Ratification of Commencement

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Rule 17(a) Real Parties in Interest:
"Every action shall be prosecuted in the name of the real party in interest. An
executor, administrator, guardian, bailee, trustee of an express trust, a party
with whom or in whose name a contract has been made for the benefit of another,
or a party authorized by statute may sue in that person's own name without joini
ng the party for whose benefit the action is brought; and when a statute of the
United States so provides, an action for the use or benefit of another shall be
brought in the name of the United States. No action shall be dismissed on the gr
ound that it is not prosecuted in the name of the real party in interest until a
reasonable time has been allowed after objection for ratification of commenceme
nt of the action by, or joinder or substitution of, the real party in interest;
and such ratification, joinder, or substitution shall have the same effect as if
the action had been commenced in the name of the real party in interest."

Let's take a look at what this rule is saying. No action shall be dismissed . .
. after objection . . . for ratification of commencement of the action by the r
eal party in interest."
What is ratification of commencement? It is the CLAIM!!! No one has a claim in
government, they have told us that every time. They can't have a claim; they a
re neither injured nor trespassed. I believe that it is this "ratification" is
the piece that comes before the question of claim, and if someone alleges they h
ave a claim, then they have to produce the ratification of commencement.
Now, the real test in an alleged criminal matter is that this is a Civil Rule.
According to the civil rules of procedure, Rule 1, there is only one form of act
ion, a civil action. This is important because 1) all crimes are commercial, (2
7 cfr 72.11) and 2) Every alleged crime has to have "nature and cause", AND be p
rosecuted in the name of the people of the state as a REAL PARTY IN INTEREST.NOT
the PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF or the People of the State of, that is the corporati
on and is an impossibility. This is where study and understanding is so importa
nt. If one goes on-line and types in ratification of commencement" one will find
case after case that will explain the basics further on this, but I believe it
to be a critical piece. I put it out there for further study and comment.
The last 10 years I have taught the 3 questions: 1) may I have your name please
? 2) Do you have a claim against me? And 3) do you know anyone who has a claim
against me? Now, we have another very important piece in this process in my hum
ble opinion. As I did, in my own case in federal court in Las Vegas the other d
ay, I encourage each person reading this to consider this and the ramifications.
When the judge began to tell me about my situation and asked if I had an unders
tanding of the situation, I said and I quote: your honor, I object, there has bee
n no ratification of commencement in this matter." The judge looked at me and s
aid that he did not know what that was to which I explained as briefly as possib
le that it was rule 17, real parties in interest. He told me that was a civil r
ule and this was a criminal matter, nature and cause, to which I replied and poi
nted out that there is only one form of action and that is a civil action, Rule
He noted my objection for the record, which is what I wanted, and then in a few
moments entered a plea of not guilty on behalf of the straw-man to which I repli
ed, your honor, I accept for value this entire matter and proceeding. The judge t
hen informed me that he had no idea what that meant and I told him that I was no
t there to tell him the law. He then held my detention hearing and eventually o
rdered me released..
Now, much more happened and I will produce another report on all of that episode
and what precipitated the event, this is about you and how you can potentially
help your self or others in ANY MATTER.
The point is this: the objection for lack of ratification of commencement, which
is basically the "proof of claim" made under oath and pain and penalty of perju
ry and without it, you and "they cannot move forward. If someone produces or all
eges that they do indeed have "ratification of commencement" then the person pur
porting to have the same needs to be asked immediately: may I have your
name please? And 2) do you have a claim against me? I believe you will find th
at the person does NOT HAVE A CLAIM against you and therefore, the alleged ratif
ication of commencement is no such thing. These most important things cannot be
separated or ignored. They both go right to the heart of every matter in court.
Now, you also must understand that if you have actually injured another living
, breathing man or woman, or their property, they can provide such ratification.
This is very simple and it is also very easy, no more than a couple of paragra
phs usually and I will be providing live broadcast teachings on this in the next
couple of weeks when I get back up on top of things here.
Ladies and Gentlemen, the federal government has chosen to entrap me in an attem
pt to silence me. They have accused me of being a domestic terrorist and a "nat
ional leader" of the anti-government movement. The real truth is simply this: no
thing can be further from the truth. Today in America, if you support Ron Paul,
former congressman Bob Barr, Chuck Baldwin or anyone like them, you are on a ter
rorist watch list. I know personally a young man who was held at the Canadian b
order for over an hour because his car displayed a Ron Paul for president bumper
sticker. Our views of our country, our
constitution, Bill of Rights, and especially a belief in a Creator or Sovereign
Being other than the accepted government, Democrats or Republicans, (a shirts an
d skins basketball practice of and on the same team as my son gives the analogy)
, you are considered a threat to the government and a domestic terrorist. If yo
u file a paper or document in your own defense because you can't afford an attor
ney or don't want an attorney you are a paper terrorist. When does it end? When
do you and I, our friends and family, say finally, enough is enough? When do w
e wake up from this financial insanity and realize that we only borrow our own m
oney and pay interest for the privilege? The calls to action is now, either stu
dy and learn what is going on, or as I replied in a recent email, bow down and k
iss the ring of the "authority" in your life. I have never, ever advocated any
action against anyone in government for any reason. I have had people asked me
to assist them in suing the government for some action that really does deem a l
awsuit or other action, always declining to assist. The real question is this, w
hat is so terrifying about these 3 words: "accept for value??? Now we have added
3 more words, "ratification of commencement" .
Good luck America, may God bless us all.

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