File Management Practice Exercises 1: Moving, Copying and Renaming
File Management Practice Exercises 1: Moving, Copying and Renaming
File Management Practice Exercises 1: Moving, Copying and Renaming
1. In your user space create a new folder named Exercise Date (Insert today’s date as
appropriate – don’t forget you can’t use the / symbol in a filename.)
2. Within the Exercise date folder create two new folders called IntroEx and MyWork.
Task B
1. Browse to the Training Files folder on the network and locate the C&G WP exercises
2. Copy the C&G WP exercises folder to the IntroEx folder. Rename this
C&G WP exercises folder to WordPrac
3. Browse to the Training Files folder on the network and locate the
Key Skills DB Exercises folder.
4. Copy the Key Skills DB exercises folder to the IntroEx folder. Rename this
Key Skills DB exercises folder to DBPrac
5. Browse to the Training Files folder on the network and locate the
Practise Spreadsheets exercises folder.
6. Copy the Practise Spreadsheets exercises folder to the IntroEx folder. Rename
this Practise Spreadsheets exercises folder to SSPrac
7. Update your diagram to show how the three new folders WordPrac, DBPrac, and
SSPrac fit in.
Task C
1. Browse to the Training Files folder on the network and locate the
Key Skills Spreadsheets exercises folder.
2. Open the Key Skills Spreadsheets exercises folder and copy the two PDF files into
your SSPrac folder.
6. Add your name into the cell underneath “echo” and save the file into the MyWork
folder. Keep the name the same.
7. Open the Exercise Date folder and display the folder list in the left hand pane
8. Capture the screen (take a screen print) and save the screen capture into the MyWork
folder as Contents of Exercise Date.
1. Browse to the Training Files folder on the Trainee server and locate the
ECDL CD folder.
2. Within the ECDL Papers folder locate the ITeC Samples folder and copy it to your
user space.
3. Search the ITeC Samples folder for all files with “memo” in the name. Produce a
screen shot of the results.
4. Search the ITeC Samples folder for all files modified in 2003 and produce a screenshot
of the results.
5. Search the ITeC Samples folder for all Word files (i.e. files that end in .doc ) and
produce a screenshot of the results.
Task B
The following tasks are all carried out on the folder ITeC Samples and its subfolders.
Task C
The following tasks are all carried out on the subfolder ecdlprac as shown below. Take a
screenshot/screenprint of each task. (You can use the Page Break function in Word to put
them all in the same document if you wish)
Task A
S c h o o lw o rk
M a th s E n g lis h H is t o r y
2. The History folder needs to be further subdivided into two folders Coursework and Past
Exams. Create these folders in the History subfolder and update the diagram above to
show them.
Task B
Task C
P R D e p a r tm e n t
E v e n ts A d v e rt L e a f le ts
E a s t e r H o lid a y C h r is t m a s S u m m e r S p e c ia l P o s te rs Y e llo w P a g e s
Task D
You are creating a folder structure for a small business with three departments:
The Accounts departments want to sort their files into two groups:
The personnel department wants to sort its files into three groups:
The marketing department want to sort their fields into two groups:
1. Sketch a suitable folder structure for the above organisation. The first folder has been
done for you.
3. Open the Folders Pane at the left of Windows Explorer and expand all folders to show the
structure. Take a screenshot of this window.