Temperature Distribution in Concrete Bridges by E C Hambly PDF

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The key takeaways are that the document discusses temperature distributions and stresses in concrete bridges, and describes how to calculate temperature distributions within bridge decks and the resulting stresses induced by temperature changes.

The main topics discussed in the document are temperature distributions within bridge decks, how these distributions change throughout the day, methods for calculating temperature distributions and temperature-induced stresses, and factors that influence stresses in concrete bridge decks.

The author describes calculating temperature distributions within bridge decks as involving idealizing the surface temperature variations into sinusoidal curves representing average temperatures and daily fluctuations, and determining the distribution within the deck due to the steady state average temperature difference and daily fluctuations separately before combining them.

Temperature distributions and

stresses in concrete bridges

E. c. Hambly, MA, PhD, CEng, MIStructE, MICE
Dr. Edmund C. Hambly, Consulting Civil Engineer

The paper is intendedto give designers an understanding and
visual appreciation of the way temperature distributions within
bridge decks form andchange throughout theday. Any
temperature distributionis considered as a superposition of a
steady state average heat flow between top and bottom
surfaces and an hourly changing variation near the surfaces.
Both componentsare analysed by classic theory of conductivity
and can often be sketched by eye. The influences ofsurfacing - 0
0000 1200 2400
0000 1200 2400
and lightweightaggregate concrete are indicated. hrs hrs
The paper also demonstrates how thestresses induced by (a) Surface
Temperatures ( b ) Sinusoidal
temperature in simply supported and continuous structures can
be calculated from the temperature distributions. I n concrete
bridge decks the temperature-inducedstresses depend sig- CO change
nificantly onhow the section cracked
is under sagging or
hogging moments,or with no moment. The author is not clear
about how to combine calculated temperature stresses with
other loadings and it is suggested thatit may be more rational
to consider combination ofstrains. Temperature effects then
appear much less significant for thecase considered.
0 ..... ; . . . . . ; . . . . . : . . . . S .

OOOO ~~~ 1200 2400

Introduction hrs
Thermal behaviour of a dmk ( c ) Average
Temperatures ( d 1 Surface
Bridgedecks are usuallydesigned so thatthey cantolerate
Fig 1. Temperatures at top and bottomsurfaces of bridge deck
certain distributions of temperature through the deck section as
during oneday
well as an overall
decrease in temperature.
peratureforroutine design are likely to beincludedinthe
Bridge Code BS 5400 and are anticipated in the Department of
Transport memorandum BE1/77’, backed up by Transport and
RoadResearchLaboratoryReportLR561byEmerson2. For of a bridge.Thecurves showndonot relate to aparticular
non-typical decks a method cf calculation has been recommen- bridge or place: specific examples are illustrated by Wilson4 and
ded which uses a computer programme for an iterative finite Emerson5e6 wholistsother reports.Onacoolingday the
difference analysis of one-dimensional heatflow. The method is periodic nature of temperatures is similarto (a) but with the top
satisfactory for many deck designs, but it is difficult fora user to cooler than thebottom and the amplitude of variation smaller.
appreciate at a glance the underlying thermal behaviour of the Thecalculation of temperaturedistributionwithin a deck,
authorhas found it easier t o obtainthis such as in Fig 2, is assisted by idealising the surface tempera-
understanding from
the classical
analyses of heat flow ture variations of Fig 1 (a) as sinusoidal curves in (b). These in
reproducedbelow. Hefirst usedthe methodin1970when turn can be considered as the superposition of a steady state
working for Ove Arup and Partners under Robert Benaim on the
design ofsome bridges for sub-tropical climate.
in(c)betweenthetop and bottom
TT and TB, anddailyfluctuationsof
temperature in (d) of amplitude A?T and A?B a t the top and
Surface temperatures bottom surfaces.
Emerson2 considers the thermal interaction of a deck and its
environment, and investigates the flows of heat in and out of A verage temperatures
thestructurebyradiation andconvection.Howeverduring The temperature distribution within the deck due to the steady
design it is much easier to work directly from observations of statedifference in averagetemperaturescanbedetermined
surface temperatures which are available for many c ~ u n t r i e s ~ , ~ most simply by sketching a flow net on the cross-section, as in
andthisprocedureis followed here. The temperature of the Fig 2(a).
, I

upper surface of blacktop is influenced little by the structure

below if theslab is 200mm thickor more (butit is influenced by Daily fluctuations in temperature
surface colour). Theequationforthetemperaturedistributionwithin a large
Fig 1 (a) indicates typical relationships between temperature bodywhich has a planesurfacesubjected to atemperature
and time throughout a hot day for the top and bottom surfaces varying sinusoidally with time is given by lngersoll et al.’ (and

al The 143 56A

by Wilson4 who investigated periodic temperature distributions -A?
within pavements):
A T = A j e x p ( - x e sin(yt - x e K ) .... ( 1 )
where x = depth belowsurface
t = time
K = diffusivity of material= k/pc
k = conductivity of material
p = density of material
c = specific heat
y = diurnal frequency = 2 d 2 4 hr-'
Assumingconcretehasproperties(liable to much scatter)
of k c = 1 .4W/m0 C, p = 2400kg/m3, c = 960J/kg0 C =

Fig 3. Three-hourly distributions of temperature below surface

thick slab (including asphalt) subjected to
temperature atsurface

(a) Steady state contours between
average temperatures

same time. However it is possible for the bottom fluctuation to

lag several hours behind the top; Fig 2(c) indicates the contours
when top is at maximum and bottom is six hours behind in its
In slabs thinner than 600mm the heat flows from the two
surfaces interact and (1) is not strictly correct.The temperature
layerfluctuations with bothsurfaces at day maxima
equation is much more complicated since both temperatures
0 A?- ,AT- andthethickness are involved. Howeverformost design
situations it is sufficiently accurate to draw the curves from Fig
3 for top and bottom overlapping and to sketch as in Fig 4 a
sensible curve between theenvelope (i.e. the greater of the t w o
at each point) and the sum of thetwo curves.
AT,= 0
( c ) Surface layer fluctuations with bottom lagging 6hrs behlnd top Overall temperature distribution
Theoveralltemperature distributionthroughoutthe deckis
obtained by superposing the steady state distribution of Fig 2(a)
indicates the combination of(a) and (b).

Cellular bridge decks

Observations of Capps6 and Emersongindicate that
( d l Combined temperature distribution o f ( a ) + ( b ) temperature of the air trapped in the cells of a cellular deck
changes by only 1 or 2OC during the day. For design purposes it
Fig 2. Temperature distributions within bridge deck (including
is probably reasonable to assume that this air temperature is
constant, at the value obtained from the steady state flow net
(assuming the
behaves as a perfect
temperature fluctuations in the cell walls due to changes at the
outsidefacecanthenbesuperimposed as ifpartofasolid
structure. (If theair is not trapped and exchanges freelywith the
Substituting this into (1) we obtain the curves of Fig 3 of air outside then its temperature inside will change with that of
temperattire distribution at various times during the day. It has the air outside.)
been assumed that the maximumsurface temperature occurs at
1 4 0 0 hrs. Effect of surfacing
It is interesting to note that the surface of the concrete is In the preceding discussion surfacing has been assumed to be
only affected to a depth of about 300mm. part of the deck thickness, because the difference in thermal
The variation of temperature with depth at any time can be behaviour of asphalt and concrete is small in comparison with
plotted as contours on the deck cross-section, as in Fig 2(b) for the general degree of approximation in material properties and
flows from .top surface a t maximum rise of 15OC. and from assumedtemperatures. However it is important to takecare
bottom ,surface a t maximum riseof5°C.(Thecontours are about which levels the design or Code temperature data relate
guessed, inthe corners wherethe, . assumptionofone- .. to. If the.y relate to top of concrete under a specified thickness
dimensional heat flow 'is not satisfied.) It has been assumed of asphalt then the curves of Fig 3 must be interpreted in terms
that both surfacesexperience maximum temperatures at the of the temperatures at this level and not thetop.

144 The Structural Engineer/May 1978lNo. 5IVolume 56A

Ifthedesignwarrants special attention t o surfacing, the
differences in asphaltandconcretecanbeconsideredquite
simply. The steady state temperature flow of Fig 2(a) is only
affectedbyconductivity k, andthe‘slowingdown’effectof
asphaltcanbereproducedbythickening it intheflownet
diagram in proportionkd’ka of the conductivities of concrete and
asphalt. If asphalt is assumed to have typical properties (with
muchscatter)of ka = l.lW/m°C, p = 2100kg/m3 and c =
900J/kg°C = 0.25Whr/kg°C, then the equivalent thickness for
0 30

steady state flow is (1.4/1.1) = 1.26 times actual thickness. (a) ( b ) Temperatures slice
( c ) Free strains
The hourly fluctuating temperature of (1) depends on<K, and
the different properties of as halt are reproduced by givingit an
equivalent thickness of da. For the values above 0 0 1.3 0 3:2

K - = 2.1 x 10-3 m2/hr
a- 2100 x 0.25

a=2/22/21=1.02 b0 1.3

(dl Restrained slice (e 1 Average (f 1 Locked-in

Lightweight aggregate concrete compression stresses and moment
Lightweightaggregateconcreteforstructural use in bridges
with sand fines and a density of the order of p = 1900kg/m3 0 3.2 -0.7 0 .- 0 2.5

could have properties k = 0.8W/m°C and c = 0.27Whr/kg°C.
The steady state flow net of Fig 2(a)isnotaffectedbythe
change of properties, except that the surfacing will absorb a
smallerproportionofthetemperature fall.Thehourlyfluc- ‘\,
tuating temperature distribution ofFig 2(b) is also little affected I I \ I
since the density as well as the conductivity is reduced and the
diffusivity is K = 0.8/(1900 x 0.27) = 1.6 x 1OP3 m3/hr.
M0 1.5
L 08
(6MN/m’ n steel)
The temperature penetration in Fig 3 reduced
is by
2- = 0.85, i.e. the depth of influence is reduced from ( f1 ( g ) Moment release ( h ) Residual
about 300mmto260mm.Althoughthe temperaturedistri-
Fig 5. Temperature stressesin crackedreinforcedconcrete
butions are notmuchdifferentfromordinaryconcretethe
subjected to sagging moment
induced stresses are significantly lower because of the additio-
nal affect of the lower Young’s Modulus.

maximum stresses calculated near the top surfaces are

I relatively
the precise shape ofthe
IO distribution. Consequently fairly crude approximations for the
temperature distribution away from the surfaces can be made
without seriously affecting accuracy. It is also worth adding that
creep in the concrete on hotdays could have a small effect. But
it is probably not worth trying to anticipate such beneficial or
detrimental effects on routine design until there is much more
experimental evidence of the stresses induced by temperature
and of their influences on the strength of the structure.

Simply supported cracked reinforced concrete slab

The thermal behaviour ofcracked concrete bridge decks is more
complicated than that of uncracked decks because the section
properties vary along the span as moment and reinforcement
vary, andthe level oftheneutral axis changes as thermal
i expansion (orcontraction) near theneutral axis closes (or
\ extends) the cracks. As a firstapproximation it is assumed
Fig 4. Estimation of temperature distribution within thin slab belowthattheneutral axis doesnotmove (i.e. thesmall
(including asphalt) from superposition of distributions for top thermal compression stresses on cracked side of neutral axis
and bottomsurfaces of thick slab are ignored). The following discussion follows the same course
as Hambly” and demonstrates the phenomenon with a worked
Fig 5(a) illustrates a vertical cut in a l m deep concrete slab
(feu = 30MN/m2) with 1% reinforcement at 50mm from bottom.
Stresses inducedby thermal expansion The depth of compression under sagging moment is360mm at
Uncracked concrete top.
The deckis
subjected to the assumed temperature
A methodofcalculationoftemperature-induced stresses in distribution of(b).
simplysupportedandcontinuousbridgedecksofuncracked If a thin slice could expand freely it would experience the
section is explained by Priestley’O and Hambly” (Chapter 1 1 1. strains of (c) if the coefficient of expansion n = 12 x 1O-’/OC.
The method is
further However, it is easier to calculate stresses byassumingthat
comment is warranted. However it is worth observing that the each slice to start with regidly
is restrained againstexpansion. If

ral 56A
The 5/Volume
Engineer/May 1978/No.
Young's Moduli for the concrete and steel are 28 000MN/m2 stresses
and 200 000MN/m2, respectively, then the strains of (c) would
be prevented by the stresses of (dl. The steel cross-section has
been transformed to an area of concrete Of (200 000/28000)
X 0.01 = 0.07m2. (The Young's Modulusforconcrete is
assumed to be the design value for live loading. A lower figure ( a ) Locked-in moment and residual
relevant to a duration of loading of three or six hours may be
more appropriate.) The thermal strains in the concrete below
the neutral axis are assumed to be absorbed by the cracks.
The restrained slice stresses of (d) can be thoughtasofmade
up of their average compression in (e) and the variation from
the average (f).Ifthe deckis allowedto extend, butstill
prevented from flexing, the average compression (e) is released (b) Releasing moment
and (f) remains locked in. The latter has anet moment
component found by taking moments about any point. Here the
locked-in moment is sagging of value


locked-in moment at the end restraints as shown in Fig. 6. The (c) Residual stresses
locked-in sagging moment is released by superposing an equal
and opposite end moment. This causes the stresses of Fig 5(g) Fig 6. Release of temperaturemoment in simply supported
withhogging flexure,andleavestheresidualstressesof (h)
which have to be designed for.

Continuous cracked reinforced concrete slab 0 2.6 0.3

The analysis of a continuous deck is more complicated because
the temperature stress distributions are different in hogging and
because the
moments is accompanied bya redistribution of moments.
Fig 7(a) indicates a section of slab with 1% top reinforce-
ment crackedbyahogging moment. By following a similar
procedure to that described for Fig 5 it is possible to derive the
stresses of Fig 7(f) for the deck when the ends are restrained
againstrotation.Thisstressdiagramhas a saggingbending ( f ) Locked-in
residual ( h ) Residual
component ofvalue and moment

M~=O.l.;MNrn/m Fig 7. Temperature stresses incrackedreinforcedconcrete

subjected tohogging moment
In a simply supported deck this moment is released and only
the residualstresses of (h)remain.
In a continuousorframestructure the relaxationofthe
bending component of Figs 5(f) and 7(f) requires a continuous
beam or frameanalysis.
8 the release of * 09 *09 013 -13 -09 ~ 0 9 MNm/m
temperaturemomentin a two-span deck.Thesaggingand
hogging regions are shown restrained in (a) with the locked-in
momentsactingontheirfixedjoints. It isassumed that the
reinforcement and cracking are uniform along each section. The
stresses stresses
net restraints at joints must be relaxed by applying the equal of Fig 5(f) of Fig 7(f)
andoppositemoments(b): thesecauseflexureandtheir
momentdiagram isobtained from a continuousbeamor (a) Locked-in stressesin restrained sagging
grillage analysis. The total stresses are then the combination of
the locked-in temperature stresses in each part of (a) and the
-09 -09 MNm/m
appropriate bending stressesfrom the moment in (b).
A similarprocedure to theabovecanbe followedforthe
transverse stresses in a cellular deck,
byconsidering the
relaxation of the moment component of the locked-in stresses
in a frame reproducing slabs and webs.

Cracked reinforced concrete with no moment

If the temperature stresses act alone on a section without any ( b ) Distribution o f releasing
appliedmoment controlling
crackingthenvirtuallynotemperature stressesdevelopin a
simplysupportedcracked slab, because the crackscanopen
anywhere as tension develops in the concrete. But if the slab is
restrained against flexure by fixed edges, such as a slab of a
box, thenthetemperaturedistributioncontrolsthedepth of
cracking, as inFig9, withthetop compressioninconcrete
( c ) Design condition, sum o f (a) + ( b )
reacting with tensioninbottomreinforcement.However as
soon as external moment is applied thestresses are modified. Fig 8. Release of temperature moments in a continuousdeck

146 The Structural Engineer/May 1978/No. 5/Volume 56A

Combination of temperature and other load effects 0 2.2 0 2.3
stresses should be combined with stresses of other loadings,
since the stress-strainrelationship for concreteis both non-
linearand time dependent.Under maximumloadthe stress
diagramdue to deadloadandliveloads might be as in Fig
10(a).Superposing thetemperaturestressdiagramof (b)
0 0.6 0 2-2 -1.6 0
(from Fig 5(f)) the diagram of Fig lO(c) is produced. (It should
be noted that the area of concrete in apparent tension is very (a) ( d l Restrained ( e ) Average ( f ) Locked-i
s h e stresses cornpresslon and moment
smallbecause the bendingcompressionincreases so rapidly
away from the neutral axis; so indicating that the temperature
strains are likely to have little effect on the depth of cracking Fig 9. Temperature stresses in a fix-edge slab where cracking
when bending moment islarge.) is only caused by temperature
It may not be correctto add the stressesof (a) and (b); justas
it is not correct simply to addstresses for different bending
moments. However, thelimit
state of concrete is often
controlled by compressive strain or tensile straidcrack-width
and it may be more appropriate to consider temperature effects
in terms of strains. These can be added to the strains of other 0 11.5 0 3-2 0 14.7
loads. Fig 1 O(d) indicates the strains related to bending stresses
(a), calculated from the short termparabolic stress-strain curve
of CP1 10; and (e) indicates the locked-in temperature strains
obtained by
dividing temperature stresses (b)
Modulus. The combination of (dl and (e) is shown in (f). (It is
assumed that only the locked-in strains caused by temperature
affect the limit state, and that released strains of extension and
flexure do not impair theconcrete.)
(a) Dead and Live Load
5 c
(b) Temperature
( c ) Combined stresses
stresses stresses
The predicted stresses of (b) appearto be about 24% of the
CP1 1 0 ultimate limit state stress of 0.67fcu/y,,,, and so might
be considered very significant. In contrast the predicted strains
of(e) are verysmall(about 3%) when compared with the

likely to be of the order of

3500pt- orthe
serviceability limit state tensile strain forcrack control, which is
1OOOpc. This might be interpreted
as meaning that temperature has relatively little effect on the
limit state of many bridges. However, there appears to be little
experimentaldataavailable at present to resolve thisuncer-locked-in
-1 150,'
(dl Dead and Live Load
( e ) Temperature ( f ) Combined strains

thecombination of
effects of bending and
temperature gradients on the limit states of bridges. Fig 10. Possiblecombination of bending andtemperature

Beam and slab cross-sections

Theprecedingdiscussionhasconsideredadeck ofuniform
depth. If the deck has a varying depth across the section such
as in Fig 2, it is strictly necessaryto consider the distribution of
locked-in stresses over the whole cross-section, and relax the
total averagecompressionand totallocked-inmoment. The
relaxing moment must be calculated for the whole sectionwith Thisproblemissimilar in effect to thesheartransferof
singleneutral axis, and not separately forthick and thin prestress compressionfrom anchorage regions to flanges a t the
sections. ends of a deck.

Shear stresses
In some forms of deck the longitudinal shear stresses resulting Conclusion
from temperatures can be more critical than directstresses. A t Thefirsthalfofthepaperhasshown how thetemperature
the ends of a deck the compression and tension stresses on distribution within a concrete bridge decka t any time of theday
different parts of the cross-section, such as in Figs 5(f) or 7(f), can be estimated relatively simply from observations of surface
react with each other. Hambly" (p. 191) discusses the longi- temperature. For many design situations the prediction can be
tudinal shear force induced in an uncracked thick slab, but the done by inspection of a simple flow net for steady state flow
stresses are not particularly severe. The stresses can be much
worse in a part such as the edge cantilever of the slab in Fig 11
whichcould begenerally hotter(orcooler)thanthemain
structure. Fig 1 1 indicatesthe stresses on an uncracked section
towards the evening when the cantiliever has absorbed most
heat. At the ends of the deck the whole of the compression
forceinthe cantilevermust be transferredbyshearacross
section AB to react with thetension region in the thick slab.
The average compression stress on ABCD is approximately
1 .5MN/m2. If it is assumed that the shear for& acts over a
lengthequal tothewidthof theflange (i.e. applyingSt.
Venant's Principle) then the average longitudinal shear stress Fig l 1 . Temperature stresses near end of uncracked slab with
on section AB is also 1 . 5MN/m2. edge cantilever

The Structural Engineer/May 1978/No. 5/Volume 56A 147

and curves of exponential decay of temperature at surfaces due References
to hourly variation. The influences of surfacing and lightweight 1. Department of
Transport: Technical
Memorandum (Bridges)
aggregate concrete are indicated. BE1/77: StandardHighway Loading, 1 9 7 7
Thesecondhalfofthepapershows howthe stresses 2. Emerson, Mary: 'The calculation of the distribution of temperature
in bridges'. TRRL Report LR561. TransportandRoadResearch
Laboratory, 1 9 7 3
differ when the deck is cracked at the bottom in sagging and 3. Roberts, P. K., and Russam, K.: 'Road temperatures in the tropics'.
when cracked at the top in hogging.A method of predicting the Ministry of Transport RRL Report No. 2 9 . H a r m o n d s w o r t h , 1 9 6 6
stresses at any point in a continuous structure is demonstrated. (Road Research Laboratory)
The possible severity of longitudinal shear stresses a t the ends 4. Wilson, A. H.:'Thedistribution of temperaturesinexperimental
pavements at Alconbury bypass'. TRRL Laboratory Report 719.
ofsome typesof deck isindicated.Theauthorisuncertain Transport and Road Research Laboratory,1 9 7 6
about how to combine calculated stresses for temperature and 5. Emerson,Mary:'Bridgetemperaturesestimatedfromtheshade
other loads, andsuggeststhat it maybebetter to consider temperature'. TRRL Laboratory Report 696. Transport and Road
Research Laboratory, 1 9 7 6
strains. It is found for the case consideredthattemperature
6. Emerson, Mary: 'Temperatures in bridges during the hot summer of
effects then appear much less critical. 1976'. TRRLLaboratory Report
783. Transport andRoad
Thedegreeofapproximationinvolved in any methodof Research Laboratory, 1 9 7 7
predicting temperature distributions in real structures is large. 7. Ingersoll, L. R. Zobel, 0. J., and Ingersoll, A. C.: 'Heat conduction
Inaddition several simplifyingassumptions are required to w i t h engineering, geological and other applications'. University of
Wisconsin Press, 1 9 5 4
convert these temperatures into stresses, and so it is unlikely 8. Capps, M W . . R.: 'Temperature movements in
the Medway
that predictions will be accurate. Furthermore there is virtually bridge---interim
no experimental information on stresses induced by tempera- LN/9 14/MWRC, September 1965(Road Research Laboratory)
9. Emerson,Mary:'TemperaturemovementsintheHammersmith
ture in bridges t o calibrate the methods. As a result the author
suggeststhatforroutinedesignitis sensible tomakeonly 1 9 6 6 . Road Research Laboratory).Unpublished
simplecalculationsofpossibleworst stresses andthentreat 10. Priestley, M . J. N.: 'Thermalgradientsinbridges----somedesign
these as crude tolerances for the calculations of relevant load considerations'. New Zealand Engineering,1 5 J u l y 1 9 7 2
11. Hambly, E. C.: 'Bridge deck behaviour'. Chapman and Hall,London,

have been helpful, and this could be rectified ill

subsequent editions.
Library hook reviews It would he wrong to consider this
plete design manual and this has been clearly
as a com-

stated in
specification from three countries, i.e. America,
Members are remindedof the services of the Institution's library, whichholds some 5000
volumesonstructuralengineeringpractice,largenumbers of pamphlets,papersand
junction with various examples of behaviour in
issues of approximately 100 journals, as well as some rare books.Bibliographies are avail-
order toshowhowsuchbehaviourhasbeen
able from which reading selections may be made either by personal call or by post. Assist-
taken into account in formulating these design
ance can also be given in technical inquiries.
Codes.Thisis a most instructive approach to
the subject.
At a time when the draft revision of British
Stiffenedplates-bending,stabilityand mentalprinciplesinvolvedandthenature of
Standard 449 is out for comment anyone who
vibrations, by M. S. Troitsky(Atnsterdarn: thedesignproblemswhich are encountered
has had access to this volume will find it much
Elsevier, 1976) 41 0 p, $38.50 Dfl 100.00. when designing stiffened
easier to accept the w e d t oincorporate such a
ISBN 0 444 4 1530 0. chapter deals with the vibrations of stiffened
large amount o f new material in the draft and
plates. rhis is averyimportantaspectoftho
The author in his preface states that the objec for this reasoli alone the work must be highly
tive in preparing the present text, has been to commended.
which has not been dealt with in many of the
provideanintroductorytextfortheclassical It is perhaps unfortunate that modern struc-
earlier texts.
methods of analysis of stiffened plates and to tural engirleering calls for such a vast array of
Occasionally throughout thetext,presumably
provide a reference book for graduate students symbols as arefoundinanyuptodatetext
d u e t o lack of space. the author has not been
and practising engineers. book. However, the practice of tabulating these
able to give full treatment to certain methods
The book contains eight chapters. The first at the beginning is to be commended provided
of analysis and approxirnate techniques, a point
three chapters present the basic theory for the that the list, which occupies seven full pages in
which he has personally recognised. However,
linear anti large deflection behaviour of ortho this work, does not deter the reader from con-
tropicplates,andinchapters 4 and 5, the t i n u i n gw i t h a carefulstudy of thedifferent
end of each chapter which research students
authorpresentsthetheoryforthesmalland chapters where the
can easily
commencing their studies will undoubtedly find
largedeflectionofstiffenedplates.Inchapter followed anti understood.
of interest and which will provide them with a
6, theauthordealswithtwoveryimportant I n conclusion,thevolumeiseasytoread
factors, one is the effective width behaviour of and understand and a most useful publication
text is very well written and illustrated. There is
plates anti the second. the influence of shear well worth the attention of both students and
an practising designers.
graduate students and by those engineers con
presentation of the theory relating to the effec- W. BATES
cerneti with the design and behaviour of thin-
tive width concept which will enable engineers walled structures.
toobtain a fu!l understandingofthebasic K. C. ROCKEY
prir1ciplc:s betllrltl the: effectlve width c011 Summaryreportresearchworkshopon
cept of design for flat plates. The chapter also progressive coltapse of buitding strwc-
contains a presetltatiov of the theory relating to tures, edited b y John E. Breen, sponsored by
The behaviour and design of steel struc- theNational
theveryimportantproblem o f theshearlag
tures, by N. S. Trahair (London: Chapman and Bureau of Standards and Departmentof Hous-
effectinthin walled rnemt)ers.Thisisagaln
H d l , 7 9 7 7 ) 3 5 2 p , f 75 0 . I S B N 4 1 2 1 4 9 0 0 1 . ingand [Jrban Developnlent,heldNovember
the various approxlmate mettwis which have An essential feature of the efflcient tiesrgrl o f 18--20, 1975 a t the University of Texas
beer1 developed to d e a l withthisproblem. steel structures is a clear understanding of how at Austin. HUD PDR - 182, September 1976.
These fivechapters arc: verywellpresented, the structure. and the various members making 7 02 p .
anti make very easy rexiitlg. up the structure, t)ehaves under the applicatiorl
Inchapter 7 , the Lluthor dealswiththe ofthedifferelltloadingconditionswhichIt IS The main object of the Report was to set out
stabilityofrectangularstiffenedplates.Since required to sustaill. A s far as the different types the state-of-the-art of design of buliding struc--
the treatment of this verv important subject IS of main cornporlent. i.e. members carrying axial tures to resist progressive collapse and also to
dealt wlth in only l 1 pages. it does not provide load, or bending moments from lateral loads, or lay downpathsalongwhichfutureresearch
a s cornpreherlsive a survey of
most a combinationoftwoormoreofthese (:on can be guided. The Report succeeds very well
irnportanttopic as therevlewerwouldhave ditions, are concerned, this volume gives very in
objectives and
wished. Nevertheless. the author has dealt with clear indications of behaviour. reading for the UK engineer. Incidentally, the
the subject matter in a (:orlcisc manner and this As far as complete structuresare
con Americans do not restrict themselves to coli-
w ~ l lenablethereader t o graspthe
fklrld?j cerned, however, a few more examples would continued on page 155

148 The Structural Engineer/May 1978/No. 5/Volume 56A

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