Jurnal 22
Jurnal 22
Jurnal 22
Keywords: Shaft Calciner, Petroleum Coke, Mathematical Model, Grey Relational Analysis, Orthogonal Design
Calcination temperature is the key factor affecting the quality of calcined petroleum coke and dominated by calcination
parameters in a shaft calciner. In this study, a method for evaluating the effects of various factors on the temperature dis-
tribution in shaft calciners is proposed. A two-dimensional transient mathematical model was developed to describe the
complex gas–solid coupled mass and heat transfer problems that occur during petroleum coke calcination in shaft cal-
ciners. In this model, a three-parallel-distributed activation energy model (DAEM)-reaction model was used to describe
the pyrolysis kinetics of petroleum coke, and a dichotomy method was used to guarantee constant temperature in the
flue of Layer 2 (T2) to meet the operational control requirements in actual production. Then, a statistical method called
orthogonal design-based grey relational analysis was used to quantize the influence degree of salient factors (discharge
rate per pot [DRPP], moisture content [MC], volatile content [VC], and volatile distribution ratio [VDR] in the flue of Layer
1) on the temperature distribution in the shaft calciner. An analysis of variance of the grey relational degree showed that
VC was the most influential factor, followed by DRPP and MC; VDR was the least influential factor behind calcination
temperature. Therefore, VC is the key factor affecting the calcination temperature and must be strictly controlled during
1.2 Kinetic analysis using three-parallel-DAEM-reaction =
model dT
� ∞ ki E ki
In this work, the three-parallel-DAEM-reaction model
� Ci � exp �− − ψ (E, T)� f i (E) dE (2)
was employed for kinetics analysis of the complex reactions i=� � η RT η
in the pyrolysis process of petroleum coke (Cai et al., 2013).
matter in the petroleum coke is assumed as CH4, C2H6, H2, The heat absorption source term caused by petroleum
CO, CO2, H2O, O2, NH3, H2S, SO2 and N2. coke pyrolysis is given by Eq. (17).
In order to accurately determine the content of volatile
matter, seven conservation equations for volatile matter py- Sh = − � hi Ri (17)
rolysis have been established according to the mass, element
and energy conservation. 2.2.4 Heat exchange model The gas products of the
Mass conservation: volatiles combustion reaction are calculated by using the
Nc equilibrium constant method (Li et al., 2018b). The main
� m i − Cvol mdry_gpc = � (9) reaction equations are expressed as Eqs. (18) to (24).
Element conservation: CH � + �O � = CO � + �H � O − ∆H C H �
[CO� ][H� O]
K� =
� mi Ai j − B j = � j = C, H, O, N , S (10) [CH� ][O� ]
subject to:
∆G � m r ∆H ���,r + � � m r c p dT =
K j = exp �− � (24) i i ���
RT np np Tk ,out
� m p ∆H ���, p + � � m p c p dT + Q l oss ∆t
For a multicomponent gas phase system, the independent j j ���
reaction can be represented by a matrix as follows.
k = �...� (29)
(Vj,i )(I i ,k ) = (D j,k ) (25)
Q l oss = Q r g w + Q c g w + Q e w + Qother (30)
The equations of the equilibrium constant method are ex-
pressed by Eqs. (26)–(28), respectively. The Newton–Raph- Herein, T0,in is the inlet temperature of the flue of Layer 1.
son method is used for solving simultaneous equations. Other heat losses (Qother) include nameless heat loss caused
by air leakage through observation holes and other outlets.
X i V ji
Yj = Z j K j � � � j = �, �, ⋯, N c − N e (26) The following equations are used to describe the radiative
i Zi and convective heat transfers between the gas and flue wall
(Meisingset and Balchen, 1995; Eskelinen et al., 2015; Xiao
Pk = � I i ,k X i + � D j,k Y j k = �, �, ⋯, N e (27)
i j
et al., 2016b).
Z = � X i + � Yj (ε w + �)
(28) Qrgw = σ A f c ε g �Tg� − Tw� � (31)
i j �
Therefore, the chemical equilibrium conservation equa- Qcgw = hcgw A f c (Tg − Tw ) (32)
tions are used to calculate the gas composition in the flue
of each layer. Meanwhile, the heat flux boundary condition The convective heat transfer coefficient between the gas
(qw) is applied to describe the heat transfer process between and the flue wall is calculated by the Dittus–Boelter equa-
the flue wall and gas. In this model, the heat loss is mainly tion (Moradikazerouni et al., 2019) as follows.
caused by the heat radiation and thermal convection be-
Fig. 4 Grid independence study (a) 20 mm, (b) 15 mm, and (c) 5 mm Fig. 5 Comparison of simulation and experimental results
Fig. 7 Maximum temperature of Tcp and T8 for 25 cases Fig. 8 Effects of each factor on GRG
Factors ΔMax-Min Rank
1 2 3 4 5
In this work, a 2D transient mathematical model was
developed to describe the mass and heat transfer problems
Fig. 9 Effects of factors on GRG according to ANOVA results that occur during the calcination process of petroleum coke
in shaft calciners. In this model, a three-parallel-DAEM-
region of L8. reaction model was used to describe the pyrolysis kinetics
Through various investigations, the maximum tempera- of petroleum coke, and a dichotomy method was applied to
ture in the center of the pot (Tcp) and the flue wall tempera- realize the restriction of the flue wall temperature of Layer 2.
ture of Layer 8 (T8) are determined as shown in Figure 7. In addition, a statistical method called orthogonal design-
The maximum calcination temperature in the center of based GRA was used to quantize the influence degrees of
the pot for Case 5 is more than 1373 K and those for the four factors, namely, DRPP, VC, MC, and VDR, on the
other cases are at least approximately 1173 K. Moreover, T8 temperature distribution of the pot in a shaft calciner and
is greater than Tcp for all cases, and their temperature dif- determine the primary and secondary relationships of the
ference ranges from 16 to 161 K. Therefore, the degrees of influence degrees of the four factors.
influence of these four factors on the temperature distribu- The main conclusions are as follows:
tion must be quantized and the optimal combination of cal- 1. The pyrolysis kinetics of Fushun petroleum coke
cination parameters for achieving the maximum calcination can be successfully described by the three-parallel-
temperature must be determined. This problem is solved by DAEM-reaction model. The ranges of E0i and σi were
using the GRA method. 84.16–192.89 kJ/mol and 10.23–18.42 kJ/mol, respective-
ly. The ki was 7.62×103 s−1.
3.3 Results of GRA 2. The ANOVA of GRG showed that VC was the most
The Tcp and T8 under various conditions are regarded as influential factor, followed by DRPP and MC; VDR was
evaluating indicators. First, the original data series is non- the least influential factor behind calcination tempera-
dimensionalized by Eq. (37). Then, GRC and GRG are cal- ture. Therefore, in the condition of fixing the flue wall
culated by Eqs. (38) and (39) respectively. Table 4 tabulates temperature of Layer 2, VC is the key factor affecting the
the values of the orthogonal design, normalized values, and calcination temperature and must be strictly controlled
GRG. Case 5 has the maximum GRG value, which means during production.
that it has the optimal combination of parameters among 25
cases. Acknowledgement
The main effects of the factors on GRG are investigated by
This work was funded by the Science and Technology Program
range analysis (Taşkesen and Kütükde, 2014). Table 5 and of Education Department of Jiangxi Province in China (GJJ170527,
Figure 8 provide the maximum GRG and effects of each GJJ180449), Natural Science Foundation of Jiangxi Province of China
factor, respectively. By maximizing the values of GRG, the (20192BAB206019).
maximum values of Tcp and T8 can be obtained at DRPP1,
MC4, VC5, and VDR4 optimal conditions; in the optimal
combination, DRPP, MC, VC, and VDR are at 75 kg/h and