80186/80188 High-Integration 16-Bit Microprocessors: Figure 1. Block Diagram

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Y Integrated Feature Set Y Direct Addressing Capability to 1 Mbyte
Ð Enhanced 8086-2 CPU of Memory and 64 Kbyte I/O
Ð Clock Generator Y Completely Object Code Compatible
Ð 2 Independent DMA Channels with All Existing 8086, 8088 Software
Ð Programmable Interrupt Controller Ð 10 New Instruction Types
Ð 3 Programmable 16-bit Timers
Ð Programmable Memory and Y Numerics Coprocessing Capability
Peripheral Chip-Select Logic Through 8087 Interface
Ð Programmable Wait State Generator Y Available in 68 Pin:
Ð Local Bus Controller Ð Plastic Leaded Chip Carrier (PLCC)
Y Available in 10 MHz and 8 MHz Ð Ceramic Pin Grid Array (PGA)
Versions Ð Ceramic Leadless Chip Carrier (LCC)
Y High-Performance Processor Y Available in EXPRESS
Ð 4 Mbyte/Sec Bus Bandwidth Ð Standard Temperature with Burn-In
Interface @ 8 MHz (80186) Ð Extended Temperature Range
Ð 5 Mbyte/Sec Bus Bandwidth ( b 40§ C to a 85§ C)
Interface @ 10 MHz (80186)

272430 – 1
Figure 1. Block Diagram

*Other brands and names are the property of their respective owners.
Information in this document is provided in connection with Intel products. Intel assumes no liability whatsoever, including infringement of any patent or
copyright, for sale and use of Intel products except as provided in Intel’s Terms and Conditions of Sale for such products. Intel retains the right to make
changes to these specifications at any time, without notice. Microcomputer Products may have minor variations to this specification known as errata.
November 1994 Order Number: 272430-002

DataSheet 4 U .com

80186/80188 High-Integration 16-Bit Microprocessors





Local Bus Controller and Reset ÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ 10

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Contacts Facing Down

Contacts Facing Up

272430 – 2

Figure 2. Ceramic Leadless Chip Carrier (JEDEC Type A)

Pins Facing Up Pins Facing Down

272430 – 3

Figure 3. Ceramic Pin Grid Array

Pin names in parentheses apply to the 80188.

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Leads Facing Up Leads Facing Down

272430 – 4

Figure 4. Plastic Leaded Chip Carrier

Pin names in parentheses apply to the 80188.

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Table 1. Pin Descriptions

Symbol Type Name and Function
VCC 9 I SYSTEM POWER: a 5 volt power supply.
VSS 26 I System Ground.
RESET 57 O Reset Output indicates that the CPU is being reset, and can be used as a system
reset. It is active HIGH, synchronized with the processor clock, and lasts an
integer number of clock periods corresponding to the length of the RES signal.
X1 59 I Crystal Inputs X1 and X2 provide external connections for a fundamental mode
X2 58 O parallel resonant crystal for the internal oscillator. Instead of using a crystal, an
external clock may be applied to X1 while minimizing stray capacitance on X2.
The input or oscillator frequency is internally divided by two to generate the
clock signal (CLKOUT).
CLKOUT 56 O Clock Output provides the system with a 50% duty cycle waveform. All device
pin timings are specified relative to CLKOUT.
RES 24 I An active RES causes the processor to immediately terminate its present
activity, clear the internal logic, and enter a dormant state. This signal may be
asynchronous to the processor clock. The processor begins fetching
instructions approximately 6(/2 clock cycles after RES is returned HIGH. For
proper initialization, VCC must be within specifications and the clock signal must
be stable for more than 4 clocks with RES held LOW. RES is internally
synchronized. This input is provided with a Schmitt-trigger to facilitate power-on
RES generation via an RC network.
TEST 47 I/O TEST is examined by the WAIT instruction. If the TEST input is HIGH when
‘‘WAIT’’ execution begins, instruction execution will suspend. TEST will be
resampled until it goes LOW, at which time execution will resume. If interrupts
are enabled while the processor is waiting for TEST, interrupts will be serviced.
During power-up, active RES is required to configure TEST as an input. This pin
is synchronized internally.
TMR IN 0 20 I Timer Inputs are used either as clock or control signals, depending upon the
TMR IN 1 21 I programmed timer mode. These inputs are active HIGH (or LOW-to-HIGH
transitions are counted) and internally synchronized.
TMR OUT 0 22 O Timer outputs are used to provide single pulse or continous waveform
TMR OUT 1 23 O generation, depending upon the timer mode selected.
DRQ0 18 I DMA Request is asserted HIGH by an external device when it is ready for DMA
DRQ1 19 I Channel 0 or 1 to perform a transfer. These signals are level-triggered and
internally synchronized.
NMI 46 I The Non-Maskable Interrupt input causes a Type 2 interrupt. An NMI transition
from LOW to HIGH is latched and synchronized internally, and initiates the
interrupt at the next instruction boundary. NMI must be asserted for at least one
clock. The Non-Maskable Interrupt cannot be avoided by programming.
INT0 45 I Maskable Interrupt Requests can be requested by activating one of these pins.
INT1/SELECT 44 I When configured as inputs, these pins are active HIGH. Interrupt Requests are
INT2/INTA0 42 I/O synchronized internally. INT2 and INT3 may be configured to provide active-
INT3/INTA1/IRQ 41 I/O LOW interrupt-acknowledge output signals. All interrupt inputs may be
configured to be either edge- or level-triggered. To ensure recognition, all
interrupt requests must remain active until the interrupt is acknowledged. When
Slave Mode is selected, the function of these pins changes (see Interrupt
Controller section of this data sheet).

Pin names in parentheses apply to the 80188.

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Table 1. Pin Descriptions (Continued)

Symbol Type Name and Function
A19/S6 65 O Address Bus Outputs (16–19) and Bus Cycle Status (3–6) indicate the four most
A18/S5 66 O significant address bits during T1. These signals are active HIGH. During T2, T3, TW,
A17/S4 67 O and T4, the S6 pin is LOW to indicate a CPU-initiated bus cycle or HIGH to indicate a
A16/S3 68 O DMA-initiated bus cycle. During the same T-states, S3, S4, and S5 are always LOW.
The status pins float during bus HOLD or RESET.
AD15 (A15) 1 I/O Address/Data Bus signals constitute the time multiplexed memory or I/O address (T1)
AD14 (A14) 3 I/O and data (T2, T3, TW, and T4) bus. The bus is active HIGH. A0 is analogous to BHE for
AD13 (A13) 5 I/O the lower byte of the data bus, pins D7 through D0. It is LOW during T1 when a byte is
AD12 (A12) 7 I/O to be transferred onto the lower portion of the bus in memory or I/O operations. BHE
AD11 (A11) 10 I/O does not exist on the 80188, as the data bus is only 8 bits wide.
AD10 (A10) 12 I/O
AD9 (A9) 14 I/O
AD8 (A8) 16 I/O
AD7 2 I/O
AD6 4 I/O
AD5 6 I/O
AD4 8 I/O
AD3 11 I/O
AD2 13 I/O
AD1 15 I/O
AD0 17 I/O
BHE/S7 64 O During T1 the Bus High Enable signal should be used to determine if data is to be
(S7) enabled onto the most significant half of the data bus; pins D15 –D8. BHE is LOW
during T1 for read, write, and interrupt acknowledge cycles when a byte is to be
transferred on the higher half of the bus. The S7 status information is available during
T2, T3, and T4. S7 is logically equivalent to BHE. BHE/S7 floats during HOLD. On the
80188, S7 is high during normal operation.
BHE and A0 Encodings (80186 Only)
Value Value
0 0 Word Transfer
0 1 Byte Transfer on upper half of data bus (D15–D8)
1 0 Byte Transfer on lower half of data bus (D7 –D0)
1 1 Reserved
ALE/QS0 61 O Address Latch Enable/Queue Status 0 is provided by the processor to latch the
address. ALE is active HIGH. Addresses are guaranteed to be valid on the trailing
edge of ALE. The ALE rising edge is generated off the rising edge of the CLKOUT
immediately preceding T1 of the associated bus cycle, effectively one-half clock cycle
earlier than in the 8086. The trailing edge is generated off the CLKOUT rising edge in
T1 as in the 8086. Note that ALE is never floated.
WR/QS1 63 O Write Strobe/Queue Status 1 indicates that the data on the bus is to be written into a
memory or an I/O device. WR is active for T2, T3, and TW of any write cycle. It is active
LOW, and floats during HOLD. When the processor is in queue status mode, the ALE/
QS0 and WR/QS1 pins provide information about processor/instruction queue
QS1 QS0 Queue Operation
0 0 No queue operation
0 1 First opcode byte fetched from the queue
1 1 Subsequent byte fetched from the queue
1 0 Empty the queue
Pin names in parentheses apply to the 80188.

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Table 1. Pin Descriptions (Continued)

Symbol Type Name and Function
RD/QSMD 62 I/O Read Strobe is an active LOW signal which indicates that the processor is
performing a memory or I/O read cycle. It is guaranteed not to go LOW
before the A/D bus is floated. An internal pull-up ensures that RD is HIGH
during RESET. Following RESET the pin is sampled to determine whether
the processor is to provide ALE, RD, and WR, or queue status information.
To enable Queue Status Mode, RD must be connected to GND. RD will
float during bus HOLD.
ARDY 55 I Asynchronous Ready informs the processor that the addressed memory
space or I/O device will complete a data transfer. The ARDY pin accepts a
rising edge that is asynchronous to CLKOUT, and is active HIGH. The
falling edge of ARDY must be synchronized to the processor clock.
Connecting ARDY HIGH will always assert the ready condition to the CPU.
If this line is unused, it should be tied LOW to yield control to the SRDY pin.
SRDY 49 I Synchronous Ready informs the processor that the addressed memory
space or I/O device will complete a data transfer. The SRDY pin accepts an
active-HIGH input synchronized to CLKOUT. The use of SRDY allows a
relaxed system timing over ARDY. This is accomplished by elimination of
the one-half clock cycle required to internally synchronize the ARDY input
signal. Connecting SRDY high will always assert the ready condition to the
CPU. If this line is unused, it should be tied LOW to yield control to the
ARDY pin.
LOCK 48 O LOCK output indicates that other system bus masters are not to gain
control of the system bus while LOCK is active LOW. The LOCK signal is
requested by the LOCK prefix instruction and is activated at the beginning
of the first data cycle associated with the instruction following the LOCK
prefix. It remains active until the completion of that instruction. No
instruction prefetching will occur while LOCK is asserted. When executing
more than one LOCK instruction, always make sure there are 6 bytes of
code between the end of the first LOCK instruction and the start of the
second LOCK instruction. LOCK is driven HIGH for one clock during RESET
and then floated.
S0 52 O Bus cycle status S0 –S2 are encoded to provide bus-transaction
S1 53 O information:
S2 54 O Bus Cycle Status Information
S2 S1 S0 Bus Cycle Initiated
0 0 0 Interrupt Acknowledge
0 0 1 Read I/O
0 1 0 Write I/O
0 1 1 Halt
1 0 0 Instruction Fetch
1 0 1 Read Data from Memory
1 1 0 Write Data to Memory
1 1 1 Passive (no bus cycle)
The status pins float during HOLD.
S2 may be used as a logical M/IO indicator, and S1 as a DT/R indicator.

Pin names in parentheses apply to the 80188.

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Table 1. Pin Descriptions (Continued)

Symbol Type Name and Function
HOLD 50 I HOLD indicates that another bus master is requesting the local bus. The
HLDA 51 O HOLD input is active HIGH. HOLD may be asynchronous with respect to the
processor clock. The processor will issue a HLDA (HIGH) in response to a
HOLD request at the end of T4 or Ti. Simultaneous with the issuance of
HLDA, the processor will float the local bus and control lines. After HOLD is
detected as being LOW, the processor will lower HLDA. When the processor
needs to run another bus cycle, it will again drive the local bus and control
UCS 34 O Upper Memory Chip Select is an active LOW output whenever a memory
reference is made to the defined upper portion (1K – 256K block) of memory.
This line is not floated during bus HOLD. The address range activating UCS is
software programmable.
LCS 33 O Lower Memory Chip Select is active LOW whenever a memory reference is
made to the defined lower portion (1K – 256K) of memory. This line is not
floated during bus HOLD. The address range activating LCS is software
MCS0 38 O Mid-Range Memory Chip Select signals are active LOW when a memory
MCS1 37 O reference is made to the defined mid-range portion of memory (8K – 512K).
MCS2 36 O These lines are not floated during bus HOLD. The address ranges activating
MCS3 35 O MCS0 –3 are software programmable.

PCS0 25 O Peripheral Chip Select signals 0 – 4 are active LOW when a reference is made
PCS1 27 O to the defined peripheral area (64 Kbyte I/O space). These lines are not
PCS2 28 O floated during bus HOLD. The address ranges activating PCS0 – 4 are
PCS3 29 O software programmable.
PCS4 30 O
PCS5/A1 31 O Peripheral Chip Select 5 or Latched A1 may be programmed to provide a
sixth peripheral chip select, or to provide an internally latched A1 signal. The
address range activating PCS5 is software-programmable. PCS5/A1 does
not float during bus HOLD. When programmed to provide latched A1, this pin
will retain the previously latched value during HOLD.
PCS6/A2 32 O Peripheral Chip Select 6 or Latched A2 may be programmed to provide a
seventh peripheral chip select, or to provide an internally latched A2 signal.
The address range activating PCS6 is software programmable. PCS6/A2
does not float during bus HOLD. When programmed to provide latched A2,
this pin will retain the previously latched value during HOLD.
DT/R 40 O Data Transmit/Receive controls the direction of data flow through an
external data bus transceiver. When LOW, data is transferred to the
processsor. When HIGH, the processor places write data on the data bus.
DEN 39 O Data Enable is provided as a data bus transceiver output enable. DEN is
active LOW during each memory and I/O access. DEN is HIGH whenever
DT/R changes state. During RESET, DEN is driven HIGH for one clock, then
floated. DEN also floats during HOLD.

Pin names in parentheses apply to the 80188.

DataSheet 4 U .com


FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION Intel recommends the following values for crystal se-
lection parameters:
Temperature Range: 0 to 70§ C
Introduction ESR (Equivalent Series Resistance): 30X max
C0 (Shunt Capacitance of Crystal): 7.0 pf max
The following Functional Description describes the C1 (Load Capacitance): 20 pf g 2 pf
base architecture of the 80186. The 80186 is a very Drive Level: 1 mW max
high integration 16-bit microprocessor. It combines
15–20 of the most common microprocessor system
components onto one chip while providing twice the
performance of the standard 8086. The 80186 is ob-
Clock Generator
ject code compatible with the 8086/8088 microproc- The clock generator provides the 50% duty cycle
essors and adds 10 new instruction types to the processor clock for the processor. It does this by
8086/8088 instruction set. dividing the oscillator output by 2 forming the sym-
metrical clock. If an external oscillator is used, the
For more detailed information on the architecture, state of the clock generator will change on the fall-
please refer to the 80C186XL/80C188XL User’s ing edge of the oscillator signal. The CLKOUT pin
Manual. The 80186 and the 80186XL devices are provides the processor clock signal for use outside
functionally and register compatible. the device. This may be used to drive other system
components. All timings are referenced to the output
The processor provides an on-chip clock generator
for both internal and external clock generation. The
READY Synchronization
clock generator features a crystal oscillator, a divide- The processor provides both synchronous and asyn-
by-two counter, synchronous and asynchronous chronous ready inputs. In addition, the processor, as
ready inputs, and reset circuitry. part of the integrated chip-select logic, has the capa-
bility to program WAIT states for memory and
peripheral blocks.
The oscillator circuit is designed to be used with a
parallel resonant fundamental mode crystal. This is
used as the time base for the processor. The crystal The processor provides both a RES input pin and a
frequency selected will be double the CPU clock fre- synchronized RESET output pin for use with other
quency. Use of an LC or RC circuit is not recom- system components. The RES input pin is provided
mended with this oscillator. If an external oscillator is with hysteresis in order to facilitate power-on Reset
used, it can be connected directly to the input pin X1 generation via an RC network. RESET output is
in lieu of a crystal. The output of the oscillator is not guaranteed to remain active for at least five clocks
directly available outside the processor. The recom- given a RES input of at least six clocks.
mended crystal configuration is shown in Figure 5.


The processor provides a local bus controller to
generate the local bus control signals. In addition, it
employs a HOLD/HLDA protocol for relinquishing
the local bus to other bus masters. It also provides
outputs that can be used to enable external buffers
and to direct the flow of data on and off the local
272430 – 5 bus.
80186-10 (10 MHz) 20
80186 (8 MHz) 16

Figure 5. Recommended
Crystal Configuration

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Memory/Peripheral Control either memory or I/O space. Internal logic will recog-
nize control block addresses and respond to bus cy-
The processor provides ALE, RD, and WR bus con- cles. During bus cycles to internal registers, the bus
trol signals. The RD and WR signals are used to controller will signal the operation externally (i.e., the
strobe data from memory or I/O to the processor or RD, WR, status, address, data, etc., lines will be driv-
to strobe data from the processor to memory or I/O. en as in a normal bus cycle), but D15–0 (D7–0),
The ALE line provides a strobe to latch the address SRDY, and ARDY will be ignored. The base address
when it is valid. The local bus controller does not of the control block must be on an even 256-byte
provide a memory/I/O signal. If this is required, use boundary (i.e., the lower 8 bits of the base address
the S2 signal (which will require external latching), are all zeros).
make the memory and I/O spaces nonoverlapping,
or use only the integrated chip-select circuitry. The control block base address is programmed by a
16-bit relocation register contained within the control
block at offset FEH from the base address of the
Local Bus Arbitration control block. It provides the upper 12 bits of the
base address of the control block.
The processor uses a HOLD/HLDA system of local
bus exchange. This provides an asynchronous bus In addition to providing relocation information for the
exchange mechanism. This means multiple masters control block, the relocation register contains bits
utilizing the same bus can operate at separate clock which place the interrupt controller into Slave Mode,
frequencies. The processor provides a single and cause the CPU to interrupt upon encountering
HOLD/HLDA pair through which all other bus mas- ESC instructions.
ters may gain control of the local bus. External cir-
cuitry must arbitrate which external device will gain
control of the bus when there is more than one alter- Chip-Select/Ready Generation Logic
nate local bus master. When the processor relin-
quishes control of the local bus, it floats DEN, RD, The processor contains logic which provides
WR, S0–S2, LOCK, AD0–AD15 (AD0–AD7), programmable chip-select generation for both mem-
A16–A19 (A8–A19), BHE (S7), and DT/R to allow ories and peripherals. In addition, it can be pro-
another master to drive these lines directly. grammed to provide READY (or WAIT state) genera-
tion. It can also provide latched address bits A1 and
A2. The chip-select lines are active for all memory
Local Bus Controller and Reset and I/O cycles in their programmed areas, whether
they be generated by the CPU or by the integrated
During RESET the local bus controller will perform DMA unit.
the following action:
# Drive DEN, RD, and WR HIGH for one clock cy- MEMORY CHIP SELECTS
cle, then float.
The processor provides 6 memory chip select out-
NOTE: puts for 3 address areas; upper memory, lower
RD is also provided with an internal pull-up de- memory, and midrange memory. One each is provid-
vice to prevent the processor from inadvertently ed for upper memory and lower memory, while four
entering Queue Status Mode during RESET. are provided for midrange memory.
# Drive S0–S2 to the inactive state (all HIGH) and
then float. UPPER MEMORY CS
# Drive LOCK HIGH and then float.
The processor provides a chip select, called UCS,
# Float AD0–15 (AD0–AD7), A16–19 (A8–A19),
BHE (S7), DT/R. for the top of memory. The top of memory is usually
used as the system memory because after reset the
# Drive ALE LOW (ALE is never floated). processor begins executing at memory location

The processor provides a chip select for low memo-
All of the integrated peripherals are controlled by ry called LCS. The bottom of memory contains the
16-bit registers contained within an internal 256-byte
interrupt vector table, starting at location 00000H.
control block. The control block may be mapped into



DataSheet 4 U .com


The lower limit of memory defined by this chip select # Upon leaving RESET, the UCS line will be pro-
is always 0H, while the upper limit is programmable. grammed to provide chip selects to a 1K block
By programming the upper limit, the size of the with the accompanying READY control bits set at
memory block is defined. 011 to insert 3 wait states in conjunction with ex-
ternal READY (i.e., UMCS resets to FFFBH).
MID-RANGE MEMORY CS # No other chip select or READY control registers
have any predefined values after RESET. They
The processor provides four MCS lines which are will not become active until the CPU accesses
active within a user-locatable memory block. This their control registers. Both the PACS and MPCS
block can be located within the 1-Mbyte memory ad- registers must be accessed before the PCS lines
dress space exclusive of the areas defined by UCS will become active.
and LCS. Both the base address and size of this
memory block are programmable.
DMA Channels
PERIPHERAL CHIP SELECTS The DMA controller provides two independent DMA
channels. Data transfers can occur between memo-
The processor can generate chip selects for up to ry and I/O spaces (e.g., Memory to I/O) or within the
seven peripheral devices. These chip selects are ac- same space (e.g., Memory to Memory or I/O to I/O).
tive for seven contiguous blocks of 128 bytes above Data can be transferred either in bytes or in words
a programmable base address. The base address (80186 only) to or from even or odd addresses.
may be located in either memory or I/O space. Sev- Each DMA channel maintains both a 20-bit source
en CS lines called PCS0 –6 are generated by the and destination pointer which can be optionally in-
processor. PCS5 and PCS6 can also be pro- cremented or decremented after each data transfer
grammed to provide latched address bits A1 and A2. (by one or two depending on byte or word transfers).
If so programmed, they cannot be used as peripher- Each data transfer consumes 2 bus cycles (a mini-
al selects. These outputs can be connected directly mum of 8 clocks), one cycle to fetch data and the
to the A0 and A1 pins used for selecting internal other to store data. This provides a maximum data
registers of 8-bit peripheral chips. transfer rate of 1.25 Mword/sec or 2.5 Mbytes/sec
at 10 MHz (half of this rate for the 80188).
The processor can generate a READY signal inter-
nally for each of the memory or peripheral CS lines. Upon RESET, the DMA channels will perform the
The number of WAIT states to be inserted for each following actions:
peripheral or memory is programmable to provide
0–3 wait states for all accesses to the area for # The Start/Stop bit for each channel will be reset
which the chip select is active. In addition, the proc- to STOP.
essor may be programmed to either ignore external # Any transfer in progress is aborted.
READY for each chip-select range individually or to
factor external READY with the integrated ready
generator. Timers
The processor provides three internal 16-bit pro-
CHIP SELECT/READY LOGIC AND RESET grammable timers. Two of these are highly flexible
and are connected to four external pins (2 per timer).
Upon RESET, the Chip-Select/Ready Logic will per-
They can be used to count external events, time ex-
form the following actions:
ternal events, generate nonrepetitive waveforms,
# All chip-select outputs will be driven HIGH. etc. The third timer is not connected to any external
pins, and is useful for real-time coding and time de-
lay applications. In addition, the third timer can be
used as a prescaler to the other two, or as a DMA
request source.



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Upon RESET, the Timers will perform the following Upon RESET, the interrupt controller will perform
actions: the following actions:
# All EN (Enable) bits are reset preventing timer # All SFNM bits reset to 0, implying Fully Nested
counting. Mode.
# For Timers 0 and 1, the RIU bits are reset to zero # All PR bits in the various control registers set to 1.
and the ALT bits are set to one. This results in the This places all sources at lowest priority (level
Timer Out pins going high. 111).
# All LTM bits reset to 0, resulting in edge-sense
Interrupt Controller
# All Interrupt Service bits reset to 0.
The processor can receive interrupts from a number # All Interrupt Request bits reset to 0.
of sources, both internal and external. The internal
# All MSK (Interrupt Mask) bits set to 1 (mask).
interrupt controller serves to merge these requests
on a priority basis, for individual service by the CPU. # All C (Cascade) bits reset to 0 (non-Cascade).
# All PRM (Priority Mask) bits set to 1, implying no
Internal interrupt sources (Timers and DMA chan- levels masked.
nels) can be disabled by their own control registers
# Initialized to Master Mode.
or by mask bits within the interrupt controller. The
interrupt controller has its own control register that
sets the mode of operation for the controller.



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272430 – 6

Pin names in parenthesis apply to 80188.
(1) BHE does not exist on the 80188, this is only required for a 16-bit data bus.

Figure 6. Typical 80186/80188 Computer



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272430 – 7

Pin names in parentheses apply to 80188.
(1) BHE does not exist on the 80188, this is only required for a 16-bit data bus.

Figure 7. Typical 80186/80188 Multi-Master Bus Interface



DataSheet 4 U .com


ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS* NOTICE: This is a production data sheet. The specifi-
cations are subject to change without notice.
Ambient Temperature under Bias ÀÀÀÀÀÀ0§ C to 70§ C
*WARNING: Stressing the device beyond the ‘‘Absolute
Storage Temperature ÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ b 65§ C to a 150§ C Maximum Ratings’’ may cause permanent damage.
Voltage on any Pin with These are stress ratings only. Operation beyond the
Respect to GroundÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ b 1.0V to a 7V ‘‘Operating Conditions’’ is not recommended and ex-
tended exposure beyond the ‘‘Operating Conditions’’
Power Dissipation ÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ3W may affect device reliability.

D.C. CHARACTERISTICS (TA e 0§ C to a 70§ C, VCC e 5V g 10%)

Applicable to 8 MHz and 10 MHz devices.
Symbol Parameter Min Max Units Test Conditions
VIL Input Low Voltage b 0.5 a 0.8 V
VIH Input High Voltage 2.0 VCC a 0.5 V
(All except X1 and (RES)
VIH1 Input High Voltage (RES) 3.0 VCC a 0.5 V
VOL Output Low Voltage 0.45 V Ia e 2.5 mA for S0 –S2
Ia e 2.0 mA for all other Outputs
VOH Output High Voltage 2.4 V Ioa e b 400 mA
ICC Power Supply Current 600* mA TA e b 40§ C
550 mA T A e 0§ C
415 mA TA e a 70§ C
ILI Input Leakage Current g 10 mA 0V k VIN k VCC
ILO Output Leakage Current g 10 mA 0.45V k VOUT k VCC
VCLO Clock Output Low 0.6 V Ia e 4.0 mA
VCHO Clock Output High 4.0 V Ioa e b 200 mA
VCLI Clock Input Low Voltage b 0.5 0.6 V
VCHI Clock Input High Voltage 3.9 VCC a 1.0 V
CIN Input Capacitance 10 pF
CIO I/O Capacitance 20 pF
*For extended temperature parts only.



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A.C. CHARACTERISTICS (TA e 0§ C to a 70§ C, VCC e 5V g 10%)

Timing Requirements All Timings Measured At 1.5V Unless Otherwise Noted.
8 MHz 10 MHz Test
Symbol Parameter Units
Min Max Min Max Conditions

TDVCL Data in Setup (A/D) 20 15 ns

TCLDX Data in Hold (A/D) 10 8 ns
TARYHCH Asynchronous Ready 20 15 ns
(ARDY) Active Setup
TARYLCL ARDY Inactive Setup Time 35 25 ns
TCLARX ARDY Hold Time 15 15 ns
TARYCHL Asynchronous Ready 15 15 ns
Inactive Hold Time
TSRYCL Synchronous Ready (SRDY) 20 20 ns
Transition Setup Time(2)
TCLSRY SRDY Transition Hold 15 15 ns
THVCL HOLD Setup(1) 25 20 ns
TINVCL DRQ0, DRQ1, Setup(1) 25 20 ns
Master Interface Timing Responses
TCLAV Address Valid Delay 5 55 5 44 ns CL e 20 pF–200 pF
all Outputs
TCLAX Address Hold 10 10 ns
(Except TCLTMV) @
TCLAZ Address Float Delay TCLAX 35 TCLAX 30 ns 8 MHz and 10 MHz

TCHCZ Command Lines Float Delay 45 40 ns

TCHCV Command Lines Valid Delay 55 45 ns
(after Float)
TLHLL ALE Width TCLCL b 35 TCLCL b 30 ns
TCHLH ALE Active Delay 35 30 ns
TCHLL ALE Inactive Delay 35 30 ns
TLLAX Address Hold from ALE TCHCL b 25 TCHCL b 20 ns
TCLDV Data Valid Delay 10 44 10 40 ns
TCLDOX Data Hold Time 10 10 ns
TWHDX Data Hold after WR TCLCL b 40 TCLCL b 34 ns
TCVCTV Control Active Delay 1 5 50 5 40 ns
TCHCTV Control Active Delay 2 10 55 10 44 ns
TCVCTX Control Inactive Delay 5 55 5 44 ns
TCVDEX DEN Inactive Delay 10 70 10 56 ns
(Non-Write Cycle)
1. To guarantee recognition at next clock.
2. To guarantee proper operation.



DataSheet 4 U .com


A.C. CHARACTERISTICS (TA e 0§ C to a 70§ C, VCC e 5V g 10%) (Continued)

Master Interface Timing Responses (Continued)
8 MHz 10 MHz Test
Symbol Parameter Units
Min Max Min Max Conditions

TAZRL Address Float to RD Active 0 0 ns

TCLRL RD Active Delay 10 70 10 56 ns
TCLRH RD Inactive Delay 10 55 10 44 ns
TRHAV RD Inactive to Address TCLCL b 40 TCLCL b 40 ns
TCLHAV HLDA Valid Delay 5 50 5 40 ns
TRLRH RD Width 2TCLCL b 50 2TCLCL b 46 ns
TWLWH WR Width 2TCLCL b 40 2TCLCL b 34 ns
TAVLL Address Valid to ALE Low TCLCH b 25 TCLCH b 19 ns
TCHSV Status Active Delay 10 55 10 45 ns
TCLSH Status Inactive Delay 10 65 10 50 ns
TCLTMV Timer Output Delay 60 48 ns 100 pF max
@ 8 & 10 MHz

TCLRO Reset Delay 60 48 ns

TCHQSV Queue Status Delay 35 28 ns
TCHDX Status Hold Time 10 10 ns
TAVCH Address Valid to Clock High 10 10 ns
TCLLV LOCK Valid/Invalid Delay 5 65 5 60 ns
Chip-Select Timing Responses
TCLCSV Chip-Select Active Delay 66 45 ns
TCXCSX Chip-Select Hold from 35 35 ns
Command Inactive
TCHCSX Chip-Select Inactive Delay 5 35 5 32 ns
CLKIN Requirements
TCKIN CLKIN Period 62.5 250 50 250 ns
TCKHL CLKIN Fall Time 10 10 ns 3.5 to 1.0V
TCKLH CLKIN Rise Time 10 10 ns 1.0 to 3.5V
TCLCK CLKIN Low Time 25 20 ns 1.5V
TCHCK CLKIN High Time 25 20 ns 1.5V
CLKOUT Timing (200 pF load)
TCICO CLKIN to CLKOUT Skew 50 25 ns
TCLCL CLKOUT Period 125 500 100 500 ns
TCLCH CLKOUT Low Time (/2 TCLCL b 7.5 (/2 TCLCL b 6.0 ns 1.5V
TCHCL CLKOUT High Time (/2 TCLCL b 7.5 (/2 TCLCL b 6.0 ns 1.5V
TCH1CH2 CLKOUT Rise Time 15 12 ns 1.0 to 3.5V
TCL2CL1 CLKOUT Fall Time 15 12 ns 3.5 to 1.0V



DataSheet 4 U .com



L: Logic Level Low or ALE
Each timing symbol has from 5 to 7 characters. The O: Output
first character is always a ‘‘T’’ (stands for time). The QS: Queue Status (QS1, QS2)
other characters, depending on their positions, R: RD signal, RESET signal
stand for the name of a signal or the logical status of S: Status (S0, S1, S2)
that signal. The following is a list of all the charac- SRY: Synchronous Ready Input
ters and what they stand for. V: Valid
A: Address W: WR Signal
ARY: Asynchronous Ready Input X: No Longer a Valid Logic Level
C: Clock Output Z: Float
CK: Clock Input
CS: Chip Select Examples:
CT: Control (DT/R, DEN, . . . ) TCLAV Ð Time from Clock low to Address valid
D: Data Input TCHLH Ð Time from Clock high to ALE high
DE: DEN TCLCSV Ð Time from Clock low to Chip Select valid
H: Logic Level High



DataSheet 4 U .com




272430 – 8

Pin names in parentheses apply to the 80188.



DataSheet 4 U .com


WAVEFORMS (Continued)


NOTES: 272430 – 9
1. INTA occurs one clock later in slave mode.
2. Status inactive just prior to T4.
3. If latched A1 and A2 are selected instead of PCS5 and PCS6, only TCLCSV is applicable.
4. Pin names in parentheses apply to the 80188.



DataSheet 4 U .com


WAVEFORMS (Continued)

272430 – 10

272430 – 11

272430 – 12



DataSheet 4 U .com


WAVEFORMS (Continued)

272430 – 13

272430 – 14



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WAVEFORMS (Continued)


272430 – 15



DataSheet 4 U .com


272430 – 16

Pin names in parentheses apply to the 80188.



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WAVEFORMS (Continued)

272430 – 17

EXPRESS Package types and EXPRESS versions are identified

by a one- or two-letter prefix to the part number. The
The Intel EXPRESS system offers enhancements to prefixes are listed in Table 2. All A.C. and D.C. speci-
the operational specifications of the microprocessor. fications not mentioned in this section are the same
EXPRESS products are designed to meet the needs for both commercial and EXPRESS parts.
of those applications whose operating requirements
exceed commercial standards. Table 2. Prefix Identification
Package Temperature
The EXPRESS program includes the commercial Prefix Burn-In
standard temperature range with burn-in and an ex- Type Range
tended temperature range without burn-in. A PGA Commercial No

With the commercial standard temperature range N PLCC Commercial No

operational characteristics are guaranteed over the R LCC Commercial No
temperature range of 0§ C to a 70§ C. With the ex-
tended temperature range option, operational char- TA PGA Extended No
acteristics are guaranteed over the range of b 40§ C QA PGA Commercial Yes
to a 85§ C.
QR LCC Commercial Yes
The optional burn-in is dynamic, for a minimum time
of 160 hours at a 125§ C with VCC e 5.5V g 0.25V, NOTE:
following guidelines in MIL-STD-883, Method 1015. Not all package/temperature range/speed combinations
are available.



DataSheet 4 U .com


EXECUTION TIMINGS All instructions which involve memory accesses can

also require one or two additional clocks above the
A determination of program execution timing must minimum timings shown due to the asynchronous
consider the bus cycles necessary to prefetch in- handshake between the bus interface unit (BIU) and
structions as well as the number of execution unit execution unit.
cycles necessary to execute instructions. The fol-
lowing instruction timings represent the minimum ex- All jumps and calls include the time required to fetch
ecution time in clock cycles for each instruction. The the opcode of the next instruction at the destination
timings given are based on the following assump- address.
The 80186 has sufficient bus performance to ensure
# The opcode, along with any data or displacement
required for execution of a particular instruction, that an adequate number of prefetched bytes will
has been prefetched and resides in the queue at reside in the queue (6 bytes) most of the time.
the time it is needed. Therefore, actual program execution time will not be
substantially greater than that derived from adding
# No wait states or bus HOLDS occur. the instruction timings shown.
# All word-data is located on even-address bound-
aries. The 80188 is noticeably limited in its performance
relative to the execution unit. A sufficient number of
prefetched bytes may not reside in the prefetch
queue (4 bytes) much of the time. Therefore, actual
program execution time may be substantially greater
than that derived from adding the instruction timings



DataSheet 4 U .com



80186 80188
Function Format Clock Clock Comments
Cycles Cycles
MOV e Move:
Register to Register/Memory 1000100w mod reg r/m 2/12 2/12*

Register/memory to register 1000101w mod reg r/m 2/9 2/9*

Immediate to register/memory 1100011w mod 000 r/m data data if w e 1 12/13 12/13 8/16-bit

Immediate to register 1 0 1 1 w reg data data if w e 1 3/4 3/4 8/16-bit

Memory to accumulator 1010000w addr-low addr-high 8 8*

Accumulator to memory 1010001w addr-low addr-high 9 9*

Register/memory to segment register 10001110 mod 0 reg r/m 2/9 2/13

Segment register to register/memory 10001100 mod 0 reg r/m 2/11 2/15

PUSH e Push:
Memory 11111111 mod 1 1 0 r/m 16 20

Register 0 1 0 1 0 reg 10 14

Segment register 0 0 0 reg 1 1 0 9 13

Immediate 011010s0 data data if s e 0 10 14

PUSHA e Push All 01100000 36 68

POP e Pop:
Memory 10001111 mod 0 0 0 r/m 20 24

Register 0 1 0 1 1 reg 10 14

Segment register 0 0 0 reg 1 1 1 (reg i 01) 8 12

POPA e Pop All 01100001 51 83

XCHG e Exchange:
Register/memory with register 1000011w mod reg r/m 4/17 4/17*

Register with accumulator 1 0 0 1 0 reg 3 3

IN e Input from:
Fixed port 1110010w port 10 10*

Variable port 1110110w 8 8*

OUT e Output to:
Fixed port 1110011w port 9 9*

Variable port 1110111w 7 7*

XLAT e Translate byte to AL 11010111 11 15

LEA e Load EA to register 10001101 mod reg r/m 6 6

LDS e Load pointer to DS 11000101 mod reg r/m (mod i 11) 18 26

LES e Load pointer to ES 11000100 mod reg r/m (mod i 11) 18 26

LAHF e Load AH with flags 10011111 2 2

SAHF e Store AH into flags 10011110 3 3

PUSHF e Push flags 10011100 9 13

POPF e Pop flags 10011101 8 12

Shaded areas indicate instructions not available in 8086, 8088 microsystems.

*Clock cycles shown for byte transfers, for word operations, add 4 clock cycles for each memory transfer.



DataSheet 4 U .com



80186 80188
Function Format Clock Clock Comments
Cycles Cycles
SEGMENT e Segment Override:
CS 00101110 2 2

SS 00110110 2 2

DS 00111110 2 2

ES 00100110 2 2
ADD e Add:
Reg/memory with register to either 000000dw mod reg r/m 3/10 3/10*

Immediate to register/memory 100000sw mod 0 0 0 r/m data data if s w e 01 4/16 4/16*

Immediate to accumulator 0000010w data data if w e 1 3/4 3/4 8/16-bit

ADC e Add with carry:

Reg/memory with register to either 000100dw mod reg r/m 3/10 3/10*

Immediate to register/memory 100000sw mod 0 1 0 r/m data data if s w e 01 4/16 4/16*

Immediate to accumulator 0001010w data data if w e 1 3/4 3/4 8/16-bit

INC e Increment:
Register/memory 1111111w mod 0 0 0 r/m 3/15 3/15*

Register 0 1 0 0 0 reg 3 3

SUB e Subtract:
Reg/memory and register to either 001010dw mod reg r/m 3/10 3/10*

Immediate from register/memory 100000sw mod 1 0 1 r/m data data if s w e 01 4/16 4/16*

Immediate from accumulator 0010110w data data if w e 1 3/4 3/4 8/16-bit

SBB e Subtract with borrow:

Reg/memory and register to either 000110dw mod reg r/m 3/10 3/10*

Immediate from register/memory 100000sw mod 0 1 1 r/m data data if s w e 01 4/16 4/16*

Immediate from accumulator 0001110w data data if w e 1 3/4 3/4 8/16-bit

DEC e Decrement
Register/memory 1111111w mod 0 0 1 r/m 3/15 3/15*

Register 0 1 0 0 1 reg 3 3

CMP e Compare:
Register/memory with register 0011101w mod reg r/m 3/10 3/10*

Register with register/memory 0011100w mod reg r/m 3/10 3/10*

Immediate with register/memory 100000sw mod 1 1 1 r/m data data if s w e 01 3/10 3/10*

Immediate with accumulator 0011110w data data if w e 1 3/4 3/4 8/16-bit

NEG e Change sign register/memory 1111011w mod 0 1 1 r/m 3/10 3/10*

AAA e ASCII adjust for add 00110111 8 8

DAA e Decimal adjust for add 00100111 4 4

AAS e ASCII adjust for subtract 00111111 7 7

DAS e Decimal adjust for subtract 00101111 4 4

MUL e Multiply (unsigned): 1111011w mod 100 r/m

Register-Byte 26–28 26–28
Register-Word 35–37 35–37
Memory-Byte 32–34 32–34
Memory-Word 41–43 41–43*
Shaded areas indicate instructions not available in 8086, 8088 microsystems.
*Clock cycles shown for byte transfers, for word operations, add 4 clock cycles for each memory transfer.



DataSheet 4 U .com



80186 80188
Function Format Clock Clock Comments
Cycles Cycles
ARITHMETIC (Continued)
IMUL e Integer multiply (signed): 1111011w mod 1 0 1 r/m
Register-Byte 25–28 25–28
Register-Word 34–37 34–37
Memory-Byte 31–34 31–34
Memory-Word 40–43 40–43*

IMUL e Integer Immediate multiply 011010s1 mod reg r/m data data if s e 0 22–25/ 22–25/
(signed) 29–32 29–32

DIV e Divide (unsigned): 1111011w mod 1 1 0 r/m

Register-Byte 29 29
Register-Word 38 38
Memory-Byte 35 35
Memory-Word 44 44*
IDIV e Integer divide (signed): 1111011w mod 1 1 1 r/m
Register-Byte 44–52 44–52
Register-Word 53–61 53–61
Memory-Byte 50–58 50–58
Memory-Word 59–67 59–67*
AAM e ASCII adjust for multiply 11010100 00001010 19 19

AAD e ASCII adjust for divide 11010101 00001010 15 15

CBW e Convert byte to word 10011000 2 2

CWD e Convert word to double word 10011001 4 4

Shift/Rotate Instructions:
Register/Memory by 1 1101000w mod TTT r/m 2/15 2/15

Register/Memory by CL 1101001w mod TTT r/m 5 a n/17 a n 5 a n/17 a n

Register/Memory by Count 1100000w mod TTT r/m count 5 a n/17 a n 5 a n/17 a n

TTT Instruction
000 ROL
001 ROR
010 RCL
011 RCR
1 0 0 SHL/SAL
101 SHR
111 SAR
AND e And:
Reg/memory and register to either 001000dw mod reg r/m 3/10 3/10*

Immediate to register/memory 1000000w mod 1 0 0 r/m data data if w e 1 4/16 4/16*

Immediate to accumulator 0010010w data data if w e 1 3/4 3/4 8/16-bit

TEST e And function to flags, no result:

Register/memory and register 1000010w mod reg r/m 3/10 3/10*

Immediate data and register/memory 1111011w mod 0 0 0 r/m data data if w e 1 4/10 4/10*

Immediate data and accumulator 1010100w data data if w e 1 3/4 3/4 8/16-bit

OR e Or:
Reg/memory and register to either 000010dw mod reg r/m 3/10 3/10*

Immediate to register/memory 1000000w mod 0 0 1 r/m data data if w e 1 4/16 4/16*

Immediate to accumulator 0000110w data data if w e 1 3/4 3/4 8/16-bit

Shaded areas indicate instructions not available in 8086, 8088 microsystems.

*Clock cycles shown for byte transfers, for word operations, add 4 clock cycles for each memory transfer.



DataSheet 4 U .com



80186 80188
Function Format Clock Clock Comments
Cycles Cycles
LOGIC (Continued)
XOR e Exclusive or:
Reg/memory and register to either 001100dw mod reg r/m 3/10 3/10*

Immediate to register/memory 1000000w mod 1 1 0 r/m data data if w e 1 4/16 4/16*

Immediate to accumulator 0011010w data data if w e 1 3/4 3/4 8/16-bit

NOT e Invert register/memory 1111011w mod 0 1 0 r/m 3/10 3/10*

MOVS e Move byte/word 1010010w 14 14*

CMPS e Compare byte/word 1010011w 22 22*

SCAS e Scan byte/word 1010111w 15 15*

LODS e Load byte/wd to AL/AX 1010110w 12 12*

STOS e Store byte/wd from AL/AX 1010101w 10 10*

INS e Input byte/wd from DX port 0110110w 14 14

OUTS e Output byte/wd to DX port 0110111w 14 14

Repeated by count in CX (REP/REPE/REPZ/REPNE/REPNZ)

MOVS e Move string 11110010 1010010w 8 a 8n 8 a 8n*

CMPS e Compare string 1111001z 1010011w 5 a 22n 5 a 22n*

SCAS e Scan string 1111001z 1010111w 5 a 15n 5 a 15n*

LODS e Load string 11110010 1010110w 6 a 11n 6 a 11n*

STOS e Store string 11110010 1010101w 6 a 9n 6 a 9n*

INS e Input string 11110010 0110110w 8 a 8n 8 a 8n*

OUTS e Output string 11110010 0110111w 8 a 8n 8 a 8n*

CALL e Call:
Direct within segment 11101000 disp-low disp-high 15 19

Register/memory 11111111 mod 0 1 0 r/m 13/19 17/27

indirect within segment

Direct intersegment 10011010 segment offset 23 31

segment selector

Indirect intersegment 11111111 mod 0 1 1 r/m (mod i 11) 38 54

JMP e Unconditional jump:

Short/long 11101011 disp-low 14 14

Direct within segment 11101001 disp-low disp-high 14 14

Register/memory 11111111 mod 1 0 0 r/m 11/17 11/21

indirect within segment

Direct intersegment 11101010 segment offset 14 14

segment selector

Indirect intersegment 11111111 mod 1 0 1 r/m (mod i 11) 26 34

Shaded areas indicate instructions not available in 8086, 8088 microsystems.

*Clock cycles shown for byte transfers, for word operations, add 4 clock cycles for each memory transfer.



DataSheet 4 U .com



80186 80188
Function Format Clock Clock Comments
Cycles Cycles
RET e Return from CALL:
Within segment 11000011 16 20

Within seg adding immed to SP 11000010 data-low data-high 18 22

Intersegment 11001011 22 30

Intersegment adding immediate to SP 11001010 data-low data-high 25 33

JE/JZ e Jump on equal/zero 01110100 disp 4/13 4/13 JMP not

JL/JNGE e Jump on less/not greater or equal 01111100 disp 4/13 4/13
JLE/JNG e Jump on less or equal/not greater 01111110 disp 4/13 4/13

JB/JNAE e Jump on below/not above or equal 01110010 disp 4/13 4/13

JBE/JNA e Jump on below or equal/not above 01110110 disp 4/13 4/13

JP/JPE e Jump on parity/parity even 01111010 disp 4/13 4/13

JO e Jump on overflow 01110 000 disp 4/13 4/13

JS e Jump on sign 01111000 disp 4/13 4/13

JNE/JNZ e Jump on not equal/not zero 01110101 disp 4/13 4/13

JNL/JGE e Jump on not less/greater or equal 01111101 disp 4/13 4/13

JNLE/JG e Jump on not less or equal/greater 01111111 disp 4/13 4/13

JNB/JAE e Jump on not below/above or equal 01110011 disp 4/13 4/13

JNBE/JA e Jump on not below or equal/above 01110111 disp 4/13 4/13

JNP/JPO e Jump on not par/par odd 01111011 disp 4/13 4/13

JNO e Jump on not overflow 01110001 disp 4/13 4/13

JNS e Jump on not sign 01111001 disp 4/13 4/13

JCXZ e Jump on CX zero 11100011 disp 5/15 5/15

LOOP e Loop CX times 11100010 disp 6/16 6/16 LOOP not

LOOPZ/LOOPE e Loop while zero/equal 11100001 disp 6/16 6/16
LOOPNZ/LOOPNE e Loop while not zero/equal 11100000 disp 6/16 6/16

ENTER e Enter Procedure 11001000 data-low data-high L

Le0 15 19
Le1 25 29
Ll1 22 a 16(n b 1) 26 a 20(n b 1)
LEAVE e Leave Procedure 11001001 8 8

INT e Interrupt:

Type specified 11001101 type 47 47

Type 3 11001100 45 45 if INT. taken/

if INT. not
INTO e Interrupt on overflow 11001110 48/4 48/4

IRET e Interrupt return 11001111 28 28

BOUND e Detect value out of range 01100010 mod reg r/m 33–35 33–35

Shaded areas indicate instructions not available in 8086, 8088 microsystems.

*Clock cycles shown for byte transfers, for word operations, add 4 clock cycles for each memory transfer.



DataSheet 4 U .com



80186 80188
Function Format Clock Clock Comments
Cycles Cycles

CLC e Clear carry 11111000 2 2

CMC e Complement carry 11110101 2 2

STC e Set carry 11111001 2 2

CLD e Clear direction 11111100 2 2

STD e Set direction 11111101 2 2

CLI e Clear interrupt 11111010 2 2

STI e Set interrupt 11111011 2 2

HLT e Halt 11110100 2 2

WAIT e Wait 10011011 6 6 if TEST e 0

LOCK e Bus lock prefix 11110000 2 3

ESC e Processor Extension Escape 11011TTT mod LLL r/m 6 6

(TTT LLL are opcode to processor extension)

NOP e No Operation 10010000 3 3

Shaded areas indicate instructions not available in 8086, 8088 microsystems.

*Clock cycles shown for byte transfers, for word operations, add 4 clock cycles for each memory transfer.

FOOTNOTES reg is assigned according to the following:

The Effective Address (EA) of the memory operand Segment

is computed according to the mod and r/m fields: Register
if mod e 11 then r/m is treated as REG field 00 ES
if mod e 00 then DISP e 0*, disp-low and disp-high are absent 01 CS
if mod e 01 then DISP e disp-low sign-extended to 16-bits, disp-high
is absent
10 SS
if mod e 10 then DISP e disp-high: disp-low 11 DS
if r/m e 000 then EA e (BX) a (SI) a DISP
if r/m e 001 then EA e (BX) a (DI) a DISP
if r/m e 010 then EA e (BP) a (SI) a DISP REG is assigned according to the following table:
if r/m e 011 then EA e (BP) a (DI) a DISP
if r/m e 100 then EA e (SI) a DISP
if r/m e 101 then EA e (DI) a DISP 16-Bit (w e 1) 8-Bit (w e 0)
if r/m e 110 then EA e (BP) a DISP* 000 AX 000 AL
if r/m e 111 then EA e (BX) a DISP
001 CX 001 CL
010 DX 010 DL
DISP follows 2nd byte of instruction (before data if
required) 011 BX 011 BL
100 SP 100 AH
*except if mod e 00 and r/m e 110 then EA e 101 BP 101 CH
disp-high: disp-low. 110 SI 110 DH
111 DI 111 BH
EA calculation time is 4 clock cycles for all modes,
and is included in the execution times given whenev-
er appropriate. The physical addresses of all operands addressed
by the BP register are computed using the SS seg-
Segment Override Prefix ment register. The physical addresses of the desti-
nation operands of the string primitive operations
0 0 1 reg 1 1 0 (those addressed by the DI register) are computed
using the ES segment, which may not be overridden.



DataSheet 4 U .com


This data sheet replaces the following data sheets:
210706-011 80188
210451-011 80186



DataSheet 4 U .com

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