March 2020

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The key takeaways are that the Sanathana Sarathi publication aims to campaign against falsehood, injustice, viciousness and evil for the welfare of the world.

The official websites mentioned are of Prasanthi Nilayam, Bhagavan's photographs online, reporting website from Prasanthi Nilayam, Sathya Sai Central Trust, Radio Sai Global Harmony, Sathya Sai Easwaramma Women's Welfare Trust and Bal Vikas wing of Sathya Sai Organisation, India.

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MARCH 2020

This day, the Sanathana Sarathi, the Eternal Charioteer, starts out on the
campaign against Falsehood, Injustice, Viciousness and Evil—the Minions of the
Spirit of Selfishness. The Army is the Vedas, the Upanishads and the Sastras; the
object is the welfare of the world. When the drums of Victory resound, Humanity
would have achieved Happiness and Peace.
Sanathana Sarathi
Devoted to the Moral and Spiritual Uplift of Humanity through
Vol.: 63 Issue No. 3 Date of Publication: 1st March

March 2020 “Do not forget that Srishti

(creation) has a Srishti
© Sri Sathya Sai
Sadhana Trust, Publications Division
Prasanthi Nilayam
Karta (Creator of creation).
Printed by K.S. RAJAN This is the law of Nature.
Published by K.S. RAJAN Follow the laws of Nature.
On behalf of the owner, Sri Sathya Sai
Sadhana Trust, Publications Division, Prasanthi Do not transgress them. The
Nilayam 515134, Anantapur District (A.P.)
And Printed at M/s Rajhans Enterprises, 136,
law of Nature is Dharma
4th Main Road, Industrial Town, Rajaji Nagar,
Bengaluru 560044, Karnataka
And Published at Sri Sathya Sai Sadhana Trust,
Publications Division, Prasanthi Nilayam
515134, Anantapur Dist., Andhra Pradesh. CONTENTS
Editor G.L. ANAND
Assistant Editor P. RAJESH 4 The Creator and the Creation
E-mail: [email protected] Bhagavan’s Discourse: 20th April 1996
[email protected]
For Audio Visual /
8 Grand Sivarathri Festival
Book Orders: [email protected] A Report
ISD Code : 0091
STD Code : 08555 10 Bal Vikas Inculcates Values in Students
Telephone : 287375 Justice V. Ramasubramanian, Judge, Supreme
Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust Telefax : 287390
Sri Sathya Sai University -
Court of India
Administrative Office : 287191 / 287239 14 Turn your Thoughts to God
Sri Sathya Sai Higher
Secondary School : 289289 Bhagavan’s Ugadi Message
Sri Sathya Sai
Primary School : 287237 16 Swami Advised him to
SSSIHMS, Prasanthigram, Read Sanathana Sarathi
Puttaparthi : 287388
SSSIHMS, Whitefield,
Sai Mohan
Bengaluru : 080 28411500 20 Hands that Help are Holier than Lips that Pray
Sunita Ratan Kanal
Annual Subscription
acceptable for 1, 2 or 3 years.
23 Searching the Truth ...
English India: (12 issues) ` 120 Understanding True Love
Other Countries: ` 1200 Arthur Hillcoat
or US $22, UK £17, ¤19,
Can $29, Aus $31
28 Celebrations at Prasanthi Nilayam
Telugu India: ` 90 (12 issues) A Report
Other Countries: ` 900, US $18,
UK £13, ¤14 31 News from Sai Centres
Note: Please do not send currency notes 35 Contentment is Real Heroism
in postal covers. For the Attention of
“Sanathana Sarathi” Subscribers. Chinna Katha
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efore creation, there was generated heat, and from heat, water was
nothing but darkness everywhere. formed. When you have fever, you get
Then it rained heavily for many perspiration after the fever is reduced.
years. Afterwards, scattered rays of This is the relation between heat and
light appeared beyond the dense cover water. This analogy shows that fire comes
of clouds. Thereafter, sound became from water. Water is more dense than air.
evident. This was like the sound which
one hears from within one’s heart when
one closes the eyes and tries to listen
The Origin of Primary Elements
The sound that appeared  first in
the creation was created by vibrations
caused by the rain. But some sounds
are audible while others are inaudible.
For example, there is a sound when
we bat our eyelids even though it
cannot be heard by the human ear.
The sound generated by vibrations
at one point spread all over in all
directions. For instance, if you
throw a stone in water, it
will create continuously
spreading ripples (waves)
all around similar to the
sound waves in space.
Sound is very subtle.
Air was evolved from
vibrations caused by
sound in space. Friction
between air and sound
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As water became more dense, it formed water and earth was formed from water.
the earth element. Of all the elements, So, sound emerged first and from sound
earth is the most gross and Akasha (sky) emerged the entire creation including the
is the most subtle. Akasha is everywhere, huge stars. When a huge star breaks up,
it is within us, below us, above us and all small stars are formed. There are millions
around us. It pervades the entire space. of stars but the scientists are aware of
Earth was formed from water, and from only a few galaxies like the Milky Way,
the earth water arose. The earth became wherein many stars are close together.
like a container to hold water. New forms The sky appears to be blue because
emerged from the combination of earth of its immeasurable expanse. Nobody
and water. As the heat decreased, liquid can assess the expanse of the sky. Lord

Cultivate wisdom and

discrimination by using your
Buddhi (intelligence). Live in
Sangham (society) as per its
principles, and adhere to Dharma
(righteousness). Follow the path
shown by noble souls; do not
follow the pleasure seekers.
Wisdom, intelligence and
righteousness nourish the society.
Why do we prepare food? We
prepare food because our body
requires nourishment and energy.
Similarly, if we sow the seeds of
good qualities in society, society
will become good and strong.

Krishna was also blue-complexioned.

materials solidified to form hard rocks. He had the blue colour as He was all-
The study of this process was called pervasive like the sky.
physical sciences. At first, the sky, sound, air, water and
The Creation of Living Forms in the earth were without any combination.
Universe Later, they combined with each other.
In the process of creation, sound This combination of elements gave rise
emerged from Akasha (ether), air to various living forms. There are many
emerged from sound, fire emerged from ways in which the subtle and gross

5 March 2020 Sanathana Sarathi

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elements undergo change. Water is a Dhammam Saranam Gachchhami,

fluid but it undergoes change when its Sangham Saranam Gachchhami (I take
density and weight increases. In Shimla, refuge in Buddha, Dharma and society).
water freezes due to cold and becomes Sow the Seeds of Good Qualities
solid ice. When you break a block of ice, in Society
heat is released. Similarly, materials Cultivate wisdom and discrimination
undergo change due to the effect of heat. by using your Buddhi (intelligence). Live
Hence, properties of elements undergo in Sangham (society) as per its principles,
change due to heat and cold and due to and adhere to Dharma (righteousness).
their combination with each other. The Follow the path shown by noble souls;
evolution of elements can be understood do not follow the pleasure seekers.
when we systematically undertake the Wisdom, intelligence and righteousness
study of botany and chemistry. nourish the society. Why do we prepare
Everything has a Creator food? We prepare food because our
body requires nourishment and energy.
Wherever there is vibration, there
Similarly, if we sow the seeds of good
exists sound. There is sound even
qualities in society, society will become
when we breathe. So, sound is present
good and strong.
everywhere. Similarly, there is electricity
wherever there is magnetism. Earth is Earth is the home of all living beings.
a big magnet. Therefore, electricity is Life forms that exist on earth do not exist
in other planets. There is a relationship
generated from the earth. The sea is
between the sun and the earth. Life forms
also a magnet. Scientists talk about the
exist on earth because of the heat and
laws of Nature. Sage Manu also wrote
light of the sun. So, earth is the daughter
about the laws of Nature. Everything that
of the sun. Similarly, the moon is the
has been created in the universe has a
daughter of the earth. Moon has no life
Creator. If there is a rose, it indicates
forms on it. Moon is the granddaughter
the presence of its Creator. Scientists
of the sun. The sun contains mainly
explain this as law of Nature. But this is hydrogen and helium. These gases are
not true. For everything, there is Creator. the source of heat and light of the sun.
A swan is able to separate milk The life forms that exist on earth cannot
from the mixture of milk and water. The live in water. Similarly, the life forms
scientists say that there is a chemical that exist in water cannot exist on earth.
near the beak of the swan which enables The fish can live only in water. The life
it to separate the milk. But who created forms in each element are unique. The
the chemical near the beak of the swan? life forms that exist in water or wind are
Everything has a Creator. Do not forget different from those that exist on earth.
that Srishti (creation) has a Srishti Karta However, the life form that exists in the
(Creator of creation). This is the law of entire universe is the Atma. God is in the
Nature. Follow the laws of Nature. Do earth and also in all the five elements.
not transgress them. The law of Nature God Transcends all Elements
is Dharma (righteousness). Lord Buddha Of all the Pancha Bhutas (five
said: Buddham Saranam Gachchhami, elements), earth is the most gross. It has

6 March 2020 Sanathana Sarathi

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five qualities of Gandha, Rasa, Rupa, Some people talk about flying
Sparsha and Sabda (smell, taste, form, saucers, but they do not exist. The
touch and sound). It is the heaviest and man-made satellites consist of three
cannot be lifted. The next basic element is parts – frontal, middle and rear. When
water which has four qualities of the earth the satellite travels very fast in space,
except the smell – good or bad. Water the rear part is detached, burns off and
has the characteristic of mobility unlike falls into the sea. People who see this,
the earth. It always flows downward. The think that it is a flying saucer. The man-
third basic element is fire which is bereft made satellites do not last long. What the
of the qualities of smell and taste. It has scientists produce is impermanent, what
the other three qualities of form, touch God creates is permanent.
and sound. Its special characteristic is Sound was the first creation of God.
upward movement. The fourth element is That was Pranava (primordial sound)
air which has only the qualities of touch or Om. If we examine carefully, the
and sound. It has the property of moving basic sound that comes from the wind
up, down, forward and backward. The is Pranava. Other sounds emanated
Akasha (sky) is the subtlest of all the from this sound. The entire creation has
elements and it has only the quality of emerged from Pranava, the sound Om.
sound. It pervades everywhere like God. The element of Akasha which denotes
But God is present in all the elements the quality of sound is limitless. But the
and also transcends all elements. The space in which the creation has occurred
expansiveness of the elements differs is limited.
according to the qualities they possess.
– Bhagavan’s Divine Discourse in
As the number of qualities decrease,
Sai Sruthi, Kodaikanal on 20th April
the expansiveness correspondingly

To confer on man Jnana, God in His infinite mercy comes down as man;

or else, man will degrade himself to the level of beasts. Unless he learns

to surrender his ego in complete sincerity, with no reservations, to the Lord,

he cannot realise Him, though He is resident in his own heart. The anguish

that fills the penitent seeker will move the Lord to manifest Himself. In the

ecstasy of that moment, man will experience: I am Thou; Thou art I.

– Baba

7 March 2020 Sanathana Sarathi

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he holy festival of
Sivarathri was celebrated at
Prasanthi Nilayam with much
festivity and piety. The celebrations
had a magnificent start when Prasanthi
Dance Group comprising students from
Bhagavan’s educational institutions
presented a beautiful dance programme

Instrumental music by the

Panchavadyam troupe of students.
of students. An elevating programme of
devotional songs and Stotras dedicated
to Lord Siva followed next which included
“Viswanathashtakam”,   “Lingashtakam”,

A dance number in the programme

“Bhakti Prabhavam”.
entitled “Bhakti Prabhavam” (impact of
devotion) on the eve of Sivarathri on
20th February 2020. Based on the story
of a humble but talented musician Bana
Bhadra in the kingdom of Pandya king Devotional music presentation of
Varaguna Pandya, the dance presentation the Institute students.
showcased how Lord Siva himself “Siva Shambho Hara Shambho”,
manifested before Bana Bhadra in answer “Sivoham Sivoham”, “Om Namah Sivaya
to his sincere prayer to save him from a Sai Om Namah Sivaya”. Interspersed
great predicament. As the story unfolded with insightful commentary on the glory of
stage by stage, the dancers performed Lord Siva and significance of Sivarathri,
beautiful thematic dances to illustrate the the devotional music presentation by the
story and offer worship to Lord Siva. students suffused the entire milieu with
The programme on the sacred Sivarathri devotional fervour.
day, 21st February 2020, began with Veda The programme in the evening
chanting at 8.00 a.m. followed by rendition commenced with Abhishekam of
of instrumental devotional numbers by Sayeeswara Linga. The ceremonial
Nadaswaram and Panchavadyam troupes procession to bring the Linga from

8 March 2020 Sanathana Sarathi

explained for the benefit of the devotees.
While decoration of the Linga followed
the Abhishekam, the students chanted
Rudram. After the decoration of the Linga,
Bhagavan’s Ashtottarashata Namavali was
recited with great devotion and Puja was
offered to Bhagavan and the Linga. The
Ceremonial procession in Sai Kulwant Hall. Abhishekam ceremony concluded at 5.30
the Bhajan Mandir to Sai Kulwant Hall p.m. with offer of Arati to Bhagavan and
started at 4.20 p.m. amidst chanting of the Linga. Meanwhile, sacred Abhishekam
Vedic hymns and auspicious musical water was sprinkled on the devotees in the
notes. It was preceded by Bhagavan’s enitre length and breadth of Sai Kulwant
The devotees were then blessed with
the Divine Discourse of Bhagavan, in
which He stated that man can have direct
connection with God by surrender and
faith. Bhagavan brought His Discourse
to a close with the Bhajan “Hari Bhajan
Bina Sukha Santhi Nahin”. This marked
the commencement of Sivarathri Akhanda
Bhajan for 12 hours. The Bhajan was led
by students, groups of devotees and staff
Abhishekam of Sayeeswara Linga. of various departments in the Ashram. The
Akhanda Bhajan which started at 6.00 p.m.
palanquin procession led by on 21st February 2020 came to a close
Nadaswaram troupe and Veda
chanting groups of students
and priests. After the Linga
was set up on a beautifully
decorated platform in front
of Bhagavan’s Samadhi, the
Abhishekam of the Linga was
done by the priests amidst
chanting of Vedic Mantras
with 18 items which included
sugar, honey, coconut
Nightlong Sivarathri Bhajan in Sai Kulwant Hall.
water, turmeric, Vibhuti,
Tulsi, flowers, etc. The Abhishekam was at 6.00 a.m. on 22nd February 2020 with
accompanied by a commentary in English Arati to Bhagavan. After the conclusion of
and Telugu, wherein the significance the Bhajan, Prasadam of tamarind rice and
of Abhishekam with various items was sweet rice was served to all.

9 March 2020 Sanathana Sarathi

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BAL VIKAS INCULCATES fifty years. It was in the

year 1969 that Swami

VALUES IN STUDENTS started Bal Vikas in a few

metropolitan cities such
as Madras (Chennai),
Justice V. Ramasubramanian Bombay (Mumbai), etc.
Judge, Supreme Court of India Our family was blessed
to have many firsts. My
father and mother joined
the Seva Dal when
All the educational institutions, universities, schools and
Swami started Seva Dal
colleges will make you acquire a lot of wealth, prosperity,
in 1967; they belonged
status in life, but Bal Vikas will make you acquire character
to the first batch of Seva
and contentment in life which no institution in the world
Dal. In 1969, when
can give you. In fact, one of my teachers used to say, Swami started Bal Vikas,
“Contentment is natural wealth and luxury is artificial my elder brother and me
poverty”. It is artificial poverty which is given to you by all were put in the Bal Vikas
your degrees and diplomas but it is the natural wealth of class which was held in
contentment that is taught to you, that is given to you by Shantamma’s house on
Bal Vikas. Your regular curriculum in the institutions will Lang’s Garden Road,
improve your Intelligence Quotient (IQ) but Bal Vikas will Chintadripet, Chennai. I
improve your Emotional Quotient and Spiritual Quotient still remember the house
(EQ and SQ). where we played as Bal
Vikas children. There
were no Group 1, Group
2 and Group 3 at that

w a m e v a    Matacha     P ita
time. Bal Vikas was full of fun and provided
Twameva, Twameva Bandhuscha
education in human values, and there
Sakha Twameva,
was also no examination at the end of Bal
Twameva Vidya Dravinam Twameva, Vikas course. Therefore, there were also
Twameva Sarvam Mama Devadeva. no diplomas and certificates either as there
(Sanskrit Verse) are today.
(Oh Lord! You alone are my father and As Sri Nimish Pandya pointed out, I
mother, friend and relation, wisdom and stand here more in my capacity as an
wealth. You are my everything). alumnus of Bal Vikas than as a Judge of
My humble Pranams at the Lotus Feet the Supreme Court of India. It makes me
of our Beloved Bhagavan. Respected much more proud to proclaim that I was a
elders, revered Bal Vikas Gurus, parents Bal Vikas student than to proclaim that I
and my dear Bal Vikas children. After am a Judge of the Supreme Court of India.
seeing all of you, my memory went back The reason is simple. By June 2023, I will

10 March 2020 Sanathana Sarathi

retire when I will no
more be the Judge
of the Supreme
Court of India but I
will always remain
an alumnus of Bal
Vikas, from which
there will be no
Bal Vikas Makes
you a Good
Human Being
Dear children!
The certificates
that all of you have
lawyers, judges, IAS officers, bureaucrats.
received today are more valuable than the
But Bal Vikas is the only institution which
certificates that you may receive from your
will make you a good human being. All
schools and colleges. In fact, Bhagavan
the educational institutions, universities,
used to say, degrees and diplomas have
schools and colleges will make you acquire
now turned into begging bowls because
a lot of wealth, prosperity, status in life, but
people take them to various industries and
Bal Vikas will make you acquire character
to the governments seeking employment
and contentment in life which no institution
which they don’t get very often. Therefore,
in the world can give you. In fact, one of
Swami said that our education has to be
my teachers used to say, “Contentment
delinked from two things, namely, money
is natural wealth and luxury is artificial
and employment. But, unfortunately, it is a
poverty”. It is artificial poverty which is given
reality of life that the degrees and diplomas
to you by all your degrees and diplomas
that you secure from the educational
but it is the natural wealth of contentment
institutions and the universities are always
that is taught to you, that is given to you by
linked both to employment and to money.
Bal Vikas. Your regular curriculum in the
Either you get admitted with money or institutions will improve your Intelligence
you pass out with money for the purpose Quotient (IQ) but Bal Vikas will improve
of getting employment. And that is the your Emotional Quotient and Spiritual
reason why Swami called those degrees Quotient (EQ and SQ). What is the ultimate
and diplomas begging bowls. But the outcome of a person acquiring a great IQ
certificates that you received today are without SQ was amply demonstrated by
jewels in the crown of your life which will what happened to a gold medalist from
not make you go to anybody seeking either IIT (Indian Institute of Technology) about
of the two, namely, money or employment. ten years ago. In the year 2008-09, when
The regular schools, colleges, there was a world economic crisis, a gold
educational institutions, universities, all of medalist from IIT married and settled in the
them may make you doctors, engineers, city of Chicago, committed murder of his

11 March 2020 Sanathana Sarathi

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wife, children and mother-in-law and then moving away from its purpose, from its core
committed suicide because of the economic object, Swami started this Bal Vikas for the
slowdown. But during the same period, we purpose of inculcating human values in
saw people who were less fortunate in the minds of children. At the same time, it
life in terms of material prosperity, living was not the purpose of Bhagavan Baba to
a very happy family life because of the wean children away from the materialistic
values inculcated in them. Swami started pursuits. Please remember, Swami never
this Bal Vikas in 1969 when our system of discouraged success in life. Swami never
education started moving away from the discouraged materialistic pursuits but
purpose of education. Swami Vivekananda He only encouraged spiritual identity in
proclaimed, “I want that education by which everything you do in life.
character is formed, strength of mind is Today Swami would be taking pride
increased and the intellect is expanded; in the educational institutions run by
and by which one can stand on one’s own the Sathya Sai Trust and the children
legs”. But today persons who hold degrees belonging to Bal Vikas succeeding in life.
and diplomas are the persons who face a Without taking credit to what I say, I can
lot of turmoil in life. tell you that in the year 2006 when I stood
Swami Emphasised Spirituality in before Swami as a Judge of the Madras
Education High Court for the first time to give a talk
When sixty students undergoing in this very same Sai Kulwant Hall, I heard
a Masters course in agriculture in the Swami tell His students, “Look, he was
University of Wisconsin were taken to our Bal Vikas student, and he is today a
an agricultural field, they met a farmer High Court Judge”! Why I tell you this is,
about seventy years old who appeared Swami never weaned children away from
to be unlettered and uneducated. When materialistic pursuits. Swami wanted all of
the students who were undergoing us to be successful in life but that success
postgraduation in agriculture ridiculed the should be combined with a set of human
farmer for lack of education and asked him values. That was the object of Swami
as to what did he study in life, the farmer creating this Bal Vikas fifty years ago.
replied that he had five years of schooling Testimony of the Success of Bal
and sixty years of learning in the farm which Vikas
was more valuable than the postgraduate Dear students! On 16th December 2019,
degrees that people got. Therefore, life there was a news item in a leading English
is not what our schools and universities daily. The news item said that in Rajasthan
teach us. Today our engineering colleges an eleven-year-old school-going girl killed
produce automobile engineers who her classmate over a dispute regarding a
do not know how to fix a stepney. Our pen on 11th December 2019. Why did this
engineering colleges produce a lot of happen? Parents, teachers and society
electrical engineering graduates who do at large will have to think about it. Today
not know how to put a fuse in a bulb. Of we parents make every endeavour to
what use is this education? Therefore, make our children race horses. We want
when our system of education started all our children to secure first rank in every

12 March 2020 Sanathana Sarathi

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subject that is taught in schools. But when part of the Taittiriya Upanishad. When the
you train children to become race horses, student goes to the teacher and asks him,
eventually those children also behave only the teacher says, “What are you supposed
as race horses and not as human beings. to do? What are your duties as a student?
It is only this malady that Swami wanted Sathyam Vada Dharmam Chara (speak
to redress and remedy and that is how the truth, practise righteousness). Matru
Bal Vikas was born fifty years ago. Devo Bhava, Pitru Devo Bhava, Acharya
Devo Bhava, Atithi Devo Bhava, Yany
Today apart from me there are a lot of Anavadyani Karmani, Tani Sevitavyani,
individuals who stand as a testimony to the No Itarani (revere your mother, father,
work done by Bhagavan in creating Bal preceptor and guest as God, Whatever
Vikas. Huge trees grow only after 30-40 actions are free from egoism, they should
years after the seeds are sown. Very small be practised, not others). This is the
plants grow within ten days and die within first ever benediction given in the whole
ten days. But if you want to grow huge world and that is found in the Taittiriya
trees, you will have to wait for thirty years. Upanishad – Sikshavalli. Therefore, as
This institution blessed by Bhagavan had the literal meaning of the word benediction
to wait for forty years for the seeds which goes, may all of us join together and make
were sown in the Bal Vikas forty years ago, this short invocation for the Divine help of
fifty years ago to become huge trees, and Bhagavan Baba and seek His blessings
that in my humble opinion is the greatest and guidance for us to become useful
instruments in the service of the nation
miracle performed by Bhagavan Baba.
and society. Thank you very much. Jai Sai
Dear students! I was ordained to give Ram.
a Benediction Address on this occasion.
– From the Benedictory Address of
Benediction is a word which literally means Justice V. Ramasubramanian, Judge,
a short invocation for Divine help, blessing Supreme Court of India, on the occasion
and guidance. In fact, such a benediction, of 10th All India Convention of Bal Vikas
the first ever benediction to be found in students at Prasanthi Nilayam on 4th
the whole world, is in Sikshavalli which is January 2020.

Right education leads to refinement of conduct. With refinement of conduct, one’s

life gets sublimated. Good intellect alone can lead to happiness which is the source
of peace. Proper education brings about association with good people. The company
of the good is peace itself. Good education redeems one’s life and ensures liberation
as a consequence. When one receives education that is based on truth and eternal
values, one will be able to achieve liberation without having to go through the process
of submergence in Samsara.
– Baba

13 March 2020 Sanathana Sarathi

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“What we should be concerned about is not a New Year but a new way of life. We
must seek to secure a new source of joy. But unfortunately we do not think about this.
We speculate on what the New Year signifies. We have to look to ourselves and not
to the succession of years for changes in our lives. Think within yourself about your
condition. Turn your thoughts to God. Then you will realise what you desire,” said
Bhagavan in His Ugadi Message on 29th March 1998.


Embodiments of Love! achieve whatever he resolves to achieve.

ou cannot find in the He can even realise God. This divine
entire cosmos any place or object power is given only to human beings.
in which God is not present. The Ignorant of his limitless divine
Divine is present on the mountains. The potentialities, man suffers from various
Divine permeates the oceans. The Divine disabilities by considering himself as a
dwells in villages and cities. The Divine is human being. Man today is soaring in the
omnipresent. sky as a bird and moving in the ocean like
a fish. He has been able to land on the
Man’s is Endowed with Unlimited
moon. But unfortunately he is not able to
live like a true human being on earth. This
Only those who recognise this truth can is indeed a matter for shame. Man can
redeem their lives; they alone can achieve accomplish anything if he surrenders to
the goal of human existence. The powers God. When he submits himself to the Will
of the Divine are limitless. Every living of the Divine, there is no task he cannot
being in the world is governed by some accomplish.
limitations. Birds, beasts and insects are Earn God’s Grace by Surrender
all taken care of by the Divine in respect Kuchela, a boyhood friend of Krishna,
of their essential needs like food and approached Krishna for help on the basis
drink. Among all living beings, however, of his old friendship. How did Krishna help
the life of human being is supreme, as it him? The Bhagavata bears testimony
is governed by morality and good conduct. to what Krishna did for Kuchela. The
The Divine has placed some limitations on Ramayana tells the story of what Rama
the physical powers of man but has set did for Sugriva after the latter became
no limits to his mental powers. Man can a friend of Rama and sought His help –

14 March 2020 Sanathana Sarathi

kinds. God cannot be realised through such
practices. It is only by loving God and getting
close to Him that one can realise one’s
aspirations. Swami does not disapprove
of Sadhana (spiritual practices). They are
good activities for using time sacredly. But
without service to godly persons, they are
of no use for realising freedom from the
cycle of mundane existence.
There is no need for rigorous spiritual
exercises to secure freedom from rebirth.
Pure love for God is enough. This is
exemplified by the Gopis. Immersed
always in the love of Krishna, they were
always happy and contented.
Change Your Way of Life
We are today celebrating Ugadi, the
beginning of yet another New Year. Many
new year days have come and gone. Do
you expect the New Year to bring you new
happiness? Are you imagining what New
Sugriva was able to regain his kingdom.
Year portends for you? New years do not
What did Vibhishana get after his constant
offer you prosperity and pleasure. This
remembrance of Rama and the ordeals he
New Year day will be like any other day.
experienced in Lanka? Relieving him of his
Many people eagerly expect something
troubles, Rama crowned Vibhishana as the
to turn up on this day. This is utterly futile.
ruler of Lanka.
The calendar merely tells you that a New
Once a devotee totally surrenders to the
Year has begun.
Lord, the Divine goes to any extent to help
the devotee. An insignificant little stick, by What we should be concerned about is
association with fire, burns brilliantly. A not a New Year but a new way of life. We
drop of water held in your palm evaporates must seek to secure a new source of joy.
in a trice. But when it is cast into the ocean, But unfortunately we do not think about
it becomes one with it. If man wants to this. We speculate on what the New Year
achieve highest human potentialities, he signifies. We have to look to ourselves and
has to achieve proximity to God. He has to not to the succession of years for changes
merge in the Divine. Then he can manifest in our lives. Think within yourself about
his true nature. your condition. Turn your thoughts to God.
Not realising the true nature of the Then you will realise what you desire.
Divine Principle, man wastes his time on – Excerpted from Bhagavan’s Ugadi
rituals and religious practices of various Message on 29th March 1998.

15 March 2020 Sanathana Sarathi

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Sai Mohan

ow many of us are launched by Him reflecting His infinitely
following Sanathana Sarathi, infinite ‘cosmic designation.’ Here is a
Prasanthi Nilayam’s sacrosanct beautiful tale orchestrated by Bhagavan
spiritual journal, that had its inception in Himself on the incomparable glory and
the Divine Resolve of Bhagavan Sri Sathya significance of Sanathana Sarathi. 
Sai Baba more than six decades ago? Do At the Feet of Swami Nityananda
we realise that Bhagavan’s every single This story dates back to a decade and
resolve aims at uplifting humanity to the a half approximately, as the protagonist
highest level of Sai consciousness? Sri Kunhiraman Nambiar does
not keep a well-judged track of
time anymore, being in his late
eighties. The story happened
in Northern Kerala, precisely
in Thalassery, a municipal
township. Before settling in,
he, who was into a diligent
soul-searching, had landed in
Ganeshpuri at the tender age
of 14/15, more than seven
decades ago, seeking only
G-O-D!!! Here he became
a staunch disciple of famed
Siddha Swami Nityananda
of Ganeshpuri, who shed His
mortal frame on 8th August
1961 at Ganeshpuri, Mumbai
Aiding this priceless gift of human He had an incredible stint with Swami
life in the right and most-befitting way, Nityananda at the Ashram, serving the
man must go back to his root, knowing Master for over two-and-a-half years along
and acknowledging Bhagavan as the with another youngster, who went on to
Sanathana Sarathi. And here lies the become the famed Swami Muktananda
supreme significance of the journal later. As advised and blessed by Swami

16 March 2020 Sanathana Sarathi

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Nityananda, Sri Nambiar then sought out tone… “Do you get Sanathana Sarathi”?
a specified preceptor in Kerala, following Sri Nambiar was in a kind of cosmic-trance,
the path of Brahma Vidya. At the end of where he could feel only Love…Love…
a successful course, the Guru advised Love! The eye with the eye and the Soul
him to get into Grihastha Ashram, the with the soul!!! …and time almost stood
householder’s life, to clear off many a still, allowing Love to operate!!!
Karmic knot. The ‘visitor’ continued with His course:
Life was never a bed of roses for him, “Get it and read it; share it with others and
with many knots waiting to be released, help them to consciously evolve”. …And
yet he was always immersed in his lo! The moment next, the ‘magic figure’
Swadharma, while performing every single was gone, vanished in a trice, back into
earthly duty with utmost diligence. During thin air!!!
his official stint in Mumbai, then Bombay, Sanathana Sarathi…? ‘Divine’
decades ago, he had the rarest blessing of visitation…? …he could not immediately
Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai’s Darshan, twice. connect the right dots, and thus allowed
All that he knew then about Bhagavan was it to be slipped, allowing the ‘right’ time to
that his elder brother was Bhagavan’s ripen, unveiling the ‘real’ story.
ardent devotee, who would frequent Day-2, same time, same place. As
Prasanthi Nilayam to earn incredible he was lying down on the same cot,
personal attention. the same    crown-haired orange-robed
Face to Face with a Divine Visitor Persona appeared there, before him,
It was one beautiful morning at his and averred the same sentence, ditto,
Thalassery home, post his retirement as if delivering a carbon copy! “Do you
from service. He was resting in his room, get Sanathana Sarathi? Get it and read
on a cot, blissfully immersed in ‘Sudhdha it; share it with others and help them to
Bodham’ (state of pure consciousness). consciously evolve.” …And He was gone!
All of a sudden, he jerked himself out He turned more curious now but still
witnessing a magical experience. He was found himself wanting, lacking clarity and
face-to-face with an ‘Unknown Guest’, who thus slipped back, allowing the ‘right time’
appeared there in a trice as if manifested to tell the story.
out of thin air. Day-3, same time, same place, and
He was caught off guard by the sudden yet another encore of the same incident,
appearance of this orange-robed Radiant repeating the message in a slightly different
Persona with a crown of hair, sitting right tone, “Will you read Sanathana Sarathi?
next to him, exuding an indefinably radiant Get it and read it and share it with others
smile – Pure Love!!! With that cosmically and help them to consciously evolve”. …
enchanting smile, He slowly leaned over And again the vanishing act!
to the other side of the cot, crossing over Three times in a row, the same incident
Sri Nambiar, settling His right palm on the about an unheard-of Sanathana Sarathi
other edge of the cot. Bending forward, and he was wide awake now, a conscious
looking deep into his eyes, the ‘stranger’ thrust from within. He thought for a moment,
then asked in a nectarine mellifluous …three times, …the same message, …

17 March 2020 Sanathana Sarathi

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from the same Persona, with that infinitely Later, when he had a short stint of three
mesmerising effect! Never had it struck months’ stay in Puttaparthi, he would often
him then about Sathya Sai Darshan he read out Sanathana Sarathi messages
had had long back, in Mumbai, during his to a selected few, explaining the purport
Mumbai days. and beauty of Bhagavan’s words from an
Read Sanathana Sarathi and Spread elevated level of understanding. He would
the Divine Message often remind them, “Read Sanathana
Sarathi with diligent attention and loving
The same evening, he set out to a
reverence, paying complete attention,
nearby junction to do some errands. As
knowing that you are reading the words of
was his wont, he went to a nearby studio,
God Himself”.
Prabha Studio, owned by an acquaintance.
About his personal experience with
As he went in, his attention was impulsively
Sanathana Sarathi, he later confessed,
drawn to a beautiful photograph of a
after he started reading the holy
resplendent figure, a familiar photo hung
messages, many of his psychic knots
over there. Curious enough, he turned and
(grandhis) got cleared off. The sacred “Sri
asked the studio owner as to who He was?
Lalita Sahasranamam” describes
Pat came his reply, “Bhagavan Sri Sathya various Grandhis,  glorifying the Supreme
Sai Baba of Puttaparthi”. He was the same Mother… as ‘Manipurantharuditha
Radiant Persona with the hallowed crown Vishnu Grandhi Vibhedini…’, ‘Ajna
of hair who appeared before him last three Chakrantharalastha Rudra Grandhi
days on the trot, giving him the ‘dosage’ of Vibhedini…’, that help one in conscious
Sanathana Sarathi. evolution, step by step, stage by stage.
Hardly was this conversation over I was sitting with this revered person
that he heard from behind the name, a month ago, in the same room, next to
Sanathana Sarathi. He turned back the same cot, when he was lying down
and found another acquaintance in the awaiting the final call. I had a request to
middle of a conversation, speaking on him then, for an encore of the narration,
Sanathana Sarathi and subscriptions. recalling the same story once again. He
Curious enough, he asked him as to what obliged instantly, even in his trying times of
this Sanathana Sarathi was all about. The physical ill-health. Narrating the story, he
person, a devotee of Bhagavan, explained blessed me to share the ‘Story of the Glory
it in one line… “Sanathana Sarathi is the of Sanathana Sarathi’, a mandate given by
spiritual journal from Prasanthi Nilayam, the Lord Supreme Bhagavan Sri Sathya
Puttaparthi, the Divine Abode of Bhagavan Sai, who had advised him then… Read
Sri Sathya Sai Baba, which comes out and spread the message to help others in
every month”. conscious evolution.
Adept only in one language, vernacular …And about Beloved Mother Sai, who
Malayalam, apart from the language of appeared before him three times on the
Brahma Vidya, he lost no time in ensuring trot, he had beautiful words full of love
his subscription for the priceless journal, in and gratitude. He said, “With Bhagavan
his only readable language. looking deep into my eyes, I had that

18 March 2020 Sanathana Sarathi

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experience of Love, which I had had never in all the worlds in the entire creation. Hold
before”. Referring to that eye-to-eye Divine on to Him ever and ever after. Human
Romance, he said, “Never in my life have minds fail to describe or define Him. The
I experienced such Beauty of Love”!!! only way to express Him is that neither one
Indeed, Bhagavan looked deep into his can add anything unto Him, nor can delete.
eyes, and through those eyes, deep into He is Paripurnam, Sampurnam!!! He is the
the soul within’! Lord Supreme, Sri Sathya Sai, the Eternal
To those who were around him, and Charioteer, Sanathana Sarathi”!!!
into the fold of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai, – The author is a Senior Manager
he would always serve one reminder, “The in Sri Sathya Sai Sadhana Trust,
seat that you are blessed to be devoted, the Publications Division and an inmate of
feet that you are holding on are the highest Prasanthi Nilayam.

Statement of Ownership and other Particulars of the Newspaper

Entitled SANATHANA SARATHI (English) R.No.10774/58
(To be published in the first issue every year after the last day of February)
Form IV (See Rule 8)
1. Place of Publication : Sri Sathya Sai Press, within the compound of Sri
Sathya Sai Ashram, Prasanthi Nilayam.

2. Periodicity of Publication : Monthly
3. Printer and Publisher’s Name : Sri K.S. Rajan
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Date: 1-3-2020 (Signature of Publisher)

19 March 2020 Sanathana Sarathi

how the Vibhuti should be given. Needless
ALUMNI FORUM to say, father recovered as he started taking
the divine medicine. However, Swami had
sunita ratan kanal different plans for me. Even as I spent my
days at the hospital taking care of father’s

HANDS THAT HELP needs, I realised that I was slowly falling in

love with this whole experience of serving,
ARE HOLIER THAN especially caring for my sick father. The
passion to serve was not only towards my
LIPS THAT PRAY father, but it extended to whoever came
my way. From that moment, a seed for

service was sown in the deepest recesses
t was in my 10th grade that
of my heart. It was a pristine desire, or a
I realised the boundless power of
noble need rather, to dedicate my life in the
Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. It
service of the sick and needy.
was a rainy day at Parthi, and we were all
seated on the sands of Prasanthi Nilayam
soaking in the showers, unmindful as we
sat dazed in the sunshine of our Lord’s
majestic countenance. Unperturbed,
Swami continued His Darshan, granting
us benediction and solace in the beauty
of His smile and sliding gait even as He
got drenched in the rain. He looked at
the enormous crowd assembled for His
Darshan, and the benevolent Lord that He
is, waved His hands across the sky and in
an instant, the rain stopped! That was the
The author with Bhagavan.
day I realised that if there was any place
on earth that I wanted to be forever, it had When Swami built the Super Speciality
to be where He was. And thus, I prepared Hospital at Whitefield, I was on cloud nine,
myself to join the Anantapur College for eager to discover an opportunity to serve
girls, as that was my golden chance to be in His hospital, caring and loving the sick
always around Him, living under His direct while enjoying His proximity throughout
Divine guidance. my life. I vividly remember the winter of
2000, when on the 27th of December,
In the Service of the Sick and Needy
Swami decided to gift Saris to us, the
As a Sai student, my first surprise came alumni of the Anantapur Campus. It was
in my 1st year of undergraduation when my turn to receive the gift from His Divine
my father got a heart attack. I was awaiting hands, and that day happened to be my
Swami’s directions, sitting worried when first day of work at the Whitefield Hospital,
that evening Swami materialised Vibhuti for and thus I conveyed it to Him (He had
my father, and asked me to go home and blessed my resume earlier, instructing
take care of him, patiently even instructing me to join the Whitefield Super Speciality

20 March 2020 Sanathana Sarathi

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Hospital). He blessed me with the Sari and to even read or write. Though our loving
Padanamaskar, and said, “Baaga Pani Seva Dal volunteers help them reach
Chesuko, Naa Ashirwaadamundi,” which their departments safely, for the first-time
means “do good work, My blessings are patients it would be still be a chore to come
there with you”. I have never looked back to terms with the enormity of the whole
since that day! place and the directions.
Learning the Lesson of Patience From that day, I have treated every
Being In-charge of the Patient patient with patience and compassion,
Registration and Screening Department taking the minor accident as a timely
in SSSIHMS, I had to deal with a lot of guiding light from Swami. It was an
patients daily, and even though my student experience that truly helped me empathise
days at Anantapur had instilled a lot of with the patient. I still do get angry at times,
patience and compassion within me, at but I quickly remember the lesson Swami
times I used to get irritated at the patients. taught me and since then, I have been a
I used to lose my temper when so many of witness to a lot of grateful smiles, hopeful
them would come to me with silly doubts. faces and unsaid blessings of many such
There was however one incident that beautiful souls who come to His Temple
changed this attitude of mine. It happened of Healing. I am forever grateful for this
on the morning of 23rd August 2012 when I opportunity to do a little bit in making them
was crossing the road opposite SSSIHMS, feel loved, cared for and at peace.
Whitefield, a bike out of the blue rammed Listen to the Swami’s Promptings
into me and threw me up in the air. I got up from within
with the help of a few Seva Dal volunteers Being with Swami (however short a span
and they helped me to somehow drag I was blessed to spend in His proximity,
myself till the main hall. The distance from under His direct Divine guidance), I have
the gate that I used to cover in a minute, realised that we should never neglect His
suddenly felt so long and tiring to cross. I promptings that stem from within our heart.
guided the Seva Dal members to take me The moment we place our foot on the soil
to the emergency from where the doctors of Parthi, we must realise that He has taken
took over with great care. However, that charge of our lives and thus we should pay
day I realised how a patient would feel close attention to the voice within, which is
when he / she would come for the first none other than His voice, guiding us all
time to our hospital. I had always looked through. On the 6th of September 1996,
at them from the eyes of a staff who knew my husband Sri Ratan Kanal (also Swami’s
her hospital inside out until that day when student from the Brindavan Campus) and
I realised how overwhelming it would be me, were on our way to Goa by car. The
for an already exhausted patient who had driver was overspeeding and that was
to travel miles to reach here, to be able when I heard that voice from within me,
to absorb the humongous building and its asking me to tell him to slow down. I tried
departments. It would be obvious for them to persuade Ratan to tell the driver to go
to be a bit nervous and confused, given slow. Being a thrill enthusiast himself,
that a lot of them would not know how Ratan dismissed my fear as unnecessary.

21 March 2020 Sanathana Sarathi

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After a few minutes, the driver lost “Yes, I know. It was a major accident! And
control and our car slipped and went you called out for Me”? I replied in the
crashing down into a large ditch. I shouted, affirmative.
“Swami” as the impact of the accident had Being on security duty, I managed
thrown me to the front. After a few blurry to pass a handkerchief to Him by then.
moments, I realised that I was bleeding He wiped his fingers and placed the
profusely from my forehead. Ratan had handkerchief on my forehead and said,
regained his consciousness by then and “Naya Janam Diya Hai” meaning, “I have
found that I was the one who was severely given you a new life”. This was the day
injured among the two (driver ran away), when I realised that He always keeps
prompting us from within. All we need to do
and that I needed help immediately. We
is to listen to Him and follow His directions
both were chanting Sai Gayatri Mantra
without any doubt.
continuously, when all of a sudden a jeep
To reaffirm this belief, I had another
stopped beside us and took us to a nearby
experience. One day, I was driving to
hospital. My forehead had torn open due
Brindavan Ashram for my security duty
to the impact and there was blood all over.
when I noticed a huge truck carrying loads
The doctors at that hospital said that they of iron rods going pretty slow ahead of
did not have the facility to suture such a me. I felt an urge to overtake, but then,
deep cut and that I would need to be taken that was when I again heard that voice
to a bigger hospital in Manipal with better that prompted me to slow down and park
facilities. We reached there four hours my car on the side. Keeping in mind my
later, still bleeding, and having Sai Gayatri previous experience, without a blink, I
on our lips. We met the doctor we had adhered to the instruction of that inner
been referred to. voice and parked my car to the side. To
Call it divine providence, but his my utter astonishment, a few metres
colleague, a doctor from abroad happened ahead, the truck had a head-on collision
with another vehicle, and it had caused
to be there at that very time. He incidentally
a lot of fatal damage to the people in its
even had the best suturing apparatus
immediate proximity. I could have been
available with him that he had got from
one among them, had I not followed His
the U.S. In a trice, He consented to do
voice within me. Since then, there have
everything necessary to get me back been many such instances when I have
to normal again. Because of the right been a witness to His mysterious ways of
treatment administered in a timely manner, warning and guiding us.
I recovered fast. As soon as I got better, I Rare Opportunity to be a Part of His
wished to see Swami at the earliest. Divine Mission
That November, my husband and I Having been blessed with the
went to Parthi, and on seeing me, Swami opportunity of lifetimes to serve in His
came near me and said, “Maathey Pe Kya hospital for the past twenty years, I have
Hua”? meaning, “What happened to your witnessed thousands of such miracles. I
forehead”? “Swami, accident,” I replied. have seen countless souls like me  being
“Haan, Maalum Hai. Bahut Bada accident
Tha! Tune Mujhe Pukara Naa?” meaning, continued on page 27...

22 March 2020 Sanathana Sarathi

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Arthur Hillcoat

y most humble and loving I’ll tell a couple of short stories to begin
Pranams at the Lotus Feet of our with. Swami – when we were planning to
Beloved Lord and our very best come away on this journey – said to talk
Friend. about Unity and Love. So, that’s something
I heard something mentioned a little that I have to do.
while ago about the fact that Swami calls Bring on the  Smiling  Lion
me a ‘lion’ but I don’t want you to have any But, of course, we must see the love
and the fun-loving side of Swami. One day,
He was talking to the students inside. And
then He came outside where they couldn’t
see Him. He called me and I said: “Yes,
Swami”? He said: “The boys just want
to see you”. I said: “See me, Swami”?
He said: “Yes, they want to see you. Go
inside”! And so, I stepped inside.
There was a great roar from the students
– hilarious; and then I knew that Swami
had been up to mischief. When I saw one
of the students later, I asked: “What was
the roar about when I came in”? He said:
“Oh, Swami was teasing us”. I said: “What
do you mean by teasing”? He said: “Swami
pulled up His sleeve, and started to move
His hand and said: ‘Would you like to see a
lion’? And the students said: ‘Yes, Swami’!
So, He called me.
You see, our Lord has a beautiful sense
of humour and He teases the students and
you become a part of it and it’s wonderful.
But you also make mistakes sometimes…
Golden Dancer
fears! I am really only a little pussy cat. We were down here in the Hill View
I don’t have a lot of time for stories. But Stadium on the 65th Birthday of Bhagavan

23 March 2020 Sanathana Sarathi

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and there was a cultural programme in the will be here”. One lady rather fiercely said
evening. Swami was in the orchestra pit. I to me: “Who did you order the soft drinks
was a few feet away from Swami. And the from”? It didn’t sound too good to me but
children put up a drama. I said: “Tramackeys” and then she really
After it was stated that a special dance abused me. “How dare you do that? How
of Siva would be demonstrated; and since can you do this sort of thing?” I said: “What
that was near to my heart, I looked forward have I done wrong? I don’t know, they
to it. And this beautiful lady had come on have the best soft drinks”! She said, “That’s
stage in gold – fully in gold, with long and beside the point; they are Catholics”!
beautiful eyelashes – and started to dance. So, I stepped back because here one
moment they were talking about a loving
Then I started to get concerned: “What’s
God; but only for us; not for anyone else.
this young lady doing dancing in front of
We can never limit God but it limits us if we
Swami”? As you know, in India, once girls
think that way.
reach the age of 12, they don’t dance
any longer in front of all. So, I was a bit Anyway, I am side tracked just a little
concerned about it. I just looked to see if bit. I want to talk what Swami told me to
Swami was alright. But there was nothing talk about. And I probably only used these
showing on His face; it was just blank! words in the beginning “Unity and Love”.
Firstly, we cannot have unity unless there
When it was over, Swami walked across
is love. Secondly, unity just doesn’t mean
quietly towards me and asked: “Have you
in our centre.
ever seen that dance before”? I said: “No,
So, firstly we have to look at our self
Swami, it was very, very beautiful”. “Oh
and that’s what I want to talk about mostly
yes,” He said. There was a twinkle in His
today. Because, unless we can understand
eyes and He leaned over to me and said:
and find the Truth, we will be coming
“But that wasn’t a girl; that was a boy”! So
back lifetime after lifetime. Jesus said two
you see, these are the things that happen
thousand years ago: “The Kingdom of God
sometimes. is within”. How much notice did we take
Loving God, not Limiting God at that time? Of course, communication
That’s a lot more of these, but I really wasn’t as good those days as it is now.
must move into more important things. Years ago, I used to ask over and over
When I was very young, in my teenage again: “Why of all the people in the world,
years, early teenage years, I had this why me? Why has the Avatar drawn me
yearning to speak about God, a very deep to Him”? I asked that many times. But
yearning. Fortunately, no one asked me Swami eventually said to us one day, “If
to because I wouldn’t have known what to it’s your good fortune in coming to Me, you
say. But the yearning was there. must give thanks to the merits earned in
I would go to any church, and I was with previous lives”. So, it is good if we can play
one particular one. And there was a fight our roles well in this particular life.
and I had to order the ice-creams. There Change and Understanding
was a last meeting and I said: “The soft What is it that we need to do? It’s very
drinks will be here, and the ice-creams simple to say that we should change or we

24 March 2020 Sanathana Sarathi

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should do this or that. But how do we go and that we have free will and that we can
about that? First, we must understand that do things and we can achieve things. How
the only thing in life – Swami tells us – is sad it is that we think that!
change. However, Swami has also said to Light Bulbs Lesson
us if you are looking for self-realisation or if
We think we are separate. I remember
you’re looking for enlightenment; then you
once in a hotel in Bengaluru, it was evening
are selfish. He said that because you are
and I wanted to write a letter. But I couldn’t
looking for something for yourself when
see right; all the lights were on. I looked
you should be looking for something to
at the globes – they were all 25 watts. But
share with others.
you see, if you had a 100 of those, you still
So, what is it that is the most important
wouldn’t have had good light. So, I went
thing to search for? In my mind, it’s your
to the manager and I said: “Look, I can’t
search for understanding. Understanding
see out there! Would you have a 100 watt
what life is all about. Understanding what
lamp”? “Oh yes, of course!” he said and
steps one has to take to come to know
gave it to me and I took the 25 watt out and
the Truth. The more one understands,
put the 100 in and then I had plenty of light!
the more simple life becomes. We must
continue to search to understand so that Then it dawned on me there’s only one
the time will come when we are open to the current that comes into this building. And
total Truth. that electric current there was waiting to
express itself as light. But the amount of
The search we have must come from
light depended on the quality of the bulb! I
an understanding. We must continue to
search, make the effort that at such times thought: “Isn’t it just like God? The Divine
as our understanding reaches a point that current is ever ready to express itself as
we realise that even the effort is a stumbling Love and Light through every one of these
block – because there is nothing to reach! human globes. But it depends upon the
You are that at this moment; but don’t know quality of the globe as to how much Love
it. Most misery is caused because one has and Light can be expressed”.
forgotten who one really is. So, we need to ask ourselves, what sort
Swami tells us over and over again: of a globe am I? How much love and light
“Embodiments of Love”. He also tells us am I expressing? One might be satisfied
that we are Divine. But do we really listen with a 25 watt. One might say well,
to Swami? Swami tells us beautiful words perhaps 75 is okay or a 100. But whatever
and they are lovely; and we get a good it is, we have to ask ourselves then how
feeling about it but when we leave, do we much do we really want to express? Some
think about that? Do we take time to search might say, I would like to be a 100 watt
for understanding? Without that, without globe; some might say a 500 watt or even
the understanding, how can we ever know a million watt; others may want to express
the Truth? What are the things that get in that which can’t be expressed. But we can’t
the way? Things that get in the way are the do that without understanding and making
fact that firstly we believe we are separate, the effort to understand.

25 March 2020 Sanathana Sarathi

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Video View love. And you know it is interesting; I used

You know, a video is a great concept. to simply say that you find love mostly
What happens when we are watching in countries which have suffered – like
a video? Our eyes tend to go a little bit Bosnia, Croatia, Macedonia, Russia – but
square; and we are looking at it. We are that’s not quite true – but the intensity is
looking at what’s on the screen. We are a little more. Because they are forever
not sitting there worrying about that bit asking, asking, because they are searching
that’s being played – which we might call so much for understanding. But as Swami
the past; and we’re not fearing that little bit says: “All this is only in our imagination”.
of the tape that still has to come – which What an imagination! And this is hard to
we might call the future! We are watching understand; very hard to understand. But
what’s on the screen at that very moment; if we keep working towards it, it will be
right at that very moment. You see, if we understood.
can live our lives that way, life would be You see, only God exists. It’s very
much more simple. simple; only God exists. And all else that
The Search and the Suffering we can see, touch, smell, taste, exists
Once you start searching, then you will within God; like the fish in the fish bowl.
start to see changes. I used to see that But that which you are is that in which all
years ago; I went through some heavy exists. Swami tells us that over and over
parts in my life and I used to look up and again.
say, “Lord, why me? Why me again”? And He says: “You are God”! The only thing
it was as if the Lord was saying: “Why is that if you come to understand this and
not you? And here’s a little more for you”! feel that to be so; then you don’t go down
You know the feeling? Because I was so the main street tomorrow calling out that
upset, I was asking the question: “Why you are God! Know it within yourself! If
me? Why me? Poor me”! But when one you call it out too much around the ridges,
gets enough suffering – that’s why I say;
you’ll find a vehicle come and two men
suffering, pain, loss, grief – any type of
with white jackets will take you for a drive
suffering is God’s grace at its very best.
somewhere! But this is what Swami is here
Because when we get enough of suffering,
for! It’s the Avatar. Why do we keep putting
we will start to question. And then one
it off all the time? Why is it that we don’t
starts to ask, “What’s the purpose of my
seek to understand what He is telling us
existence? What is life all about? Why is
over and over again?
there suffering? Why do some seem to
suffer more than others? Who am I? Who Our True Nature
am I really”? And it’s only then that we start You know, a couple of years ago, a
to get answers. Then God reaches out a tragedy happened! Swami got up to give a
hand to us and our life begins to unfold Discourse, and then walked off; and didn’t
with greater understanding. But we first give a Discourse! And said, He would
must ask those questions. never give a Discourse again! It’s terrible;
You know, life is very beautiful. when the Avatar is here and He has to do
Wherever we go in the world, we find this to try and get our attention! Two days

26 March 2020 Sanathana Sarathi

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later, He gave a Discourse to explain. He of course I realised later one cannot limit
said: “Why are you not listening to Me? God; we limit ourselves by not listening, by
Nobody is listening! I’ve told you in every not taking some action to understand; and
way possible. Tell me what you want Me to to understand the purity of His teachings.
do so that you’ll understand”? We must come to understand that our
You see when the Avatar does this, He own true nature is Divinity. Some people
is not doing it for fun: “Oh this is the thing say: “Well what am I going to do? If I realise
that I’ll do today”. He is trying to get our that, who’s going to do my work”? You see,
attention that one’s own true nature is that that’s a misunderstanding. The body must
which you have always prayed to; that – remain until its appointed time to leave.
that which is expressing itself through the The body must still carry out the role that it
form of Sai is who you are! And we have to has been given in this lifetime.
make an effort to reach this. Isn’t it worth
(To be continued in the next issue...)
– The author was the Chairman of
As I said earlier, Jesus said the
Sathya Sai Council of Australia, and
Kingdom of God is within. Why do we
for many years he was in-charge of the
deny ourselves? Years ago, I used to say
Christmas celebrations at Prasanthi
why should we limit Sai; why should we
limit God by not making this search? But

...continued from page 22

given a second chance in life, at this opportunity to be able to be a part of His

Temple of Divine Healing. Divine Mission.
Today, this hospital is nothing less than As for me, in spite of being in a volatile
my own home. In fact, once Swami told my city like Bengaluru, I still feel that nothing
husband, “She takes care of My Hospital has changed, for I continue to be His
just like how she takes care of her own student and adhere to His principles.
home”. I am sure that He is always there Back then, He was my loving teacher
with us, watching us, guiding us when we in Anantapur, and after I graduated and
take a detour, scolding us at times, and yet, took up this job, today, He’s my Master! All
lovingly taking care of us every moment I ever wish is to be able to serve Him till the
of our lives, in ways we would never last breath of my life. That is the only way I
understand or appreciate. He sends His feel that I can pay my gratitude to Him.
children to our hospital to get healed, and – The author, a student of Anantapur
serving them with love and compassion, Campus of Sri Sathya Sai Institute of
is our way of reciprocating His love that Higher Learning, has been serving in
He keeps showering on all of us. It goes Bhagavan’s Super Speciality Hospital,
without saying that all the staff here work Whitefield, Bengaluru since the year
for Him as an offering for blessing them the 2000.

27 March 2020 Sanathana Sarathi

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PILGRIMAGE OF DEVOTEES Feet of Bhagavan, the music and melody

FROM KHAMMAM of which suffused the entire milieu with

devotional fervour. The melodious songs
ore than 2,000 devotees
rendered by them included “Sri Sathya Sai
came on a two-day pilgrimage
Baba Neeku Saranamu” (Sai is my refuge),
to Prasanthi Nilayam on 27th
“Pranava Swarupa Hari Om Sai” (Sai is the
and 28th January 2020 from Khammam
embodiment of Om), “Sai Saranam Baba
district of Telangana and presented music
Saranam Saranam”.
Deep devotion and piety marked the
celebration of Chinese New Year 2020
at Prasanthi Nilayam. The theme of the
two-day programme held on 31st January
and 1st February 2020 was “Heaven Lies
at the Feet of the Mother”. More than 500
devotees from Malaysia, Indonesia, Hong
Kong, Singapore and Thailand came to
A dance number by the Bal Vikas children of
participate in the celebrations which were
Khammam district of Telangana.
packed with magnificent music and cultural
and cultural programmes on both the programmes.
days. Their first presentation comprised
The programme on 31st January began
an array of beautiful dances performed by
with lighting of the sacred lamp followed
the Bal Vikas children and Sai Youth of
this district on 27th January 2020. The
dances performed by the dancers to the
tunes of the songs on a variety of themes
highlighted the glory of Bhagavan, Bal
Vikas, Chitravathi, etc. It was indeed a
spectacular presentation.
This was followed by the screening
of a video film which showcased the
service activities being performed by Sri
Sathya Sai Seva Organisation of this Offerings by the Eight Immortals on
district. Chinese New Year.
On 28th January 2020, singers and by traditional offerings at the Samadhi of
musicians of this district offered a garland Bhagavan and chanting of sacred Buddhist
of soulful devotional songs at the Lotus Mantras.

28 March 2020 Sanathana Sarathi

Hymns dedicated to the goddess of mercy
rendered by Chinese devotees.
Chanting of sacred Buddhist Mantras.
Avalokiteswari, the goddess of mercy, by
In his Welcome Address which followed
the Chinese singers, both ladies and gents.
next, Sri Billy Fong, the Coordinator
The programme concluded with Bhajans
of the Chinese New Year celebrations
which were also led by Chinese devotees.
stressed on the supreme significance
of filial piety and exhorted one and all to On the morning of 1st February 2020,
love and respect their parents which was the second day of Chinese New Year
their primary duty. This was followed by celebrations, devotees from Indonesia
an instrumental music offering by Ms. offered a beautiful programme of Bhajans
Paramita Putri Santosa from Indonesia and Bhajan medley at the Lotus Feet of
who enthralled the audience with sweet
musical notes on Guzheng.
What followed next was an inspiring
talk on the topic “Filial Piety from the
Perspective of Buddhism” by Ms. Letisia
Lauw from Indonesia who narrated how
the teachings of Bhagavan Baba and
following of Buddhist traditions helped her
and her siblings to grow in virtues. The next
presentation was a song “Dang Ni Lou Ler” Bhajans and Bhajan medley presentation
(when you are old) sung melodiously by Sri by the devotees of Indonesia.
Fendy from Medan, Indonesia who brought
Bhagavan which spread a wave of ecstasy
forth the magnificence of filial piety in a
throughout Sai Kulwant Hall by its music,
beautiful way in his well-rendered song.
melody and spirited rendition.
This was followed by a most inspiring talk
delivered by Ms. Mickey Thum, a young The evening programme began with
adult from Malaysia. Though born with a chanting of sacred Buddhist Mantras.
congenital defect in the spine, the speaker Addressing the gathering after this, Sri
revealed how her life became meaningful Manoj Kumar Singh, Chairman, Zone 4B
by her journey to Bhagavan Sri Sathya of SSIO stated that the mother represented
Sai Baba. She concluded her talk with the sacrifice. Referring to the teaching of
inspiring remark that doing Seva was her Bhagavan to consider your mother and
medicine. father as God, the eminent speaker called
The last item of the programme was upon the devotees to take a vow that they
chanting of hymns dedicated to Kuan Yin would never allow their parents to suffer.

29 March 2020 Sanathana Sarathi

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A Chinese orchestra presentation transformed by the love and sacrifice of his

followed next which was participated mother, for whom he finally shed tears of
by eight talented musicians on various repentance and prayed to Bhagavan for her
Chinese instruments. The musicians life when she met with an accident. Sublime
rendered traditional Chinese New Year theme, good acting and direction made the
songs and Bhajans which included drama an impressive presentation.
“Keshava Madhava Jaya Deva
Madhusudana”, “Sivaya Namah Siva
Sivaya Namah Siva Sivaya Namah Om
Namah Sivaya”, “Siva Maheswara Siva A soulful devotional music concert
was presented by a noted carnatic
classical singer, Smt. Soumya
Varanasi and her team of fellow
musicians on 9th February 2020 as
part of the pilgrimage of the devotees
from Nalgonda district of Telangana.
The talented singer not only rendered
carnatic classical compositions in
her sweet and melodious voice but
also followed them with Bhajans and
Kirtans which included “Mangala
Chinese orchestra presentation.
Maheswara Siva Maheswara Sai Ram”.
The grand finale of the Chinese New Year
celebrations 2020 was an elevating drama
entitled “Heaven Lies at the Feet of the
Mother” which was also the theme of this
year’s Chinese New Year celebration. The
drama depicted how a wayward son was

Devotional music concert by Smt. Soumya

Varanasi and her team of fellow musicians.

Shubhakari Maata Maheswari” (the

Divine Mother is the bestower of all good
and auspicious), “Govinda Govinda
Venkataramana Govinda”, “Vitthala Vitthala
Vitthala Panduranga Vitthala”. Besides,
the rendition of “Siva Tandava Stotra”
and evergreen number “Brahmamokkate
Para Brahmamokkate” (God is one) added
A scene from the drama “Heaven Lies at the variety and richness to the concert.
Feet of the Mother”.

30 March 2020 Sanathana Sarathi

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AUSTRALIA edible gardens by growing a “Juicy Fruit

Patch” and adopting the 3R’s: Refuse,
n 15th November 2019, the
Reduce, Recycle. These initiatives have
Sathya Sai College of Murwillumbah,
gradually changed the culture of the school
New South Wales (NSW) won the
People’s Choice Award for Schools for
sustainability, presented by the local Tweed BRAZIL
Council at the inaugural Sustainability
Since 2011, students of the Sathya
Sai School of Ribeirão Preto have been
participating in the Brazilian Olympics of
Astronomy and Astronautics. In 2019,

Sustainability Award to Sathya Sai College, New Bronze medal to a student of

South Wales (NSW), Australia. Sathya Sai School, Brazil.

Champions ceremony. NSW’s Tweed Leska Maria Andrade, an exemplary Grade

Council is taking a pro-active role in 4 student, secured the Bronze Medal,
encouraging sustainability, recognising the amongst thousands of students in this
importance of the environment for social nation-wide competition. The Education
and economic well-being as well as for Secretary of the City of Ribeirão Preto, Sri
the future. The slogan for the College’s Felipe Elias Miguel, presented the medal
submission was, ‘Learning about Litter, in a ceremony. The Councilman Rodrigo
Living Life Cleaner and Making it Greener’. Simões, made a motion approved by the
The practises implemented at the school City Council, recognising the important
include: red-bin free school grounds with achievement of Leska and the Sathya
the goal of avoiding rubbish for landfill; Sai School. This award is especially
creating healthy habits by eating natural relevant considering that the school
and raw food (reducing packaging); caters to students from an underprivileged
connecting with Nature through activities community. While research indicates that
such as a day of outdoor classroom, it takes 25 to 30 years for educational
weekly gardening activities, developing institutions to establish themselves,

31 March 2020 Sanathana Sarathi

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the Sathya Sai School has achieved Russia. Organised about 240 km from St.
excellence, despite many challenges, Petersburg, the camp included activities in
through love, commitment and sacrifices medical services, repair and construction,
made by students, staff and parents. social services and education. The medical
PHILIPPINES team served more than 2,500 patients,
who also received information on healthy
Mindanao island, the second-largest lifestyles and how to prevent illnesses.
island in the Philippines, was hit by three The 18-member repair and construction
devastating earthquakes in October 2019, team worked at six different sites. They
affecting more than 260,000 people. SSIO installed electrical equipment in a nearby
volunteers in Philippines immediately city, renovated a local school ground and
sealed cracks in the walls, and updated
the facades of a local polyclinic. The social
service team prepared packages, which
contained pasta, buckwheat, cookies, and
soap and other essential items.
The education team organised a
programme titled, “The Way of Good”.
Some classes included character
development, overcoming obstacles and
community service. SSIO volunteers held

Disaster relief to victims of Mindanao

earthquake, Philippines.
sprang into action, collecting nearly 900 kg
of relief goods and made plans to distribute
essential food items to the earthquake
victims. Partnering with volunteers from
the Asian Development Bank, SSIO
volunteers visited Mindanao on 9th and International volunteer camp, Russia.
10th November and served about 2,500
people. They distributed grocery packs about 80 classes, serving 267 children and
with rice, noodles, milk powder, biscuits, 9 seminars were given on spiritual matters
clothes and blankets. for 79 adults. At the end of the camp, the
volunteers staged a musical concert for the
community and served many delicacies.
In early August 2019, 132 volunteers
from USA, Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan,
and UK took part in an international On 13th September 2019, as a part
volunteer camp in the northwest region of of Sathya Sai Village Integrated Project

32 March 2020 Sanathana Sarathi

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(SSVIP) in Kathaliyar, Samalankulam, the children to attend school regularly.

and Oddusuddan, SSIO volunteers in Sri The project has evolved over the years
Lanka initiated a new water purification and currently, volunteers provide staple
project to provide safe drinking water for grains and groceries every month to 100
2,500 local residents. The project, assisted needy families identified by the Santa Ana
by the Vision of Love, UK, and the 23rd School District. Sometimes, this provides
Vijayabahu Infantry Regiment, Sri Lanka meals to children who would otherwise go
Army, is expected to supply 2,000 litres to school hungry. During 2018, the SSIO
of water daily. This is the 20th village of Southern California donated about 125
adopted by the SSIO of Sri Lanka. The pairs of shoes and 200 containers of lice
military presented an award to the SSIO in shampoo as well as mattresses.
appreciation of the outreach efforts. As part of the 95 Communities project,
USA the SSIO of the Mid-Central Region
of the USA adopted the World Bird
As part of the SSIO’s global initiative Sanctuary in Valley Park, Missouri. The
to adopt 95 communities, the SSIO of Sanctuary provides refuge to eagles that
are permanently injured and cannot be
released back to the wild. Its mission is to

World Bird Sanctuary, Missouri, USA.

Serving underprivileged children in
secure the future of threatened bird species
Southern California, USA.
including the US national bird, the bald
the Pacific Southwest region of the USA eagle. The bald eagle is also considered
took care of needy school children and a sacred bird by Native Americans, whose
their families in Santa Ana, California, feathers are used in many religious and
starting in 2014. In response to a request spiritual ceremonies. SSIO members
from a school counsellor in the Santa served at the sanctuary twice a month,
Ana School District, SSIO volunteers weather permitting, taking care of the
distributed shoes, eyeglasses, shampoo grounds and providing needed supplies.
to treat lice, and other items, thus enabling During the Annual Regional Retreat of

33 March 2020 Sanathana Sarathi

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the SSIO, an interactive educational

session was held, and participants joined
in a walk for birds, carrying placards with
the five human values and informative
posters about the birds at the sanctuary.
The staff at the sanctuary appreciated the
SSIO volunteers for completing the tasks
efficiently with love.
Odisha: The 44th State Conference of
Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisation, Odisha
was held at Paradip Port of Jagatsinghpur
district from 27th to 29th December 2019.
The conference was preceded by the
Festival of Joy programme on 25th and 26th
December commemorating 50 years of Sri
Sathya Sai Bal Vikas. Sri Nimish Pandya,
All India President, SSSSO inaugurated
the conference. Various focus areas for
the coming year were deliberated upon Felicitation of senior Bal Vikas Gurus.
by over 2,000 delegates. A symposium
commemorating 50 years of the Odia years were felicitated. About 800 Bal Vikas
edition of Sanathana Sarathi was held on alumni participated in the event.
the sidelines of the conference. On this Delivering the Inaugural Address,
auspicious occasion, Sri Nimish Pandya Sri H.J. Dora, Convener, Sri Sathya Sai
inaugurated a drinking water project in Trust, Andhra Pradesh and Telangana
Pradhanagheri village and a Vocational appreciated the work of the Gurus and
Training Centre at Paradip. their dedication. The contribution of a
Telangana: Sri Sathya Sai Bal Vikas, Guru in one’s life was of great significance
and felicitating Gurus with reverence was
Telangana celebrated Bal Vikas golden
of utmost importance, he said. After this,
jubilee year at Sri Sathya Sai Aradhya
felicitation ceremony was conducted, and
Dhamam, Sri Sathya Sai Vidya Vihar
all the Gurus present there were felicitated
School Campus, Hyderabad on 15th
by senior members of the Organisation in
September 2019.
the presence of their students who were
The celebrations were centred around accomplished citizens of the country
the twin objectives of felicitating senior today. Inspiring talks were delivered by
Bal Vikas Gurus and bringing together many eminent speakers on this occasion,
Bal Vikas alumni of Telangana State. 150 which included Sri P. Venkat Rao, Smt.
senior Bal Vikas Gurus who had been Sasi Bala, Smt. Ganga Pidatala and Dr. S.
taking Bal Vikas classes for more than 25 Manjula.

34 March 2020 Sanathana Sarathi

Chinna Katha

Contentment is Real Heroism

here was a pupil once, fulfil his every desire. Then he placed his
in the kingdom of Raghu, who petition for sixteen lakh gold Nishkas before
asked his preceptor at the him. Raghu was rendered desperate by
the vast sum needed; though emperor, he
was too deep in austerity to have the sum
on hand. Still, in order to keep his plighted
word, he invaded the realm of Kubera (the
god of wealth), and brought back as loot
enormous stocks of gold. “Take all this and
give your preceptor what he has asked for;
keep the balance for yourself,” the king

The disciple insisted on offering Guru

Dakshina to the Guru.
conclusion of his studies what Dakshina
(thanksgiving offering) he would accept
from him. Dakshina means offerings made
in gratitude for service rendered. The Guru
told him that he needed no other Dakshina
than gratitude; it was enough if he lived When the king asked the disciple to keep
according to his teachings and brought the remaining wealth with him, he humbly
honour to his preceptor thereby. But the declined to accept.
pupil insisted that he must indicate his The pupil refused to take a coin more
need and tell him some sum of money or than what he had to offer as Dakshina to
gifts that he would accept. So, just to ward his Guru. “I have brought them for you; it is
him off and get rid of him, the Guru named all yours, take them,” insisted Raghu. But
an impossible sum of money, “You learnt the young man resisted the temptation and
sixteen Vidyas (branches of knowledge) stood his ground.
from me; well, bring me sixteen lakh gold That is real heroism. The discontented
Nishkas (coins)”. At this, the pupil went off man is as good as lost. Rely on the Lord
to collect the sum. and accept whatever is your lot. He is in
The pupil went to Emperor Raghu, and you, with you. He knows best what to give
got from him the promise that he would and when.

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About Sri Sathya Sai Sadhana Trust Get Sanathana Sarathi

Publications Division On Sanathana Sarathi official website –
On 1st January, 2009, Sri Sathya Sai – subscribe
Sadhana Trust (SSSST) commenced for paperback and e-versions. Single
operations with four divisions; the Bhakta monthly editions are also downloadable
Sahayak divisions (one in Prasanthi in English and Telugu languages at http://
Nilayam, Puttaparthi and another in and
Brindavan, Bangalore), the Publications sarathitelugu.
division, and the Media division. Other Books By Sri Sathya Sai
The Publications Division caters to: Sadhana Trust, Publications Division
1) The publication and distribution of (In English)
spiritual, religious, and educational 1. Sai Sathya Sakha
Sai Literature and the production 2. Summer Showers In Brindavan, 1972
and distribution of audio and visual 3. Satyopanisad I
multimedia, photographs, calendars, and 4. Satyopanisad II
diaries for the benefit of visiting pilgrims 5. Gurudev
and devotees all over the world. All the 6. Namasmarana
literature and publications are based on 7. Bhakthi And Health
the teachings, philosophy, message, and 8. Life Is Love, Enjoy It!
values of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. 9. Life Is A Challenge, Meet It!
2) The publication and distribution of 10. Life Is A Dream, Realize It!
Bhagavan Baba’s monthly spiritual 11. Bhagawan And Bhakta
journal - Sanathana Sarathi - in English 12. Body And Mind
and Telugu languages. Since 2011, 13. My Dear Ones
e-version of the magazine is also released 14. Sevadal
simultaneously and is available in the 15. Silence
popular Interactive PDF format on www. 16. Suffering 17. Surrender
3) Maintaining a reporting channel www. 18. Atma, which covers 19. Do You Know
all the major activities taking place in 20. Gopikas Of Brindavan
Prasanthi Nilayam, and publishing an 21. Gratitude
e-newsletter ‘Sai Spiritual Showers’- for 22. My Beloved Ones
free distribution. 23. Only Love
4) Providing library and Reading room 24. Purity
for visiting devotees, with a very large 25. Memoirs Of A Sai Student
collection of books written by Bhagavan 26. A Journey To Self-Peace
Sri Sathya Sai Baba and books on 27. Dharma
Bhagavan besides various spiritual and 28. Guru
religious books. 29. Karma

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30. Life 69. Chinna Katha Book-1

31. Meditation 70. Chinna Katha Book-2
32. Peace 71. Chinna Katha Book-3
33. Simple Truths 72. Living with God
34. Nama Mahima 73. Capturing Divinity
35. Divine Vibrations 74. Full Flame 2 unconditional Love
36. Guidelines To Active Workers 75. Fragrance, A Tale of Love
37. Sri Sathya Sai Anandadayi 76. Sai Nandana: 60th Birthday
38. Truth, Auspiciousness, Beauty 77. Sai Nandana: 75th Birthday
39. Sai Baba’s Mahavakya On Leadership Telugu Books Available As eBook
40. Path To Peace - Prayers for Daily Life
41. Sathya Sai Speaks Vol-1 1. Vidya Vahini
42. Summer Showers In Brindavan, 1973 2. Upanishad Vahini
43. Summer Showers In Brindavan, 1974 3. Dharma Vahini
44. Sathyam Sivam Sundaram Vol – 1 4. Dhyana Vahini
45. Sathyam Sivam Sundaram Vol – 2 5. Gnyana Vahini
46. Sathyam Sivam Sundaram Vol – 3 6. Sandeha Nivarani
47. Sathyam Sivam Sundaram Vol – 4 7. Leela Kaivalya Vahini
48. Life is a Game, Play it 8. Prasnottara Vahini
49. Divine Inspirations Vol-1 9. Sutra Vahini
50. Divine Inspirations Vol-2 10. Geetha Vahini
51. Divine Inspirations Vol-3 11. Prasanthi Vahini
52. Divine Inspirations Vol-4 12. Sathya Sai Vahini
53. Divine Inspirations Vol-5
54. The Light of Love
55. Bhagavatha Vahini
56. Dharma Vahini
57. Dhyana Vahini
58. Gnyana Vahini
59. Geetha Vahini
60. Prema Vahini
61. Prashnottara Vahini
62. Leela Kaivalya Vahini
63. Vidya Vahini
64. Prasanthi Vahini
65. Sathya Sai Vahini
66. Eashwaramma: The Chosen Mother
67. Loving God
68. Love and Suffering, My
Road to Liberty

37 March 2020 Sanathana Sarathi

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Date of Publication: 1st March 2020

Develop Sacred Habits

from Early Age
Mere Bhajan or chanting Rama, Govinda
Traditional Chinese New Year
offerings. is not enough. Cultivate good habits.
One should develop exemplary qualities
and earn a good name. Swami is happy
when students earn reputation for good
character. The children’s behaviour

A dance on the theme of patriotism

should be good right from the start. That
by the Bal Vikas children of
Khammam district.
is why I say, “Start early, drive slowly
and reach safely”. If you develop sacred
habits from early age, you grow into an
exemplary person.
– Baba

A dance number to illustrate

the glory of Lord Siva in the
programme Bhakti Prabhavam.
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Printed by K.S. RAJAN Published by K.S. RAJAN On behalf of the owner Sri Sathya Sai Sadhana Trust, Publications Division, Prasanthi
Nilayam 515134, Anantapur District (A.P.) And Printed at M/s Rajhans Enterprises, 136, 4th Main Road, Industrial Town, Rajaji Nagar,
Bengaluru - 560044, Karnataka And published at Sri Sathya Sai Sadhana Trust, Publications Division, Prasanthi Nilayam 515134,
Anantapur Dist., Andhra Pradesh.
Editor: G.L. ANAND

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