nice

Mariah Nice Marielle Naughty

Marialisa Nice Mariely Naughty

300 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Marietta Naughty Marisabel Naughty

Marigold Naughty Marisela Nice

Marigrace Naughty Marisha Nice

Mariha Nice Marishika Naughty

Marija Naughty Marisia Naughty

Marijo Nice Mariska Nice

Marika Nice Marisol Nice

Marikate Nice Marissa Nice

Marilee Naughty Marita Naughty

Marilla Nice Maritess Nice

Marilou Nice Maritsa Nice

Marilu Nice Maritta Nice

Mariluz Nice Maritza Nice

Marilyn Nice Marius Nice

Marilynd Naughty Mariusz Nice

Marilynn Nice Marivel Naughty

Marin Naughty Mariven Nice

Marina Nice Mariya Naughty

Marinda Nice Mariyah Naughty

Marineah Naughty Mariyan Nice

Marinela Naughty Mariz Nice

Marino Naughty Marizza Nice

Mario Nice Marja Naughty

Marion Nice Marji Naughty

Mariposa Nice Marjone Naughty

Marirose Naughty Marjorie Nice

Maris Naughty Marjory Naughty

Marisa Nice Mark Nice

301 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Markana Naughty Marlen Naughty

Markara Naughty Marlena Nice

Markaya Nice Marlene Nice

Markeith Nice Marleni Nice

Markel Nice Marlenia Naughty

Markell Naughty Marleny Naughty

Marki Nice Marley Nice

Markie Nice Marli Nice

Markiesha Nice Marlie Nice

Markis Naughty Marlin Nice

Markisha Nice Marlionna Nice

Markita Naughty Marlita Nice

Markley Naughty Marlo Nice

Marko Naughty Marlochelle Naughty

Markus Nice Marlon Nice

Marky Nice Marlowe Nice

Markyss Naughty Marly Nice

Marla Nice Marlyn Naughty

Marlaina Nice Marlynn Nice

Marlana Nice Marlynne Naughty

Marland Naughty Marlys Naughty

Marlea Nice Marna Nice

Marlecia Nice Marney Naughty

Marlee Nice Marni Nice

Marleen Nice Marnie Naughty

Marlei Nice Marnita Naughty

Marleigh Nice Maro Naughty

Marleighna Nice Marolyn Nice

302 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Maronee Nice Marsalene Nice

Marphee Nice Marsci Naughty

Marquam Naughty Marsden Naughty

Marquelle Naughty Marsela Nice

Marques Naughty Marsh Nice

Marquette Naughty Marsha Nice

Marquez Naughty Marshal Naughty

Marqui Naughty Marshall Nice

Marquia Naughty Marshann Nice

Marquis Nice Marshawn Nice

Marquise Nice Marshel Naughty

Marquita Nice Marshell Nice

Marquitta Naughty Marshmallow Nice

Marqus Nice Marston Naughty

Marra Naughty Mart Nice

Marrae Naughty Marta Nice

Marrek Naughty Martavion Naughty

Marren Naughty Marte Naughty

Marriah Nice Marteena Naughty

Marrianne Nice Martell Nice

Marrion Nice Martelle Nice

Marrisa Naughty Martese Naughty

Marrissa Nice Martez Nice

Marry Nice Martha Nice

Marrya Naughty Marti Naughty

Mars Naughty Martial Nice

Marsa Nice Martie Nice

Marsaili Nice Martika Nice

303 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Martin Nice Maryam Nice

Martina Nice Maryann Nice

Martine Naughty Maryanna Nice

Marty Nice Maryanne Naughty

Martyna Naughty Maryaunna Nice

Maru Nice Marybel Nice

Maruka Nice Marybelle Nice

Marva Nice Marybeth Nice

Marvel Naughty Marycarmen Naughty

Marveli Naughty Marycarroll Nice

Marvin Nice Marycatherine Nice

Marxen Nice Marycharles Naughty

Mary Nice Maryck Naughty

Mary-Ann Naughty Maryclare Nice

Mary-Ashlynn Naughty Maryelle Naughty

Mary-Baylee Nice Maryellen Nice

Mary-Blaire Nice Marygrace Naughty

Mary-Charles Naughty Maryhannah Naughty

Mary-Ellen Naughty Maryiah Naughty

Mary-Grace Naughty Maryjane Nice

Mary-Jane Naughty Maryjo Nice

Mary-Kathryn Naughty Marykaitlyn Nice

Mary-Lyn Naughty Marykate Naughty

Mary-Pat Nice Marykatherine Naughty

Marya Nice Marylee Naughty

Maryah Naughty Marylin Naughty

Maryahna Naughty Maryll Nice

Maryalice Nice Marylou Nice

304 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Marylouise Nice Masood Naughty

Marylyn Nice Massari Nice

Marylynn Naughty Massiel Naughty

Marymae Naughty Massimo Naughty

Marymargaret Nice Masun Naughty

Maryn Nice Masyn Nice

Maryna Naughty Mat Naughty

Marynzie Naughty Mataeo Naughty

Maryrose Naughty Mataeya Nice

Maryshia Naughty Matalyn Nice

Marysol Nice Matalynn Nice

Maryssa Naughty Mataya Nice

Marystewart Naughty Matayah Naughty

Marytza Naughty Mate Nice

Marz Naughty Matea Naughty

Marzie Nice Mateen Naughty

Masako Nice Mateja Nice

Masamune Naughty Mateo Nice

Masao Naughty Mateusz Nice

Mascha Nice Mateyah Naughty

Masek Nice Matƒõj Nice

Masen Nice Math Naughty

Masha Nice Mathea Naughty

Masharo Nice Matherin Naughty

Mashella Naughty Mathew Nice

Masie Naughty Mathews Nice

Masiela Naughty Mathias Nice

Mason Nice Mathieson Naughty

305 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Mathieu Nice Matthieu Nice

Mathilda Nice Matthue Naughty

Mathilde Nice Matti Naughty

Mathina Naughty Mattias Nice

Mathue Naughty Matticus Naughty

Mathyis Naughty Mattie Nice

Matia Nice Mattilyn Naughty

Matias Naughty Mattilynn Naughty

Matie Naughty Mattingly Nice

Matika Naughty Mattis Nice

Matilda Nice Mattison Naughty

Matilde Nice Mattisyn Nice

Matilinn Naughty Mattix Naughty

Matina Naughty Mattlyn Naughty

Matix Nice Mattox Nice

Matlock Nice Mattye Naughty

Matney Naughty Matuia Nice

Matson Nice Matylda Naughty

Matt Nice Matyson Naughty

Mattalyn Naughty Matzy Naughty

Mattaniah Naughty Maud Nice

Mattea Naughty Maude Naughty

Matteah Naughty Maudie Nice

Mattelynn Nice Maui Nice

Matteo Nice Mauldin Nice

Mattex Nice Mauna Nice

Matthew Nice Maunark Naughty

Matthias Nice Maura Nice

306 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Mauree Naughty Maxane Nice

Maureen Nice Maxeen Nice

Maureene Nice Maxfield Nice

Mauri Nice Maxie Nice

Maurice Nice Maxim Nice

Mauricio Nice Maximilian Nice

Maurine Nice Maximiliano Nice

Maurino Nice Maximillian Naughty

Maurio Naughty Maximilliano Nice

Maurissa Nice Maximino Nice

Maurlani Nice Maximo Nice

Mauro Nice Maximus Nice

Maurtez Nice Maxin Naughty

Maury Naughty Maxine Nice

Mava Naughty Maxly Nice

Maven Nice Maxon Nice

Maveric Naughty Maxson Nice

Maverick Nice Maxton Naughty

Maveriq Naughty Maxtyn Nice

Maverix Nice Maxuel Nice

Maverlie Nice Maxwell Nice

Maveryck Nice Maxx Nice

Mavi Nice May Nice

Mavis Nice Maya Nice

Mavrick Naughty Mayah Nice

Mavry Naughty Mayalen Naughty

Mavryk Naughty Mayamba Nice

Max Nice Mayan Nice

307 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Mayank Naughty Maylisa Naughty

Mayara Nice Maylyn Naughty

Maybell Nice Mayme Nice

Maybelle Nice Maymelemaria Nice

Maybree Nice Maymie Nice

Maybrie Naughty Maynard Naughty

Mayce Naughty Mayo Nice

Maycee Nice Mayra Nice

Mayci Naughty Mayreni Naughty

Maycie Naughty Mayri Nice

Maycile Naughty Maysen Nice

Mayda Naughty Maysie Nice

Maye Naughty Maysin Nice

Maygan Nice Mayson Nice

Maygann Nice Mayson-Lee Naughty

Maygen Nice Maysun Naughty

Mayham Naughty Mayzee-Leigh Nice

Mayivonnelyn Nice Mayzie Naughty

Mayja Nice Mazden Nice

Mayla Nice Maze Naughty

Maylah Naughty Mazely Naughty

Maylee Naughty Mazen Naughty

Mayleigh Nice Mazey Naughty

Maylene Nice Mazi Nice

Mayli Nice Mazia Naughty

Maylia Nice Mazie Nice

Maylie Naughty Maziey Nice

Maylin Nice Mazy Nice

308 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Mazzy Nice Mckala Naughty

Mcandrew Nice Mckale Naughty

Mcarthur Naughty Mckay Nice

Mcaulie Naughty Mckayde Nice

Mccaela Nice Mckaydi Nice

Mccalin Naughty Mckayla Nice

Mccall Naughty Mckaylah Nice

Mccartney Nice Mckaylee Naughty

Mccaylah Naughty Mckaylee-Jane Naughty

Mcclain Nice Mckayleigh Naughty

Mcclayne Naughty Mckayley Nice

Mccovey Naughty Mckaylla Nice

Mccoy Naughty Mckaylne Naughty

Mccuin Naughty Mckell Naughty

Mcever Naughty Mckelle Naughty

Mcgregor Naughty Mckena Naughty

Mcguire Nice Mckenan Naughty

Mcgwire Naughty Mckendra Naughty

Mcjose Naughty Mckendree Naughty

Mckade Naughty Mckenlee Nice

Mckadie Naughty Mckenlie Nice

Mckaela Naughty Mckenly Naughty

Mckai Naughty Mckenna Nice

Mckaie Nice Mckensey Naughty

Mckaila Naughty Mckensie Nice

Mckailey Naughty Mckenze Nice

Mckaili Nice Mckenzee Naughty

Mckaitlyn Naughty Mckenzi Naughty

309 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Mckenzie Nice Meagen Naughty

Mckenzy Naughty Meaghan Nice

Mckinlee Nice Meagon Nice

Mckinleigh Nice Meah Naughty

Mckinley Nice Meaka Naughty

Mckinna Nice Meandra Naughty

Mckinney Naughty Meara Naughty

Mckinnley Naughty Mearl Naughty

Mckinnon Nice Meave Nice

Mckinsey Naughty Mecha-Reagan Nice

Mckinsley Naughty Mechelle Nice

Mckinzee Naughty Meckenzie Nice

Mckinzey Naughty Meda Nice

Mckinzie Naughty Medardo Naughty

Mckinzley Naughty Medea Naughty

Mckoy Nice Media Nice

Mckyiah Naughty Medora Nice

Mckynlee Naughty Mee’Khi Nice

Mckynlie Nice Meecah Nice

Mckynzie Nice Meegan Nice

Mclain Nice Meeka Naughty

Mclean Naughty Meela Naughty

Mcleod Naughty Meelad Nice

Mcray Nice Meera Nice

Mea Naughty Meeya Nice

Meade Naughty Meg Nice

Meadow Nice Megan Nice

Meagan Nice Megann Nice

310 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Megannofrizzler Naughty Meira Naughty

Megara Nice Meisha Nice

Meggan Nice Meka Nice

Meggen Naughty Mekaela Naughty

Meggin Naughty Mekai Naughty

Meghan Nice Mekala Nice

Meghann Nice Mekayla Naughty

Meghin Naughty Mekelle Naughty

Megmath Naughty Mekenley Nice

Megra Naughty Mekenna Naughty

Megyn Nice Mekenzie Nice

Meher Naughty Mekhi Nice

Mehgan Nice Mekhiya Nice

Mehnaz Nice Mekia Nice

Mehran Naughty Mekiah Nice

Mehrunisa Naughty Mekylie Nice

Mehul Naughty Mel Nice

Mei Nice Mela Naughty

Mei-Lai Nice Meladi Nice

Mei’Lani Naughty Melah Naughty

Meichelle Nice Melaida Nice

Meigan Naughty Melaina Naughty

Meighan Nice Melaine Naughty

Meika Naughty Melanah Nice

Meila Naughty Melanee Nice

Meilani Naughty Melani Nice

Meili Nice Melania Nice

Meinpaui Nice Melanie Nice

311 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Melany Nice Melissia Naughty

Melanya Nice Melita Naughty

Melaya Naughty Meliyah Naughty

Melayna Nice Meliza Naughty

Melba Nice Melki Naughty

Melbourne Naughty Mell Naughty

Melda Naughty Mellanee Naughty

Meldon Naughty Mellanie Naughty

Mele Naughty Mellie Nice

Melea Naughty Mellisa Nice

Meleah Nice Mellissa Nice

Meleigha Naughty Mellora Nice

Melek Naughty Mellow Naughty

Meleke Nice Melly Nice

Melena Nice Meloddy Naughty

Melendia Naughty Melodee Nice

Meleti Naughty Melodey Naughty

Meletta Naughty Melodi Nice

Meleya Naughty Melodie Nice

Melia Naughty Melody Nice

Meliana Naughty Meloney Nice

Melida Naughty Melonie Naughty

Melina Nice Melony Nice

Melinda Nice Melquiades Naughty

Melisa Nice Melton Nice

Melisande Nice Melva Nice

Melissa Nice Melvalene Naughty

Melisse Nice Melville Nice

312 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Melvin Nice Mercedez Naughty

Melvina Nice Mercer Nice

Melvyn Naughty Mercilina Naughty

Melynda Nice Mercy Nice

Melynn Naughty Meredith Nice

Melyssa Nice Merek Naughty

Meme Nice Meri Naughty

Memoree Nice Meriah Nice

Memorie Nice Meriam Naughty

Memory Nice Merianna Nice

Memphis Nice Merida Nice

Memrie Naughty Merideth Nice

Mena Nice Merieanne Naughty

Menachem Nice Merik Nice

Mendecees Naughty Merike Naughty

Mender Nice Meriki Naughty

Mendez Nice Merilee Nice

Mendy Naughty Merileigh Naughty

Menley Naughty Merilyn Naughty

Mera Nice Merinda Naughty

Meradith Naughty Merissa Naughty

Meranda Nice Merl Nice

Merari Naughty Merle Nice

Merby Nice Merlene Naughty

Mercadeez Naughty Merlin Nice

Merceah Naughty Merlita Nice

Mercede Naughty Merlyn Naughty

Mercedes Nice Merna Naughty

313 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Merra Naughty Mery Naughty

Merrell Nice Meryah Naughty

Merri Naughty Meryl Nice

Merri-Lynn Nice Meryssa Naughty

Merric Naughty Mesa Nice

Merrick Nice Meshack Nice

Merridy Naughty Meshia Nice

Merrie Nice Meshya Naughty

Merrilee Naughty Messiah Nice

Merrill Naughty Meta Naughty

Merrily Naughty Metasha Nice

Merritt Nice Metha Naughty

Merry Nice Metro Nice

Merryck Nice Metta Naughty

Merryn Naughty Mette Naughty

Mersadee Naughty Mettie Naughty

Mersadie Naughty Metzli Nice

Mersadies Naughty Mevin Naughty

Mersadiez Nice Meya Naughty

Mersais Naughty Meyana Nice

Mersaydez Naughty Meyer Naughty

Mersi Nice Meygan Naughty

Mertie Naughty Meyled Naughty

Merton Naughty Meylin Naughty

Merve Nice Meyshlian Nice

Mervin Naughty Meyson Nice

Mervyn Nice Meyyham Nice

Merwin Nice Mhairi Nice

314 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Mhalex Naughty Michaelene Naughty

Mhyla Nice Michaella Nice

Mia Nice Michaelyn Naughty

Miaa Nice Michaila Nice

Miabella Nice Michal Nice

Miah Nice Michala Naughty

Miaja Nice Michalah Nice

Miami Nice Michale Nice

Miana Naughty Michalla Naughty

Miann Naughty Michalyn Nice

Mianna Nice Michayla Nice

Miaya Nice Micheal Nice

Mica Nice Micheale Naughty

Micaela Nice Michee Naughty

Micaelan Nice Michel Nice

Micaella Nice Michela Nice

Micah Nice Michelangelo Naughty

Micaiah Naughty Michele Nice

Micaila Naughty Michelene Nice

Micajah Nice Michelina Naughty

Mical Naughty Micheline Nice

Micala Nice Michell Nice

Micayla Nice Michella Naughty

Micaylah Nice Michelle Nice

Micha Naughty Michial Nice

Michael Nice Michiel Naughty

Michaela Nice Michielle Nice

Michaele Naughty Michigan Nice

315 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Michiko Naughty Mieczyslaw Naughty

Michlain Nice Miekal Nice

Michole Naughty Mieke Nice

Michon Naughty Miel Nice

Mick Nice Miepie Nice

Micka Naughty Miesha Nice

Mickaiayla Naughty Miette Nice

Mickailee Naughty Migdalia Naughty

Mickala Naughty Mignon Naughty

Mickayla Nice Miguel Nice

Mickaylee Naughty Miguelangel Nice

Mickeal Naughty Miguelle Nice

Mickel Naughty Mija Nice

Mickell Nice Mika Nice

Mickelle Nice Mikael Nice

Mickey Nice Mikaela Nice

Micki Naughty Mikaella Naughty

Mickie Nice Mikah Nice

Micky Naughty Mikaia Nice

Micquelynn Nice Mikaila Nice

Midajah Naughty Mikaili Nice

Midas Nice Mikal Nice

Midasia Naughty Mikala Nice

Middi Naughty Mikalah Nice

Middiun Naughty Mikalea Nice

Midge Nice Mikalee Naughty

Midnight Nice Mikalina Nice

Midori Naughty Mikalyn Naughty

316 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Mikara Nice Mikki Nice

Mikaya Naughty Mikkizi Nice

Mikayla Nice Mikko Naughty

Mikaylah Nice Miklo Naughty

Mikaylarose Naughty Miko Naughty

Mikaylee Naughty Mikrae Naughty

Mike Nice Mikyla Nice

Mikeal Naughty Mikynna-Rose Naughty

Mikeala Naughty Mila Nice

Mikedebrito Naughty Milaena Nice

Mikel Nice Milagros Naughty

Mikela Naughty Milah Naughty

Mikele Nice Milaina Nice

Mikella Nice Milam Nice

Miken Naughty Milan Nice

Mikenna Nice Milana Nice

Mikenzie Naughty Milangkoy Naughty

Miker Naughty Milani Naughty

Mikey Naughty Milania Nice

Mikeya Naughty Milanie Nice

Mikhael Naughty Milanna Nice

Mikhail Nice Milas Naughty

Mikhaila Naughty Milaya Nice

Mikhala Naughty Milburn Nice

Miki Nice Milcia Nice

Mikiah Nice Milda Nice

Mikinlee Naughty Mildred Nice

Mikinzi Naughty Milea Nice

317 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Mileah Naughty Milly Naughty

Milee Naughty Millyonna Naughty

Mileena Nice Milo Nice

Milena Naughty Milomir Naughty

Milenko Naughty Milton Nice

Miles Nice Mily Naughty

Milet Naughty Milyani Naughty

Miley Nice Milynda Naughty

Milford Naughty Milz Nice

Milhouse Nice Mima Nice

Miliani Naughty Mimi Nice

Milica Nice Mimzy Naughty

Mililani Nice Mina Nice

Milissa Nice Minami Nice

Militant Naughty Minda Nice

Milla Nice Mindaugas Nice

Millard Naughty Mindee Nice

Miller Nice Mindi Nice

Milleson Naughty Mindy Nice

Milli Naughty Mine Naughty

Milliah Nice Miner Naughty

Milliana Naughty Minerva Nice

Millicent Naughty Minervia Nice

Millie Nice Minette Nice

Millie-Jean Nice Minh Naughty

Millissa Nice Minimoose Nice

Millissia Nice Minisha Nice

Mills Nice Minisia Nice

318 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Miniya Nice Mireataei Nice

Minjae Nice Mirei Naughty

Minna Nice Mirella Nice

Minnie Naughty Mirena Nice

Minolly Naughty Mireya Naughty

Minor Naughty Miri Naughty

Minoru Nice Miriah Nice

Minse Nice Miriam Nice

Minta Naughty Miriams Naughty

Mintie Naughty Mirisa Nice

Minzy Naughty Mirissa Naughty

Miqueas Naughty Mirjana Naughty

Miquel Naughty Mirna Nice

Miquela Nice Mirra Nice

Miquella Naughty Mirtie Naughty

Miquelle Naughty Mirvat Nice

Mira Nice Misael Naughty

Mirabel Nice Mischa Naughty

Mirabelle Naughty Mischelle Nice

Miracle Nice Mischet Nice

Miraida Nice Misha Nice

Mirajane Nice Mishae Nice

Miramina Nice Mishala Naughty

Miranda Nice Mishayla Naughty

Miraya Nice Mishell Naughty

Mirayna Nice Mishelle Nice

Mircer Nice Mishka Nice

Mirco Nice Misi Naughty

319 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Miska Nice Miyuki Nice

Misla Naughty Miyumi Naughty

Miss Nice Mizani Naughty

Missi Naughty Mj Nice

Missie Naughty Mjoll Nice

Missouri Nice Mk Nice

Missy Nice Mkenzee Naughty

Mistee Naughty Mladen Naughty

Misti Nice Mnemosyne Naughty

Mistie Naughty Moana Naughty

Misty Nice Modena Nice

Mistyrose Nice Modesto Nice

Mitar Naughty Moe Nice

Mitch Nice Moesha Naughty

Mitchel Nice Mohamed Nice

Mitchell Nice Mohammad Nice

Mitchka Naughty Mohammed Nice

Mitra Naughty Mohanad Naughty

Mitsy Naughty Mohansingh Nice

Mittie Nice Mohit Nice

Mitul Nice Mohsin Naughty

Mitzi Naughty Moira Nice

Mitzy Naughty Moises Naughty

Miu Nice Mojca Nice

Miya Nice Mojdeh Naughty

Miyah Nice Mokganedi Naughty

Miyla Nice Mollee Nice

Miylah Nice Molley Nice

320 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Molli Naughty Monisa Naughty

Mollie Nice Monish Naughty

Molly Nice Monita Naughty

Molly-Rae Nice Monna Nice

Mollykathryn Nice Monnie Nice

Molokai Nice Monorith Naughty

Mom Naughty Monrad Nice

Mommy Nice Monroe Nice

Momo Nice Monserrat Nice

Mona Nice Mont Nice

Mondaa Nice Montae Nice

Mondtrelle Nice Montana Nice

Mone’T Naughty Montanaela Nice

Monee Naughty Montanna Naughty

Moneka Naughty Monte Nice

Monessa Nice Montel Nice

Monet Naughty Monterius Nice

Money Nice Montez Naughty

Mongeneral Nice Montgomery Nice

Mongo Nice Montie Nice

Monica Nice Montigo Naughty

Monicco Nice Montina Nice

Monice Naughty Montinei Naughty

Monics Naughty Montoya Naughty

Moniece Naughty Montrell Nice

Monika Nice Montserrat Naughty

Monike Nice Monty Nice

Monique Nice Monyce Naughty

321 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Moody Nice Morgun Naughty

Mookie Nice Morgyn Naughty

Moomoo Naughty Morgynne Nice

Mooneve Nice Moria-Mone Naughty

Mooney Nice Moriah Nice

Moore Naughty Morley Naughty

Moose Nice Morli Nice

Mora Naughty Morrigan Nice

Moraes Nice Morris Naughty

Morag Naughty Morrisa Naughty

Moran Naughty Morrison Naughty

Mordechai Nice Mortimer Naughty

Morella Nice Morton Naughty

Morena Naughty Morven Nice

Moreno Naughty Moryah Naughty

Morey Nice Mosadek Nice

Morgaine Naughty Mosby Naughty

Morgan Nice Mose Naughty

Morgana Naughty Moseley Naughty

Morgande Nice Moselle Naughty

Morgane Nice Moses Nice

Morgann Nice Moshe Naughty

Morganne Naughty Mosie Nice

Morgarett Nice Mosley Naughty

Morgen Naughty Mossie Nice

Morghan Nice Motlee Nice

Morgon Nice Motley Nice

Morgoon Naughty Mottie Naughty

322 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Mourgan Naughty Muralidhar Nice

Moustafa Naughty Murat Naughty

Moxie Naughty Murdo Naughty

Moxon Nice Murdock Naughty

Moxxi Naughty Muriel Naughty

Moya Naughty Murl Nice

Moyla Nice Murphy Naughty

Mozart Nice Murray Nice

Mozell Naughty Murron Naughty

Mozella Nice Murry Nice

Mozelle Naughty Musa Nice

Mr Nice Mushu Naughty

Mrittanie Nice Mustafa Naughty

Mrs Nice Mutiasaia Naughty

Mudit Naughty Muuka Nice

Muey Nice Mya Nice

Muffin Nice Myah Nice

Muhammad Nice Myan Naughty

Muhkai Nice Myca Nice

Muirrean Nice Mycah Nice

Mulan Naughty Mychael Nice

Mumtazc Naughty Mychaela Naughty

Munaf Naughty Mychaelia Naughty

Munawar Naughty Mychal Nice

Munish Nice Mycheal Naughty

Munro Nice Mychelle Naughty

Munroe Nice Mycka Naughty

Murad Naughty Myeia Naughty

323 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Myekale Nice Myla Nice

Myer Naughty Mylah Nice

Myera Naughty Mylan Naughty

Myers Naughty Mylasia Naughty

Myesha Naughty Mylee Nice

Myfanwy Nice Myleea Nice

Myia Naughty Mylei Nice

Myiah Nice Myleia Nice

Myka Nice Myleigh Naughty

Mykael Nice Mylene Naughty

Mykaela Naughty Myles Nice

Mykah Nice Myley Nice

Mykal Naughty Mylie Naughty

Mykala Nice Mylissa Naughty

Mykayla Nice Myllena Naughty

Mykel Nice Mylo Nice

Mykelti Naughty Mylon Naughty

Mykenna Nice Myndee Nice

Mykenze Nice Myndi Naughty

Mykenzie Nice Mynor Nice

Mykieze Nice Myong Nice

Mykira Nice Myra Nice

Myklind Nice Myracl Nice

Myko Naughty Myrah Nice

Mykolas Naughty Myrakel Naughty

Mykool Nice Myranda Naughty

Mykul Nice Myrella Nice

Mykynzy Nice Myria Nice

324 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Myriah Naughty Mysty Nice

Myriam Nice Mzcher Nice

Myric Nice N’Faly Nice

Myrielle Naughty Na’Ilah Naughty

Myrina Nice Na’Jasha Nice

Myrissa Nice Na’Kya Nice

Myrl Nice Naama Naughty

Myrle Nice Nabia Naughty

Myrlee Naughty Nabila Naughty

Myrna Nice Nabou Naughty

Myron Nice Nacho Nice

Myrta Nice Nacole Naughty

Myrtha Naughty Naconi Naughty

Myrtice Naughty Nacori Nice

Myrtie Naughty Nada Nice

Myrtis Nice Nadalee Nice

Myrtle Nice Nadalin Naughty

Mysha Nice Nadaly Naughty

Myshele Naughty Nadalynn Naughty

Myshine Nice Nadel Naughty

Myshon Nice Nadeleine Naughty

Mystere Naughty Nadi Naughty

Mystery Nice Nadia Nice

Mysti Nice Nadiehsda Naughty

Mystic Naughty Nadija Naughty

Mystika Naughty Nadina Nice

Mystiq Naughty Nadine Nice

Mystique Nice Nadir Naughty

325 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Nadisha Naughty Naithyn Nice

Nadiyah Nice Naiya Naughty

Nadja Naughty Naiyah Nice

Nadora Naughty Naj Nice

Nady Naughty Najee Nice

Nadya Nice Najeeb Naughty

Nadyah Naughty Naji Naughty

Naeli Naughty Najjib Nice

Naesia Nice Najla Naughty

Naevia Naughty Nakaiya Naughty

Nagi Nice Nakatani Naughty

Nagia Nice Nakayla Nice

Nagie Naughty Nakeisha Naughty

Nahizla Naughty Nakelle Nice

Nahla Nice Nakesha Nice

Nahni Naughty Nakeya Naughty

Nai’La Naughty Nakeyta Naughty

Naia Nice Naki Nice

Naiah Naughty Nakia Nice

Naiara Naughty Nakiah Naughty

Naida Naughty Nakida Naughty

Naijah Naughty Nakiera Nice

Naila Nice Nakisha Nice

Nailah Naughty Nakita Nice

Nailani Nice Nakiyah Naughty

Nailia Nice Nakoa Nice

Naima Nice Nakoah Nice

Naisha Naughty Nakoda Nice

326 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Nakoma Nice Nanami Nice

Nakoshua Nice Nance Naughty

Nakyah Naughty Nanci Nice

Nala Naughty Nancie Nice

Nalana Naughty Nancy Nice

Nalani Nice Nandini Naughty

Nalanie Nice Nanetta Naughty

Naldo Nice Nanette Naughty

Naleigha Nice Nani Naughty

Nalia Naughty Nanie Nice

Nallani Naughty Nanna Nice

Nalleli Nice Nannette Nice

Nallely Nice Nannie Naughty

Nalya Naughty Nanuk Naughty

Nalyn Naughty Nanzee Nice

Nalynne Naughty Naoma Nice

Nalyssa Naughty Naomi Nice

Nam Nice Naomie Nice

Naman Nice Naomii Nice

Namawashucktah Naughty Naovi Nice

Name Results Napoleon Nice

Nami Nice Naraeha Naughty

Namine Nice Narayan Naughty

Namish Naughty Narcie Nice

Namon Naughty Narciso Nice

Namrata Naughty Narcissus Nice

Nan Naughty Narelle Naughty

Nana Nice Narendra Nice

327 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Nari Naughty Nataley Nice

Nariah Nice Natalia Nice

Narisha Naughty Nataliah Nice

Narissa Nice Natalie Nice

Narjis Naughty Nataliegh Nice

Narraser Naughty Nataly Nice

Nascere Nice Natalya Nice

Naseef Nice Natalyn Naughty

Naseem Naughty Natalynn Naughty

Naser Nice Natanee Naughty

Nash Nice Natanel Nice

Nashia Naughty Natanii Nice

Nashon Nice Natara Nice

Nashton Nice Natas Naughty

Nasin Naughty Natascha Nice

Nasir Naughty Natasha Nice

Nasiya Naughty Natashia Naughty

Nastacia Naughty Natasia Nice

Nastasha Naughty Natassia Nice

Nastashia Nice Natausha Naughty

Nastassia Naughty Nataya Nice

Nastassja Nice Nate Nice

Nastassjia Naughty Natellie Nice

Nasya Naughty Nathael Nice

Nat Nice Nathalia Nice

Natacha Nice Nathalie Nice

Natalee Nice Nathaly Naughty

Nataleigh Naughty Nathan Nice

328 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Nathanael Nice Navaeh Nice

Nathanal Nice Navarra Nice

Nathanel Naughty Navarrah Nice

Nathanial Nice Naveah Nice

Nathaniel Nice Naveen Naughty

Nathen Nice Navene Nice

Nathias Naughty Naveyah Naughty

Natieya Naughty Navi Naughty

Natileigh Naughty Navia Naughty

Natilie Nice Naviah Naughty

Natily Naughty Naviana Nice

Natina Nice Navin Nice

Nation Naughty Navina Naughty

Natisha Nice Navjeet Nice

Natissa Naughty Navjot Nice

Nativity Naughty Navonus Naughty

Natonja Naughty Navpreet Naughty

Natosha Naughty Navy Naughty

Natrone Nice Navy-Grace Nice

Natsu Naughty Navya Nice

Nattlie Nice Naya Nice

Nature Naughty Nayadette Naughty

Naudia Nice Nayan Nice

Naulaunie Nice Nayana Naughty

Naulena Nice Nayda Naughty

Naureen Nice Nayden Naughty

Nausil Nice Nayela Nice

Nautica Nice Nayeli Naughty

329 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Nayelli Nice Necola Naughty

Nayely Naughty Necta Naughty

Nayema Naughty Nectarios Nice

Nayla Nice Ned Nice

Naylani Nice Nedda Nice

Naylina Naughty Neddy Naughty

Naylor Naughty Nedra Naughty

Nayomee Naughty Neecie Nice

Nayomi Naughty Needham Naughty

Naythan Naughty Neel Nice

Nazanin Naughty Neela Nice

Nazanine Naughty Neelan Naughty

Nazaray Naughty Neeley Nice

Nazare Nice Neella Nice

Nazareth Naughty Neely Naughty

Nazario Nice Neemah Nice

Nazeerah Naughty Neena Naughty

Nazih Nice Neesha Nice

Nckell Naughty Neeson Naughty

Ndaya Naughty Neeta Naughty

Nea Naughty Neeti Nice

Neaira Naughty Neetu Naughty

Neal Nice Nefrelyn Nice

Neala Nice Neftali Nice

Nealey Nice Neha Nice

Nealie Nice Nehalem Naughty

Nealy Naughty Nehemiah Nice

Neave Naughty Nehlani Nice

330 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Neicole Naughty Nelly Nice

Neida Nice Nels Nice

Neijel Nice Nelsey Nice

Neika Nice Nelson Nice

Neikoli Naughty Nema Nice

Neil Nice Nembhard Nice

Neila Nice Nemesis Naughty

Neilie Nice Nena Naughty

Neille Nice Neo Naughty

Neirin Nice Neola Naughty

Neive Naughty Neoma Naughty

Nejebi Naughty Neomi Naughty

Neka Naughty Neorla Naughty

Nekita Nice Nephi Naughty

Neko Nice Nephina Nice

Nelai Nice Neppie Nice

Nelda Nice Nera Nice

Neldon Nice Neramith Naughty

Nelia Naughty Nerea Nice

Nelie Naughty Neree Nice

Nelina Nice Nereida Naughty

Nell Nice Nereyda Naughty

Nella Nice Neriah Nice

Nellayna Nice Nerida Naughty

Nelle Nice Nerissa Naughty

Nelli Naughty Nerita Naughty

Nellie Nice Neriya Nice

Nello Nice Nermin Nice

331 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Nero Naughty Neveah Nice

Nerrisa Nice Nevele Nice

Nery Naughty Neven Naughty

Nerys Naughty Nevena Naughty

Nesha Nice Nevie Nice

Nesika Naughty Neville Nice

Nesly Naughty Nevin Nice

Ness Naughty Newell Nice

Nessa Nice Newman Naughty

Nesta Nice Newt Naughty

Nestor Naughty Newton Nice

Neta Naughty Nexus Naughty

Netania Naughty Neyla Naughty

Netasha Naughty Neyland Nice

Nethanael Naughty Neylyn Naughty

Netta Nice Neymar Naughty

Nettie Nice Neyo Naughty

Neva Nice Neysa Nice

Nevada Naughty Neziya Nice

Nevaeh Nice Nghia Naughty

Nevaehly Nice Ngoc Naughty

Nevahea Naughty Nguy·ªön Naughty

Nevalee Nice Nguyen Nice

Nevan Naughty Nhi Naughty

Nevaya Naughty Nhu Naughty

Nevayah Nice Nhyle Nice

Neve Naughty Ni Naughty

Nevea Nice Nia Nice

332 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Niah Nice Nickbraden Nice

Niall Nice Nickea Naughty

Niam Naughty Nickee Nice

Niamh Nice Nickey Nice

Niasha Nice Nicki Nice

Niassa Nice Nicklas Naughty

Nib Naughty Nicklaus Nice

Nic Nice Nicko Naughty

Nicanor Naughty Nickolai Nice

Nicaya Nice Nickolas Nice

Nicci Naughty Nickolaus Naughty

Nicco Naughty Nickole Nice

Niccolas Nice Nickoli Naughty

Niccole Nice Nickolis Nice

Niccolo Nice Nicky Nice

Nicette Naughty Nico Nice

Nichelle Nice Nicodemus Naughty

Nichol Nice Nicol Naughty

Nicholai Naughty Nicola Nice

Nicholas Nice Nicolai Nice

Nicholaus Nice Nicolas Nice

Nichole Nice Nicole Nice

Nicholie Nice Nicolee Nice

Nichollas Naughty Nicoletta Nice

Nicholson Naughty Nicolette Nice

Nicia Nice Nicolina Naughty

Nick Nice Nicolle Nice

Nickalos Nice Nidhi Nice

333 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Nidia Nice Nikkita Nice

Nidza Naughty Nikko Nice

Nieast Nice Nikkol Nice

Niel Naughty Nikkole Naughty

Nield Nice Nikkolle Nice

Nielisa Naughty Nikky Naughty

Niels Naughty Niklas Nice

Nienke Naughty Niklaus Naughty

Nieve Naughty Niko Nice

Nigel Naughty Nikodimius Naughty

Nighye Naughty Nikola Naughty

Niibin Nice Nikolai Nice

Nija Naughty Nikolaj Nice

Nijole Naughty Nikolaos Naughty

Nika Nice Nikolas Nice

Nikaila Naughty Nikolay Nice

Nikaya Nice Nikole Naughty

Nikayla Naughty Nikoletta Naughty

Nikaylee Naughty Nikoli Nice

Nikeah Nice Nikolos Nice

Nikesia Naughty Nikuy Naughty

Nikhil Nice Nikyla Naughty

Nikhita Naughty Nikylynn Naughty

Niki Nice Nila Naughty

Nikia Nice Nilanthi Naughty

Nikiesha Naughty Nilay Nice

Nikita Nice Nilaydeep Nice

Nikki Nice Nilda Naughty

334 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Nile Naughty Nissa Nice

Niles Naughty Nita Nice

Nils Naughty Nitalia Naughty

Nilsa Naughty Nitika Naughty

Nim Nice Nitrous Nice

Nimit Nice Nittaya Naughty

Nimmo Naughty Niurmig Nice

Nina Nice Nivaan Nice

Ninnie Naughty Nivea Nice

Nino Nice Nivek Naughty

Ninoshka Naughty Nivitha Nice

Nionia Nice Nivyan Naughty

Niquita Nice Nix Nice

Nir Naughty Nixen Nice

Nira Naughty Nixie Naughty

Nirvana Nice Nixon Nice

Nisa Nice Nixxyn Naughty

Nisandro Nice Niya Nice

Nisanta Naughty Niyah Naughty

Nish Nice Niyla Nice

Nisha Naughty Niza Nice

Nishala Naughty Nizama Naughty

Nishan Nice Nizhoni Naughty

Nishelle Nice Nneka Naughty

Nishia Nice Noa Naughty

Nishita Naughty Noacia Naughty

Nisiah Naughty Noah Nice

Nisroc Nice Noalani Nice

335 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Noam Nice Nolan Nice

Nobie Naughty Nolen Naughty

Noble Nice Nolia Nice

Noca Naughty Nolie Naughty

Noctis Naughty Nolind Naughty

Noe Nice Nolon Nice

Noeh Nice Nolwynn Naughty

Noel Nice Nolyn Naughty

Noel’E Nice Nolynn Naughty

Noela Nice Noma Nice

Noelani Nice Nona Nice

Noelany Naughty Noni Naughty

Noeleen Nice Nonie Naughty

Noelia Nice Nonny Nice

Noelie Nice Noora Naughty

Noeline Nice Nora Nice

Noell Naughty Norah Nice

Noella Naughty Noraini Nice

Noelle Nice Noralynn Naughty

Noeme Naughty Norbert Naughty

Noemi Nice Norberto Nice

Noemie Nice Nordic Naughty

Noevia Naughty Nore Nice

Nofel Naughty Noreen Nice

Nohelli Naughty Norene Nice

Nohely Naughty Noreta Nice

Nola Nice Noretta Nice

Nolah Nice Nori Naughty

336 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Nori-Milan Nice Novaleigh Naughty

Noriano Nice Novalie Nice

Norie Nice Novalle Naughty

Norine Nice Novalyn Naughty

Norissa Nice Novella Nice

Norita Naughty Novey Nice

Norm Nice Novia Nice

Norma Nice Novice Naughty

Norman Nice Novin Naughty

Normand Naughty Nox Naughty

Normeni Nice Nuala Naughty

Norrah Naughty Nugget Nice

Norrin Nice Nuith Naughty

Norris Nice Nuka Naughty

North Nice Numidia Nice

Norton Naughty Nuno Naughty

Norval Naughty Nunzio Nice

Norvile Naughty Nury Nice

Norward Nice Nuryn Nice

Norwood Naughty Nusret Nice

Nory Naughty Ny’Jah Nice

Nouata Nice Ny’Keia Naughty

Nouhou Nice Ny’Layla Naughty

Nour Naughty Nya Nice

Nouyak Nice Nyah Nice

Nova Nice Nyameli Naughty

Novah Naughty Nyasia Naughty

Novalee Nice Nycholas Nice

337 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Nyckelas Nice O’Ryann Nice

Nyckole Nice Oaken Nice

Nycol Nice Oakes Naughty

Nydia Naughty Oakland Naughty

Nyeimah Naughty Oaklee Nice

Nyeka Naughty Oakleigh Naughty

Nyelli Nice Oaklen Nice

Nyima Nice Oakley Nice

Nyke Naughty Oaklie Nice

Nykee Nice Oaklii Nice

Nykiah Nice Oaklin Nice

Nykki Naughty Oaklyn Naughty

Nykolai Nice Oaklynd Nice

Nyla Nice Oaklynn Nice

Nyla’Rae Naughty Oarionna Nice

Nylah Nice Obe Naughty

Nylee Naughty Obed Naughty

Nyles Naughty Obelius Naughty

Nylire Nice Oberon Naughty

Nylo Nice Obi Nice

Nyna Nice Obie Nice

Nynke Naughty Obrad Naughty

Nyomi Naughty Obree Naughty

Nyra Nice Ocean Naughty

Nyree Nice Oceana Nice

Nysha Nice Oceane Naughty

Nyssa Nice Oceania Naughty

O’Ryan Nice Ocheiahna Naughty

338 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Ocie Nice Αnthi Naughty

Octa Naughty Oerto Naughty

Octave Naughty Ofelia Naughty

Octavia Nice Offie Nice

Octavian Nice Ofilio Naughty

Octaviano Naughty Ogden Naughty

Octavie Naughty Ogle Naughty

Octavio Nice Ohana Naughty

Octavius Nice Okalani Nice

October Nice Okeema Nice

Octobyr Nice Okehmos Nice

Oda Nice Okeolakeakua Nice

Odalis Nice Okey Naughty

Odalys Nice Oksana Naughty

Oddie Naughty Oktober Nice

Odeh Nice Ola Naughty

Odelia Nice Olaf Nice

Odell Nice Olaide Nice

Oden Nice Olalia Nice

Odessa Nice Olalua Naughty

Odette Nice Olan Naughty

Odi Naughty Oland Naughty

Odie Naughty Olar Nice

Odile Nice Ole Naughty

Odilia Naughty Olea Nice

Odin Nice Olen Nice

Odis Nice Olena Naughty

Odus Nice Olene Naughty

339 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Olesya Naughty Ollee Naughty

Oleta Nice Olli Naughty

Olevia Naughty Ollianna Naughty

Oley Naughty Ollie Nice

Olga Nice Ollievia Nice

Oli Naughty Ollivander Naughty

Oliana Nice Ollivandria Nice

Oliand Naughty Ollivar Nice

Olida Nice Olly Naughty

Olie Naughty Ollyver Nice

Olin Nice Olof Naughty

Olinda Naughty Olson Naughty

Oline Naughty Olton Naughty

Oliva Nice Olvin Naughty

Olive Nice Olympia Nice

Olivea Nice Olyve Nice

Oliveah Naughty Olyvia Nice

Oliver Nice Oma Naughty

Oliveretta Naughty Omar Nice

Olivia Nice Omari Naughty

Olivia_B Naughty Omarion Naughty

Olivia-Ann Naughty Omeka Naughty

Oliviah Naughty Omer Naughty

Oliviana Nice Omi Nice

Olivier Nice Omie Naughty

Olivine Nice Ommar Nice

Olivionna Naughty Omni Naughty

Olivya Naughty Ona Naughty

340 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Onalee Naughty Orchid Naughty

Ondrea Nice Orelia Nice

Ondria Naughty Orell Naughty

Oneal Naughty Oren Nice

Oneida Nice Orenda Nice

Onessa Nice Orene Naughty

Oneta Nice Oreo Naughty

Oney Nice Orfelina Nice

Oni Nice Orhun Nice

Onie Naughty Oriah Naughty

Onieka Nice Oriana Naughty

Onika Nice Oriane Nice

Onnie Naughty Orianna Naughty

Ontario Naughty Orianthi Naughty

Onyekachi Naughty Orie Naughty

Onyx Nice Oriel Nice

Oona Nice Orielle Naughty

Opal Nice Orilla Nice

Opha Nice Orin Nice

Ophelia Nice Orio Naughty

Opie Naughty Orion Nice

Ora Nice Oris Nice

Orah Naughty Oriyelle Naughty

Oral Nice Orla Naughty

Oralia Naughty Orlagh Naughty

Oran Naughty Orlaith Naughty

Orange Naughty Orland Nice

Orben Naughty Orlanden Naughty

341 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Orlando Nice Orvin Naughty

Orlena Naughty Orvis Naughty

Orley Nice Oryn Naughty

Orlin Naughty Osa Naughty

Orlina Naughty Osbaldo Naughty

Orline Nice Osbert Nice

Orlo Nice Osborn Naughty

Orma Naughty Osborne Naughty

Ormani Naughty Oscar Nice

Ormon Naughty Osha Nice

Oroku Nice Osi Nice

Oromia Nice Osiah Nice

Orontes Nice Osias Naughty

Orpha Nice Osie Naughty

Orra Nice Osiel Naughty

Orran Nice Osiris Nice

Orren Naughty Oskar Naughty

Orrie Nice Oslin Naughty

Orrin Nice Oslo Nice

Orris Nice Osman Naughty

Orry Naughty Osmer Naughty

Orson Naughty Osrouge Naughty

Orva-Lee Naughty Ossie Nice

Orval Nice Osta Nice

Orvel Naughty Ostynn Naughty

Orvil Naughty Osvaldo Naughty

Orvilia Nice Oswald Naughty

Orville Nice Oswaldo Nice

342 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Oswin Nice Ovila Nice

Oswyn Nice Owain Naughty

Ota Nice Owen Nice

Otabek Naughty Owens Nice

Otelia Naughty Owyn Nice

Otha Naughty Oxford Naughty

Othel Nice Oxley Nice

Otho Naughty Oz Naughty

Otilia Naughty Ozell Naughty

Otillia Naughty Ozella Nice

Otis Nice Oziah Naughty

Otoniera Naughty Ozias Nice

Ott Naughty Ozie Naughty

Otter Nice Ozlem Naughty

Ottie Naughty Ozma Nice

Ottilia Nice Ozsmain Nice

Ottilie Nice Ozzie Naughty

Ottis Nice Ozzy Naughty

Otto Nice Pa Nice

Otzlee Nice Paa’Ayat Naughty

Ouida Nice Paal Nice

Ousmane Naughty Pablo Nice

Ova Naughty Paccen Nice

Ovanes Nice Pace Naughty

Ovelia Nice Pacen Nice

Ovid Naughty Pacey Naughty

Ovie Nice Pacia Naughty

Oviet Naughty Pacific Naughty

343 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Paco Nice Paislee Nice

Pacyn Naughty Paisleigh Naughty

Padame Nice Paisley Nice

Paden Naughty Paislie Naughty

Padme Naughty Paisly Naughty

Padraic Naughty Paislynn Naughty

Padraig Naughty Paison Naughty

Padrick Naughty Paisyn Nice

Padyn Naughty Paiten Nice

Paelynn Naughty Paiton Naughty

Paesyn Nice Paityn Nice

Paetyn Nice Paitynn Naughty

Paetynn Naughty Paizlee Nice

Paeyton Nice Paizleigh Nice

Pagan Nice Paizley Naughty

Pagan-Leigh Naughty Paizlie Nice

Page Nice Palaur Nice

Paidon Nice Pallas Naughty

Paifee Naughty Pallie Nice

Paige Nice Palma Naughty

Paigelynne Nice Palmer Nice

Paighton Naughty Palmira Naughty

Paightyn Naughty Palo Naughty

Paije Nice Paloma Nice

Paike Nice Palynn Nice

Pailyn Nice Pam Nice

Pairlee Nice Pamala Nice

Paisha Naughty Pamela Nice

344 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Pamelia Naughty Parnell Naughty

Pamella Naughty Parri Nice

Pami Nice Parrish Naughty

Panagiota Nice Parson Naughty

Panat Naughty Parthenia Nice

Pancho Nice Parul Nice

Panda Naughty Pascal Naughty

Pandee Nice Pascual Nice

Pandella Nice Pashion Naughty

Pandora Nice Pashlyn Nice

Pang Nice Paskal Naughty

Pansy Nice Pasquale Nice

Panther Naughty Passionnay Naughty

Paola Nice Pat Nice

Paolo Nice Patch Nice

Papa Nice Patches Naughty

Paralee Nice Pate Naughty

Parb Naughty Pateley Naughty

Parecha Naughty Patelyn Nice

Pari Naughty Patersyn Naughty

Paris Nice Pateyn Nice

Parissa Nice Patie Nice

Park Naughty Patie(Ence) Naughty

Parker Nice Patience Nice

Parkir Naughty Patina Naughty

Parkyr Naughty Patria Naughty

Parlee Nice Patric Nice

Parley Nice Patrica Naughty

345 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Patrice Nice Pauly Naughty

Patricia Nice Pausha Naughty

Patricio Nice Pavel Nice

Patrick Nice Pavle Nice

Patrizia Naughty Pawan Nice

Patryk Nice Pawel Nice

Patsy Nice Pax Naughty

Patsyjo Nice Paxon Naughty

Pattaya Naughty Paxtin Naughty

Patten Naughty Paxton Nice

Patterson Nice Payaam Naughty

Patti Nice Payal Nice

Pattie Nice Paycen Naughty

Patton Nice Payday Nice

Patty Nice Payden Naughty

Pau Nice Paydin Naughty

Paul Nice Paydon Nice

Paula Nice Payeton Nice

Paulamartinez Naughty Payge Naughty

Paule Nice Paylynn Nice

Paulee Nice Paymon Naughty

Pauletta Naughty Payne Nice

Paulette Nice Paysen Nice

Paulie Nice Payslee Nice

Paulina Nice Paysli Nice

Pauline Nice Payson Nice

Paulo Naughty Payten Nice

Paulux Naughty Paytin Nice

346 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Payton Nice Pee Nice

Paytra Nice Peen Naughty

Paytton Naughty Pegeen Naughty

Paytyn Nice Peggie Naughty

Paytyne Nice Peggy Nice

Payzlee Nice Pegi Nice

Payzlie Nice Peige Naughty

Pazita Naughty Peighton Nice

Peace Naughty Peightyn Nice

Peach Nice Peka Naughty

Peaches Nice Peleveu Naughty

Peadar Naughty Pelham Nice

Peanut Nice Peliah Nice

Pearce Nice Pemberley Naughty

Pearl Nice Pembrook Nice

Pearla Naughty Penbrooke Nice

Pearle Naughty Pendleton Nice

Pearlene Naughty Pendra Nice

Pearley Nice Penelope Nice

Pearlie Nice Peni Naughty

Pearline Nice Penley Naughty

Pearly Nice Penn Naughty

Pearson Naughty Penney Nice

Peary Naughty Penni Nice

Pebble’S Nice Pennie Naughty

Pebbles Naughty Pennley Nice

Pedram Naughty Penny Nice

Pedro Nice Pennye Naughty

347 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Penton Nice Pete Nice

Pepper Nice Peter Nice

Per Nice Petra Naughty

Percival Nice Petrina Naughty

Percy Nice Petros Nice

Perdy Naughty Petunia Naughty

Peregrine Naughty Peycie Naughty

Pereguin Naughty Peyote Naughty

Perla Nice Peyson Nice

Perley Naughty Peytan Naughty

Permelia Naughty Peyten Nice

Pernel Naughty Peytin Nice

Pernell Nice Peyton Nice

Pernilla Nice Pha Naughty

Perpetua Nice Phadre Naughty

Perran Naughty Phaedra Naughty

Perri Naughty Phakin Naughty

Perrin Naughty Phalen Naughty

Perry Nice Phallyn Nice

Perryn Nice Phan Nice

Perseis Naughty Pharaoh Nice

Persephone Nice Pharoh Naughty

Persephonie Naughty Phaze Nice

Perseus Naughty Phebe Nice

Pershing Nice Phebi Naughty

Persidus Naughty Phedre Naughty

Peso Naughty Phelix Nice

Peta Nice Phenix Nice

348 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Phenyx Naughty Phoibe Naughty

Pheobe Naughty Phonesay Nice

Pheonix Nice Phong Naughty

Phetsamone Naughty Phoua Nice

Phi Nice Phronsie Nice

Phil Nice Phung Naughty

Philetta Nice Phuong Nice

Philicia Nice Phylicia Nice

Philip Nice Phylis Naughty

Philippa Nice Phylisha Nice

Philippe Naughty Phyliss Naughty

Phillip Nice Phyllis Nice

Phillipa Naughty Phynix Naughty

Phillis Naughty Phynlie Naughty

Philo Nice Pia Nice

Philomena Nice Picca Nice

Philomene Naughty Pieper Naughty

Philomina Naughty Pierce Nice

Phin Nice Piercen Nice

Phina Nice Pierre Nice

Phineas Naughty Piers Naughty

Phinley Naughty Pierson Nice

Phinnic Naughty Pieter Naughty

Phoebe Nice Pilar Nice

Phoebie Nice Pink Naughty

Phoebus Naughty Pinkesh Naughty

Phoenix Nice Pinkey Naughty

Phoenyx Naughty Pinkie Nice

349 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Pinkleberry Nice Pliney Nice

Pinkney Naughty Pluma Nice

Pinnellopii Nice Plummer Naughty

Pinya Nice Poco Nice

Pip Naughty Poe Nice

Piper Nice Poet Nice

Pippa Nice Pola Naughty

Pippi Naughty Polina Naughty

Pippin Naughty Polk Nice

Pips Nice Pollie Nice

Pipzy Naughty Polly Naughty

Pira Naughty Polly-Mai Naughty

Piran Naughty Polo Nice

Pirate Nice Pompeo Nice

Pita Nice Poncho Nice

Pitchya Nice Pono Nice

Pius Nice Pooja Naughty

Pixel Naughty Pooka Naughty

Pixi Naughty Pooky Naughty

Pixie Naughty Poop Nice

Pixley Nice Pooria Naughty

Pj Nice Poppie Nice

Plaxico Naughty Poppy Nice

Pleas Nice Porfirio Naughty

Pleasant Naughty Porky Nice

Pleione Naughty Porsche Naughty

Ples Naughty Porschia Nice

Pleun Nice Porsha Naughty

350 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Porshua Nice Presayiase Nice

Porter Nice Prescilla Nice

Portia Naughty Prescott Nice

Poseidon Nice Preslee Naughty

Posey Nice Presleigh Naughty

Posie Nice Presley Nice

Potter Naughty Presli Nice

Powell Nice Preslie Naughty

Prai Nice Presliegh Nice

Praise Nice Preslyn Naughty

Prakash Nice Press Naughty

Pranav Naughty Prestin Nice

Pranshi Nice Preston Nice

Pranya Naughty Prestyn Naughty

Prari Naughty Pretzel Nice

Prarie Naughty Previn Nice

Prasad Naughty Prexa Nice

Prashneel Naughty Prezlie Naughty

Pratik Nice Price Nice

Pratt Nice Pricilla Naughty

Praveen Naughty Prily Nice

Praxton Naughty Primrose Naughty

Pray Naughty Primus Nice

Precious Naughty Prin Nice

Pree Naughty Prince Nice

Preeyaporn Naughty Princess Nice

Prentice Naughty Princeton Nice

Prentiss Naughty Printice Nice

351 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Prisaya Nice Purle Naughty

Prisca Nice Purseis Naughty

Priscila Nice Pyolla Nice

Priscilla Nice Pyper Naughty

Priseis Naughty Pysha Naughty

Priti Nice Q Nice

Priya Naughty Qahara Naughty

Priyank Naughty Qaiyaana Naughty

Priyanka Nice Qasim Naughty

Priyasha Naughty Qhloe Nice

Procter Nice Qian Naughty

Promise Nice Qiana Naughty

Prophet Naughty Qiara Naughty

Prosper Nice Qira Nice

Providenza Naughty Qua Naughty

Pru Nice Quade Naughty

Prudence Nice Quadree Nice

Prudie Naughty Quaid Nice

Prunella Nice Quandra Nice

Pryce Naughty Quang Naughty

Pryor Nice Quantae Nice

Psydin Nice Quantrise Nice

Psylocke Nice Quanyea Nice

Pudding Nice Queen Naughty

Pugsley Nice Queenie Nice

Pujan Naughty Quent Naughty

Puneet Naughty Quenten Naughty

Purl Nice Quentin Nice

352 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Querina Nice Quintus Nice

Quest Nice Quiterrius Naughty

Quetcy Nice Qully Naughty

Quetzalcoatl Naughty Quorra Naughty

Quez Naughty Quyen Naughty

Qui Naughty Quynn Nice

Qui’Shaun Nice Qwen Nice

Quiana Nice Qwynn Naughty

Quiera Naughty R’Naysia Nice

Quiesshia Naughty Ra Naughty

Quill Nice Ra’Niya Nice

Quim Naughty Ra’Shawn Naughty

Quin Nice Raahil Nice

Quinardo Naughty Raassan Naughty

Quince Naughty Rabecca Naughty

Quincy Nice Rabia Nice

Quinita Nice Rabih Naughty

Quinlan Naughty Race Nice

Quinlynn Naughty Racelee Nice

Quinn Nice Racer Naughty

Quinnley Nice Racetin Nice

Quint Naughty Rachael Nice

Quinta Naughty Rachal Naughty

Quintana Nice Racheal Nice

Quintell Nice Rachel Nice

Quinten Nice Rachele Naughty

Quintin Nice Rachell Nice

Quinton Nice Rachelle Nice

353 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Rachid Naughty Raeghan Naughty

Racine Naughty Raegyn Naughty

Rackell Nice Raekwon Nice

Racquel Nice Raelah Naughty

Racquelle Nice Raelan Nice

Racy Naughty Raeleah Nice

Racyn Nice Raelee Nice

Radames Nice Raeleen Nice

Raddiel Nice Raelei Naughty

Radek Nice Raeleigh Naughty

Raden Naughty Raelen Nice

Radford Nice Raelene Nice

Radke Nice Raeley Nice

Radleigh Naughty Raelie Naughty

Radley Nice Raelin Naughty

Radomir Nice Raelina Naughty

Radson Naughty Raelyn Nice

Rae Nice Raelynn Nice

Raeagn Naughty Raelynne Naughty

Raeann Naughty Raemi Naughty

Raeanna Nice Raemielle Naughty

Raeannah Naughty Raemond Naughty

Raechal Naughty Raena Nice

Raechel Nice Raesena Nice

Raedetta Nice Raeshuna Nice

Raedyn Nice Raevan Naughty

Raegan Nice Raevin Nice

Raegen Nice Raevyn Nice

354 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Raevynn Nice Raia Naughty

Raevynora Naughty Raiah Nice

Raewyn Naughty Raiden Nice

Raeya Nice Raider Naughty

Raeyn Naughty Raidyn Nice

Rafael Nice Raie Nice

Rafaela Nice Raigan Nice

Rafay Naughty Raijahn Nice

Rafe Nice Raik Naughty

Raffaele Nice Railee Nice

Rafferty Naughty Railey Naughty

Raffi Naughty Railyn Nice

Ragan Nice Railynn Nice

Rage Nice Rain Naughty

Ragen Naughty Raina Nice

Ragena Nice Rainan Naughty

Ragence Naughty Rainbow Nice

Raghunandan Nice Rainbowkato Nice

Ragna Nice Raine Nice

Ragnor Nice Rainer Nice

Raheem Naughty Rainey Nice

Rahel Nice Raini Naughty

Rahmeir Nice Rainier Naughty

Rahmya Nice Rainn Nice

Rahn Nice Rainy Naughty

Rahsaan Naughty Raisa Nice

Rahul Naughty Raissa Naughty

Rai Nice Raistlin Naughty

355 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Raistlyn Nice Ramesh Naughty

Raith Naughty Ramey Nice

Raiven Naughty Ramezmay Nice

Raivin Naughty Rami Naughty

Raiya Naughty Ramie Nice

Raiynee Naughty Ramiel Nice

Raiyu Naughty Ramin Nice

Raj Naughty Ramir Naughty

Rajah Naughty Ramiro Nice

Rajan Naughty Ramiyah Nice

Rajanekwa Naughty Ramiza Nice

Rajani Nice Ramkartar Nice

Rajendra Naughty Ramon Nice

Rajesh Naughty Ramona Nice

Rajon Nice Ramsay Nice

Rakeed Nice Ramses Naughty

Rakeem Naughty Ramsey Nice

Rakesh Nice Ramzey Nice

Raleigh Nice Ramzy Nice

Raliee Naughty Rana Nice

Ralina Naughty Ranada Nice

Rally Naughty Ranae Nice

Ralph Nice Rance Naughty

Ramanda Naughty Rand Naughty

Ramariyah Nice Randa Nice

Rambler Nice Randal Naughty

Rambo Naughty Randall Nice

Ramel Nice Randallyn Nice

356 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Rande Naughty Rankin Nice

Randee Naughty Ranny Naughty

Randel Naughty Ranon Nice

Randele Naughty Ranonia Nice

Randell Nice Ransley Nice

Randen Nice Ransom Nice

Randhy Naughty Raoul Naughty

Randi Nice Raphael Naughty

Randiel Nice Raphaella Nice

Randito Naughty Raquan Nice

Randiv Naughty Raquel Nice

Randle Naughty Rarity Nice

Randolf Naughty Ras Naughty

Randolph Nice Rasa Naughty

Randon Nice Rasana Naughty

Randy Nice Rasean Naughty

Rane Nice Rash Nice

Ranea Nice Rashaad Naughty

Ranee Nice Rashaan Naughty

Raneka Nice Rashad Nice

Raney Naughty Rashard Nice

Ranfis Nice Rashaun Naughty

Ranger Naughty Rashawn Nice

Rani Naughty Rashay Nice

Rania Nice Rashed Naughty

Ranilo Naughty Rasheed Nice

Ranita Nice Rashelle Nice

Ranjit Naughty Rashida Nice

357 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Rashnyl Nice Rawlings Nice

Rashunda Nice Rawlins Nice

Rask Naughty Rawson Nice

Rasmus Naughty Ray Nice

Raso Nice Ray’Mere Nice

Rasue Nice Raya Nice

Ratih Nice Rayah Naughty

Rauchelle Nice Rayan Nice

Raudy Nice Rayana Naughty

Raul Nice Rayann Nice

Rauley Nice Rayanna Nice

Rauna Nice Rayburn Naughty

Rauni Naughty Rayce Nice

Ravay Nice Raycen Naughty

Raveena Naughty Raycer Nice

Raven Nice Raychel Nice

Ravena Naughty Raychil Nice

Ravi Naughty Rayden Naughty

Raviene Nice Raydin Nice

Ravin Nice Raydon Naughty

Ravina Nice Raye Nice

Ravinder Nice Rayelyn Naughty

Ravinna Naughty Rayemon Nice

Ravyn Nice Rayette Nice

Rawlee Nice Rayfield Nice

Rawley Nice Rayford Naughty

Rawli Nice Raygan Nice

Rawling Nice Raygen Naughty

358 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Rayghen Nice Rayne Nice

Rayhan Naughty Rayni Nice

Rayhne Naughty Raynold Nice

Rayla Naughty Raynor Nice

Raylan Nice Rayon Naughty

Rayland Nice Rayonna Naughty

Raylea Naughty Rayshawn Nice

Raylee Nice Raysia Naughty

Rayleen Nice Rayvan Nice

Rayleigh Nice Rayvone Naughty

Rayleigha Nice Rayya Naughty

Raylein Naughty Rayzer Nice

Raylen Nice Raza Naughty

Raylena Nice Razia Nice

Raylene Nice Raziel Naughty

Raylia Naughty Raziya Nice

Raylie Nice Raztin Naughty

Raylin Nice Re Nice

Raylon Nice Re-Nashia Nice

Raylynn Nice Rea Nice

Rayman Naughty Reade Nice

Rayme Naughty Reagan Nice

Raymon Nice Reagen Naughty

Raymond Nice Reaghan Naughty

Raymundo Nice Reah Nice

Rayn Nice Realynn Naughty

Rayna Nice Reann Nice

Raynard Naughty Reanna Nice

359 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Rease Nice Redmund Nice

Reason Nice Reece Nice

Reatha Naughty Reeco Naughty

Reba Nice Reed Nice

Rebbeca Nice Reeda Naughty

Rebbica Naughty Reef Naughty

Rebeca Nice Reegan Nice

Rebecca Nice Reem Naughty

Rebecca-Craske Nice Reemah Nice

Rebeccah Nice Reena Naughty

Rebecha Nice Reesa Naughty

Rebecka Naughty Reese Nice

Rebeka Naughty Reeslyn Nice

Rebekah Nice Reeva Naughty

Rebekha Nice Reeve Nice

Rebekka Nice Refugio Naughty

Rebekkah Naughty Reg Naughty

Rebel Nice Regan Nice

Rebel-Lynn Nice Regena Nice

Rech Naughty Regenia Nice

Reco Nice Reggie Nice

Red Nice Reghan Nice

Redden Naughty Regilean Nice

Redding Nice Regina Nice

Reddison Naughty Reginal Nice

Redifer Naughty Reginald Nice

Reding Naughty Reginalel Naughty

Redmond Nice Regis Nice

360 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Regulo Naughty Reishi Nice

Regulus Naughty Reiss Naughty

Rehan Naughty Rejae Nice

Rehema Nice Reka Nice

Rei Nice Rekha Nice

Reia Naughty Reliner Nice

Reid Nice Rella Nice

Reigan Naughty Rellaann Naughty

Reighanna Naughty Remco Naughty

Reign Nice Remee Naughty

Reileigh Naughty Remi Nice

Reilena Naughty Remie Naughty

Reiley Nice Remiel Nice

Reilleigh Nice Remington Nice

Reilly Nice Remingtyn Nice

Reilyn Nice Remle Naughty

Reilynn Nice Remmey Nice

Reina Nice Remmi Naughty

Reinaldo Naughty Remmie Nice

Reinard Naughty Remmington Nice

Reine Naughty Remo Nice

Reiner Naughty Remonte Naughty

Reinhardt Nice Remus Nice

Reinhold Nice Remy Nice

Reino Naughty Ren Naughty

Reis Naughty Rena Nice

Reise Naughty Renada Nice

Reisha Nice Renae Nice

361 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Renald Naughty Renika Nice

Renaldo Nice Renita Nice

Renan Nice Renjy Nice

Renard Nice Renlee Nice

Renata Naughty Renleigh Naughty

Renate Nice Renley Naughty

Renato Naughty Renly Naughty

Renaud Nice Renn Nice

Renay Naughty Renna Naughty

Renaye Nice Renner Nice

Renda Naughty Rennette Nice

Rendee Naughty Rennie Nice

Rendell Naughty Renny Naughty

Rendy Nice Reno Nice

Rene Nice Renona Nice

Rene’ Nice Renu Naughty

Renea Nice Renzo Naughty

Renee Nice Reo Nice

Renegade Nice Reshell Nice

Reneiya Nice Ressie Nice

Renell Naughty Resti Naughty

Renesmae Nice Reta Naughty

Renesmee Nice Retha Nice

Renetta Nice Rett Naughty

Renia Naughty Retta Nice

Renie Nice Rettie Nice

Renieke Nice Reuben Nice

Renier Naughty Reubin Nice

362 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Reva Nice Reynolds Naughty

Revan Naughty Reyvion Nice

Revana Naughty Reza Naughty

Reveca Naughty Rezmaree Naughty

Revee Naughty Reznor Naughty

Reveka Nice Rhaea Naughty

Reven Nice Rhaeka Naughty

Revere Nice Rhaimy Naughty

Reverie Nice Rhain Naughty

Revin Nice Rhalanda Nice

Revonda Naughty Rhaleigh Naughty

Rex Nice Rhanii Naughty

Rexford Nice Rhapsody Nice

Rey Nice Rhaquel Naughty

Reya Nice Rhayne Nice

Reyansh Nice Rhea Nice

Reyd Naughty Rheagan Nice

Reye-Jean Nice Rhealee Naughty

Reyes Naughty Rhealyn Nice

Reygan Nice Rheani Nice

Reylen Naughty Rheanna Naughty

Reylyn Nice Rheanon Naughty

Reyn Naughty Rheddik Naughty

Reyna Naughty Rheesa Nice

Reyna-Jo Naughty Rhema Naughty

Reynaldo Nice Rhemi Naughty

Reynen Nice Rhen Nice

Reynold Nice Rhenelle Naughty

363 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Rheta Naughty Rhyann Nice

Rhett Nice Rhyatt Nice

Rhettley Nice Rhyden Nice

Rheva Nice Rhyder Nice

Rhey Nice Rhydian Naughty

Rhian Naughty Rhyelin Nice

Rhiana Nice Rhyker Nice

Rhianna Nice Rhylan Nice

Rhiannon Nice Rhyle Naughty

Rhianon Nice Rhylee Nice

Rhianydd Nice Rhylei Nice

Rhielle Nice Rhyleigh Nice

Rhielyn Nice Rhylen Naughty

Rhiley Nice Rhyley Naughty

Rhiza Nice Rhylie Naughty

Rho Nice Rhylin Naughty

Rhoda Nice Rhynel Nice

Rhode Naughty Rhys Nice

Rhodie Naughty Rhythm Naughty

Rhogen Nice Ri’Niyah Naughty

Rhome Nice Ria Naughty

Rhomii Naughty Riah Nice

Rhona Nice Riahbell Naughty

Rhonda Nice Riaien Naughty

Rhoper Nice Rialey Naughty

Rhory Nice Rian Nice

Rhya Naughty Riana Nice

Rhyan Naughty Rianah Nice

364 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Riane Nice Ricky Nice

Riann Nice Rico Nice

Rianna Naughty Rida Nice

Rianne Naughty Riddic Naughty

Riannon Nice Riddick Nice

Riavon Naughty Riddik Nice

Ric Nice Rider Nice

Rica Nice Ridge Nice

Ricardo Nice Ridley Nice

Ricci Naughty Rieghlee Naughty

Rice Nice Rielle Naughty

Rich Naughty Rielly Nice

Richae Naughty Rielon Nice

Richalie Naughty Riely Naughty

Richanne Naughty Rielynn Nice

Richar Naughty Riena Nice

Richard Nice Rienna Nice

Richaud Naughty Rienna-Mai Naughty

Richelle Nice Riese Nice

Richie Nice Riften Naughty

Richmond Naughty Rigby Naughty

Rick Nice Rigel Naughty

Rickell Nice Riggin Naughty

Rickelle Nice Riggins Naughty

Rickey Nice Riggs Nice

Ricki Naughty Rigoberto Nice

Rickie Nice Rigr Naughty

Ricks Nice Rihanna Naughty

365 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Riian Naughty Rinley Nice

Rika Nice Rinnah Naughty

Riker Naughty Rino Nice

Riki Naughty Rinoa Nice

Rikishia Nice Rinyjah Nice

Rikki Nice Rio Nice

Rikkie Naughty Rion Nice

Rikus Naughty Rionna Nice

Rilan Nice Riordan Nice

Rilee Nice Riot Naughty

Rileigh Nice Riott Naughty

Rilen Naughty Ripken Nice

Rilex Naughty Ripley Nice

Riley Nice Ripple Nice

Rileyann Naughty Risa Naughty

Riliegh Nice Risen Naughty

Rilla Naughty Riser Nice

Rilli Nice Risha Naughty

Rillie Naughty Rishann Naughty

Rilya Nice Rishi Nice

Rilyn Naughty Rishon Nice

Rilynn Nice Rishona Naughty

Rilynne Nice Risley Naughty

Rin Naughty Riso Naughty

Rina Naughty Rissa Nice

Rinda Nice Rista Nice

Rindi Nice Riston Nice

Rini Naughty Rita Nice

366 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Ritabella Nice Roane Nice

Ritchie Naughty Roanin Naughty

Ritesh Naughty Roanna Nice

Ritsy Nice Roarke Naughty

Ritter Nice Rob Nice

Ritu Nice Robb Nice

Ritzel Nice Robbie Nice

Riven Naughty Robbin Nice

River Nice Robby Nice

Riverann Nice Robelle Naughty

Riverlyn Nice Robert Nice

Riverlynn Naughty Robert’) Naughty

Rivers Nice Roberta Nice

Riviera Naughty Roberto Nice

Rivkie Nice Robey Naughty

Riya Nice Robin Nice

Riyah Naughty Robinson Nice

Riyen Naughty Robley Naughty

Riyo Nice Robt Nice

Riza Nice Roby Naughty

Rizanna Nice Robyn Nice

Rj Nice Robyne Nice

Rlsine Nice Robynn Naughty

Roa Naughty Rocael Nice

Roadann Nice Rocco Nice

Roady Nice Rochell Naughty

Roami Nice Rochelle Nice

Roan Naughty Rochestellar Nice

367 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Rocio Nice Roena Nice

Rock Nice Roenick Naughty

Rocket Naughty Roeun Naughty

Rockie Nice Roezali Nice

Rockwell Nice Rogan Nice

Rocky Nice Rogelia Naughty

Rocque Naughty Rogelio Nice

Rocston Naughty Rogen Naughty

Roczen Naughty Rogene Naughty

Rod Nice Roger Nice

Rodan Naughty Rogerine Nice

Roddy Nice Rogers Nice

Roderic Nice Rogina Naughty

Roderick Nice Rogue Naughty

Rodericus Naughty Rohan Nice

Rodger Nice Rohanda Naughty

Rodi Naughty Rohin Naughty

Rodlyn Naughty Rohit Nice

Rodney Nice Rohnol Nice

Rodolfo Nice Rohon Nice

Rodrick Naughty Roie Naughty

Rodrigo Nice Roisin Naughty

Rody Naughty Rok Nice

Roe Nice Rolan Nice

Roegan Naughty Roland Nice

Roei Naughty Rolanda Nice

Roel Naughty Rolando Nice

Roen Naughty Rolane Nice

368 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Rolayne Nice Romina Nice

Roleen Nice Romisa Naughty

Rolene Nice Romit Nice

Rolf Naughty Romma Nice

Roll Naughty Rommel Nice

Rolla Nice Romney Naughty

Rolland Nice Romona Naughty

Rollie Naughty Romulus Nice

Rollin Nice Romy Nice

Rollins Naughty Ron Nice

Rollo Nice Rona Naughty

Roma Nice Ronal Nice

Romaine Nice Ronald Nice

Roman Nice Ronaldo Naughty

Romana Naughty Ronan Nice

Romany Naughty Ronatta Nice

Romario Nice Ronda Nice

Romax Nice Rondal Nice

Rome Nice Ronette Nice

Romee Nice Roney Naughty

Romell Naughty Roni Naughty

Romella Naughty Ronica Naughty

Romello Nice Ronin Nice

Romeo Nice Ronit Nice

Romero Naughty Ronja Naughty

Romey Nice Ronly Naughty

Romi Naughty Ronna Naughty

Romie Naughty Ronnell Naughty

369 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Ronnelle Naughty Rosabella Naughty

Ronnette Naughty Rosabelle Nice

Ronni Nice Rosah Nice

Ronnie Nice Rosalba Naughty

Ronny Nice Rosalea Naughty

Ronon Naughty Rosalee Nice

Ronson Naughty Rosaleen Naughty

Rony Nice Rosaleigh Naughty

Rook Nice Rosalia Nice

Rookie Nice Rosalie Nice

Roosevelt Nice Rosalina Nice

Roosje Naughty Rosalind Nice

Roper Nice Rosalinda Nice

Roque Nice Rosaline Nice

Rora Naughty Rosalva Nice

Roralee Naughty Rosalyn Nice

Roran Naughty Rosalynda Naughty

Roree Nice Rosalynn Nice

Rorey Nice Rosamond Nice

Rori Nice Rosamund Nice

Rorick Naughty Rosana Nice

Rorie Naughty Rosann Naughty

Rorik Naughty Rosanna Nice

Rorilynn Nice Rosanne Naughty

Rorion Naughty Rosaria Naughty

Rory Nice Rosarina Naughty

Rosa Nice Rosario Nice

Rosabell Naughty Rosaura Nice

370 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Rosbelyn Naughty Roshawnda Nice

Rosco Nice Roshni Nice

Roscoe Nice Rosia Naughty

Rose Nice Rosie Nice

Roseabella Naughty Rosina Nice

Roseann Nice Rosio Nice

Roseanna Nice Rosita Naughty

Roseanne Nice Roslin Nice

Rosel Naughty Roslyn Naughty

Roselin Nice Roslynn Naughty

Roseline Naughty Ross Nice

Rosella Naughty Rossalyn Nice

Roselle Nice Rosser Naughty

Roselyn Nice Rossie Naughty

Roselynn Nice Roswell Nice

Roselynne Nice Rosy Nice

Rosemarie Nice Roszella Nice

Rosemary Nice Rotimi Nice

Rosemeen Nice Rouchan Nice

Rosena Naughty Rougui Nice

Rosenda Nice Rourke Nice

Rosendo Naughty Roux Nice

Rosetta Nice Rovy Naughty

Rosette Naughty Rowan Nice

Rosevelt Naughty Rowdeigh Naughty

Rosey Nice Rowdy Nice

Roshae Nice Rowen Nice

Roshan Nice Rowena Nice

371 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Rowin Naughty Rozaline Nice

Rowland Nice Rozalyn Naughty

Rownan Naughty Rozalynn Nice

Rowyn Nice Rozanne Nice

Rowynn Nice Rozaura Nice

Roxalynn Naughty Rozcoe Naughty

Roxana Nice Rozella Naughty

Roxane Naughty Rozelynn Nice

Roxann Naughty Rozie Naughty

Roxanna Nice Rozie-Jean Naughty

Roxanne Nice Rozlyn Naughty

Roxas Naughty Rozlynn Nice

Roxcell Naughty Ruairi Nice

Roxie Nice Ruan Nice

Roxy Nice Ruaridh Nice

Roxzelda Nice Rube Naughty

Roy Nice Ruben Nice

Roya Nice Rubi Nice

Royal Nice Rubiann Nice

Royale Nice Rubicel Nice

Royalty Naughty Rubie Nice

Royann Nice Rubin Nice

Royce Nice Rubontay Nice

Roydon Nice Rubun Naughty

Royice Nice Ruby Nice

Royson Naughty Rubye Naughty

Roza Nice Ruck Nice

Rozalin Nice Rucker Naughty

372 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Rudi Nice Ruperto Nice

Rudolf Nice Rupinderjit Naughty

Rudolfo Nice Rush Nice

Rudolph Nice Rushell Nice

Rudy Nice Rushia Nice

Rue Nice Ruslana Naughty

Rueben Nice Russ Naughty

Rueger Nice Russel Nice

Ruel Naughty Russell Nice

Ruffin Nice Russhell Nice

Ruffus Naughty Russia Nice

Rufino Naughty Russilla Nice

Rufus Naughty Rusti Nice

Rugar Nice Rustie Naughty

Ruger Nice Rustin Nice

Ruhee Nice Rusty Nice

Rui Naughty Ruta Nice

Ruie Naughty Rutger Nice

Rukia Naughty Ruth Nice

Rumer Naughty Rutha Naughty

Rumi Nice Ruthann Nice

Runa Nice Ruthanne Nice

Runar Naughty Ruthe Nice

Rune Naughty Rutherford Nice

Runjhun Naughty Ruthette Naughty

Runndley Nice Ruthie Nice

Rupa Nice Ruthye Nice

Rupert Nice Rutland Naughty

373 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Rutsell Nice Ryelle Naughty

Ruweido Naughty Ryelynn Nice

Ruxi Naughty Ryen Naughty

Ruxin Naughty Ryett Nice

Ruya Naughty Ryfle Nice

Ruzi Naughty Rygar Naughty

Ry Naughty Ryhanna Naughty

Rya Nice Ryja Naughty

Ryah Nice Ryka Nice

Ryan Nice Ryken Nice

Ryana Naughty Ryker Nice

Ryandeep Nice Rykin Nice

Ryann Nice Ryla Naughty

Ryanna Nice Rylan Nice

Ryanne Nice Ryland Nice

Ryatt Nice Rylann Nice

Rychie Naughty Rylea Naughty

Rydell Naughty Ryleah Nice

Ryden Nice Rylee Nice

Ryder Nice Ryleigh Nice

Rydia Naughty Ryleighann Nice

Rydin Nice Ryleii Nice

Rye Naughty Rylen Nice

Ryea Naughty Rylenn Naughty

Ryean Naughty Ryler Nice

Ryeken Nice Ryley Nice

Ryelan Naughty Ryli Nice

Ryelee Naughty Rylie Nice

374 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Ryliee Nice Ryzea Naughty

Ryliegh Naughty Rzel Naughty

Rylieghn Nice Sa’Riah Naughty

Rylin Nice Sa’Tiah Nice

Ryling Nice Saadia Nice

Rylinn Naughty Saahil Naughty

Ryllie Nice Saajid Nice

Rylon Nice Saanvi Naughty

Rylund Naughty Saarah Nice

Rylyn Nice Saba Naughty

Rylynn Nice Sabastian Nice

Rylynne Naughty Sabastion Naughty

Ryman Nice Sabdha Nice

Ryne Nice Sabella Nice

Rynlee Nice Saber Naughty

Rynleigh Nice Sabina Nice

Rynn Naughty Sabine Nice

Ryon Naughty Sabino Nice

Ryot Nice Sabitas Nice

Ryott Nice Sable Naughty

Ryseen Nice Sabra Naughty

Ryson Naughty Sabre Naughty

Ryu Naughty Sabrena Nice

Ryuta Naughty Sabria Nice

Ryvan Nice Sabrie Nice

Ryver Naughty Sabriel Nice

Ryyah Nice Sabriella Naughty

Ryza Nice Sabrielle Naughty

375 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Sabrina Nice Safy Naughty

Sabrya Naughty Safyre Nice

Sabryna Naughty Saga Naughty

Sacara Nice Sagan Naughty

Sacha Nice Sage Nice

Sachi Nice Sagen Nice

Sachie Naughty Sager Nice

Sachin Naughty Sagis Naughty

Sacred Nice Sahailie Naughty

Sada Nice Sahale Nice

Sade Naughty Sahalie-Rose Naughty

Sadee Naughty Sahar Nice

Sadia Nice Sahara Nice

Sadiah Naughty Sahasra Naughty

Sadie Nice Sahib Naughty

Sadie-Grace Naughty Sahil Nice

Sadler Naughty Sahira Naughty

Sadrean Naughty Sahlan Nice

Sadye Nice Sahmaya Nice

Saena Nice Sahmere Nice

Saeng Naughty Sahra Naughty

Safari Nice Sahrai Nice

Safeya Naughty Sahrain Nice

Saffron Nice Sahvanna Naughty

Safia Naughty Saibh Naughty

Safiya Naughty Saida Nice

Safiyah Naughty Saidy Naughty

Safkmjivjdz Naughty Saige Nice

376 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Saikeem Naughty Salemesther Nice

Saila Nice Salena Naughty

Sailah Nice Salene Nice

Sailele Nice Salesha Nice

Saille Naughty Salih Naughty

Sailor Nice Salima Nice

Sailosi Nice Salina Nice

Saimol Nice Saline Nice

Saina Nice Salish Naughty

Saint Naughty Sallee Nice

Saira Nice Sallie Nice

Sairah Naughty Sally Nice

Saire Nice Salma Naughty

Saisha Naughty Salme Nice

Saiya Naughty Salome Nice

Saja Nice Salomon Naughty

Sakari Naughty Salum Naughty

Sakine Nice Salvador Nice

Sakira Nice Salvatore Nice

Sakorrah Naughty Sam Nice

Sakura Nice Samaad Nice

Sal Naughty Samaire Nice

Salee Naughty Samaiya Nice

Saleem Nice Samaiyah Nice

Saleen Nice Samaladak Nice

Saleena Naughty Samanda Naughty

Saleeqa Naughty Samantha Nice

Salem Nice Samanvitha Naughty

377 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Samara Nice Samson Nice

Samarah Nice Samual Nice

Samaria Nice Samud Naughty

Samariana Nice Samuel Nice

Samatha Nice Samuele Nice

Samaya Naughty Samwell Naughty

Samazy Nice Samwise Nice

Sameer Naughty Samya Naughty

Sameera Nice Samyah Naughty

Samenda Naughty Samyra Nice

Sameth Naughty San Nice

Sami Naughty San-Mari Naughty

Samia Nice Sanaa Nice

Samie Naughty Sanaaya Nice

Samina Naughty Sanai Naughty

Samir Nice Sanaia Naughty

Samira Nice Sanaiya Nice

Samirah Naughty Sanchit Nice

Samiya Naughty Sancia Nice

Sammantha Nice Sandee Nice

Sammi Naughty Sandeep Nice

Sammie Nice Sanders Nice

Sammuel Nice Sandhya Naughty

Sammy Nice Sandi Nice

Samona Naughty Sandie Naughty

Sampson Nice Sandiya Naughty

Samra Naughty Sandora Nice

Samrat Nice Sandoval Naughty

378 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Sandra Nice Santos Nice

Sandrina Nice Sanzanna Naughty

Sandro Nice Saoirse Naughty

Sandy Nice Saood Nice

Sanford Naughty Saorlaith Nice

Saniah Naughty Saphina Naughty

Saniero Naughty Saphira Nice

Saniya Nice Saphora Naughty

Saniyah Naughty Saphorah Nice

Sanjana Nice Saphyra Naughty

Sanjay Nice Sapna Naughty

Sanjiv Naughty Sapphire Nice

Sanjuana Naughty Sara Nice

Sanjuanita Nice Sara-Jayne Naughty

Sanket Nice Sara-Jo Naughty

Sanna Nice Sara-Kate Nice

Sannie Naughty Sara-Mae Nice

Sanri Naughty Sara-Marie Naughty

Sansa Nice Sarabecca Nice

Santa Nice Sarabeth Nice

Santana Nice Sarae Nice

Santhiago Naughty Sarah Nice

Santiago Nice Sarah-Jane Nice

Santina Nice Saraha Nice

Santino Nice Sarahann Nice

Santiyana Nice Sarahi Nice

Santo Naughty Sarahjoyce Nice

Santonio Naughty Sarahya Naughty

379 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Sarai Nice Sarrah Naughty

Saraih Nice Saruf Naughty

Saralee Naughty Sarvesh Naughty

Saralyn Nice Saryah Naughty

Saralynn Nice Saryn Naughty

Saraphena Nice Sarynna Naughty

Sarat Naughty Sasa Naughty

Sarayla Naughty Sascha Naughty

Sarea Nice Sasha Nice

Sareia Naughty Sashana Naughty

Sarell Naughty Sashca Naughty

Saren Nice Sashi Nice

Sarena Naughty Sashua Nice

Saretta Nice Sasithon Naughty

Sarette Naughty Saskia Nice

Sareya Nice Satchal Naughty

Sari Naughty Satena Nice

Sariah Nice Satender Naughty

Sarie Nice Satene Nice

Sarina Naughty Satin Naughty

Sarinna Naughty Sativa Naughty

Sarita Nice Sato Nice

Sariya Nice Satori Nice

Sariyah Nice Satoshi Nice

Saron Nice Satsu Naughty

Sarona Nice Satynn Naughty

Saros Nice Saud Nice

Sarra Naughty Saul Nice

380 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Saundra Nice Savvy Naughty

Sauntese Naughty Sawn Nice

Saunya Nice Sawyer Nice

Saurabh Nice Saxon Nice

Savahnna Nice Saxxon Nice

Savana Nice Saxyn Naughty

Savana-Jo Naughty Saya Nice

Savanah Nice Saydee Naughty

Savanha Nice Saydee-Lee Nice

Savanna Nice Saydi Naughty

Savannah Nice Saydie Naughty

Savannha Nice Saydra Naughty

Savanous Naughty Sayer Nice

Savara Naughty Sayla Nice

Savaya Nice Saylah Naughty

Saveloy Naughty Saylee Naughty

Saven Nice Sayler Nice

Savena Nice Saylor Nice

Saverio Nice Sayra Nice

Savhanna Nice Sayson Nice

Savi Naughty Sayuri Naughty

Savilla Nice Sayward Naughty

Savina Nice Scarlet Nice

Savino Naughty Scarlett Nice

Savion Nice Scarlette Nice

Savon Nice Schaefer Nice

Savontre Naughty Schaeffer Nice

Savvas Nice Schaelynn Nice

381 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Schandalette Nice Scottie Naughty

Schantell Nice Scotty Nice

Schatzi Nice Scout Nice

Schejn Naughty Scrooge Nice

Schela Naughty Scully Nice

Schelbi Naughty Scylar Nice

Schelia Naughty Scylur Nice

Schelicia Naughty Se’Maj Nice

Scherezade Naughty Sea Nice

Schiavonn Nice Seaborn Naughty

Schigalia Naughty Seager Nice

Schley Nice Sealey Naughty

Schonn Nice Seamon Naughty

Schuyler Nice Seamus Nice

Schyla Nice Sean Nice

Schyler Naughty Seana Nice

Scilar Nice Seanbryn Naughty

Scoey Nice Seanelle Nice

Scooter Nice Seanna Naughty

Scorpio Nice Seanne Naughty

Scot Nice Seara Nice

Scotia Nice Searientie Nice

Scotlin Naughty Searra Nice

Scotlyn Naughty Seasaidh Nice

Scotlynn Nice Season Naughty

Scotque Naughty Seattie Nice

Scott Nice Sebastiaan Nice

Scotti Naughty Sebastian Nice

382 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Sebastien Naughty Sela Nice

Sebastion Nice Selah Nice

Sebb Naughty Selam Nice

Sebby Nice Selanie Naughty

Sebran Naughty Selby Naughty

Sebrina Naughty Selda Naughty

Secilia Nice Seldon Nice

Secoya Nice Selena Nice

Secretly Nice Selene Nice

Sedona Naughty Selia Naughty

Sedonia Nice Selin Naughty

Sedrick Naughty Selina Nice

Seeley Nice Selisa Nice

Seema Nice Selma Naughty

Sefina Nice Selmer Nice

Sefra Nice Selphie Naughty

Sefton Naughty Semaj Nice

Segan Nice Semaji Naughty

Seger Naughty Semi Nice

Sehrish Nice Semonne Naughty

Seidina Nice Sen Nice

Seidon Naughty Sena Nice

Seiji Nice Seneca Nice

Seila Nice Senette Naughty

Seina Nice Senia Naughty

Seith Nice Seniya Naughty

Seiya Nice Senja Naughty

Sejin Nice Senna Nice

383 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Senora Nice Serenity Nice

Senovio Nice Sergey Naughty

Sentry Nice Sergio Nice

Senua Nice Serieta Naughty

Seona Naughty Serin Nice

Seosaimhin Naughty Serina Nice

Sephira Naughty Serinitee Nice

Sephora Naughty Serinity Naughty

Sephoria Nice Serita Naughty

September Nice Seriya Nice

Septimius Naughty Serling Naughty

Sequiel Nice Serra Naughty

Sequoia Nice Servando Nice

Sera Naughty Seshni Nice

Serafin Naughty Sesilee Naughty

Serafina Nice Sesilia Naughty

Seraph Naughty Sesley Nice

Seraphina Nice Seth Nice

Seraphym Nice Seulgi Nice

Seraya Nice Sevasti Naughty

Serayah Naughty Sevastian Naughty

Sereda Nice Seven Nice

Seren Nice Severide Naughty

Serena Nice Severin Naughty

Serenaty Nice Severina Naughty

Serene Nice Severn Naughty

Serenidy Nice Severo Nice

Serenitee Naughty Severt Nice

384 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Severus Nice Shaden Naughty

Sevi Naughty Shadia Naughty

Sevin Nice Shadie Nice

Sevindee Naughty Shadow Nice

Sevreth Naughty Shadyn Nice

Sevrin Nice Shadyra Nice

Sevyn Naughty Shae Nice

Seward Naughty Shaea Nice

Sex Naughty Shaedon Nice

Seyi Naughty Shaela Naughty

Seyla Naughty Shaelaley Nice

Seylah Nice Shaelee Naughty

Seymour Nice Shaelyn Nice

Sez Nice Shaelynn Nice

Shaadi Nice Shaey Naughty

Shaan Naughty Shafay Nice

Shaane Nice Shafter Nice

Shaant Naughty Shahida Nice

Shaaron Naughty Shahruq Nice

Shabeena Naughty Shai Naughty

Shabryiah Naughty Shaia Nice

Shacey Nice Shaianne Naughty

Shad Naughty Shaida Nice

Shadae Naughty Shaila Nice

Shadawn Nice Shailah Naughty

Shaday Nice Shailee Naughty

Shaddix Naughty Shailene Naughty

Shade Nice Shailon Naughty

385 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Shaily Naughty Shalene Naughty

Shain Naughty Shaley Naughty

Shaina Nice Shalia Nice

Shaine Naughty Shalin Nice

Shaira Naughty Shalina Nice

Shaiyan Nice Shalitha Nice

Shakenia Naughty Shallen Naughty

Shakeyah Naughty Shallon Nice

Shakeyra Naughty Shalmarie Nice

Shakila Nice Shalon Naughty

Shakir Naughty Shalonda Naughty

Shakira Nice Shalyn Naughty

Shakiyla Naughty Shalyne Naughty

Shakiyra Nice Shalynn Nice

Shakoda Naughty Shamar Naughty

Shakthi Naughty Shamara Naughty

Shakuray Naughty Shamari Nice

Shakyra Naughty Shamarie Naughty

Shal Naughty Shamarion Nice

Shalae Naughty Shamaya Naughty

Shalane Nice Shamayne Nice

Shalay Naughty Shameka Naughty

Shalaya Nice Shamia Naughty

Shaleena Nice Shamiea Nice

Shaleesh Nice Shamika Naughty

Shaleia Naughty Shamira Nice

Shaleigh Nice Shammah Naughty

Shalena Nice Shams Nice

386 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Shamus Naughty Shaneese Nice

Shan Nice Shaneka Nice

Shana Nice Shanel Naughty

Shanae Nice Shanell Nice

Shanagh Nice Shanelle Nice

Shanah Naughty Shanequa Naughty

Shanaia Nice Shaneziegler Nice

Shanal Naughty Shangey Naughty

Shanan Naughty Shani Naughty

Shanara Nice Shania Nice

Shanarra Nice Shaniah Naughty

Shanaya Nice Shanice Nice

Shanaye Naughty Shaniece Nice

Shanda Nice Shanika Naughty

Shandee Nice Shaniqua Naughty

Shandelle Naughty Shanique Nice

Shandez Nice Shanis Naughty

Shandi Nice Shanisse Naughty

Shandice Naughty Shanita Naughty

Shandon Nice Shaniya Naughty

Shandra Naughty Shaniyah Nice

Shandrell Nice Shankar Nice

Shandy Naughty Shanley Nice

Shane Nice Shanmarie Naughty

Shanea Naughty Shanna Nice

Shanee Naughty Shannae Naughty

Shaneebree Naughty Shannah Naughty

Shaneena Naughty Shannalyn Nice

387 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Shannan Naughty Shaquita Naughty

Shannay Naughty Shara Nice

Shanne Naughty Sharae Nice

Shannel Nice Sharai Naughty

Shannen Nice Sharamae Nice

Shannon Nice Sharamie Naughty

Shannone Nice Sharanda Nice

Shannyn Naughty Sharay Naughty

Shannyne Naughty Sharaya Nice

Shanoa Nice Sharayena Nice

Shanoah Nice Shardae Naughty

Shanon Nice Sharday Naughty

Shanta Nice Sharde Naughty

Shantara Naughty Sharee Nice

Shante Nice Shareen Naughty

Shantea Nice Shareese Nice

Shantel Nice Shareeta Naughty

Shantell Nice Sharel Nice

Shantelle Nice Sharell Naughty

Shanti Nice Sharen Nice

Shantia Naughty Sharene Naughty

Shantini Naughty Shareni Naughty

Shanvi Nice Sharhonda Naughty

Shanya Naughty Shari Nice

Shanyn Naughty Shariese Nice

Shaquan Nice Sharif Naughty

Shaquana Nice Sharilyn Nice

Shaquille Nice Sharissa Naughty

388 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Sharita Nice Sharyle Nice

Sharity Naughty Sharyn Naughty

Sharjade Naughty Shashanna Naughty

Shark Nice Shasta Nice

Sharla Nice Shastadee Naughty

Sharlee Naughty Shatara Nice

Sharleen Nice Shatel Naughty

Sharlene Nice Shateron Naughty

Sharlie Nice Shaudai Naughty

Sharlinda Naughty Shaughn Nice

Sharlize Nice Shauhin Naughty

Sharlyn Nice Shaumbra Naughty

Sharma Nice Shaun Nice

Sharman Naughty Shauna Nice

Sharmanda Nice Shaunda Nice

Sharmye Nice Shaune Naughty

Sharney Naughty Shaunessy Naughty

Sharnice Nice Shauni Nice

Sharnie Naughty Shaunn Naughty

Sharolyn Naughty Shaunna Nice

Sharon Nice Shaunrai Naughty

Sharona Nice Shaunshane Naughty

Sharonda Nice Shaunta Nice

Sharonne Naughty Shauntae Naughty

Sharra Naughty Shaunte Naughty

Sharrie Nice Shaunteel Nice

Sharron Nice Shauntole Nice

Sharyl Naughty Shavar Nice

389 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Shavon Nice Shayden Nice

Shavonne Naughty Shaye Nice

Shawan Nice Shayla Nice

Shawanda Naughty Shaylan Naughty

Shawda Naughty Shaylee Nice

Shawn Nice Shayleigh Naughty

Shawna Nice Shaylene Nice

Shawnda Nice Shayley Nice

Shawndice Naughty Shaylicia Nice

Shawne Naughty Shaylin Naughty

Shawnee Nice Shaylyn Naughty

Shawneen Nice Shaylynn Naughty

Shawnell Nice Shaymus Nice

Shawnessy Nice Shayna Nice

Shawnie Nice Shayne Nice

Shawnna Nice Shayni Nice

Shawnnon Nice Shea Nice

Shawnsay Naughty Sheaffer Naughty

Shawnte Naughty Shealee Naughty

Shawntell Nice Shealeigh Naughty

Shawntelle Naughty Shealyn Nice

Shawntille Nice Sheamus Nice

Shawton Nice Sheara Naughty

Shawty Naughty Shearae Naughty

Shay Nice Sheauna Nice

Shay-Lynn Nice Sheba Nice

Shaya Naughty Shedrick Naughty

Shayan Nice Sheela Naughty

390 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Sheena Nice Shelise Naughty

Sheene Naughty Shelita Naughty

Sheeney Nice Sheliya Nice

Shefali Naughty Shell Nice

Shehara Nice Shellby Naughty

Sheila Nice Shelle Naughty

Sheilah Nice Shellene Nice

Sheilla Naughty Shelley Nice

Sheitha Naughty Shelli Nice

Shekar Naughty Shellie Nice

Shekinah Naughty Shelly Nice

Shekynah Naughty Shelsea Naughty

Shelah Nice Shelsy Naughty

Shelaina Nice Shelton Nice

Shelana Nice Shelva Naughty

Shelba Naughty Shelvia Nice

Shelbea Nice Shelvie Naughty

Shelbee Naughty Shemar Nice

Shelbey Nice Shemika Nice

Shelbi Nice Shemuel Naughty

Shelbie Nice Shena Naughty

Shelby Nice Sheneka Nice

Shelden Naughty Shenez Naughty

Sheldon Naughty Shenna Nice

Sheldyn Naughty Shennen Nice

Shelese Nice Shep Nice

Shelia Naughty Shepherd Nice

Shelicia Nice Sheppard Nice

391 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Shera Nice Sherman Nice

Sheradan Naughty Shernelle Nice

Sherah Nice Shernita Nice

Sherakee Nice Sheron Nice

Sheralee Nice Sherrah Nice

Sheralyn Naughty Sherree Naughty

Sheree Nice Sherrek Nice

Shereen Nice Sherri Nice

Sherelle Nice Sherrianne Naughty

Sherelyn Naughty Sherrie Nice

Sherepta Naughty Sherrill Nice

Sherese Nice Sherron Nice

Sheri Nice Sherry Nice

Sheriah Nice Sherryl Nice

Sherian Nice Sherryn Nice

Sheridan Nice Sherwin Naughty

Sheriden Naughty Sherwood Naughty

Sherie Nice Sheryl Nice

Sheriece Nice Sheryll Naughty

Sheriesse Naughty Shewan Nice

Sherika Nice Sheya Nice

Sheril Nice Sheyla Naughty

Sherilyn Nice Sheymarie Nice

Sherin Nice Shi-Anne Nice

Sherina Nice Shia Nice

Sherita Naughty Shiah Nice

Sherline Nice Shiana Naughty

Sherlyn Naughty Shiane Naughty

392 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Shiann Nice Shirl Naughty

Shianne Nice Shirlee Nice

Shicann Naughty Shirleen Naughty

Shiela Nice Shirleigh Nice

Shifra Nice Shirlene Naughty

Shikha Naughty Shirley Nice

Shikisha Naughty Shirleyann Naughty

Shila Nice Shirlie Naughty

Shilah Naughty Shirmar Nice

Shilene Nice Shirnesa Nice

Shilo Nice Shiro Naughty

Shiloh Nice Shiully Nice

Shilpa Naughty Shivani Nice

Shinara Naughty Shivaun Nice

Shine Nice Shiyanne Naughty

Shini Naughty Shlok Naughty

Shinji Nice Sho Nice

Shinyse Naughty Shoa Nice

Shinzo Nice Shoana Naughty

Shio Naughty Shoji Nice

Shion Nice Shon Nice

Shiona Nice Shona Nice

Shira Nice Shonda Nice

Shirah Naughty Shondra Nice

Shiraz Nice Shondy Nice

Shiree Naughty Shone Nice

Shirelle Nice Shoni Nice

Shirin Nice Shonna Nice

393 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Shonowa Naughty Shykesha Naughty

Shontai Nice Shyla Nice

Shonte Nice Shylah Naughty

Shonte’ Naughty Shylaja Naughty

Shontelle Nice Shylby Naughty

Shooter Nice Shylee Naughty

Shoshana Naughty Shyleigh Naughty

Shreya Nice Shyleigha Naughty

Shreyaan Nice Shyler Naughty

Shristi Nice Shylie Naughty

Shriyash Nice Shylo Naughty

Shrona Nice Shyloh Nice

Shruti Naughty Shylow Nice

Shubham Nice Shylynn Naughty

Shumate Naughty Shynah Nice

Shursteen Naughty Shyne Naughty

Shweta Naughty Shyniah Nice

Shy Nice Shyrene Naughty

Shyah Naughty Shzada Naughty

Shyama Naughty Shzan Nice

Shyana Naughty Si Naughty

Shyands Naughty Sia Nice

Shyane Naughty Siah Nice

Shyann Nice Sian Nice

Shyanna Nice Sianna Nice

Shyanne Nice Siara Naughty

Shyenne Naughty Siaya Nice

Shyheim Nice Sibbie Naughty

394 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Sibina Naughty Siennah Naughty

Sibiya Nice Siera Nice

Sibley Naughty Siere Naughty

Sibyl Nice Sierra Nice

Sibylle Naughty Sierrah Naughty

Sicilia Naughty Sifat Naughty

Sicily Nice Sigfried Naughty

Sid Nice Siggy Nice

Sidalie Nice Sighlee Nice

Siddalee Naughty Sigmund Nice

Siddha Naughty Signa Naughty

Siddhant Naughty Signe Nice

Siddhesh Nice Sigourney Nice

Siddie Nice Sigrid Naughty

Sidhika Nice Sigurd Nice

Sidnee Nice Siiliwah Nice

Sidney Nice Sikhan Naughty

Sidni Nice Silas Nice

Sidnie Naughty Silke Naughty

Siduria Naughty Silva Nice

Sidvik Nice Silvana Naughty

Sie Naughty Silver Nice

Sieann Nice Silvester Nice

Sieanna Naughty Silvette Naughty

Siearah Nice Silvia Nice

Siearra Nice Silvie Naughty

Siena Nice Silvina Naughty

Sienna Nice Silvino Nice

395 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Silvio Nice Sinjin Nice

Silvius Naughty Sintija Nice

Sim Nice Siobhan Nice

Simar Nice Siomara Nice

Simba Naughty Sion Nice

Simeon Nice Sipsey Naughty

Simmie Naughty Siqi Nice

Simmone Naughty Sir Naughty

Simms Naughty Sir-George Naughty

Simmy Naughty Siraj Naughty

Simon Nice Sire Nice

Simona Naughty Sirena Nice

Simone Nice Siri Nice

Simpson Nice Siris Nice

Simran Nice Sirius Nice

Simrat Naughty Sirli Nice

Simret Nice Sirr Naughty

Simrin Naughty Sirrine Nice

Sin Naughty Sirrod Naughty

Sina Naughty Sirvana Naughty

Sinafoa Nice Sirvion Naughty

Sincere Nice Sisi Nice

Sincerity Naughty Siska Naughty

Sinda Naughty Sissy Nice

Sindy Nice Sister Naughty

Sine Naughty Sitaly Naughty

Sinead Naughty Sity Naughty

Sing Nice Sivanthinni Naughty

396 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Sivilla Naughty Skyla Nice

Siwan Naughty Skylah Nice

Six Nice Skylan Nice

Sixto Naughty Skylar Nice

Sj Nice Skylee Nice

Sjaak Naughty Skyleeann Naughty

Sjaan Nice Skylei Nice

Skarlet Nice Skyleigh Nice

Skarlett Nice Skylen Naughty

Skarlette Naughty Skyler Nice

Skeeter Naughty Skyley Nice

Sketch Nice Skylie Nice

Skilar Nice Skylin Nice

Skiler Naughty Skylir Nice

Skip Naughty Skyller Naughty

Skipper Nice Skylor Naughty

Skiye Nice Skylyn Nice

Skky Naughty Skylynn Naughty

Skooter Nice Skyy Naughty

Sky Nice Slade Nice

Skyann Naughty Slagena Nice

Skybella Naughty Slater Nice

Skye Nice Slaton Naughty

Skyela Naughty Slava Nice

Skyelar Naughty Slavko Naughty

Skyelarae Naughty Slayde Nice

Skyeler Nice Slayden Nice

Skyii Naughty Slayter Naughty

397 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Slayton Nice Sofia Nice

Sleven Naughty Sofianna Nice

Slevin Naughty Sofie Naughty

Slim Nice Sofina Naughty

Slinky Nice Sofonias Nice

Sloan Nice Sofya Nice

Sloane Nice Sohail Nice

Slobodanka Naughty Sohben Nice

Slone Naughty Sohel Nice

Sly Naughty Sojan Nice

Smith Nice Sojourn Nice

Smokey Nice Soju Nice

Sneh Nice Sol Nice

Sneha Nice Sola Naughty

Snesha Naughty Solace Naughty

Snickers Nice Solaira Nice

Snookie Naughty Solan Nice

Snow Naughty Solana Naughty

Snowflake Naughty Solange Nice

Snowy Nice Solara Nice

Soarin Nice Soledad Nice

Sobek Nice Soleil Naughty

Sobella Naughty Solena Nice

Sobieski Nice Soleo Naughty

Sockie Nice Solia Nice

Socorro Naughty Solida Naughty

Sofee Nice Soliesa Nice

Sofi Naughty Solmarina Nice

398 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Soloman Nice Sonoma Nice

Solomon Nice Sonora Nice

Solon Nice Sonsee Naughty

Solstice Naughty Sonya Nice

Solveig Nice Sookie Nice

Somaya Naughty Sophal Naughty

Somayeh Naughty Sophea Naughty

Somer Nice Sophee Naughty

Somers Naughty Sophey Nice

Sommar Nice Sophi Naughty

Sommer Nice Sophia Nice

Somprasong Nice Sophiamarin Naughty

Somsanit Nice Sophianna Nice

Somwonw Naughty Sophie Nice

Son Naughty Sophie-Ann Nice

Sona Naughty Sophieah Nice

Sonal Naughty Sophina Naughty

Sonata Nice Sophiya Nice

Sondra Nice Sophronia Nice

Sonia Nice Sophya Naughty

Sonie Nice Sophye Nice

Sonita Naughty Sophyia Nice

Sonja Nice Sora Nice

Sonji Naughty Soraya Nice

Sonnet Nice Sorcha Naughty

Sonni Naughty Soren Nice

Sonnita Naughty Sorjen Naughty

Sonny Nice Sorsha Nice

399 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Sothea Nice Squid Nice

Sothy Nice Squire Naughty

Souksavanh Naughty Sreekar Naughty

Soul Naughty Sreya Naughty

Soumya Naughty Sriram Naughty

Sox Nice Stabbler Nice

Soyer Nice Stacee Naughty

Spanky Nice Stacetin Nice

Sparkle Naughty Stacey Nice

Sparky Nice Staci Nice

Sparrow Naughty Stacia Naughty

Spartacus Naughty Stacie Nice

Spencer Nice Stacii Naughty

Spencur Naughty Stacy Nice

Spenser Nice Stadler Naughty

Spero Naughty Stafford Naughty

Sperry Nice Stan Nice

Spice Naughty Stanford Nice

Spicer Nice Stanislaus Nice

Spike Naughty Stankholio Naughty

Spirit Nice Stanley Nice

Split Naughty Stanson Naughty

Spongebob Naughty Stanton Nice

Spring Nice Star Nice

Springer Naughty Stara Naughty

Sprocket Naughty Starakii Nice

Spurgeon Nice Starberrie Naughty

Squarehead Naughty Stark Naughty

400 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Starkovich Naughty Stavroula Naughty

Starla Nice Staylee Naughty

Starlee Nice Stazja Naughty

Starleen Nice Steacy Naughty

Starlene Naughty Steel Naughty

Starlet Naughty Steele Nice

Starley Nice Stefan Nice

Starlia Nice Stefane Naughty

Starlie Nice Stefani Nice

Starlin Naughty Stefania Naughty

Starling Nice Stefanie Nice

Starlotte Nice Stefaniee Naughty

Starlynn Nice Stefannie Nice

Starmika Nice Stefano Nice

Starr Nice Stefany Naughty

Stasha Nice Stefeni Naughty

Stasi Naughty Stefenie Naughty

Stasia Naughty Steffani Nice

Stason Nice Steffanie Naughty

Stassi Nice Steffany Naughty

Stasy Nice Steffen Nice

Statia Nice Steffenie Naughty

Statlee Nice Steffi Naughty

Stauss Nice Steffie Naughty

Stavan Nice Stefhany Naughty

Stavey Naughty Stefina Naughty

Stavro Nice Steliana Naughty

Stavros Nice Stella Nice

401 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Stella-Grace Naughty Stevee Nice

Stellah Nice Steven Nice

Stellan Nice Stevi Nice

Stellyn Naughty Stevie Nice

Stenaina Naughty Stevie-Leigh Naughty

Stephaine Nice Stevilynn Nice

Stephan Naughty Stevin Naughty

Stephanee Naughty Stevn Naughty

Stephani Nice Steward Nice

Stephania Nice Stewart Nice

Stephanie Nice Sthil Nice

Stephannie Nice Stiles Nice

Stephanos Nice Stirling Naughty

Stephany Nice Stitch Nice

Stephen Nice Sto Naughty

Stephenie Naughty Stockton Nice

Stepheny Naughty Stoklee Nice

Stephine Nice Stokley Nice

Stephinie Naughty Stone Nice

Stephon Nice Stonewall Nice

Stephonne Naughty Stoney Nice

Sterlin Naughty Stonie Naughty

Sterling Nice Storee Naughty

Stesha Naughty Storey Nice

Stetson Nice Storie Nice

Stettsen Nice Storm Naughty

Stevan Nice Stormee Naughty

Steve Nice Stormi Naughty

402 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Stormie Naughty Sudie Naughty

Stormy Nice Sue Nice

Storrie Nice Sueann Naughty

Story Nice Sueanne Nice

Stosh Naughty Suellen Nice

Stowe Nice Suesan Nice

Stratford Naughty Suezette Naughty

Stratten Nice Sugar Nice

Stratton Nice Suhani Nice

Streaky Naughty Suheyla Nice

Strider Nice Sujal Naughty

Stryder Naughty Sujelyz Nice

Stryker Naughty Sujin Nice

Stu Naughty Sukhjit Naughty

Stuart Nice Sukhvir Nice

Styles Naughty Suki Naughty

Su Nice Sula Nice

Suade Nice Sule Naughty

Suadu Naughty Sulema Nice

Subhadhra Naughty Suliana Naughty

Subhadra Naughty Sulleigh Nice

Subrina Nice Sulley Naughty

Suchin Naughty Sullivan Nice

Sucre Naughty Sully Nice

Sudana Nice Sullyn Nice

Sudeep Nice Sumaia Nice

Sudeshna Naughty Suman Naughty

Sudhakar Naughty Sumer Naughty

403 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Sumesh Nice Susann Nice

Sumina Nice Susanna Nice

Summer Nice Susannah Nice

Summit Nice Susanne Nice

Sumner Nice Susette Naughty

Sunalin Nice Susie Nice

Suncerae Nice Sussie Naughty

Sundar Naughty Susy Naughty

Sunday Nice Sutherlynn Nice

Sundi Nice Sutter Nice

Suneha Nice Sutton Nice

Suni Nice Suzan Nice

Sunil Naughty Suzann Naughty

Sunni Nice Suzanna Naughty

Sunnie Naughty Suzannah Naughty

Sunny Nice Suzanne Nice

Sunset Nice Suze Naughty

Sunshine Nice Suzette Nice

Suprena Naughty Suzi Naughty

Supriya Naughty Suzie Nice

Sura Nice Suzon Nice

Surah Nice Suzy Nice

Suraj Nice Svana Naughty

Suren Nice Svaya Naughty

Suri Naughty Svea Naughty

Surina Naughty Sveinbjorn Naughty

Susan Nice Sven Nice

Susana Nice Svenja Nice

404 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Sverre Naughty Sydney Nice

Svetlana Nice Sydni Nice

Swade Naughty Sydnie Naughty

Swarmi Naughty Sydon Naughty

Swathi Nice Syed Naughty

Swaye Naughty Syerinedi Nice

Swayze Naughty Syia Nice

Swayzee Nice Sylar Naughty

Swayzie Nice Sylas Nice

Sweta Naughty Sylee Naughty

Swik Naughty Syler Nice

Swinton Nice Sylinda Naughty

Sy Nice Sylis Nice

Syah Naughty Sylkia Nice

Syann Naughty Sylkira Nice

Syavannah Nice Sylus Naughty

Sybbie Nice Sylva Nice

Sybella Naughty Sylvain Nice

Sybil Nice Sylvan Naughty

Sybilla Nice Sylvana Naughty

Syble Nice Sylvania Naughty

Sydaleigh Naughty Sylvanus Nice

Sydee Nice Sylver Nice

Sydell Nice Sylvester Naughty

Sydne Naughty Sylvia Nice

Sydnee Nice Sylvian Nice

Sydnei Nice Sylvie Nice

Sydneigh Naughty Sylwia Naughty

405 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Symanda Nice Syrridia Nice

Symantha Nice Syrus Nice

Symerly Nice Syver Nice

Symone Nice T Naughty

Symphony Naughty T-Hun Naughty

Syncere Naughty T’Aiji Nice

Syncier Nice Taavi Nice

Synder Nice Tab Naughty

Syndie Nice Tabatha Nice

Syndyl Nice Tabbatha Naughty

Syniah Nice Tabbetha Naughty

Synjan Nice Tabbitha Naughty

Synnove Nice Tabby Naughty

Synseer Nice Taber Naughty

Syon Naughty Tabetha Nice

Syona Nice Tabitha Nice

Syprus Naughty Tabor Naughty

Syra Nice Taborlee Nice

Syran Nice Tabytha Nice

Syree Naughty Tacen Nice

Syreena Nice Tachiana Naughty

Syreeta Nice Taci Nice

Syrena Naughty Tacia Nice

Syrenniti Naughty Taco Nice

Syriana Nice Tacoma Nice

Syrie Naughty Tacuma Nice

Syrin Nice Tacy Nice

Syrina Nice Tad Naughty

406 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Tadashi Naughty Taeya Nice

Tadd Nice Taeyeob Nice

Taden Naughty Tafadzwa Nice

Tadeo Naughty Taffany Nice

Tadgh Nice Taffara Nice

Tadhg Nice Taft Nice

Tadyn Naughty Tage Naughty

Tae Naughty Tagert Nice

Taeah Nice Tagger Nice

Taeden Naughty Taha Naughty

Taedyn Nice Tahani Nice

Taegan Naughty Taheisha Nice

Taegen Nice Tahera Nice

Taejah Nice Tahia Naughty

Taeko Nice Tahir Naughty

Taela Nice Tahiyyah Nice

Taelar Nice Tahj Naughty

Taeler Nice Tahlee Nice

Taelia-Desha Naughty Tahlen Naughty

Taelon Nice Tahler Naughty

Taelor Nice Tahli Nice

Taelyn Nice Tahlia Nice

Taelyr Naughty Tahliah Naughty

Taes Nice Tahlie Naughty

Taesean Nice Tahlua Nice

Taeshawn Naughty Tahna Naughty

Taever Naughty Tahnee Naughty

Taevyn Nice Tahnie Naughty

407 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Tai Nice Tajanea Nice

Taia Naughty Tajay Naughty

Taiden Nice Taje Naughty

Taigan Naughty Taji Naughty

Taige Nice Taka Naughty

Taija Naughty Takae Naughty

Taika Naughty Takara Nice

Taileah Naughty Takayla Naughty

Tailer Nice Takeia Naughty

Tailor Naughty Takeshi Naughty

Tailyn Naughty Takis Nice

Tailynn Naughty Takisha Nice

Taina Naughty Takiya Nice

Taine Naughty Takoda Nice

Taione Nice Takoma Naughty

Taisha Naughty Takwayvion Nice

Taisley Nice Tal Naughty

Taison Nice Tal’I Nice

Taitam Naughty Tala Nice

Taitum Naughty Talaina Nice

Taivon Nice Talambe Nice

Taiwan Naughty Talan Nice

Taiya Nice Talbert Nice

Taiylor Naughty Talbott Naughty

Taj Nice Taleah Nice

Taja Nice Taleetha Nice

Tajah Naughty Taleeza Naughty

Tajanae Naughty Taleigha Nice

408 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Talen Nice Talon Nice

Talena Naughty Talona Naughty

Taleta Naughty Talonne Nice

Taley Naughty Talos Naughty

Talia Nice Talula Naughty

Taliah Naughty Talulah Naughty

Taliesin Nice Talus Naughty

Talilli Nice Talya Nice

Talin Nice Talyia Naughty

Talina Nice Talyn Naughty

Talisa Nice Talyra Nice

Talisha Naughty Talysha Naughty

Talison Nice Tam Nice

Talissa Nice Tamaira Nice

Talita Naughty Tamala Nice

Talitha Nice Tamar Naughty

Taliya Nice Tamara Nice

Taliyah Nice Tamarah Nice

Taljeet Nice Tamari Nice

Tallan Naughty Tamaria Naughty

Tallen Naughty Tamarynn Naughty

Tallie Naughty Tamatha Nice

Tallison Nice Tamati Naughty

Tallulah Nice Tamauries Nice

Tally Naughty Tamberlane Naughty

Tallyn Naughty Tamberlyn Nice

Talmadge Nice Tamberlynn Nice

Talmage Naughty Tambra Nice

409 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Tamea Nice Tammy Nice

Tameaka Naughty Tammye Nice

Tameca Naughty Tamora Naughty

Tamee Naughty Tamoria Naughty

Tameka Nice Tamra Nice

Tamekia Nice Tamryn Naughty

Tamela Nice Tamsen Nice

Tamelia Nice Tamsin Naughty

Tamera Naughty Tamya Nice

Tameria Naughty Tamzin Naughty

Tameron Nice Tana Naughty

Tamesha Naughty Tanaija Nice

Tami Nice Tanajah Naughty

Tamia Nice Tanana Nice

Tamica Naughty Tananda Nice

Tamie Nice Tanangela Naughty

Tamika Nice Tanasia Naughty

Tamiko Nice Tanay Naughty

Tamira Nice Tanaya Naughty

Tamisha Naughty Tanda Naughty

Tamiya Naughty Tandra Nice

Tamlin Naughty Tandy Naughty

Tamlyn Nice Tane’E Nice

Tammera Nice Tanea Naughty

Tammey Naughty Taneka Nice

Tammi Naughty Tanesha Nice

Tammie Nice Tangela Naughty

Tammra Nice Tangi Nice

410 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Tangie Nice Tansie Nice

Tango Nice Tansy Naughty

Tania Nice Tansyn Naughty

Taniah Nice Tantie Nice

Taniesha Nice Tanya Nice

Tanika Naughty Tanyon Naughty

Tanin Nice Tanyss Naughty

Tanique Nice Tanyu Nice

Tanis Nice Tanzie Nice

Tanisha Naughty Tanzley Naughty

Tanita Nice Taos Naughty

Tanithian Naughty Tapanga Naughty

Taniya Nice Tapannita Nice

Taniyah Naughty Tapiwa Naughty

Tanja Naughty Taqouiya Naughty

Tank Nice Tara Nice

Tanka Nice Tarah Nice

Tanna Nice Tarajee Naughty

Tannah Naughty Tarak Nice

Tanne Nice Taralynn Nice

Tanner Nice Taralynne Naughty

Tannin Naughty Taran Nice

Tannis Naughty Taranjit Naughty

Tannith Nice Tarayna Nice

Tannon Nice Tareasa Naughty

Tannor Naughty Tarek Naughty

Tannya Nice Taren Naughty

Tansen Nice Tareq Naughty

411 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Taressa Naughty Taryn Nice

Tarhonda Naughty Taryne Nice

Tarhyn Nice Tarzan Nice

Tari Naughty Tasawar Naughty

Taria Nice Tase Nice

Tarian Nice Tasha Nice

Tarik Nice Tashan Nice

Tarilyn Nice Tashaun Nice

Tarin Naughty Tashauna Nice

Tarina Naughty Tasheena Nice

Tariq Nice Tasheika Nice

Tarissa Nice Tashia Naughty

Tariya Nice Tashina Nice

Tariyah Naughty Tashira Nice

Tarjei Naughty Tasia Nice

Tarl Naughty Tasier Naughty

Tarla Nice Tasma Naughty

Tarlo Nice Tasmin Nice

Tarmon Nice Tason Nice

Tarneice Naughty Tassie Nice

Taron Nice Tate Nice

Tarra Naughty Tatelynn Nice

Tarren Naughty Tatem Naughty

Tarrissa Nice Taten Nice

Tarryn Nice Tateum Naughty

Tarsha Nice Tathalia Naughty

Tarvarious Naughty Tatia Naughty

Taryah Nice Tatiana Nice

412 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Tatianna Nice Taves Nice

Tatina Naughty Tavey Nice

Tatira Nice Tavi Nice

Tatisha Nice Tavia Naughty

Tatius Nice Tavian Nice

Tatjana Naughty Tavin Nice

Tatsuo Nice Tavion Naughty

Tatum Nice Tavis Naughty

Tatumn Nice Tavish Naughty

Tatyana Nice Tavny Nice

Tatyanna Nice Tavon Naughty

Tatym Nice Tavona Naughty

Taulago Nice Tavyn Naughty

Tauna Naughty Taw Nice

Tauni Nice Tawab Naughty

Taunie Nice Tawana Nice

Taunya Naughty Tawanda Nice

Taura Nice Tawanna Naughty

Taurean Naughty Tawna Nice

Taurino Nice Tawnee Nice

Taurus Nice Tawni Naughty

Tausha Naughty Tawny Nice

Taushlyn Naughty Tawnya Naughty

Tava Nice Tawrey Nice

Tavares Nice Tay Naughty

Tavario Nice Tay-Ven Nice

Tavaris Naughty Taya Nice

Taven Nice Tayah Naughty

413 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Tayana Nice Taylore Nice

Taybor Naughty Taylr Nice

Tayden Nice Taylyn Nice

Tayea Naughty Taylynn Naughty

Tayeni Nice Tayma Naughty

Taygan Nice Taymar Nice

Tayge Nice Tayna Naughty

Taygen Nice Taynara Naughty

Taygun Naughty Tayne Naughty

Tayibah Naughty Taysha Naughty

Tayja Naughty Tayshaun Naughty

Tayla Nice Taysia Naughty

Taylah Naughty Taysley Nice

Taylan Naughty Taysom Nice

Taylar Naughty Tayson Nice

Taylea Naughty Tayt Nice

Taylee Nice Tayte Naughty

Taylen Naughty Tayten Nice

Taylena Nice Tayton Nice

Tayler Nice Taytum Nice

Taylie Naughty Tayvah Nice

Taylin Nice Tayven Naughty

Taylina Naughty Tayvin Nice

Taylon Nice Tayvis Nice

Taylor Nice Tayviun Naughty

Taylor-Joel Naughty Tayzia Nice

Taylor-Rae Naughty Taz Nice

Taylorann Nice Taza Nice

414 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Tazanna Nice Tearle Nice

Tazere Naughty Tearyn Naughty

Tazio Naughty Teasha Naughty

Tazma Nice Teaun Nice

Tazmyn Naughty Teavanni Naughty

Tazvin Nice Teaven Nice

Tea Naughty Tecla Nice

Teaera Naughty Teclan Naughty

Teagan Nice Ted Nice

Teagen Nice Tedanold Nice

Teaghan Nice Tedd Naughty

Teagin Nice Teddi Nice

Teague Nice Teddie Nice

Teagyn Naughty Teddy Nice

Teah Nice Tedra Naughty

Teaira Naughty Tee Nice

Teairra Nice Tee-Jay Nice

Teal Naughty Teea Naughty

Tealla Nice Teed Nice

Tealyn Naughty Teegan Nice

Team Naughty Teegyn Nice

Teanda Nice Teela Nice

Teandre Naughty Teena Nice

Teann Nice Tegan Nice

Teanna Naughty Teghan Naughty

Teara Nice Tehgan Naughty

Tearanie Nice Tehren Naughty

Tearina Nice Tehya Nice

415 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Teia Nice Tella Nice

Teiah Naughty Tellesson Nice

Teidric Nice Telly Naughty

Teigan Naughty Telma Nice

Teigen Naughty Telmo Nice

Teighan Nice Telsa Naughty

Teighlor Nice Temari Naughty

Teila Naughty Temaria Nice

Teira Nice Tempe Nice

Teirra Nice Tempeance Nice

Teisha Nice Temperance Nice

Teja Naughty Temperence Naughty

Tejal Nice Temperley Naughty

Tejan Nice Tempest Naughty

Tejas Nice Tempie Naughty

Teka Naughty Temple Nice

Tekiah Naughty Tempyl Nice

Tekk Naughty Tena Naughty

Tekla Nice Tenae Naughty

Teklan Nice Tendai Nice

Telacey Naughty Teneal Naughty

Telaiyah Nice Teneale Naughty

Telaya Nice Tenecia Nice

Telayna Naughty Teneille Naughty

Telena Naughty Tenetke Naughty

Telina Naughty Tenika Nice

Telisa Naughty Tenina Naughty

Tell-Falcon Naughty Tenisha Naughty

416 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Tenisia Nice Tererra Nice

Tenlee Naughty Teresa Nice

Tenleigh Naughty Teresah Naughty

Tenley Nice Terese Nice

Tennessee Naughty Teresita Nice

Tennie Naughty Teressa Nice

Tennille Nice Terez Naughty

Tennyson Naughty Teri Nice

Tensley Nice Teriana Nice

Tenzleigh Nice Teriane Nice

Teo Naughty Tericia Naughty

Teodor Naughty Terina Nice

Teona Nice Termaine Naughty

Teoni Naughty Termira Nice

Teonna Naughty Terner Nice

Tepora Nice Terollyin Naughty

Tequila Naughty Teron Naughty

Tequilliana Naughty Terra Nice

Tera Nice Terran Naughty

Terah Nice Terrance Nice

Teralynn Nice Terre Naughty

Terance Nice Terrel Nice

Terangi Naughty Terrell Nice

Terecia Naughty Terrelle Naughty

Terek Naughty Terren Nice

Terell Naughty Terrence Nice

Terena Nice Terri Nice

Terence Nice Terria Nice

417 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Terrie Naughty Tewaine Nice

Terrill Naughty Teweldeberhan Naughty

Terrina Naughty Tewolde Naughty

Terrsa Naughty Tex Nice

Terry Nice Texanna Nice

Terryn Naughty Texas Nice

Terrynn Naughty Texie Naughty

Terryon Naughty Texton Naughty

Teryck Nice Teya Nice

Teryn Naughty Teyen Nice

Tesha Naughty Teyla Naughty

Teshaibrah Naughty Teylon Nice

Tesia Nice Teylor Naughty

Tesla Naughty Teyona Naughty

Tess Nice Teysha Naughty

Tessa Nice Tezra Nice

Tesshel Naughty Tezri Naughty

Tessia Nice Thabeeson Nice

Tessie Nice Thach Naughty

Tessla Naughty Thachary Nice

Tesslene Naughty Thad Naughty

Tesslynn Naughty Thaddeus Nice

Tetyana Nice Thaddus Nice

Teva Nice Thade Nice

Tevah Nice Thadeus Naughty

Tevin Naughty Thaed Nice

Tevon Nice Thai Naughty

Tevyan Naughty Thaiah Nice

418 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Thaily Naughty Theddy Naughty

Thais Naughty Thedore Naughty

Thaison Nice Theia Nice

Thalia Nice Thekla Naughty

Thalin Naughty Thelma Nice

Thalya Naughty Thelonious Nice

Thalyana Nice Thembisa Naughty

Thama Naughty Theo Nice

Thane Nice Theoden Nice

Thanh Nice Theodis Nice

Thanos Naughty Theodocia Naughty

Thanya Naughty Theodora Nice

Thao Nice Theodore Nice

Tharp Nice Theodosia Nice

Thatcher Naughty Theola Nice

Thatency Nice Theon Nice

Thathanka Naughty Theona Nice

Thavakumar Nice Theontae Naughty

Thawna Nice Theophile Nice

Thaxter Naughty Thera Nice

Thaxton Nice Theran Nice

Thayer Nice Theren Naughty

Thayne Nice Theresa Nice

Thea Nice Therese Naughty

Theadora Nice Theresia Nice

Theadore Nice Therisa Nice

Theadus Nice Therman Nice

Theda Nice Theron Nice

419 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Theronne Naughty Thorin Nice

Therron Nice Thornton Naughty

Thesea Nice Thorsten Naughty

Theseus Nice Thorton Nice

Thessa Nice Thorwald Naughty

Theta Nice Thos Naughty

Thetis Nice Threasia Nice

Theya Naughty Thresa Naughty

Thi Naughty Thu Naughty

Thiago Nice Thunder Naughty

Thias Nice Thurley Nice

Thibault Naughty Thurlow Naughty

Thielen Naughty Thurman Naughty

Thien Nice Thursa Nice

Thierry Nice Thurston Nice

Thijs Nice Thushari Naughty

Thinh Nice Thuy Nice

Thom Nice Thyra Nice

Thomaiy Naughty Thyri Nice

Thomas Nice Tia Nice

Thomasin Naughty Tiago Naughty

Thomasina Nice Tiah Naughty

Thomis Naughty Tiahna Naughty

Thomisa Nice Tiajah Naughty

Thompson Nice Tiala Naughty

Thor Nice Tiana Nice

Thora Nice Tiandra Naughty

Thoren Naughty Tianiah Naughty

420 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Tianna Nice Tierza Nice

Tianny Naughty Tiesha Naughty

Tiara Nice Tifanee Naughty

Tiarah Naughty Tifani Nice

Tiare Naughty Tiffanee Nice

Tiarna Nice Tiffaney Naughty

Tiarne Naughty Tiffani Nice

Tiarra Naughty Tiffanie Nice

Tiasha Naughty Tiffany Nice

Tiaundra Naughty Tiffeny Naughty

Tiaya Nice Tiffia Nice

Tibby Nice Tiffine Nice

Tiberius Nice Tiffini Nice

Tibor Nice Tiffiny Naughty

Tiburon Naughty Tiffney Nice

Tice Nice Tiffnie Nice

Tichina Naughty Tifini Naughty

Tico Naughty Tiftin Naughty

Tidus Nice Tig Nice

Tie Naughty Tigan Naughty

Tiefa Nice Tige Naughty

Tiegan Naughty Tiger Naughty

Tien Nice Tigerlily Naughty

Tiera Naughty Tigh Nice

Tiergan Nice Tigran Nice

Tiernan Nice Tiiu Naughty

Tierney Nice Tijana Nice

Tierra Naughty Tijuana Naughty

421 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Tika Nice Timi Naughty

Tikita Naughty Timme Naughty

Tikvah Nice Timmeray Nice

Tilani Naughty Timmie Nice

Tilar Naughty Timmothy Nice

Tilda Naughty Timmy Nice

Tilden Naughty Timo Nice

Tildy Nice Timotei Nice

Tiler Nice Timothea Nice

Tilian Nice Timothee Naughty

Tilla Naughty Timotheos Naughty

Tillian Nice Timothy Nice

Tillie Nice Timsey Nice

Tillie-Mae Nice Timya Nice

Tillman Nice Timyron Nice

Tilly Naughty Tin Nice

Tilman Nice Tina Nice

Tim Nice Tincie Nice

Timara Nice Tinesha Naughty

Timarra Nice Tineta Nice

Timas Nice Tiney Nice

Timber Nice Tinie Nice

Timberlee Naughty Tinika Nice

Timberly Nice Tinkerbell Naughty

Timberlynn Nice Tinlee Naughty

Timco Nice Tinleigh Nice

Timeah Naughty Tinley Nice

Timecka Nice Tinnie Nice

422 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Tino Naughty Tito Nice

Tinslee Naughty Titua Nice

Tinsleigh Naughty Tituba Nice

Tinsley Nice Titus Nice

Tiny Nice Tiva Naughty

Tiodoro Nice Tiviley Nice

Tionah Nice Tiyaira Naughty

Tionna Nice Tiyana Naughty

Tionne Nice Tj Naughty

Tiphanie Nice Tjaden Naughty

Tiphanni Naughty Tjader Nice

Tiphany Naughty Tk Nice

Tippi Nice Tl Naughty

Tique Nice To Nice

Tira Nice Toast Naughty

Tirah Naughty Toau Naughty

Tirion Naughty Tobe Nice

Tirisha Nice Tobenne Nice

Tirzah Naughty Tobey Nice

Tisa Nice Tobi Naughty

Tisen Naughty Tobiah Naughty

Tish Naughty Tobias Nice

Tisha Naughty Tobie Naughty

Tishie Naughty Tobin Nice

Tishina Naughty Toby Nice

Titan Nice Toby-Lynne Naughty

Titania Naughty Toby’S Nice

Titidjoh Naughty Tobyn Naughty

423 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Toccara Nice Tomine Naughty

Toccoa Nice Tomlin Naughty

Tod Naughty Tommaso Nice

Todd Nice Tommi Naughty

Toddy Naughty Tommie Nice

Tofer Nice Tommy Nice

Toivo Nice Tomni Naughty

Tojnia Naughty Tomoya Nice

Tola Nice Tompkins Nice

Tolbert Nice Tomu Nice

Tolby Nice Tona Naughty

Tolk Naughty Tonda Nice

Tollie Nice Tondra Naughty

Tollyn Nice Tone’ Nice

Tolson Naughty Toney Naughty

Tom Nice Tong Nice

Toma Naughty Toni Nice

Tomara Nice Tonia Nice

Tomas Nice Toniann Nice

Tomasa Nice Tonio Nice

Tomaso Naughty Tonja Nice

Tomasso Nice Tonks Naughty

Tomeka Nice Tonna Nice

Tomera Nice Tonnia Nice

Tomhi Nice Tonrey Nice

Tomi Nice Tony Nice

Tomie Naughty Tonya Nice

Tomika Nice Toothless Naughty

424 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Topaz Naughty Torri Naughty

Topher Nice Torrie Nice

Tor Nice Torrin Nice

Tora Nice Torry Nice

Torah Nice Torsten Naughty

Toralf Nice Torvald Naughty

Torance Naughty Tory Nice

Torann Nice Toryn Naughty

Torban Naughty Tosca Nice

Torben Nice Tosh Naughty

Torea Naughty Tosha Nice

Torey Nice Toshia Naughty

Tori Nice Toshiki Naughty

Toria Nice Toshiko Naughty

Toriah Naughty Toshio Naughty

Torian Nice Totoro Naughty

Toriano Naughty Totsi Nice

Torie Naughty Toudtou Naughty

Torin Naughty Toure Nice

Torinda Nice Tova Nice

Torissa Naughty Tovi Nice

Torivio Nice Towanda Nice

Tormeika Nice Towe Nice

Torrance Nice Townes Naughty

Torren Nice Townlii Nice

Torrence Nice Townsend Nice

Torrey Nice Toxey Nice

Torreynelson Nice Toy Naughty

425 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Toya Nice Tralee Nice

Traca Nice Tralene Nice

Trace Nice Tralina Nice

Tracee Nice Tralyn Nice

Tracen Naughty Tramayne Nice

Tracer Nice Trambria Naughty

Tracey Nice Tramell Nice

Traci Nice Trampas Nice

Tracie Nice Trampus Nice

Tracii Nice Tranara Nice

Tracilyn Nice Tranaye Nice

Tracy Nice Trang Naughty

Tracyn Naughty Trapper Nice

Trad Naughty Trash Nice

Tradd Nice Trask Naughty

Trae Nice Trason Nice

Traegan Naughty Travaeh Naughty

Traeger Naughty Travanna Naughty

Trael Nice Traveana Naughty

Traelynn Nice Traven Nice

Traevin Nice Traves Nice

Traevon Naughty Travie Naughty

Traftan Nice Travin Nice

Tragen Naughty Travion Naughty

Trai Naughty Travis Nice

Traison Naughty Travix Naughty

Trajen Nice Travon Nice

Trakessha Naughty Travonny Nice

426 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Travoyce Nice Trekker Naughty

Travus Nice Trella Naughty

Traxton Naughty Tremaine Nice

Tray Naughty Tremayne Nice

Traycee Nice Trena Nice

Traycen Nice Trenateh Naughty

Traycie Naughty Trenda Nice

Trayden Naughty Trenna Naughty

Trayger Naughty Trennan Nice

Traysen Naughty Trennen Naughty

Traysion Naughty Trennon Nice

Trayson Nice Trent Nice

Traysy Naughty Trenten Nice

Trayton Naughty Trentenmaye Nice

Trayvionte Nice Trentin Nice

Trayvon Nice Trenton Nice

Tre Nice Trentyn Naughty

Tre’Von Nice Treonte Nice

Treagan Naughty Tres Naughty

Treane Naughty Tresa Nice

Treasa Nice Tresha Naughty

Treasure Nice Treslyn Nice

Trecie Nice Treson Nice

Tree Nice Tressa Nice

Treena Nice Tressie Naughty

Trei Nice Tresten Nice

Treina Naughty Treston Nice

Treison Naughty Trestyn Nice

427 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Treva Naughty Trica Naughty

Trevan Naughty Tricha Nice

Trevelyan Naughty Trichell Naughty

Treven Naughty Tricia Nice

Trever Naughty Tridell Naughty

Trevin Nice Trielynn Naughty

Trevino Naughty Triffon Naughty

Trevion Naughty Trigg Nice

Trevisha Nice Trigger Naughty

Trevon Naughty Trilby Nice

Trevor Nice Trillin Nice

Trevyn Nice Trillium Naughty

Trey Nice Trina Nice

Treyden Naughty Trinady Nice

Treydon Nice Trinda Nice

Treylan Nice Trine Naughty

Treylon Nice Trinette Nice

Treyna Nice Trinh Naughty

Treyson Nice Trini Nice

Treyton Nice Trinidad Naughty

Treyvan Naughty Trinidy Naughty

Treyven Naughty Trinie Nice

Treyvion Naughty Triniti Nice

Treyvon Nice Trinitie Naughty

Trezier Nice Trinity Nice

Tri Naughty Trinka Naughty

Tria Nice Trinna Naughty

Trianna Naughty Trinten Naughty

428 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Trip Nice Trong Nice

Tripp Nice Trooper Nice

Tripper Nice Trox Nice

Tris Naughty Troy Nice

Trish Nice Troye Nice

Trisha Nice Tru Nice

Triska Naughty Truan Nice

Triss Naughty Truc Naughty

Trista Nice Trudi Naughty

Tristan Nice Trudie Nice

Tristen Nice Trudy Nice

Tristhan Naughty Trueman Naughty

Tristian Nice Truett Naughty

Tristianne Naughty Truette Naughty

Tristin Nice Truitt Nice

Tristiny Naughty Trula Nice

Triston Nice Trulee Naughty

Tristopher Nice Truly Nice

Tristy Nice Trumaine Nice

Tristyn Nice Truman Nice

Trisyn Naughty Trump Nice

Tritney Naughty Trusten Naughty

Triton Nice Trustin Naughty

Tritt Naughty Truston Naughty

Trivon Naughty Trustyn Naughty

Trix Nice Truth Nice

Trixie Nice Truzz Nice

Troi Nice Tryden Nice

429 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Trynlee Naughty Tunney Naughty

Trypp Nice Turell Naughty

Trysta Nice Turner Nice

Trystan Nice Turrell Naughty

Trysten Naughty Tuscan Naughty

Trystin Nice Tuyet Nice

Trystol Naughty Tvontae Nice

Tryston Naughty Twana Nice

Trystyn Nice Tweed Naughty

Tryten Naughty Twila Naughty

Tsana Naughty Twyla Naughty

Tshombe Nice Ty Nice

Tsuna Naughty Tyan Naughty

Tua Naughty Tyana Naughty

Tuan Nice Tyanah Nice

Tucker Nice Tyanbe Naughty

Tue Naughty Tyann Naughty

Tuesdai Naughty Tyanna Nice

Tuesday Naughty Tybalt Nice

Tuff Naughty Tyberius Naughty

Tula Nice Tybias Naughty

Tulah Nice Tyce Nice

Tulee Nice Tycee Nice

Tully Nice Tycen Naughty

Tulsa Nice Tycho Nice

Tumu Naughty Tychristian Nice

Tuncay Nice Tycin Nice

Tung Nice Tyde Naughty

430 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Tyderick Naughty Tylen Nice

Tydus Nice Tyler Nice

Tye Nice Tyler-Moss Naughty

Tyee Nice Tylin Naughty

Tyerek Nice Tylis Nice

Tyesha Naughty Tylisa Nice

Tyeshia Naughty Tylisha Nice

Tyeson Naughty Tylon Naughty

Tyffany Nice Tylor Naughty

Tyger Nice Tylur Naughty

Tyghe Naughty Tylyn Nice

Tyhanna Naughty Tylynn Nice

Tyhler Nice Tymber Naughty

Tyisha Nice Tyme Naughty

Tyishea Nice Tymeena Nice

Tykeaya Nice Tymothy Nice

Tyker Naughty Tynan Naughty

Tykia Naughty Tynara Nice

Tykira Naughty Tyne Nice

Tyla Naughty Tyner Naughty

Tylah Naughty Tynia Nice

Tylan Naughty Tynlee Nice

Tylana Nice Tynleigh Nice

Tylar Nice Tynley Nice

Tylea Naughty Tynne Naughty

Tylee Nice Tynslie Nice

Tyleen Nice Tyquan Nice

Tyleigh Nice Tyra Nice

431 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Tyrail Naughty Tyrus Nice

Tyran Naughty Tyse Nice

Tyrease Naughty Tysen Nice

Tyree Naughty Tyshawn Nice

Tyreek Naughty Tyson Nice

Tyreen Naughty Tytan Naughty

Tyreese Naughty Tytiana Naughty

Tyrek Nice Tytus Naughty

Tyreke Nice Tyus Naughty

Tyrel Nice Tyva Nice

Tyrell Naughty Tywan Naughty

Tyrena Nice Tywaun Nice

Tyreonna Naughty Tyxun Naughty

Tyrese Naughty Tyya Nice

Tyressa Nice Tyyne Naughty

Tyrian Naughty Tyzere Naughty

Tyrik Naughty Tyzita Naughty

Tyrin Nice Uber Nice

Tyrion Nice Ukeen Nice

Tyriq Naughty Ula Nice

Tyriqe Naughty Ulf Nice

Tyrique Naughty Ulidabetzabe Nice

Tyris Naughty Ulises Nice

Tyrisha Nice Ulrich Naughty

Tyrius Nice Ulysses Naughty

Tyron Naughty Ulyssus Nice

Tyrone Nice Uma Naughty

Tyrson Naughty Umialik Nice

432 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Una Nice Vada Naughty

Uncle Nice Vadell Naughty

Unda Nice Vaden Nice

Unique Nice Vader Naughty

Unknown Nice Vadi Nice

Unnamed Naughty Vaeda Nice

Ura Naughty Vaida Nice

Urangia Nice Vaipou Naughty

Urba Naughty Val Nice

Urban Naughty Valarie Naughty

Uri Naughty Valarrie Nice

Uriah Nice Valborg Naughty

Uriahm Naughty Valen Nice

Uriel Nice Valencia Nice

Urijah Naughty Valenciano Nice

Urisaya Naughty Valene Nice

Uriyah Nice Valente Nice

Uros Nice Valentin Nice

Ursila Nice Valentina Nice

Ursula Nice Valentine Nice

Usman Naughty Valentino Nice

Ussarian Nice Valeri Naughty

Utah Naughty Valeria Nice

Uwe Nice Valerie Nice

Uwrittasee Naughty Valerio Nice

Uziah Nice Valery Naughty

Uziel Naughty Valeska Nice

V Naughty Valetta Nice

433 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Valia Naughty Vanesa Nice

Valina Nice Vanesha Nice

Valinda Naughty Vanessa Nice

Valini Naughty Vanesssa Nice

Valkyrie Nice Vanetta Nice

Valkyrja Naughty Vanette Nice

Vallen Naughty Vania Naughty

Valley Nice Vanilla Naughty

Valli Nice Vanity Naughty

Vallie Naughty Vanize Nice

Valmiki Naughty Vanja Nice

Valo Naughty Vanna Nice

Valoie Nice Vannah Nice

Valor Nice Vannessa Naughty

Valorey Nice Vannie Nice

Valorie Nice Vannika Naughty

Valory Nice Vanya Naughty

Valyn Naughty Vara Nice

Valynda Naughty Vard Naughty

Van Nice Varian Nice

Vana Nice Varick Naughty

Vanaisha Naughty Varla Nice

Vanavah Nice Varly Nice

Vance Nice Varren Nice

Vander Naughty Varsha Naughty

Vanderlei Nice Varshini Naughty

Vandono Naughty Vartan Nice

Vanellope Naughty Varun Naughty

434 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Vasanthy Naughty Vega Nice

Vasanti Naughty Veione Nice

Vash Naughty Vela Naughty

Vashon Nice Velaine Naughty

Vashti Naughty Velda Nice

Vasil Naughty Veletta Naughty

Vasiley Naughty Velia Naughty

Vasiliki Nice Velislava Naughty

Vasiliy Nice Velissia Nice

Vasilka Nice Velizar Naughty

Vassie Nice Vella Nice

Vassilis Nice Velma Nice

Vasuda Naughty Velocity Nice

Vaughan Naughty Velouria Naughty

Vaughn Nice Velva Nice

Vaus Naughty Velvet Nice

Vawn Naughty Vena Nice

Vaya Naughty Venancio Nice

Vayah Nice Vencincia Naughty

Vayda Nice Vendie Naughty

Vaylyn Nice Venelope Nice

Vecreshia Nice Venesha Naughty

Ved Naughty Venessa Nice

Veda Nice Venetia Naughty

Vedder Naughty Venica Nice

Vedran Naughty Venice Naughty

Veer Naughty Venie Naughty

Veeran Nice Venise Naughty

435 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Venita Naughty Verlin Naughty

Venkata Nice Verlinda Naughty

Venla Nice Verlon Naughty

Vennah Nice Verly Nice

Vennie Nice Verlyn Nice

Venser Nice Vermilion Naughty

Ventura Naughty Vern Naughty

Ventus Naughty Verna Naughty

Venus Naughty Vernal Naughty

Veola Naughty Verne Naughty

Veona Nice Vernell Nice

Vera Nice Vernelle Naughty

Veraletta Naughty Verner Naughty

Veraliese Naughty Vernest Nice

Veray Naughty Vernetta Nice

Verda Naughty Vernia Naughty

Verdell Nice Vernice Nice

Verdie Naughty Vernie Naughty

Vere Nice Vernita Nice

Verena Nice Verno Nice

Vergie Naughty Vernon Nice

Vergil Naughty Verona Nice

Verity Nice Veronda Naughty

Verl Naughty Veronica Nice

Verla Nice Veronika Nice

Verle Naughty Veronique Nice

Verlene Naughty Versa Naughty

Verlie Nice Versie Naughty

436 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Vertie Naughty Vick Nice

Vertin Nice Vicke Nice

Veruca Naughty Vickey Nice

Vesal Nice Vicki Nice

Veshawn Nice Vickie Nice

Vesna Naughty Vickileigh Nice

Vespa Naughty Vicktoria Nice

Vesper Nice Vicky Nice

Vessa Naughty Victor Nice

Vessie Naughty Victorea Nice

Vesta Naughty Victoria Nice

Vester Nice Victoriana Nice

Vestina Naughty Victoriano Nice

Veta Nice Victorine Nice

Veva Nice Victory Nice

Veya Naughty Victorya Nice

Veyda Nice Vicy Naughty

Via Nice Vid Naughty

Viana Naughty Vida Nice

Vianca Nice Vidal Nice

Vianey Nice Vidalia Naughty

Viani Naughty Videl Naughty

Vianna Nice Vidia Naughty

Vianney Nice Vidisha Naughty

Vic Nice Vidursan Naughty

Vicente Nice Vienna Nice

Vicha Nice Viggo Naughty

Vicie Naughty Vignesh Nice

437 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Vihaan Nice Vinie Naughty

Vihana Naughty Vinna Naughty

Vijay Nice Vinnay Naughty

Vikas Nice Vinnie Nice

Viki Nice Vinny Naughty

Vikie Naughty Vinod Naughty

Vikki Naughty Vinson Naughty

Vikram Nice Vinton Naughty

Viktor Nice Viola Naughty

Viktoria Nice Violet Nice

Viktorious Nice Violeta Nice

Viktoriya Naughty Violett Nice

Vili Naughty Violetta Nice

Villa Naughty Violette Nice

Villy Naughty Vir Naughty

Vilma Naughty Vira Nice

Vina Naughty Viraj Nice

Vinay Nice Virali Naughty

Vince Nice Virdie Nice

Vincent Nice Virge Naughty

Vincent-Natasha Naughty Virgel Naughty

Vincente Nice Virgia Naughty

Vincenza Nice Virgie Nice

Vincenzo Nice Virgil Nice

Vinessa Naughty Virgillian Naughty

Viney Naughty Virgina Naughty

Vinh Naughty Virginia Nice

Vinian Nice Virgle Naughty

438 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Viridiana Nice Vladimira Nice

Vishal Nice Vlasta Nice

Vishnu Naughty Vloot Naughty

Vita Naughty Vollie Nice

Vitali Naughty Volney Nice

Vitalie Naughty Volodymyr Naughty

Vitaly Nice Von Nice

Vito Nice Vonda Naughty

Vitolina Naughty Vonetta Nice

Vittoria Naughty Vonette Naughty

Vittorio Nice Vong Naughty

Viva Naughty Voni Naughty

Vivakeanand Naughty Vonnee Naughty

Vivansh Nice Vonnie Naughty

Viveka Nice Vorian Naughty

Vivi Nice Voula Nice

Vivia Nice Vraulio Nice

Vivian Nice Vriska Nice

Viviana Nice Vronica Naughty

Vivianne Nice Vu Nice

Vivica Nice Vuk Nice

Vivien Nice Vulture Nice

Vivienne Nice Vung Naughty

Vivyanna Naughty Vyaan Nice

Viyan Nice Vyacheslav Naughty

Viyona Nice Vyctoriah Nice

Vlad Naughty Vylette Nice

Vladimir Nice Vynese Naughty

439 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Vyolet Nice Walid Nice

Vyom Naughty Walker Nice

Vyphuong Nice Wallace Nice

Vyronika Naughty Wally Nice

Vyson Naughty Walt Nice

Vytautas Nice Walter Nice

Wacey Naughty Waltina Nice

Waclaw Nice Walton Naughty

Waco Nice Wambli Nice

Waddie Nice Wamika Nice

Wade Nice Wanda Nice

Wadean Nice Waneta Naughty

Wagin Naughty Wanita Nice

Wagner Naughty Ward Nice

Wahid Nice Wardell Nice

Wahnita Nice Warner Nice

Wai Nice Warren Nice

Wailon Naughty Warrick Naughty

Waino Nice Warrior Nice

Wake Nice Warwick Naughty

Wakely Nice Wash Naughty

Wakelyn Nice Washington Nice

Wakushka Nice Wataya Nice

Walberto Nice Watson Naughty

Waldemar Nice Watt Naughty

Waldo Naughty Watts Nice

Wale Nice Waugh Naughty

Waleska Nice Waunita Naughty

440 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Waunnetta Naughty Wembly Naughty

Wava Naughty Wende Nice

Waverly Nice Wendel Naughty

Wavvy Nice Wendell Nice

Waybo Naughty Wendelyn Naughty

Waydan Naughty Wendi Nice

Wayde Nice Wendie Nice

Wayland Nice Wendolyn Nice

Waylen Naughty Wendolynn Naughty

Waylon Nice Wendy Nice

Waylynne Nice Wenesday Naughty

Wayman Nice Wenona Nice

Waymon Nice Wenzel Naughty

Wayne Nice Werner Naughty

Weasley Naughty Wes Nice

Weatherly Nice Weslee Nice

Weaver Nice Wesleigh Naughty

Webb Naughty Wesley Nice

Webster Naughty Weslie Nice

Wednesday Nice Weslyn Naughty

Wei Nice Weslynn Nice

Wei-En Nice Wess Naughty

Weldon Nice Wesson Naughty

Welles Nice West Naughty

Wellington Nice Westen Nice

Wells Nice Westin Nice

Welton Naughty Westley Nice

Welty Naughty Westlynn Naughty

441 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Weston Nice Wilburn Nice

Westyn Nice Wilda Naughty

Weylin Naughty Wilder Naughty

Weyma Nice Wiley Nice

Weymon Nice Wilf Nice

Wezley Naughty Wilford Naughty

Wheeler Nice Wilfred Naughty

Wheylon Nice Wilfredo Naughty

Whisper Nice Wilfrid Nice

Whit Nice Wilhelm Naughty

Whitaker Nice Wilhelmina Nice

Whitlee Nice Wilhelmine Nice

Whitleigh Nice Wiliam Nice

Whitley Nice Wilieshia Nice

Whitney Nice Wilkie Nice

Whitni Nice Wilkins Naughty

Whitten Nice Will Nice

Whittney Nice Willa Nice

Whyatt Naughty Willaim Naughty

Whysper Naughty Willam Naughty

Wiatt Naughty Willamina Nice

Wicked Naughty Willard Naughty

Wicker Naughty Willem Naughty

Wiiliam Nice Willene Naughty

Wil Nice Willia Naughty

Wilber Naughty William Nice

Wilbert Nice Williams Naughty

Wilbur Naughty Willian Nice

442 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Williard Naughty Winifred Nice

Willie Nice Winkleberry Nice

Williemae Naughty Winnie Nice

Willis Nice Winnifred Nice

Willodean Naughty Winona Nice

Willough Naughty Winrey Naughty

Willoughby Nice Winry Nice

Willow Nice Winsley Naughty

Wills Nice Winslow Nice

Willy Naughty Winston Nice

Wilma Nice Winter Nice

Wilmer Nice Winthrop Naughty

Wilmian Naughty Winton Naughty

Wilmont Nice Wirt Nice

Wilmore Nice Wisdom Naughty

Wilson Nice Wises Naughty

Wilton Naughty Wismark Naughty

Wimberly Nice Wisper Naughty

Winchester Nice Wissam Naughty

Windell Nice Witnee Nice

Windi Nice Witt Nice

Windsor Nice Wm Naughty

Windy Naughty Wojtek Nice

Winfield Naughty Wolfe Nice

Winford Nice Wolfgang Naughty

Winfred Naughty Won Naughty

Wing Nice Wong Naughty

Wini Nice Wood Naughty

443 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Woodie Naughty Wylen Naughty

Woodlynn Nice Wylene Nice

Woodroe Nice Wyley Naughty

Woodrow Nice Wylie Nice

Woodson Naughty Wyllow Naughty

Woody Nice Wylly Nice

Worley Naughty Wyman Nice

Worth Nice Wynand Naughty

Wosilat Naughty Wyndsor Nice

Wren Nice Wynell Nice

Wrenley Nice Wynn Nice

Wrennyn Naughty Wynona Naughty

Wright Naughty Wynslee Naughty

Wrightley Nice Wynston Naughty

Wrigley Naughty Wynta Nice

Wroxton Nice Wynter Nice

Wryker Naughty Wynton Nice

Wrylee Nice Wyome Nice

Wrylie Naughty Wysen Nice

Wrylyn Nice Wytlee Naughty

Wryn Nice X Nice

Wrynn Naughty X’Zavian Nice

Wyatt Nice Xac Nice

Wycliffe Nice Xachery Naughty

Wyett Naughty Xackery Nice

Wylan Nice Xadriana Naughty

Wylda Nice Xaeden Naughty

Wylder Naughty Xaella Naughty

444 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Xaiden Nice Xayla Naughty

Xain Naughty Xayna Naughty

Xalariana Naughty Xayne Naughty

Xamara Nice Xayvior Nice

Xamier Naughty Xeira Nice

Xamora Naughty Xela Nice

Xan Nice Xena Naughty

Xana Nice Xenia Naughty

Xander Nice Xeno Naughty

Xandra Nice Xenovia Nice

Xandrea Naughty Xerren Nice

Xandria Naughty Xerxes Naughty

Xane Nice Xhaiden Nice

Xanieliz Nice Xhavier Nice

Xanthe Naughty Xhylia Naughty

Xaria Naughty Xia Nice

Xariah Naughty Xilas Naughty

Xavi Nice Ximena Nice

Xavia Nice Ximon Nice

Xaviah Nice Xiomara Nice

Xavian Naughty Xion Naughty

Xavien Nice Xiong Nice

Xavier Nice Xitlali Nice

Xavior Naughty Xochil Naughty

Xavy Nice Xochilt Nice

Xaxtyn Nice Xochitl Naughty

Xayah Naughty Xoe Naughty

Xayden Nice Xoee Nice

445 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Xoel Naughty Xzenia Naughty

Xoey Naughty Yaakov Nice

Xohi Naughty Yaana Naughty

Xola Nice Yacoub Nice

Xophia Naughty Yadher Naughty

Xotchil Nice Yadiel Naughty

Xris Nice Yadier Naughty

Xristopher Nice Yadinel Naughty

Xrryant Naughty Yadira Nice

Xueyuan Nice Yael Nice

Xunashi Nice Yahaira Naughty

Xwesqit Nice Yahel Nice

Xxayvier Nice Yahir Nice

Xyis Nice Yahlena Naughty

Xyla Nice Yahshua Nice

Xyleah Nice Yaiden Nice

Xylee Naughty Yaihre Naughty

Xyleena Nice Yair Nice

Xylei Naughty Yajaira Naughty

Xylexa Nice Yakira Naughty

Xyliah Naughty Yaldha Naughty

Xylina Naughty Yalina Naughty

Xzander Naughty Yalira Naughty

Xzavien Nice Yalonda Naughty

Xzavier Nice Yama Nice

Xzavion Naughty Yamaris Naughty

Xzavyiehn Naughty Yamil Nice

Xzayden Naughty Yamila Nice

446 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Yamile Nice Yaqin Nice

Yamilet Naughty Yaqueline Nice

Yamilex Nice Yara Nice

Yamina Naughty Yardley Nice

Yan Naughty Yare Nice

Yana Nice Yareli Nice

Yancey Nice Yaretxi Nice

Yancy Naughty Yaretzi Nice

Yandel Naughty Yari Naughty

Yaneicy Nice Yarida Nice

Yaneli Naughty Yaridra Naughty

Yaneliz Nice Yarissa Nice

Yanelle Nice Yaritza Nice

Yanely Nice Yarixa Nice

Yanet Naughty Yaron Naughty

Yangyang Nice Yarra Nice

Yani Naughty Yasenia Naughty

Yanik Nice Yash Nice

Yanira Nice Yashil Naughty

Yanitza Nice Yasiah Naughty

Yann Naughty Yasiel Naughty

Yannette Nice Yaslynn Naughty

Yanni Nice Yasmeen Nice

Yannick Nice Yasmin Nice

Yannik Naughty Yasmina Naughty

Yannis Naughty Yasmine Naughty

Yanser Naughty Yasmyn Nice

Yanus Nice Yassin Nice

447 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Yasyrys Nice Yergwene Nice

Yates Naughty Yeriel Naughty

Yavette Nice Yesenia Nice

Yazan Naughty Yeshua Nice

Yazhere Naughty Yesica Naughty

Yazlin Naughty Yesidra Naughty

Yazmin Nice Yesmin Nice

Yazmine Nice Yessenia Nice

Yazsmine Naughty Yessica Naughty

Yazzlynn Naughty Yessid Naughty

Ybethe Naughty Yessie Nice

Yee Nice Yessika Naughty

Yeen Nice Yesteni Naughty

Yeet Naughty Yetta Nice

Yefte Nice Yeury Nice

Yehuda Nice Yhana Nice

Yeimi Nice Yi Naughty

Yeira Nice Yiannis Nice

Yelena Naughty Yiara Nice

Yellowtomanimate Naughty Yihao Nice

Yemane Nice Yim Naughty

Yen Nice Yinett Nice

Yendy Naughty Yiovani Nice

Yenifer Naughty Yisena Nice

Yenishka Naughty Yismell Naughty

Yensiel Nice Yissel Naughty

Yenson Naughty Yissell Nice

Yenyfer Nice Yizel Nice

448 | © Copyright North Pole Government 2020

North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Ylee Naughty Yosef Naughty

Yngrid Nice Yoseli Nice

Ynze Nice Yoselin Nice

Yoana Nice Yoselyn Naughty

Yobel Naughty Yosenia Naughty

Yocelyn Nice Yoshiko Naughty

Yoda Naughty Yoshio Naughty

Yodev Naughty Yosniel Nice

Yoel Nice Yosvel Naughty

Yog Nice Youness Naughty

Yogi Nice Young Nice

Yohanna Nice Youngeun Nice

Yoko Nice Younghun Nice

Yolanda Nice Youssef Naughty

Yolette Nice Youstina Naughty

Yolizma Naughty Yovan Nice

Yolonda Nice Yovanni Naughty

Yomayra Naughty Yovany Naughty

Yonah Nice Yoyie Nice

Yonee Naughty Yram Nice

Yoni Naughty Yrsa Naughty

Yono Naughty Ysa Nice

Yoobin Nice Ysabel Naughty

Yordis Naughty Ysabella Nice

Yoreliz Nice Ysenia Nice

York Naughty Ysolt Nice

Yorren Naughty Yudith Naughty

Yosbany Nice Yue Nice

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North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Yuki Naughty Yvelisse Nice

Yukiko Naughty Yves Naughty

Yulia Naughty Yvette Nice

Yuliana Nice Yvonne Nice

Yuliannah Nice Z’Lyric Naughty

Yulisa Nice Za’Rhiyah Naughty

Yulissa Nice Zaada Nice

Yulma Naughty Zaagi Naughty

Yulonda Naughty Zaak Nice

Yumi Naughty Zaamil Nice

Yuna Nice Zabastian Nice

Yunu Nice Zabdiel Nice

Yurem Naughty Zabriahna Nice

Yuri Naughty Zabrina Nice

Yuridia Nice Zac Nice

Yuridiana Nice Zaccariah Nice

Yuritzi Naughty Zaccary Naughty

Yurliana Nice Zacchaeus Nice

Yussuf Nice Zaccheus Nice

Yusuf Naughty Zace Naughty

Yuvana Naughty Zach Nice

Yuvraj Nice Zachare Nice

Yuwell Nice Zacharee Nice

Yuzi Nice Zacharia Naughty

Yuzuki Naughty Zachariah Nice

Yva Nice Zacharias Nice

Yvan Nice Zachariyah Nice

Yvannah Nice Zachary Nice

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North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

Zachell Naughty Zaelee Naughty

Zachery Nice Zaelianah Naughty

Zachry Nice Zaelin Naughty

Zack Naughty Zaelyn Nice

Zackariah Naughty Zaevion Naughty

Zackarie Naughty Zaevyian Naughty

Zackary Nice Zahara Naughty

Zackaryah Naughty Zaharion Naughty

Zackeri Naughty Zahiere Nice

Zackerry Nice Zahir Nice

Zackery Nice Zahlee Nice

Zacorro Naughty Zahli Nice

Zacura Naughty Zahra Naughty

Zada Nice Zahri Nice

Zadarrion Nice Zahriya Nice

Zade Nice Zaia Nice

Zaden Nice Zaiah Nice

Zadey Nice Zaib Nice

Zadi Naughty Zaid Nice

Zadie Nice Zaida Nice

Zadoc Naughty Zaidan Naughty

Zadok Naughty Zaidee Nice

Zadrien Naughty Zaiden Nice

Zadyn Nice Zaidyn Naughty

Zaeden Nice Zaige Naughty

Zaeem Naughty Zaih Nice

Zaela Naughty Zailee Nice

Zaelah Nice Zailley Nice

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Zailyn Naughty Zakyree Nice

Zailynn Naughty Zalana Naughty

Zain Naughty Zale Naughty

Zainah Naughty Zaleigh Naughty

Zaine Naughty Zaleigha Nice

Zainer Naughty Zalen Naughty

Zaira Nice Zalevion Naughty

Zaire Nice Zali Naughty

Zaivion Naughty Zalia Naughty

Zaiyea Naughty Zaliea Nice

Zak Naughty Zalika Nice

Zakai Nice Zaliyah Naughty

Zakaiah Nice Zamari Naughty

Zakaria Naughty Zamaria Naughty

Zakariah Nice Zamaura Naughty

Zakariya Naughty Zamaya Naughty

Zakary Nice Zamira Naughty

Zakaury Naughty Zamiya Nice

Zakery Nice Zamyah Nice

Zaki Nice Zan Nice

Zakia Nice Zana Nice

Zakiah Naughty Zandalen Nice

Zakih Naughty Zandar Nice

Zakil Naughty Zandaya Nice

Zakk Nice Zanden Naughty

Zakory Nice Zander Nice

Zakry Nice Zanderlynn Naughty

Zakyrah Nice Zanderray Naughty

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Zandon Naughty Zaria Nice

Zandr Nice Zariah Nice

Zandra Nice Zarina Nice

Zandree Nice Zarine Nice

Zandyn Naughty Zarion Naughty

Zandyr Nice Zarius Naughty

Zane Nice Zariya Nice

Zanfredo Nice Zariyah Naughty

Zanicia Nice Zarko Naughty

Zanillya Nice Zarlee Naughty

Zaniya Nice Zarli Nice

Zaniyah Naughty Zarrah Naughty

Zanna Nice Zarrieya Naughty

Zanorfa Naughty Zarrin Naughty

Zapheth Naughty Zartino Nice

Zaqueo Naughty Zaryah Nice

Zar Naughty Zaryan Naughty

Zara Nice Zaryn Nice

Zarah Nice Zasia Nice

Zarahfina Naughty Zasmine Naughty

Zarahi Nice Zathen Nice

Zaray Naughty Zavery Naughty

Zarayah Nice Zavian Nice

Zared Nice Zaviar Nice

Zareh Naughty Zavier Nice

Zarek Naughty Zavin Naughty

Zarhiyah Nice Zavior Naughty

Zari Naughty Zavyer Nice

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Zaxby Nice Zaylie Nice

Zaxin Naughty Zaylin Nice

Zaxon Naughty Zayllie Nice

Zaxsen Nice Zaylyn Nice

Zaxton Naughty Zaylynn Nice

Zay’Ana Nice Zayn Nice

Zaya Naughty Zayna Nice

Zayah Nice Zaynah Naughty

Zaybrianna Nice Zayne Nice

Zayd Nice Zayson Naughty

Zayda Naughty Zaythiana Nice

Zaydan Nice Zayun Nice

Zayde Naughty Zayva Naughty

Zaydee Naughty Zayven Nice

Zayden Nice Zayveon Nice

Zaydi Naughty Zayvier Nice

Zaydie Nice Zayvion Naughty

Zaydin Nice Zazzriel Naughty

Zaydon Naughty Zea Naughty

Zayia Naughty Zeanna Nice

Zayin Nice Zeatta Nice

Zayla Nice Zeb Naughty

Zaylan Naughty Zebadiah Naughty

Zaylaria Naughty Zebasthian Naughty

Zaylee Naughty Zebastian Nice

Zayleigh Nice Zebrina Naughty

Zaylen Naughty Zebulon Nice

Zayley Nice Zebulun Naughty

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Zech Nice Zenaiya Nice

Zechariah Naughty Zenas Naughty

Zed Naughty Zendaya Naughty

Zedric Nice Zender Nice

Zeek Nice Zendrix Nice

Zeeshaan Naughty Zeneyda Naughty

Zeeva Nice Zenia Nice

Zeffy Nice Zenith Nice

Zegen Nice Zenlyn Naughty

Zek Nice Zenna Naughty

Zeke Nice Zennon Nice

Zekiel Nice Zeno Nice

Zela Naughty Zenobia Naughty

Zelan Nice Zenon Naughty

Zelda Nice Zeon Nice

Zelena Naughty Zephaniah Nice

Zelia Naughty Zephannie Nice

Zelina Nice Zephyr Naughty

Zeliss Naughty Zeppelin Naughty

Zella Nice Zeralyn Naughty

Zellie Nice Zerena Nice

Zelma Naughty Zereyma Nice

Zelpha Nice Zeriah Naughty

Zemirah Nice Zerin Naughty

Zen Nice Zeriyah Naughty

Zena Nice Zero Naughty

Zenaby Naughty Zeta Nice

Zenaida Nice Zeth Naughty

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Zethan Naughty Ziadora Nice

Zetryana Nice Ziah Naughty

Zetta Nice Ziana Naughty

Zettie Nice Ziania Naughty

Zeus Nice Zicah Naughty

Zev Naughty Zienna Nice

Zevaeh Naughty Zierra Naughty

Zevon Nice Zieth Nice

Zevonte Nice Ziggie Naughty

Zeya Naughty Ziggy Nice

Zeynep Naughty Zigmund Naughty

Zha Naughty Zikeria Naughty

Zhade Naughty Zilayna Nice

Zhaie Nice Zillah Naughty

Zhain Nice Zilpah Naughty

Zhakgary Naughty Zilpha Naughty

Zhane Nice Zina Nice

Zhao Naughty Zinahi Naughty

Zhara Nice Zindy Naughty

Zhayne Nice Zinia Nice

Zhenzi Nice Zinnia Nice

Zhoe Naughty Zintra Naughty

Zhoie Naughty Zinzi Nice

Zhyin Naughty Zion Nice

Zhyler Nice Ziporah Naughty

Zhymere Naughty Zipporah Naughty

Zhymir Naughty Zita Naughty

Zia Nice Zithry Nice

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Ziva Nice Zolee Naughty

Zivah Nice Zolena Nice

Ziven Naughty Zolin Nice

Zivia Naughty Zollie Naughty

Ziya Nice Zona Nice

Zky Naughty Zooey Nice

Zlatko Nice Zophia Nice

Znna Naughty Zophiah Naughty

Zo Nice Zophjia Nice

Zoa Naughty Zora Nice

Zodia Nice Zoraliea Naughty

Zodie Nice Zoran Nice

Zoe Nice Zoraya Nice

Zoee Nice Zoriah Naughty

Zoeey Nice Zorro Nice

Zoei Nice Zosia Nice

Zoella Naughty Zovany Nice

Zoelle Naughty Zowie Naughty

Zoelyn Nice Zoya Nice

Zoey Nice Zoye Nice

Zofia Nice Zoyii Naughty

Zohee Nice Zryagrace Naughty

Zohera Naughty Zsajarra Naughty

Zoi Naughty Zubin Naughty

Zoie Nice Zujeliz Naughty

Zoiey Nice Zuko Nice

Zoila Naughty Zula Nice

Zola Naughty Zuleika Nice

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Zulema Nice Zyheir Naughty

Zuleyka Nice Zyion Naughty

Zuleyma Naughty Zyionna Naughty

Zulfa Naughty Zyir Nice

Zulfikar Nice Zyis Naughty

Zulima Nice Zykhel Naughty

Zully Nice Zyla Naughty

Zulma Naughty Zylah Naughty

Zuly Naughty Zylar Nice

Zuma Naughty Zylas Nice

Zumiko Nice Zylee Nice

Zuri Nice Zyler Nice

Zuriah Naughty Zymere Naughty

Zurializ Naughty Zyndor Nice

Zurie Naughty Zynlee Nice

Zuryka Nice Zyon Nice

Zuzia Nice Zyra Naughty

Zvonko Naughty Zyran Nice

Zy’Myiah Nice Zyrell Nice

Zya Nice Zyren Naughty

Zyaar Naughty Zyriah Nice

Zyad Naughty Zyven Naughty

Zyair Naughty Zzkora Nice

Zyaire Naughty

Zyana Naughty

Zyanna Naughty

Zyanya Naughty

Zyden Naughty

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If you have found your name on the naughty list and would like to dispute the result, being a really
good person between now and Christmas is a fast track alternative to the behavioural review
system. Good deeds and genuine niceties will be detected by the Department’s Global Behaviour
Tracking Network and good vibes will be sent directly to the North Pole Records Centre.

To get on the nice list fast, you need to act fast. The time frames for good behaviour adjudication
are short and unforgiving.

As a result, it is extremely important that you notify the Department of Christmas Affairs as soon
as you can if you believe your results are incorrect. If possible, get in touch before Christmas Day
so that we can make sure your records are updated before Santa’s visit.

Your request for review is your one chance to put your entire case forward. So be sure to include
all the good deeds you think make you deserving of a nice result.

At the end of the day, we want to help you be nice!

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North Pole Government, Department of Christmas Affairs | Naughty and Nice List, 2020

As part of the Department of Christmas Affairs’ naughty rehabilitation program, our team of
Nice Coaches help individuals achieve Nice status or make specific changes in their lives in a
supportive, collaborative, strategic, accountable and empowering way.

While Nice coaches can address particular behaviours measured by the Official Naughty & Nice
evaluation system, evidence based interventions delivered by a Christmachologist are more
appropriate for individuals with severe Naughty concerns.

Our Nice coaches can help you:

• Achieve nice short & long term goals

• Personal training to develop nice default behaviours

• Find the perfect naughty/nice balance

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Improving the joy of Christmas for all the world,
now and for future generations

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