Lessons Learnt
Lessons Learnt
Lessons Learnt
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Abstract—Smart grids require not only smart tools to the data in the office and in the field; tools for network
automatize grid operation and planning processes but also optimisation; and a range of automation and information
require smart approaches to maximize utilization of the processing systems which assist in the operation and
capabilities of those tools as well. Geographic information maintenance of the distribution network [5].
systems (GIS) provide an integrated suite of software for
visualizing the system data, tools for network optimisation, and
Başkent DISCO has DIgSILENT PowerFactory™ [6]
a range of automation and information processing systems power system software license which has been utilized in
which assist in the operation, maintenance and planning of operational and planning activities in the company. Research
distribution networks. Interfacing of GIS data with and development (R&D) department Başkent DISCO has
sophisticated power system simulation tools facilitates model been executing a project for six months for interfacing
updating process for the network planner who needs updated ArcGIS database and DIgSILENT PowerFactory software to
network data for operational and planning analysis. Quality capture updated grid data from the ArcGIS system along with
and quantity of data in GIS database generally limit the geographical information for power system analysis with
planners. This paper presents a smart process for interfacing
DIgSILENT PF software.
GIS based database with power system simulation tools, based
on the lessons learnt from interfacing ArcGIS with DIgSILENT This study presents a smart process for interfacing GIS
PowerFactory at Başkent DISCO. based database with power system simulation tools, based on
the lessons learnt from interfacing ArcGIS with DIgSILENT
Index Terms - ArcGIS, DIgSILENT PowerFactory, interface, PF at Başkent DISCO. Overview of the company is presented
power distribution, simulation. in Section 2. Structure of interfacing algorithm is outlined in
Section 3. The lessons learnt during this interfacing study are
I. INTRODUCTION summarized in Section 4. Conclusions drawn from the study
Importance of interfacing different tools, like; is presented in Section 5.
geographical information systems (GIS), supervisory control
and data acquisition systems (SCADA), power system II. OVERVIEW OF BAŞKENT DISCO
simulation software, remote metering, etc., for both
operational and planning purposes has been increased by Başkent Electricity Distribution Company is responsible
recent technological developments at power distribution from electric distribution activities, including investment,
sector. These systems, sensibly integrated and with real maintenance and operation, in Ankara, Bartın, Çankırı,
information distilled from the mass of data available in them, Karabük, Kastamonu, Kırıkkale and Zonguldak provinces of
can be used to make big improvements in the quality of Turkey as seen in Fig. 1. Başkent DISCO is a company of
electricity supply; in the quality of customer service; in the Enerjisa who took over the company from the government at
efficiency of operation; and in the handling of strategic 2009, during the privatization process in Turkey.
decisions in times of emergency [1]. For example, the
interface between GIS and power system simulation software
facilitates model updating process for the network planner
who needs updated network data for analysis [2-4].
The privatisation of the Turkish Electricity Companies
has put unprecedented pressure on the power distribution
sector to know exactly what system it has and how best to
operate and plan it, and therefore high quality, accurate
information is now financially extremely valuable. Başkent
DISCO (EDAŞ in Turkish abbreviations) of Turkey has been
working for the last five years in implementing an integrated
suite of tools and automated facilities to capture the network Figure 1. Distribution service area of Başkent EDAŞ.
information and use this for efficiency gains. Development of
a geographical asset database in ArcGIS™ software is among GIS database of Başkent DISCO mainly provides
the major program of network information data capture at all geographical and linguistic network data storage;
voltage levels from the customer service cable right through functionalities to manage the assets constituting the power
to the primary supply infeed; a suite of software for viewing supply (transformer, line, etc.) and events related to these
During data interpretation, new data layers and feature B. Busbar objects reaching out of substation area
classes are generated in order to simplify the work load. GIS data model can include further difficulties due to the
However, these layers and feature classes has to be cleared differences in drawing decisions and power system
before the end of execution of the interfacing algorithm. simulation software requirements. As a specific example, the
Hence, a housekeeping algorithm is utilized to keep the network drawings can include busbar structures that reaches
source data clean and ready for next use. Finally, the DGS out of substation areas to create a connecting network.
data format is generated and feed into DIgSILENT Accordingly, the interfacing should have the flexibility to
PowerFactory software to generate power system model. except the busbar structures that reaches out of the substation
area as connecting line pieces as shown in Fig. 8.