Fusiform Initials Are Parenchyma Cells. They Have Proplastids

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1. Vascular cambium and cork cambium. 7.

It has originated only three times in

420 million years.
Wood (secondary xylem), and (bark
(secondary phloem and cork) Two of those evolutionary lines became
2. Woody plants that are trees:
8. Fascicular cambium arises within
Sycamores, Chestnuts and Pines the vascular cambium.
Shrubs: Interfascicular cambium a r e t h e o n e s
Roses, oleanders and azaleas. between vascular bundles.

3. In some, the first year’s leaves die After the two have formed, thee shape
during winter, and in the second year, the of t h e vascular cambium
plant produces only as many leaves as it w o u l d b e a complete cylinder.
had during the first year. 9. The vascular cambium will form in
4. Group of plants that have secondary these twigs during the next growing
growth: Vascular plants season. I t w i l l connect to the old,
pre-existing vascular cambium.
Group of plants that don’t: Non-vascular
plants 10. There are 3 layers of wood. The
transverse layer through the top would
not show a layer of wood this year. It will
5. The cross sectional area of the new probably show a layer of wood at the end
layer of the wood is 63.6 cm2The leaves of the year. There would be no transverse
can have 636 leaves section that would not show pith and
primary xylem.Pith and primary xylem
6. Advantages: The accumulation of are never lost or destroyed by the
the wood and bark g i v e s p l a n t formation of wood. The vascular tissue is
greater capacity to move w a t e r labelled vascular cambium in the middle
and minerals upward and and lower right diagrams.
carbohydrates downward. There is also 11. Fusiform initials and Ray initials
an increase in the number of roots and
leaves hence, increasing the s u p p o r t 12. The fusiform initial
in the plant and does the d i v i d e w i t h a periclinal wall. T h e
photosynthetic capacity. phloem cell was produced by a
periclinal division. The division in Part
Disadvantages: A 5 000-year-old plant is (f) is occurring by an anticlinal wall.
10 000 times older than an herb that
13. Fusiform initials are Parenchyma
germinates in April, lives 6 months, then cells. They have proplastids.
sets seed dies by September. It has had to
battle insects, fungi and environmental 14. Six fusiform initials were
harshness 10 000 times longer, and it is a involved in producing the wood visible
bigger more easily discovered by in this figure. The cells are made by
divisions of many different fusiform
15. Ray initials are shorter than fusiform 24. Some people prefer the term “growth
initials. Ray initials undergo periclinal ring” because if a summer is unusually
division. cold, a tree may fail to grow and produce
a ring, so these are occasionally not truly
16. annual rings.
 uniseriate rays This occurs more frequently in Alaska.
 biseriate rays
 multiseriate 25. Species with vessels restricted mainly to
early wood are ring porous. If the wood of
17. True a growth ring has vessels located through it,
18. less than half it is said to be diffused porous.

19. tracheids 26. As these older sapwood cells age and

die, they become heartwood. That is, they
Softwood are altered to accommodate a shift in
function. As residues of the once-living
Fibers and Parenchyma are very rare
cells and additional chemical compounds
20. all possible cell types are present from elsewhere in the plant accumulate in
the heartwood, those cells cease to
Ray parenchyma are present transport water or store energy reserves.
Hardwood 27. a tylosis (plural: tyloses) is a bladder-
21.all cells of the vertical system of the like distension of a parenchyma cell into
secondary phloem and xylem the lumen of adjacent vessels. 

give rise to cells in the ray systems 28. Catalpa has 1-2 rings. Wild black cherry
and honey has 10-12 rings
29. axial system and radial system
22. T h e two species have
different water conducting needs 30. In a cross-section of a tree,
based on the varying sizes of the the oldest rings are smaller and near the
vessels and fibers present .I t i s possible center, while the youngest rings are larger
that one species (which is the c) lives and close to the outer edge. 
in areas with very rainy spring times and 31. The production and differentiation of
the other (which is the b) lives in a dry secondary xylem cells cause the vascular
area. cambium and secondary phloem to be
23. A g r o w t h r i n g i s a concentric pushed outward.
layer of wood (made up of early 32. The layer of cells that produces
wood and latewood) that developed cork is called cork cells or phellem cells
during an annualor other regular period
of growth. N o t a l l s p e c i e s o f w o o d 33. (1) phellem (suberized cells), (2)
phellogen (cork cambium), and (3)
s h o w s t r o n g differences between two
phelloderm (parenchyma-
phases of growth rings. like cells derived from the phellogen)
34. Periderm offers only temporary Secondary vascular bundles contain the
protection because the root or stem xylem and the phloem and is produced
continues to grow interior to it, pushing it when some of the parenchyma cells
outward and stretching it undergo rapid division and produce
circumferentially. narrow cells that differentiate.
35. The first cork cambium may form as 43. The growth of a palm seedling does
epidermis cells resume mitotic activity. not have a full set of leaves and a wide
trunk. For the first few years of life, the
36. Geranium is an herb. It never forms palm trunk becomes wider and the
bark number of leaves increases.
37. Oaks. This happens without secondary growth
38. It functions as a pore, providing a because during the seedling years, palms
pathway for the direct exchange produce numerous adventitious roots.
of gases between the internal tissues and Each root adds extra vascular bundles,
atmosphere through the bark, which is and the portion of the stem above each
otherwise impermeable to gases. new root can have that many more
The intercellular spaces are important for bundles than it does below the root.
gas exchange and water transport, some If the stem has 100 vascular bundles and
movements (i.e., sensitive plants - water then forms five new adventitious roots with
moves into/out of theses spaces; eight bundles each, then above these roots
nyctinastic movements - sleep the stem can have 140 bundles.
movements) and freezing protection (i.e.,
water moves out of cells into the spaces to The stem would be wider.
minimize cellular damage on freezing.
44. Monocot do increase their size by
39. Roots form wood and bark. means of stolons and rhizomes: their
horizontal shoots branch and then
40. In sweet potatoes, the amount of produce adventitious roots.
storage parenchyma is increased
dramatically. Numerous vascular cambia These roots are initiated in the new stem
arise around individual vessels or group tissues, they transport water directly into
of vessels. the new portions of the shoot.
41. It starts after the formation of 3-5 mm Monocot shoots can branch and grow
of secondary xylem i.e. after shifting from larger, as long as they remain close
self-supporting to lianescent stage in the enough to substrate to produce new
young stems. Initially the cambium is adventitious rootss.
functionally normal and forms secondary
xylem centripetally and
secondary phloem centrifugally
42. None of the monocots has secondary
growth like that in gymnosperms, basal
angiosperms and eudicots, but some do
become tree-like and “woody”, such as
Joshua trees, dragon trees and palms.
45. Dendrochronology (or tree-ring Anticlinal Cells- Anticlinal cell divisions are
dating) is the scientific perpendicular to the adjacent layer of cells.
method of dating tree rings (also called In simple terms, anticlinal cells add more
growth rings) to the exact year they were thickness to the tree
formed. As well as dating them this can
give data for dendroclimatology, the Axial System- The Axial System is
study of climate and atmospheric comprised of cells which are elongated
conditions during different periods in parallel to the Long Axis of Growth.
history from wood. Secondary Xylem is part of the axial system.
It is a complex tissue which can contain
46. The floating sequence extends over Tracheary Elements, Fibers and Axial
1,503 years and that it must have begun Parenchyma.
somewhere earlier than 2200 years,
because the approximate age of some of Bark- the outermost layers of stems and
the temples and palaces that supplied roots of woody plants. Plants with bark
ancient wood. include trees, woody vines, and shrubs. Bark
refers to all the tissues outside the vascular
A very strange ring was produced in 1628 cambium and is a nontechnical term.
BCE. It is believed to have been caused by
a volcanic eruption that produced so Cork Cambium- is a tissue found in many
much dust that sunlight was blocked vascular plants as a part of the epidermis. It
around the world, and the summer of that is one of the many layers of bark, between
year was so cold that frost damage the cork and primary phloem. The cork
occurred in many trees, even those in cambium is a lateral meristem and is
warm climates. responsible for secondary growth that
replaces the epidermis in roots and stems. It
Rather than frost damage, it may be that is found in woody and many herbaceous
the Middle east at the time was so hot and dicots, gymnosperms and some monocots
dry that the cooling caused by the
volcanic dust cloud was only enough to Cork Cells- Mature cork cells are plant cells
produce extra rain and optimal growing that form the protective water-resistant
conditions rather than frost and poor tissue in the outer covering of stems or
growing conditions. trunks. Cork cells are genetically
programmed not to divide, but instead to
This occurred in the same year as the remain as they are, and are considered dead
strange ring in other, anchored cells.
Diffuse-porous - having vessels more or less
evenly distributed throughout an
annual ring and not varying greatly in size
Earlywood - develops in the spring when
rain and nutrients from the soil are abundant
and days are getting long.

Annual Ring- the growth layers of wood that

are produced each year in the stems and
roots of trees and shrubs.
Establishment-growth -  A special form exchange between the atmosphere and the
of seedling growth in monocotyledon during internal tissues.
which the stem reaches its final girth and
its underground surface where adventitious Nonsteroid cambium - more common and
roots may form is increased. longer than the storied type. In longitudinal
tangential view, the tapered ends of fusiform
Fusiform initials - elongated tapering cells initials overlap each other in a random
that give rise to all cells of the vertical arrangement
system of the secondary phloem and xylem
(secondary tracheary elements, fibres, and Periclinal wall –
sieve cells and the associated companion Periderm – the corky outer layer of a plant
cells). stem formed in secondary thickening or as a
Growth rings - concentric layer of wood, response to injury or infection.
shell, or bone developed during an annual or Phellem cell – a layer of usually
other regular period of growth. suberized cells produced outwardly by a
Hardwood – wood derived from evergreen phellogen.
trees, especially broad-leaf ones, as well as Phellogen – a secondary meristem that
deciduous trees. These trees belong to the initiates phellem and phelloderm in the
widest cluster of land plants, also known as periderm of a stem or root. — called also
angiosperms. In contrast to cork cambium.
softwood, hardwoods tend to have broad
leaves, but contrary to popular belief, they Primary Tissues – tissues are categorized
are not always harder. broadly into three tissue systems: the
epidermis, the ground tissue, and the
Heartwood – also called duramen, dead, vascular tissue.
central wood of trees. Its cells usually
contain tannins or other substances that Radial system – functions primarily in the
make it dark in colour and sometimes transport of carbohydrates from the
aromatic. Heartwood is mechanically strong, inner bark to the wood; there are some food-
resistant to decay, and less easily penetrated storage cells in this system as well, and
by wood-preservative chemicals than other water movement through the rays is
types of wood. One or more layers of living possible.
and functional sapwood cells are Ray initials –are isodiametric cells and they
periodically converted to heartwood. produce the vascular rays, which constitute
Included phloem – phloem tissue lying the horizontal system of secondary tissues.
within the secondary xylem (as in the wood Rays – are sheets or ribbons of cells running
of some dicotyledons) from the inside of the plant to the outside.
Late wood – Wood in a growth ring of Ray tracheids – any of various chiefly
a tree that is produced late in the growing marginal tracheids in the vascular rays of
season and is harder and less porous than some gymnosperms that have bordered pits
earlywood. and lack living contents but resemble
Lenticels – one of many raised pores in the typical ray cells in position and shape
stem of a woody plant that allows gas Reaction wood - is the
characteristic wood formed as part of the
gravitropic response of trees and shrubs, and term is opposed to hardwood, which is the
generally occurs in leaning stems including wood from angiosperm trees.
branches. In conifers, reaction wood is Storied cambium – he initials are usually
known as compression wood while in short and all of about the same length. The
hardwoods it is known as tension wood. ends of the initials occur approximately at
the same level.
Ring-porous - having vessels more Tylosis – a tylosis (plural: tyloses) is a
numerous and usually larger in cross bladder-like distension of a parenchyma cell
section in the springwood with a resulting into the lumen of adjacent vessels.
more or less distinct line between the Vascular cambium – is the main growth
springwood and the last season's wood tissue in the stems and roots of many plants,
Sapwood - is the outer, living layers of the specifically in dicots such as buttercups and
secondary wood of trees, which engage in oak trees, gymnosperms such as pine trees,
transport of water and minerals to the crown as well as in certain vascular plants. It
of the tree. The cells therefore contain more produces secondary xylem inwards, towards
water and lack the deposits of darkly the pith, and secondary phloem outwards,
staining chemical substances commonly towards the bark.
found in heartwood. Sapwood is thus paler Wood -  a porous and fibrous structural
and softer than heartwood and can usually tissue found in the stems and roots of trees
be distinguished in cross sections, as in tree and other woody plants and is sometimes
stumps, although the proportions and defined as only the secondary xylem in the
distinctness of the two types are variable in stems of trees, or it is defined more broadly
different species. to include the same type of tissue elsewhere
such as in the roots of trees or shrubs.
Secondary phloem - is a type of phloem that
forms from the vascular cambium during the
secondary growth. The secondary growth is
responsible for the growth in girth in plants,
especially trees. The vascular cambium is
the meristematic tissue involved in this type
of growth. Some of the cells produced by
the vascular cambium may differentiate into
secondary phloem

Secondary tissues – are tissues

that generated from the growth of a
Secondary vascular bundles –
Secondary xylem - refers to the formation
that occurs after the vascular cambium’s
secondary growth. This type of xylem is not
present in non-woody plants, but is
commonly seen in shrubs and trees.
Softwood – is wood from gymnosperm trees
such as conifers, as well as Amborella. The

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