Litaniae Sancti Ioseph

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Litaniae Sancti Ioseph


Litaniae Sancti Ioseph

Contents Ioseph
Litany of St. Joseph

The Litany of Saint Joseph was approved for public use by Pope St. Pius
X in 1909. It is modeled after the Litany of Loreto and contains 21
invocations to St. Joseph which describe his virtues and the part he played
as the foster father of Jesus. The Litany is approved for public use and has
a partial indulgence attached.

Kyrie, eleison. Lord, have mercy on us.

R. Christe, eleison. R. Christ, have mercy on us.

Kyrie, eleison. Lord, have mercy on us.

Christe, audi nos. Christ, hear us.
R. Christe, exaudi nos. R. Christ, graciously hear us.

Pater de caelis, Deus, God the Father of heaven,

R. miserere nobis. R. have mercy on us.

Fili, Redemptor mundi, Deus, God the Son, Redeemer of the

R. miserere nobis. world,
R. have mercy on us.

Spiritus Sancte Deus, God the Holy Spirit,

R. miserere nobis. R. have mercy on us.

Sancta Trinitas, unus Deus, Holy Trinity, one God,

R. miserere nobis. R. have mercy on us.

Sancta Maria, Holy Mary,

R. ora pro nobis. R. pray for us.

Sancte Ioseph, St. Joseph,

R. ora pro nobis. R. pray for us.

Proles David inclyta, Renowned offspring of David,

R. ora pro nobis. R. pray for us.

Lumen Patriarcharum, Light of Patriarchs,

R. ora pro nobis. R. pray for us.

Dei Genetricis Sponse, Spouse of the Mother of God,

R. ora pro nobis. R. pray for us.

Custos pudice Virginis, Chaste guardian of the Virgin,

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Litaniae Sancti Ioseph

R. ora pro nobis. R. pray for us.

Filii Dei nutricie, Foster father of the Son of God,

R. ora pro nobis. R. pray for us.

Christi defensor sedule, Diligent protector of Christ,

R. ora pro nobis. R. pray for us.

Almae Familiae praeses, Head of the Holy Family,

R. ora pro nobis. R. pray for us.

Ioseph iustissime, Joseph most just,

R. ora pro nobis. R. pray for us.

Ioseph castissime, Joseph most chaste,

R. ora pro nobis. R. pray for us.

Ioseph prudentissime, Joseph most prudent,

R. ora pro nobis. R. pray for us.

Ioseph fortissime, Joseph most strong,

R. ora pro nobis. R. pray for us.

Ioseph oboedientissime, Joseph, most obedient,

R. ora pro nobis. R. pray for us.

Ioseph fidelissime, Joseph most faithful,

R. ora pro nobis. R. pray for us.

Speculum patientiae, Mirror of patience,

R. ora pro nobis. R. pray for us.

Amator paupertatis, Lover of poverty,

R. ora pro nobis. R. pray for us.

Exemplar opificum, Model of artisans,

R. ora pro nobis. R. pray for us.

Domesticae vitae decus, Glory of home life,

R. ora pro nobis. R. pray for us.

Custos virginum, Guardian of virgins,

R. ora pro nobis. R. pray for us.

Familiarum columen, Pillar of families,

R. ora pro nobis. R. pray for us.

Solatium miserorum, Solace of the wretched,

R. ora pro nobis. R. pray for us.

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Litaniae Sancti Ioseph

Spes aegrotantium, Hope of the sick,

R. ora pro nobis. R. pray for us.

Patrone morientium, Patron of the dying,

R. ora pro nobis. R. pray for us.

Terror daemonum, Terror of the demons,

R. ora pro nobis. R. pray for us.

Protector sanctae Ecclesiae, Protector of Holy Church,

R. ora pro nobis. R. pray for us.

Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata Lamb of God, who takes away the
mundi, sins of the world,
R. parce nobis, Domine. R. spare us, O Lord.

Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata Lamb of God, who takes away the
mundi, sins of the world,
R. exaudi nobis, Domine. R. graciously hear us, O Lord.

Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata Lamb of God, who takes away the
mundi, sins of the world,
R. miserere nobis. R. have mercy on us.

V. Constituit eum dominum V. He made him the lord of his

domus suae. household.
R. Et principem omnis R. And prince over all his
possessionis suae. possessions.

Oremus Let us pray

Deus, qui in ineffabili providentia O God, in Thy ineffable
beatum Ioseph sanctissimae providence Thou wert pleased to
Genetricis tuae Sponsum eligere choose Blessed Joseph to be the
dignatus es, praesta, quaesumus, spouse of Thy most holy Mother,
ut quem protectorem veneramur grant, we beg Thee, that we may
in terris, intercessorem habere be worthy to have him for our
mereamur in caelis: Qui vivis et intercessor in heaven whom on
regnas in saecula saeculorum. earth we venerate as our
Amen. Protector; Thou who livest and
reignest forever and ever. Amen.

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