Sesion 9

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Udon (Japan)
Main ingredients:Thick white noodles made from wheat flour, soy
sauce, rice wine, and green onions
Preparation:Udon is served cold in the summer and hot in the winter.
Interesting note:
Like most noodle dishes in Japan, it is OK to loudly
slurp the noodles while eating.

Ceviche (Peru)
Main ingredients:Fresh raw seafood, citrus juice (lemon, lime, or
orange), chili peppers, onion, and cilantro
Preparation:Raw seafood is marinated in citrus juice for a slightly
sweet and sour taste.
Interesting note:
Ceviche is considered a part of Peruvian national heritage.
It is often served with pisco sour, the national alcoholic beverage of Peru.

SPEAKING: What food do you like?

A. Discuss the following questions with a partner.
1. Have you ever tried these dishes? Which ones do you want to try?
2. What are some kinds of food you like to eat at restaurants?
3. What do you like to eat at home? Do you know how to cook or prepare those meals?
4. What food have you never tried but want to someday?
5. What food will you never eat?

GRAMMAR:Singular and plural count nouns

For most nouns, just add-s For words ending in-sh, For words ending with a
to make a noun plural. -ch, -ss, and -x , add -es. consonant +y, add -ies.

onion → onions dish → dishes activity → activities

ingredient → ingredients church → churches baby → babies
recipe → recipes class → classes country → countries
box → boxes

For words ending with a consonant o,

+ Some nouns are irregular and have
sometimes addes- special plural forms.
tomato → tomatoes tooth → teeth
potato → potatoes child → children
and sometimes only add
-s. fish → fish
piano → pianos sheep → sheep
kilo → kilos

A. Exercise: Use the plural form of the nouns for each sentence.
1. His family has two ________ (boy) and three _________ (girl).
2. Some (family) __________ have more than seven __________ (child).
3. We need three (egg) _________ and two (tomato) _____________ for this dish.
4. We will need three (cup) __________ and three (bowl) ___________ on the table.
5. This is a story about three (sheep) _________ who are running from two (fox)________.

Note: When speaking in general, English speakers often use the plural form of count nouns.
• I like dogs more than cats.
• Apartments are quite expensive in big cities.

GRAMMAR: Non-count nouns

Non-count nouns do not have a plural form. Many kinds of food are noncount nouns

Condiments, herbs,
Beverages Grains Categories of food
and spices
water rice sugar meat
milk wheat salt fruit
coffee flour pepper dairy
tea cilantro cereal

Nouns that describe a group of items are often non-count. The types of items within that group
are often count nouns.

Non-count nouns describing a group Things in the group (count nouns)

money coins, dimes, dollars, bills, etc.

furniture chairs, tables, beds, sofas, etc.

traffic/transportation cars, taxis, buses, trains, airplanes, etc.

jewelry rings, necklaces, bracelets, earrings, etc.

fruit apples, peaches, blueberries, bananas, etc.

homework assignments, projects, exercises, essays, etc.

A. Correct the following sentences:
1. I’m thirsty. Do we have any milks or juices in the fridge?
→ I’m thirsty. Do we have any milk or juice in the fridge?

2. We don’t have enough monies to buy expensive jewelries.

_________ We don’t have enough mony to buy expensives jewelry.

3. Are there any coffee left in the coffee pot? Or do we need to make more?

__Is_____________________________________________________________ ______________
4. We’re moving to a new house. Can you help us move our furnitures?

5. I sometimes eat fruits for breakfast, but I usually eat cereals.


B. Use singular grammar when using non-count nouns.

Is there any milk in the refrigerator? This
juice has a lot of vitamin C.

Circle the correct form of the verb for each sentence.

1. The traffic is/are bad at this time of the day. There is/are too many cars on the road.
2. Fruit has/have a lot of vitamin C. Oranges, for example, has/have a lot of vitamin C.
3. Strawberries also has/have a lot of antioxidants.
4. There isn’t/aren’t any milk in the house. Can you buy some?
5. This fruit is/are going bad. The bananas is/are turning brown.

SPEAKING: Picture description

A. Describe what is in the picture. Use the correct grammar for count and noncount nouns.
There are two apples, two carrots and four
There are
_______________________________ .
There is a/an
____________________________ .
There is a/an
____________________________ .
There is some
___________________________ . There is

some ___________________________ . There is some ___________________________ . There
is some ___________________________ .
There is some ___________________________ .
LISTENING: Birthday plans
A. Listen to Ellen and her mother make birthday plans. Answer the questions.

1. Who has a birthday coming soon?
2. How old will she be?
3. Who will make the cake? ______________________________________________
4. What will her mother buy?
5. What food items are talked about that her mother will not buy?

SPEAKING: What food do you like?

A. Complete each sentence with a food item. If you do not know the English word for the food you
select, look it up in a dictionary.
I love __________________________________
I like __________________________________
I don’t mind ____________________________
I don’t care for __________________________ I
can’t stand* ___________________________

*can’t stand: You dislike the food so much that you can’t eat even a little.

B. Share your sentences with your partner and ask your partner if he/she likes each food item.
Write a sentence for each food using the conjunctions and or but. Writes sentences for the food
items that your partner talked about as well.

I love strawberries, and my partner likes them too.
I don’t care for onions, but my partner doesn’t mind them.

1. ______________________________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________________________________________
4. ______________________________________________________________________________
5. ______________________________________________________________________________
6. ______________________________________________________________________________
7. ______________________________________________________________________________
8. ______________________________________________________________________________
GRAMMAR: Some and Any
Some and any can go with plural count nouns and noncount nouns.

Some is used for statements:

There are some bananas in the cupboard. There is
some milk in the fridge.

Any is used for questions and negative statements.

Are there any peaches left on the tree? No. There aren’t any peaches. Is
there any juice left in the fridge? No. There isn’t any.

A. Complete the sentences with some or any.

1. We have _________ salt, but do we have __________ pepper?
2. I’d like to buy ___________ fruit. Do you have _________ apples?
3. We don’t have _________ milk or butter.
4. There are __________ forks and spoons on the table, but there aren’t ___________ plates.
5. Do you have _________ extra chairs?

SPEAKING: Find the difference

A. Get with a partner. One of you will be Student A, and the other will be Student B.
Student A turn to page 132. Student B turn to page 134.

There are five differences between the pictures. Without looking at your partner’s picture, ask and
answer questions to find out what has changed.

A: There are some bananas in my picture. Are there any bananas in your picture?
B: Yes, there are. How about chips? Are there any chips in your picture? A: No,
there aren’t. OK. That’s one difference. Let’s find the other four.

Difference 1: There are some chips in Picture B, but there aren’t any chips in Picture A.
Difference 2: ___________________________________________________________________

Difference 3: ___________________________________________________________________
Difference 4: ___________________________________________________________________
Difference 5: ____________________________________________________________________
LISTENING: A rave review

A. The following are words used to describe food. Look up the words you do not know.
crisp sour sweet raw healthy
dry oily salty fresh ripe heavy
spicy greasy bitter light

B. Ellen reviewed a new restaurant she tried. Listen and answer the questions.

1. Mark the following statements true or false.

A. ______________ Ellen usually doesn’t try new restaurants.

B. ______________ Ellen likes the atmosphere of the Tasty Cafe.

C. ______________ The service in the restaurant is excellent.

D. ______________ Ellen liked her meal.

E. ______________ Ellen’s sisters both liked their meals.

F. ______________ Ellen recommends the cafe to others.

2. What were some of the good points of the cafe? (be specific)


3. What were some things that Ellen or her sisters complained about?

A. Review a restaurant in your city. Answer the following
1. What is the name and location of the restaurant?

WRITING: Restaurant review the restaurant is called
"Chocolate & Pimienta"
and is located in the city
of Atalaya, Jr:
Urubamba N ° 203
2. What kind of food
does the restaurant
the restaurant serves
grills and drinks of all kinds
3. What was the atmosphere like?

4. What did you order? ___________________________________________________________

5. How was the food? it was very nice_______________

6. How was the service? __________________________________________________________

7. How expensive is the food? _____________________________________________________

8. Do you recommend the restaurant? ______________________________________________

SPEAKING: Find someone who

A. Write questions for each topic. Be careful with the grammar.

B. Next, find people who answer ‘yes’ to your questions. Find a different person for each question.

Are you the third child in your family?_________________________________

________________ is the third child in his/her family.

_________________________________? ________________ is artistic.

_________________________________? ________________ is taking four classes.

_________________________________? ________________ is working part-time

_________________________________? ________________ has a new cellphone.

_________________________________? ________________ exercises more than twice a week.

_________________________________? ________________ was in high school last year.

_________________________________? ________________ was hurt in an accident last year.

_________________________________? ________________ had a cellphone in middle school.

_________________________________? ________________ went camping last year.

_________________________________? ________________ will take a trip this year.

_________________________________? ________________ will move to a new city next year.

WRITING & SPEAKING: 5-minute conversations

A. Write four or five sentences to answer each of the following questions.

Use the following cues to help you think of more things to say on each topic:
F → Facts
R → Reasons
E → Examples D → Details

Example: Can you recommend a good restaurant? A

good restaurant is Wong’s Garden.

F → Facts It serves Chinese food. It’s near main street

in the downtown area.
R → Reasons It has great food and is not very expensive.
E → Examples My favorite dish is the Kung Pao chicken, and I also love their spring rolls. D →
Details You can have a good lunch there for about $7.

Note that you do not have to have a sentence for each category. Just try to have additional
sentences for most of your answers.

Example: What is a dish or meal that you know how to cook or prepare?

I can make spaghetti.

F → Facts I make it with noodles, salt, and spaghetti sauce from the store. R →
Reasons I make it because I love spaghetti, and it’s very easy to make. E → Examples
D → Details First, you boil some water and add the noodles and a little salt.
Then you drain the noodles and add the spaghetti sauce. That’s it!

1. What is a dish or meal that you know how to cook or prepare?


2. Can you recommend a good restaurant?

a good recommended restaurant is Chocolate y Pimienta (Chocolate and Pepper)

3. What would be a perfect meal for you?

a perfect meal for me would be a Asado de pollo

4. What are some of your favorite kinds of food? What are some of your least favorite foods?

my favorite foods are: el tipo de comidas favoritas son: frutas, verdudas, tuberculos, chocolate.

pachamanca a la olla, ceviche, aji de gallina, chicharron de chancho, cuy chactado, parrilla de res and
trigo picante

And my least favorite foods are: arroz con pollo, estofado, locro.

5. Do you eat healthy food? Do you want to change any of your eating habits?

Yes, I eat healthy foods and I would also like to change the habit of eating red meat because it is harmful
to my health.


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