Fuzzy Based Ev Charging With Reduced Power Fluctuation Under Renewable Power Consumption Constraint
Fuzzy Based Ev Charging With Reduced Power Fluctuation Under Renewable Power Consumption Constraint
Fuzzy Based Ev Charging With Reduced Power Fluctuation Under Renewable Power Consumption Constraint
Based on environmental condition we can reduce the power consumption in domestic
load by using light and temperature sensor in the logic of fuzzy and also stabilize the grid power
.In this paper proposes that more number of vehicle can charge at same time in different places.
Our proposed model aims to minimize the total electricity cost considering user comfort, house
occupancy and EV travel patterns, thermal dynamics, EV electricity demand, and other operation
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
facility to supply energy for residential buildings during peak hours where energy can be
transferred from EVs to charge other EVs and to provide energy for HVAC in a residential
community. There are some recent works that discuss potential benefits of vehicle to building
interactions [19], [20]. However, to the best of our knowledge, none of previous works have
considered detailed design and joint optimization of EV and building energy management.
The main contributions of this paper can be summarized as follows:
• We propose a comprehensive model to optimize the EV and HVAC scheduling in a
residential area. The formulation PIUTEA aims to achieve flexible tradeoff between minimizing
total electricity cost and maintaining user comfort preference.The model accounts for the
characteristics of the HVAC system, thermal dynamics, user climate comfort preference, battery
state model, user travel patterns, and grid occupancy patterns. We also discuss potential
extensions of the proposed framework to capture various modeling uncertainty factors.
• We show the impacts of different design and system parameters, which control the
electricity cost and user comfort, on the system operation and performance as well as the
economic benefits of applying our proposed control framework compared to a non-optimized
control scheme for a single-house scenario.
• We illustrate the advantages of applying the proposed control model for the multiple-house
scenario compared to the case where each grid optimizes its energy consumption separately.
Specifically, we demonstrate that optimization of EV and grid energy scheduling for multiple
houses in a residential community can achieve the significant saving in electricity cost and
reduce the high power demand during peak hours.
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
Three-stage electricity price of Taiwan Power Company is used, as shown in Fig. 1. The
energy cost is expressed as
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The V2G operationof an electric vehicle battery will influence battery lifeand increase
operating costs. Reference [17] discussed the revenueand cost of V2G, and proposed a battery
degradation costmodel. This model is suitable for the economic analysis of V2G.Therefore, the
V2G battery degradation cost is calculated bythis model in this paper. The charging and
discharging powerare under the rated values to protect the battery in the proposedmodel.
However, if the power company wants to draw morepower form vehicles, the battery
degradation cost can be calculatedbased on models proposed in [26] and [27] that have
discussedeffects of currents and temperatures on the battery cyclelife.Degradation cost is
calculated as wear for V2G due to extracycling of a battery. For a battery vehicle, is expressed as
Where is the capital cost of the battery, and is the battery life expressed as kWh
(described below).Battery lifetime is often expressed in cycles, and measured ata specific depth-
of-discharge. For (4), we express battery life in
Energy throughput defined as follows [17]:
Where is the lifetime in cycles , the total energy storageof the battery, and DoD is the
depth-of-discharge for which was determined.
To sum up, the objective function of this paper is expressedAs
Where is the battery discharging cost per kWh of vehicle .Take the Li-ion battery as an
example? The battery cost perkWh is USD 350, Nisson Leaf battery capacity is 24 kWh, 2000
Life cycles in 80% DoD, , and
0.2188 USD.
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
Where is the voltage drop, R is the line resistance, X is theline reactance, P is the active
power through the line, Q is thereactive power through the line, and is the system voltage.
As shown in the distribution system of Fig. 2, the voltage drop of Line 1 is expressed as
Where, and are the original real and reactive power of node n at time t, and is the power
fromEVs of node n at time t. For the sake of explanation, Fig. 2 is
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
a simplified system diagram. A practical distribution system of TPC used as the test studies is
given in Section IV.The constraint of system voltage drop is established by (9), take node 4 as an
example, the constraint of voltage drop isexpressed as
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
Based on the survey and measured data, EV usage scenariosare randomly simulated in this
paper, and stochastic models ofthese parameters are described [9] below.
1) EV Start Charging Time: The starting time of electricvehicle charging is related to the life
style of electric vehicleowners, and information can be obtained from measured valuesand
statistics [29], [30]. Fig. 3 is the distribution diagram of thestarting time of EV charging in an
EPRI report [30]. A distributionbased on Roulette wheel selection concept that depicts
theoccurrence frequency of the start charging time is used in thesimulations. The Roulette wheel
surface is divided into wedgesrepresenting the probabilities for each individual. The wedge kof
the stochastic model is calculated by
Where is the probability of the the representative load profile. Fig. 4 shows an unequally
divided uniform distribution ofstart charging time that is based on the probability densityshown
in Fig. 3. Random numbers can be generated to determinestart charging time of each vehicle. If
the number is between and , the th start charging time is selected.A start
charging time with higher probability is more likely tobe selected.
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
Grid power: This is the grid power from where the source 230V Ac is obtained.
Ac –Dc converter: This is a rectifier, which converts 230V ac into 320V Dc.
Dc-Ac inverter: This is an inverter whose switching pulses can be controlled through
external drive circuits. So output easily controllable through PWM.
Load: A CFL lamp or any common AC load (230V)
E VEHICLE BATTERY – This is 12V battery, which is charged to drive a BLDC or
Switched reluctance motors. (May be we can such devices in series to build the voltage.
Fuzzy control – This is a method of Artificial intelligence to decide the PWM pulses based
on the various constraints inside a grid related to power consumption. Eg. Temperature, lighting
conditions, user comfort etc.
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
1 T1 5
photovoltaic Load
4 8
5 K1
3 5
VCC R6 4 3
1k 1k 1k 1 4
2 1
31 39 1 2Switch RELAY SPDT
LDR Thermister EA/VP P0.0 38
33pf 2 Q2 1
19 P0.1 37 1 2 BT3 R9
X1 P0.2 3BC547 2 Q2
36 Switch 3BC547 100k
P0.3 35 4V
R8 R8 11.0592Mhz P0.4
18 34
P0.6 32
1 2 9 5
RESET 21 1k 5
Switch 3 BT3
P2.0 22 1k 3
VCC K1 4
12 P2.1 23 4 4V
1 K1
IN0 13 INT0 P2.2 24 1k 2 1
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
other words we can say that the line frequency has to be eliminated from the voltage. In order to
get the pure DC we have to employ the capacitor filter. Because it is the cheapest filter available
in the market. Even we can go for inductive filter. We are not doing so because it is bulky in
nature and also by cost wise it is not compatible with capacitors,
The power supply is extracted from a step down transformer via a rectifier and 7805 voltage
regulator. +5V supply is given to all the ICs used in the project.
Temperature is sensed from a thermistor and its voltage equivalent is sent to the
COMPARATOR to input PORT ‘. Similarly light is sensed through a LDR. These voltages will
be in the order of 0 to 5V. For example when the temperature exceeds 35 deg, C comparator
sends a ‗1‘ to a pin, if light exceeds a threshold, it sends ‗1‘.
Any information or status will be displayed in 2x16 LCD via port P0. For switching on the
load based on the light and temperature, Resistor divider based control chosen by choosing a gate
resistance via relay. In the same way, if any abnormal voltage arises, the relay is switched off via
another port as shown in the circuit. Buzzer is also done as in the same way. Anything abnormal
will be informed via a buzzer alert.
The power saved in excess can be utilized to charge the batteries of the E – vehicle.
As soon the panel is exposed to light, the battery gets charged, and simultaneously the
temperature and light in lumens value is sensed through the thermistors and LDR.
Also an MPPT controller using a mosfet is realized, for which the gate pulses are applied
from IC 555 which works in astable mode.
The speed of the fan and intensity of the light is controlled through a current controller
realized by a 40W, 35 ohms resistor. Here fuzzy logic is applied based on a rule base,
programmed in 89s52. Hence this saves almost 20% of power consumption and absorbs less
power from the Grid supply. The tappings from the series resistor is controlled through the
relays activated by micro controller 89s52 via ports p2.0, p2.1, p2.3 to p2.6
If EVs are popularized, uncontrolled charging will bring aserious impact on the power
system. In order to reduce the impactof EVs on the power system, the EV client-side must
beappropriately managed. An optimal charging/discharging controlmodel of EVs is proposed in
this paper, which can reduce the impact of EVs on the power systems. The test results showthat
the present electricity price of the Taiwan Power Companyand battery costs are inapplicable to
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
the V2G operation, butthrough the charging-only control still can save a great amountof energy
cost. With rising environmental considerations, thedevelopment of nuclear power plants and
thermal power plantswill certainly be severely challenged, and such power sources atlower
generating costs will be more and more difficult to obtain.Thus, the power companies must put
efforts in managing thedemand response. This paper implements optimal charging/discharging
Control for EVs, assuming the power company purchasesV2G energy at 1.5 times the
electricity price in peak loadhours, and the future battery costs decrease to half of the
currentlevel. In this case, V2G becomes a feasible scheme, as operationcost can be greatly
reduced for users, and the power companycan suppress the increase in peak load, thus reducing
systemlosses, and both the power company and users are benefited.
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International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue