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Author/Year Topic/Title Review Figures/Schematic diagram Benefits
Guo-Hua Feng Electroactive  The journal is about pressure transducer developed by them  Efficient with
and Liang- polymer- for the application in the medical field. minimal input
Chao Wang, based inner  The device produces a voltage output when its sensing  Less-invasive and
2020 vessel-wall mechanism experiences different pressures, resulting in less-costly
pressure deformation at different orientations.  Increased
transducer  Is made of an ionic polymer-metal composite, possesses a flexibility
capable of unique hollow design; this allows a catheter to pass through,
integration and the core element can be anchored at an arbitrary position
with a PTA on the catheter.
balloon  This module can detect different levels of fat accumulation
catheter for around the inner wall of a blood vessel phantom
blood vessel
Saeed Fahimi, Duplex  A duplex differential pressure transducer traditionally has two  Good solidity for
Bloomington, Pressure separate absolute pressure capsules to measure differential ensure the
MN (US): Odd Transducers pressure across a medium such as, for example, an oil filter. stabilization
H.Eriksen,  Duplex pressure transducers are generally found in confined  wide signal range
Minneapolis, areas where space and clearance are critical, making for faster
MN (US); dimension requirements and size high priority considerations. communication
Charles Little,  Duplex pressure transducers that allow for improved accuracy  low hysterisis so
Burnsville, while still conforming to envelope size restrictions. low energy losses
P a g e | 3MN
(US), 2016

William D. Disposable  The journal is about pressure transducer developed by them  Typically been
Wallace, Salt Intracompart for the application in the medical field. quite expensive to
Lake City, mental  A disposable pressure transducer apparatus for monitoring manufacture.
Utah, 1987 Pressure intracompartmental pressures, such as intrauterine and  Increasingly used
Transduce amniotic fluid pressures during childbirth. in place of
 The apparatus includes a semiconductor pressure transducer conventional re-
mounted on a substrate. usable
 Intracompartmental pressure transducer apparatus which can transducers.
be readily calibrated not requiring rezeroing or balancing
when the patient changes posi tion even after the transducer
has been inserted inside the uterus or other body

Kyong M. Pressure  A pressure transducer using a ceramic diaphragm is not easily

Park, Westlake Transduce damaged.  Low price.
Village, Si- using ceramic  This make there is no risk of leakage of a target medium to be  Not easily
Dong Kim, diaphragm measured. damaged.
Seoul (KR)  It also enabling low price by simplifying a flexible cable and  High level of
a printed circuit board (PCB) to connect the transducer and a precision
signal processing chip. andaccurately
 Electrically conductive material is disposed only on the measure a wide
ceramic diaphragm and thus it is possible to manufacture the range of pressure.
pressure transducer without forming the pattern on the base
plate and without using conductive epoxy resin



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