February 2019 Cop Webinar Building Maturity Using The Change Management Maturity Audit To Build A Plan 190205035446

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Community of Practice Webinar: 5 February 2019

Building Maturity – using the Change Management Maturity Audit to build a plan
Presented by Vicky Emery, General Manager
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• Introducing the Prosci Change Management Maturity Model TM
• Benchmarking data on change management maturity - globally
• The Prosci Change Management Maturity Audit – tour and using it
• Audit results for an example organisation
• Top tips
• Close

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Prosci by the numbers

20 10 6,000+
Years of Research Longitudinal Studies Research Participants

80% 45,000+ 100,000+

Fortune 100 Companies Certified Practitioners Community Members

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Introducing the Prosci Change Management
Maturity Model TM
• As organisations experience more and more change, the ability to effectively
manage the people side of change to achieve the intended outcomes and
benefits becomes even more important.
• The Prosci Change Management Maturity Model ™ describes the five levels of
organisational maturity in managing the people side of change.
• Like many other maturity models, the Prosci Change Management Maturity
Model presents five levels of maturity:
ØLevel 1 - Ad hoc or Absent
ØLevel 2 - Isolated Projects
ØLevel 3 - Multiple Projects
ØLevel 4 - Organizational Standards
ØLevel 5 - Organizational Competency

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Prosci Change
Prosci ®
Change Management
Maturity Model ™ TM

Change management competency is evident Continuous

Organizational in all levels of the organization and is part of process
Level 5 Competency the organization’s intellectual property and improvement in
profitability and
competitive edge place

Organizational Organization-wide standards and methods

Selection of
Level 4 Standards
are broadly deployed for managing and
common approach
leading change

Multiple Comprehensive approach for managing Examples of best

Level 3 Projects change is being applied in multiple projects practices evident

Isolated Many different

Some elements of change management are
Level 2 Projects being applied in isolated projects
tactics used

Highest rate of
Adhoc or People-dependent
project failure,
Level 1 Absent
Little or no change management applied without any formal
turnover and
practices or plans
productivity loss

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Benchmarking Data – Average Global Maturity

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Regional Averages

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Segmentation by region

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Segmentation by industry

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Capability Areas – The Five Elements of Successfully
Building Change Management Maturity
The change management maturity of an organisation can be categorised into five
Capability Areas:

1. Leadership
2. Application
3. Competencies
4. Standardization
5. Socialization

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Capability Area: This Capability Area focuses on: Key Questions of this
Capability Area include:

1 Leadership • Specific leadership activities around building • Who is leading or

change management capabilities and sponsoring the
competencies. This is not a general deployment of change
description of leadership in the organisation. management?
• The focus is on leadership commitment,
activities and messages about the • What is being done to
importance and value of change demonstrate ongoing
management and the effort to build the support?
organisation’s ability to manage and sustain
change management.
• What is the strategic
• If scores are low in this Capability Area, importance of being
plans should focus on this area immediately. better at managing

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Capability Area: This Capability Area focuses on: Key Questions of this
Capability Area include:

2 Application • The use of change management tools and • What % of projects apply
processes on projects and change initiatives change management
in the organisation. processes?

• Factors include the percentage of projects • What is the extent and

that have resources and funding allocated to breadth of application
apply change management processes and across the organisation?
tools and the ‘reach’ of those processes and
tools. • What resourcing and
funding is available?
• This Capability Area often scores high earlier
than others as an organisation starts
developing maturity, as it is often linked with
building the competencies of change and
project managers.

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Capability Area: This Capability Area focuses on: Key Questions of this
Capability Area include:

3 Competencies • Change management is ultimately done by a • What training is available

range of roles – employees, managers, for change and project
leaders as well as change practitioners, managers?
project managers and other strategic
partners like HR, OD, Learning and • What level of
Development. competency is
demonstrated by change
• Focus is on training, development and and project managers?
demonstration of the competencies needed
by all the roles ultimately managing and • Same questions for
leading change. Training tends to be an early sponsors, managers and
action but to score high in this Capability employees
Area, programs must be in place for ALL the
‘doers’ of change and actual competency • How effective are the
must be demonstrated and sustained. programs on offer?

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Capability Area: This Capability Area focuses on: Key Questions of this
Capability Area include:

4 Standardisation • The mechanics and systems that can be used • What is the standard
to institutionalise change management. This approach? Is this well
area includes a common methodology or known?
approach to managing change, integration
with project management, creation of • How are project
triggers for the application of change management and change
management process and tools and the management integrated
inclusion of change management in other as a standard?
improvement approaches.
• This is the Capability Area that enables • Has a functional group
‘effective change management’ to become a been established?
fixed component of how the organisation
introduces projects and change initiatives
and is critically dependant on Capability
Area 1 – Leadership.

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Capability Area: This Capability Area focuses on: Key Questions of this
Capability Area include:

5 Socialisation • Building ongoing commitment to and buy-in • What is the

for change management throughout the understanding of the
organisation and for all initiatives takes value of developing our
change management in its own right. ability to better manage
• This area is about applying the techniques of
managing change as a change in and of itself. • What is the shared
definition of managing
• Capability Area 3 (Competencies) is critically change here?
dependant on this area.
• How do we capture and
share successes?

• How do we reinforce
sustained application?

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Benefits of the Change Management Maturity
• Cloud based subscription via the Prosci Portal
• Drills into each capability area
• Can track over time
• Generates conversation and awareness of what we mean by ‘change management’ and
how to build capability and maturity
• Provides a baseline of the current state maturity and guidance for building a future state


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Audit results from an example organisation
Overall change management maturity score = 2.3

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Leadership result

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Application result

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Competencies result

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Standardization result

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Socialization result

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Top tips to using the Change Management
Maturity Audit well
• Complete it yourself first so you are familiar with the questions and potential hot
• Be clear on what are you hoping to achieve
– Build in ADKAR to tabling the purpose and introducing the tool, particularly for senior
– Have your explanation/definition of change management down pat (as you will find
many of the people you speak with cannot define/describe change management
• Use the Audit to lead a strategic conversation
– Who needs to be part of the conversation?
– Who’s view do you need and who’s do you need to shift?
• Allow time – it isn’t a meeting, it’s a workshop
– Allow time for discussion, actions and planning

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Top tips to using the Change Management
Maturity Audit well
• Don’t try to combine completing the audit for the first time and
gaining buy-in from key stakeholders
• Use the Audit as the start of:
– building or affirming your view of where to start in building maturity
– thinking strategically about how to involve the Primary Sponsor of
‘building maturity’ and why
– creating the core group who will work on the plan for building maturity
over the next 18 months – 3 years

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Once you have your baseline maturity level, where
to from here?
Top tips to begin increasing the change management maturity of
your organisation
• Ensure the Senior Leadership team has buy-in and commitment to building
change capability and allocate a Sponsor to drive the initiative
• Establish a team responsible for supporting and enabling sponsors and managers
to build change capability
• Choose a structured change management process / methodology
• Apply the process/methodology to a number of high profile projects
• Build capability and effectiveness by providing change management training and
support, for leaders, managers and supervisors, and individuals impacted by

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