Case Studies in Project Management Semester September 2020

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EMCP5104/SEPT 2020/CAS


EMCP 5104


1. Answer in ENGLISH.

2. Number of words: 5000 - 6000 Words excluding references.

3. Submit your assignment ONCE only in a SINGLE file.

4. Submit your assignment ONLINE.

5. Submission date: 7 DECEMBER 2020

6. This assignment accounts for 100% of the total marks for the course.
EMCP5104/SEPT 2020/CAS



The purpose of this assignment is to enable the student to practice the skills acquired in Project
Management and perform a comprehensive project management plan.


CLO1: Demonstrate the project management approaches to fulfil project goal, business initiative
and overcome challenges.
CLO2: Initiate discussion with sustainable thinking and skills to handle the project case based on
the project management practice.
CLO3: Prepare a comprehensive project management plan that covering the Project Management
Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) area through a presentation.


In adapting to the New Normal After Covid-19, project manager certainly has to contribute
constructively towards containment and post-pandemic oriented development efforts. Among the
professions, project manager with its adhoc seems to be well placed to play a major role for planning
and management of resources, controlling and reducing risks, ensuring quality, working within
constraints, and synergising coordination among multiple parties to achieve the desired objective(s).

As a project manager, you are required to propose a project management plan by considering the
Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) in adapting the New Normal. You need to
describe the project management skills and approaches based on standard project management

This assignment is a case study based. You can choose your current project or assume any project
that suits to your field as your case study (Example: manufacturing, construction, healthcare, bank,
food industries etc.).

Your report should consist of:

a) Introduction: Explain the company background, core business, (product or services),

organisation chart and existing /and future project.
b) Contents:
 Describe your project background, location and explain why you choose the project.
What are the critical issues and challenges of your project due to Covid-19 pandemic.
 Prepare your project management plan based on any FIVE of the PMBOK 6th edition
below. Choose the most relevant to your project’s issues and challenges. You also need
to propose the project management skills and approaches in adapting New Normal
based on standard project management processes.
EMCP5104/SEPT 2020/CAS

PMBOK 6th Edition

Integration Management
Scope Management
Schedule Management
Cost Management
Quality Management
Resource Management
Communication Management
Risk Management
Procurement Management
Stakeholder Management

 Explain your expectations to top management so that the project management plan
can be implemented effectively.

c) Conclusion
[TOTAL: 70 marks]


Prepare a video presentation for Task 1 in FIVE (5) MINUTES. Capture a video presentation of
yourself with the slide presentation and upload it in YouTube. Attach the YouTube link of your video
presentation in your report. Please do not set the video to private. You may refer to this link on how
to upload video on YouTube:

 Draft Your Content: Know What to Present.
 Consistent Format: Avoid Confusion
 Less Text: A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words
 Make sure you have a good conclusion. It helps to repeat your main points and summarise your
 The presentation is very short so try to make two or three very good points and you need to
make sure that you only use the information that you need to support and clarify those points.

[TOTAL: 20 marks]


Discuss the topic below in MyInspire forum, screenshot your discussion feedback and paste into your

“What Is the Next Generation of Project Management?”

Choose a specific field as your reference.

Your E-tutor will create a folder in the assignment discussion. Please leave your opinion under that
folder. Do not create another discussion folder to avoid confusion.

[TOTAL: 10 marks]


EMCP5104/SEPT 2020/CAS

Assessment Criteria
Your response to each task will be graded separately based on the checklist attached. For maximum credit, be sure that your response addresses each of the
tasks in the question.

QN CLO Excellent Good Fair Poor Unsatisfactory

Criteria Max
4 3 2 1 0 Marks


1 CLO 3 Introduction Excellent Good explanation Explained the Poor explanation No
explanation about about the company company about the company introduction
the company background, core background, core background, core provided
background, core business, (product business, (product or business, (product or
business, (product or services), services), services),
or services), organisation chart organisation chart organisation chart
organisation chart and existing /and and existing /and and existing /and
and existing /and future project. future project. future project.
2.0 8
future project.
Mostly relevant Some relevant Less or no relevant
Very relevant illustration illustration illustration
illustration is provided to is provided to is provided to
is provided to support the support the support the
support the explanation. explanation. explanation.

CLO 3 Description on 4.0 Excellent description Good description Fair description on Poor description on No description 16
project on project on project project background, project background, on project
background, background, background, location and explain location and explain background,
location and location and explain location and explain why the the project why the the project location and
explain why the why the the project why the the project was selected, the was selected, the explain why
the project was was selected, the was selected, the critical issues and critical issues and the the project
selected, the critical issues and critical issues and challenges of the challenges of the was selected,
critical issues and challenges of the challenges of the project due to Covid- project due to Covid- the critical
challenges of the project due to project due to 19 pandemic. 19 pandemic. issues and
EMCP5104/SEPT 2020/ML

project due to Covid-19 pandemic. Covid-19 pandemic. challenges of

Covid-19 Some relevant Less or no relevant the project due
pandemic. Very relevant Mostly relevant illustration illustration to Covid-19
illustration illustration is provided to is provided to pandemic.
is provided to is provided to support the support the
support the support the explanation. explanation.
explanation. explanation.

CLO 3 Preparation of Excellent Good preparation Fair preparation of Poor preparation of No preparation
project preparation of of project project management project management of project
management project management plan plan based on any plan based on any management
plan based on any management plan based on any FIVE FIVE of the PMBOK FIVE or ONE of the plan based on
FIVE of the based on any FIVE of of the PMBOK 6th 6th edition to PMBOK 6th edition any FIVE of the
PMBOK 6th the PMBOK 6th edition to propose propose the project to propose the PMBOK 6th
edition to edition to propose the project management skills project management edition to
propose the the project management skills and approaches in skills and approaches propose the
project management skills and approaches in adapting New in adapting New project
management and approaches in adapting New Normal based on Normal based on management
7.5 30
skills and adapting New Normal based on standard project standard project skills and
approaches in Normal based on standard project management management approaches in
adapting New standard project management processes. processes. adapting New
Normal based on management processes. Explanations are Normal based
standard project processes. given with less No support of on standard
management support of sources. sources. project
processes. Explanations are Explanations are management
given with strong given with good processes.
support of relevant support of sources.
CLO 3 Explanation on 2.0 Excellent Good explanation Brief explanation on Poorly explained the No explanation 8
the expectations explanation on the on the expectations the expectations to expectations to on the
to management expectations to to management so management so that management so that expectations
so that the management so that that the project the project the project to
project the project management plan management plan management plan management
EMCP5104/SEPT 2020/ML

management management plan can be can be implemented can be implemented so that the
plan can be can be implemented implemented effectively. effectively. project
implemented effectively. effectively. management
effectively. Less supported by No support of plan can be
Strong supported by Supported by relevant literature relevant literature implemented
relevant literature relevant literature review. review. effectively.
review. review.
CLO 3 Conclusion, Excellent conclusion Good conclusion Concluded but Poor conclusion and No conclusion
mechanics of that goes beyond with adequate limited no provided.
writing & the summary with recommendations recommendations recommendations
references insightful and sound but limited for and further and further No formatting
discussion. Excellent further deliberations. deliberations. and no
recommendations deliberations. citation.
for further Simple writing skills Poor writing skills
deliberations. Good writing skills and organised and not organised
and organised format. Missing accordingly. Only a
Excellent writing format. Almost all some citations by few of the
skills and organised of the references using APA references are cited.
format. All are cited referencing. Some A lot of grammatical
references are cited appropriately by spelling and and spelling errors.
appropriately by using APA grammatical errors.
using APA referencing. A few
referencing. Very spelling and
few or no spelling grammatical errors.
and grammatical

TOTAL 17.5 70
2 CLO 1 Presentation 2.5 Expertly presented; Information, Information, Information, Difficult to 10
EMCP5104/SEPT 2020/ML

Design and Ideas the presentation is arguments and arguments and arguments and understand for
logical, persuasive, evidence are very evidence are well evidence are audience, no
and well supported well presented; the presented, mostly presented in a way logical/clear
by evidence, presentation is clear flow of ideas that is not always structure, poor
demonstrating a logical, clear and and arguments. Line clear and logical. flow of ideas,
clear flow of ideas well supported by of reasoning is easy Line of reasoning is argument lacks
and arguments. evidence. to follow. often difficult to supporting
follow. evidence.
Slides Slides are clear, Slides are generally Slides are consistent Slides are Slides are
succinct and clear, succinct and in clarity and quality. inconsistent and unclear and
1.0 4
demonstrate demonstrate poorly designed and not
professional quality. adequate quality. confused. appropriate.
Delivery Presenter has Presenter has Presenter has good Presenter has poor Presenter is
professional professional appearance. Strong appearance and unprepared.
appearance and appearance and dependence on poorly prepared.
well prepared prepared. notes and hesitation. Poor voice volume,
without depending Appropriate voice Good voice volume, tone and pacing.
1.0 4
too much on notes. volume, tone and tone and pacing. Inappropriate
Volume, pacing and pacing. Gestures Some appropriate gestures which
gestures contribute supported the gestures that detracted from the
maximally to the overall supported the presentation.
presentation. presentation. presentation.
Duration Presented in 5 Presented in 6 Presented in 4 Presented more than Presented less
0.5 2
minutes. minutes. minutes 6 minutes than 4 minutes
TOTAL 5 20
3 CLO 2 Discussion on Very good opinion Good opinion Quite good opinion Brief opinion posted No opinion 10
MyInspire forum. posted in MyInspire posted in MyInspire posted in MyInspire in MyInspire posted in
regarding the topic regarding the topic regarding the the regarding the the MyInspire.
“What Is the Next given. given. topic given. topic given.
Generation of
Project Received many Received quite Received some Received less or no
EMCP5104/SEPT 2020/ML

Management?” 2.5 comments. Engaged many comments. comments. Engaged comment. Less or
and performed very Engaged and and performed not engaged and
good discussion with performed good discussion with other performed
other commenters. discussion with commenters. discussion with other
Evidences of the other commenters. Evidences of the commenters.
posting are attached Evidences of the posting are attached Evidences of the
in the assignment. posting are in the assignment. posting are attached
attached in the in the assignment.
TOTAL 2.5 10

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