Emoplayer: An Emotion Based Music Player

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Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR)

Vol-2, Issue-5, 2016

ISSN: 2454-1362, http://www.onlinejournal.in

EmoPlayer: An Emotion Based Music Player

Rahul Hirve1, Shrigurudev Jagdale2, Rushabh Banthia3, Hilesh Kalal4
& K.R. Pathak5
Department Of Computer Engineering, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune
Professor, Dept. of Computer, Sinhgad College of Engineering, Pune
Maharashtra, India

Abstract: The human face is an important organ of We have generated landmarks points for facial
an individual‘s body and it especially plays an features. The next step is the classification of
important role in extraction of an individual‘s emotion for which we have used multi-class SVM
behavior and emotional state. Manually classification. The generated landmarks points are
segregating the list of songs and generating an provided to the SVM for training purpose. The
appropriate playlist based on an individual‘s emotion classified by SVM is then passed to music
emotional features is a very tedious, time player and accordingly music will be played.
consuming, labor intensive and upheld task.
Various algorithms have been proposed and 2. Literature Survey
developed for automating the playlist generation
process. However the proposed existing algorithms A literature survey is a text of a scholarly
paper, which includes the current knowledge
in use are computationally slow and less accurate.
including substantive findings, as well as
This proposed system based on facial expression theoretical and methodological contributions to a
extracted will generate a playlist automatically particular topic. Literature reviews use secondary
thereby reducing the effort and time involved in sources, and do not report new or original
rendering the process manually. Facial expressions experimental work.
are given using inbuilt camera. We have used Various techniques and approaches have been
Viola-Jones algorithm and multiclass SVM proposed and developed to classify human
emotional state of behaviour. The proposed
(Support Vector Machine) for face detection and
approaches have focused only on the some of the
emotion detection respectively. basic emotions. For the purpose of feature
recognition, facial features have been categorized
Keywords: Emotion, Facial Expression, Face into two major categories such as Appearance-
Detection, Support Vector Machine. based feature extraction and Geometric based
feature extraction. Geometric based feature
extraction technique considered only the shape or
1. Introduction major prominent points of some important facial
Music player plays a vital role in everyone’s features such as mouth and eyes.
life. Most of the music lover’s users found An accurate and efficient statistical based
themselves in a hectic situation when they do not approach for analyzing extracted facial expression
features was proposed by Renuka R. Londhe. The
find songs corresponding to their mood in the
paper was majorly focused on the study of the
situation. So we have developed an emotion based changes in curvatures on the face and intensities of
music player. corresponding pixels of images. Support Vector
The main objective of this paper is to design an Machine (SVM) was used in the classification
efficient and accurate algorithm that would extracted features into 6 major universal emotions
generate a playlist based on current emotional state like anger, disgust, fear, happy, sad, and surprise.
and behaviour of the user. Face detection and facial Numerous approaches have been designed to
extract facial features and audio features from an
feature extraction from image is the first step in
audio signal and very few of the systems designed
emotion based music player. For the face detection have the capability to generate an emotion based
to work effectively, we need to provide an input music playlist using human emotions and the
image which should not be blur and tilted. We have existing designs of the systems are capable to
used Viola-Jones algorithm that is used for face generate an automated playlist using an additional
detection and facial feature extraction.

Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR) Page 1300

Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR)
Vol-2, Issue-5, 2016
ISSN: 2454-1362, http://www.onlinejournal.in

hardware like Sensors or EEG systems thereby

increasing the cost of the design proposed. Training Data: The Data for training SVM is
stored in file and corresponding labels are also
Comparison of existing Systems with proposed stored. The training data consist of 68 landmark
System points extracted from images of the JAFFE
Existing systems are very complex in terms of time
and memory requirements for extracting facial Training of SVM & Trained SVM: In this the
features in real time. data to train SVM are gathered and provided for
Based on the current emotional state and behaviour training of SVM. The labels are also given
of a user, existing systems possess a lesser manually for training SVM. By this data and label
accuracy in generation of a playlist. the SVM is trained.
Some existing systems tend to employ the
use of human speech or sometimes even the use of Music Player: This is actual music player where
additional hardware for generation of an automated all the songs arranged based on users emotions are
playlist, thereby increasing the total cost incurred.
shown to user and user can choose the song
Some existing systems tend to employ the use
of human speech or sometimes even the use of according to his will.
additional hardware for generation of an automated
playlist, thereby increasing the total cost incurred.

3. Methodology
The proposed algorithm in this involves an
emotion music recommendation system that
provides the generation of a customized playlist in
accordance to the user‘s emotional state. The
proposed method involves following modules

1. Input Image
2. Testing Image
3. Face Detection
4. Landmark Point Extraction
5. Training Data
6. Training of SVM & Trained SVM
7. Music Player 3.1 Viola-Jones Algorithm

This is shown in figure 3.1 as an architecture Viola-Jones algorithm is used for face detection
diagram from user’s image. Following steps are involved in
Viola-Jones algorithm:
Input Image: According to architecture diagram
capturing image is the first task to be performed. 1. Haar Classifier
We are going to capture image of user by using 2. Integral Image
webcam. There are certain conditions while 3. Adaboost
capturing image such as user should be near to 4. Cascade Image
camera in case of multiple users and also face
should not be tilted. 3.2 SVM Classifier

Training Image: Training image is provided by Support Vector Machine is a supervised

image database. Database used is JAFFE. learning technique for object classification. We
have used
Face Detection: Only face is detected out of whole Multi-class SVM classifier for classification of
image by performing certain algorithms. We are emotions. These emotions are classified in six
using Viola-Jones algorithm for face detection. emotion classes which are HAPPY, SAD,
Landmark Point Extraction: In this module 68 For classifying emotion into classes we have used
Landmark point are detected and provided to SVM one vs Rest multi-class classification method the
for training and testing. simplest approach is to reduce the Problem of

Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR) Page 1301

Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR)
Vol-2, Issue-5, 2016
ISSN: 2454-1362, http://www.onlinejournal.in

classifying among K classes into K binary The tracker we employ uses a face template to
problems, where each problem discriminates a initially locate the position of the 22 facial features
given class from the other K−1 classes. For this of our face model in the image and uses a filter to
approach, we require N = K binary classifiers, track their position as shown in Figure 3. For each
where the kth classifier is trained with positive expression, a vector of feature displacements is
examples belonging to class k and negative calculated by taking the euclidean distance between
examples belonging to the other K − 1 classes. feature locations in a neutral and a “peak” frame
When testing an unknown example, the classifier representative of the expression, as illustrated in
producing the maximum output is considered the Figure 3. This allows characteristic feature motion
winner, and this class label is assigned to that patterns to be established for each expression, as
example. This approach, although simple, provides given by Figure 4. Feature locations are
performance that is comparable to other more automatically captured when the amount of motion
complicated approaches when the binary classifier is at a minimum, corresponding to either the initial
is tuned well. neutral phase or the final phase of a spontaneous
expression, when motion has settled around its
How exactly emotion is detected? peak frame.

We use a real time 68_landmark points

that extracts the position of 68 facial features points
from the image. We calculate displacements for
each feature between a neutral and a representative
frame of an expression. These are used together
with the label of the expression as input to the
training stage of an SVM classifier. The trained
SVM model is subsequently used to classify unseen
feature displacements in real time, either upon user
request or continuously, for every frame in the
image. Figure 2 illustrates the implementation

Figure 4: Feature motion patterns for the six basic


3.3 Music Player

Music Player is created using python.
We use wxpython for creating GUI for Music
Player. Music Player has play-pause button, next,
previous button, volume slider and playback slider.
It also consists of List box to display list of songs
Figure 2: The stages of SVM-based automated according to detected emotion. Emotion is provided
expression recognition. by SVM to Music Player for loading and playing

4. Results And Discussion

Testing and implementation is performed
using OpenCV version 3.0 on Windows8/10, 32/64
bit operating system and Intel i3 core processor.
Facial expression extraction is done on both user
independent and dependent dataset. A dataset
consisting of facial image of 10 individuals was
selected for user independent experiment and
dataset of 4 individuals was selected for user
dependent experimentation.
Figure 3: Peak frames for each of the six basic
emotions, with features localized.

Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR) Page 1302

Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR)
Vol-2, Issue-5, 2016
ISSN: 2454-1362, http://www.onlinejournal.in

Sr. No. Module Time 7. References

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6. Acknowledgement
[10] Nikhil Zaware, Tejas Rajgure, Amey
We would like to thank our Guide Prof. K.R Bhadang, D. D. Sapkal, Emotion Based Music
Pathak sir for the support and guidance he gave us Player, International Journal of Innovative research
on every step of the project execution. We would and development Volume 3, Issue 3 ISSN 2278
also like to thank the project review committee 0211 (Online), January-February, 2015.
members Prof. Mrs. G.G. Chiddarwar ma’am and
Prof. Mrs. D.R. Pawar ma’am. We would also like
to express our gratitude to HOD Prof. P. R. Futane
sir who helped us to accomplish this work.

Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR) Page 1303