Syllabus PHD 530
Syllabus PHD 530
Syllabus PHD 530
Course Title: Advanced Methods of Research and Statistics with Computer Applications
Credit: 3 Units
Faculty: Dionisio G. Magpantay, CPA, DPA, Ph.D, Ed.D, DBE
Mobile No.: 0926-740-4441
E-mail Address: [email protected]
I. Course Description
This course deals with the preparation of a major research in the different fields of education
using standard methods applicable for the chosen topic. This has to be realized through the
use of computer application. It includes of information, organization of materials and tools
and techniques of research. It provides comprehensive coverage of the research process
which will serve as a source of reference for educational managers to enable them, to
enable them to arrive at the plausible decision making based on the gathered research
information. It provides also the statistical terminologies and applying knowledge in both
carrying our procedures as well as interpreting the results
II. Objective
This course will be highly discursive and exploratory. Emphasis will be placed upon the joint
contributions of students and instructor. Student reporting, regular class attendance/on-
time submission of written work and participation in discussions/synthesis/conclusion will,
therefore, be necessary to secure a high satisfactory grade. The following requirements are
intended to enhance the student's ability to participate meaningfully in the course.
***Topics will be researched and reported (MS Word or PDF format, Font Color- All Black, Arial 12, Single-
spaced, minimum of 2 pages, plus 1 page for own synthesis/conclusion) by students with own
synthesis/conclusion at the end of every report.
1. Concept of Research
a) Nature of Research
i. Some Definitions of Research
ii. Importance of Research
iii. Kinds of Research
iv. Classification of Research
v. Types of Research
vi. Research Techniques
2. Research Design
a) The Research Process
b) The Research Problem
c) Preparing Work Bibliography
d) How to Cite Sources
3. Parts of an Advanced Research Paper
a) The Problem
i. The Introduction
ii. Statement of the Problem
iii. Significance of the Study
iv. Scope and Limitations of the Study
b) Review of Related Literature and Studies
i. Related Theories and Concepts
ii. Research Paradigm
iii. The Variables
c) The Research Methodology
i. Nature of the Study
ii. Population and Sample
iii. Research Instruments
iv. Data Gathering Procedure
v. Table of Specifications
vi. Validity of Measure
vii. Reliability
d) Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation
i. Data Presentation
ii. Data Analysis and Interpretation
iii. Synthesis of Findings and Interpretation
e) Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations
4. Using Statistics in Research
a) Measures of Central Tendency
5. Computerized Statistical Packages
a) Use of Statistical Package for the Social Science (SPSS)
***Student’s grade will be based on a consideration of their performance in the written report,
intellectual contribution (own synthesis/conclusion at the end of the report) and on-time submission
of the report to class. The general nature of the on-line written report for this course requires that the
student understands the topics/report, thereby submitting own synthesis/conclusion after every
report. The student will be graded on how well they have understood the topics/report.
V. References
1. Any book on Advanced Methods of Research and Statistics with Computer Applications
2. DLP-7754-085-Methodology Res Stat TechSearch
3. Badke, W. (2004). Research Strategies: Finding your way through the informaton fog.
Second Edition. New York.
4. Kubiszyn, T. and Borich, G. (2000). Educational testing and measurement: Classroom
application and practice. Sixth Edition. John Wiley and Sons Inc.
5. The World Wide Web through Google, Yahoo and other Search Engines.