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Soap production from waste cooking oil

We here by certify that the work which is being presented in this thesis entitled “Manufacture of
soap from waste cooking Oil in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the Degree
of Bachelor of Science and submitted to the Department of Chemical Engineering of Debre Tabor
University. The work is our original working for four months and completed according to outline
given by the department head.

1. THOMAS KORGAZE..........................................1917/06 -----------------

2. ZELALEM ENGISO................................................2153/06 ------------------

3. ABDI WOLDE........................................................1899/06 -------------------

4. RAHIMA GEMECHU................................................1566/06 ----------------

5. EBA WAKWEYA........................................................0646/06 ----------------

6. ZINASH BIRANU.......................................................2175/06 ----------------

Advisor Mr.: Sewale .k



1. Name of examiner: …………………………………
2 Name of examiner………………………………………..
3. Name of examiner: …………………………………………………

Soap production from waste cooking oil

Our project work is carried out with the making of high quality soap from Waste cooking oil.
The soap production needs the step by steps. These are pre-treatment of waste oil, lye solution
preparation, making saponification, purification and drying. That experimentally the prepared
waste material waste treated by using simple filtration method and distillation with in sockletor
having heating mantle ,that contains solid particles and sodium hydroxide salts by characterising
the waste cooking oil and purified oil from 2 litre oil 1 litre treated or pureed oil was gotten. Then
the raw material purified and the process lye solution was continued. Lye solution is prepared from
the proportion of water and sodium hydroxide (1:2 ratio NaOH to H2O) at 80 0C .After lye solution
is prepared saponification reaction (lye solution + pre-treated oil) by the ratio of 1:0.45 pureed oil
to lye solution is reacted at 95 0c and stirred up to the bi product glycerol and product soup is
differentiated, that soup became foam and above the glyceride and glyceride became below the
soap due to density different. Then soap differentiated from glyceride it needs additive such as
sodium chloride, hydrogen per oxide, acetic acid, citric acid, perfume, colorant and other agents.
After many agents added the purification processes occurred and the pure soap concentration
become high and molded and shaped according to the necessary shape. Then after naming the soap
and drying for 2-3 days. The soap quality, determined as a measure of the foam ability of the soap,
the pH tests revealed basic properties, Temperature, its solubility and the color of the soap were
improved with the addition of bleaching agent. The project is economically feasibility with payback
period is less than five years .therefore our project is feasible.

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Soap production from waste cooking oil

First we would like to thanks our God who help us every day in our work next to this we wants to
thank our adviser Mr Sewale who advising us the way of laboratory experiment and every things
of our thesis documents. We would also like to express our heartfelt thanks to the Chemistry
Department laboratory assistances specially Ms .fikir Addis analytical chemistry laboratory who
help us by ideally and advising us the difficult to us during our laboratory experimentations. We
would also like our heartfelt thanks to our department teachers like Mr Shaik, Mr Taddese, Mr
Aweke,Mr Umish, Ms Jonphin and other teachers who help us without tedious whatever we ask
them. Lastly we would also like to thank our friends who give information and idea support.

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Soap production from waste cooking oil

Cw=cooling water


DC= direct cost

DO=Diameter of jacket

FC=Fixed cost

Hr=Enthalpy of reactant

Hp=Enthalpy of product

HV=height of vessel


ID=Internal diameter

Kg=kilo gram

Ld=density of water

LMTD=log mean temperature difference

Min=mass input

Mout=mass of out put

MW=molecular weight

Nacl=sodium chloride

NaOH =sodium hydroxide

PEC=porches equipment

Pt=total pressure

SA=Surface Area

UA=over all coffecient

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Soap production from waste cooking oil

Table of Contents

ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................................................................... i
DECLARATION..................................................................................................................................................... i
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ...................................................................................................................................... iii
LIST OF ABBREVIATION .................................................................................................................................... iv
CHAPTER ONE.................................................................................................................................................... 1
INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Background ............................................................................................................................................. 1
1.2 Problem of Statement ............................................................................................................................. 3
1.3 Objective ................................................................................................................................................. 4
1.3.1 General Objective............................................................................................................................. 4
1.3.2 Specific Objective ............................................................................................................................. 4
1.4 Scope and limitation ............................................................................................................................... 5
1.4.1 Scope ................................................................................................................................................ 5
1.4.2. Limitation ........................................................................................................................................ 5
CHAPTER TWO................................................................................................................................................... 6
LITERATURE REVIEW ......................................................................................................................................... 6
2.1 Structure of Soap..................................................................................................................................... 6
2.2 Types of Soap Making Oil ........................................................................................................................ 7
2.3 Physical and Chemical Properties of Raw Material ................................................................................. 8
2.3.1 OILS................................................................................................................................................... 8
2.4 Working Principles of Soap ..................................................................................................................... 9
2.5 Types of Soap .......................................................................................................................................... 9
2.6 Physical and Chemical properties of the products Soap ....................................................................... 11
2.6.1 Solubility ......................................................................................................................................... 11
2.6.2 Hydrolysis of Soap .......................................................................................................................... 11
2.6.3 Glycerine ........................................................................................................................................ 12
2.7 Methods of Soap Production ................................................................................................................ 12
2.7.1 Cold Process Soap Making ............................................................................................................. 12
2.7.2 Room Temperature Method .......................................................................................................... 12
2.7.3 Hot Process Soap Making ............................................................................................................... 13
2.8 Process Selection................................................................................................................................... 13

Soap production from waste cooking oil

2.8.1 Selection of Hot Process over Cold Process ................................................................................... 13

2.8. 2 Selection of batch Process over Continuous Process .................................................................... 13
2.8.3 Selection of Raw Material Soda over Potash ................................................................................. 14
2.9 Process variables control ...................................................................................................................... 14
2.9.1 PH control....................................................................................................................................... 14
2.9.2 Moisture control ............................................................................................................................ 14
2.9.3 Temperature control ...................................................................................................................... 14
2.10 Soap uses and application ................................................................................................................... 15
CHAPTER-THREE .............................................................................................................................................. 16
METHODOLOGY .............................................................................................................................................. 16
3.1 MATTERIAL AND METHODS .................................................................................................................. 16
3.1.1 MATTERIAL ..................................................................................................................................... 16
3.2 Method .................................................................................................................................................. 17
3.2.1 EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE .......................................................................................................... 18
3.3 CHARACTERISTICS OF FINAL PRODUCT ................................................................................................. 21
3.3.1. Solubility of product ...................................................................................................................... 21
3.3.2. Determination of PH value ............................................................................................................ 22
3.3.3. Foam stability determination ........................................................................................................ 22
3.3.4 .clearing ability ............................................................................................................................... 22
CHAPTER FOUR................................................................................................................................................ 23
RESULT AND DISCUSSION................................................................................................................................ 23
4.1 RESULT................................................................................................................................................... 23
4.2 DISCUSSION ............................................................................................................................................... 23
CHAPTER FIVE .................................................................................................................................................. 24
MATERIAL AND ENERGY BALANCE .................................................................................................................. 24
5.1 MATERIAL BALANCE .................................................................................................................................. 24
5.2 ENERGY BALANCE.................................................................................................................................. 29
5.2.1 Heat transfer calculation ................................................................................................................ 29
CHAPTER SIX .................................................................................................................................................... 34
DESIGN OF PROCESS EQUIPMENT .................................................................................................................. 34
6.1 Design of batch reactor ......................................................................................................................... 34
6.1.1 Sizing of Batch reactor.................................................................................................................... 34
6.1.2 MECHANICAL DESIGN BATCH REACTOR ........................................................................................ 42

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Soap production from waste cooking oil

6.2 Equipment Selection and Specification................................................................................................. 44

6.2.1 Equipment Selection ...................................................................................................................... 44
6.2.2 Equipment specification ................................................................................................................. 45
6.3 PLANT SAFETYAND POLLUTION CONTROL ............................................................................................ 46
6.3.1 PLANT SAFETY ................................................................................................................................ 46
6.3.2 Hazards due to materials handling................................................................................................. 46
6.3.3 Hazards due to various processes .................................................................................................. 46
6.3.4 Fire Hazards .................................................................................................................................... 47
6.3.5 Electrical Hazards ........................................................................................................................... 47
6.3.6 Mechanical Hazards ....................................................................................................................... 47
6.3.7 Emissions and Controls on Soap factory ........................................................................................ 47
6.4 POLLUTION CONTROL ........................................................................................................................... 48
6.5 COST ESTIMATION AND ECONOMICS ................................................................................................... 49
6.5.1 ORGANIZATIONS AND MANNING OF THE PLANT .......................................................................... 49
6.5.2 Organization of the soap plant....................................................................................................... 49
6.5.3 Market study .................................................................................................................................. 50
6.5.4 Plant Cost Estimation ..................................................................................................................... 51
6.6 PLANT LOCATION AND PLANT LAYOUT ................................................................................................. 57
6.6.1 PLANT LOCATION: .......................................................................................................................... 57
6.6.2 PLANT LAYOUT ............................................................................................................................... 58
CHAPTER-SEVEN .............................................................................................................................................. 59
CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION......................................................................................................... 59
7.1 CONCLUSION ......................................................................................................................................... 59
7.2 RECOMMENDATION.............................................................................................................................. 60
CHAPTER- EIGHT.............................................................................................................................................. 61
REFERENCES .................................................................................................................................................... 61
8.2APPENDICES ........................................................................................................................................... 62

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Soap production from waste cooking oil


1. Table 2.1 types of soap making oil.........................................................................................8

2. Table 3.1 characterization of raw material............................................................................19

3. Table 4.1 result of experiments..............................................................................................23

4. Table 5.1 specific heat capacity.............................................................................................32

5. Table 6.1 purchased Equipment..........................................................................................53

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1. Figure 3.1 Flow diagram of production of soap ......................................................................17

2. Figure 6.1 organization of soap production..............................................................................51

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Soap production from waste cooking oil

1.1 Background
The earliest recorded evidence of the production of soap-like materials dates back to around 2800
BC in Ancient Babylon. Inscriptions have been discovered that indicate that the inhabitants boiled
fat with ashes. It has been suggested that the word soap was derived from Mount Sapo, which was a
location for animal sacrifice. Melted animal fats and wood ashes would be washed down from the
mountain and, in the clay along the banks of the River Tiber, a crude soap would form. Carbonate
were dispersed in water, and fat was added to the solution. This mixture was then boiled; ashes
were added again and again as the water evaporated. During this process a slow chemical splitting
of the neutral fat took place; the fatty acids could then react with the alkali carbonates of the plant
ash to form soap (this reaction is called saponification).waste cooking oil containing a percentage
of free fatty acids were used by the Celts. The presence of free fatty acids certainly helped to get
the process started. This method probably prevailed until the end of the middle Ages, when slaked
lime came to be used to causticize the alkali carbonate. Through this process, chemically neutral
fats could be saponified easily with the caustic lye. Around 1790, French soap maker Nicolas
Leblanc developed a method of extracting caustic soda (NaOH) from common table salt (NaCl),
replacing the wood Early soap makers probably used ashes and animal fats. Simple wood or plant
ashes containing potassium ash element of soap. The production of soap from a handicraft to an
industry was helped by the introduction of the Leblanc process for the production of soda ash from
brine (about 1790) and by the work of a French chemist, Michel Eugène Chevreul, who in 1823
showed that the process of saponification is the chemical process of splitting fat into the alkali salt
of fatty acids (that is, soap) and glycerin. The method of producing soap by boiling with open
steam, introduced at the end of the 19th century, was another step toward industrialization, though
people in rural areas, such as the pioneers in the western United States, continued to make soap at
home. In recent years Domieier did a recovery of glycerine from saponification mixture. soap is a
salt of a compound, known as a fatty acid. A soap molecule has a long hydrocarbon chain with a
carboxylic acid group on one end, which has ionic bond with metal ion, usually sodium or
potassium. The hydrocarbon end is non-polar which is highly soluble in nonpolar substances and
the ionic end is soluble in water. The structure of the soap molecule is represented below: The
cleaning action of soaps because of their ability to emulsify or disperse water-insoluble materials

Soap production from waste cooking oil

and hold them in the suspension of water. This ability is seen from the molecular structure of soaps.
When soap is added to water that contains oil or other water-insoluble materials, the soap or
detergent molecules surround the oil droplets. The oil is, dissolved in the alkyl groups of the soap
molecules while the ionic end allows it to be dissolved in water. As a result, the oil droplets are to
be dispersed throughout the water and can be washed away.
Soap is a salt of a compound, known as a fatty acid. Its molecule has a long hydrocarbon chain with
a carboxylic acid group on one end, which has ionic bond with metal ion, usually sodium or
potassium. The hydrocarbon end is nonpolar which is highly soluble in non-polar substances and
the ionic end is soluble in water. Soap is integral to our society today, and we find it hard to
imagine a time when people were kept sweet-smelling by the action of perfume rather than soap.
However, the Current widespread use of soap is only a very recent occurrence, despite the fact that
it has been made for more than 2500 years. The first recorded manufacture of soap was in 600BC,
when Pliny the Elder described its manufacture by the Phoenicians from goats tallow and ash, and
it was known among the British Celts and throughout the Roman Empire. However, these people
used their soap medicinally, and it was not until the second century AD that it was used for
cleaning and not until the nineteenth century that it began to be commonly used in the Western
world. Soap is undoubtedly the oldest product to be produced specifically as a surfactant and in its
many forms continues to play a major role today. Within this highly competitive marketplace soap
is presented in a multitude of forms both Solid and liquid. The production of soap from a handicraft
to an industry was helped by the introduction of the Leblanc process for the production of soda ash
from brine (about 1790) and by the work of a French chemist, Michel Eugene Chevruel who in
1823 showed that the process of saponification is the chemical process of splitting fat into the alkali
salt of fatty acids (that is, soap) and glycerin. The method of producing soap by boiling with open
steam, introduced at the end of the 19th century, was another step toward industrialization, though
people in rural areas, such as the pioneers in the western United States, continued to make soap at
home. In recent years Domineer did a recovery of glycerin from saponification mixture.
Throughout the nineteenth century the chemistry of soap-making became better Understood with
the discovery of the different fatty acids present in neutral Fats and oils and this, in turn

Soap production from waste cooking oil

1.2 Problem of Statement

Many hotels and restaurants deposed large amount of waste cooking oil to the environment. This
always causes water, land and air pollution. Since the disposal harm the living things, we must
managed and changed to useable things, in order to minimize the effects of waste on the
Environments as much as possible and maximize productivity. The recycled soap is more effective
in removing dirt and is also not hazardous to the environment. Therefore our project is conducted
production of soap from waste cooking oil.

Soap production from waste cooking oil

1.3 Objective

1.3.1 General Objective

 Manufacture of Soap from waste cooking oil.

1.3.2 Specific Objective

 To characterize the raw material.

 To prepare the lye solution.

 To determine the effect of temperature during saponification reaction.

 To calculate material and energy balance.

 To characterize the final product.

Soap production from waste cooking oil

1.4 Scope and limitation

1.4.1 Scope

The main scope of this project is to determine the pretreatment, identification and characterization
of waste cooking oil, lye preparation and saponification reaction with addition of agents for solid
soap manufacturing up to the production of high quality solid soap together.

Significance of the study

The study is significant in that it will be used as an initial idea to do further detailed researches
regarding to decrease the environmental impacts of the waste and producing a quality Soap
Saving reign currency since the soap is high cost .Can be used as an alternative raw material
for production of soap in Ethiopian soap factor.

1.4.2 Limitation

To achieve our goal there was some sort of problems during such like shortage of time, lack of
internet access. Enough equipment, lack of time and enough laboratories chemical and laboratory
equipment and the interest of help us some laboratory assistance. So it must get solution for next
batch, and also there are carelessness of teachers and Department to activate the students to do
experiment even its document. So such carelessness must be avoided and activate the students for
every experiment and proposals.

Soap production from waste cooking oil


Soap is any compound that results from the reaction of an insoluble fatty material with a metal
radical or even an organic base could be described as soap. If the metal radical is sodium,
potassium or even ammonium, soluble soaps are formed. Where the radical is a heavy metal,
insoluble 'metallic soaps' result and this explains the formation of hard-water scum around the bath
or washbasin caused by calcium or magnesium soaps. Other 'metallic soaps', in which the radical is
zinc, lead, manganese, cobalt or tin, may require a reaction at elevated temperatures or by double
decomposition with sodium or potassium soaps and a salt of the relevant heavy metal. These soaps
have uses in other industries. The basic reaction in soap making between a neutral fat and an
alkali can be represented as follows:

C3H5 (O2CR) 3 + 3MOH 3RC2OMH + C3H5 (OH)3

(Oil) Alkali Soap Glycerol

C2 H5 (O2 CH)2 + 3NaOH 3CH3(CH2)14CO 2Na + C3 H5(OH)5

2.1 Structure of Soap

The basic structure of all soaps is essentially the same, consisting of a long hydrophobic (water
fearing) hydrocarbon “tail" and a hydrophilic (water loving) anionic "head"

CH3- CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2-C-O-Na+

Non polar hydro carbon chain Ionic end(soluble in water)

(Soluble in non-polar substance)

Soap production from waste cooking oil

The length of the hydrocarbon chain ("n") varies with the type of fat or oil but is usually quite long.
The anionic charge on the carboxylate head is usually balanced by either a positively charged
potassium (K+) or sodium (Na+) cation. In making soap, triglycerides in fat or oils are heated in the
presence of a strong alkali base such as sodium hydroxide, producing three molecules of soap for
every molecule of glycerol. This process is called saponification. The cleaning action of soap is
because of their ability to emulsify or disperse water-insoluble materials and hold them in the
suspension of water. This ability is seen from the molecular structure of soaps. When soap is added
to water that contains oil or other water-insoluble materials, the soap molecules surround the oil
droplets. The oil is, dissolved in the alkyl groups of the soap molecules while the ionic end allows it
to be dissolved in water. As a result, the oil droplets are to be dispersed throughout the water and
can be washed away. Properties of Soap:-Both soda and potash soaps are readily soluble in either
alcohol or hot water. In cold water they dissolve more slowly, and owing to slight decomposition,
due to hydrolysis (vide infra), the solution becomes distinctly turbid.

2.2 Types of Soap Making Oil

Oils are esters of different fatty acids and glycerol. oils are divided into three classes, fixed oils,
mineral oils and essential oils.

a) Nut Oils:-These oils are characterized to be having large proportion of fatty acids with low
molecular weight, especially lauric and stearic acid. Examples of these oils are coconut oil. These
oils, when used in toilet soaps are the chief foam-producing ingredients. They usually saponified
easily with strong alkali solution.

b) Soft Oils: These oils have substantial amounts of unsaturated acids, namely oleic, linoleic and
linoleneic acids. The soap making properties of these oils vary with their fatty acid composition,
and their physical and chemical properties of the acids. Examples of these kind oils are groundnut,
cotton seed, fish oil and olive oil. These oils cannot produce a very hard soap when used alone for
soap making. They are generally blended with nut oils. Their soaps lather freely and have very
good detergent properties. The fatty acids combine with little caustic soda, potash or other base
forming soap, and glycerol remains free. All fats and oils used in soap making consist of a mixture
of compounds of glycerol with fatty acid which occur in nature in the form of triglycerides..

Soap production from waste cooking oil

Table 2.1 Types of soap making oils

Apricot Kernel oil Avocado oil Babassu Oil

Borage Oil Calendula Oil Camellia Oil
Jojoba Oil Kokum butter Kukui nut Oil
Mango butter Meadow foam Oil Mink Oil
Olive oil Parm kernel Oil Palm Oil
Red palm Oil Rice Bran Oil Rose ship oil
Safflower Oil Sweet Almond Oil Tamanu oil

Fats and Oils: All animal and vegetable oils and fats intended for soap-making should be as free as
possible from Unsaponifiable matter, of a good color and appearance, and in a sweet, fresh
condition. The Unsaponifiable matter naturally present as cholesterol, or phytosterol, ranges in the
various oils and fats from 0.2 to 2.0 percent. All oils and fats contain more or less free acidity; but
excess of acidity, though it may be due to the decomposition of the glyceride, and does not always
denote rancidity, is undesirable in Soap-making material. Rancidity of fats and oils is entirely due
to oxidation, in addition to free acid, aldehydes and ketones being formed, and it has been proposed
to estimate rancidity by determining the Amount of these latter produced. It is scarcely necessary to
observe how very important it is that the sampling of fats and oils should be efficiently performed,
so that the sample submitted to the chemist may be a fairly representative average of the parcel. a)
Nut oils: These oils are characterized to be having large proportion of fatty acids with low
molecular weight, especially lauric and stearic acid. Examples of these oils are coconut oil. These
oils, when used in toilet soaps are the chief foam-producing ingredients.

2.3 Physical and Chemical Properties of Raw Material

2.3.1 OILS

They usually saponify easily with strong alkali solution. Once these oils have begun to saponify,
the process proceeds rapidly with the evolution of heat. They require very large quantities of strong
brine to grain their soaps, and the grained soaps tend to carry more salt than other soaps. Oils may
be divided into animal and vegetable oils according to source. Further, they may be classified
according to their degree of unsaturation as measured by their ability to absorb iodine at the double
bonds. This degree of unsaturation determines to a large extent the ultimate use of the oil .Liquid

Soap production from waste cooking oil

oils (i.e., vegetable and marine oils) have the highest degree of unsaturation, while solid oils
(vegetable and animal oils) are highly saturated. Solid vegetable oils melting between (68 and 95
°c) are found mainly in the kernels and seeds of tropical fruits. They have relatively low iodine
values and consist of glycerides containing high percentages of such saturated acids as lauric,
myristic, and palmitic. Oils from fruits of many members of the palm family, notably coconut and
babassu oils contain large amounts of combined lauric acid. Most animal oils are solid at ordinary
temperatures; milk oils are usually characterized by the presence of short-chain carboxylic acids
(butyric, caproi and caprylic); and marine oils contain a large number of very long chain highly
unsaturated acids containing up to six double bonds and up to 24 or even 26 carbon atoms . Oils are
practically insoluble in water and, with the exception of castor oil, are insoluble in cold alcohol and
only sparingly soluble in hot alcohol. They are soluble in ether, carbon disulphide, chloroform,
carbon tetrachloride, petroleum benzene, and benzene. Oils have no distinct melting points or
solidifying points because they are such complex mixtures of glycerides, each of which has a
different melting point.

 Additives: are used to enhance the color, texture, and scent of soap. Fragrances and perfumes
are added to the soap mixture to cover the odor of dirt and to leave behind a fresh-smelling
scent. Abrasives to enhance the texture of soap include talc, silica, and marble pumice
(volcanic ash).

 Water: Water intended for use in soap-making should be as soft as possible. If the water supply
is hard, it should be treated chemically; the softening agents.

2.4 Working Principles of Soap

How soap works: The hydrophobic tails of soap molecules embed in grease and oil, breaking it up
into particles called micelles that lift off the surface and disperse into water.

2.5 Types of Soap

There are many types of soaps, depending upon the usage. There are hard and soft, and everything
in-between soaps. Hardness of soap is often achieved through the addition of hardening agents, so
many natural soaps tend to be softer.

Soap production from waste cooking oil

 Laundry (Household) soaps-Laundry Soap is a cleansing agent or detergent, made from

animal and vegetable fats, oils and greases; chemically, the sodium salt of a fatty acid,
formed by the interaction of fats and oils with alkali. Laundry soaps are formulated to
eliminate grease, solid particles and organic compounds from clothes. They can be found
in liquid, powder and gel forms.

 Cleaning soaps- Cleaning soaps have different formulations to clean grease and soil. The
difference between cleansers and cleaning soaps is that cleaning soaps don't contain harsh

 Personal soaps- This kind of soap is made in many forms and special formulations for
specific personal hygiene needs. One type of the personal soap is the antibacterial soap that
is made to prevent bacteria and viruses from spreading. There are also body and hair soaps
that have a mix of ingredients that cleans both the skin and hair.

 Perfumed soaps- Perfumed soaps are produced by adding a few additional ingredients and

Beauty soaps-Beauty soaps are produced to feature attractive fragrances, and ingredients for
a variety of skin types. They can feature glycerin, or special oil blends.

 Medicated soaps-Medicated soaps and original soap are very similar. Unlike original soap,
medicated soap has the addition of antiseptics and disinfectants.

 Glycerine soaps-Glycerine is a normally produced during the process of soap production.

Soaps which include glycerin in them tend to make your skin feel moister.

 Liquid soaps-Liquid soaps are actually very difficult to produce and many of the
commercial liquid soaps are just in fact detergents.

 Cream soaps: soaps containing cold cream materials, and moisturizers. Cream soaps are
good for dry and delicate skin.

 Deodorant soap: soaps to which antibacterial agents have been added to reduce odor
causing bacteria.

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Soap production from waste cooking oil

2.6 Physical and Chemical properties of the products Soap

Since soap is a base it possesses the following chemical properties;

1. It reacts with acid in neutralization reaction to produce salt and water only.

2. It is very corrosive when concentrated.

3. It has a pH more than 7.

4. It turns red litmus paper to blue.

5. Soap is slippery

6. Highly soluble in water and make foam

It has the properties of a surfactant. The soap molecule, the sodium salt of a long chain carboxylic
acid, has two distinct ends. The end with the acid group is hydrophilic and is soluble in water. All
necessary properties like Lathering power, Cleansing power, pH, Hardness, Total Fatty Matter,
Moisture, Yield of soap depends on type of oil.

2.6.1 Solubility

Soda soaps are insoluble in concentrated caustic lye, and, for the most part, in strong solutions of
sodium chloride, hence the addition of caustic soda or brine to a solution of soda soap causes the
soap to separate out and rise to the surface. Addition of brine to a solution of potash soap, on the
other hand, merely results in double decomposition, soda soap and potassium chloride being

2.6.2 Hydrolysis of Soap

The term "hydrolysis" is applied to any resolution of a body into its constituents where the
decomposition is brought about by the action of water, hence when soap is treated with cold water,
it is said to undergo hydrolysis. A good soap is biodegradable when it does not contain chemicals
that cannot be made to their natural elements. Either does it contain chemicals that can be harmful
to the environment or cause undue destruction to the environment.

 A good soap gets dissolved easily and removes stains from the clothes, human skin or
any material being cleaned.

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Soap production from waste cooking oil

 It gets dissolved in water and produces enough suds.

 It gives a clear and sparkling kind of cleanliness.

 It gives a pleasant smell.

 A good soap does not leave sticky traces on the clothes or on the skin.

 It has a good color that is even and does not streak.

 It disinfects and kills germs.

2.6.3 Glycerine

It is a very useful by product of soap manufacture. It is used to make hand lotion, drugs, and
nitro-glycerine, the main component of explosives such as dynamite.

2.7 Methods of Soap Production

Various attempts have been made to produce soap by first decomposing the fat or oil into fatty
acids and glycerine, and then converting the acids into the soap by treatment with sodium or
potassium carbonate. Four conventional methods of soap making are generally used.

2.7.1 Cold Process Soap Making

It begins with melting the hard and soft oils together and then blending in a lye solution. The oil
mixture and lye solution must first be brought to similar temperatures (usually around 90 degrees
Fahrenheit). Once the oil and lye have been combined, the mixture is blended with a whisk or stick
blender until it is thick (called trace) and then poured into a soap mold. This method requires the
use of a heating element to melt the oils and a thermometer to check temperatures.
2.7.2 Room Temperature Method

This type of soap making process does not require an external heat source or any thermo meters. It
begins by pouring the hot lye solution onto the hard oils and gently stirring while the oils melt from
the heat. Once the hard oils have fully melted, the soft oils are then added to the mixture. The
mixture is then blended until it is thick and poured into a soap mold. It then must cure for 4 to 6
weeks before it can be used.

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Soap production from waste cooking oil

2.7.3 Hot Process Soap Making

Many soap makers like this method because it speeds up the time it takes for the final soaps to
become hard. Many soap makers will use hot process soap as soon as it can be cut though we prefer
to let it cure for a couple of weeks. With this method you melt the oils and blend in the lye solution
(no need to check temperatures). You blend until the soap is thick and then you cook the soap until
it is very thick (resembling mashed potatoes) and somewhat translucent. It is then scooped into a
soap mold and allowed to cool. This process is named for its boiling pot method of soap milling.
For this type of homemade soap making you will need palm oil, coconut oil, sesame oil, castor oil,
sodium hydroxide, water, borax, soap mods, stainless steel pot, stirring stick or spoon, plastic wrap.
This method tends to produce a soap that is a little more rustic in appearance than the previous two

2.8 Process Selection

2.8.1 Selection of Hot Process over Cold Process

There are two types of soap: soft soap and hard soap. Soft soap can be made using either a cold
process or a hot process, but hard soap can only be made using a hot process. Soap is completely
saponified quicker than in Cold Process soap. Essential and fragrance oils, super fatting oils, and
other additives are added at the end of the cook and are not affected by the saponification reaction.
Hot Process soaps are easier to slice and do not crumble. The cold process may require several days
or even months, depending upon the strength and purity of the ingredients, whereas the hot process
takes place within a few minutes to a few hours. The hot process, more suitable for laboratory or
industrial preparation, yields a more chemically pure powder; by-products and excess starting
materials are separated.

2.8. 2 Selection of batch Process over Continuous Process

 Uses for small scale production

 Use minimum energy.

 Cover small area

 Closed vessel ( in put once enter& output is exit once)

 There is time gap between entering input.

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Soap production from waste cooking oil

2.8.3 Selection of Raw Material Soda over Potash

Soda is of much more importance to the manufacturer of soap than potash, because we could not
make the hard soap without it.

2.9 Process variables control

2.9.1 PH control

In the first stage of the saponification reaction the waste oil is turned into a fatty acid. Because of
the Presence of water this results in a lower pH value of the mixture. When the alkali dissolves in
water, this results in a higher pH value. At pH=7 there's neither free alkali nor waste oil in the
kettle, which is the desired level. In industry automatic pH control systems are widely used, also in
soap making. In the current system the pH is measured and controlled manually. This is possible
because of the slow reaction. There's enough time to measure and adjust the pH value. Although it
is possible to implement an automatic pH control system, it is economically more interesting to
measure and control the pH manually. For continuous soap making it is advisable to use automatic
pH control systems to maintain better quality soap.

2.9.2 Moisture control

Instruments for moisture measurement may be considered periodic or continuous. Periodic systems
are usually automated versions of conventional laboratory moisture analysis procedures with
measurement time varying from 2 to 20 minutes. Because the moisture content in soap boiling
varies very slowly, it is possible to use a periodic instrument for measurement and control.
Moisture control is economically interesting.

2.9.3 Temperature control

In all goals the temperature control is of great importance. The temperature can be controlled either
manually/automatically. Because several system parameters have influence on the temperature in
the kettle, it is very hard to control this temperature manually. It demands a lot of knowledge and
experience from the controller to optimize the process. To achieve the best results an automatic
controller should be used. The temperature needs a relative small investment and can reach great
results. Controller is further developed for the system with open steam coils and mechanical stirring

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Soap production from waste cooking oil

2.10 Soap uses and application

Beyond its cleaning ability, soap has been used in other applications. For example, certain soaps
can be mixed with gasoline to produce gelatinous napalm, a substance that combusts more slowly
than pure gasoline when ignited or exploded in warfare. Soaps are also used in "canned heat," a
commercialized mixture of soap and alcohol that can be ignited and used to cook foods or provide

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Soap production from waste cooking oil


3.1.1 MATTERIAL Equipment
 Test tubes:-used to measure the liquid ingredients

 Beakers:-used to mix the ingredients

 Stand:- used to carry the stirrer motor

 Indicator: - used to identify the pH media of the product weather it is acidic or basic.

 Mixer: - used to mix the ingredients and reduced the amount of unconverted ingredient by
producing perfect mixing.

 Thermometer: - used to measure to the temperature.

 Analytical balance: - used to measure the required amount of ingredient that used to
produce the product

 PH meter: used to measure the acidity of the soap Chemicals
 Acetic acid: - Used to adjust the pH of the Product because it is strong acid chemical, and
also used to increase the brightness of the product.

 Sodium hydro oxide: - is also strong base but the main important of these chemical is to
neutralize the fatty acid.

 Sodium chloride: is used to increase the brightness of the product and change the product
to semi solid.

 Water: used to dilute the ingredients and act as the reaction media.

 Perfume: - used to give a good odor to the product

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Soap production from waste cooking oil

 Colorant:- used to attract the customer need

 Hydrogen per oxide: used as bleaching agent The raw materials for making Soap:

Cooking oil

3.2 Method

Collection of
different types
of oils

Filtering and storage

Water Alkali Centrifuge Waste cooking oil

Mixer Spent lye

Batch (saponification Static
vessel separator

Soap Fresh
washing lye


Weak acids Neutralizati Additives


Fig 3.1 Flow Diagram of production of soap Drying



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Soap production from waste cooking oil


 Collection of raw materials

Waste cooking oil was searched in Debre Tabor town from hotels, restaurants, cafeteria
and chips potatoes and it was collected from potato chips.

 pre-treatment of waste cooking oil

The used cooking oil consists of many components like, salt, solid particles and others. By
the methods of filtration (simple sieve) and heating mantle (distillation method) some
amount (2 litre) of waste cooking oil was taken and pre-treated. Then, the unwanted
impurities were removed and measure to the treated oil. So the waste cooking oil consists
solid parts chips potatoes and salts ,those wastes are purified by filtration (sieve method)and
by heating method using sockletor and heating mantle(heat source) salt and oil
differentiated Due to different boiling point of cooked oil and solution salts.

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Soap production from waste cooking oil

Generally the character of waste cooking oil was measured according the following table

Table 3.1 Characterization of our raw material

Item Value
PH Value 7.3
Impurity 50%
Temperature 25 0C

 Preparation of lye solution

Lye solution was prepared from salts of sodium hydro oxide and water (NaOH&H2O.)
Experimentally it was produced from 150g of NaOH& 300 ml water, that the ratio of sodium
hydroxide to water 1:2 into the beaker. Then it was stirred with heating until it gave uniform color.
It takes 25minutes &80 0C.Then after it was cooled at the temperature from 45 0C.

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Soap production from waste cooking oil

 Saponification reaction

As it name indicates saponification reaction is the process soap making or the reaction between raw
materials of soap making into a saponification tank to prepare soap The raw materials oil &
NaOH&H2O (Lye) were once fed into a reactor in fixed proportions. That the proportion is 1:0.45
oil to Lye solution. Then 1 litter of pure oil was added into the beakers and cooked with 20 minutes
and up to 80 0C. Then the prepared lye solution was added to with heated oil into the beaker and
mixed . Then the saponification became getting thicker and keeps stirring the soap and mix well
until it reached differentiation of soap from glyceride was occurred. With this procedure the
experiment was done three time with variation of temperature. In first experiment the mixture of oil
and lye solution cooked with temperature of 75 0C and the amount and quality of product is less.
For the second experiment the saponification reaction produced at the temperature of 85 0C. But the
amount and quality of soap is better than the first experiment. In the last experiment the
saponification reaction was occurred at the temperature of 95 0C. Comparatively the produced soap
at 95 0C was high amount and better quality than the first and the second experiment.

Soaps are the product of the reaction between oil and sodium hydroxide:

Oil+ NaOH glycerine + soap

C2 H5 (O2 C6H8)2 + NaOH CH3(CH2)14CO 2Na + C3 H5(OH)5

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Soap production from waste cooking oil

 Addition of additive

Finally different types of additive such as hydrogen per oxide, perfume, acetic sodium silicate and
sodium hydroxide were added to the ticked saponification process and stirred for 50 minutes&
glycerol and soap are separated. Then it was melded &put in cup. Finishing-Additives such as
preservatives, color and perfume are added and mixed in with the soap and it is shaped into bars for

 Drying

Before concentration to dry before washing the equipment takes the soap out of the molds and
waited and it was dried for 2 days. Finally, the water levels must be reduced down to about 20%.
This is done by heating the soap to about 125oC under pressure (to prevent the water from boiling
off while the soap is still in the pipes).


3.3.1. Solubility of product

Our product soap that produced at 95 0C its solubility was characterized by cutting 7g with 150ml
of water was mixed and stirred for 8 minutes. The soap became soluble slowly, indicates high
quality soap. Because: the soap, which highly soluble is no longer clean the dirty.

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Soap production from waste cooking oil

3.3.2. Determination of PH value

The PH meter is used to measure acidity or basicity or neutrality of the product. So determine the
PH our final product soap it was cut 7 gram of soap and soluble in 100ml of water with three
minute .Then PH was measured by using PH meter .Then the PH of our product became 8.1.

3.3.3. Foam stability determination

From produced soap we take 7 g of with 150ml of distilled water and mixing and stirring for 5
minutes. Then after 5minutes the solution produced high foam and stay for long time by physical

3.3.4 .clearing ability

Also it was determined by measuring the soluble soap with water by using physical observation and
by washing dirty clothes by it. Generally our final product soap has the character of good ability to
foam, good colorant, good smell character and PH 8.1

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Soap production from waste cooking oil

Following results have been obtained after the implementation of laboratory result at three times of
experimentations was processed on temperature effects.
As it discussed temperature has more effect on quality of soap production.
General the temperature of soap production is 75, 85&95 0C
was processed in three experiment and their results are explained in the following table.
Table 4.1Results of experiments

Experiment Time(minute) Temperature(0C) Amount of lye Amount of Quality

No solution(L) oil(L) product
1 50 75 0.15 0.33 Low
2 50 85 0.15 0.33 Medium
3 50 95 0.15 0.33 High

first experiment soap was produced from 330ml of oil and 150ml lye solution we get the 2piece of
soap at 75 0C with low quality and low amount by measuring its weight by analytical balance.

In the second experiment the soap was produced from the same amount with the first experiment
that 330ml of oil and 150ml of lye solution at 85 0C. Then the product soap we get was better
quality and high amount than the first experimental produced soap.
Finally the soap was produced at 95 0C with the same amount with the first and second experiment
that lye solution and pretreated oil and the produced soap was better than the second and the first
experiment. So we get high quality soap from the third experiment that at 95 0C.
Generally as temperature of saponification increase the amount of soap increase and quality of
soap also increased due to more separation of soap from glyceride.
In the final experiment the soap that we get was weighted by analytical balance and it became100 g

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Soap production from waste cooking oil

Material balances are a basic Chemical industry process design that used to determine the amount
of input and output.

We assume to plan plant industry in Addis Ababa town which around 75000 population and 2800
houses in a town and around 7000 Addis Ababa town and we want to produce 3500 soap per day
for every houses by assuming every houses use each soap.

Assumption for material balance: from our laboratory the ratio of raw material to Lye solution to be
1:0.45 & industrially 3500kg/day of oil to 1575kg/day Lye solution

The process is batch and unsteady state.

Our production capacity is from 1L of oil 11 Piece soap in laboratory and

3500L of Oil and 1575 L lye solution produces 28000 piece of soap in industry that is 2800.KG..

5075L concentration is feed in saponification

i’e 105 cartons& 1 soap =100g

Density of oil=914kg/m3

Density of NaOH=2130kg/m3

Mass flow rate=volumetric flow rate*density of oil


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Soap production from waste cooking oil

Mass balance on mixture (lye solution)

M distilled water=1050kg/day

M NaOH M NaOH Solution


From general mass balance

M In =M Out

M NaOH solution=M distilled water +M NaOH


Mass balance on saponification level

From general mass balance

Accumulation =input-output-consumption+generation

There is not generation and Consumption



M cooking oil=3500kg/day

M lye 7 .5%of total feed stock

=1575kg/day Volatile


M soap kg/day and M glycerol kg/day

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Soap production from waste cooking oil

Input =output
Σ M in=Σ Mout

To calculate rate of reaction.

CA0=1575+3500=5075kg/day &


To get XA=Cao-CA/Cao=5075-380.625/5075=0.925


M NaOH+Moil = M Mixture+7.5% of stock feed

1575kg/day+3500kg/day-380.625kg/day=M mixture

M mixture=4694.375kg/day

Mass balance on static separator

M soap and

Glycerol Static separator solid soap


M spent Lye solution =4.5kg/day

Input= out put

M soap and glycerol=solid soap+ M spent lye solution

4694.375kg/day=4.5+solid soap

Solid soap=4694.375-4.5

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Soap production from waste cooking oil


Mass balance on washing column

Solid soap Washing column M Washed soap

= 4689.875kg/day

M spent lye =1200kg/day

In put = out put

Solid soap=M spent+ M washed

4689.875=400+M washed

M washed= 4689.875-1200


Mass balance on centrifuge

M washed soap

=3489.875kg/day M wet soap


M fresh lye=205.4kg/day

In put= output

M washed soap= M fresh lye + M wet soap

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Soap production from waste cooking oil

3489.875kg/day= 205.4kg/ day+ M wet soap

M wet soap= 3489.875-205.4


Material balance on additive neutralizer

M additive (H2O2, acetic acid, Nacl...)=200kg/day

M wet soap

=3284.475kg/day M soap +H2O



In put=out put
M additives + M wet soap =Msalt+M soap+H2O



Material balance on dryer

M soap&H2O (15% of water) M H2O (13% evaporated)

=3339.475kg/day Soap Dryer 43 4.18 kg/day

M dry soap

M water in =0.15*3339.475kg/day

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Soap production from waste cooking oil


M water evaporated=3339.475kg/day*0.13


To get M dry soap by using general mass balance

M input= M out put

M dry soap=M soap& water-M water evaporated =3339.475kg/day-434.18kg/day

M dry soap = 2905.29kg/day


According to first law of thermodynamics, states that energy is conserved .but transfer from one
form to another. In the manufacturing of soap the equipment which large amount of energy is
consumed and appeared takes place on the reactor.

5.2.1 Heat transfer calculation

Heat transfer coefficient in the order of 170W/ m2 oK to jackets is typically obtained.

Space b/n jacket and the reactor will depend on the size of the vessel, but will typically range from
50mm for small vessel to 300mm for large vessel. So we have to select 70mm space b/n the two.

Diameter of jacket = Do + (2 *0.070) = 2.79 +0.14 =2.93m; r= 1.465m

Cooling fluid used is Cooling Water.

Cooling Jacket area available (A) = Πr2

b/c it is circle


A = 3.14* 2.146m2


CW (cooling water) inlet temp = 25 oC

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Soap production from waste cooking oil

CW outlet temp = 95 oC

Approaches minimum temperature differences of the cooling jacket and the reactor:

ΔT1=110 –95= 15o C

ΔT2=110 –25= 85o c

LMTD = (ΔT1 -ΔT2)/ ln [ΔT1 /ΔT2]

LMTD =40.35 oC

=( 40.35+273)o K.

=313.35 ok

Heat of Reaction;

Q = ΔHr

=1.8 x 106 kJ/hr., this is the maximum amount of heat load removed from the reactor.

The Overall Coefficient = UD = 170 W/ m2 o K

Now; Heat Removable by Jacket

Qj = UD *A*LMTD = 170 W/ m2 oK *6.739 m2 *313.35 oK


=358983.16J/hr./1000 =358.983KJ/hr. =358.983kw

Since the heat of reaction (1.8 x106 kJ/hr.) < heat removable by jacket (3.2*106 kJ/hr.)

So Our design for a cooling jacket is improved by comparing with a cooling coil. Now Cooling
water Flow rate can be calculated as:

Heat to be removed from reactor = 1.8 x 106 kJ/hr. =75000kj/day

Mass flow rate of steam water = Q/ (CpΔTM)

=1.8 x 106kj/hr /[4.18kJ/kg oK *313.35o k] =1374.25 kg/hr = 57.26kg/day

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Soap production from waste cooking oil

Amount of heat evolved in the reactor can be calculated as follows

1. Heat of reaction


Where n is the stoichiometric coefficient of the chemical reaction,


Hp = enthalpy of product and

Hr= the Enthalpy of reactant.

C2 H5 (O2 (CH2)14 + 3NaOH 3CH3(CH2)14CO 2Na + C3 H5(OH)5

Table 5.1 specific heat capacity from thermodynamics

2 3
Substance A B*T C*T DT N
-2 -4 9
Glycerol -8.424 44.422*10 -3.159*10 93.784*10 44
-2 -4 9
NaOH 20.43 36.502*10 -32.305*10 22.103*10 3
-2 -4 9
Oil 13.5 47.8*10 -12.91*10 7.05*10 3
-2 -4 -9
Soap -6.45 87.23*10 -45.78*10 2.025*10 3

The oil which is initially used for saponification reaction is 25 OC and for complete conversion of
the oil triglycerides in to fat the reactor temperature must set at 95 OC=368 Ok within a 14 minutes.

2 .The relations between specific heat capacity and temperature is calculated by

Cp=A+BT+CT2 +DT3 but for calculation purpose the value of C and D are negligible

That C&D=0

Then the calculation become


CP (oil) = 13.5+ 47.8*10-2 (368) = 189.404 J/kg

CP (NaOH) =20.43+56.502*10-2 (368) = 228.357J/kg

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Soap production from waste cooking oil

CP (glycerol) =-8.42+0.44422*(368) = 155.053J/kg

CP (soap)=-6.45+0.8723*368=314.556J/kg

Therefore the total amount of sensible heat emitted to the environment is the summation of all


= 8333.776 + 685.071 + 465.159+943.669


Q =m∑CPi=57.26kg/day*10.427666kJ/kg=597.1kj/day=0.597MJ/day

Energy balance on dryer

T=25 OC Tf=135 OC

The energy needed is

Q=mcp(Tf-Ti) WHERE

M=mass of soap and water

Cp=specific heat of soap & water

Tf=final temperature

Ti=initial temperature

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Soap production from waste cooking oil

From material balance

We have mass soap and water=4437.475 kg/day

Cp water=4.18kj/kg k

Cp soap=0.489cal/g O k=2.047kj/kg O k

1 kcal=4.1868J

Molecular mass of the components


Glycerin (C3 H8 O3) =36+8+48=92g/mole

Soap (C18 H36 O2 COOHNa) =216+36+32+12+32+1+23=352g/mole

Cptotal=cps*xs+cpw*xw=2.047kj/kg 0k*0.85+4.18kj/kg*0.15


= 2.366kj/kg Ok

Q=mCptotal (Tf-Ti)=4437.475kg/day*2.366kj/kg 0k*(368-298)0k

= 734934.61kj/day


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Soap production from waste cooking oil



6.1 Design of batch reactor
Batch agitated reactors consist of a tank fitted with a mechanical agitator and a cooling jacket or
coils. They are closed tank. Batch reactor is type of idealized chemical reactor vessel used to
contain a chemical reaction in which liquid reactants flow into the reactor once and products output
after reaction is processed. Batch reactor is types of which is closed vessel, that the raw material
feed into the reactor once and after the reaction is completed the product is exit from the reactor
tank. There are time gap between raw materials feed into the reactor and also between the product

6.1.1 Sizing of Batch reactor

Basic data needed to reactor design:

 Vessel function and selection

 Process material and service

 Operating and design temperature and pressure

 Material of construction

 Vessel dimension and orientation

 Type of vessel head to be used

 Opening and connection required

 Specification of heating and cooling jacket

 Type of agitator Saponification Vessel

Capacity = (including 20% safety factor)

The reactor is batch so, the general formula is

Accumulation = in - out + generation - consumption, the process is Un steady state.

To calculate the volume of the saponification

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Soap production from waste cooking oil


Material of construction = stainless steel Height and diameter of the Saponification vessel, Let us
assume the height to diameter ratio be 1:1.that is = D/H=1

For vertical cylindrical tank the volume becomes

Vol=Height From equation above H=Diameter


So we have input 3500 L of oil and 1575 L of lye solution (NaOH+H2O)

Generally by adding them the input feed into the saponification vessel is 5075L. But the
saponification vessel fills up to 80% only for the reason of over flow and decreasing the

So 80% of the vessel contains 5075 L

From this we get for 100%vessel 6343.75 L=6.3437m3

So from this we can calculate the diameter and height of the vessel



By substituting the value of V =6.3437m3






H= D = 2.006m

Area of the Saponification vessel is calculated by

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A = 3.14*(2.006)2 /4 = 3.15m2

Surface area of the Saponification vessel


= (3.14 * 2.006*2.006) m2= 12.635m2

Thickness of the Saponification vessel

Tt = LdHl g Dt/2StE*103


Ld----liquid density, Kg/m3

E-------joint efficiency

Tt------tank thickness required at depth HL, mm

Hl------liquid depth, m

g-----Gravitational acceleration, 9.81m/s2

Dt------tank diameter

St-------maximum allowable stress for the material, N/mm2


HL = 2.006m

g= 9.8m/s2

St(at 66oc) =160,000,000N/m2(Coulson and Richardson’s volume-6, 3rdedition, 809)

E=1.0(Double welded butt or equivalent 100% degree of radiography) (Coulson and Richardson’s
volume-6,3rdedition, 810)

Ld=1000Kg/m3(density of water at 25oC)

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Soap production from waste cooking oil

Tt = LdHl g Dt/2StE*103

1000kg/m3*2.006m*2.006m *9.81m/s2/2*160000000N/m2*1*1000


=2.467*10-5 m


Total thickness = allowance + Tt

Allowance =4mm

Total thickness = 4mm + 0.00002467mm = 4.00002467mm Oil storage tank

3500kg of oil input in a day

So if we change to kg/se

0.0405 kg/sec oil from the tank

Density of Oil = 914 kg/m3

Volume of Oil storage tank = mass of Oil /density

Volume = 0.0405/914= 4.43*10 -5m 3/sec

Assume Oil is stored for 1 hr

Volume =4.43*10 - 5*3600 sec = 0.1595m3 in one hour

Assuming the tank is 80% full, Volume = 0.1595m3/0.8 = 0.199m3 =199lit

Material of construction carbon steel NaOH solution storage tank

M NaOH solution=1575kg/day is changed kg /sec. so

= 0.0182 kg/sec

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Soap production from waste cooking oil

Density of NaOH = 2130kg/m3 & Density of distilled water=1000kg/m3

Volume of NaOH storage tank = mass of NaOH /average density

Volume = 0.0182/1565=1.16*10-5 m3/sec

Assume NaOH solution is stored for one hour.

Volume =1.16*10-5 *3600 = 0.0418m3

Assuming the tank is 80% full, Volume = 0.0418m3/0.8 = 0.0523m3=52.3 lit

Material of construction carbon steel Sizing of static separator

Density of glycerol=1.261 g/cm3


Density of soap=895kg/m3

Mass of Mixture of soap and glycerol=4694.375kg/day.

Q=mass of soap and glycerol/average density

=4694.375kg/d./1078=4.354m3/day=0.18 m3/hr

Assume static separator is operated for 1 hour.

Volume =0.18m3/hr*1hr = 0.18m3

Assuming the tank is 80% full,

Volume = 0.18m3/0.8 =0.227 m3=227 lit

To get Diameter


d =3√0.227= 0.6098m=609.8 mm,


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Soap production from waste cooking oil

V cone =1/3πr2 h




V cone = 0.09735m3=97.35 lit

Material of construction carbon steel Sizing of washing column

M solid soap=4689.875 kg/day.

Density of soap=895kg/m3

Volume = mass/density

Q=volume= (4689.875/895) =3.8m3/day

=0. 1624m3/hr

Then ω=2πn/3600 i.e. N=2600rpm and



Vlin= r *ώ but r=d/2

Vlin=4.53/2*D.................................................. (1)


From Handbook of Purified Gases by Helmut Schoen;

D=√4Q/V lin *π................................................... (2)

Substitute V lin in this equation 2

D=√ (4Q)/ω/2*π= (4Q)0.5 /2.265D*3.14

39 | P a g e
Soap production from waste cooking oil

=(4*4.102)0.5 /3.14*2.265D=4.05/3.14*2.265D

D*7.11D= 4.05

7.11D2 =4.05


D=0.755m & r= 0.377m

V cylinder=1/3πr2h= 1/3π*(0.377)2*0.755m

=0.1123 m3=112.3 lit

Material of construction carbon steel Sizing of centrifuge

M washed soap=3489.875kg/day




P=lye density=1261kg/m3

L=medium density= density of soap &lye=1078kg/m3,

n =viscosity of lye=1.412 Pas


=3489.875/1078= 3.23m3/day=2.25 lit/min *1min=2.25lit

N.B the centrifuge separates lye per minute.


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Soap production from waste cooking oil

To calculate diameter of tube we use the formula

Volume =D2(P-L)g



V*180n =D





Material of construction carbon steel Sizing of neutralizer

M wet SOAP=3284.475kg/day in neutralizer

M of additives (acetic acid, H2O2) =200kg/day

M wet SOAP+M of additives (acetic acid, H2O2) =3484.475kg/d ay

Density of soap = 895 kg/m3,

Mean Density of additives (acetic acid=1049kg/m3,H2O2=1130kg/m3)

1049+1130 /2=1089.5kg/m3

Volume of neutralizer = Mass /mean density =3484.475/1089.5= 3.198kg/day=0.00222m3/min

Assume mixture is mixed for 1 min

Volume =0.00222m3/min*60 min =0.133m3= 133.2 lit

Assuming the neutralizer is 80% full, Volume = 0.133m3/0.8 = 0.166m3=166.25 lit.

41 | P a g e
Soap production from waste cooking oil Sizing of dryer

M soap and water (15% is water content) =3339.475kg/day
Density of soap= 895kg/m3,
Density of water=1000 kg/m3,
Mean density= 895+1000/2 =947.5kg/m3
V = Mass/mean density=3339.475/947.5=3.52m3/day.




 To design pressure

 To design temperature

 To design thickness

 To design volume

 To analysis the stress Design pressure

Pt= pa+ LdgHL

P= design pressure
Pa= atmospheric pressure
Pt.= total pressure
The Saponification vessel is closed at the top. Therefore pa= 0, then
Pt= 1000Kg/m3*9.81m/s2*6.347m
Pt= 62264 pa =62.264Kpa
P = Pt + 10%Pt
P = 62.264Kpa + 10%*62.264Kpa
62.264+6.2264 = 68.49Kpa
Working pressure 8 - 10 bar

42 | P a g e
Soap production from waste cooking oil

Design pressure 5-10 % of working pressure

The experience of the operating temperature is 60 0C

Design temperature =10% of 60+6 0C=66 0C

Material of construction stainless steel

Internal diameter= 6.347 m

Minimum allowance of 2.5 mm

Height of vessel = Hv = 6.347m

At the minimum fluidization velocity the bulk density of the catalyst bed is
pb= 800 kg/m3

Dynamic wind pressure=1280N/m2

Linear velocity of the rotating fluid=0.64m/s

Design pressure
P design =Pgauge (5−10) %+ Pgauge =68.49kpa=68490 pa
From the above
Maximum design stress at these design temperature= 160𝑁/𝑚𝑚2 =160∗106 𝑁/𝑚

Ts= PDi/ (2fJ –P)

J = Joint efficiency factor = 1
Ts=68490*6.347/ (2*1*160,000,000-68490) = 0.00136m =1.36 mm
To calculate wall minimum thickness: For stainless steels, where severe corrosion is not expected,
and allowance of 3 mm
t = e + corrosion allowance = 1.36mm + 3mm ≈4 mm

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Soap production from waste cooking oil

Head ID=6.347 ϕ=1 Corrosion allowance C2 = 3mm

Negative devotion C1 = 0.7mm
Design pressure = PD = 68490N/m2
Design temperature = 66oc
Allowable stress = using material of construction vs. design temperature = 160*106 pa
Where M = Shape factor of dished head
For standard dished head when RI= 0.9 Di =0.9*6.347=5.71m & r = 0.17 Di=0.17*6.347=1.078 m
The general equation becomes:

S= MPcRi

2(Ϭ) tϕ-0.5Pc

But M=0.25(3+√ ) =0.25(3+√ )

M =2.198

S= 2.198*68490*5.71 =0.00269m=2.69mm


Sd =S+C2=2.69+3=5.69mm

Sn =Sd+C1+ round of value

Sn =5.69+0.7-4=2.39
6.2 Equipment Selection and Specification
6.2.1 Equipment Selection

 Low capital cost

 Ability to operate at high temperatures and pressures
 Low maintenance requirements because no moving parts

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Soap production from waste cooking oil

Selection criteria
 Physical, chemical and biochemical properties of the feed as well as Desired product
specifications; expected variability in feed characteristics

 Upstream and downstream processing operations

 Moisture content of the feed and product
 Drying kinetics; moist solid sorption isotherms
 Quality parameters (physical, chemical, biochemical)
 Safety aspects, e.g., fire hazard and explosion hazards, toxicity
 Value of the product
 Need for automatic control
 Toxicological properties of the product
 Turndown ratio, flexibility in capacity requirements
 Type and cost of fuel, cost of electricity
 Environmental regulations
 To reduce the cost of transport.
 To make a material more suitable for handling
 To remove moisture this may otherwise lead to corrosion.
6.2.2 Equipment specification

Equipment specification typically includes the determination of vessel dimensions and description
of other internal parts of the equipment. It also involves the determination of parameters like speed,
power and any other operating parameters pertaining to the particular equipment. The major
considerations under equipment specification are:
 Identification of the equipment
 Function of the equipment

 Material handled

 Basic design data

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All industry has the moral and legal responsibility to protect the health and welfare of its employees
as well as that of the general public. Therefore, good safety measures have to be put in place to
ensure the safety of lives and prevent damage to equipment. The primary aim of these safety
measures therefore is to prevent or minimize workers exposure to the potential hazard, injury to
workers, loss of live and destruction of properties. They are also needed to ensure safe as well as
efficient operation. These safety measures are employed in industry mainly to prevent or control
hazards. A hazard is a property which in particular circumstances could lead to harm. Common
safety hazards in the manufacturing industry include:

I. Dangerous machinery.

II. Explosion to fires.

III. Faulty electrical connections.

IV. Falling materials due to poor housekeeping among others and etc.

The potential hazards that could be present in the soap plant specially include hazards due to
materials handling and hazards due to the various processes.

6.3.2 Hazards due to materials handling

Potentially hazardous situations include handling and packaging operations, equipment cleaning
and repair, decontamination following spills and equipment failure. Hazards that workers are likely
to be exposed to, can be prevented by a number of ways. Example of which is the provision of
PPEs (Personal Protective Equipment).This equipment includes chemical splash goggles,
overcoat/chemical suit, rubber boots, and ear plugs, face shield, etc. These equipment are worn to
protect the worker from the dangers of handling some of the chemicals especially sodium

6.3.3 Hazards due to various processes

Hazards that might be caused during processes in this plant include fire hazards, electrical and
mechanical hazard.

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Soap production from waste cooking oil

6.3.4 Fire Hazards

During the process of heating the raw materials, for example, heating takes place at high
temperatures of about 60-65⁰C with the production of hot flue gases through a chimney. Care must
be taken near or during operation of the saponification vessel for example the control of
temperature. Labourers are so careless and tend to attempt checking temperature manually. This
and many other careless practices may lead to a fire hazard. Overheating of vessel should also be
avoided to prevent explosions or fire outbreak.

6.3.5 Electrical Hazards

The main source of energy for this plant is electricity since most of the process units would be
powered by it .Care must be taken in dealing with electric powered units and power should be shut
down immediately when faulty electrical connections are detected and then alternative power
source be sought for use. Workers must also be careful especially during power fluctuations as this
might cause electrocution or explosions that might lead to fires.

6.3.6 Mechanical Hazards

These hazards may be due to improperly fixed or dangerous machinery. Some machines are
designed in such a way that it pick sever thing in its path. For example packaging, such equipment
is likely to cause mechanical hazard. Parts of machinery should not be left just anywhere on the
plant site. Rather, good housekeeping of machine parts should be employed. With the above
mentioned safety measures, the plant can be safe to work on.

6.3.7 Emissions and Controls on Soap factory

The main atmospheric pollution problem in soap manufacturing is odour. The storage and handling
of liquid ingredients (including sulfonic acids and salts) and sulphates are some of the sources of
this odor. Vent lines, vacuum exhausts, raw material and product storage, and waste streams are all
potential odor sources. Control of these odors may be achieved by scrubbing exhaust fumes and, if
necessary, incinerating the remaining volatile organic compounds (VOC). Odors emanating from
the spray dryer may be controlled by scrubbing with an acid solution. Blending, mixing, drying,
packaging, and other physical operations may all involve dust emissions. The production of soap
powder by spray drying is the single largest source of dust in the manufacture of synthetic soap.
Dust emissions from other finishing operations can be controlled by dry filters such as bag houses.

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The large sizes of the particulate from synthetic soap drying means that high-efficiency cyclones
installed in series can achieve satisfactory control. Currently, no emission factors are available for
soap manufacturing. No information on hazardous air pollutants (HAP), VOCs, ozone depletes or
heavy metal emissions information was found for soap manufacturing.


Pollution is the discharge of substance or energy directly or indirectly into the environment. These
causes environmental pollution like:

1. Human health,

2. Animals and plants

3. Aquatic living things

4. Disturbs ecosystem etc.

Pollution in any industry is of major concern because the more or less it produces pollutants
indicates the level of control measures in place. Pollution can either be abated by preventing it at
the source or using the end-of-pipe technology. The concept of zero emissions and pollution
prevention at source is the best and less expensive option for any industry. This is where raw
materials are prepared and purified through initial cleaning processes before production. However
most of the pollution control measures are end-of-pipe technology where waste at the end of
production is treated before release.

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Soap production from waste cooking oil



6.5.2 Organization of the soap plant






Fig.6.1 Organization of soap production

The marketing manager consists

 Sales supervisor
 Sales personal
 Secretary
The production manager consist the following classification
 Production division
 Safety section
 Quality control
 Secretary
The service manager includes
 Medical service
 Cafe and restaurant

49 | P a g e
Soap production from waste cooking oil

 Secretary
 Bus
 Internet access service
 Toilet & etc.
The human resource manager consist the following classification
 HR dev’t section
 System improvement section
 secretary
The finance manager consist the following classification
 Accountant
 Cashier
 Secretary
8.2 Economic Feasibility
A plant design is a process which maximizes a profit. So net profit equals total income minus all
expenses due to this, it is essential that the chemical engineer use to study different types of costs
required in manufacturing processes.
6.5.3 Market study

 By studying the previous market from the other industries

 By inter viewing the central market of current
 Depending on the current market guessing about future markets
 Information about collar changes to birr
 By calculating the rate of market .

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Soap production from waste cooking oil

6.5.4 Plant Cost Estimation

Total capital investment estimation

Table 6.1 Purchased equipment cost

No Equipment Unit cost of the Number of Total cost of the

equipment(birr) equipment equipment(birr)
1 Vessel for 1350000 1 135000
2 Water storage tank 90000 3 270000
3 NaOH storage tank 75000 2 150000
4 Lye preparation tank 60000 1 60000
5 Centrifuge 64000 1 64000
6 Dryer 660000 1 660000
7 Cutting machine 90000 1 90000
8 Washing column 69000 1 69000
9 Neutralizer 105000 1 105000
10 Static separator 45000 1 45000
11 Moulding machine 90000 1 90000

12 Each agents 80000 7 560000

13 Sockletor 321698.5 1 321698.5

14 Mixer 27000 2 54000

Total 24
1,551,698.5 2,673,698.5

Total purchased equipment cost=2673698.5birr

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Soap production from waste cooking oil


A. Fixed capital investment (FCI) estimation

Direct Cost (DC)
 Costs of equipment + installation + instrumentation +piping+ electricity (50 - 60% of
 Purchased equipment cost (PEC) = 2673698.5birr
 Installation including painting(25-55% of PEC) ,take 30% of PEC = 802,109.55birr
 Instrumentation and control(6-30% of PEC), take 20% of PEC = 534739.7birr
 Electricity (10-40% of PEC), take 25% of PEC = 668424.625 birr
 Piping (10-80% of PEC), take 40% of PEC = 1069479.4 birr
 Building, process and auxiliary ( 40-70% of PEC) , take 60% of PEC = 1604219.1bir
 Service facilities (40-100% of PEC), take 45% of PEC = 1203164.325 birr
 Land (4-8% of PEC), take 6% of PEC = 160421.9birr
Direct Cost (DC) = summation of all the above cost
=6,042,558.6 birr
Indirect Cost (IC)
 Engineering and supervision (5-30% of DC) we take 15% of DC = 906383.8 birr
 Construction expense and contractor fee (6-30% of DC) ,we take 20% of DC
=1208511.72 birr
 Contingency = 15%of FCI= 0.15*FCI
Indirect Cost (IC) = summation of the indirect cost
Fixed Capital Investment (FCI) = DC + IC =6,042558.6 +2114895.52+ 0.15*FCI
FCI =8,157,454.12+0.15FCI
FCI -0.15FCI=8157454.12
From this we get
Contingency =0.15*9597004.85=1439550.728birr
Working Capital investment (WCI) =(10-20%) TCI

52 | P a g e
Soap production from waste cooking oil

WE TAKE WCI= 15% of TCI ……………………………….……………................. (1)

Total Capital Investment (TCI) = FCI + WC……….………………………….………………. (2)
From the above two equations: 2
TCI=FCI+WCI BY subtitling 0.15TCI in a place of WCI
Total capital investment (TCI) = (FCI) + (WC) = 11290593.85BIRR
B. Total production cost (TPC) estimation
Fixed Charges (FC):
Depreciation = 10% of equipment cost + (2-3% ) of building
= 0.1*2673698.5BIRR + 3%BUILDING cost
= 0.1*2673698.5+0.03*9597004.85
= 555,279.9955
Local taxes (1-4%FCI) = 2% of FCI = 0.02*9597004.85
= 191940.1
Insurance (0.4-1%FCI) = 0.6% of FCI
= 0.006*9597004.85
Total Fixed Charge (TFC) = summation of depression + local taxes + insurance
= 555,279.995+191940.1+57582.03
= 804802.125
Total Production cost (TPC)
FC = 15% of TPC =0.15*TPC=9597004.85
TPC =63980032.33
Direct Production cost (DPC)
1. Raw material and inputs: (10-50% of TPC) ,take 35% of TPC
= 0.35*63980032.33

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Soap production from waste cooking oil

2. Operating labor (OL): (10-20% of TPC), take 13% of TPC
= 0.13*63980032.33
3. Direct supervisor and clerical labor: (10-25% of OL),take 20% of operating labor
=1663480.84 BIRR
4. Utilities: (10-20% of TPC), take 15% of TPC
= 0.15*63980032.33
=9597004.85 BIRR
5. Maintenance and repair (M& R):(2-10% of FCI), take 4% of FCI
= 0.04*9597004.85
6. Operating Supplies :(10-20% of M & R or 0.5-1% of FCI), take 12% of M&R
= 0.12*383880.2BIRR
7. Laboratory Charges: (10-20% of OL) we take 15% of OL
= 0.15*8317404.2
=1247610.63 BIRR
7. Patent and Royalties :(0-6% of TPC) ,4% of TPC
= 0.04*63980032.33
Direct product cost (DPC) = the summation of the above production cost
Plant overhead cost (POC): (5-15% of TPC), take 8% of TPC
= 63980032.33*0.8
Manufacturing cost = FC + DPC + POC =
= 51184025.86+46207648.97+9597004.85
C. General expense

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Soap production from waste cooking oil

General expense= Administrative costs + distribution and selling costs + research and
Development costs + Financing (interest)
 Administrative costs (2-6% of TPC), take 3.5% TPC
 Distribution and selling costs (2-20% of TPC), take 10% of TPC =
 Research and Development costs = 5% total product cost
= 0.05*63980032.33
 Financing (interest) = 5% total capital investment= 0.05*11590593.9
= 564529.7
 Therefore, general expense= 2239301.13+6398003.23+31999001.62+564529.7
Working day= 365 day per year
Our product per year is = 2800KG/day* 365day/year = 1022000KG/year
Unit sell price =12BIRR/0.1KG=120BIRR/KG
Total selling price is = 1022000KG/year*120BIRR/KG = 122640000BIRR/year
D. Profitability analysis
 Gross profit = product sales revenue–total product cost
Gross profit = Sj – Coj=122640000BIRR/yr-63980032.33birr/yr
Assume: salvage value = 10% of Purchase Equipment Cost and plant service life = 20
Salvage value=0.1*2673698.5=267369.85
Therefore depreciation cost = (fixed cost - salvage value) /service life
Depreciation = (9597004.85-267369.85)/10 =932963.5birr/year
Gross profit including depreciation=total production cost-total product cost-depreciation
Gj = Sj-Coj-dj
=122640000BIRR /year -63980032.33BIRR/yr-932963.5BIRR/YR
 Net profit = gross profit with depreciation (1-Ø), where, Ø= income tax of rate
Ethiopia =30%

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Soap production from waste cooking oil

=(1-0.3) *57727004.17
Minimum acceptable rate of return (Mar)
Minimum acceptable rate of return (mar) for new capacity with established corporate with low
Levels of risk=14%
gross profit *100
Rate of Return = total capital investment*project life

Rate of return after tax
Rate of return=total net profit/TCI*project life
Annual net profit=net profit/10
Annual depression=depression/10
=932963.5/10=93296.3 birr/year
Payback period =Fixed capital investment
Annual net profit+ annual depreciation
= 9597004.85/(4040980.3+93296.3)=2.3year

The project initial investment will be fully recovered within 2.3 years

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Soap production from waste cooking oil



Plant location is a place where we want to begin our soap industry or a place we wants organise our
soap plant. It has more advantage for the societies that live around the industry and even for the
country. To determine production cost plant location are used
 For quality of raw material.

 Processes of transformation of raw material to product.

 Distribution of product to user.

The final selection of the plant location has a strong influence on the success of any industrial
venture. Finally, we select Addis Ababa considering the following reason:

 Availability of raw materials

 Transportation facility

 large market

 very nice attitude of the local people

 availability of labour force

 Climate

 good communication facilities

 good banking and health care delivery system

 availability of land

 Availability of utilities

 political & strategic consideration

 Waste disposal and pollution.

57 | P a g e
Soap production from waste cooking oil


The process unit and ancillary buildings should be laid out to give the most economical flow of
material and personnel around the site. Hazardous processes must be located at a safe distance from
other building. The consideration must also be also being given to the future expansion of site. The
main axillary building includes:
 storage raw materials and products
 Maintenance work shops.
 Stores for maintenance and operating supplies.
 Laboratory for process control.
 Fire station and other emergency service.
 Utilities.

58 | P a g e
Soap production from waste cooking oil

Generally Production of soap is one of the products that every person daily used in his life. It is
produced manually (traditional) and experimentally. The one which produced by experimental is
good product characterilised by it foamibility, color, PH value and etc. are affected by process
parameters; such as temperature, concentration and time. Therefore a good quality, high brightness,
low glycerin was obtained at 95 0C with 1.25:1waste cooking oil and Lye (NaOH+H2O) solution.
The Production of soap from waste cooking oil in the industry level creates new business and job
opportunities, for people which live around that industry even all over the country. So from
calculation of payback period the project feasible, it is best for business if it will applied.

59 | P a g e
Soap production from waste cooking oil

We want to give recommendation to our experimental soap somewhat good quality soap by
characterizing its temperature 78, 85 and 95 0C. But it didn’t produce experimentally its PH so if
someone precedes experimentally its PH characterization he/she will more quality soap. The other
one is our experimental does not get enough agents, even it get the necessary agents it is very
quality soap. So an experimental soap producer must get enough bleaching agents and other agents
for good soap production. The production of soap from waste cooking oil changed waste material
to valuable material .so it economically feasible. But if other person processes biodiesel from waste
cooking oil raw material it is more benefit than soap because of the cost of biodiesel higher the
costs of soap. So we wants to recommended than production of biodiesel from waste cooking oil is
more economical feasible for the country and for individual person.

60 | P a g e
Soap production from waste cooking oil

1. Control Engineering Soap boiling control, Eindhoven University of technology.

2. Coulson and Richardson‟s Chemical Engineering Design, Vol. 6, Third Edition, 407-435.

3. Dictionary of Chemical Engineering; CARL SCHASCHKE.

4. Donkor, Peter. Small Scale Soap making, TCC and Intermediate Technology Publications, 1986

5. Hand Book of Poucher's Perfumes, Cosmetics and Soaps, by Hilda Butler10th Edition.

6. Intermediate Technology Development Group: Soap making

7. Octave Leven spiel; Chemical reaction engineering, third edition, department of chemical
engineering, Oregon state university, John-Wiley and sons New york

8. Organic Chemical Process Industry: Soap and Detergents.

9. Preparation of Soap Using Different Types of Oils and Exploring its Properties, National
Institute of Technology.

10. Small-scale Soap making: A handbook, by Peter Donker, IT Publishing/TCC, 1993.

11. Soap Making Oils -Base Oils for Making Handmade Soap.html

12. Soap Making: Practical and Artistic Chemistry for the Waldorf School Curriculum by Gary
Ward February, 2007.

13 : W. H. Simmons H. A. Appleton, The Handbook of Soap Manufacture

(10th ed.)

61 | P a g e
Soap production from waste cooking oil

Appendix A: Properties of NaOH

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Soap production from waste cooking oil

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